Home Natural farming Virgo is Monica's daughter. Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photos from the family album. Matured Virgo and Leonie

Virgo is Monica's daughter. Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photos from the family album. Matured Virgo and Leonie

Celebrating its 51st birthday. Monica has a huge following worldwide and is still one of the most beautiful women in the world. You can endlessly admire the beauty and talent of this woman, and interesting facts that are collected inside this post will help us to learn more about her.

1) Monica Bellucci's height is 178 cm.

2) Weight - from 63 to 68 kg.

3) Parameters - 92-62-92 (plus or minus 2-3 cm).

4) Shoe size - 40-41. Although many media write about the 44th and constantly include Bellucci in the ratings of the celebrities with the largest foot size.

5) The actress has appeared nude several times during her career. Best known for her nude photo shoots for the MAX (1998) and GQ (2000) calendars.

6) Bellucci posed twice for the famous Pirelli calendar (and in the world of models it is the same as the Oscar for the actors).

7) Monica Bellucci is the constant muse of Dolce & Gabbana. Their cooperation has been going on for 26 years.

8) Favorite poem - "A Silvia" by Giacomo Leopardi.

9) Monica has two daughters. The first child appeared with the actress two weeks before her fortieth birthday (the girl was named Virgo). And in 2010, at the age of 45, Bellucci gave birth to another daughter, Leonie. Both babies were born in a marriage with actor Vincent Cassel. “When I get old, I'd rather look at my children than watch films with my participation,” says the star.

10) During both pregnancies, Bellucci was shot nude for fashion magazines.

11) The actress has never had plastic surgery.

12) Monica Bellucci had two marriages. 1990-1994 - with photographer Claudio Carlos Basso. And from 1999 to 2013 - with the French actor Vincent Cassel.

13) Before the wedding with Kassel, Bellucci dated for 5 years. Those. in total, their relationship lasted 19 years.

14) Vincent Cassel is two years younger than Monica Bellucci.

15) After the divorce in August 2013, the media constantly marry Monica Bellucci. In particular, she was credited with novels with Russian oligarchs - Telman Ismailov and Mikhail Prokhorov. Neither in the first nor in the second case the information was confirmed.

16) The native language of the actress is Italian. In addition to him, Bellucci is fluent in English and French, and also understands and speaks a little Spanish.

17) Bellucci often admitted in interviews that she dreamed of starring in the same film with Robert De Niro. Her dream came true in 2011 - during the filming of the film "Love: Instructions for Use".

18) The hometown of the actress is Citta di Castello, Italy.

19) Bellucci's father was an agricultural worker, and his mother was an artist.

20) Surprisingly, Monica's mother was diagnosed with infertility a few years before her birth. By the way, the actress was the only child in the family.

21) Monica Bellucci dreamed of becoming a lawyer as a child. To pay for her education, at the age of 16 she decided to work as a model. Career went uphill. The girl liked the model world and she abandoned the idea of ​​devoting her life to jurisprudence.

22) Of all sports, the actress prefers swimming and yoga.

23) Dolce & Gabbana lipstick collection is named in her honor.

24) Bellucci's debut in cinema came in 1990. Her first work was the Italian painting Life with Sons.

25) The first success came to Bellucci after the role of the bride of Dracula in the film "Dracula" by Francis Coppola (1992).

26) With her future husband, Vincent Cassel, the actress met during the filming of the film "Apartment" (1995).

27) Monica admits that she does not want to re-watch the film with her participation "Irreversible". All because of the eerie nine-minute scene of brutal rape.

28) According to the zodiac sign, Monica is Libra.

29) Monica Bellucci is often called "the second Sophia Loren".

30) In the morning, the actress always takes a contrast shower.

31) Bellucci has a house in Rio de Jainiro. She says she is "madly in love" with this city.

32) A turning point in Bellucci's career - the film Malena (2000). It was after this picture that they began to talk about her as not just a beautiful, but also a very talented actress.

33) The film "Malena", according to Monica herself, is half a reflection of her biography.

34) The actress is convinced that washing her hair more than twice a week is detrimental to her hair. And before the procedure, he must dilute the shampoo with water. In addition, before washing, rubs olive oil into the hair roots.

35) Favorite book of the actress - the novel by Patricia Albert "The Life of Tina Modotti".

36) Bellucci considers "La Dolce Vita" and "Eight and a Half" to be cult films by Fellini.

37) Favorite drink - cool white wine.

38) Favorite color - strict black

39) A nude shot for Vanity Fair magazine during pregnancy was the actress's protest against the Italian laws prohibiting artificial insemination.

40) In the 90s, Bellucci posed for the famous photographer Richard Avedon, who once filmed Marilyn Monroe.

41) Since 2001, Monica Bellucci has been the face of the Cartier jewelry company.

42) An actress only goes on a diet if the role demands it. And in ordinary life, Bellucci does not deny himself pasta and pizza. And not in the least worried that they can be deposited on her thighs. “Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when she is not there and when there is nothing but beauty,” says Monica.

43) In March 2014, Monica Bellucci visited Moscow. She participated in the opening of the new Dolce & Gabbana perfumery and cosmetic corner.

44) In the first interview after her divorce from Vincent Cassel, Monica Bellucci confessed: "I have never been alone since I was 14 - and now I just don't know what to do."

45) At the end of 2013, Bellucci gave hope to all fans of their couple with Kassel, stating: “Love is above divorce. In addition, we know many examples of people getting divorced and then marrying each other again, which does not happen in life! "

46) Monica Bellucci was twice awarded the Italian Golden Globe (1998, 2005) and also received the Silver Ribbon from the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists (2003).

47) In 2014, Bellucci played one of the main roles in the film “Miracle” by Italian director Alice, which won the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival.

48) One of the last works of the actress - the main role in a duet with Emir Kusturica in his film under the tentative title "War and Love, or Love Trilogy"

Bright and unusual images of stars always become the subject of discussion after new photographs appear on the Internet, which are taken by Hollywood paparazzi. Not so long ago, heated discussions touched upon Monica Bellucci herself, or rather her young daughter Deva.

Deva's provocative outfit

Daughters Monica Bellucci and only 12 years old, but the girl already knows how to be in public and chooses provocative outfits. Appears to the public quite confidently.

The last photos were taken as Monica Bellucci and her daughter Deva were leaving the hotel. Deva's outfit has caused a lot of controversy and heated discussions: many say that the girl was dressed too far beyond her years. Deva was wearing a long black dress to the floor, but with an impressive neckline and a high slit that fully reveals her legs. At the same time, Monica herself was dressed much more modestly. Many critics spoke negatively about the taste of the young girl, while condemning her mother for allowing her daughter at that age to dress so frankly and provocatively.

Good heredity

In other photos, Deva Kassel can be seen not only with a deep bikini, but also with an open belly. Many people note that, despite her young age, the girl looks very attractive and sexy. She already wears makeup and does not appear in public without makeup. Deva is quite tall - her height is 175 centimeters. The growth of the girl undoubtedly went to her father, Vincent Cassel, whose height is 187 centimeters. Therefore, many assume that Monica Bellucci's daughter will follow in her mother's footsteps and try herself in the modeling business. It is worth noting that Deva looks no less feminine in everyday life than her star mother, who has been carrying the unspoken title of one of the sexiest actresses of our time for many years.

The girl's parents, and Monica Bellucci, did not comment on the situation in any way, leaving Internet commentators with their opinion. However, the latter nevertheless reproached the star mother for not keeping up with the way her daughter dresses.

Relationship of former spouses

In the world of Hollywood, the union of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, which lasted as much as 19 years, is still considered one of the most beautiful and romantic. According to Hollywood media, the former spouses continue to communicate and maintain warm friendships to this day.

Around the same days when the photos of Deva were taken, the paparazzi caught Monica Bellucci with her daughter named Leonie, who is 7 years old. It is still difficult to judge by the little girl what she will become in a few years, and it is not very clear which of the star parents the girl looks like more. However, looking at the appearance of Deva Kassel, it is safe to say that the girl is very similar to her mother, especially during her youth.

Star girls

The eldest daughter Deva was born in 2004, just a few days before Monica's fortieth birthday. The youngest daughter Leonie Kassel was born in 2010. In September, Deva will turn 13 years old, and Leonie has already celebrated her 7th birthday in May this year.

It also became known that the daughters of the former star couple Bellucci-Cassel are receiving training and living in the capital of Portugal, the city of Lisbon. tries not to post photos on social networks and is of the opinion that personal life should remain private. Therefore, it is rather difficult to find some information and photographs on the Internet. At the moment, of course, most of all fans and critics are interested in photographs of Monica's eldest daughter, Deva. But on her Instagram page with her daughter Monica Bellucci does not upload photos.

It is worth noting that this topic has greatly excited the Internet. The young Deva Kassel has a lot of fans. Now everyone is anticipating new news from the Hollywood paparazzi with provocative outfits of their daughter Monica Bellucci and photos that can be discussed. Monica shares that she does not particularly like the excessive attention to the life of her family and her daughters in particular. But what can you do, the star name and popularity are making themselves felt! Due to the success and good careers of their parents, the girls will probably also be able to succeed in show business and art. Well, we will follow the development of events and watch how young stars grow up and prettier.

Legion-Media; Splash / GalloImages; Instagram

Virgo Kassel

Actress Monica Bellucci is raising two daughters from ex-husband Vincent Cassel: 12-year-old Virgo and six-year-old Loeni Cassel. Recently, the Milanese paparazzi filmed the star with her daughters at the exit from the hotel. Monica's fans paid special attention to the sexy outfit of the little Virgo. She appeared in a long dress with a high cut and complemented the look with elegant black shoes and light makeup. Boldly! But Virgo is not even a teenager yet ...

Lily-Rose Depp

The 17-year-old daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis is confidently conquering the fashion world. She has inspired Karl Lagerfeld for the second year in a row: the young actress and model became the face of the Chanel glasses advertising campaign, and later appeared at the fashion house shows. In March, Lily-Rose amazed with shots from a candid photo shoot for Italian Vogue. The model undressed in front of the lens of the famous fashion photographer Tom Munro. It is interesting that the girl's star father is worried about the adult images of his daughter, but she seems to have "matured" for a long time. Since the age of 15, Lily-Rose has been dating a certain Ash Stymest. The guy is 8 years older than the girl, is divorced and has a child.


Alesya Kafelnikova

The 18-year-old daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov is becoming a popular model. Alesya took part in the shows of famous designers, and also received a contract with the London agency Elite. Alesya is known not only as a model, but also as a scandal girl. Kafelnikova willingly shares intimate pictures with her boyfriend, rapper Pharaoh, and bold shots from photo shoots.

Paris Jackson

In winter, Michael Jackson's 18-year-old daughter took part in the Chanel campaign. The shooting took place in the city of love - Paris. Paris posed with American and French flags against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by young soldiers. The girl was dressed in a white blouse and a tight pencil skirt. The stylists complemented the image of the blonde with black gloves and bright red lipstick. It is impossible not to notice that the girl is not wearing underwear. Through the thin fabric of the blouse, you can see Paris' naked breasts and nipple piercings!

Kaia Gerber

The 15-year-old daughter of the famous model Cindy Crawford is like two peas in a pod like her mother and has already managed to declare herself to the world. Kaya has every chance to repeat her mother's success in the modeling business. In April, Kaya, along with her parents and older brother, went to rest on the island of St. Barts. During one of the exits to the beach, young Kaya repeated the hot image of her mother from the 90s. Kaia wore a one-piece red swimsuit - the look that made Crawford famous. It is in such a swimsuit that Cindy poses on the covers of her Shape Your Body sports training cassettes. Only the model was then 26 years old, and Kaye was only 15!

Sonya Evdokimenko

In June last year, Sophia's granddaughter Rotaru Sonia Evdokimenko turned 15 years old. Despite her age, the girl is already making serious progress in the modeling business. Sonya debuted as a model a year and a half ago and became a real discovery in the fashion world. Already now, the girl takes part in shows, is shot for covers, and in winter Sonya received the title of "Best Model" at the Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Prize ceremony, which took place on February 1 in Kiev. But looking at these photos of the beauty, can you imagine that she is only 15?

Today there are more and more celebrities who give birth to children after forty. In interviews, these "late mothers" talk about motherhood, about how the pregnancy proceeded and are not at all embarrassed that they decided to give birth in adulthood. Monica Bellucci and even admits that she would have delayed with the children for a few more years, if her health allowed it. She and 12 other stars who decided to have a baby after 40.

Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci gave birth to her first daughter, Virgo, at 39, and her second, Leoni, at 45.

Monica Bellucci during pregnancy

Monica herself told reporters about her second pregnancy:

“I don’t feel brave, I’m just very lucky. I already had a healthy daughter, I gave birth to her myself, like a simple peasant woman from Umbria, and now my second pregnancy is going very well and calmly. But do not think that you need to take an example from me. Many at my age go to surrogate mothers or IVF clinics. And if I could not get pregnant, I would also be among these women "

Monica Bellucci with her youngest daughter Leonie

Halle Berry

Holly with her daughter Nala

Holly gave birth to her first child - daughter Nala Ariel Aubrey at 42 years old. Despite her age, Holly felt great throughout her pregnancy. At 47, the actress became a mother for the second time, giving birth to a son, Maceo-Robert. At the same time, the actress admitted that she did not plan to become a mother a second time, considering herself "too old to give birth to another child." But fate decreed otherwise and Halle Berry still cannot believe in her happiness.

Holly with her son Maceo

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman during pregnancy

Pregnancy came as a surprise to Nicole - for many years the actress was treated for infertility. However, married to Keith Urban in 2008, at the age of 40, the actress gave birth to her first child - her daughter Sunday Rose. But Nicole never got pregnant again, and in 2012 Nicole and Keith used the services of a surrogate mother.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban with their daughters

Salma Hayek

Salma during pregnancy

Salma gave birth at 41. In 2007, the daughter of Valentina Paloma Pinault was born to the actress and French businessman François-Henri Pinault. According to Salma, the pregnancy was difficult, and the extra weight that the actress gained during pregnancy (23 kg) caused her a lot of trouble. However, now the actress is happy that she became a mother and was able to return to "form" again.

Salma with daughter Valentina

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey during pregnancy

At 41, the singer gave birth to twins: the boy was named Moroccan, and the girl was named Monroe, in honor of the Hollywood star. But Carrie's path to motherhood did not go so smoothly. The singer suffered from preeclampsia (a disease associated with impaired cerebral circulation that develops in the second half of pregnancy) and gestational diabetes (impaired carbohydrate metabolism in pregnant women). The singer gave birth to a cesarean section. Today, raising twins, Mariah Carey is happy. But the singer does not want more children.

Mariah Carey with her husband and children

Celine Dion

Celion Dion with her husband and children

Celine's first pregnancy and childbirth proceeded well. But, when the singer and her husband decided on a second baby, problems arose. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to conceive, Celine Dion was finally able to conceive and give birth to twins at 42.

“It seems to me that I was pregnant for over a year. I never gave up. But I can tell you that it was physically and emotionally exhausting. My doctor dissuaded me from getting pregnant. Of course, this is depressing. But I decided on this and had to go to the end. I told the doctor that if he tells me to stay in bed until the children are born, then I will lie down and not move. Having children is worth it, and this is the best thing in my life. "

Celion Dion with her husband and children

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman during her third pregnancy

Uma Thurman was 42 years old when she gave birth to her third child - a girl with the long name Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalun Florence Thurman-Busson. This pregnancy was rather difficult. After giving birth, the actress recovered for a long time.

Uma with her daughter Rosalind

Julianne Moore

Julianne with her husband and children

Julianne Moore gave birth to her first child Caleb at the age of 37. And when the actress was 42 years old, a girl named Liv Helen was born.

“I really wanted a child. And my wish came true, ”said Moore.

Julianne with her daughter Liv

Marcia Cross

Marcia during pregnancy

Like Nicole Kidman, Marcia Cross was treated for infertility for a very long time. The actress managed to get pregnant with the help of IVF. The Desperate Housewives star gave birth to twins just days before her 45th birthday. Due to complications, the actress had to do a caesarean one month before the date of the alleged birth.

“If I got married and gave birth to children at 35, as I dreamed, I would not appreciate this miracle as I do today!” - said the actress.

Marcia Cross with her daughters

Gwen Stefani

Gwen during pregnancy

Gwen already had two sons when, at 43, the singer became pregnant again. Earlier this year, the singer gave birth to her third child, again a boy, who was named Apollo. Despite the fact that the pregnancy was difficult in the beginning, by the third trimester, Gwen felt better, and she seemed to flourish.

“When I found out that I was pregnant, it was indescribable happiness,” the singer said about her pregnancy.

Gwen Stefani with her son Apollo

Tina Fey

Tina during pregnancy

Actress Tina Fey gave birth to her second child, daughter Penelope, at 41. Tina admitted that despite her age, pregnancy and childbirth were easy.

Tina with her daughter Penelope

Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe during pregnancy

Renowned designer Rachel Zoe gave birth to her first child - toddler Skyler at the age of 39. With her second child, Rachel did not "drag out" and became pregnant two years after the birth of her first child. Baby Caius was born when Rachel was 41 years old. The pregnancy was proceeding well and the designer even managed to hide her "interesting position" until the last month.

Rachel Zoe with her youngest son Caius

Linda Evangelista

Linda Evangelista during pregnancy

The famous supermodel gave birth to a son when she was 42 years old.

Linda with her son Augustine

Among those who gave birth after 40 and successfully coped with the task of raising children - Kim Basinger(gave birth to daughter Ireland at 41), Susan Sarandon(gave birth to a second son at 42, and a third at 43), Meryl Streep gave birth to her fourth daughter when she was 42 years old.

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