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How to say hello in Tajik. Goodnight

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BBK 81.2 Taj-4
Self-tutor of the Tajik language. - Dushanbe: Maorif 1993.

The book is supplied with simple colloquial texts, Russian-Tajik dictionary.
It is intended for those who wish to study the Tajik language on their own, as well as for teachers of the Tajik language in Russian schools.
LBC 81. 2 Taj-4 Editor A. Abrori
M 504(12)-92
ISBN 5-670-00214-8
(Є) Makhadov M., 1993
The present tutorial"Tajik Language Tutorial" is compiled for those who do not know or have poor command of the Tajik language. It consists of twenty lessons.
Elementary data on the phonetics of the Tajik language in comparison with the sounds of the Russian language are given in a concise form in the first lesson. The remaining nineteen lessons are devoted to the most common grammatical forms of everyday speech.
Each lesson is four to five hours long. Educational material built in such a way as to facilitate the assimilation of the features of the Tajik spoken language. Grammar rules and forms are given in free position and in the form of tables.
In order to quickly and effectively master the material, each lesson is equipped with tasks, exercises and a dictionary.
The self-instruction manual includes small conversational texts on topics such as "Meeting", "At the market", "In a restaurant", "In a hotel", as well as scientific and educational and literary texts. He introduces the most common aphorisms of the Tajik language and their Russian equivalents.
At the end of the manual, samples of some documents (application, certificate, power of attorney, act, autobiography) are given in Tajik and Russian.
The self-instruction manual is supplied with Tajik-Russian and Russian-Tajik dictionaries.
The modern alphabet of the Tajik language is built on the basis of the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet and consists of thirty letters (sounds).
print-1 handwritten first
gtechaї - handwritten I poe
ha a: w >, ha I
I *
ha *°
print" manuscript- ^
A a ,j4q a
B b% e be
in in<%#
G r?s
ve ge
D d
(Her) Ye (Her) Se
K k ^ L l
Al m
H n./V,-. Oh
P and -YGl
Z z 1
C c T t
h h
Sh sh sha
GE 9
(yu yu) yu
(I am) ya
F g ge
K to ke
U u u
X X he
The letters e, e, u, i do not represent independent sounds. These letters denote complex sounds, consisting of two sounds: e = d + e, e = d + o, y = d + y, i = d + a (in the table, these letters are in brackets).
The sounds of the Tajik language are divided into vowels and consonants.
There are six vowel sounds in the Tajik language:
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
The pronunciation of the vowels a, i, e, u, o differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. There is no vowel y in Russian. The beginning of its pronunciation coincides with the pronunciation of the sound y, and at the end - with o, that is, y, sounds o-shaped.
Exercise 1. Say the following words aloud:
ruz - day rui - face
goush - ear shur - salty
u - he husha - ear, bunch
buoy - smell URDU - army
kuh - mountain kuza - jug
mui - hair, hair tour - mesh tufon - typhoon empty - skin
murcha - ant chickens - blind
There are 24 such sounds (letters) in the Tajik language:
b, C, D, D, F, 3, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, h, “i, K, f, X, H, b.
The pronunciation of consonant sounds b, c, d, d, g, s, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, h, w differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. The consonants k, f, x, Ch, ъ are absent in Russian. It takes some practice to pronounce them correctly. Sounds k, f - uvular consonants. When they are pronounced, the tongue closes or approaches the very back of the back of the tongue: these sounds are easily formed by the vibration of these organs.
Exercise 2. Say the following words aloud:
FOp - grotto poF - gap 6of - garden gair - alien TaFo - uncle 30F - jackdaw zagir - flax guncha - bud guk - toad Fypy6 - goose sunset - cotton gunda - karakurt agba - ogil pass - barn
kabl az - before ku - bright swan - weapon kabila - genus, tribe kok, - dry koshuk - spoon kosh - eyebrow akl - mind bakiya - remainder k, avs - parenthesis hulk - people vakt - time of rakam - number of sharq - east cue - part
The consonant sound x has a guttural pronunciation: it is deaf, slotted (compare the pronunciation of g in Ukrainian or remember the pronunciation of g in Latin expression (homo sapiens (ho-mo sapiens).
Exercise 3. Say the following words aloud:
mokhtob - moon sohil - shore hak - share
hukm - order mohy - fish hezum - firewood
hama -¦ everything
moss - month
bahrr - spring kukh. -¦ mountain roh, - road subh. - morning sohib - owner of shirts; - fox ohak - lime mukhit - ambient
shoh - king
Wednesday muhabbat - love
The consonant sound h consists of two sounds d and zh, which are pronounced inseparably, together: j.
Exercise 4. Say the following words aloud:
The consonant sound ъ (ayn) has a guttural pronunciation, it is a voiced, occlusive sound formed by closing the walls of the pharynx. Its pronunciation resembles the pronunciation of a solid sign in Russian words such as congress, object, announcement, siding. This sound is found only in words borrowed from Arabic. At the end of the word, before the izafet, it always disappears: mavzu - the theme, mavzui nav - a new theme, tulu - sunrise, tului oftob - the sun's entry.

    1 good night

    good night

    2 White Nights

    sapedashab. weather.

    3 night

    f shab; deep night bevakti shab; until late at night then bevakti shab; all night [long] tamomi shab; shabho at night; for the night gift yak shab; at night pesh az shab; at night, looking at the gift of bevakti shab; ba torikii shab nigoh nakarda; on the night of ... shabi ..., arafai ..., on the night of Friday, shabi panҷshanbe; [and] day and night, day and night, shabu ruz, hamesha, doimo; good (good) night! shab ba khair!, shabaton hush bod! white nights sapedashabho, shabhoi shimol; St. Bartholomew's night Shabi Bartholomew (August 24 salt 1572 gift of Shabi go khazrati Bartholomew Hugenotkhoro қir kardani catholicho, maҷozan katli om, kushokushі), sparrow night 1) shabi chumchuk (katoҳtarin shabi tobiston); 2) shabi serradu barq; polar night shabi kutbi; under the cover of night dar panohi shab, dar zeri chodari shab

    4 White

    (white, -a, white)

    1. safed, safedrang; white matoi safed fabric; white paper kogazi safe

    2. (light) ravshan, kushod, tobon, safed; white neck guardia safed

    3. tk. full f. adj. and in the meaning noun white m, white w safedpast; white race irqi (nazhodi) safedpast

    4. (about time of day, about light) ravshan; white nights safedashabho (dar mintaqai shimol); in the midst of (medium) broad daylight dar ruzi ravshan

    5. tk. full f. mouth iobl. (pure) tosa; white half of the hut qismi tozai honai chobin

    6. tk. full f. adj. and in the meaning noun white m safed; white pl. safedho; white guard ist. guards and safed; white officer officeri safed; the whites retreated safedho aqibnishini kardand

    7. in value noun white pl. chess. muhrahoyi safed; play white bo donahoi safed bozi kardan

    8. gift of tarkibi nomkhoi ba'ze hayvonot va nabotot: polar bear hirsi safed white bath khammomi muridor; white ticket mouth. tickets safed (shahodatnomai ozod budan az hizmati kharbi ba sababi kasali); white wine 1) mai anguri safe, sharobi safe 2) simple. (vodka) araq; white crow zogi alo; delirium tremens ҷununi khamr; white clergy rҳoniyoni safed (yak kismi rҳoniyoni pravoslavі, ki bar hilofi rukhoniyoni rohib parҳezgori hintunand); white gold (cotton) tilloi safed; white hut khonai muridor; white bone iron. asilzoda, ashrofzoda; white magic sekru kodu; white places (spots) 1) mahalhoi taҳқiқnashuda (kamtaҳқiқшuda) 2) masalahoi haltalab (ҳаҳаҳқиқшuda); white meat goshti murg; goshti guzola; White Olympiad Zimiston Olympiad; white light dunyo, olam; white verse she'ri ozod; white coal kuvvai ob; white thread sewn misash ayon ast; a fairy tale about a white bull pogov. joke. what mekhon? - Porsola

    5 fleeting

    (quick-tech | en, -on, -but)

    1. mouth poet. tezrav, zudҷarayon, tezҷarayon

    2. tezguzar, zudguzar, darguzar; th summer nights shabhoi katohi tobiston

    6 Kind

    (kind, -ah, -oh, kind)

    1. nek, nekokor, rahmdil, mehrubon; dilnishin, dilpisand, purmehr; kind soul joni odem; kind voice Ovozi Dilnishin; kind eyes chashmoni purmehr

    2. hush, khair, nek; good deeds korhoi khair; good news khabarhoi khush; good word suhani nek

    3. nazdik, mehrubon, karin; our good friends shinoshoi nazdiki mo; good relations munoshibachi dustona

    4. mouth hub, margub, hele nagz; good horses asphoi hub; in good time, vaqti munosib; according to the good old custom, az rӯi odati khubi qadim; good saber shamsheri nagz

    5. mouth and folk. neck, nexirisht, poctinat; good fellow ҷavonmard; kind people! inverted mardum!; good person! inverted barodar!, uh, chүra!

    6. open poke, neck; leave [about yourself] a good memory of hotirai (nomi) nek monondan; use the good name of Neknom Budan; good glory sүҳrati nek

    7. open (full, whole) raso, tam; he looks like a good fifty years old vay dar zohir raso panҷoҳsola menamoyad; good hour he walked through the forest wai yak soati tam az ҷangal meguzasht good evening! fat!; a good genius whose timsoli are neki, valinemat; good afternoon! fat!; good health! salomat bosched!; kind little odami hub; good night! shabaton ba khair (khush)!; good morning! subkhaton ba khair (khush)!, salom!; all the best! khair!, salomat boshed!; people of good will odamoni pokviҷdon (nekiroda); what good in meaning. introductory sl. mabodo, bad nahosta; he, what good, will still cost mabodo, wai hafa ham shavad; good luck! rohi safed!, safar bekhatar!; good time! barori kor dihad!, komyobi yoraton bod!; of good will, more Ikhtiyori is thin, Ikhtiyoran; be kind, be kind. polite lutfan, bemalol boshad, marhamat karda; kindly give me the book bemalol boshad, kitobro ba man dihed

    7 wear out

    owls. someone behol (bemador, hasta) cardan; azob dodan, ba chon rasondan; he was weary of sleepless nights ӯro shabzindadoriho beholu bemador kardand, shabhoi bedorhoby ӯro behol kardand

    8 to

    (ko) preposition from dates.

    1. (indicates the direction of action towards someone--something.) ba, ba sui ..., ba tarafi ..., ba walk ..., ba back ...; swim to the shore ba sui sohil shino kardan; drive up to the city of ba shahr omada rasidan; go to the window tireza nazdik shudan; go to the brother ba behind barodar raftan; invocation to all the working people hitobnoma ba hamai mehnatkashon

    2. (indicates the object, person with which the action is associated) ba, nisbat ba; self-demanding sertalabi nisbat ba hud; readiness for work ba kor tayor budan(i); love for the motherland muhabbat ba vatan; hatred of enemies adovat nisbat ba dushmanon

    3. (indicates the purpose, purpose) baroi ..., ba; take note of ba ma'lumot giriftan; accept for execution the baroi iҷro kabul cardan; to accustom to order bar ryoyai tartib odat kunondan

    4. (indicates time, term) then, then ba; by two o'clock then soati du; by night, then shab; in the morning, then pagoҳі, then sugar

    5. (indicates joining) ba; to two add two ba du du (duro) deputy cardan; join the majority of ba aksariyat hamrokh shudan; besides, ba zammi in, ilova bar in 6. (indicates ia correspondence to smth.) usable kobili istifod; fit for military service munosibi hizmati kharbi; not by the time of bemavrid; your remark was out of place erodi shumo bemavrid bud

    7. (in titles) oid ba, doir ba; to the question of the origin of the language doir ba masalai paidoishi zabon

    8. (in invocations) ba sui...; Forward! To the victory of communism! Ba pesh! Ba sui galabai communism!

    9. in combination. with noun. Forms an input. words: unfortunately mutaassiphon; unfortunately badbachton; fortunately naғz ki…, khairiyat ki…, khushbakhton; for the better oqibatash ba khair; for example baroi misol, masalan; by the way [to say] dar omadi gap to what? baroi chi?; there is nothing to climb not, darkor not; nothing is simple. behuda, bekor, befoida; lozim no, darkor some particle colloquial. when led. incl. and Ch. bud. temp. kany, yak, -chi; read the letter to me again kany, maktubro boz yak bor ba man hon; let the cani, the guzars pass; let me look at you kay, man shumoro yak binamchi; I buy this book in kitobro haramchi; Zayduk I go to him like a ba walk wai daroyam, kany tavern m mouth. maikhona, maikada; charobot; wander around the cams of maikhona ba maikhona gashtan

    9 croaking

    with vak-vak, kur-kur; croaking frogs broke the silence of the night

    10 shelter

    1. (roof) bom, půshishi hona

    2. trans. panoh; under the roof of the night dar panohi shab

    3. khona, ma'vo, sarpanoh, panoggoh, khonumon; be homeless be honumon mondan; hospitable honai mekhmonnavoz

    11 womb

    1. mouth sina

    2. trans. panoҳ oғүsh

    3. trans. sath, ruy, oғүsh; in the bosom of the waters the gift of sathi ob; the dark bosom of the night ogushi torikii shab in the bosom of nature dar ogushi tabiat, dar havoi kushod

    12 blurt out

    owls. unfold

    1. tob paroftan; damidan (az nami); the door is swollen with dampness dar az namі tob partoft

    2. varamidan, varam cardan; eyelids swollen from a sleepless night pilkhoi chashm az shabzindadori varamidand

    13 late

    (calm | en, -yna, -yno)

    1. beharakat, orom, homush, sokit; the surface of the lake was calm sathi obi kul orom bud

    2. mouth osoishta, oromona, bofarogat; the late old age of Piria Bofarogat

    3. mouth barohat, muvofiq, musoid; late divan divani pokoinbarohat // foram, orombakhsh, nafis; the late tones of the painting ranghoi nafisi (orombakhshi) surat

    4. tk. full f. marhum, rahmati; late poet shoiri marhum

    5. in value noun the late m marhum, rahmati; the late mar-huma; I knew the late rahmatiro man well, good night to the medonists! Shab ba khair, Shabaton Khush!; be \ late y hotirҷam bashed

    14 cover

    m rel. cover (nomi yak go tiramohii nasronion)

    1. ruypush, parda, pushish; ҷild, pӯst; snow cover kabati barf, kürpai barfi; skin integument pasti badan; hairline mӯi badan ■// trans. parda; wet cover of fog pardai namnoki fog

    2. mouth (veil) chatr, bolopush, parda, hiqob; ruipushi tobut // more often pl. covers of the mouth poet. libosi nafisi zanona

    3. mouth (patronage) himoy, hifz, di-fob // (patron) homi, mufiz under the cover of smth. the gift of zeri himoyai chize, the gift of panohi chize; under the cover of night, the gift of panohi shab, the gift of zeri chodari shab; throw a cover over what bo parda po shondan; to tear (remove) the cover (covers) from the cogb-what foch cardan, parda az rui chise bardoshtan

    15 canopy

    m parda, pashshakhona, chodar, chodarshab; lower the canopy pardaro furovardan // trans. poet. parda, chodar, panoh; under the canopy of the night dar zeri pardai shab, takhti chodari shab

    16 stretch

    1. yozidan, hameza kashidan, daroz shudan; stretch in bed dar kat yozidan

    2. kashol (daroz) shudan; the child reached out to the mother kodak ba [sui] modarash daroz shud

    3. pai ham raftan, ohista roh gashtan, sust harakat cardan; caravans of camels korvoni shutur pai ham harakat kard stretched out; a flock of cranes stretched to the south;

    4. (about time) kashol yoftan, tul kashidan, davom cardan; long winter nights stretched shabkhoi darozzi zimiston kashol eftand

    17 right

    1. ... and white breakfast; ... and chobi amad, ... and sukkon; correct paddle white tomorrow

    2. polygraph. ... and islokhkunі, ... and isloh, islokhkunanda, ... and taskheh, taskhekunanda; right machine moshini tasheh

    (correct | linen, -flax, -flax)

    1. muvofiki (mutobiqi) qoida, durust, sakheh; correct development of inkishofi muvofiki koida; correct pronunciation of talaffuzi saheh; the correct conjugation of tasrifi muvofiqi qoida muntazam, murattab, botartib, konuni; correct change of day and night tabdili konunii shabu ruz

    3. durust, sakheh, growth, matamad; correct reasoning mukhokimai sakheh, mulohizai muztamad; the correct remark is ezohi (kaydi) durust; the correct answer is ҷawobi sakheh; right decision halli durust

    4. darkori, zaruri, lozima, durust; correct organization of labor naғz, hub, odil (she), bolnsof, insophone; he is the right person wai odami boinsof ast

    6. (proportional) muntazam, mutanosib, munazzam; correct facial features targi durusti rüy

    7. mat. mutanbsib, muvoze; \regular polygon serkunҷai. mutanosib

    18 work out

    owls. muddate mashgul shudan (budan), chande shugl cardan, muddate kor cardan; practice until late at night, then yak posi shab mashgul shudan

    19 light

    1. aster. qirm, qirmi osmoni; celestial bodies zhirmkhoi osmoni

    2. trans. sitora; the luminary of science sitorai ilm the luminary of the day, the daytime luminary of the book. oftobi ravshan; luminary of the night, night \ luminary book. maybe

    20 change

    1. (according to the meaning of ch. change) ivazkuni, digarkuni, badalkuni; (according to the meaning of ch. change) ivazshavi, digarshavi, badalshavi; tabdil, tagir; changing of the guard iwazkunia posbonon; change of mood digarshavia kayfiyat; change of impressions tabdili taassurot

    2. (time interval) shift; the morning shift ended with the shift and pagoy tam shud; work in the second shift gift shift and duyum cor cardan; the school works in one shift maktab yak shift kor mekunad

    3. (group of people) change; our shift starts at four o'clock shift and modar soati chor ba kor shuryu mekunad

    4. re-ren. ҷoynishin; to prepare for oneself a change of baroi (ba) hud ҷoynishin tayor kardan; youth - our shift ҷavonon ҷoynishini mo meboshand

    1 thanks

    1. particle to whom and without additional. rahmat, tashakkur; thanks to him rahmatba wai; thanks for the help baroi yordam tashakkur; thanks and on that baroi hamin ham rahmat

    2. in value noun thanks uncle. with rahmat, tashakkur; thank you very much! rahmat beads!

    3. in value introductory sl. simple. khairiyat; thank you, I was warned in time khairiyat, maro dar vakhtash ogohonidand for \thank you muffs, bepul

    2 thanks


See also other dictionaries:

    thanks- See gratitude, causality that in the mouth, then thank you, that not in the mouth, then thank you ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. thanks (royal, (ex) great, (ex) much), ... ... Synonym dictionary

    THANKS- (from God save). 1. particle, to whom to what, to whom to what on what and without additional. Expression of gratitude. Thank you. Thanks for the favor. Thank you for that too (about gratitude for something very small, insignificant). 2. in value predicate, to whom what. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Thanks Thank you A polite word used to express gratitude. The word was formed from the phrase "God save." Most Old Believers do not use the word "thank you", believing that they cut off the letter "g" from the word "God", as ... ... Wikipedia

    THANKS- 1. Expresses gratitude. S. for a treat. S. for attention (formula for a polite conclusion of a report, speech). 2. in value say, to whom (what). You have to be thankful for what. S. to a neighbor who helped. C. rain, there will be good shoots. 3. particle. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    thanks- THANK YOU, thank you, outdated. thank you, old. merci, open thank you, rasp. reduced thank you... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    thanks- (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Word forms

    thanks- God save Source: http://new.tvplus.dn.ua/?link=print/news/words/0079 … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    thanks- service, use often 1. With the word thank you express gratitude to someone for something. Huge, heartfelt thanks. | Thanks for the help. | Thank you from all of us for the hospitality, for the treat. | Thank you very much for your advice. 2. If someone tells someone ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    thanks- I. particle. Expresses gratitude. S. for help. S. to you from all of us for hospitality, for refreshments. S., for responding to my letter. S. on a kind word (colloquial). C. for attention (a form of polite conclusion of a speech, report, etc.). □ (with def. in cf.) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    THANKS- Give a hundred thanks to someone. Pribaik. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. SNFP, 122. Giving / giving thanks to whom. Arch., Kar., Novg., Perm., Pechor., Psk., Sib. Thank someone. AOC 10, 201; SRGK 4, 287; NOSE 2, 73; SGPO, 128; SRGNP 1, 164; SRNG 7, 258;… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    thanks- 1. particle. a) Express gratitude. Thanks for the help. Thank you from all of us for the hospitality, for the treat. S., for responding to my letter. Thank / bo on a kind word (colloquial) Thank / bo for attention (a form of polite conclusion of a speech, report and ... Dictionary of many expressions


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4 Russian

II, -th, -th

1. rusi, ... and rus; Russian language zabon rusi; russian culture madaniati rus

2. ... and Russia, ... and kishvari Rus; -Russian history of tarihi Russia; russian nature tabiati kishvari rus russian oil ravgani zard; Russian oven oven Rusi, otashdoni Rusi; Russian shirt kurtai rusi (kurtai urebgirebon); Russian boots muzai rusi (muzai soқdaroz)

5 Tajik

tojiki, ... and tojik; Tajik language Zaboni Tojiki; Tajik literature adabiyoti tojik

6 translator

m tarkumon, mutarhim; speak through an interpreter ba vositai tarkumon guftugu kardan

7 dialect

2. simple. (rumour, rumors) ovoza, gapu hapcha, gapu kalocha

3. tarzi talaffuz (guftor); he does not have a Russian dialect tarzi talaffuzi ӯ rusӣ nest

4. lingu. sheva, lahҷa; southern dialects of the Tajik language shevakhoi ҷanubii zaboni tohiki

8 on the

1. with vin. (indicates the direction of action) ba, ba rui…, ba boloi…; bar; go to the street ba kucha raftan; sit down in your place ba koi hud nishastan; put on the table bar rui miz guzoshtan; don't get in my eyes! ba nazaram nanamo!; take offense at someone az kase hafa shudan; answer to the question ҷavobi savol; subscription to newspapers ba newspapertaho obunashavi

2. with vin. (when indicating the term) ba, dar, ba muddati ..., baroi; work for tomorrow kor baroi fardo; see you the next day dar ruzi digar vokhurdan; store firewood for the winter baroi zimieton ҳezum tayor-kardan; work for another week kor boz ba yak ҳaftai tamom merasad

3. with vin. (when denoting a quantitative difference, she-pen of superiority or disadvantage): be five minutes late panҷ daқiқa der mondan; older by two years du sol calon; a month earlier, yak moh pesh; twenty rubles more bist sum ziyodtar

4. with vin. (when designating a multiplier or divisor) ba; divide by three ba se taksim cardan; multiply five by four panҷro ba chor zarb is given; divide into two parts ba du hissa taksim cardan; cut into pieces it's time-it's time to cardan

5. with vin. (when designating a measure, quantity, defining the boundaries of something) ba; buy for ten rubles ba daҳ som haridan; enough for all ba hama merasad. pig (when designating a goal, purpose) ba; adopt ba tarbiya giriftan for upbringing; experience smth. on the strength of mahkamia cizero san-jidan; room for two people honai dukasa; lunch for five people khörok baroi panҷ kas

7. with vin. (when designating conditions, circumstances) more; on an empty stomach they used to drink nahor, they used to drink gurusna; with a fresh mind badi istirohat // (in words expressing an emotional assessment of the event) baroi, ba; on the mountain ba badbakhti, badbakhton; to my joy khushbakhton

8. with vin. (when denoting the mode of action) ba; trust somebody to the word ba kavli kase bovar kardan; speak from memory yodaki gap is set, az yod guftan

9. with vin. (when designating some kind of sign) bo, ba; lame on one leg ba yak sing langidan; unclean hand dastash qalb, kakdast

10. with the suggestion (when designating a place) gift, ba, ba boloi ..., bar boloi ..., darrui ..., gift of foot ...; live in the south dar khanub zindagi kardan; sit at the meeting dar maҷlis nishastan; leave on the table ba boloi table monda raftan; shoes on the feet gift belt of the shoe // (corresponds to the preposition "c") gift; in military service dar hizmati harbi; the first worker in the village, behtarin korkuni deha; longing in the heart of dil haf // (when designating objects, persons in whose presence something is done) the gift of a foot ...; in public the gift of foot mardum; in front of my eyes the gift of foot nazari man; on the world and death is red. margi bo yoron (bo duston) tuy ast

11. with a suggestion. (to the question “when”) a gift, a gift of vakhti ...; on vacation dar vakti ta'til; that week the gift of ҳaftai oyanda; these days the gift is khamin ruzho; in our memory, the gift of hotiri (the gift of yodi) mo

12. with a suggestion. (when designating a vehicle) bo; fly on an airplane bo paridan plane; sail on the steamer bo kishty raftan; boating bo kaik sair cardan

13. with a suggestion; (when denoting the mode of action): at full gallop chorhezza-non; on the run davdavon, davon-davon; on the fly 1) the gift of aini parvoz, parvozku-non 2) trans. yakbora, darhol, tez; he catches my thoughts on the fly ӯ ba fikri man darhol pay mebarad

14. with a suggestion. (through) gift, bo; fry in oil dar ravgan biryon kardan

15. with a suggestion. (when designating a device, property, state) gdor; wagon on springs spring wagon; spring mattress mattress springador 1

6. with the suggestion in combination. from chap.: play the piano; the piano is navokhtan; speak Russian, bo zaboni rusi gap is set; translate the book into Tajik kitobro ba [zaboni] toҷiki tarҷima kardan; fluently read in english ba zaboni anglisi bemalol hondan 1

7. with the suggestion (when designating being in some kind of state) a gift; to stand on the watch dar posbonni istodan, karovuli kardan for what [already] (no matter how, although very much) har chand ki, agar chande

particle in value skaz. unfold ma, mana; na, take ma, gir; on you a book of mana ba tu kitob here are those (to you) [and] on! ana!, obbo!, ana halos!; on you! ana inro bin!; ana halos!, obbo!

particle: no matter what hele ki boshad, har nave ki bo-shad; whoever is kase ki (ki ki) boshad, har ki boshad, har kas; no matter what beads, kudo, nihoyat da-raҷa, guzaro


1. prefix, ki baroi sokhtani fe'l va ismkhoi fe'li kor farmuda shuda, manokhoi zerinro ifoda mekunad: 1) ravona shudani amal ba sathi subject - run into david baromadan, david rüi chizero pushondan; fly parida omada hamla ovardan; run into barkhurdan, duchor shudan; daraftodane; run into a barkhurdan 2) boli subject guzoshtan - wind up a pechondan; sew on az ruy duhtan, duhta chaspondan 3) ba ҷo ovardani amal dar sati chize - to freeze kirav bastan; yah bastan (cardan) 4) puri, az had ziyod budani amal - to say beads gap is given, laqqidan; bake pukhtan, pukhta tayor cardan; to dung kashonda ovardan beads; salt namak (shur) cardan, dar namak khobondan; heat the garm kardan, tafsondan 5) gift f'lhoi bo "-sya" tam meshudagī - sershavi, purra қanoat kardani shahsi amalkunanda - blabbing hub gap zada giriftan; work out beads (hub) kor kardan 6) dar fe’lhoi doroi suffix hoi “iva”, “yva”, “sva” - sustshavi, andak ruy dodani amal - sing zamzama kardan; whistle past-paste hushtak kashidan 7) baroi sokhtani namudi mutlaqi fe'l hizmat mekunad - write navishta tamom kardan, navishta shudan; draw kashidan, surat kashidan

2. baroi sokhtani sifatu ismkhoi doroi manoi zerin kor farmuda meshavad: boloi chize mavҷudbuda - sleeve rӯiostini; peshgir breastplate

3. baroi sokhtani zarfho kor farmuda shuda, daraҷai olі, khaddi nihoi va alomati chizero ifod mekunad - tightly beads sakht; nasgrogo beads ҷiddi

9 ornament

m.,. naқsch, hum, gulshori, naқshu nigor; old russian ornament naқshu nigori kadimii rusi.

10 pioneer printer

m matbaachii yakum(in), asosguzori kitobchopkuni; Russian pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov matbaachii yakumi(ni) Russian Ivan Fedorov

11 translate

1. someone_ guzarondan; gg. children across the street kudakonro az kucha guzarondan

2. someone that guzarondan, kuchondan; transfer the institution to another building mouassiro ba binoi digar kuchondan; transfer the train to a siding train ba rohi ehtiyoti guzarondan // what (move) ovardan; move the clock forward akrabaki soatro pesh ovardan

3. someone that guzarondan, ta'in cardan; transfer to a new post ba vazifai nav ta'in kardan; transfer the student to the seventh grade talabaro ba sinfi haftum guzarondan; transfer the enterprise to self-financing korhonaro ba hisobi hoҷagi guzarondan; transfer the plant to a seven-hour working day

4. that ravona cardan, nigarondan, duhtan; to look from one picture to another az yak surat chashm kanda ba digare duhtan that peren. gardondan, ravona cardan; transfer the conversation to another topic

5. that guzarondan, dodan, supurdan; transfer the savings to the son of a bullet pasandozro ba nomi pisar guzarondan o. that firistodane, ravona cardan; transfer money by telegraph pulro ba vositai telegraph firistodan

7. that taruma cardan; translate the book from Tajik into Russian

8. what is gardondan; convert to metric measures ba andozhoi metri gardondan

9. that nuskha bardoshtan, kuchondan; translate drawing nushai rasmro bardoshtan

10. someone or something nest cardan, barham set, kushtan; transfer mice mushhoro nest cardan

11. what's up (waste) bekor sarf cardan, behuda harҷ (isrof) cardan \ take a breath (breath) 1) nafas growth cardan 2) dam giriftan

12 translator

13 get better

1. Khatoi (sakhvi, galati) khudro durust (isloh, taskheh) cardan, ishtibohro az miyon bardoshtan; interpreter got better mutarhim khatoi hudro durust card

2. behtar shudan; his affairs got better korhoi ӯ behtar shudand

3. durust (sikhat) shudan, shifo (ofiyat) yoftan; the patient recovered bemor sikhat yoft, bemor durust shud

4. farbeh shudan, gosht giriftan

14 colloquial

in different value guftugui, ... and guftugü; Tajik colloquial language Zaboni guftugüii toҷiki

15 Russian

j zani (dukhtari) rus, ruszanak, rusdukhtar

well raksi rusi va musikii he is Russian pl. rusho russian

16 free

1. ozodone, mustakilon; he keeps himself free wai ozodona raftor mekunad, ӯ betakalluf ast

2. vase, kushod, faroh; the suit sits on him freely

3. ba osoni, hub; he is fluent in Russian vai ba rusi bemalol gap mezanad

4. (without support) without takya breathe freely hotirҷam shudan

17 dictionary

1. lugat, kitobi lugat, farhang, komus; Russian-Tajik dictionary lugati rusi-tojiki; explanatory dictionary lugati tafsiri; encyclopedic dictionary lugati encyclopedi; pocket dictionary lugati kisagi

2. lugat, vocabulary, kalimaho; dictionary of the Russian language lugati zaboni rusi

18 poplar

m safedor; silver poplar cadusafedor; pyramidal poplar darakhti ar-ar; poplar Tajik Rome; trembling poplar havr; \ poplar blanca hadang

19 university

m university; Tajik State University University of Davlatia Tojikiston

20 language

1. anat. zabon; show language zabon nishon dodan; his tongue was on fire wai az zabon mondaast

2. (food) zabon (zaboni gov, gӯsfand va ғ.) \ boiled tongue zabon pukhta

3. (speech) zabon; Zaboni native language Modari; Russian language zabon rusi; dead tongues zabonhoi murda, zabonhoi matruk; living languages ​​zabonkhoi zinda; ancient languages ​​Zabonhoi Kadimi; Zaboni literary language adabi

4. (bells) zabonak

5. military unfold asir; to get the language of asir ba will give ovardan a long tongue laққӣ; evil tongues gaybatchiyon; badzabonho; broken tongue zabon viron; cloth tongue zabon beobu rank; tongue of flame, fiery tongues of zabonahoi otash; boneless tongue zabon lahmi gosht ast; one's tongue is tangled with zabon megirad; the tongue on the shoulder of someone who has beads hastavu monda shuda, shalpar (behol, halok) shuda; the tongue has not turned (will not turn) who has zabon nagasht (namegardad); the tongue has turned (will turn) who has zabon gast (megardad); tongue stuck to the larynx of someone lol shudaast; you will swallow the beads of bamaza (bolazzat) ast; loosened someone's tongue. ҷogash kushoda shud; smb.'s tongue is loose. wai ba gap nӯnoқ ast; break your tongue zaboni kas namegardad; Gufta nameshavad; talaffuz karda nameshavad; smb.'s tongue is well suspended. wai ba gap usto; someone's tongue itches. zabonash mehorad; to chat (to wag, scratch) with the language of laqqidan; rolls on someone's tongue ba nүgi zaboyam (zabonat, zabonash) omad; sticking out (sticking out, sticking out) tongue 1) run bo tamomi kuvvat tokhtan 2) do smth. hon kohonda corero and ҷro cardan; speak different languages ​​yakdigarro nafahmidan; to pull (pull) the tongue of someone gap zanondan; keep your mouth shut lab furu bastan, zabonro doshtan; keep your mouth shut! zabonatro dor!; find a common language yakzabon shudan; do not leave the language of the virdi zabonho budan; dry up [my] language is simple. zabonam burida bodu…; get on someone's tongue virdi zaboni kase shudan; sharpening the language is easy. chak-chak cardan, manah (ҷоғ) is given; hold the tongue lab furu bastan, zabon dargham kashidan; bite the tongue zabonro nigoh doshtan, yakbora lab furu bastan; swallow tongue zabon nigoh doshtan, lab furu bastan, sukut (homushi) ihtiyor kardan; untie tongue 1) ba gap darovardan 2) ba gap daromadan; dissolving the language is simple. bisier laqqidan, bisier manah is set; [a word] fell off the tongue of the pukida mond; shorten someone's tongue zaboni casero katoh cardan; the devil pulled me (you, him, etc.) by the tongue shaiton waswasa kard; nafahmida gufta mondam (mondi, mond va ғ.); scratching the tongue laqqidan; my tongue is my enemy. well zaboni surkh sari sabz medihad bar bod; \ language will bring the pogov to Kiev. pursis [pursis] Makkavu Madinaro eftaand; what's on the mind, then in the language of the pogos. chise, ki dar dil (fikr) ast, ba zabon oyad

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