Home Natural farming From their bodies an obscene word. About the dangers of mat, foul language. Measures of influence for obscene vocabulary

From their bodies an obscene word. About the dangers of mat, foul language. Measures of influence for obscene vocabulary

On Monday, April 23, Roskomnadzor fined the Internet newspaper Znak for publishing a video containing obscenities. Later, the RKN sent a protocol listing five obscene words that cannot be written or pronounced in the media. Thus, the department has clearly indicated what refers to the mates for which it can ban the media. Medialeaks has compiled them into one list.

One of the last victims of Roskomnadzor's struggle for the purity of the Russian language was the Internet newspaper Znak. On Monday, April 23, the publication received a notification from the supervisory authority. RKN accused the newspaper of publishing a video containing obscenities and imposed an administrative fine. Dmitry Kolezev, deputy editor of Znak, told about this on the official Telegram page of the publication.

A few days later, on April 27, the RKN supplemented the notification with an official protocol, in which it told what words journalists were not allowed to write (and speak). The document listed in paints everything that should be known about obscenities for media representatives, so moralphages should refrain from viewing it. For the same reason, we cannot publish it, but it is our duty to warn you about the taboo words.

The task is complicated by the fact that for partial censorship of these words with the help of asterisks, lines or any other signs, the publication will also be fined, and there is not far off a ban. This was announced on the newspaper's Telegram channel by the same Kolezev.

RKN refers to the opinion of Doctor of Philology I. A Sternin, who considers five words of the Russian language as obscenities, as well as their derivatives. Medialeaks tried to enumerate these words without abusing the freedom of the media.

The first of these obscene expressions was the most common colloquial version of the word for the male genital organ. This expression can be found in such a product of folk art as a saying with a mention of the writer Leo Tolstoy, indicating to a person an excessive exaggeration of his own capabilities: "In words, you are Leo Tolstoy, but in deeds ...". Of course, we are giving an unfinished version of the expression.

In second place is the similar five-letter name of the female genital organ. In the list of mata from the RKN, it is used in two versions - the most vernacular and well-known (and in some circles it serves as an answer to the question "Yes?"), And also one more, which in its sound and spelling is very similar to the word "mandate", however does not contain voiceless consonants and at the same time rhymes perfectly with the first (more familiar and traditional version).

The next obscene word refers to what dads and moms do behind closed doors. The most vernacular version of this action, which you are unlikely to use with your parents, is the very mate.

The last obscene word noted by the RKN is often used by Russian-speaking people as an interjection in moments of deep mental disorder. In addition, according to the version proposed by Roskomnadzor in the protocol, it means "a woman of dissolute behavior." This mate also causes controversy among young spelling fans who cannot decide whether it ends - "d" or "t".

The media that do not censor these five words, as well as all the variants resulting from them, will receive notifications from Roskomnadzor. At the same time, the list of forbidden words includes obscene words formed incorrectly or with errors. A word is considered obscene if it contains the root of the forbidden word.

The States also tried to understand the Russian language. Buzzfeed reporters have diligently translated and described for their compatriots. But it turned out that they are not so easy to understand. As a result, Russian readers explained to journalists why they should not confuse female organs with male ones in mat.

And in Canada, chocolate makers directly named their products with the word SHYTE, which in Old English means exactly what you will definitely not eat. But, as it turned out,.

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"Let no rotten word go out of your mouth" ()

Pay attention to every word

O. Afanasy (Gumerov)

According to the Creator's plan, man was given a word, first of all for a prayer appeal to His Heavenly Parent, communication with people on the basis of love and peace, as well as for the realization of his creative talents. A person who uses foul language uses this special gift to manifest his inner impurity, pouring dirt out of himself through him. By this he defiles the image of God in himself.

Therefore, the Holy Bible calls along with other grave sins: "And now you put away everything: anger, rage, anger, slander, foul language of your lips" (). The holy apostles denounce the sins that people commit through the word: “tongue is fire, an embellishment of unrighteousness; the tongue is in such a position between our members that it defiles the whole body and inflames the circle of life, being itself inflamed from Gehenna ”(); "Let no rotten word come out of your mouth" ().

Foul language is a heinous vice, which in the Holy Scriptures is equated with a mortal sin (). The Russian mother earth groans from him, he has corrupted the souls and lips of great philosophers and writers who are still trying to teach others good things and utter wonderful words aloud, but cannot cope with this addiction, being alone, in the circle of friends, when nothing is does not force himself to restrain himself.

The spiritual life has diminished - the church preaching has diminished as well. Whether for false shame, for fear of reproaches for mentioning in the church such an “inconvenience of what is said” - and even an object that does not correspond to the situation, whether because neither can you do anything against the sea of ​​sin, but only such a sermon has stopped. Where are the former Pauls, Cyprians, Basils, Chrysostoms? Where are they, mercilessly, relentlessly denouncing this vileness, because of which it is impossible to lay the very beginning of salvation? After all, there is corruption of the body and there is corruption of the soul, and since the soul surpasses the body, and the word is the most valuable and highest in a person, distinguishing him from cattle and likening to God (compare: God the Word), to the extent that corruption of the soul and desecration of the word is a great sin in comparison with everything else. Everything else already accompanies him.

Shame is a disease that falls ill, however, voluntarily. And how psychiatrists deal with it as a disease, and cultural historians, ethnographers, anthropologists build their fortune-telling about its origin. Even philologists (and it seems that most of all - they also "move science") are interested in this phenomenon. Currently, in the West there is a whole literature, translated and original, on this score: multivolume descriptions of just one thing - sexual intercourse among different peoples and at all times, natural and unnatural, in the accompanying environment of which they sometimes think to find the conditions for the origin of shame; then various dictionaries, collections of obscene words and expressions, and the like.

Of course, they will say that this is done for "scientific" purposes, and not for the sake of satisfying the passions of immoral people who buy up pornographic poems, descriptions, paintings, photographic cards, and so on. And I will say: is your notorious science in that, putting on a professor's uniform with a doctoral badge on it and armed for decency in Latin, to study what prostitutes are ashamed to talk about among themselves when they are not busy with their craft? Doesn't this mean, under the guise of a lofty goal, to secretly engage in the most vile and subtle debauchery? The devil, of course, does not at all need a writer or a great scientist to stagger about brothels and waste his health, - although, as we have seen, he does not disdain this either, but he is much more interested in a talented figure, thanks to his darkened abilities , corrupted the masses of people. If he perishes, then only one will perish, and if he lets his writings into the people, poisoned by the subtle poison of sin, then he will destroy many. The devil has much to rejoice ... And things of this kind can be done only under the guise of an important deed or even a virtue. Here and here - de science, need, a good goal is pursued. But if this were so, it would be necessary to show not only what the abomination of vice is, but also how to get rid of it, and religion should be involved in the matter, listen to what she has to say. After all, this concerns her most of all. But nothing of the kind is observed. Consequently, all construction from demons - first, the leaders of “cultured” humanity are subtly deceived and corrupted: scientists, poets, writers, and through them the society, the reading public. And maybe even mutually.

Shame is inherent in all ages, places and peoples. This vice is a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting with the “satanic depths” () and dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others, and ending with the classical heirs of the biblical Ham. Moreover, this vice and some kind of secret strange attraction to it are in direct proportion to how close a person is to God. And if he moves away from the Divine, then he immediately begins to enter the satanic realm and acquire this nasty habit - to call on the name of the evil one instead of God and instead of divine things to remember the shameful ones. And the most amazing thing is that a person, repeating some shameless words and actions in the 20th century after the Nativity of Christ, does not even know to whom and to what he owes this, from the same century, but only before the Nativity of Christ.

Christian! When using them, think about whom you serve instead of God, whom you pray to, what you do. You are not just doing a frivolous deed, you are not making a simple rude joke, your words are not a simple vibration of air waves. But you utter - although, unfortunate one, you do not believe in it - terrible spells, you call upon and attract the most vile demons, at this time you bring an unnatural verbal sacrifice to Satan. You become, through the most stinking devices, a sorcerer, a magician, a sorcerer, perhaps without knowing and not even that. However, the matter remains the matter - and the demons surround you and applaud ...

Foul language is found not only in oral speech, but also in printed form - among writers, and among the illiterate, it gives rise to the so-called “fence literature”. And this kind of vice is not only a distinctive feature of our time, but has existed always and everywhere. This is understandable if we take into account what was said above about the origin of foul language.

Nowadays, foul language is a widespread vice (and not only of Russians). Even in the so-called “graceful” literature, and, moreover, foreign, the authors cannot get around it: “... I heard strong words and abuse with the mention of parents”, - the famous American writer Jack London describes in one of his main novels.

But especially striking and disgusting are facts from the personal life of the "leaders" of humanity and cultural thought, various Goethe, Schopenhauer, Pushkin, Lermontov, linguistic, Saltykov-Shchedrin and many others. They are especially instructive for those who are attentive to their inner life and who care about the purity of their hearts. At the sight of how geniuses and talents whip from this passion, like flowers before the heat of a red-hot stove, at the sight of how the infection sometimes passes from their souls to the body, and it begins to rot, and how insignificant, "junk" thing becomes all their enormous talent, powerless, pitiful, worthless, how not to cry for ordinary people and turn to God, the One Defender for help! , along with aristocratic upbringing do not insure against the ugliness and madness of this vileness, then why are they? We must look for other ways ... They will ask: where to look? - In Christianity.

But how does Christianity look at all this? Does it say anything about swearing? Is there a definite view, a direct ecclesiastical commandment regarding her? - Everything is.

The Holy Apostle Paul commands: “Fornication and all uncleanness should not even be named among you, as is fitting for the saints. Likewise, foul language and idle talk and ridicule do not deserve you, but, on the contrary, thanksgiving, for know that no fornicator or unclean person ... has inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God ”().

Even more clearly (in the Greek text) the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Colossians (3, 8):
"... And now you put aside everything: anger, rage, malice, slander, foul language of your lips."

St. Apostle James (3, 6-12).

The holy fathers and teachers of the Church in the first centuries of Christianity, when Christians constantly encountered depraved pagans, were forced to constantly remind believers of their high rank, so that they would protect themselves and fear lest they become infected with the very same stinking habit with which the pagans are sick. At the same time, they explained what the true essence of vice is.

No less jealously, we must guard ourselves against obscene speech against us; the hearing of believers in Christ must be protected from this. "

It's all about use and purpose. Indeed, in essence, “not in the words by which moral shame is caused in us for some organs, not in these parts of the body themselves, not in the sexual intercourse of a married couple ... there is nothing that would denote indecent in the proper sense. The knee, calves and similar members do not represent anything indecent either in their names or in their activities; the genital parts of a person are objects of shame, not shame. Obscene, worthy of shame and shame, and therefore worthy of punishment, is only illegal putting into action, because only sin and its deeds are truly obscene. Accordingly, by speaking obscene in the proper sense, we can mean speaking only about sinful things, for example, about fornication, pederasty and the like. However, idle chatter should also be avoided. "

I will write another quote from the saint. “Do you want to know how great evil is to speak shameful and shameful? Look how those who listen to you blush from your shamelessness. Indeed, what could be worse and more despicable than a person who shamelessly scolders? Better to spew rottenness from the mouth than foul language. If your breath smells bad, then you do not touch the common meal; but when there is such a stench in your soul, tell me, how dare you approach the Mysteries of the Lord? If someone took an unclean vessel and put it at your meal, you would drive him away by beating him with sticks. Tell me now, do you really not think of angering God when you bring words to His meal (and our lips are the meal of God, when we partake of the Sacrament of the Eucharist), the most disgusting of any unclean vessel? How could it be otherwise? Nothing angers Him, His Holiness and Purest, as such words; nothing makes people so arrogant and shameless as when they speak and listen to such words; nothing upsets the nerves of chastity more easily than the fire that ignites from such words. God put in your mouth a scent, and you put words into them, more stinking than any corpse, you kill the very soul and make it insensitive. "

This sin is so important and requires so much attention for its eradication, both on the part of the guilty party and on the part of the pastors, that she even brought this issue up for discussion in her councils, considering it necessary to turn to assistance and state power, especially in those cases, when pagans allowed themselves to shamelessly express themselves in holy places for Christians, leading Christians themselves into this temptation, so that the Council of Carthage (318) once said with deep sorrow: “And baptize shame ... countless pious wives ... so that from the shelter of the most holy faith, it is almost necessary to run away ”.

How should a Christian behave in the presence of foul language?
Immediately, first, turn your mind to God, arm yourself with the Jesus Prayer and, secondly, if you cannot run away, then endure the fight with patience and self-condemnation.

Here are some examples. The Patericon tells how the brethren visited a holy old man living in an empty place. They found its youths outside the monastery, herding and speaking obscene words. After they opened their thoughts to him and benefited from knowing him, they say to him:
- Abba, how do you tolerate such youths and do not forbid them not to spoil them?
“By a weak nature, brethren,” the old man answered with humility. - I sometimes find days when I would like to forbid them, and yet, reproaching myself, I say: if I cannot bear this little, then how can I bear it if a great temptation is sent to me? Therefore, I do not say anything to them in order to get in the habit of tolerating what is happening.
And patience - as the elder knew - is the commandment and promise of the salvation of the Lord Himself ().
He also tells about his spiritual father and elder, Hieroschemamonk Alexander, the hermit of the Gethsemane skete (near the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius), his disciple, also a famous elder, recently deceased, the schema-abbot of the Zosimov Hermitage, Father Herman:
“Once a worldly man came to Father Alexander and began to speak various abominations both about himself and about others. At that time there was a cell attendant in the elder's cell; he could not bear what he had to hear from the narrator and, not wanting to listen any longer, went out. After the cell attendant, having come to the elder, asked him:
- Father, forgive me, I was tempted, hearing the words that the layman spoke to you. I thought it disgusting for you to listen to it?
Father Alexander answered him:
- I did not hear a word, - at that time the mind of the elder was busy with prayer, - and you did well to leave; it would not be necessary to listen at all from the very beginning: the weak in spirit run away from this ... ”.
How wonderful is the virtue of a blessed old man! .. This fragrant honey of chastity and purity is in his mouth and heart in comparison with the fetid bloodthirsty, flowing from the mouth during the lifetime of various famous geniuses and leaders of mankind! ..

(Reprinted in abridgment)

The saint's teachings about foul language

The tongue is a small member, but it does a lot. Look how a small fire kindles how much substance! And the tongue is fire, an embellishment of untruth; the tongue is in such a position between our members that it defiles the whole body and inflames the circle of life, being itself inflamed by Gehenna; for every nature of animals and birds, reptiles and sea animals is tamed and tamed by human nature, and none of people can tame the tongue: this is an irrepressible evil; it is full of deadly poison ().

If someone took it into his head to weigh our thoughts on the right scales, then in a thousand talents of everyday conversations there will hardly be a hundred denarii of spiritual words, or even not even ten obols. Isn't it a shame, isn't it extremely funny, that having a servant, for the most part we use him for things that are necessary, and having received a tongue, we don't treat our own member as we do with a servant, but, on the contrary, use him for things that are useless and in vain? And let it only be in vain for deeds: but we make of it a disgusting and harmful use, from which we will not be in any way. For if what we talk about was useful for us, our speech would be pleasing to God. But what the devil inspires, we say; now we scoff, now we witness, now we curse and offend, now we swear, lie and break our oaths, now we do not want to utter words; then we speak idle and in our talkativeness we surpass the old women, sorting out that which does not concern us at all.

Verily, the talkativeness of the tongue causes much evil, and, on the contrary, its abstinence is much good. As there is no benefit from a house, a city, walls, doors, gates, if there are no guards and people who know when to lock them and when to open them; so there will be no benefit from the tongue and mouth, if the mind is not instructed to open and close them with precision and great discretion, and know what to say and what to keep inside. For not so many, says the Wise, have fallen by the sword as by the tongue (); and Christ says: that which does not enter the mouth defiles a person, but that which proceeds from the mouth will defile a person (); and another one: create a door and a shutter with your mouth (). Let us constantly guard our lips, setting the mind like a constipation, not so that they should be permanently closed, but so that they may be opened at the proper time. Because sometimes silence is more useful than words, and sometimes words are better than silence. Therefore, the Wise says: the time to be silent and the time to speak ((Eccl. 3: 7). If the lips were to be constantly open, then doors would not be needed for them; Why keep what is locked? For this is the door and the keeping, so that we do everything at the right time. we not only uttered the words that we should, but with due care, so to speak, weighed and discussed them.If we do this with gold and perishable matter, then all the more we must do it with words so that there is not a lack of them Therefore, the Wise One says: do not forbid words during salvation (). Do you see the time of the utterance of words? wake your hand on your mouth (). Also: multiply your words, vile will be (). Better a man hide his riot, than a man hide his wisdom (). Have you heard the word, that he will die with you: do not be afraid, he will not dissolve you (). Also: on behalf of the word, the buoy will ache, as if giving birth from the face of a baby (). Further, he says about the measure of words: verbs to a young man, if you have a need, are barely two, if you are asked: shorten the word, utter many small ones (Sir, 32: 9,10). It really takes a lot of discretion to be able to use a language perfectly safely. Therefore, he also says: there is reproof, the hedgehog is not red and there is silence and gaining wisdom (). It is necessary not only to be silent and speak in good time, but also with great grace; That is why Paul says: let your word always be in grace, solia dissolved, lead, as befits you, the only one who can answer (). Think that this is the member with which we converse with God, for whom we praise Him; it is the member with which we accept a terrible sacrifice. The faithful know what I am talking about. Therefore, it is necessary that he be clean from all condemnation, censure, profanity, slander. If some bad thought is born in us, then we must suppress it inside and not allow it to pass into words. If faint-heartedness makes you grumble, then you need to destroy this root too, keep the door tight and keep it strictly. And vicious desires should not be allowed to be born, but the nascent ones should be suppressed within and drained at the very root.

Job had such a preservation of the tongue; therefore, he did not utter a single obscene word, for the most part was silent, and when it was necessary to answer to his wife, he uttered words full of wisdom. Then one should only speak when words are more useful than silence. Therefore, Christ also said: every idle word, even if men ask, will reward a word about it (). And Paul: Let not every word go rotten out of your mouth (). And how you can keep this door safe and keep it strictly, listen to another about this, who says: wake up your whole story in the law of the Most High (). If you learn not to say anything superfluous, but constantly protect both your thought and your mouth with a conversation from the Divine Scriptures, then your keeping will be stronger than adamant. Truly, there are many ways to perish through the mouth, for example, when someone swears, when he mocks, when he speaks, when he is vain as a Pharisee, who, having no protection in his mouth, in a few words poured out everything that was within him, and therefore, like a house without a door, unable to keep the treasure that was in it, suddenly became poor. Another, look, died through vanity; for he said: I will set my throne higher than the stars of heaven (). And the Jews sometimes, because they rejoiced in the misfortunes of their neighbors, they hear: you are out of sight: good, it was like other heathens Israel; sometimes they are reproached for murmuring and saying: all do evil, good in the sight of the Lord, and in them it is good pleasure. And now we bless the strangers, and the creation of the lawless is being created. So it is written in the book of the prophet Malachi (2:17; 3 :).

Others perished through murmuring, as Paul says: Murmur not, like the nezii murmur, and perished by the destroyer (). Others through ridicule: Sedosha yasti and piti, and vostasha play (). Others through slander: even if he speaks to his brother: cancer, he is guilty to eat the host (). And others, in a much larger number, perished in other ways, not keeping their lips. If you want to hear how some died even through untimely silence, I will show you. If you do not proclaim to the people, the Lord said, the wicked will die in his iniquity, but I will seek his shelter from your hand (Ezek. 3:18). And the other - through what he says to everyone indiscriminately and throws what was entrusted to him: do not give, - said the Lord, - a saint with a dog, nor mark your pearls in front of the pigs (). Others - through laughter; that's why it is said: woe to you who laugh, for you will weep ().

Do you see how lips ruin? See how, on the contrary, the lips save. Have you seen the Pharisee perished through them? Look at the publican who was saved through them. Have you seen a foreigner punished for vanity? Look at the humble righteous man who said: I am earth and ashes (). Have you seen anyone rejoicing in the misfortunes of others, and for that condemned and punished? Look at the compassionate one who is saved; for it is said: Give signs on the faces of the groaning and sick (Ezek. 9: 4). Therefore, Paul also says: rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep (); if, he says, you cannot do anything else, then you will bring considerable consolation to the complaining person with your condolences. Have you seen the laughing one and the devotee crying for that? Look at the bereaved and comforted. The blessedness of the weeping, - said the Lord, - for they will be comforted (). Have you seen those who murmur and were punished for it? Look at the grateful - those who are being saved. Blessed are you, Lord God, our father, - says the prophet, - your name is praised and glorified forever: as you are righteous in all, you have created for us; and a little further: you also pointed at us (). They said: all do evil, good in the sight of the Lord; and these, on the contrary: Thy eye is pure, hedgehog does not see evil (). They pleased the strangers, as if they were created by the wicked; and this one blesses those who receive help from God: blessed, he says, people, even the Lord their God (); and again: do not be jealous of the deceitful, below envy those who do iniquity ().

Have you seen anyone punished for laughing? Look at those who are saved by tears and fasting, remembering the Ninevites. Have you seen anyone punished for backbiting? Look at the recipients of the blessing reward. Blessing you with blessings, and cursing you with curses (Num. 24: 9). Bless those who expel you, pray for those who create to attack you, so that you will be like your Father, There is no heaven (). Do you see that one should neither completely enclose the mouth, nor always open them, but know the time for both? Knowing this, and the prophet said: Lord lay the guardianship with my mouth, and the door of the fence about my mouth ().

What kind of protection is this if not a thought that stands menacingly and holds fire in its hands, ready to burn those who use their lips recklessly? Make her a gatekeeper and guardian, threatening conscience, and she will never open the door untimely, but in time, for the benefit and for innumerable benefits. Therefore, someone said: in all words, remember your last one and sin not forever (). If so, then no evil will be born in the soul. Compare this with another saying: every idle word, even if a rekut, will reward a word about it on the day of judgment (). Remember that death came from here. For if the wife had not talked with the serpent about what she was talking about, if she had not accepted his words, then she herself would not have received harm and the husband would not have given fruit, and he would not have tasted. I say this not to blame the tongue and lips - no, but their untimely use, which comes from the carelessness of the mind. However, it is necessary to guard not only the mouth, but also the thought even before the mouth. Therefore, someone said: whoever will lay wounds on my thought, but they will not spare my follies (). Therefore, Christ destroys the most inner vicious thoughts when he says: he will take on his wife to lust for her, already committing adultery with her in his hearts (). Do you see how He does not allow lust or anger to grow and even begin? For those who are angry with a brother, - He says, - are guilty there is judgment (). Not a little serves to safety and not to say a lot; Therefore, it is said: do not avoid sin from verbosity: have mercy on the mouth of the wisdom of your mouth ().

I don’t know where this disease came from: we have become talkative, nothing holds in our souls. Listen to one wise man who, admonishing, says: have you heard the word, that he will die with you: do not be afraid, he will not tear you apart (); and again: on behalf of the word, the buoy will ache, as if giving birth from the face of a baby (). We are ready for accusations, quick for condemnations. If we did not do any other evil, then this is enough to destroy us, lead us into Gehenna, cause us thousands of troubles. And in order for you to know this more accurately, listen to the prophet who says: sitting on his brother is a slander (). But not me, you say, but another. No you. If you did not speak, the other would not hear; but even if you had heard, you would not have been guilty of sin. The shortcomings of neighbors should be hidden and covered up, and you, under the pretext of benevolence, expose them, if you do not become an accuser, then a storyteller, a talker, a fool. Oh, shame! Together with him, you shame yourself and do not feel? see how much evil comes from here: you anger God, grieve your neighbor, make yourself guilty of punishment! Have you heard what Paul says about widows? Not exactly idle, he says, they learn to go around the houses, but they are also whores and curious, the verb is no longer appropriate (). Thus, even when you believed what was said about your brother, you should not retell it, and even more so when you do not believe it. You always take care of yourself, fearing not to be judged by God. Fear, lest I be condemned to you for your talkativeness. You cannot say: God will not condemn me for my talkativeness; and this business is talkativeness. Why are you spreading the rumor? Why do you multiply evil? It can destroy us. That is why Christ says: do not judge, lest you be judged (). But we do not think about it at all, and the example of the Pharisee does not enlighten us. He told the truth: I am like this tax collector, he said when no one listened to him, and yet he was condemned (). If he is condemned by speaking the truth and saying when no one listened to him; then to what torment will those who spread false things and such things of which they themselves are not sure, like talkative women, will be subjected to? What will they not tolerate? Let us put our door and fence on our lips. From talkativeness, countless evils occurred: families were upset, bonds of friendship were broken, thousands of other disasters occurred. Do not try, man, to recognize that which concerns your neighbor. But you are chatty, do you have this flaw? Better speak to God about your deeds - and this will not be a disadvantage, but will be an gain; talk about your deeds to friends, true and just friends, on whom you rely, so that they pray for your sins. If you talk about other people's affairs, you will not receive any benefit, no gain, but you will still receive harm; but if you confess your deeds before the Lord, you will receive a great reward.

So, let us know the nets and walk further from them; let us know the rapids and will not approach them. We will be perfectly safe if we avoid not only sins, but also that which, although it seems indifferent, can be a stumbling block for us to sin. So, for example, laughter and comic words do not seem to be an obvious sin, but lead to an obvious sin: often from laughter, bad words are born, from bad words - even more bad deeds; often from words and laughter - swearing and insult, from swearing and insult - blows and wounds, from wounds and blows - fatal defeats and murders. So, if you wish yourself well, run away not only bad words and bad deeds - not only blows, wounds and murders - but even untimely laughter, even comic words, because they are the root of subsequent evils. Therefore, Paul says: Do not let profanity and boozing come out of your mouth (); because, although it seems insignificant in itself, it is for us the cause of great evils. Let us avoid not only sins, but also that which, although it seems indifferent, nevertheless, little by little, draws us towards these sins. Let us keep away from sins. Do you want to be far from bad words? - avoid not only bad words, but also indiscriminate laughter and all lust. Do you want to be further from the killing? - Run curse words. The big net is the wildness of the language; she also needs a great bridle. Therefore, someone said: The net is strong to a husband's mouth, and it is captivated by the words of its lips (). So, before all other members, let us temper this (tongue), we will curb it and drive it out of the mouth of swearing and abuse, and foul language, and slander, and the evil habit of oaths.

Let's learn how to defeat an evil demon. He usually harms us by all means, but especially through his tongue and mouth. For no other member is so fit for him for deception and our destruction as an unrestrained tongue and unbridled lips. Hence, many falls happen to us, through this we fall into grave guilt. Explaining how easy it is to fall through the tongue, someone says: I fell with the edge of a sword, but not like a fallen tongue (); and, showing the severity of such a fall, he also adds: crawling on the ground is better than from the tongue (). The meaning of his words is as follows: it is better, he says, to fall and break the body than to utter a word that destroys our soul. And he not only speaks of falls, but also exhorts to have great attentiveness so as not to fall: for your mouth, he says, create a door and a lock (), not that we made doors and locks for them, but that we reject the tongue with great care from obscene words. And in another place, the prophet, showing that with our efforts and before our efforts, we need higher help to keep this beast inside, and, stretching out his hands to heaven, says: lifting my hand, the evening sacrifice. O Lord, lay guardianship with my mouth, and the door of a barrier against my mouth (). Likewise, the one whom the admonitions were given before, still says: whoever gives me a storehouse in my mouth and an intelligent seal on my mouth (). Do you see how each of them is afraid of these falls, cries, gives advice and prays that the language was carefully preserved? But why, you say, did God give us this member in the beginning, if it brings us such harm? Because it can also be of great benefit; and if we were careful, it would only do good and no harm. Listen to what the one who said the previous one says: death and belly in the hand of the tongue (). And Christ expresses the same when he says: from your words you will be justified and from your words you will be judged (). Language is in the middle between the two uses, and you are its master. So the sword is in the same middle; if you use it against enemies, then it becomes a saving tool for you; if you strike yourself, then the cause of defeat is not the property of iron, but your lawlessness. This is how we will talk about language; he is a sword in such a middle; sharpen it to expose your sins, and not to strike a blow to your brother. For this, God also fenced him with a double wall, a number of teeth and a fence of his lips, so that he would not utter obscene words quickly and imprudently. Keep him behind them; if he does not hold back, then tame him with your teeth, betraying his flesh to them, as it were to executioners, and biting him; for it is better for him now to be bitten for sins than then to thirst for a drop of water and, when he dries up, not to receive relief. And he usually commits many other sins when he slanders, blasphemes, swears, slanders, swears, breaks oaths.

Do you want to know how great evil is to speak shameful and shameful? Look how those who listen to you blush from your shamelessness. For what could be worse and more despicable than a person who shamelessly speaks up? Such include themselves in the category of buffoons and dissolute women. But dissolute women have more shame than you. How can you teach chastity to a wife when you provoke her to go into debauchery with shameless words? Better to spew rottenness from the mouth than foul language. If your breath smells bad, then you do not touch the common meal; but when your soul is so stinking, tell me, how dare you approach the Mysteries of the Lord? If someone, taking an unclean vessel, put it at your meal, you, having beaten with sticks, would drive him out: tell me now, do you not think to anger God when you utter the most vile words of any unclean vessel at this meal of Him? For is not our mouth a meal of God when we partake of the sacraments of the Eucharist? How could it be otherwise? For nothing so angering Him, His Holiness and Purest, as such words; nothing makes people so arrogant and shameless as when they speak and listen to such words; nothing dissolves the nerve of chastity more easily than the fire that ignites from such words. God has put in your mouth a scent, and you put in them words the most stinking of any corpse, and through them you kill the very soul and make it insensitive.

And foul language, - says (the Apostle Paul), - and buzzword, or blasphemy, even unseemly, but even more thanksgiving. (). Do not utter words, neither joking nor shameful, and do not put them into action, and you will extinguish the flame. What is the use of telling a joke? Just make her laugh. Tell me, will the shoemaker take on any business that does not belong to his craft, or will he acquire some such instrument? Not at all, because what we do not use is worth nothing to us. Let there not be a single word of idleness, since from idle talk you can go on to an indecent conversation. Now is the time not for amusement, but for crying, sorrow and sobbing. Are you kidding me? What fighter, having entered the arena, leaves the fight with the enemy and makes jokes? Near you, the devil walks around, roaring to devour you, erecting everything and turning everything on your head, plotting how to drive you out of your shelter, gritting his teeth, howling, fanning the fire against your salvation, and you sit and utter jokes, gossip and make obscene speeches ?! Can you successfully defeat him? We have childish fun, beloved! Do you want to know the way of life of the saints? Listen to what Paul says: three summers night and day incessantly teaching with the tears of one who is one of you (). If he used such concern for the Milesians and Ephesians - he did not joke, but taught the doctrine with tears - then what will you say about the others? Listen to what he says to the Corinthians: out of much sorrow and a tight heart, I wrote to you with many tears (); and again: if anyone is faint, I do not faint; who is tempted and I will not get rid of it (11:29) ?! Listen to what he says elsewhere, every day, so to speak, wishing to move out of the world: we groan as we are in this body (). Are you laughing and having fun? It's war time, and you are doing what dancers do? Do you not know how many slander we are here subjected to? You joke and amuse yourself, speak witticisms, excite laughter and do not think at all about business. How much perjury comes from jokes, how much harm, how much foul language! Now is the time of war and battle, vigilance and wakefulness, arms and preparations for the struggle. In the present time there can be no room for laughter at all, for this is the time of peace. Listen to what Christ says: the world will rejoice, but you will be sad (John 16:20). Christ was crucified on the cross because of your atrocities, and you laugh? He was choked, he suffered so much because of your calamities and the storm that announced you, and are you having fun? And isn't it all the more that you annoy Him with this? But since to others this matter seems indifferent and such, from which it is difficult to protect oneself, then let us reason a little about it and show how great this evil is. It is the devil's business not to care about indifferent actions. And, firstly, if it were indifferent, and in this case, one should not neglect it, knowing that from this comes a lot of evils, which grow and often end in fornication. And that it is not indifferent, it is clear from the above. Let's see where this vice comes from? Or rather, let's see what a saint should be like? He should be quiet, meek, grieving, crying, contrite. Therefore, whoever speaks jokes is not a saint. Where there is vileness, there are jokes; where there is untimely laughter, there are jokes. Listen to what the prophet says: work the Lord with fear, and rejoice in him with trembling (). Foolishness makes the soul weak, lazy, sluggish; it often provokes quarrels and war. What? Aren't you one of the husbands? Leave that which is peculiar to children. You don't like it if your slave says something useless in the square; and you, calling yourself a slave of the Lord, make jokes on the square! It is wonderful if the soul is sober - it cannot be captivated, but who does not captivate the absent-minded? She will be deceived by herself, and she will not need the wiles and attacks of the devil. A lot of evils nestle in a jokingly biased soul, great absent-mindedness and emptiness: order is upset, improvement is weakened, fear disappears, piety is absent. You have a tongue not to imitate another, but to thank God.

Let's talk with you about avoiding vows and ask your love to use great diligence on this. How strange it is that a servant does not dare to call his master by his name unnecessarily ... but we pronounce the name of the Lord of Angels everywhere without need and with great carelessness!

When you need to take the Gospel, you, having washed your hands, take it with great reverence and reverence, with trembling and fear, and the name of the Lord of the Gospel unnecessarily everywhere on your tongue? Do you want to know how the name of His heavenly Powers is pronounced, with what trembling, with what horror, with what amazement? Videh, - says (the prophet Isaiah), the Lord of hosts is seated on the throne high and exalted ... and seraphim stand around Him ... and cry out to each other saying: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. fill the whole earth with His glory (). Do you see with what fear, with what trembling they call Him when they praise and sing? And you call him with great carelessness in prayers and petitions, when you should tremble, be careful and attentive. And in oaths, where it would not even be necessary to quote this wonderful name, you weave different gods with one another! And what will be an excuse for us, what will be an excuse, even though we will refer to habit a thousand times? They say about some secular rhetorician that he had a stupid habit, walking, incessantly twitching his right shoulder, but he defeated this habit, began to put sharp knives on both shoulders in order to wean this member from inappropriate movement with fear of injury. Do the same with your tongue and instead of a knife put on it the fear of God's punishment, and you will surely have success. It cannot be that the one who does it carefully and diligently will be left without success. Now you praise my words, but when you correct yourself, you will praise even more not only us, but also yourself; you will become with great pleasure to listen to what will be said, and with a clear conscience pronounce the name of God, who protects you so much that he says: bow down with your head (). And you neglect Him so much that you swear by His glory! But what, you say, should I do with those who make me necessary? What is this need, man? Let everyone know that you would rather decide to endure everything than to break the law of God, and they will not force you. It is not an oath that gives a person faith, but the testimony of life, immaculate behavior and good fame about him: many often strained themselves by swearing, and did not convince anyone, while others by bowing their heads acquired more faith for themselves than those who swore so much.

Knowing this, let us avoid oaths, and let our lips learn to say incessantly "Believe!" This will be the basis of all piety for us, because the tongue, having learned to speak this one word, is ashamed and blushes to pronounce shameful and indecent words, and if when it gets carried away by a habit, then, having many accusers, it will again abstain. When someone sees that the non-swearing man utters shameful words, he will soon attack him, ridicule him and say with a mockery: you, who in any case say: “believe”, do not want to take an oath, but you dishonor your tongue with shameful words? Thus, urged on by those present, we involuntarily turn to piety. What do you say, if it is necessary to swear? Where the law is broken, there is no need. And is it possible, you say, not to swear at all? - What are you saying? God has commanded, and you dare to ask: "Is it possible to keep the law?" It is impossible not to abide by it.

Let not every word be rotten come out of your mouth (). What is this word - rotten? - That which in another place he (the Apostle Paul) calls the word idle, backbiting, shame, gossip, buzzword. Do you see how he cuts the very roots of anger: lies, rash speech? But exactly, he says, there is a blessing for the creation of faith, may it give grace to those who hear (Ephesians, 4:29), i.e. say only what edifies your neighbor, but nothing superfluous. God gave you a mouth and tongue so that you would thank Him and edify your neighbor. If you are destroying a building, then it is better to be silent and not say anything. For the artist's hands, which were assigned to build walls, but instead were trained to destroy them, would justly be cut off. So the Psalmist says: The Lord will consume all mouths of flattering (). Language is the cause of all evil, or, better, not language, but those who use it badly. Hence, insults, slander, blasphemy, passion for pleasure, murder, fornication, theft, everything is born from here. How, they say, does the murder come from? - From an insulting word, you will come to anger, angry, you will start to fight, from a fight not far to murder. How is fornication? You will be told that such-and-such is especially disposed towards you, she speaks of you from an excellent side; these words will shake your firmness, and then impure desires will arise in you.

That is why Paul said: the hedgehog is good. Since there are a great many words, the apostle rightly expressed himself vaguely, giving the command regarding their use and the rule of how to speak. What is the rule? There is a hedgehog ... to creation, he said. Otherwise, say: speak in such a way that the listener would be grateful to you. For example, your brother seduced. Do not scold him with offensive words, do not mock him. You will not do the hearer at all by this, but you will decisively harm him if you sting him with your witticisms. If you admonish him how he should act, then you deserve from him great gratitude. If you teach him to have a benevolent mouth, teach him not to speak evil, then you have taught him a lot and earned his gratitude. If you talk to him about repentance, about bashfulness, about charity, all this will soften his soul. For all this, he will express his gratitude to you. If you arouse laughter, utter an obscene word, and even more praise a vice, then you have upset and ruined everything.

You, beloved, if you have something to say that makes the hearer better, then do not hold back the word during salvation; and if you have nothing of the kind, but only vicious and depraved speech, then be silent so as not to harm your neighbor; that rotten word, which does not edify the hearer, but still corrupts him. If you have to say a word that is shameful and funny, then be silent, because that word is rotten, which makes both the speaker and the listener more distracted and ignites vicious desires in everyone. As firewood and brushwood constitute food for fire, so words are for vicious wishes. Therefore, we must not necessarily express everything that we have in mind, but we must try to remove from the mind itself vicious desires and every shameful thought. If, however, when imperceptibly we allow unclean thoughts in ourselves, then we will never bring them out with our tongue, but we will suppress them with silence. If you feel any shameful wish, then do not utter the shameful word: by this you will extinguish the wish. Are your thoughts unclean? Let your lips at least be clean; do not take this dirt out, so as not to harm both the other and yourself.

Don't say: it doesn't matter if I say a bad word, if I insult one or the other. That is why it is also a great evil that you consider it insignificant. For evil, which is considered insignificant, is easily neglected, and neglected, it will increase; having strengthened, it becomes incurable. Your lips are sealed by the Spirit.

Remember the first word you uttered at your birth, remember the dignity of your lips. Do you call God your Father and at the same time revile your brother? Consider why you call God your Father. By nature? But for this you could not call Him that. For virtue? No, and not for that. Why is that? One by one philanthropy (of God), by His mercy, by his great mercy. So, when you call God Father, then keep in mind not only that by offending (your brother), you are acting unworthy of this nobility, but also that you have this nobility by the goodness of (God). Do not put to shame your nobility, which you yourself received by grace, by the cruel treatment of your brothers. You call God your Father and you insult your neighbor! This is not characteristic of the son of God! The work of the son of God is to forgive enemies, pray for his crucifixes, shed blood for those who hate him. This is what is worthy of a son of God: to make your enemies, ungrateful, thieves, shameless, insidious, your brothers and heirs, and not to offend your brothers, as if some kind of slaves.

Consider what words your mouth uttered, what they deserve to eat: consider what they touch, what they eat, what food they eat. Do you think that by cursing your brother you are not doing an important crime? How, then, do you call him brother? And if he is not your brother, then how do you say: Our Father? For our word indicates a plurality of persons. Think about who you are standing with during secret acts? - With cherubim, with seraphim. Seraphim do not speak evil, but their lips have only one occupation - to praise and glorify God. How will you glorify God? How are you going to say “Holy, Holy, Holy” with them after you utter slander with your lips? Tell me: if the royal vessel, always filled with royal dishes and intended for such use, were used by one of the servants for uncleanness, would he then dare to put again together with other vessels used at the royal table, and this one, filled with uncleanness ? Not at all. Such is the slander, such is the insult of one's neighbor! Our Father! and is that one thing you say? Consider the following words: Who art in heaven. Now you said: Our Father, Who art in heaven, - and these words aroused you, inspired your thought, inspired that you have a Father in heaven. Do not do anything, do not say anything earthly. They lifted you up to the highest rank, added you to the heavenly face. Why are you falling down? You stand before the throne of God and utter slander! Are you not afraid that the King will regard your deed as an insult to Himself? When a slave before our eyes strikes another slave and reviles him, then, even if he did it by right, we are offended by this and take such an act as an offense to ourselves; and you, who were set up with the cherubim before the throne of God, dare to revile your brother? Do you see these holy vessels? They have one purpose; who would dare to use them for another? And you are holier than these vessels, and much holier! Why then do you defile yourself and stain yourself with dirt? Standing in heaven and indulge in slander? Do you live with angels and indulge in backbiting? Did you deserve to kiss the Lord and utter slander? God has adorned your lips with so many angelic chants, honored their kiss, not angelic, but superior to the angel, - His kiss and His Embrace, and you indulge in backbiting? Leave it, please. Such behavior produces great calamities and is unusual for the Christian soul. Didn't we convince you with our words, didn't we shame you? !! In this case, you need to frighten you. Listen to what Christ says: whoever speaks (to his brother), the ugliness, is guilty of hell of fire (Matthew 5:22). So, if He threatens Gehenna to the one who will say (the brother) the easiest of offensive words, then what does the one who utters the more insolent reproaches deserve? Let us teach our lips to be godly. Great benefit comes from this, and great harm from slander.

But I say to you, that every word is idle, even if men recruit, they will reward a word about it on the day of judgment (Matthew, 12:36). An idle word is a word inconsistent with deed, false, breathing slander, and also, according to the explanation of some, an empty word, for example, inciting disorderly laughter, shameless, shameless, indecent. From your words you will be justified, and from your words you will be judged (Matthew, 12:37). Do you see how harmless the judgment is? How meek are the demands of the answer? Not by the words of another, but by your own words, the Judge will pronounce the sentence. What could be fairer than this? For it is in your power to speak and not to speak. Therefore, those who are not slandered need to fear and tremble, but those who slander, because those who are not slandered will have to justify themselves in the fact that unkind rumors were spread about them; but those who curse will give an answer as to why they spoke evil of others. All the trouble will fall on them. So, those who suffer from evil rumors have nothing to worry about, because they are not required to answer that others said bad things about them; but those who speak ill need to fear and tremble, because they will be demanded for judgment for their malice. Truly, this is a devil's net, this is such a sin that does not bring any pleasure, but only one harm. For an evil-speaking person accumulates an evil treasure in his soul. So, let us flee this sin and we will not offend our neighbors either in words or in deeds. The Lord did not say: “if you revile your neighbor in the presence of the people and drag him before the judgment seat, you will be guilty,” but simply: if you speak badly, even if only in private, and then you will incur the greatest condemnation. Even if it were true what you retell about your neighbor, if you were absolutely sure of this, and then you will be punished. For not for what the other God did, he will judge you, but for what you said. Judge your own words. Didn't you hear that the Pharisee also spoke the truth (about the publican), expressed what was known to everyone, and announced what was not a secret? And yet he was severely condemned. If one should not disclose obvious sins, then all the more unknown and unproven. He who has sinned has a judge over him. So, do not anticipate your honor, which belongs to the Only Begotten, to whom is the throne of judgment.

Therefore, I beg you, let us say what is proper for us, and let the holy lips not utter the words characteristic of dishonorable and shameful lips. Some communion of truth to lawlessness, or some communion of light to darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). It is better if we, having retired from everything indecent, will be able to take advantage of the promised benefits, than if, by doing unnecessary things, we will destroy the sobriety of the mind. For a joking man soon becomes spiteful, while a spiteful person is capable of countless other vices as well. So, having put these two mental states in order and subordinating them to the mind, like obedient horses - I mean lust and anger, - let us put the mind over them as a charioteer in order to receive the reward of the higher calling, which may we all be honored in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with whom is the Father , together with the Holy Spirit, glory, power, honor, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Is foul language harmless?

from the book of the priest Pavel Gumerov "Small",
published by the Sretensky Monastery in 2008.

(Lesson at school)

One of the signs of the spiritual and cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards and other degraded persons, now swearing is penetrating deeper and deeper into all social and age strata of society, they are increasingly trying to impose on us that the Russian language is generally impossible without swearing.

We will try to show the historical roots of foul language and debunk some of the myths that have arisen around it.

Let's start with the fact that mate is an ancient phenomenon and is inherent in almost all peoples. The apostle Paul wrote about the "rotten word". In the IV century, St. John Chrysostom said: “Whenever someone swears with obscene words, then the Mother of God, given by Her prayer cover, takes away from a person and herself retreats, and which a person obscenely chooses, exposes himself on that day, curses his mother even more. bitterly insults her. With that person, it is not befitting for us to eat and drink, unless we lag behind that swear word. " Let us remember these words of the saint; we will return to them later.

What is the phenomenon of swearing? Why do words, denoting mainly medical terms, when "translated" into an obscene language, become obscene foul language? Why are they generally used, often not for their intended purpose? In all languages ​​and cultures, swear words mean the same thing. This is a relatively small ("dirty dozen" as the English say) and closed group of words. This group includes the names of parts of the human body, primarily genitals, physiological functions, sexual intercourse and words derived from them.

Bishop Barnabas (Belyaev) writes that shame is “a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the satanic depths (see:) and the dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others and ending with the classical heirs of Ham. " The cults of ancient Babylon, the land of Canaan, in which the sacrifice of babies, service to debauchery, fornication, ritual prostitution were practiced, and gave the appropriate terminology for ritual incantations that formed the basis of swearing.

By pronouncing obscene words, a person (even if unwittingly) invokes demonic forces and participates in a fanatical cult. It is known that the peoples inhabiting Canaan were conquered by the Jews and mercilessly destroyed at the command of God. And this is not at all inexplicable cruelty, but the righteous wrath of God, punishment for monstrous corruption and worship of sin.

One of the widespread myths is the assertion that the Mongols and Tatars brought swearing to Russia. It is ridiculous to think that there used to be pure, highly moral Krivichi and Rodimichi, who did not know foul language, and then the spoiled Mongols came and taught them obscene language. No, the roots of foul language are pagan incantations, and in Russia they were even before the Mongols. The Eastern Slavs, like other peoples, in pagan times had a cult of fertility, belief in the mystical marriage of earth and heaven. At Russian pagan weddings, the so-called corylian songs were sung, which contained ritual insults to the groom (so that the chosen one would not have to reproach him in family life). With the help of swearing, the pagan Slav also scared away evil spirits, thinking that demons were afraid of swearing words.

After the Baptism of Rus, they were severely punished for foul language. In the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1648, the inadmissibility of foul language in wedding ceremonies is emphasized: so that "at marriages they do not sing demonic songs and speak no shameful words." It also mentions the Christmastide foul language: "And on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and St. Basil's Day and the Epiphany ... so that they do not sing the song of the demons, they do not swear at the song of demons and any obscene barking." It was believed that an obscene word insulted, firstly, the Mother of God, secondly, a person's own mother and, finally, mother earth.

There was an idea that swearing is punishable by natural disasters, misfortunes and diseases. Even during the reign of Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, they were punished with rods for swearing in the streets. It will not be out of place to remember that for obscene language in a public place, even under the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were supposed to be.

We are responsible for every idle word, especially the bad. Nothing passes without a trace, and by insulting the mother of another person, sending curses to him, we thereby bring trouble on ourselves. Let us recall the words of St. John Chrysostom: "The one who is abusively chosen, on that day he subjects himself to the curse."

For shame, God permits various troubles, misfortunes and diseases on a person. In medicine, there is a kind of mental illness (though poorly understood), when a person, perhaps even far from dirty swearing, suffers from unexplained seizures. The patient suddenly begins, against his will, spewing streams of obscene language, often very sophisticated. Sometimes he blasphemes the saints and God. For a believer, everything is obvious. In spiritual practice, this is called obsession, or demonic possession. The demon possessed makes him utter terrible curses and blasphemy. It is known from practice that this kind of demonic possession can happen even with children by the permission of God.

Very often people who are in spiritual darkness hear voices that utter a stream of swearing and blasphemy. It's not hard to guess who these voices belong to. Since ancient times, swearing has been called the language of demons.

I will give an example of how the so-called "black word" works, that is, expressions with the mention of a line.

One person was very fond of using this word to the place and out of place. And then he somehow comes home (and in the middle of his room there was a table) and sees that under the table sits the one whom he so often remembered. A man in horror asks him: "Why did you come?" He replies: "After all, you yourself constantly call me." And disappeared. This is not some kind of horror story, but a completely real story.

As a priest, I can cite many such cases even from my little practice.

The devil, unfortunately, is not a character in horror films, but a real force that exists in the world. And a person who uses obscene, nasty, black words himself opens the door of his soul to this power.

Accustomed to swearing is already dependent on his bad habit. As the apostle says, commit sin, the slave is sin. Whoever thinks that he is independent of his habit of swearing, let him try not to use swearing for at least two days, and understand who is the boss in the house. Quitting swearing is no easier than quitting smoking. Recently, an emergency happened in a well-known Rostov beauty salon: three women-hairdressers quit at once. The reason was that the director forbade them to swear in the workplace. The young women were unable to endure this prohibition.

In addition to the fact that swearing is spiritually harmful, it impoverishes a person culturally. If we remove from the language of another foul language all the swear words that are most often used to connect words and have no meaning, then we will see how poor its vocabulary is. Using bad words, the swearing man often subconsciously wants to drown out the voice of conscience and shame in himself, so that it will be easier to continue to commit shameful acts.

Mat defiles a person, kills his soul. In the company of swearing people, there is a false shame to say a sincere, kind word. Such a company scoffs not only at the words "love", "beauty", "good", "mercy", "pity", it suppresses the very possibility of an open, pure look.

Every young man who uses obscene language should ask himself the question: will he be pleased when his little son or daughter begins to swear in front of him? There is a very interesting custom in American families. When children bring swear words from the street and ask about their meaning, the parents, as a rule, explain everything honestly, but then without fail force the child to wash his mouth with soap and water, because vile words stain both the mind, the soul, and the hearing, and the speaker their mouth. It would be nice for us to introduce a similar custom for our children.

Once my wife and I were vacationing in the village of Fenino near Moscow. And there we met a little boy who had only recently begun to speak. He was three years old. And now, in his insignificant vocabulary, there was already swearing. What will be next?

Young people often use foul language to appear more mature, courageous, and stronger. I heard a joke. The ensign scolds the soldiers: "Why are you swearing like children?" In every joke, as you know, there is only a fraction of a joke.

The teenager, exquisitely cursing, wants to hide his inner weakness, infantilism. And instead of proving by deed that he is already an adult, he puts on the armor of rudeness and inaccessibility. That's how cool I am - I swear, and I smoke, and I drink. And it looks funny and childish. Someone who is really strong does not need to prove it to the whole world. A truly independent person is not one who lives according to the law of the herd: where everyone goes, I go there too. A strong person does not allow a bad habit to dominate him. If you swear in front of girls and let them swear yourself, what kind of man are you after that?

But how, you say, on television we now often hear obscene words? Not everything on TV is right and good. What is shown must be filtered. Modern television is commercial, and nothing random will be shown there. This is either an advertisement (explicit or hidden), or a paid order. The head is given to us not only to stick the MP-3 player into our ears, but also to think, analyze, and not blindly follow someone. Why do we need to dance to the tune of those who want us to turn into a stupid, stoned herd of sheep chewing pop chewing gum?

When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily wonder: is everything all right with his head? Because so often in colloquial speech, the genitals and sexual intercourse can only be a sick, sexually preoccupied person.

Hegumen Savva (Molchanov), who cares for a lot of the military, one army rank told that for a long time he could not get rid of the passion of foul language. He eradicated this habit in this way. As soon as the "rotten word" came out from him, he took note of it, found a convenient place in the barracks and made 10 bows. And the vice of foul language was completely abandoned to them. It is very good for young people to follow this example.

On the sin of foul language

D. Mamonov

"Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, but only good for the edification of faith ..." ()

Rotten words have become the norm in the language of the people today. Foul language can be heard even in families, and not only in communication between adults, but, sometimes, in the conversation between parents and young children. The reason for foul language is no longer irritation, anger, but nasty, rotten words have become part of everyday speech, sometimes even lovers are thrown around them. This is a sign of a particular degradation of our culture, when every concept of measure, tact in communication between people is destroyed.

This has not always been the case. This phenomenon has become widespread in recent years, when the forces of darkness, gradually seizing the sphere of spiritual influence on the Russian people, have achieved a distortion of the ways of development of the people's soul. Swearing is a clear manifestation of evil in a person. Since ancient times, swearing in the Russian people is called foul language - from the word filth.

Dahl's dictionary, which is the result of a deep study of not the book, but the folk Russian language, says: “filth is an abomination, filth, filth, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that freezes carnal and spiritually, filth, filth and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything that is disgusting. "

This is where we have fallen, surrendered to the power of stinking, rotten words.

There is a tradition among Orthodox believers that the Most Holy Virgin Mary especially asks the Lord for the salvation of Russia, for Russia is the House of the Mother of God, one of Her destinies on Earth. But, praying for Orthodox Russia, the Most Pure Virgin Mary refuses to remember in Her prayers those who use foul language. The Mother of God does not pray for those who use foul language. And the Russian people have long been called blasphemers. The obscene language is the legacy of pagan times, when the Slavic tribes had not yet united into a single Russian people, who created a great culture formed by Orthodox education.

Only Orthodoxy, having conquered the consequences of pagan morality in a four-hundred-year struggle (988-1380), gradually formed the foundations of the high culture of the Russian people, erected Holy Russia, which we have so easily forgotten today, falling into the stench and filth of lack of spirituality.

Let's remember what God gave to Russia, and how the Creator of the Universe relates to the Russian land and to our people.

Christ did not create the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheranism, Baptism, Jehovism, Calvinism and other beliefs that classify themselves as Christianity and disagree with each other in many respects.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, created one single, indivisible Universal Church, and she was whole for a thousand years. In this one universal Church, seven Ecumenical Councils took place, where all the leadership of the Church (and among them there were many holy ascetics, righteous and great theologians), by the will of the Holy Spirit, formed a single, indestructible Symbol of Faith, briefly expressing the essence of Christianity. Thus, the right faith, given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, was confirmed. The Church of Christ, created by His direct disciples - the holy Apostles, was one on earth. But in the eleventh century, the western part of it, which changed the Symbol of Faith and declared itself Catholic, fell away from the one Christ Church. Then the understanding of Orthodoxy appears - the correct glorification of God, as it was in the original Church, created by Christ and the Apostles.

All the other churches, later invented by sinful people, are called non-Orthodox, “not praising God rightly,” heterodox. They gradually became more and more unlike the Church created by Christ Himself.

Russia, by the will of God, received Orthodoxy. Moreover, it was the Russian people, Russia, that the Lord instructed to become the guardian of the Orthodox faith. After all the other Orthodox countries betrayed Orthodoxy at the Florentine Council in 1429, submitting to the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, agreeing to union, God in anger allowed the enslavement of these countries by a cruel Turkish invasion.

Since that time, only Russia, whose sovereign rejected the union, became the only power that freely professes Orthodoxy as a state religion that forms the morality and culture of the people, the very spirit of the people, all its strength and reason.

This is the great responsibility of Russia before God - the preservation of Orthodoxy! But the role of the guardian of the true Church should have been accompanied by the people's striving for purity of morals. This is how the only country in the world was formed where the people themselves called their homeland holy - Holy Russia. (There is no concept of Holy England, Holy Germany, Holy France or Holy Italy). Of course, there were sinners in Russia, but the ideal of the people was the pursuit of holiness. And in Holy Russia (if not among all, then in the overwhelming majority of the people) chaste morality took root.

This was also expressed in language, for language is a repository of not only practical, but also the spiritual experience of the people. So, unlike many other peoples, the Russian people in their language separates from the general norm swearing, words that were later called obscene.

Today's foul language directly opposes the culture of the Russian people.

Let us not forget that the language is given to the people by God, and therefore let us take a closer look at how the Lord relates to Russia and its people.

It was in the period after Russia received the Orthodox faith in the world that three extraordinary historical events took place related to the role of the Russian people in the fate of mankind.

In the XIII century, the wild, knowing neither conscience nor mercy, the hordes of Genghis Khan and his descendants rush across the Eurasian continent to conquer the world. They intended to reach the "last sea", that is, according to the knowledge of geography at the time, to completely capture Europe. However, although Batu's warriors visited both Hungary and Italy, they returned, fearing to leave behind them the defeated, but not submitted, mighty Russia. And here, in the Russian land, the Tatar-Mongol invasion was destined to fade away. Russia overshadowed Europe. Note that Russia could not set itself the goal of saving Europe - the Russian people fulfilled this task in accordance with God's plan.

This is confirmed by two more historical events of the same significance. When the atheist Napoleon, having conquered half of Europe, went to conquer the world from west to east, to India, he was defeated in Russia.

And, finally, the Satanist Hitler, no less inhuman phenomenon than Genghis Khan, also, having seized and trampled on Europe, followed Napoleon's path to seize the world. And, despite the fact that his hordes reached Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Caucasus and the Volga, Russia, having endured everything, remained invincible and defeated the powerful conqueror.

What is the meaning of these three historical acts? In the entire history of mankind, only one Russia can say about itself that it was given to become a shield against world evil, and three times defended the world from enslavement.

Is it all by accident? But even materialists admit that chance is an unrecognized necessity. And the fathers of the Orthodox Church teach: "He who believes in chance does not believe in God." The Gospel says that not a single bird, even a small bird, is forgotten by God ().

But in order to finally convince us of God's special attention to Russia, let us remember what a huge, richest in the world and the largest country the Lord gave us. The sun never sets on the territory of our vast country: if it has set in the western part, then it is already shining in the east. Let us also remember how easily we got such a huge land. The battles of Yermak's small detachment ended where Tobolsk is now. The rest of the territory - Siberia and the Far East - was received by the Russian state as a gift from God, without any effort: small detachments of peaceful explorers passed by and local peoples willingly walked under the arm of the White Tsar. And this territory from Tobolsk to the Bering Strait, given to us as a gift, makes up two-thirds of all present-day Russia.

This country of ours, our people, which God gave special attention to, the Creator of the Universe gave a language of rare beauty, wealth and expressiveness.

After all, the strength of the people is expressed and transmitted both through faith and through culture, the main instrument of which is the national language.

The great Mikhail Lomonosov wrote: “Charles the Fifth, the Roman emperor, used to say that it is decent to speak Ishpane with God, French with friends, German with enemies, and Italian with the female sex. But if he had been skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would have added to that that it is decent for them to speak with all of them, for he would find in him the splendor of Ishpansky, the liveliness of the French, the strength of the German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, wealth and strong images of the brevity of Greek and Latin ”.

And this language is disfigured by foul language, instead of God-given wealth, using a pitiful set of vile words, not given by God, but prompted by the eternal enemy of the human race. Such people deliberately mutilate the image of God in themselves - and this is the beginning of apostasy.

Today there are even cursing dictionaries for sale. The devilish forces, striving to destroy Russia, are doing everything so that our people learn to defile themselves. The habit of foul language forms the moral image of a person, interferes with his introduction to culture (even if he works in the field of culture), makes such a person unreliable in relationships with others. One who constantly curses cannot be relied upon in a serious matter - the habit of foul language is a sign of a person's spiritual and moral decay. Anyone who easily indulges in unclean, rotten speech will easily decide on unclean deeds - this has been proven in practice. It is especially scary when children are brought up in a swearing environment, when the parents themselves plant moral filth in their souls. Such children grow up callous and, above all, indifferent to their own parents. When such children grow up, it will be difficult for them to create their own family hearth, where there would be comfort, where it would be good for themselves and their children. Such children can cause troubles for their families and for themselves.

The character of a child is formed from infancy to the age of seven. A person's worldview (his principles of attitude to life, to the environment, to society) are laid down at school age. If this entire period of his life a person was formed under the influence of dirty words, he will grow up defective, with rot in his soul and character.

Parents! If you allow yourself to talk to your child in the language of foul language, do not be surprised if your children then find themselves among criminals. You yourself laid the foundation for their death!

If we want our people not to rot, not to crumble into barren ashes, we must resolutely abandon foul language and cherish the great gift of God, so easily received by us - the beautiful Russian language.

The Word is God's greatest instrument. “In the beginning was the Word,” says the Evangelist (). With the Word, God created everything. “And God said: Let there be light” ().

The word is also a tool for human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And with foul language darkness is sown. The Apostle teaches: “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, but only good for the edification of faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear” (). The word should bring grace - good gifts, good, serve as an edification in faith, that is, bring one closer to God, and not remove from Him.

According to the word of Christ the Savior, “people will give an answer for every idle word on the day of Judgment” (). However, the sin of foul language is much heavier than the sin of idle talk. Consequently, the punishment will be much more severe!

When a person speaks nasty, obscene words, he not only defiles and stains his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him; corrupts them with the content of swearing, leads to bad thoughts - sows evil, even when he himself is not aware of it.

This is how the morality of the people degenerates - from generation to generation. Now this phenomenon is especially intensified, because so many are addicted to foul language.

Remember, Christian, that the gift of the word is given to man primarily in order to praise the Lord. And our very lips, with which we ought to praise the Lord, are defiled with shame.

Following holy baptism, through the anointing with the sanctified myrrh, the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is imposed on the lips of the baptized person. The Holy Spirit, who sanctified the lips of a Christian for their use for the glory of God, is insulted by impertinence. By using foul language, a person repels the Spirit of God from himself. With the lips of a Christian receives the Body and Blood of Christ. By defiling the lips with shame, sanctified by the touch of the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ, we anger Christ the Savior.

Let us remember that with our lips we kiss the holy cross, holy icons, holy relics, holy books of the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to utter shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by their touch to great shrines! It is necessary to realize that our speech is heard not only by people whom we are used to not being ashamed of, but also by the Angels and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so that we do not offend the Angels with shameful speech, do not bring delight to demons and not anger God by this?

Let us ponder how, by soiling our speech in the mud of immorality, we disgrace the gift of God, our great native Russian language. We trample on the dignity of our people and our own dignity. Man, created in the image and likeness of God, voluntarily and frivolously humiliates himself to a bestial state. (Although, in truth, animals, by nature, cannot have such unnatural vices.)

In the old days, the Russian people were aware of how vile foul language was, they were severely punished for it. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, corporal punishment was supposed to be used for profanity: in the markets and on the streets, disguised officials with archers walked, grabbed the scolders and right there, at the scene of the crime, in front of the people, punished them with rods for general edification.

To convince you of how abominable is the sin of foul language before God, let us give several examples of God's clear punishment for insolent shame.

Three versts from the village of Zagarsky, Vyatsky district, the place of my homeland, about thirty years ago, in the village of Vaskinskaya, lived the peasant Prokopiy. He was so used to swearing that he did it with every word, and when his wife and neighbors told him: “What is this, Pronya, you will not say a single word without scolding, what a filthy language you have, every word is sure to be here and abuse, because this is a great sin before God! " “What nonsense,” Procopius usually said to them, “what a sin to swear? The proverb says: With your tongue you want to shake, just don’t give your hands will. ” To kill a person, to steal something, to deceive someone — these are sins; and to swear is not at all sinful. I have never repented of this sin for the priest, and I will not repent either. " With such convictions, he lived his life. During the grave illness that befell him, anticipating the approach of death, Procopius wished to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries. His son hastened to fulfill his father's wish - he went for the priest. The priest did not hesitate to go to the patient, but when he entered his house, the patient lost his speech and consciousness. The priest waited for a while, but being busy with other services, he decided to leave. When the priest left, the patient regained consciousness and asked the family to send for the priest again. The priest again hurried to him: but as soon as he entered the house - Procopius again fell into unconsciousness and lost his speech. To this were added terrible cramps, and the unfortunate man in heavy suffering in the presence of the priest gave up his ghost ...

So, poor Procopius, not considering it necessary to repent of his foul language, was deprived of the opportunity to bring repentance in other sins he recognized; and most importantly, he was deprived of the greatest and most necessary gift of God's goodness for our salvation - the communion of the Holy Mysteries. So grievous is the sin of foul language in the eyes of the righteous Judge! In general, I noticed that those who constantly use foul language die without repentance and communion. So in 1881, a resident of the village of Berezovsky, Oryol district, Grigory, died; and in 1882 - a peasant from the village of Doroninskaya Prokopiy. (Priest Peter Makarov. Spiritual Interlocutor, no. 6, 1888).

In the early stages of my rural pastoral service, I saw that my parishioners, in addition to many other moral defects, were especially infected with the habit of foul language. Both old and small, without the slightest twinge of conscience, used foul language constantly both in their homes and on the streets. Immediately starting to fight all sorts of vices of my flock, I especially took up arms against their foul language. And in church, and at school, and in the homes of parishioners, and at street meetings, in good time and untimely, I denounced and scourged this vice. The results of the struggle had an effect: at first, foul language ceased to announce the streets, and then it began to disappear altogether. But on November 2 of last year, walking in my garden, I was unpleasantly amazed and indignant at the terrible "swearing" that broke out on the road that runs between vegetable gardens and fields. Immediately approaching the road in order to find out and expose the culprit, I soon saw a guy of about 16, Vasily Matveyevich Lavrov, who, whipping the oxen with a stick, showered them with selected foul language. The guy made excuses to my accusations that he was annoyed by the oxen slowly dragging the barrel with the bard, and that he would be glad not to use foul language, but he could not cope with himself. Explaining the vileness and sinfulness of foul language, I tried to inspire the guy to immediately and forever abandon his bad habit, so as not to be subjected to the wrath of God. The guy did not pay due attention to my admonitions, and on the same day he was subjected to a formidable punishment from God.

Heading with the bard for the second time from the distillery to the manor house, the guy still began to shower the oxen with blows and foul language. Suddenly there was a crack, the barrel burst, and the boiling bard doused the guy from head to toe. His sufferings and groans were heard. He was immediately sent to the hospital, where he remained for about three months. Upon his leaving the hospital, I talked with him about the misfortune that befell him, which he himself wholly attributes to the righteous punishment of God for the sin of foul language. (Holy Porphyry Amphitheaters. Helmsman, 1905).

In the third week of Great Lent in 1868, my parishioner, a peasant from the village of Voskresenskoye S.I., went to his rick for straw. The wind was unusually strong at that time. Taking as much straw as needed, he went back. But since a strong, gusty wind prevented him from walking, he, according to his vile habit, began to swear, indignant at the weather. The foolish one did not think that God drives out the wind from His treasures (), raises the sea with the wind (), which He also forbids the wind (). Without thinking or thinking about it, he - Savva, that was the name of my parishioner - walked and swore. And for this impudent and insane insult of the Lord Himself, he was severely punished: not reaching his home, he suddenly became dumb ...

Then the unfortunate swearing man realized that this sudden dumbness was God's punishment for foul language, and with a broken heart and tears he turned to the Lord God with sincere repentance for his sins. (during confession, I was content only with the movement of her head and hands), made a vow to God not to sin in this way in the future, and the merciful Lord in twenty-one days (during the entire period of dumbness, he was completely healthy and fully conscious) he opened his mouth and he began to speak again. " (Holy. "Wanderer", 1868).

Recently, in the parish of the village of Novaya Yamskaya Sloboda, Krasnoslobodsky uyezd, Penza province, a peasant named Stepan Terentyevich Shikharev was clearly punished by God. This unfortunate man had a habit, not only when drunk, but also in a sober state, to constantly accompany all his speeches with bad words. No matter how many admonitions and convictions the parish priest did to Stepan, he did not abandon his habit, and God's patience for him was exhausted.

Once Stepan was called by a neighbor to a wedding. Here, drinking cup after cup, he began to swear so badly that many left the table, and one old woman remarked to Shikhareva: “What are you, breadwinner, doing! After all, you eat bread and salt, look - God will punish you - you will choke! " - “I suppose, (so and so), I will not choke; here, look! ". Saying this, Stepan grabbed a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. But he immediately fell onto the bench and, roused once or twice, gave up his ghost. Autopsy revealed that a piece of beef was stuck in Stepan's throat, which is why he died instantly. ( “Penza dioceses. statements ", 1893).

It was in my childhood. I remember one peasant, a fellow villager, by the name of Dimitri, whose distinguishing feature was constantly, to the whole village, screaming and scolding - it doesn't matter if he went alone or with someone else. Every time, it happened, as soon as we hear a scream with abuse, we already know who it belongs to. I was so accustomed to his scream that I almost did not pay attention to him and considered him as if it were something ordinary.

Autumn, I remember, was warm, and the weather was like summer. Dimitri went to thresh bread near his barn, I went out into the street to play with fellow peers. But involuntarily I stopped, hearing a cry, though familiar, but more than usual, strong, more furious with foul language. Although Demetrius did not walk very close and, being behind the houses, was not visible to me, for some reason this time from his abuse such fear attacked me that instead of going to my peers, I hurried back into the house. Then, after a little hesitation, I went out again and saw an unusual picture: I see people running for the village, and all with an expression of some kind of fright on their face. Driven by curiosity, although not without fear, I followed all the runners. Everyone was heading to the barn of Demetrius, where a large crowd of people had already gathered. I, the kid, did not manage to get through the crowd; and it was a lot of work to find out what had happened - so they were all amazed at what had happened ... And this is what happened. Demetrius took the flail and began to thresh. But, hitting the flail ten times, he got off the "palm" and lay down beside it as if to rest. But he lay down so as not to get up any more, for his soul was suddenly separated from his body - and he became lifeless ...

So suddenly and forever the tongue that spoke the shameful one fell silent ...

Until now, I cannot recall without a shudder this terrible punishment from God for foul language. And to this day I do not forget to remember the repose of the servant of God Demetrius, horrified at the thought that his unfortunate soul experienced, and perhaps is still experiencing, after being separated from the body ... For it is said: "In what I find, in that I judge."

Another example of God's punishment for profanity is no less striking.

In the same village - the place of my homeland - there lived a peasant named Xenophon. His house was at the very entrance to the village and was known as a tavern or, in the popular expression, a tavern. In addition, Xenophon and his wife ran a small shop, where I happened to stop by to buy something. The owner himself did not differ in due piety, because in his room, hung with icons, he was almost always in a hat. Moreover, according to my parent, "he was like a Turk: he did not go to church, did not fast or receive communion." Personally, I have not heard swear words from Xenophon, and this, perhaps, because I saw very little of him; but judging by the event described below, he undoubtedly had this habit. Somehow, fellow villagers came to him for shopping and, seeing him in a hat and not praying to those who were eating bread, noticed that it was a sin for a Christian to do this. What about Xenophon? And he, instead of correcting, pounced on them with commonplace abuse. But before he had time to finish the foul language, God's execution overtook him: he suddenly fell to the floor, being struck by paralysis, which twisted his mouth, making it almost impossible to eat, took away his mind, tongue and the entire left side of his body. After suffering for about a week, Xenophon died without repentance and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ ... (Hierodeacon Heraclius. "Trinity Word", 1910, No. 32).

In our village in 1886 a peasant named Ivan died. He lived in the world for more than seventy years. To his own misfortune, he had the bad habit of swearing almost through words, even in ordinary conversations. Before his death, Ivan was ill for a long time, not less than, it seems, a year, and during the whole time of his illness he did not stop uttering nasty, abusive words. Ivan's wife, seeing that her husband was dying, invited a priest to confess and give the Holy Communion to her sick husband. The priest, having read the follow-up to confession and communion, began to ask or enumerate Ivan's sins, and instead of answering: “I have sinned the Lord God,” he belched out bad words with his usual habit. The priest with great regret left the dying Ivan an unrepentant sinner.

When the priest left Ivan's house, a neighbor living opposite him asked: "What, father, confessed Ivan?" The priest, now deceased, sighed deeply, said that Ivan, when asked whether he was a sinner, only swore in shameful words. You involuntarily exclaim: “death of sinners of fierceness” ... (Martyriy Zhelobov. "Trinity sheets", № 53).

Yes, death of fierce sinners! The Holy Orthodox Church knows that even before the last general Last Judgment, the soul of every dying person undergoes a private judgment - ordeals, where demons torture her for sins committed in earthly life. These terrible ordeals will be avoided by those who were rewarded with the sacrament of the Holy Mysteries of Christ before their death. And how terrible it is to die without repentance! After all, this is the road to hell.

There are people who think: I will sin for now, and then I will repent. But we see many examples when the Lord does not give repentance to a sinner who was not going to struggle with sin in his life.

Here are examples from pre-revolutionary life, when most people were brought up in the faith, and they were attentive to the quality of their life, fearing to be defiled by sin and ruining their immortal soul.

Now, on the contrary, most people are frivolous about the afterlife, not afraid to anger God, they easily turn away from the Church, are indifferent to prayer and do not want to give up their sins. And among the most common sins is the foul language that has filled the speech of our people.

Yes, this sin is not as serious as, for example, abortion, fornication or robbery. It seems to be something insignificant. But let us ponder what the results are: a person dies without repentance, does not receive the opportunity to cleanse his soul before the priest, and, even having such an opportunity, cannot use it, for he was punished by God for the sin of foul language.

Let us remember that anyone in consciousness can be a mortal sin that is committed and at the same time unrepentant. Let us also remember that foul language is the beginning of the path to even greater evil. Let us sincerely repent of this heinous sin, so as not to repeat the shameful speech ever. Never! Under no circumstances, for any reason.

Let's cast aside the demonic and accept God's. If the apostle Paul says: “What fellowship of righteousness with iniquity? What does light have to do with darkness? " ( See Discourses on Statues Burning to the Antioch People. Conversation 8, 4.
See Conversations on the Epistle (Paul) to Ephesians Conversation 14, 2-3.
Conversation on the words of the Apostle (Paul): but, in order to avoid fornication, everyone has his own wife (), I.
See Conversations on the Epistle (Paul) to the Ephesians. Conversation 14, 3-4.
See Commentary on St. Matthew the Evangelist. Conversation 42, 2-3.
See Conversations on the Epistle (Paul) to the Ephesians. Conversation 17, 3.

The Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region decided that the word "go nuts" is offensive and cannot be used publicly. Thus, the correctness of the management of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) in the Sverdlovsk Region was confirmed, which prohibited the developer's advertising using this word. The funny thing is that both the anti-monopoly authorities and the advertising customer - Investtorgstroy LLC - appealed to the conclusion of the specialists of the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky, only from different faculties. And the conclusions turned out to be exactly the opposite.

“Fuck! From 61 thousand rubles per square meter. Green Grove quarter. Sheikman - People's Will. Real estate for business. Society Malysheva, 73. Housing complex "Kvartal Zelenaya Roscha (1-9)" - this was the text of the advertisement, which was placed in the press and on outdoor billboards in Yekaterinburg. The text, I must say, is quite epigonic: a cultured rehash of the now famous slogan "Euroset" - prices are just about ... t. " For which, by the way, the FAS also punished Chichvarkin's company. However, this time there was no unanimity in the assessment of the controversial word.

obscenities are only three words: the specific names of the male genital organ, the female genital organ and their interaction. Variations of these words also belong to the swear words due to suffixes, prefixes, endings, as well as phrases that include the specific name of sexual actions in relation to the mother. All other words are swearing (words that carry an offensive connotation in relation to the addressee) and vulgarisms (rough variants of common words: as a rule, designations of "indecent" body parts, actions and places)
It must be said that the FAS makes a decision on the decency of this or that advertisement on the basis of expert opinion. For this, the department has even formed an expert council on advertising, which includes not only officials, but also lawyers, advertisers and philologists. When considering the ethics of advertising, representatives of the clergy are often involved.

But this time the opinions of experts from the Ural State University were divided. Specialists of the Department of Ethics, Aesthetics, Theory and History of Culture sided with the FAS. "According to the expert opinion, the slang word" goofiget "was found to be offensive, creating obscene and offensive images, comparisons, expressions and, therefore, unacceptable for use in advertising," - said in a message published on the FAS website. However, "Investtorgstroy" also applied for expertise at the Ural State University, only at the faculty of public relations and advertising. The examination, conducted by Elena Soboleva, the head of the Department of Mass Communication Languages ​​of the Faculty, showed that the verb "to go nuts" does not contain in its meaning the meanings associated with the intention to offend anyone, and is not offensive. Since the experts did not comment on their decisions, it can be assumed that they proceeded from a different understanding of the root of the word: "fig" in the meaning of "fig" (that is, prices are almost free) and "fig" as a substitute for the obscene designation of the male genital organ. "Glas Naroda" was on the side of the developer: according to the results of a poll conducted by Sverdlovsk anti-monopoly agents during February 2009 on their website among advertising consumers, it was found that 52.28% of respondents consider it permissible to use the word "fuck" in advertising, 44.53 % - inadmissible, 3.19% - offered their own answer options; 30.69% of respondents consider this advertisement offensive, 67.87% - no, 1.44% - their own answer.

Nevertheless, the FAS found the advertisement inadmissible, and the court agreed with this decision. In principle, the anti-monopoly authorities have already recognized advertising that does not contain any hints of obscene words as unacceptable: it is worth recalling, for example, the advertisement of the Central Department Store, for which the anti-monopoly authorities fined him in 2007 400 thousand rubles: "Whoever is not in Prada is a sucker!" or "All people are like people, and I am at Burberry." But then the FAS appealed to the fact that images of children are used in advertising, as well as an unflattering comparison of social categories - therefore, it is unethical and anti-pedagogical.

On this topic

A huge number of people from the Russian Federation travel abroad quite often for various reasons. During such trips, it is necessary to be not only very collected, attentive, but also to take care of purchasing the appropriate insurance in advance, which will help to avoid many possible troubles and problems.

This is what the law "On Advertising" literally says: "Advertising is not allowed to use swear words, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and a citizen, official state symbols (flags, emblems, hymns), religious symbols, cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as cultural heritage objects included in the World Heritage List. " Now it turns out that any word that looks like mate can be outlawed. And not only in advertising: there is administrative and criminal liability for foul language.

For information: Part 2 of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Insult" provides for the following punishment: a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of the convict's salary or other income for a period of up to six months, or compulsory work for up to 180 hours, or correctional labor for up to one year ”.

Strictly speaking, And if we talk about the taboo on pronunciation, then it originally existed in the culture only on the mat. Philologists and historians explain this by the fact that the addressee of obscene words in the Russian language is or is meant by the mother (hence the very name of the Russian obscene vocabulary).

Since among the ancient Slavs, kinship was determined by the mother, and in religion, "Mother - of cheese Earth" was deified, the insult to the mother is the most serious. But such words as "asshole" or "curva", our ancestors did not refuse to pronounce - their transition to profanity did not occur until the 19th century. Now before our eyes the same thing happens with the words "bitch" and "dog". At the same time, it is interesting that the first word is already taboo when referring to a woman, while the second, applied to a man, sounds rather rude than offensive.

French- and English-speaking nations do not have such torment. So, for the French, the word merde is rude, but not offensive. Although Americans have a "dirty dozen" words, for the pronunciation of which in Puritan families they still wash their mouths with soap and water, they nevertheless do not consider them taboo: the word fuck or the corresponding gesture are not uttered unless the heroes of children's films. Italians can complain as much as they want about how and how many times they use someone for sexual purposes - only the mention of Madonna is taboo. And swearing is considered almost the norm in all languages.

I must say that the art of Russian mat is practically lost today by wide strata. So, the art of "bends", the authorship of which is attributed to Peter I, has gone into legends: the use of a certain number of obscene words and expressions, constructed in a certain way. "Small obscene bend" consisted of 37 words, "large obscene bend" contained, according to various sources, from 260 to 331 words. According to the recollections of contemporaries, Sergei Yesenin was one of the few who knew how to pronounce as expected - on a single exhale - not only a small, but also a large "bend". By the way, the "folds" contained not only obscene words. The "small bend", for example, included "a shaggy hedgehog, hairy against the coat." That is, it was more of a highly technical philological joke. The obscene ditties that sang the day after the wedding, and obscene literary works also did not carry an offensive connotation: the first case was a ritual amulet, and the second was a literary joke. Now, despite the circulating anecdotes about the translators of the speeches of "Uncle Vasya" and the "new Russian", the majority of citizens swear in boring, evil and inventive ways.

As it usually happens, having lost in quality, Russian mat acquired in quantity: euphemisms instead of "indecent" words are used in many languages, but only in Russian has this process acquired such large-scale forms today. Perhaps because everyone can come up with their own euphemism for the Russian swear word: for this you need to replace the swearing root itself, keeping the rest of the word. The result is known from a childhood anecdote from the Soviet period: The wolf, who was told to replace the mat with the names of flowers, immediately came up with the words "nail down" and "siren". The ease of formation of euphemisms and their comic nature have led to the widespread use of "matoforms". Moreover, the use of swearing contributes not only to the expression of emotions and, accordingly, getting rid of stress (which in Russia, which is not experiencing the first crisis in recent decades, is not at all superfluous), but also, as British scientists have found, to reduce pain.

As a rule, euphemisms themselves become taboo over time. The trouble is that in today's Russia this process is going on, firstly, too large-scale and quickly, and secondly, under the watchful eye of officials and policemen. At the same time, there is no well-established practice of expertise: Russian language specialists can recognize the phrase "Mochi khacha" as humorous, or they may consider the blogger's complaint "The cops are completely ugly" as an insult. And, as the Sverdlovsk court has shown, with such a discrepancy, the victory will be awarded rather to the strongest. That is, the authorities.

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