Home Natural farming How easy it is to find an epithet in a sentence. The meaning of the word `` epithet. Epithets in epithets and myths of different peoples of the world

How easy it is to find an epithet in a sentence. The meaning of the word `` epithet. Epithets in epithets and myths of different peoples of the world

Imagine that people would talk to each other like machines. We would exchange combinations of ones and zeros - bare data and no emotion. Would it be more difficult for us to find a common language? It seems that yes, it is more difficult.

People exchange many messages every day: "What did you eat today?", "What movie did you watch?", "How does grandma feel?" Saying that you ate soup is just information. And to say that the soup was delightful- means to complicate the message with additional meanings. To convey additional information that you liked the soup, that it was tasty - and thus praise the mother who cooked it, give her a hint on what dinner to please next time.

And so with all other things: the film was scary, or happy, or romantic... Grandma was cheerful or tired- each of these messages evokes additional emotions, tells the whole story literally in one word, describes in one definition. And this definition is called an epithet.

  • Epithet- a means of speech expressiveness, the main purpose of which is to describe the significant properties of an object, to give it a figurative characteristic.

Functions of epithets

Without epithets, speech would be poor and expressionless. After all, the imagery of speech simplifies the perception of information. One apt word can convey not only a message about a fact, but also tell what emotions it evokes, what meaning this fact has.

Epithets can differ in the strength of the transmitted emotions and in the severity of a particular characteristic. For example, say "cold water" - and you will only get an approximate information about the temperature. Say “ice water” - and together with the basic information you will convey sensations, emotions, an expressive metaphorical image and associations with the thorny, piercing cold of ice.

In this case, you can distinguish between the epithets commonly used, understandable and familiar to everyone, and unique, copyright, such are usually found in writers. An example of the former can be found in almost any descriptive definition from everyday life: dress cheerful colors, book boring... To illustrate the author's unique epithets, it is worth looking into fiction, best of all - into poetry.

For example, examples of epithets from works of art may look like this: “And the fox became downy wash with paws. || Whipping up fiery tail sail "(V. Khlebnikov). Or like this: "The face thousand-eyed the trust shines with even electricity ”(V. Mayakovsky). Or even quite like this: “Every morning, with six-wheeled precision, at the same hour and at the same minute, we, millions, stand up as one. At the same hour one million starting work - one million we finish ”(E. Zamyatin).

Structure of epithets

Epithets are not necessarily adjectives, although from the ancient Greek word ἐπίθετον is translated exactly that way.

The most common epithets with structure object + definition, expressed in different parts of speech. The role of definition is often played by adjective:

  • “Nothing is given for free: fate || Victims redemptive asks ”(N. Nekrasov).

But with the same success and an even greater degree of artistic expressiveness, epithets can also be nouns, adverbs as well as other parts of speech.

  • Nouns: “Sitting in the pavilion, he saw a young lady of short stature pass along the embankment, blonde"(A. Chekhov); “And here is the public opinion! || Spring of honor, our idol!|| And that's what the world turns on! " (A. Pushkin);
  • Adverbs: "The grass is everywhere funny blossomed ”(I. Turgenev);
  • Participles and verbal adjectives: “What if I, spellbound, || Soz-nanya who broke the thread, || Back home humiliated, || Can you forgive me? " (A. Blok);
  • German participles: “I love a thunderstorm in early May, || When the spring, the first thunder, || As if frolicking and playing, || Thunders in the blue sky "(F. Tyutchev).

! It should be borne in mind that not every adjective or other part of speech, even if they denote a sign in some way, are necessarily epithets. They can carry a logical load in a statement and perform certain syntactic functions in a sentence (be a predicate, addition or circumstance). And for this reason, they are not epithets.

Classification of epithets

In general, an attempt to classify epithets based on their structure lies in the field of linguistics. Other parameters are important for literary studies. In particular, the fact that epithets can be divided into groups:

  • decorating;
  • permanent;
  • copyright.

Decorating epithets - any descriptive characteristics: sea affectionate, silence ringing. Permanent call such epithets that have long been firmly entrenched in the minds of many people for certain words. There are many of them in the works of oral folk art, folklore and fairy tales: red Sun, clear month, kind well done, mighty shoulders, red damsel, etc.

Evolution of epithets

Historically and culturally, epithets have undergone changes over time and depending on the geography of the people who created them. The conditions in which we live. What kind of experience we get during our life. What phenomena do we encounter and how do we comprehend them in our culture. All this affects the images of speech and the meanings and feelings encoded in them.

It is widely known, for example, that the peoples of the Far North have dozens of synonyms-epithets for the word "white". A resident of tropical islands is unlikely to come up with one or two.

Or let's take black, which has a diametrically opposite meaning in the cultures of different peoples. In Europe, it symbolizes mourning and sorrow, and in Japan, joy. Traditionally, Europeans wear black for funerals, and the Japanese for weddings.

Accordingly, the role of epithets with the word "black" changes when they are used in the speech of Europeans or Japanese.

It is curious that in early oral folklore and literature at its early stages, epithets did not so much express emotions as literally described phenomena and objects in terms of their physical properties and key features. In addition, there were obvious epic exaggerations of the properties of phenomena and objects.

Remember that in Russian epics, enemy troops are always innumerable, forests dense, monsters filthy, and bogatyrs completely kind well done.

With the development of literature, the epithets themselves are modified, and the role that epithets play in literary works. As a result of evolution, epithets have become more complex structurally and semantically. The poetry of the Silver Age and postmodern prose give us especially interesting examples.

Epithets in folklore

To better imagine all of the above, let's look into fairy tales and other folklore works of the peoples of the world, prose and poetic texts of different periods - and look for epithets in them.

Let's start with fairy tales. The dictionary of epithets, its wealth and imagery are largely determined by the traditions of the people who created it.

So, in the Russian folk tale "Finist - the clear falcon" you can see descriptions of nature and man, traditional for folklore. You can easily find the epithets of distance, traditional for folk art:

  • "And a fellow appeared to her beauty indescribable... By morning the fellow hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew away to blue the sky. "
  • “Maryushka ordered three iron shoes, three iron staffs, three iron caps and set off on the road distant, search desired Finista - clear falcon. She walked clean field, walked dark forest, high mountains. Birds cheerful songs made her heart happy, streams face white washed, forests dark welcomed ".
  • “Thy clear falcon far away, in distant state ".

But Iranian tales are examples of oriental figurative, ornate and rich in various epithets of speech. Let's look at the fairy tale "The Story of Sultan Sanjar":

  • “They say that in one country a certain pious and wise sultan named Sanjar, with extraordinary care delving into the affairs of the state and subjects, not relying on this on his entourage. "
  • O moon-faced, O pearl beauty! Who has done you such harm? Why is fate so unkind to you?

On the example of these two tales, you can already see how very interesting, at the level of epithets and other means of expression, the cultural characteristics of a particular people are traced. Take, for example, Russian epics about the glorious deeds of heroes, Celtic heroic legends and ancient Greek myths. They are united by heroic pathos, metaphoricity and the obvious fantastic nature of the events described. And phenomena of the same order are described in them with epithets of a comparable level of emotionality:

  • Russian epics: “Take off your dress, take off your bast shoes- scraps, hand in your hat downy yes, my stick humpbacked: I'll put on a calico, so I don't know Idolische filthy me, Ilya Muromets. "
  • Ancient Greek myths: “In the beginning there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos ". “Far below the Earth, as far as far from us immense, light sky, in immeasurable deep was born gloomy Tartarusterrible abyss, full of eternal darkness ».
  • Celtic myths: “But the children of Calatin continued to fill the plain with the ghosts of battle, and fire and smoke rose to the sky, and the winds carried wild screams and groans, monstrous laughter and the sounds of trumpets and horns. "

Those. in all three examples (underlined) some monstrous, amazing and terrifying creatures, places, events or phenomena are described by epithets with a sharply negative connotation. And the task of these epithets is not only to give these creatures, places, events or phenomena a description and definition, but also to form a given attitude towards them, the narrator needs. Evoke the emotions necessary for the perception of further narration.

! By the way, translated texts bear the imprint of the translator's cultural baggage, including the traditions of the imagery of his native language. This means that the epithet in Russian, English or Chinese for the same phenomena can be used differently. Although in a talented professional translation, as a rule, epithets are chosen so as not to distort the original meaning and correspond to the language culture of the original text.

Epithets in literary classics

Over time, the impact of epithets and other linguistic means of expression, inspiring certain feelings, began to be used in literature (and not only) much more often and more widely. After all, it is important for writers and poets to stimulate the empathy of listeners and readers - it is one of the necessary components of joint creativity. Which, without a doubt, is the creation and subsequent reading of any talented work.

Let's take the Russian classics from the school literature course and the epithets in it. For example, a couple of quotes from the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I. Turgenev:

  • « <…>dry a maple leaf comes off and falls to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The saddest and dead- similar to the most cheerful and alive».
  • “Whatever passionate, sinful, rebellious the heart did not hide in the grave, the flowers growing on it, serenely look at us with their innocent eyes: not about one eternal calmness they tell us about great calmness " indifferent»Nature; they also talk about eternal reconciliation and life endless…»

Poetry shows us many examples of how epithets create mood and set the tone for a story. In poems, epithets are used even more often than other tropes.

  • "Child, look around; baby, to me; || There are many merry things in my side: || Flowers turquoise, pearl jets; || From gold poured my palaces ". V. Zhukovsky, the poem" The Forest Tsar ".
  • “In the evening such golden and clear, || In this breath of spring all-victorious|| Don't remember me, oh my friend beautiful, || You are about our love timid and poor". A. Fet.
  • “You drink my soul like a straw. || I know the taste of her bitter and hoppy... || But I will not break the torture by pleading. || Oh my rest many weeks". A. Akhmatova.

The role of epithets in poems and prose can be realized in this way: when epithets are part of a complex syntactic structure, which as a whole should not only convey the author's idea to the reader, but also emotionally enrich it:

  • "V white cloak with bloody lining, shuffling cavalry gait, early on the morning of the fourteenth of the spring month of Nisan in covered the colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great came out the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate ... "M. Bulkagov," The Master and Margarita ".

The author string epithets on top of each other, giving this segment of the text a rhythm similar to an old man's gait. And he uses epithets that not only describe color or gait, but also transmits non-textual information. The lining of the cloak is not just red, but symbolically bloody. And the epithets for describing the gait give an idea of ​​the past of its owner and the fact that he retained the bearing of a military man. The rest of the epithets are descriptions of the circumstances of place and time.

By successfully combining epithets, personifications, comparisons, metaphors, writers create non-standard images:

  • “You, Book! You alone will not deceive, you will not hit, you will not offend, you will not leave! Quiet- and you laugh, shout, eat; submissive, - you amaze, tease, lure; small- and in you there are peoples without number; handful of letters, just something, but if you want - you will turn your head, confuse, wrap it up, fog it up, tears will bubble up, your breath will drown, your whole soul will be agitated like a canvas in the wind, it will rise in waves, flap its wings! " T. Tolstaya, "Kys".


Epithets play a very important role in communication at different levels: from everyday life to the level of art and literature. They make speech not only interesting and pleasant to understand, but also more informative. Because in the form of epithets, additional, out-of-text information and emotions are encoded.

There are several ways to classify epithets and group them. The basis for such a division is the structure of epithets, their origin, frequency of use in speech.

Epithets reflect the traditions of the language and culture of a particular people, and are also a kind of sign of the time that gave birth to them.

Illustrative examples of epithets of different levels of complexity can be found in folklore and literature of subsequent periods.

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Russian language

What is an epithet and how do you find it?

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An epithet is a poetic device that gives a definition or expression to a word. It is used in literary texts, sometimes in poetic and lyrical works.

The purpose of the epithet will be to emphasize something special, its special expressiveness, which the author wants to draw attention to.

The use of such an artistic technique allows the author to add subtlety, depth and expressiveness to the text. With the help of the epithet, the creative intention of the author is indicated (see).

Simple and continuous epithets

  • simple - there is one adjective, an epithet to the word, for example: silk curls, deep eyes;
  • merged - they have two or more roots, are perceived as one whole, for example: wonderfully mixed noise.

There is such a thing as the epithet of authorship, which is less common than others. Gives the proposal a unique meaning and additional expressiveness. When you have such texts in front of you, you begin to understand how complex and broad the worldview of the writer is.

The presence of epithets in the presentation gives a feeling of special semantic depth, which is filled with irony, bitterness, sarcasm and bewilderment.

Epithets help to brighten images

Types of epithets

In Russian, the epithet is divided into three types:

General language

The norm of literary phrases. There are about 210 epithets for the word “silence”: deaf, exciting, grave, sensitive.
Common language epithets are:

  • comparative. They are used to compare and liken one object to another (dog barking, bear gaze, cat purr);
  • anthropomorphic. It is based on the transfer of human properties and attributes of objects to a natural phenomenon, for example: a gentle breeze, a smiling sun, a dull birch;
  • amplifying-tautological. Repeat and enhance the characteristics of the object: soft cotton wool, soundless in silence, serious danger.

Examples of epithets: deserted life, sweet writing, gentle voice, sweet breeze, deathly silence.

Folk poetry

Such epithets appeared thanks to oral folk art. Basically, the folkloric flavor has been preserved. Unlike others, they are limited in compatibility: blue river, orange sun, brown bear.

Examples: a clear month, an open field, living water, a painted tower, a good fellow, lived, walked, walked.

Individual author's

A rare semantic association. Basically, they are not reproduced, but they have an occasional character.

Examples: chocolate mood, chamomile laugh, stone thunder, a golden cloud, a giant cliff, in a stunted desert.

Such combinations do not fit into the framework of general literary norms, but the effect of animation is created, expressiveness is enhanced.


When techniques are used in stable phrases, for example: the far-off kingdom, good fellow. When writing fiction, authors use:

  • evaluative epithets (unbearable heat, lost feelings);
  • descriptive (tired heart);
  • emotional (sad autumn, sad time).

Thanks to epithets, the artistic phrase becomes more expressive.

How to find epithets in a text?

Let's try to figure out what epithets are in Russian and how to recognize them in writing? They are placed immediately after the word being defined.

To achieve depth in the story and to enhance the specificity of the sound, the authors place the epithets in a vertical position, that is, tear them apart. Famous Russian poets, when writing poems, placed them at the end of the line. When reading such creations, the reader felt a mystery.
To identify them in a work of fiction, you need to remember that they act as different parts of speech. They are used as an adjective: golden laughter of bells, mysterious sounds of a violin.

It can also be found in the form of an adverb, for example: prayed fervently. Often they look like a noun (an evening of disobedience); numeral (third hands).
For brevity, statements can be used as participles and verbal adjectives (what if I'm brooding, can you go back?), Gerunds.

Epithets in literature

What is an epithet in literature? An essential element that cannot be dispensed with when writing artwork. It is important to use these techniques to write a compelling story that engages the reader. When there are many of them in the text, this is also bad.

When a certain image, object or phenomenon is described with epithets, they will become more expressive.

They have other goals as well, namely:

  • to emphasize a characteristic feature or property of an object that is described in the presentation, for example: blue sky, wild animal;
  • explain and clarify a sign that will help distinguish one or another object, for example: purple, crimson, gold leaves;
  • used as a basis for creating something comic, for example. The authors combine words that are contrasting in meaning: light brunette, bright night;
  • allow the writer to express his opinion on the described phenomenon;
  • help inspire an object, for example: the first spring ringing rumbles, rumbles in the dark blue sky;
  • create an atmosphere and evoke the necessary emotions, for example: stranger and lonely to everything;
  • to form readers' opinion on what is happening, for example: a small scientist, but a pedant;

Epithets are often used in poems, stories, novels and stories. They make them lively and exciting. They evoke their emotions in readers about what is happening.

It is safe to say that without epithets, literature would not fully exist.

Examples of epithets in literature:

  • Marmalade mood - A.P. Chekhov.
  • Free Sea - A.S. Pushkin.
  • Boring shore - A. Pushkin.
  • Unfriendly elements - A.P. Chekhov
  • Thoughtful and tender land of mine - S. A. Yesenin.
  • Indifferent yellow fire - A. A. Akhmatova.
  • In the wilderness of a dozing forest - N.M. Rubtsov.

Epithets in a metaphor

In addition to the forms of epithets, they are divided according to the characteristics:

  • metaphorical. The epithet is based on such an artistic device as a metaphor, for example: a light winter drawing, autumn gold, barren birches;
  • metonymic. Their goal is to create a metonymic essence of an object, for example: a birch, cheerful tongue, its hot, scratching silence.

Morning can be different and epithets will help

If you use such techniques in your story, then the reader will be able to perceive the described objects and phenomena more strongly and brighter. In everyday life, art and fiction, epithets are given an important role.

  • Epithet (from ancient Greek ἐπίθετον - "attached") is a definition for a word that affects its expressiveness, the beauty of pronunciation. It is expressed mainly by an adjective, but also by an adverb ("love ardently"), a noun ("fun noise"), a numeral ("second life").

    Having no definite position in the theory of literature, the name "epithet" is applied approximately to those phenomena that are called definitions in syntax, and adjectives in etymology; but this is only a partial coincidence.

    There is no established view of an epithet in literary theory: some attribute it to figures of speech, others consider it, along with figures and tropes, to be an independent means of poetic depiction; some consider the epithet to be an element of exclusively poetic speech, while others find it in prose.

    Alexander Veselovsky described several moments in the history of the epithet, which, however, is only an artificially isolated fragment of the general history of the style.

    Literary theory deals only with the so-called epitheton ornans. This name originates from the old theory, which saw in the methods of poetic thinking a means to decorate poetic speech, however, only the phenomena designated by this name represent a category allocated by the theory of literature in the term "epithet".

    Just as not every epithet has the form of a grammatical definition, so not every grammatical definition is an epithet: a definition that narrows the scope of the concept being defined is not an epithet.

    Logic distinguishes between synthetic judgments - those in which the predicate names a feature that is not contained in the subject (this mountain is high) and analytical ones - those in which the predicate only reveals a feature already present in the subject (people are mortal).

    Transferring this difference to grammatical definitions, we can say that the name of the epithet is only analytical definitions: "scattered storm", "crimson takes" are not epithets, but "clear azure", "long-length spear", "London scrupulous" - epithets, because clarity is a constant sign of azure, scrupulousness is a sign obtained from the analysis of the poet's idea of ​​London.

    The epithet - the beginning of the decomposition of a merged complex of representations - highlights the feature already given in the word being defined, since it is necessary for consciousness that understands phenomena; the feature he distinguishes may seem insignificant, accidental, but it is not such for the author's creative thought.

    Bylina constantly calls the saddle Cherkassian, not in order to distinguish this saddle from others, not Cherkasy, but because this saddle of a hero, the best that the poet-people can imagine: this is not a simple definition, but a method of stylistic idealization. Like other techniques - conventional phrases, typical formulas - an epithet in ancient songwriting easily became constant, invariably repeated with a well-known word (white hands, a red girl) and so closely fastened to it that even contradictions and absurdities do not overcome this constancy (“ white hands "appear in the hands of the" arapin ", Tsar Kalin -" dog "not only in the mouths of his enemies, but also in the speech of his ambassador to Prince Vladimir).

    This "oblivion of the real meaning", according to A. N. Veselovsky's terminology, is already a secondary phenomenon, but the very appearance of a permanent epithet cannot be considered primary: its constancy, which is usually considered a sign of an epic, an epic world outlook, is the result of selection after a certain variety.

    It is possible that in the era of the most ancient (syncretic, lyric-epic) songwriting, this constancy did not yet exist: “only later did it become a sign of that typically conventional - and estate - outlook and style, which we consider somewhat one-sided, characteristic of the epic and folk poetry ".

    Epithets can be expressed in different parts of speech (mother-Volga, wind-tramp, bright eyes, damp earth). Epithets are a very common concept in literature; it is difficult to imagine a work of art without them.

Our speech would be poor without words that describe the signs of the objects that we tell the interlocutor. Epithets help to convey how the speaker relates to a particular phenomenon, what kind of assessment he gives him.

Let us consider what an epithet is in the literature, give a definition of this term, analyze with an example what it is for, note the importance of its use in one case or another.

The word has ancient Greek roots, its meaning is clear from the translation - "attached". The function of an epithet is to underline the word next to it.

It gives expressiveness to the phrase. It can be an adjective (beautiful fence), an adverb (run fast), as well as a noun, numeral (third number), verb,.

The poem uses epithets to emphasize imagery, emotional coloring, the author's vision, hidden or explicit meaning.

The epithet is often used in poetry and prose. Its structure and textual functionality add color, new meaning and emotion to the word. The role of the word is described by experts in different ways. They don't have a single vision. Although this is one of the oldest stylistic terms.

Some consider it to be a figure and trope, considering it an independent unit. Others argue that it should only be used in poetry, not prose.

Important! Previously, the term "decorating epithet" was used, but it did not accurately characterize this phenomenon.

A simple epithet is an expression without a figurative meaning. A high term can be attributed to a metaphor.

It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of this word, since without its use the poems would be faded and inexpressive.

Defining words allow not only to emphasize the property of an object, but also to emotionally color the author's attitude to this subject. Then the reader also feels the emotions that the author of the text wanted to convey.

Examples of epithets

Such techniques help to highlight the main idea or emphasize the merits. Some expressions were so liked by people that they began to be used in speech. This suggests that the writer coped with his task: his work was not only remembered, but it also went to the people.

Sometimes it is only with the help of these definitions that an author can use his personality and come up with a unique definition. It can be the fruit of the author's inner world, his attitude to the situation.

Use in literature

With the help of the technique, a significant feature is highlighted in what the author wanted to say. It can be a word or a phrase. In a poem, two types can be used:

  • pictorial;
  • lyric.

The first option is used when you need to emphasize a word, but avoid evaluating it. Examples: red sunset, yellow sun, blue sky. That is, it is rather a statement of fact. The second option is the author's attitude to what he describes (a noisy aspen, the most beautiful action).

Epithets: interpretation and role in language

With the right epithets, the writer or poet draws more attention to the words that he wants to emphasize or highlight. Therefore, it is important to find expressions that will give expressiveness to the work.

A well-chosen definition can add sophistication, depth and enhanced expression of properties to speech. Most often, adjectives act as such words. They are located behind the word being defined.

Alexander Blok used amplification in his works, placing them remotely from each other. This technique colored their sound. They were located at the end of the line of the poem.

Epithets in different parts of speech

Knowing what an epithet is in literature, a writer can easily use it to enhance the semantic effect, as well as create author's definitions. This is rather an exception than a rule, but they are present in the work of V. Mayakovsky, for example.

With their help, he gives expression to the expression, using not one word, but several. After reading such a combination of words, a person will reflect on the author's thought and appreciate how difficult and wide it is to look at everyday things.

After rereading the expressions several times, it is easy to find the subtext and the veiled message that the author wanted to convey to the reader.

Permanent epithets

Many people wonder what permanent, well-established epithets are. This is a beautiful definition that is associated with the word and forms an inextricable, stable connection with it.

In fact, these are word combinations that have become entrenched in the language, which came to literature from folklore. Most often they are adjectives.

Definition of an epithet, examples

Many examples of these stable phrases are easy to find in fairy tales and epics. Typically, this is the highest quality in the subject being described. They fit organically into the meaning of the works.

Constant epithets describe the idealized world of the work, its perfection. They are also used in songs for lyrical appreciation.

They are used systematically, they imperceptibly take root in speech. For example:

  • the girl is red;
  • sugar mouth;
  • clear sun;
  • gray hare;
  • Golden autumn;
  • little hands are white;
  • bitter frost;
  • pure field.

They are used so often that they lose their original meaning. But their main application was in folk art.

Examples of epithets

The linguistic term "means of expression" is a certain combination of several words that form one whole.

This term artistically describes words. He:

  • defines features and qualities;
  • creates an impression;
  • expresses the emotionality of the author;
  • conveys mood;
  • describes the image;
  • evaluates and characterizes.

Types of epithets

There are the following types:

  1. Steady or poetic. Most often they find their application in folklore, as well as in poems.
  2. Figurative or descriptive.
  3. Lyrical, emotionally colored.
  4. Double, triple.
  5. Metaphorical.
  6. Metanomic.

Types of epithets

Important! Epithets are the basic building blocks that an author uses to create the artistic world of a work. With their help, you can plunge into the atmosphere of the poem, become a witness of the era.

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Let's summarize

When the author endows the simplest words with unusual features, he emphasizes the brightness and expressiveness of the story he wants to tell. This technique adds volume to the word and expression, a process of emotional evaluation takes place.

With the help of colorful definitions, the world that a writer or poet creates becomes alive and tangible. Having read such a work, a person, on the basis of figurative words, easily imagines the world and the described atmosphere.

In contact with

Most of us would agree that the main key in interacting directly with each other is communication. Communicating, we share with other people our thoughts, emotions, views. It is impossible to imagine the existence of modern society without communication. However, in order for our speech to be useful to others and to be understandable, it is necessary to decorate it with practical, but at the same time, bright words. One of these are epithets. What is it and are they so important when communicating together?

In contact with

Definition of an epithet

What is an epithet in literature? We come across this definition at school. So, an epithet is a special, expressive word that complements other words. The epithet helps to better understand the essence of a particular word. Based on the definition, they are used as a complement to words denoting a subject or an object. He enters with an adjective. In rare cases, it can be a noun. The noun is the word for which the epithet was used. There are a lot of examples of the use of epithets together with a noun.

Here are a few of them: mighty shoulders, black melancholy, dead night. In all the examples given, figurative expressions give nouns special meaning and emphasize their expressiveness, making the speech itself rich.

Varieties of figurative expressions

In the literature, not only the definition of this concept is known, but also three main varieties:

  • individual copyright;
  • general language;
  • folk poetry.

Let's take a closer look at each of the species mentioned,

Individual author's... This type is created by the authors of works or orators themselves. In other words, spoken expressions or printed in books have never been used before. This view was and is used most often by poets and writers. The use of such interesting expressions gives their creativity more personality. To see them, it is enough to read the works or poem of a famous poet. For example, Mayakovsky or Brodsky. There are phrases with epithets.

General language... This view is not an invention of a particular poet. Such expressions have already been used from speech and in literature. For example, ringing silence, gentle sun, leaden clouds. In this case, figurative expression is aimed at describing the properties and capabilities of the noun. The use of such figurative expressions in everyday speech helps us in the best way to convey to the interlocutor the atmosphere of the upcoming event or to show our personal attitude to certain actions or situations.

Folk poetry... In another way, they are called permanent. These expressions are the result of folk art. During the existence of peoples, they are firmly entrenched in human consciousness. This or that expression is automatically associated with this or that word. In some cases, a folk-poetic epithet may not be one word, but a whole expression. Here are some examples: a good fellow, a clear field, a pretty girl.

Don't Miss: Interpretations of Literary Tricks such as Examples of Exaggeration.

Another classification

There is also another classification. In most cases, such figurative expressions stand next to words used in the text in a figurative sense. If the noun has a figurative meaning, then the epithet has a different meaning, for example:

  • metonymic;
  • metamorphic.

Metonymic... They are based on a figurative metonymic sense. A striking example is the expression from the work of S. Yesenin: "birch, cheerful language."

Metamorphic... They differ from the first type. The name of this type speaks about the basis of the figurative expression. The main one is. There are a lot of examples of such epithets in the literature. For example, for Pushkin, these are “light threats”.

Self-reliant and permanent

There are not so many independent epithets. In literary works or everyday life, they are used no nouns... They are independent and full-fledged members of the proposal. They don't need a supplement. If we talk about literary trends, then most of all such independent figurative expressions are found in the works of the well-known era of Symbolism.

What are permanent epithets? This kind, in contrast to independent expressions, is often found in literature and in everyday life. Constant epithets are beautiful and understandable figurative expressions, which are mainly used in colloquial speech. Colloquial epithets allow us to better convey the emotions of the spoken words. Or show your attitude to certain topics of discussion or to the interlocutor himself. By giving new meaning to words, consistent expressions improve our communication skills.

How to find such expressions in the text?

Having realized the importance and necessity of epithets in speech and literature, it is important to learn how to track and find them. Here are some interesting and useful tips that will be, by the way, during the training:

Thus, we found out what epithets can be, determined what it is and figured out a little how to find it in the text. At the end of the article, I would like to remind once again about the importance of these figurative expressions in literature. Without them, it would not have been so rich, bright and interesting. And our everyday speech, too, would be sluggish, boring and dry. Therefore, epithets are a worthy decoration for our speech.

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