Home Natural farming Is the mackerel peeled. How to cut mackerel: cutting methods, step-by-step instructions, helpful tips. Advantages and disadvantages of fish

Is the mackerel peeled. How to cut mackerel: cutting methods, step-by-step instructions, helpful tips. Advantages and disadvantages of fish


Here came luck .. dad brought a plate of mackerel from work .. mom, to celebrate, not knowing what to do with so many fish ... she gave me the poly / barn))
And I never did anything with her ... so I went in search ...
Mistress Mackerel

Mackerel (fresh, I had 800 g) - 1 piece
Tomato - 1 piece
Bulb onion - 1 piece
Lemon - 1 piece
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper (ground)
Lady Mackerel recipe
Wash the fish, gut.

Cut the onion, tomato and lemon into half rings.

Rub the fish with salt, pepper, seasoning.
Make deep cuts on both sides. Put lemon, tomato and onion in each cut (alternate).

Grease the fish with mayonnaise on both sides.

Place on foil.
Put coarsely chopped cilantro on top and bottom of the fish.

Wrap the fish, put on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven to 200 degrees.
Since I had a fairly large fish, I baked the fish for 40 minutes, then unfolded the foil and baked for another 15 minutes.

I would like to make a recommendation right away.
I cooked according to the author's original recipe and made cuts. I was not very good at putting the filling in the cuts.
Better to make it easier.
Cut the fish into portions immediately (do not throw away the head and tail), put it on foil and then put onion, lemon and tomato between the pieces (you can immediately put a circle of each). Yes, in this case, the tomato, lemon and onion must be cut into slices. Then form the fish together with the head and tail. So wrap it in foil.

Hot smoked mackerel

We clean the fish, remove the head and entrails ...
Wash, salt and pepper, grease with liquid smoke and lemon juice. We marinate for about an hour ... Then remove the excess salt and pepper with a napkin ...
We put a high grate in a cold airfryer and put a fish ...
temperature d.b. 100-150C. It took 60 minutes to prepare. Well, the fish came out very juicy)))

Home-smoked mackerel

2 fresh frozen mackerels
black tea 3-5 sachets
sugar 2 tablespoons
salt 4 tablespoons
liquid smoke 50 grams
1 liter of water
Boil tea, sugar, salt, liquid smoke in 1 liter of water for 3 minutes. Let it cool and brew. Cut off the neck in a plastic bottle, put the mackerel, after cutting off the heads (I also put them in the bottle), fill them with cooled brine, cover with newspaper or gauze and refrigerate. After three days we try. They say that they ate on the second day. The ponytails stick up, you can just dip them several times.
Here is such a beauty, pulled out of the bottle and lying on a plate to dry for 4 hours.


2-3 pieces of mackerel
1 liter of water
100g sugar
100g salt
16 allspice peas
5 pieces of cloves
4 laurel leaves
8 mountains coriander (grind into powder) Peel the mackerel from the entrails, cut off
heads and tails, rinse under cold water.
Pour water into the pot, add spices,
bring to a boil, turn off the heat, cool.
Fill the fish with strained marinade and set
in the refrigerator, covering the container with a lid for 2 days.
For 2 days, get the fish, cut it into pieces,
Transfer to a jar and pour vegetable oil.

"Stuffed mackerel, boneless "[ / B]


Mackerel (fresh or frozen, large) - 1 pc
Spices (black, red peppers, paprika, fish spices, optional)
Lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Champignons (fresh) - 200-300 g
Bulb onion - 1 piece
Egg (boiled) - 1 piece
Hard cheese - 100-150 g
Basil (oregano, marjoram, just a little bit)
Recipe "Stuffed mackerel, boneless"
Wash the mackerel, cut off the head (you can not cut it off), gut it.
In order to get the bones out faster, more conveniently and without a lot of fuss, I use this method, many people probably use it. I do this with any fish when I stuff it, even with the one with a lot of bones.
We put the carcass on the tummy, spreading the sides.
Press on your back with your hand and press down.
The spine and bones will pop out on their own.

We turn over and carefully remove the crawled bones, just in case we check for the presence of the remaining bones and, if there are, remove them as well.

Then remove the top film. It can be removed very easily, you need to pry it off the edge and quietly remove it with your hands.

Put the gutted fillet on the back, salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices and herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice, oil, rub a little into the meat, cover with foil and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

At this time, prepare the filling.
Fry onions and mushrooms.
Cut the boiled egg lengthwise into plastics.
Cut a few slices from the cheese, grate the rest on a coarse grater, add 3-5 tbsp. sour cream, and more, depending on the fat content, add some of the chopped fresh herbs, mix.

Arrange the pickled carcass, grease with 1-2 tbsp. sour cream, sprinkle with fresh herbs, lay out a few plastics of cheese.

On top of the cheese, on one half of the fish, put some of the mushrooms.

Put the chopped egg on the mushrooms.

Put the rest of the mushrooms and onions on the egg.
Cover the filling with the free mackerel half.

Top with grated cheese mixed with sour cream and herbs.
Put in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
The main thing is not to overexpose the mackerel in the oven, this fish is cooked instantly, and will be dry if overcooked.

[B] Mackerel roll with bacon. fresh lard (fat)

mackerel 1 pc
medium carrots 1 pc
boiled egg 1pc-1.5pc
fresh bacon (bacon) 6 sticks
gelatin 1 sachet
salt, pepper, mint, seasoning for fish, seasoning to taste (I have an oriental one for lagman)

A similar dish:
Fish in pita bread with cheese

Cooking method:
Peel the mackerel inside, cut off the head and tail, cut along the abdomen and pull out the ridge without damaging the fillet, pull out the rib bones, cut the fins on the abdomen with seeds, leave the pulp, it will be easier to cut.
Salt and pepper the mackerel fillet, sprinkle with spices and sprinkle with plenty of dry gelatin. Also add 1 tsp of gelatin to the grated carrots, sprinkle the carrots with spices and salt, mash in a bowl.
On a fillet, put lard, pre-cut into 10cm cubes, and somehow press it into the meat of the fish. On top in the middle of the fish along the ridge, put the carrots, squeezing tightly in a fist, lay the cut egg on the sides Again, sprinkle with gelatin. It is better to take smaller gelatin. to the middle, holding the filling. Wrap 2-3 layers in cling film, twist with a thread, like a twine sausage.
Add salt, allspice to taste and 2 bay leaves to boiling water, immerse the roll, boil for 10 minutes.
Remove, cool slightly and put under oppression in the cold.
When it hardens, carefully unfold, carefully pull out the upper fin with a knife so that it does not interfere with cutting.
Bon Appetit!

Mackerel in the oven.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Servings: 4-6

You will need:

3 carcasses of mackerel,

carrots-2 pcs,

How to cook:

1. Cut the fish into fillets (like a herring), cut into 3 pieces, fry.

2. Separately fry onions, carrots, put in a mold, fish on top.

3. Cheese on a coarse grater, mix with mayonnaise, sour cream (I also poured some water), add dill, pour over the fish. In a hot oven for 20 minutes.

Delicate, juicy and fragrant mackerel, baked with cream, stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms, under a delicious, brown cheese crust.


● freshly frozen not gutted or fresh mackerel,
● onion,
● any vegetables (you can use a frozen mixture, I used cauliflower, green beans and white beans),
● 100 ml. 20% cream
● champignons,
● 50-70 gr. cheese
● 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
● butter,
● herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

1. Defrost the fish, gut it through the back: from head to tail along one side of the dorsal fin, make an incision with a sharp knife.

2. On the other side of the dorsal fin, make another cut parallel to the first. As a result, the ridge must be separated from the sirloin. Then use scissors to cut the ridge at the head and tail and remove it.
3. Gently remove the viscera, rib bones and gills, and scrape off the black film.
4. Fry chopped onions in vegetable oil.
5. Add the finely chopped mushrooms to the onion and continue to fry until tender.
6. Separately stew the vegetables until tender (I used cauliflower, green beans and white beans), salt and pepper.
7. Combine vegetables with mushrooms, add chopped herbs, with this we will stuff mackerel.
8. Place the fish with its belly on a greased baking sheet, chop it off with toothpicks near the tail so that the fish takes the shape of a boat. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with lemon juice inside and out.
9. Fill the mackerel with the vegetable mixture.
10. Sprinkle with grated cheese, cover with cream and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Mackerel is a fish of the Atlantic waters, useful in all respects for the child's body. With the introduction of various types of fish to the menu for a child, it is imperative to arrange 1-2 fish days a week. The variety will not bore the child. Come up with imagination to the preparation of fish dishes for children, so that those cooked by you or in a package will not leave your child indifferent. Before giving the baby fish, it must be separated from the bones.
For example, like this, you can easily cut mackerel into fillets.

Cutting mackerel into fillets:

1. Wash fresh mackerel.

2. Then make an incision across the head, starting from the back to the abdomen.

3. Cut not to the very end of the abdomen. This is necessary so that the intestines remain attached to the head. We slowly pull on the fish's head to pull out the insides.

4. Having freed the fish from the intestines of the mackerel, we make an incision along the abdomen to the tail along.

5. Then from the head we begin to pull out the abdominal bones one by one, without disconnecting them from the spine.

6. Disconnect the back pulp from the dorsal bones with your finger.

7. Having done such manipulations from both sides, you can start removing the fish skeleton.

8. Carefully, so as not to damage the skin on the back of the fish, raise the bone skeleton.

9. Having reached the tail, lift the bone straight up.

10. Then bend to the tail to break it.

11. In your hands you have absolutely all the bones, and on the cutting board - filleted mackerel.

It has already become a tradition of "Recipes from Domovest" to study the price, cutting and taste qualities of fish species. This time we got a mackerel under the knife.

Mackerel is one of the best fish in terms of price-quality ratio. To date, the cost of a kilogram of uncut fresh mackerel in our city is about 130 rubles. Of course, this is more expensive than most of the types of fish available on the market, but you should always take into account that some of the fish goes to waste, and the taste should not be discounted.

Now, when it turned out that this, one of the cheapest fish, more than half of the weight falls on non-edible heads and intestines. Not so with mackerel - its head is small, there are not many entrails. From two fish I purchased, with a total weight of 600 grams. waste amounted to about 120 grams - 1/5 of the total weight. A very good result.

Moreover, carving mackerel is quite simple - you do not need to clean the scales, you just need to cut off the head (and even then, for some recipes this is not required) and clean the insides. It is easy to get rid of the intestines - the abdomen of the mackerel is thick, dense, well cleaned. The only inconvenience is the large amount of blood for the fish. But in any case, the carcass must be washed and all the blood is easily washed off.

Mackerel is a fleshy fish, there are few bones in it and all of them are quite thick, so filleting is not at all necessary, the bones of ready-made mackerel can be easily removed with a fork and eaters will not have to spit them. It's the same with the fins - there is no need to cut them out.

A few more advantages of mackerel - this fish is nourishing (half a fish will completely replace a meat cutlet), tasty (and that means you don't need to tinker with it when cooking), healthy (it contains a lot of fat). It is perhaps worth talking about fish oil in more detail, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood. Therefore, fish oil is a good prophylactic agent against cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, the mackerel is not the same fish oil, yellow, smelly and disgusting, which was forcibly watered all Soviet children. The fat of this fish is light and tasty, similar to the fat of the now-not found Iwashi herring, does not go rancid for a long time, unlike, for example, the fat of ordinary herring. This means that mackerel does not lose its taste during long storage (of course, subject to storage conditions), which is not unimportant, because in the store you can buy frozen fish caught six months ago.

For the same reason, special cooking techniques are not necessary; it is difficult to spoil this fish by cooking. You can cook almost everything from mackerel that is made from fish - fry, boil, bake, smoke. Mackerel turns out well and quickly in the microwave. Here is the microwave cooking of this fish.

How to cut up mackerel? What kind of fish is this? You will find the answers to these and other questions in the article. Fish is a healthy and tasty food, but bones prevent us from fully enjoying it. Therefore, it is important to be able to handle any type of fish. How to properly cut mackerel is described in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of fish

Mackerel is one of the best fish in terms of price-quality ratio. Today, one kilogram of fresh, uncut mackerel costs about 130 rubles. Of course, this is more expensive than many types of fish sold in stores, but it should always be borne in mind that part of the fish is sent to waste, and the taste should not be discounted. Mackerel has few entrails, its head is small.

Butchering this fish is very simple - you do not need to clean the scales, you just need to cut off the head (for some recipes this is not required) and clean the insides. It is easy to get rid of the intestines - the abdomen of the fish is dense, thick, it is cleaned well.

A large volume of blood for fish is the only inconvenience. But the carcass will have to be washed in any case, and all the blood will easily be washed off.


Few know how to butcher mackerel. It is a fleshy fish, few bones in it, and they are all quite thick. That is why it is not necessary to separate the fillets, the bones of the finished mackerel can be easily removed with a fork, and guests will not have to spit them. The same is the case with the fins - there is no need to cut them out.

Mackerel is a very satisfying fish (half of a carcass replaces a meat cutlet), tasty (there is no need to trick it when cooking) and healthy (it contains a lot of fat). By the way, it is known that fish oil is an amazing prophylactic agent against ailments of the heart and blood vessels. Mackerel fat is appetizing, light, does not go rancid for a long time, similar to the fat of Iwashi herring.

Mackerel can be smoked, boiled, fried, baked. It cooks quickly and well in the microwave. Almost all fish dishes can be prepared from mackerel.


Mackerel contains a huge number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Therefore, its meat could well fit as the basis of the elixir of health and youth, if such a thing existed.

The human body absorbs mackerel protein three times faster than beef protein. This fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to normalize cholesterol levels. It contains fish oil, which dilates blood vessels, vitamin A, which helps the regeneration and growth of the mucous membrane and skin, sulfur, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, phosphorus, which strengthens bones and teeth, and selenium, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

It is best to cut a mackerel carcass when it is frozen, then the process is much faster and easier. Also remember that the meat of this fish is very tender; from contact with water, it loses its taste and becomes sour. Therefore, after cutting, fillets are never washed, because the taste of the dish will deteriorate.

How to cut into fillets?

How to cut mackerel into fillets? To implement this method, you need:

Follow these steps:

  1. Cut the fish horizontally from the side of the abdomen.
  2. Remove the insides.
  3. Make an incision to the side of the head above the fin at a 35 ° angle.
  4. Make the same cut on the other side. Now separate the head.
  5. Cut off the fins.
  6. Peel off the black film from the abdomen.
  7. Make a longitudinal incision along the entire spine.
  8. Cut deep into the spine.
  9. Make an incision from the side of the abdomen to the tail.
  10. Separate the fillets with a sharp carving knife.
  11. Turn the fish over to the other side and use a knife to separate the second fillet from the ridge.
  12. Trim the edges of the fillets to remove any remaining fins. Remove all bones from the fillet by feeling them with your hands. It is very convenient to remove bones with tweezers.

The mackerel fillet is ready.

So, you know how to butcher mackerel. But it is very difficult to buy good fish in the city. Some unscrupulous sellers add weight to it with a manual injector. In other words, they pump it up with plain tap water.

And the fish can be "instantly salted" in the same way by adding salt to the water. It tastes like salty, but in fact it is raw. So that the mackerel does not spoil, it will also be seasoned with a large portion of preservatives. And it will be sold to you as "lightly salted tender fish", and even very cheaply. Therefore, purchase the desired product only from trusted sellers.

An economical way to fillet

You need to have:

To implement this method, follow these steps:

  1. First, make two oblique cuts near the head, behind the lateral fins.
  2. Then, just as obliquely, cut the skin behind the pelvic fins.
  3. Use your hands to break off your head towards your back.
  4. As you can see, almost all of the insides were easily removed. Remove what is left later. If the head does not come off on the back, trim the skin and meat, completely separating the unnecessary part.
  5. Now make an incision from the back, along the ridge, along the entire length of the fish to the middle of the carcass. Cut by pressing the knife to the bones.
  6. Then, from the back in the tail area, pierce the mackerel with a knife through and through and, pressing the knife to the ridge, cut off the tail fillet.
  7. Separate the first half of the fillet completely by cutting it off from the abdominal area of ​​the body. Rib bones on the fillet may remain, it's okay, you will remove them later.
  8. Separate the other half of the carcass from the ridge in the same way. As you can see, the remaining insides are easily removed along with the bones.
  9. Peel off the black film and the remnants of the entrails from the fillets with a knife and trim off the remaining fins.
  10. You already have almost two ready-made fish fillets. But the work is not over yet. If you run your finger along the middle of the fillet, you can feel the bones. They are placed almost the entire length of the carcass in darker meat. You already know how to butcher a mackerel. And how to free her from these bones? This is very easy to do as they are not attached to the hide. Just cut them out with a knife.

Now the carefully cut boneless fillet is done! You can cook something from it. With this cutting, you completely get rid of bones and almost all fish meat goes into fillets. Waste makes up about one third of the mass of whole mackerel. That is, if the fish weighed 300 g, you get 100 g of waste and 200 g of fillet.

Cutting up smoked mackerel

How to cut smoked mackerel? Such fish very often takes part in the menu of a festive feast. She is very appetizing, so she is loved by many. To make the fish dish on the table look festive and dignified, you also need to provide an original and beautiful presentation.

Seedless fish is always a pleasure to eat. In addition, smoked mackerel fillet can be used as a component for savory sandwiches, salads, canapes. Do you know how to cut smoked mackerel? Follow these steps:

  1. Cover the cutting surface with parchment, put cellophane on top.
  2. Use a knife to separate the head and tail from the fish.
  3. Next, you need to rip the abdomen, remove the insides, clean the cavity with a knife.
  4. Remove newspaper with waste, lay down new plastic.
  5. Make a deep cut along the entire back, then from the abdomen to the tail.
  6. Unfold the carcass like a book, you should get two parts.
  7. Using lightly using a knife, remove the ridge from the first part along with the ribs.
  8. Remove the remaining costal bones from the second part.
  9. Cut out the fins neatly.
  10. Remove the dirty cellophane with bones, put a paper towel together.
  11. Place the fish half with the skin facing up.
  12. Trim the skin off slightly with a knife, then peel it off with your fingers a little while holding the meat.
  13. Do the same with the second part.

It's so easy to get a delicious fish without bones and skins.

Smoked mackerel fillet canapes

This dish looks very elegant and appetizing. Besides, it is very convenient to eat it. We take:

  • parsley;
  • cream;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • smoked mackerel fillet;
  • olives;
  • skewers.

Follow these steps:

  1. Cut the fillets into thin slices, the cucumbers into slices.
  2. Put an olive on a skewer, then a fillet, rolled into a roll, and at the end - a cucumber circle.
  3. Place the canapes on a round dish with the skewers facing up.
  4. Garnish with parsley sprigs at random.

We put a newspaper and a plastic bag on a cutting board.

We cut the carcass along the back and cut the belly to the tail.

We got two halves, one of which has a ridge.

Cut out the fins.

On the back from the side of the head, we cling to the skin with our fingers and first cut it, and then when you can take the skin well in your hand, simply pressing the meat with a knife, remove the skin.

Received a fillet. Now we use it for its intended purpose.

Step-by-step photo instructions

Cutting fish into fillets

We put a newspaper and a plastic bag on a cutting board.

Cut off the head and tail from the fish.

We rip open the belly and take out the insides. We clean the cavity well.

We remove the newspaper with cleanings. We lay a clean package.

We cut the carcass along the back and cut the belly to the tail.
We got two halves, one of which has a ridge.

We pick up the bone and, cutting off the meat, we pull out the ridge along with the rib bones.

Remove the rib bones from the other half.

Cut out the fins.

We remove the bag and lay a paper towel. We put half of the fish with the meat down.

On the back from the side of the head, we cling to the skin with our fingers and first trim the skin a little.

Then, when you can take the skin well in your hand, just press down on the meat with a knife and remove the skin.

We repeat the same operation with the second half.

Received a fillet. Now we use it for its intended purpose.

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