Home natural farming Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFPM SoR). Founder of the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Strength Physics and Ma

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFPM SoR). Founder of the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Strength Physics and Ma

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

international title

Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (ISPMS) SB RAS


Russia, Russia, Tomsk

Legal address

634021, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/4


Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science The Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the institutes of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Located in Tomsk Academgorodok. The Institute includes 5 buildings with a total area of ​​18487 square meters. The Institute has 15 scientific laboratories, the Nanotech collective use center, the International Center for Research on the Physical Mesomechanics of Materials, the Svarka intersectoral scientific and technical center, the Metal-Test testing laboratory, and 2 scientific and technological departments.


  • 1979 - Department of Solid State Physics and Materials Science under the direction of Viktor Evgenievich Panin at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • 1984 - the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was separated from the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, headed by V.E. Panin
  • 1985 - the Republican Engineering and Technology Center (RITC) was established at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • 1991 - on the basis of the ISPMS SB RAS, the Russian Materials Science Center was established
  • from 1994 to 1997 the Institute had the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation
  • 1998 - the Institute began to publish the international scientific journal "Physical Mesomechanics" in Russian and "Physical Mesomechanics" in English.
  • 2002 - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergey Grigoryevich Psakhye was elected director of the Institute. By the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician V. E. Panin was appointed scientific director of the Institute
  • 2007 - The English version of the journal "Physical Mesomechanics" is published by the international publishing house Elsevier

Events held at the Institute

  • In 2009, the institute celebrated its 25th anniversary. In this regard, from September 7 to 11, 2009, the International Conference on Physical Mesomechanics, Computer Design and Development of New Materials was held. The opening of the conference took place in the Rubin Congress Center.
  • The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the ISPMS SB RAS annually holds a competition of scientific reports in two categories: the work presented in Russian and the work presented in English.

  • Graduate students and staff of the institute weekly, in the evenings, go to play volleyball and basketball in the gym of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS.
  • Every year the Institute holds a corporate New Year in the House of Scientists located in Tomsk Akademgorodok.
  • The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the ISPMS SB RAS annually participates in the celebration of the foundation of the Tomsk Academgorodok. Prepares a cultural program and artistic miniatures.

Institute staff

The institute employs 420 workers (146 researchers, including 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44 doctors of sciences and 90 candidates of sciences), the number of graduate students in 10 specialties is 40.


  • Director - Psakhye Sergey Grigorievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Adviser of the RAS Institute - Viktor Evgenievich Panin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the RAS.
  • Deputy scientific director
    • Panin Sergey Viktorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
    • Lotkov Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
  • Scientific Secretary - Pleshanov Vasily Sergeevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.


  • Laboratory of Physical Mesomechanics and Non-Destructive Control Methods
  • Laboratory of mechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media
  • Materials Science Laboratory of Shape Memory Alloys
  • Laboratory of Physics of Structural Transformations
  • Strength Physics Laboratory
  • Surface hardening physics laboratory
  • Laboratory of Physical Materials Science
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Biocomposites
  • Laboratory of Computer Design of Materials
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Ceramic Materials
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nonlinear Media
  • Surface Phenomena Physics Laboratory
  • Composite Materials Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Polymer Composite Materials
  • Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Powder Materials
  • Laboratory of Materials Science of Coatings and Nanotechnologies
  • Coating Methods Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Finely Dispersed Materials
  • International Research Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
  • Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center "Svarka"

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS

- For what? I do not know. So it is necessary. Besides, I'm going…” He stopped. “I am going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!

A woman's dress rustled in the next room. As if waking up, Prince Andrei shook himself, and his face assumed the same expression that it had in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room. Pierre swung his legs off the sofa. The princess entered. She was already in a different, homely, but equally elegant and fresh dress. Prince Andrei stood up, courteously pushing a chair for her.
“Why, I often think,” she began, as always, in French, hastily and bustlingly sitting down in an armchair, “why didn’t Annette get married?” How stupid you all are, messurs, for not marrying her. Excuse me, but you don't understand anything about women. What a debater you are, Monsieur Pierre.
- I argue everything with your husband; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war, ”said Pierre, without any hesitation (so common in the relationship of a young man to a young woman) turning to the princess.
The princess was startled. Apparently, Pierre's words touched her to the core.
Ah, that's what I'm saying! - she said. “I don’t understand, I absolutely don’t understand why men can’t live without war?” Why do we women want nothing, why do we need nothing? Well, you be the judge. I tell him everything: here he is an uncle's adjutant, the most brilliant position. Everyone knows him so well and appreciates him so much. The other day at the Apraksins, I heard a lady ask: "c" est ca le fameux prince Andre? Ma parole d "honneur! [Is this the famous Prince Andrei? Honestly!] She laughed. - He is so accepted everywhere. He can very easily be an adjutant wing. You know, the sovereign spoke to him very graciously. Annette and I talked about how easy it would be to arrange. What do you think?
Pierre looked at Prince Andrei and, noticing that his friend did not like this conversation, did not answer.
- When are you leaving? - he asked.
- Ah! ne me parlez pas de ce depart, ne m "en parlez pas. Je ne veux pas en entendre parler, [Ah, don't tell me about this departure! I don't want to hear about it,] the princess spoke in such a capriciously playful tone as she spoke with Hippolyte in the living room, and who obviously did not go to the family circle, where Pierre was, as it were, a member. “Today, when I thought that all these expensive relationships should be interrupted ... And then, you know, Andre?” She winked significantly at her husband. - J "ai peur, j" ai peur! [I'm scared, I'm scared!] She whispered, shuddering her back.
The husband looked at her with a look as if he was surprised to notice that someone else, besides him and Pierre, was in the room; and he turned inquiringly to his wife with cold courtesy:
What are you afraid of, Lisa? I can't understand, he said.
- That's how all men are selfish; everyone, all egoists! Because of his own whims, God knows why, he leaves me, locks me up in a village alone.
“With your father and sister, don’t forget,” Prince Andrei said quietly.
- All the same, alone, without my friends ... And she wants me not to be afraid.
Her tone was already grouchy, her lip rose, giving her face not a joyful, but a brutal, squirrel-like expression. She fell silent, as if finding it indecent to talk about her pregnancy in front of Pierre, while this was the essence of the matter.
“All the same, I didn’t understand, de quoi vous avez peur, [What are you afraid of],” Prince Andrei said slowly, not taking his eyes off his wife.
The princess blushed and frantically waved her hands.
- Non, Andre, je dis que vous avez tellement, tellement change ... [No, Andrey, I say: you have changed so, so much ...]
“Your doctor tells you to go to bed earlier,” said Prince Andrei. - You should go to sleep.
The princess said nothing, and suddenly her short, mustache-lined sponge trembled; Prince Andrei, standing up and shrugging his shoulders, walked across the room.
Pierre, surprised and naive, looked through his glasses first at him, then at the princess, and stirred, as if he, too, wanted to get up, but again pondered.
“What does it matter to me that Monsieur Pierre is here,” the little princess suddenly said, and her pretty face suddenly broke into a tearful grimace. “I wanted to tell you for a long time, Andre: why have you changed so much towards me?” What did I do to you? You're going to the army, you don't feel sorry for me. For what?
– Lise! - only said Prince Andrei; but in this word there was both a request, and a threat, and, most importantly, an assurance that she herself would repent of her words; but she went on hurriedly:
“You treat me like a sick person or a child. I see everything. Were you like this six months ago?
“Lise, I ask you to stop,” Prince Andrei said even more expressively.
Pierre, becoming more and more agitated during this conversation, got up and went up to the princess. He seemed unable to bear the sight of tears and was ready to cry himself.
- Calm down, princess. It seems so to you, because I assure you, I myself experienced ... why ... because ... No, excuse me, the stranger is superfluous here ... No, calm down ... Farewell ...
Prince Andrei stopped him by the hand.
- No, wait, Pierre. The princess is so kind that she does not want to deprive me of the pleasure of spending the evening with you.
“No, he only thinks of himself,” the princess said, unable to hold back her angry tears.
“Lise,” said Prince Andrei dryly, raising his tone to the degree that shows that patience is exhausted.
Suddenly, the angry squirrel expression of the princess's pretty face was replaced by an attractive and compassionate expression of fear; she looked frowningly at her husband with her beautiful eyes, and on her face appeared that timid and confessing expression that a dog has, quickly, but feebly wagging his lowered tail.
- Mon Dieu, mon Dieu! [My God, my God!] - the princess said and, picking up the fold of her dress with one hand, she went up to her husband and kissed him on the forehead.

The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFPM SB RAS) was established in 1984 and is one of the leading scientific institutions in Russia in the field of materials science, development and creation of new materials, including nanomaterials and products from them. The Institute is a non-profit scientific organization. The founder and owner of the property of the Institute is the Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder of the Institute on behalf of the Russian Federation are exercised by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. ISPMS SB RAS is the parent organization of the Association of Educational and Scientific Organizations "Russian Materials Science Center", established in 1992 by a joint decision of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the SB RAS and the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

The main scientific direction of the Institute is “physical mesomechanics of materials and nanotechnologies”. Within the framework of the main scientific direction, the following areas of research focused on solving fundamental and applied problems have been formed:

  • physical mesomechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media;
  • nanostructured bulk and nanosized materials, nanostructured surface layers, thin films and coatings;
  • nanotechnology;
  • materials of new generations on metal, ceramic and polymer bases;
  • computer design of new materials and technologies for their production;
  • scientific foundations of technologies for hardening and surface treatment of materials;
  • non-destructive control methods;
  • development of unique research, industrial and diagnostic equipment and technologies.

The Institute has developed an effective structure for organizing scientific research in the field of strength physics, mechanics of deformable solids, and modern materials science. Fundamental research is carried out within the framework of the state task for 9 complex projects, as well as 45 grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 4 projects of the Russian Science Foundation, and a number of other projects of domestic and international scientific foundations. Over the past five years, 34 projects have been implemented within the framework of federal target programs, since 2014 4 new projects of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014" 2020" .

The Institute has achieved great success in the field of physical mesomechanics, physics of strength and plasticity, modeling of the processes of deformation and destruction of materials, development and creation of materials for structural and functional purposes, hard alloys, ceramic and polymer composites, nanomaterials for medicine and technology, nanotechnologies. A number of promising methods have been developed for applying hardening and protective coatings and modifying surface layers of materials.

The results of fundamental research are the basis for the development and creation of new materials, technologies and equipment. Scientists and specialists of the Institute have created a whole range of unique scientific and technical developments. Among them are technologies for creating nanodispersed materials, including nanopowders and nanofibers. The nanosized powders and fibers produced at the Institute are used as sorbents to remove a wide range of contaminants from water, including microbiological ones, to create antiseptic materials, as well as to manufacture ceramics, nanocomposite polymeric materials with increased wear resistance. The equipment and technologies developed at the Institute for applying superhard nanocomposite coatings make it possible to introduce new high-speed material processing processes into mechanical engineering and increase the wear resistance of machine parts and mechanisms. Technologies for applying nanostructured heat-reflecting coatings on architectural glass have great prospects for energy saving. Electron-beam methods for the formation of nanostructured layers on the surface of metals and alloys open up fundamentally new opportunities for improving the performance properties of critical parts.

Promising developments, in turn, are the basis of innovation activity - one of the Institute's strategic development priorities, which includes all aspects of technology commercialization.

The pilot production of the Institute is equipped with a modern fleet of metalworking equipment and produces the main components, assemblies and assembly of the developed plants and equipment, as well as manufactures products and prototypes on orders from the research and innovation departments of the Institute.

The research and production and administrative complex of the Institute includes 5 buildings with a total area of ​​23,044 square meters. The Institute has 19 scientific laboratories, 1 scientific department, 1 scientific and technological department, the testing laboratory "Metal-Test", the center for collective use "Nanotech". The total number at the beginning of 2015 is 351 employees, of which 192 are researchers, including 1 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Ph.D. RAS, 52 Doctors of Science and 98 Candidates of Science. The average age of researchers is 47 years. The Institute has two dissertation councils with the right to defend doctoral and master's theses in six specialties, more than 30 people study annually in graduate school in ten specialties, there are branches of four departments of Tomsk universities.

ISPMS SB RAS is a dynamically developing scientific institute that is well-known and recognized in Russia and abroad. The Institute actively develops international cooperation and interacts with universities and scientific centers of different countries.

The Institute founded the scientific journal "Physical Mesomechanics", which is published in Russian and English.

The scientific and methodological management of the Institute is carried out by the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Joint Scientific Council for Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. ISPMS SB RAS is the parent organization of the Association of Educational and Scientific Organizations "Russian Materials Science Center", established in 1992 by a joint decision of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the SB RAS and the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

The main scientific direction of the Institute is "physical mesomechanics of materials and nanotechnologies". Within the framework of the main scientific direction, the following areas of research focused on solving fundamental and applied problems have been formed:

  • physical mesomechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media;
  • nanostructured bulk and nanosized materials, nanostructured surface layers, thin films and coatings;
  • nanotechnology;
  • materials of new generations on metal, ceramic and polymer bases;
  • computer design of new materials and technologies for their production;
  • scientific foundations of technologies for hardening and surface treatment of materials;
  • non-destructive control methods;
  • development of unique research, industrial and diagnostic equipment and technologies.

The Institute has developed an effective structure for organizing scientific research in the field of strength physics, mechanics of deformable solids, and modern materials science. Fundamental research is carried out on 7 complex projects of four "basic" programs of the SB RAS, as well as on 16 projects of the programs of the Presidium and specialized departments of the RAS, 13 integration projects of the SB RAS, 35 RFBR grants, as well as a number of other projects of domestic and international scientific foundations. Within the framework of the Federal target scientific and technical program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007 - 2012" in 2009, 3 topics are being implemented.

The Institute has achieved great success in the field of physical mesomechanics, physics of strength and plasticity, modeling of the processes of deformation and destruction of materials, development and creation of materials for structural and functional purposes, hard alloys, ceramic and polymer composites, nanomaterials for medicine and technology, nanotechnologies. A number of promising methods have been developed for applying hardening and protective coatings and modifying surface layers of materials.

The results of fundamental research are the basis for the development and creation of new materials, technologies and equipment. Scientists and specialists of the Institute have created a whole range of unique scientific and technical developments. Among them are technologies for creating nanodispersed materials, including nanopowders and nanofibers. The nanosized powders and fibers produced at the Institute are used as sorbents to remove a wide range of contaminants from water, including microbiological ones, to create antiseptic materials, as well as to manufacture ceramics, nanocomposite polymeric materials with increased wear resistance. The equipment and technologies developed at the Institute for applying superhard nanocomposite coatings make it possible to introduce new high-speed material processing processes into mechanical engineering and increase the wear resistance of machine parts and mechanisms. Technologies for applying nanostructured heat-reflecting coatings on architectural glass have great prospects for energy saving. Electron-beam methods for the formation of nanostructured layers on the surface of metals and alloys open up fundamentally new opportunities for improving the performance properties of critical parts.

Promising developments, in turn, are the basis of innovation - one of the Institute's strategic development priorities, which includes all aspects of technology commercialization.

The pilot production of the Institute is equipped with a modern fleet of metalworking equipment and produces the main components, assemblies and assembly of the developed plants and equipment, as well as manufactures products and prototypes on orders from the research and innovation departments of the Institute.

The research and production and administrative complex of the Institute includes 5 buildings with a total area of ​​18487 square meters. The Institute has 15 scientific laboratories, 2 scientific and technological departments, the International Center for Research on the Physical Mesomechanics of Materials, the Svarka intersectoral scientific and technical center, the Metal-Test testing laboratory, and the Nanotech collective use center. The total number of employees is 420 people, including 146 researchers, including 1 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44 Doctors of Science and 90 Candidates of Science. The average age of Doctors of Sciences is 55 years, Candidates of Sciences - 45 years, Researchers in general - 46 years. The Institute has two dissertation councils with the right to defend doctoral and master's theses in six specialties, more than 40 people study annually in graduate school in ten specialties, there are branches of four departments of Tomsk universities.

ISPMS SB RAS is a dynamically developing scientific institute that is famous and recognized in Russia and abroad. The Institute actively develops international cooperation and interacts with universities and scientific centers of different countries.

The Institute founded the scientific journal "Physical Mesomechanics", which is published in Russian and English.


  • Laboratory of Physical Mesomechanics and Non-Destructive Control Methods
  • Laboratory of mechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media
  • Materials Science Laboratory of Shape Memory Alloys
  • Laboratory of Physics of Structural Transformations
  • Strength Physics Laboratory
  • Surface hardening physics laboratory
  • Laboratory of Physical Materials Science
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Biocomposites
  • Laboratory of Computer Design of Materials
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Ceramic Materials
  • Laboratory of Physics of Nonlinear Media
  • Surface Phenomena Physics Laboratory
  • Composite Materials Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Polymer Composite Materials
  • Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Powder Materials
  • Laboratory of Materials Science of Coatings and Nanotechnologies
  • Coating Methods Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Finely Dispersed Materials
  • International Research Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
  • Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center "Svarka"

Director of the Institute:

634055 Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/4

The Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFPM SB RAS) was established in 1984 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2267r dated December 3, 1983, and the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences dated December 22, 1983 No. 1574 The Institute is a structural unit of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is a member of organizations united by the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The scientific and methodological management of the Institute is carried out by the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Joint Scientific Council for Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. ISPMS SB RAS is the parent organization of the Association of Educational and Scientific Organizations "Russian Materials Science Center", established in 1992 by a joint decision of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the SB RAS and the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

The main goal of the Institute is to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research in the main scientific direction: physical mesomechanics of materials and nanotechnology. Within the framework of the main scientific direction, the following areas of research focused on solving fundamental and applied problems have been formed:

  • physical mesomechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media;
  • nanostructured bulk and nanosized materials, nanostructured surface layers, thin films and coatings;
  • nanotechnology;
  • materials of new generations on metal, ceramic and polymer bases;
  • computer design of new materials and technologies for their production;
  • scientific foundations of technologies for hardening and surface treatment of materials;
  • non-destructive control methods;
  • development of unique research, industrial and diagnostic equipment and technologies.

The structural subdivision of the Institute is the testing laboratory "Metal-Test", whose activity is to test ferrous and non-ferrous metals and products from them; composite materials, including powder, and products from them; non-metal raw materials; metallurgical sludge; technological solutions and drinking water. The testing laboratory is accredited by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology for technical competence and independence.

The Institute organizes the work of four basic departments of Tomsk universities: National Research Tomsk State University (Department of Physics of Metals, Department of Strength and Design), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Department of Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering, Department of High-Tech Physics in Mechanical Engineering). Training of specialists at these departments is carried out in 13 areas and specialties.

The Institute has a license to conduct educational activities in the direction of "postgraduate studies" in 10 specialties: 01.02.04 - mechanics of a deformable solid body; 01.04.01 - instruments and methods of experimental physics; 01.04.07 - Condensed Matter Physics; 02.00.04 - physical chemistry; 05.02.01 - materials science (mechanical engineering); 05.03.01 - technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing; 05.03.06 - technology and machines of welding production; 05.13.05 - elements and devices of computer technology and control systems; 05.16.01 - metallurgy and heat treatment of metals; 05.16.06 - powder metallurgy and composite materials. Two dissertation councils at ISPMS SB RAS (D 003.038.01, D 003.038.02) accept for defense doctoral and master's theses in 6 specialties (01.02.04, 01.04.07, 05.02.01, 05.03.01, 05.03.06, 05.16 .01).

The research and production and administrative complex of the Institute includes 5 buildings with a total area of ​​18487 square meters. The Institute has 15 scientific laboratories, 2 scientific and technological departments, the International Center for Research on the Physical Mesomechanics of Materials, the Metall-Test testing laboratory, and the Nanotech collective use center. The total number of employees is 420 people, including 146 researchers, including 1 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44 Doctors of Science and 90 Candidates of Science.

The Institute regularly holds an international conference on physical mesomechanics, computer design and development of new materials, and is also a co-organizer of 3-5 conferences a year, including abroad. The Institute actively develops international cooperation and interacts with universities and scientific centers of different countries. The Institute founded the scientific journal "Physical Mesomechanics", which is published in Russian and English.

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