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What to eat 2 hours before bedtime. The right dinner and snacks before bedtime: rules, recommendations, recipes. Approximate Pre-Workout Diet

Hello everyone. Let's talk today about the Avast antivirus, or rather, about how to remove it. Today I will consider the free version of Avast Free Antivirus, for which you do not need to pay, that is, it is a free antivirus, but this does not save it from the fact that many users want to remove it. But why do they want to delete? Well, to be honest, I don’t know, but I dare to assume that because Avast loads the computer, or maybe it blocks sites, I don’t know guys. But the fact is the fact: often users on the Internet are looking for how to remove Avast from a computer completely

Today I will tell you how not only to remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer completely, but also how to remove its remnants, that is, I will show you how to scan your computer for leftovers, any garbage that remains from Avast. So what I will do, I say as it is. I have Windows 7, I put Avast Free Antivirus there, that is, I downloaded, installed, everything is as usual. And now we will delete it. If you do everything the way I will write, then everything will work out for you and you can normally remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer completely. Here we go?

By the way, well, I think that you already know, but along with the Avast antivirus, the Avast browser appeared on my computer, it is called like Avast SafeZone Browser, you know what it is? This is such a browser, like a secure one, like you can do something in it and no one can intercept the data, like no one can hack you. Well, for example, in such a browser, you can perform some financial transactions, pay for something there, well, in short, you get the idea. Look, here is the Avast SafeZone Browser shortcut on the desktop:

So, okay, I’m talking about something not quite about what is needed! We start to remove Avast. Just a little more information I'll write, Avast himself works under such processes as avastui.exe and AvastSvc.exe, here they are in the task manager:

As you can see, the processor is not loaded by these processes, which is good. The processes themselves are launched from this folder:

C: \ Program Files \ AVAST Software \ Avast

So, now about the deletion. So you hold down the Win + R buttons, then you will see the Run window, you write the following command there:

Clicked OK, then the Programs and Features window will open, here you will have a list of all those programs that are on your computer. Here in the list you need to find Avast Free Antivirus, but usually this program comes first, well, there is the letter A, after all, the first in the alphabet. Well, in short, we found the program, right-clicked on it and then select Delete:

Then you will have a large Avast window, where you can update the antivirus, fix it, change it, well, in short .. And you can also activate a free subscription for a year, for fun! But if you are not interested in this and you still want to remove Avast, then click the Delete button here:

Then there will be such a security window from Avast, well, this is a type of check, but do you want to remove the antivirus? This check is just like what if the virus wants to remove the antivirus, there are such jokes too! Well, in short, in this window you click Yes:

The uninstallation process will begin:

Below you see, there is another question, well, like why are you deleting this antivirus? You can answer this question, or you can answer nothing, I didn’t answer anything there. If you have a hard drive on your computer, then Avast can be deleted for about three minutes, but I have an SSD and therefore Avast left in a few seconds:

I pointed the arrow at the Restart computer button because I do not advise postponing this business, it is better to restart it right away! The fact is that there are some files, well, there are libraries and other dregs, so that all this is removed, you need to reboot. It will be removed even before the Windows kernel is loaded, well, something like this, that is, it will be removed while the Windows are not fully awake, in short, something like this! Therefore, it is better to reboot immediately.

In general, we rebooted and Avast Free Antivirus was removed from the computer, but is it completely? Hmm, this question remains to be seen

So, here I also want to tell you something, it may be that Avast Free Antivirus will be stupid and will not want to be deleted. What to do in this case? Well, I don't even know what to say. There is such a joke that it is better to delete it correctly, because if you delete it forcibly, then there may be jambs in the form of abandoned Avast drivers. Therefore, I advise you to visit this page, this is the official website of Avast:

This page has clear instructions on how to uninstall Avast using their avastclear utility, I advise you to use this utility if Avast does not want to uninstall normally. Just in case, I will also tell you that you can try to uninstall with the Revo Uninstaller, only then you know what, here it is better to make a restore checkpoint before uninstalling, well, just in case. I wrote about the Revo Uninstaller remover, so you can take a look, by the way, the remover not only deletes, but also searches for and removes garbage in the system, well, the garbage that remained after the program was removed.

So, well, now let's get back to those things that need to be done after the removal of Avast. These deeds are the removal of residues. So, we have two types of leftovers, file garbage and garbage in the registry, let's start with the first. We need to open the system drive where Windows is installed. So I will show a universal way of how to open the system disk so that it is clear to absolutely everyone, although I understand that many already know how to do this, but still. So guys, hold down the Win + R buttons, then write the following command:

Clicked OK, then you will see a window where all your disks will be, here you need to select the system disk. Usually it goes under the letter C, and also has such a checkbox, well, there is a checkbox like Windows or something, in short, it differs from the rest of the disks. I have only one disk, but it also has such a checkbox, here it is shorter:

In general, we went to the system disk. Great, let's look for trash cans! But there is also such a joke that some files may not want to be deleted, so just in case, I inform you that you may need the Unlocker utility, this is a free utility and it is a wizard for removing non-removable files and folders. I wrote about the Unlocker utility itself, I already have this utility installed. So now in the upper right corner of the system disk window, there will be a search field, here you need to write the word avast, that is, write here:

Then we wait for the results, that is, we wait until all files and folders are found, in the name of which the word avast is mentioned. But I will say that you need to look for traces only after you have removed Avast, but not just removed, but removed CORRECT, do you understand what's the catch? Well, in short, guys, I've already found this garbage here, look:

Well, the joke, I deleted Avast, but the skoko folders remained after him, of course the guys need to clean it, we don't need such jokes! What to do, how to delete? But how, you need to select all files and folders first, or not, you can try to delete one at a time, if there is not a lot of garbage. Well, so, I selected all the folders and files, then right-click on this all and select the Delete item there:

Then there will be such a window, then click Yes:

Then you will see such a window, here you need to click the Continue button:

Well, kapets, of course, but another window will appear, well, maybe it won't appear for you, but here I have, in this window you need to check the box below and click the Yes button:

Then another window will appear, or rather, if it appears, then there you also need to check the box below and click the Skip button:

Apparently you can't just take and remove the remnants of Avast. Then I had another window, there I also put a checkmark at the bottom and clicked the Skip button:

Everything, then the windows no longer popped up, but not all the trash was removed! Here you need to press the F5 button for the search to be updated, because those files that you have actually already deleted may be displayed here, I don't know about you, but I have such a glitch. Well, we pressed F5, everything was updated, and now we will delete it using the Unlocker utility, right-click on all files and select the Unlocker item there (remember that I already have this utility installed):

Then such a security window popped up, then click Yes:

But you may not have this window if you have such security disabled! But damn, here I was waiting for a bummer. In short, I've pressed the Yes button and the effect is exactly zero! Do you know why? All because of these files:

Well, down there they are still there! I did not select them, but selected only the folders, then right-clicked on them again, chose the Unlocker item, and again there was zero effect, well, jokes, I thought! Then I began to do what I now advise you to do, it is to delete files and folders one by one. I clicked on the first folder, selected the Unlocker item, security popped up, clicked Yes there, then such a window appeared, then you need to select Delete in the menu on the left and click OK:

Deletion started:

Then such a window popped up, which means that everything went normal:

After deleting one folder, I pressed the F5 button to update the search. Well, I tried to delete it again using Unlocker, it also worked. In short, guys, this security window waved me a little, so I turned it off, just when it popped up again, I clicked here:

Then he lowered the slider to the very bottom:

I pressed OK and that's it, the window didn't bother me anymore. Well, I wrote this just in case, suddenly the window will reach you, now you will know how to turn it off. The guys had to sweat a little while I deleted all this, but I still managed to delete it, and then, when I tried again to search for the word avast, nothing was found:

But I succeeded because I deleted one file at a time, for some reason I couldn't delete two at once, I don't know what kind of joke it is. In short, such things, I succeeded, which means you will succeed, believe me

You are probably wondering, well, everything is already or something else? No, guys, I can't please you yet, because there is still garbage in the registry, you also need to delete it, but it's a little easier there .. So you press the Win + R buttons again, then write the following command:

A registry editor window will appear, this window will appear:

It is in this window that we will look for garbage, but how? Everything is simple here, don't worry, hold down the Ctrl + F buttons, then write avast in the search field and click the Find Next button:

The search will start. Now look carefully, the registry will look for everything that has the word avast in its name, it can be registry keys and keys. Everything that is found will be found one at a time and it will be highlighted. That is, something was found, it was highlighted, the search stopped, you clicked on what was found with the right button, selected Delete, then pressed the F3 button to continue the search. Well, is the algorithm roughly clear? I hope it's clear. Well, look, for example, there was some kind of folder (that is, a section), it is called 00avast, this is a trash bin, so we delete it, right-click and select the Delete item:

Then a window will pop up, click here Yes:

And that's it, the folder was deleted. This is how you need to do with everything, both trash folders and trash keys. With the keys, everything is the same, right-click, select Delete:

Here's another joke, in the name of the key there may not be anything at all that relates to Avast .. Well, often the key can be called simply By default, but if you look at the Value column, there you will see an entry that is just the same. to Avast:

By the way, if you delete this key by default, it will reappear, for that it is by default. But the Value field will already be empty. I just now thought, maybe keys with the name By default should be skipped at all? Well, I don’t know, but personally, I delete everything that has the word avast in its name, because I, so to speak, care about the cleanliness of Windows. Here's a joke

So guys, it's clear with the registry, yes, what you need to look for, then to continue the search you need to press the F3 button, then delete the found garbage again, and so on until such a window appears:

Well, that's all the guys on this, so you removed this Avast Free Antivirus, I congratulate you (well, if you actually removed it). What else can I say, except that the guys should clean the computer with the CClenaer utility, it will, so to speak, clean the entire computer of garbage, how to use it, then I wrote about this here. All the guys, that's all, I hope that you understood everything here, but if something is wrong, then you’re sorry. Good luck to you


Avast Free Antivirus is a security software developed by Avast. The latter has the largest share of the global antivirus application market and provides a wide range of products to protect both consumers and corporations (Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS and macOS).

During configuration, the utility registers an automatic start at Windows startup using the Task Scheduler, which enables it at various delayed times (the schedule varies depending on the version of the antivirus). The software is designed to connect to the Internet and adds itself to the Windows Firewall exception list to run without intervention. After installation, to provide quick access to itself, Avast adds a context menu handler to the Windows shell.

Based on 2016 statistics, Avast had 400 million users and 40% of the antivirus software market outside of China. In 2017, it acquired Piriform, the developer of the CCleaner tool. The latter is notorious for a hacker attack in September 2017, which resulted in the corruption of CCleaner 5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud 1.07.3191 and pushed millions of users to the risk of being infected with the Floxif malware.

Naturally, many of those who have tried to use Avast have different opinions about the tool. However, given the results of independent testing in third-party laboratories, it has a high ability to block, detect and remove viruses. Antivirus adds a network security scanner, provides a password manager, offers a secure web browser and toolbar (Google Chrome), and other useful features.

Avast is capable of detecting and blocking adware and keyloggers in particular. Analysts at AV-Comparatives conducted a security test and provided two ratings each Advanced + and Advanced, which means that the product was rated much higher than others.

However, Avast is often suspected of negatively impacting device performance when scanning for malware. Some users disapprove of this tool as it lacks parental controls.

In short, Avast is a great antivirus for protecting your PC, but not the best. It can usually be uninstalled using Windows programs, features, or apps, but after the release of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, many reported that the program has stopped working or cannot be reinstalled / uninstalled.

It has been noted that the uninstallation process fails with an error indicating that Avast files are missing (e.g. Avastip.dll, avast.messaging.dll).

  1. Avast Free Antivirus does not appear in the Programs and Features list.
  2. You do not have sufficient rights to uninstall Avast Free Antivirus.
  3. The file required to complete this uninstallation cannot be started.
  4. An error has occurred. Not all files were successfully deleted.
  5. Another process that uses the file stops the uninstallation of Avast Free Antivirus.
  6. Avast Free Antivirus files and folders are still present on your hard drive after uninstallation.

Incomplete uninstallation causes many different problems. This is why it is important to properly uninstall Avast and all of its components.

If for one reason or another you decide to clean your computer from this utility, but nothing works, we will explain what steps you need to take to successfully remove it.

Option 1. Use the Avast Uninstall utility

Antivirus offers a free utility called Avast Uninstall that allows you to remove all components and parts of the tool. To run it, follow these steps:

Step 1. Download Avastclear.

The avastclear.exe file should now appear on your desktop.

Step 2. Start Windows in Safe Mode before opening it.

Step 3. Once the system boots up, double-click the avastclear.exe file.

Step 4. Find the default Avast folder in the list of programs and click Remove.

Important! If you've installed the tool elsewhere, select the last folder on the list, but be careful and make the right choice as all

Step 5.

Option 2. Remove Avast manually

Step 1. Shut down the antivirus in the task manager

To open it press Ctrl + Shift + Esc (Windows 10) or Ctrl + Alt + Del (older versions).

Click the "" tab and find Avast in the list.

Click on it and select "End Process".

Step 2. Remove the tool from apps and functions

Press Windows + I to access options. Open the "Applications" section.

Users of older versions of the system should open Control Panel and select "Programs and Features".

Find the entry for Avast Free Antivirus, click on it and select Remove.

Step 3. Remove the remnants of the antivirus

Right-click on the explorer and open the "Open" tab. Then click on "View".

Select "Options" and in the dialog box that opens, go to the "View" section.

Check the box next to "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

Hold Windows Key + R, type regedit and press Enter.

Open the "Edit" section at the top of the screen and select "Find Next".

If the search finds recovered antivirus entries, delete them.

Finally, restart your computer.

It's better after uninstalling the program, otherwise it might be too late. In some cases, it is very important to use several security utilities, because every second your computer is at risk of being infected with malicious viruses or software that never miss a chance to cause serious damage to your device or personal data. Thus, you need to periodically scan the system and remove the culprits. Never underestimate the magnitude of the damage they cause. Even if you have several powerful antivirus programs, don't be too cocky, because new viral technologies always appear faster than antivirus ones. Keep your security utilities up to date and stay alert anytime, anywhere.

Video - How to Uninstall Avast Software

Many users face a problem when uninstalling Avast antivirus from a computer, in this regard, we decided to write detailed instructions on how to remove Avast antivirus from a computer completely and correctly. Many users who have installed Avast to protect their PC from malicious software eventually have to abandon its functionality for a number of reasons.

It will not be possible to get rid of the antivirus program just like that, the developers have provided for attempts to disable and even remove their product by malware and inexperienced users. Let's delve deeper into the topic and get acquainted with all the ways to safely and correctly uninstall an application in any Windows operating system, starting with the "seven".

Why is it important to get rid of Avast correctly?

The main reason why users want to completely remove Avast from their computer is to replace the defender with a similar program, possibly more powerful. The fact is that the remnants of the application can prevent the installation of other programs to ensure your computer with an adequate level of security.

So, for example, Avast residual files do not allow installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus, giving an error, informing that another anti-virus protection is installed.

We will look at how to remove Avast from a computer running Windows 7 completely, for Windows 8 (there are some features, we will talk about them later) and Windows 10, the process will look the same.

Preparing to uninstall - Disabling Self-Defense

Before you can uninstall Avast antivirus from your computer, you must disable the Self-Defense Module (SD). It was created to resist advanced viruses that can do this in an automatic mode by disabling and uninstalling critical components and editing entries in the system registry.

Because of this function, which increases the degree of protection of the program, many users cannot remove Avast from Windows 7 - 10. Let's talk about how to disable the self-defense of the antivirus application before uninstalling it.

1 Expand the user interface via the program launch shortcut or the context menu of the tray icon (near the clock).

2 Click "Settings" bottom left.

Rice. 1 - Call the "Settings" of the program

3 Go to the tab "Trouble-shooting".

Rice. 2 - Go to the "Troubleshooting" tab

4 Uncheck the box next to the option "Enable self-defense module".

Rice. 3 - Disable self-protection

5 We read the notification that appears, which says that when the self-defense function is turned off, the risk of infection of the PC increases, and we click "OK".

Rice. 4 - Save the settings

Self-defense is disabled, now you can uninstall the program using the standard Avast uninstaller, special programs or utilities to uninstall Avast.

Uninstalling antivirus using standard Windows tools

The developers did not provide shortcuts for uninstalling Avast using the utility built into the installer in Start, so the element will help us to demolish an unnecessary security tool "Control panels" which is called "Programs and Features".

1 Open the "Control Panel" and call this component if the icons are rendered as large icons.

Rice. 5 - Calling the Control Panel item

If they are grouped, click "Removing a program".

Rice. 6 - Alternative method

2 In the list of installed applications, select Avast Free Antivirus or Premier, right-click on the icon and select "Delete"... Or select a program from the list and click "Delete" above.

Rice. 7 - Uninstalling Avast

3 The next step is waiting. The installer makes all the preparations, after which you can remove Avast from your computer.

4 When the window for installing and solving problems with the Avast distribution kit of your version starts, in it select "Delete".

Rice. 8 - Click "Delete"

5 The waiting process will take a long time, since the program is uninstalled much longer than it was installed. We are gaining patience.

Rice. 9 - Removal process

Be sure to restart your PC. After restarting your computer, Avast will be completely erased from your system.

We use third-party uninstaller

Usually this method does a good job of getting rid of all the defender components. But it also has disadvantages. The brightest of them:

  • some files concerning Avast remain on the disk;
  • not all registry keys are removed.

To demolish the Avast Software folder in Program Files and all entries in the system registry, you must resort to using third-party applications. First, we will consider how to remove the antivirus if it is not removed, with all the residual data through CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller, and then using a utility created by the antivirus developers themselves.

Using an example, we will show how to remove free Avast Premier (Free), the instructions for getting rid of Internet Security will be similar.

It is better to download all offered products from the official sites. We provide download links from developer sites to avoid other problems.

ADVICE. Try to download software from trusted sources and official software sites. Thus, you protect yourself from virus infections and the installation of third-party software, without your consent.


The procedure for uninstalling Avast antivirus in CCleaner is not much different from the process of erasing it using the Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10 operating systems.

2 Run the utility to remove garbage and software from the computer and go to the section "Service".

Rice. 10 - CCleaner interface

Rice. 11 - Removing Avast

IMPORTANT! Do not click "Delete" under any circumstances. This function will erase the registry key containing information about uninstalling the selected object.

Rice. 12 - Confirmation

4 In the installation window, we do what in the first instruction, starting from the 4th step.

5 When finished, go to the tab "Registry" and press "Search" problems.

Rice. 13 - Cleaning the registry

CCleaner will find and erase all registry keys related to Avast.

6 Click "Fix marked" and close the program.

Rice. 14 - Removing garbage from the registry

Revo Uninstaller

Let's touch on another great way to uninstall Avast antivirus.

1 Download and install Revo Uninstaller from the official website of the program:

2 In the program, select our object and call the command through the context menu "Delete"... You can also use the Delete button at the top, on the program panel.

Rice. 15 - Uninstalling Avast via Revo Uninstaller

3 The built-in uninstaller will start. We do everything in the first instruction, starting from the 4th iteration.

Better not to change anything, leaving "Moderate" search for keys.

Rice. 16 - A way to find garbage

5 We mark all sections and erase them from the registry by pressing the button "Further".

Rice. 17 - Getting rid of the remaining keys

6 A list of remaining files will be loaded. Also press "Delete" and close the Uninstaller with the button "Ready".

Rice. 18 - Erase the folders that the uninstaller could not remove

System files are not affected, rest assured, only the files of the program to be removed.


Now let's consider another option, using the official Avast removal utility, you can download it from the official website:

1 By right-clicking, call the context menu, where we click "Run with administrator rights".

Rice. 19 - Run with elevated privileges

2 Agree to restart your PC in safe mode.

Rice. 20 - Click "Yes"

FOR YOUR INFORMATION. This antivirus program is not designed for Windows 8 and constantly conflicts with it: after turning on the system and launching the antivirus, the OS hangs tightly, and many users cannot get rid of the application.

In such cases, you need to start in safe mode, and carry out the procedure in any of the ways shown, but it is preferable to use the AvastClear utility.

Safe Mode in Windows 8 starts as follows:

1 Reboot the PC and immediately clamp the key combination Shift + F8.

2 In the window that appears, select "Diagnostics".

Rice. 24 - Specify directories and remove the program

6 We are waiting for the completion of the process and close the window with the button "To restart a computer" to complete the uninstall procedure.

The utility is the best tool that allows you to safely and completely uninstall Avast in Windows 7 - 10.

Remove Avast From PC - Easy!

We have considered how to properly remove the Avast antivirus to install another application in Windows 7 and 10, or simply get rid of it. We also drew attention to the intricacies of the process in Windows 8 and showed how to do this using the operating system and third-party utilities, including the specially created AvastClear.

We considered how to clear the registry from the garbage remaining in the process of uninstalling the antivirus. We hope the information was helpful.

Thematic video:

To remove AVAST (Free, Pro, Internet Security), as well as for other anti-virus programs, using the standard Windows procedure is not enough. The thing is that the software that ensures PC security is more firmly "fixed" in the file system and registry. It also actively uses software self-preservation mechanisms.

Many users who are not aware of this feature often encounter typical difficulties when trying to uninstall Avast:

  • uninstallation is performed incorrectly (part of the kernel remains in the OC, cluttering the system partition);
  • cannot delete at all (attempts to send to the trash are considered by the antivirus as malicious third-party intervention).

Fortunately, there are ways to get around these issues. The instructions below will tell you in detail how to remove Avast, based on the specific situation and the level of your user skills.

Preparing for the removal procedure

Regardless of which uninstallation method will be used, the first step is to disable the anti-virus self-defense module. Quite often, it is he who interferes with the efforts of the user.

  1. Click on the Avast icon in the tray (lower right corner of the desktop).
  2. Select the "Settings" item in the main menu (the gear-shaped icon).
  3. In the submenu that appears, click "Troubleshooting".
  4. In the list of settings, uncheck the box next to "Enable self-defense module ...".

After disabling the option, the antivirus will warn you about a potential threat to the security of your PC. But do not worry - in this situation, this is the right step.

Click "YES" and confirm your intentions.

METHOD # 1: uninstalling the antivirus using the Avastclear utility

It should be noted that this method is the most acceptable and, most importantly, reliable. Does not require special knowledge and skills from the owner of the computer regarding the use of the OS. Avastclear was created by the developers of Avast antivirus, and you can trust it 100%. Well, who, besides the creators of the product, knows so well its features and properties!

1. Go to the official website of the AVAST company (avast.ru).

2. Hover your cursor over the "Support" section and click "Downloads".

3. On the page that opens, select the "Uninstall utility ..." item.

4. Find instructions at the bottom. Click on the link "avastclear.exe" located in its first paragraph.

5. Wait for the download to finish on the PC and run the utility (as administrator).

6. Confirm OC reboot in safe mode - "Yes" button.

7. After restarting the system, in the drop-down menu of the utility, select the name of the product that is installed (for example, avast! Free) and activate the "Uninstall" command.

8. Avastclear will display the progress on its panel and then ask for confirmation to restart. Click "Yes".

If all the actions were performed correctly, then there will be no trace of any stains left from the Avast antivirus!

METHOD # 2: uninstalling antivirus using standard Windows tools

This option requires more skill and effort from the user. But nevertheless, it helps out great when there are no special programs at hand for deleting files and folders. And also when it is not possible to download the Avastclear utility and use it accordingly.

A warning! If you have never worked with the registry and the OC file system, it is better to contact a PC repair and setup specialist for help. Otherwise, instead of one problem, two or three may appear. And even the machine will completely lose its performance.

1. Disable Avast self-defense module. Go to the start menu and open the control panel.

2. Select the "Uninstall a program" option.

3. Find the antivirus in the list of programs that appears, select it with your mouse, and then click the "Delete" option in the top menu.

4. Press "Start" again, type "regedit" in the line. Click the shortcut that appears in the "Programs" list with the same name. This is a registry editor: it will help to remove from the computer all entries and keys related to Avast left after uninstallation.

5. In the "Edit" submenu of the editor, click "Find ...".

6. Write in the “Find:” column the word “avast” (required in Latin!) And click the “Find Next” button.

7. Analyze the search result and delete the entries containing the name of the anti-virus in their name (for example, the 00avast section).

8. Continue your search (option "Edit" >> "Find Next"). Any remaining keys must be completely removed.

Attention! If the installer of the antivirus program is stored on the PC hard drive, it will also be displayed in the registry (the directory where it is located will be indicated). Leave this entry in the editor as it is. And to delete the file, it is better to use the standard Windows function from the context menu.

9. Open the OC explorer, enter "avast" in the search box, press the "ENTER" key.

10. Highlight the anti-virus files found by the system in the PC of the mouse, open the menu and click "Delete".

Restart your PC and enjoy the absence of Avast!

METHOD # 3: uninstalling the antivirus with the Revo Uninstaller Pro utility

One-stop solution: suitable for both experienced and novice users. The only condition is the presence of the utility on the PC hard drive.

1. Run Revo Uninstaller, find Avast in the list of programs.
2. Hover the cursor over the antivirus icon, click the PC mouse and select the "Delete" command.
3. The "native" uninstaller of the program is activated. Use it by clicking "Continue".
4. When the uninstallation is complete, select the "Restart Later" command.
5. Go to the Revo Uninstaller window, set the scan type to "Advanced" and click the "Scan" button.

6. Select all the folders and files found by the utility ("Select All"), click "Delete" and then "Finish". Perform similar actions with the identified registry entries.

After the uninstall procedure, empty the trash and restart Windows!

The second and third methods can be used when uninstalling other antivirus products. The principle and tasks are similar - complete cleaning of the OC.

I wish you success in mastering the PC, dear reader!

It is not difficult to install anti-virus programs, in most cases, thanks to convenient prompts and an intuitive process, but big problems can arise with the removal of such applications. As you know, antivirus leaves its traces in the root directory of the system, in the registry and in many other places, and improper removal of a program of such importance can have a very negative effect on the operation of your computer. Residual antivirus files tend to conflict with other programs, especially with another antivirus application that you install instead of the uninstalled one. Let's find out how to remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer.

You can uninstall Avast antivirus application from your computer in three groups of ways:

  • using standard Windows functionality for uninstalling programs;
  • using a utility from the developer of this antivirus, specially designed to uninstall it;
  • by using one of the universal third-party programs to force uninstall applications.

Method 1: Specialized programs

There are users for whom it is more convenient to uninstall programs not with the built-in Windows tools or the Avast Uninstall Utility (we will consider it later), but with the help of specialized programs. This method is also suitable if the antivirus cannot be removed by standard tools for some reason. Let's look at how to remove Avast using the Uninstall Tool.

  1. After launching the Uninstall Tool, select Avast Free Antivirus in the list of applications that opens. Presses the button "Uninstall".
  2. Then the standard Avast uninstaller is launched - a dialog box appears asking whether you really want to uninstall the antivirus. If there is no response within a minute, the uninstallation process will be automatically canceled. But we really want to uninstall the program, so click on the button "Yes".
  3. The uninstall window opens. In order to directly start the uninstallation process, click on the button "Delete".
  4. The process of uninstalling the program has started. Its progress can be monitored using a graphical indicator.
  5. In order to permanently remove the program, the uninstaller will prompt you to restart your computer. We agree.
  6. After rebooting the system, the Avast antivirus will be completely removed from the computer.
  7. In most cases, the complete removal of the Avast program ends successfully, but if any problems arise, the Uninstall Tool will inform you about this and offer another way to uninstall.

    Method 2: Avast Uninstall Utility

    If the antivirus application for some reason cannot be uninstalled in the standard way, or if you are puzzled by the question of how to remove Avast antivirus from your computer completely, Avast Uninstall Utility will help. This program is produced by the developer himself and can be downloaded from the official website. The way to uninstall antivirus with this utility is somewhat more complicated than the one described above, but it works even in situations where standard uninstallation is impossible, and uninstalls Avast completely without a trace.

    Method 3: Built-in Windows uninstaller

    The easiest way to remove any application is with the built-in uninstaller. Let's study step by step how to remove Avast antivirus using this method using the example of Windows 7 OS.

    Problems uninstalling Avast

    There are situations when, due to various circumstances, traditional uninstallation methods cannot solve the task. What to do in this case is described in our separate article.

    As you can see, there are a number of ways to remove the Avast program from your computer. Uninstallation using standard Windows tools is the simplest, but the use of Avast Uninstall Utility is more reliable, although it requires the procedure to be performed in Safe Mode. A kind of compromise between these two methods, combining the simplicity of the first and the reliability of the second, is the removal of Avast antivirus by the third-party Uninstall Tool.

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