Home Natural farming How to get rid of stress and be calm. How to get rid of worries and stress? Master breathing practices

How to get rid of stress and be calm. How to get rid of worries and stress? Master breathing practices

The good news for those struggling to cope with daily stress at home and at work is that there are ways to get rid of constant worry and anxiety. The author of a new book on stress recommends using simple acupressure exercises as first aid. It is also within our power to change our reaction to stress, for this we need to understand the work of the adrenal glands.

Any stresses that we attribute to our emotional state - for example, anxiety, low self-esteem, or violent reactions - are actually related to our physiology. These so-called "false feelings" are caused by a lack of chemical reactions in the brain that can maintain resistance to stress. However, such conditions can be quickly corrected by changing your physiology.

I asked Harvard University integrative medicine specialist Sarah Gottfried, M.D., how to stop feeling like a failure if you can't live every moment of your life as if you were a superhero. She proposed a new mantra: "These are my adrenal glands, this is not me." According to Gottfried, we should stop blaming ourselves and try to jump over our heads, and instead should "think about our biology."

Stress and the adrenal glands: how does it work?

Up to 70% of people who report stress actually suffer from some degree of adrenal imbalance (organs that produce hormones responsible for your response to stress). In conditions of chronic stress, our body goes through three stages, which are characterized by varying degrees of imbalance of the adrenal glands and, ultimately, their depletion.

In the first stage we build up extra energy to deal with stressors. After the first rush of adrenaline, the adrenal glands begin to release cortisol, which initially - and in small quantities - is a source of strength and endurance for us. In the right amount, cortisol helps metabolize food, fights allergies and reduces inflammation.

But if the state of overexcitement continues, the adrenal glands begin to release too much adrenaline and cortisol, replacing them with our neurotransmitters responsible for good mood, namely serotonin (a source of self-confidence and optimism) and dopamine (a source of pleasure). When cortisol circulates chronically in the body, it begins to stimulate inflammatory responses and can cause the diseases that it was originally intended to protect against. Accordingly, signs of illness or infection appear.

Hand position: with your thumb, touch the "knuckle" of the middle (third) finger. Then move your thumb towards your palm until you feel a “soft” depression or small depression. The pressure should be moderate. By pressing this point, you help regulate pressure and reduce anxiety.

Exercise 2: the point of confidence

To stimulate a state of confidence, try clicking on the “confidence point”. By clicking on this point, you send a signal that reduces internal emotional tension, stimulating a state of calm. Fold your arms into an appropriate position for at least 30 seconds before speaking, giving a presentation, or any other time you need a "boost of confidence."

Hand position: place the thumb of either hand on the side of the index finger between the first and second joints. Apply mild to moderate pressure.

Exercise 3: Fear Breathing Technique

You can train your body to get rid of fear. Vigorous exhalations stimulate the PNS, promoting calmness. I used this breathing technique to get rid of claustrophobia to make it easier for me to live in New York, where the crowded subways and elevators are an integral part of life.

Breathing technique: inhale vigorously through the nose and exhale through the mouth, concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation. As you exhale, throw your arms forward forcefully, as if you are pushing away from yourself something that you do not like. Then, as you inhale, return your arms to your chest in a straight line, with your elbows pressed to your sides. Breathe out sharply through your mouth, throwing out your hands again. Repeat one more time.

Hand position: bring the tips of your thumb and forefinger together and raise your hands in front of your chest, palms away from you.

Duration: start by doing this exercise for one minute, gradually work out to three minutes. The first time you exercise, you may feel a little dizzy - just stop if you feel uncomfortable.

Exercise 4: Hand Position to Encourage Finding Solutions

To effectively solve problems, you must be confident in your abilities and listen to your intuition. The following hand positions can be used to activate the problem-solving brain center. This position helps you focus on a point on your forehead, which corresponds to the approximate location of your pineal gland and is located at the intersection of the left and right hemispheres. This point is access to "general brain thinking". In some spiritual and physical traditions of yoga, it is considered the "third eye" - the intersection of intuition and wisdom.

Hand position: Connect the tip of your right thumb to the tips of your second (index) and third (middle) fingers. Place the “tip” of this triangle about 2.5 cm from the point on the forehead, which is about 2.5 cm above the point directly between the eyes. At the same time, in the same way, connect the tip of your left thumb with the tips of your second (index) and third (middle) fingers. Place the “tip” of this triangle about 2.5 cm from the point on your forehead that will correspond to your “intuition”.

I have always wondered who dentists treat their teeth and hairdressers cut / dye. That is, it is clear that they both do it with their colleagues. Their selection criteria were interesting. It was especially interesting who has the most professional dentist treating their teeth? It's the same story with psychologists. also has tips.

But if psychologists all in turn complain to each other, they will not have the desired relief from stress, because it turns out to be a vicious circle. How do they get rid of this sticky and unpleasant condition? Seventeen ways from seventeen professionals!


Tony Bernhard prefers to relax using physical methods, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the autonomic nervous system in which the nerve nodes are located directly in the organs or on the way to them). There are several ways to do this - for example, breathe through the diaphragm.

Tony's Favorite Method: Using a light touch with one or two fingers, slide over the lips. Parasympathetic fibers are scattered over the surface of the lips, so touching them stimulates the nervous system. This gentle gesture helps to achieve an immediate sense of calmness in the mind and body.

Sofia Dembling prefers walking in the fresh air. Natural light has an incredibly soothing effect on her. She does this in almost any weather - sun, clouds, snow, light rain. The only thing that can stop her is pouring rain. While walking, she tries to tune in to the presence of the here and now, observes what is happening around her - the shape of the clouds, rustling trees, mowing the lawn, children on the playground. Such a walk-meditation helps to recover and relieve unnecessary stress.

Mindy Greenstein prefers deep breathing and an old Hebrew saying, which she repeats like a mantra:

You cannot control the wind, but you can adjust the sails.

In any stressful situation, at the very beginning, take a few deep breaths and repeat that you cannot control absolutely everything, but at least you are able to control yourself and your reaction.

L. Kevin Chapman believes that the most effective tool for dealing with stress and anxiety is method of progressive muscle relaxation (MPR)... It is great for helping to combat the somatic symptoms associated with chronic anxiety and many other physiological symptoms (such as gastrointestinal upset).

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation? This technique was developed by the American scientist and physician Edmund Jacobson back in the 1920s. It is based on a very simple principle - after any tension, the muscle relaxes. That is, in order to completely relax, you need to strain all the muscles.

The doctor has developed about 200 exercises for all muscle groups (including the smallest), but the current trend uses only 16 muscle groups. I think we will cover this method in more detail in a separate article.


Susan Newman considers chatting with friends to be the most effective way to relieve stress. But only with those who really with all their heart share her interests and experiences. They will always listen and support. And sometimes they can offer really interesting options for dealing with the cause of stress.


Barbara Markway advises not to rush to immediately switch to the problem solving mode. Whenever you feel the need to act faster is a sure sign that you should slow down and think hard.

Lynn Soraya believes that you need to learn to sit still and listen to your inner feelings. It helps you get to know yourself better. Knowing yourself is the first step to managing yourself and your stress.

Amy Przeworski advises always to take time for yourself. During this time frame, you can only do what you want, not your job, family, friends, or sense of duty. It will help reduce stress, increase productivity, and increase feelings of happiness and contentment.

Nancy Rappaport... When you’re at your limit, you start pushing yourself even harder instead of admitting that you’re running out of strength and doing the opposite — giving yourself some rest.

And again Tony Bernhard advises to slow down 25%, whatever you are doing at the moment, if you feel that things are bad.

Whether you are cleaning the house, surfing the Internet or running errands - slow down your pace, as if you are moving like in videos that play in slow motion mode. And you will feel the stress slip from your body and mind.

Stephanie Sarkis advises relieving stress through sports and trying to periodically introduce new elements to diversify activities.

Art Markman believes music is a great tool for dealing with stress. Put on your headphones and listen to music that will help you mentally transport yourself to a different, more pleasant place. And if you have the opportunity, learn to play an instrument and add it to your list of stress management exercises.

I think this is a great chance for those who have always dreamed of learning how to play something, but still could not allocate time and money for this. Now you even have a special excuse that will help calm your conscience and the toad - you are spending money not on stupidity, but on your health. Instead of playing on the nerves of others, the doctor prescribed you to play the piano;)


Way Meg Selig consists of several steps. The first is identifying the source of stress. That is, the source of stress is you yourself or was it caused by external stimuli? If stress is caused by an external situation, she tries to talk to others about the help she needs. If that doesn't work, then it sets the boundaries.

If it turns out that she herself is the source of stress and she herself painted this dramatic picture in her head, then she tries to talk to herself and sympathize with herself in this inner conversation. Meg believes that the more compassion she surrounds her negative thoughts and emotions, the easier it is for her to let them go and move on.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne believes that even if you cannot change the stressful situation, you can change your reaction to it. Even in the seemingly most unfavorable situation, you can find something positive and even funny. You can look at this as a new challenge, through which you gain new experiences and learn from your mistakes.

Fran Werthu believes that we should always remind ourselves that we are doing everything we can under the circumstances to solve the problem. And he advises practicing flexibility in decision making so that you can take advantage of opportunities for change.

Michael J. Formica reminds us that in reality there is only "here and now". If you fill your cup with regrets about the past and anxiety about the future, you simply won't have room for anything else. In the end, you are simply robbing yourself of the joy in every breath you are blessed with. Empty your thicket - if you are safe at the moment, nothing can harm you until you allow it.

Scott McGreel relieves stress by focusing on what surrounds him. For example, he can concentrate on the surrounding colors and shapes of objects that currently surround him. This helps to shift attention away from "hot thoughts" and cool down a little.

Alice Boyes at the first sign of stress, she tries to catch herself when she is in thinking mode. Reflecting in a bad mood gets in the way of making the right decisions. People believe that rethinking the situation will ultimately lead to a solution to the problem. But actually it is not.

If you find yourself plunging into painful thoughts about your difficult fate and why life is so unfair, stop thinking and switch to something else.

For example, take a walk in the park, chat with a friend, or do a couple of laps around the stadium. The latter helps a lot to get rid of negativity - it has been tested in practice!

With stress, psychologically grounded personal or psychosomatic changes occur that pass by themselves without medical intervention. A conversation with a loved one, a change of environment, a mug of hot tea in a friendly company, a relaxing bath or having sex with a loved one will help relieve "tension". You can consult with a specialist - psychologist following the link in our group In contact with.

"Severe" stress can contribute to excessive stress on the protective (adaptive) capabilities of the body and, in the presence of aggravating factors, act adversely on the body. In the modern world, the impact of stressors does not occur alone, more often, one type of impact is replaced by another alternately, i.e. there is an imposition of stress and therefore frequent overexertion is especially destructive.

There is no such medicine that would relieve the effects of stressful influences and post-stress disorders by 100%. alleviates some of the traumatic symptoms, but at the same time it is not effective for psychological symptoms. Pharmacotherapy facilitates the introduction of patients into the psychotherapeutic process - individual or group psychotherapy.

In this article, you will find 17 effective ways to relieve stress, thanks to these simple tips, learn how to manage stress, as well as get rid of other health problems. You can also read about how to become a more stress-resistant person in

1. Hobbies

One of the most effective methods of getting rid of this state, which helps to distract from sad thoughts, is mastering a new hobby. While you are learning a new activity, negative thoughts will leave you during the training.

Handcrafted creative work has been shown to promote relaxation and stress management.

2. Combing hair

Another good proven method is to comb your hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure relaxes the muscles and “accelerates” the blood. It is especially suitable for those who are constantly at the computer.

3. Dancing

It is necessary to dance often to relieve tension. Be sure to dance, even at home, or you can visit any nightclub to completely relax to the rhythmic music! Dance moves are great stress relievers. Moreover, dancing is easier than exhausting workouts in a fitness club.

4. Exercise with animals

Exercising pets can also help reduce anxiety and stress, according to numerous studies. What's more, it has been proven that those who have pets are more likely to tolerate this trauma and recover more quickly from stress. Even aquarium fish have a therapeutic effect.

5. Eat something sweet

Ice cream or other sweet food can serve as anti-stress doping. These foods act like antidepressants. If you are not a fan of sweets, eat fish that is packed with omega-3 amino acids. This product also relieves stress.

6. Aromatherapy

It will help to overcome stress and a strong, pleasant smell, because aromas are strongly associated with emotional memory. Keep a perfume with you, the smell of which you associate with happy moments and from which you are delighted. Use your favorite perfume and get positive emotions.

7. Point massage

Massaging the points under the nose, between the eyebrows, on the chin and in the center of the palm will restore strength and help conserve energy. Massage these areas for at least 30 seconds.

8. Get your thoughts in order

To put your thoughts in order, you need to stay alone for a while and just indulge in thoughts. While enjoying a delicious treat to your favorite melody, just relax and think about what you would like the most. You can even write your wishes on paper.

Having outlined an approximate plan, you will be able to outline your further actions.

9. Cleaning

Cleaning the apartment and simply putting things in their places has a beneficial effect on the brain and helps to order thoughts. By doing these simple manipulations, you will be able to concentrate. And the put things in order in the closets and on the shelves will give a psychological effect - unconsciously, this order will be transferred to thoughts.

10. Hiking

Although walking on foot gives some stress, it also clears the mind, freeing the head from heavy thoughts. Thanks to walking, the level of the hormone of happiness - endorphin - rises in the body.

Walking will fill you with positive energy, which is so lacking in stressful conditions. And while walking, something will definitely make you smile.

11. Rubbing the palms

To relieve nervous tension, it is enough to rub your palms together or your ears. Rub them until they are hot. Thus, you will focus and invigorate.

12. Wave your hands

Treatments such as swimming and massage are very helpful. Since stress is manifested by muscle squeezing, they lose their elasticity and you may experience back pain as well as headaches. Simple relaxation exercises can be done at home or in the workplace. Just do rotations with your arms and legs, bend your hands in different directions.

13. Wash away stress in the shower.

Take a shower for 15 minutes and feel a surge of energy and get a boost of vivacity. Negative thoughts will leave you under the influence of warm jets of water and massage of the head and shoulders, and after a while, relief will come.

14. Tea with hibiscus

The Hibiscus Hour helps to liquefy radicals that cause stress and anxiety. Therefore, such a drink is very useful to drink when

15. Coloring pictures

Coloring pictures is another effective way to deal with stress. According to psychologists, engaging in this type of creativity for at least five minutes, stress passes faster, and besides that, you will get aesthetic pleasure.

16. Walking stairs

It takes 30 seconds to run up the stairs to overcome stress. Running up and down will oxygenate the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotional stress.

17. Moving objects

According to oriental practices, by just moving any 27 items in the apartment, you will relax, disconnect from problems and find a way to eliminate a stressful situation. Thanks to these manipulations, space is freed up for energy, and you can switch from your problems to something else and just relax emotionally.

Stress is characterized by strong mental stress, a person suffers physically and mentally. The main signs are: rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, tension in the muscles of the back and neck. At the psychological level, a person experiences anxiety, confusion, fear.

Of course, the daily nervous impact reduces the quality of life, in some situations the body needs help. To resist a stressful attack, it is worth using psychological tricks.

If you apply the methods in case of acute and strong tension, then an ambulance in case of stress develops an adequate response and increases the defenses.

First aid for traumatic situations

The traumatic effect is felt both physically and emotionally. A person can suffocate, tremors begin in the limbs, and many have stomach cramps. Emotions can be passive, the shocked individual is confused in his thoughts, he is confused and defenseless. What to do with? How can you help yourself in a difficult situation? Consider a few guidelines and rules.

This is the very first aid for stress. Simple actions help to relax muscle clamps, reduce the heat of passions, and get rid of an injury situation. They are not designed to solve deep internal problems, their goal is to reduce the negative impact of a negative factor on the body and emotions.

Stress: psychological help

Prolonged stress leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract and other organs suffer. If you do not start fighting stress, then negative emotions lead to chronic fatigue, insomnia, memory and attention deteriorate. If you cannot cope with negative experiences on your own, then you can turn to specialists. What will psychological stress relief be?

  1. The professional will reduce emotional manifestations such as anxiety, persistent fear, or apathy.
  2. A course of work with a psychologist will allow you to restore protective forces, the joy of life and a taste for it will appear.
  3. To look for resources, new opportunities for life.
  4. An experienced professional can help reduce the negative effects of severe stress.

When is psychological help needed? This is acute stress as a result of violence, death of a loved one, divorce, dismissal and other difficult situations. If a person feels that traumatic events are destroying him, then you can cope with the symptoms together with a competent specialist who has experience working with people in

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Psychologists are specialists who help us solve problems, overcome fears and understand ourselves so that we feel calm. However, they are also people and, like all of us, are subject to stress, which must be somehow dealt with.

site will tell you about the quick stress relief methods used by the professionals themselves.

1. Write down everything that comes to mind

Psychotherapist, writer and teacher Jeffrey Sumber(Jeffrey Sumber) uses several aesthetic ways to deal with stress:

“When I'm nervous, I like to eat well. But it must necessarily be a healthy meal or a dish that is new to me. I go shopping for a long time, choosing the right ingredients, then carefully cutting them, preparing the dressings and slowly, with pleasure, I eat the dish. And I also often post the result on Facebook so that my friends would envy me! "

3. Tighten all your muscles

American psychotherapist Kevin Chapman(Kevin Chapman) uses progressive muscle relaxation, which was developed back in 1920, to combat stress.

The principle is simple: after any strong exertion, there is a strong relaxation. That is, you need to strain the muscles for 10 seconds, and then concentrate on the subsequent feeling of relaxation for 20 seconds.

In total, 200 exercises have been developed for all muscle groups, but it is enough to use 16. Find exercises and.

4. React correctly or don't react at all

Psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne(Susan Krauss Whitbourne) doesn't deal with stress, but tries to avoid it beforehand. To do this, she has a mantra that she repeats when she gets into a stressful situation. She says: "I cannot change the situation, but I can change my reaction to it."

A positive reaction to a negative event helps not only to avoid stress, but also to gain some experience, if you look at it as a test, and learn from mistakes.

5. Stop the flow of thoughts

Psychologist Martin Seligman(Martin Seligman) advises using one simple and very popular way to get the thoughts out of your head.

Clap your hands and shout “ Stop! I'll think about it later!". You can also wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap yourself with it (or just pinch yourself). Use these stimuli to stop the cycle of thoughts and postpone the problem until later, for a certain period of time. Then try to shift your attention to some unusual subject or activity.

6. Set aside 1 hour for what you love and enjoy.

Psychotherapist Amy Przeworski(Amy Przeworski) recommends setting aside a period of time during which you only do what you want. Read, draw, eat delicious food - in general, do what gives you pleasure. No work, no responsibilities, no negative thoughts, or whatever you dislike and ruin your mood.

7. Stimulate the nerves

An unusual but effective physiology-based method suggested by the therapist Tony Bernhard(Toni Bernhard). Lightly slide your index finger over your lips several times. This movement affects the nerves on the surface of the lips, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and helps to calm down quickly.

8. Try different classic methods

Of course, there are classic stress-relieving and stress-relieving methods that work just as well.

For example, a clinical psychologist and author of Living with Depression Deborah Serani(Deborah Serani) When stressed, he tries to give the body what it wants. “I use everything that touches the senses. For example, I can just sit in the car and listen to jazz on the radio, paint, lie in a hot bath, or enjoy delicious gourmet tea. "

) uses yoga, exercise, or just a healthy sleep to cleanse the head.

The main principle

The main principle of getting rid of stress is to completely abstract away from the problem and from any source of excitement for a while. And the better you do it, the faster you will recover and be ready for new challenges.

What's your favorite way to deal with stress? Maybe you have your own unique method?

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