Home natural farming How to be friends with a girl. How to make friends with a new girl. Test whether your union is durable

How to be friends with a girl. How to make friends with a new girl. Test whether your union is durable

At first glance, the question is strange. But who in today's world doesn't want to have friends? It is very good if you have true friends from childhood. Probably, we consider the closest people to those whom we know from school. However, life sometimes scatters friends in different places, many get lost, and those that remain stop communicating for the reason that they have been busy with their lives for a long time. Therefore, the question of friendship is very relevant. Girls rarely develop friendship with the male sex, and a girl of the same age usually becomes the best girlfriend. Follow our advice and you will understand exactly how a girl gets to know a girl in order to make a good acquaintance and make friends.

Everyone knows the proverb “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are”. First of all, you need to learn how to be a friend yourself. Think about it, is this the reason you do not develop communication? Maybe they don't see you as a friend? So, you need to become a little better, more sociable, make contact. Think about who you are, would you be friends with yourself, looking at yourself from the outside? Very often, people do not need a friend, but a lifesaver, a person to fulfill whims, so that it is not boring to go somewhere. If you don’t consider yourself to be such, it’s good, but if you do, it’s not too late to fix everything.

Why don't girls get to know each other? The fact is that in modern society everyone considers themselves too busy, some really devote most of their time to study or work. But even if you look back or around, you will definitely find the person with whom you will enjoy spending time. After all, first of all, the person you already know and trust can become a friend.

Where to look for a girlfriend?

  • In childhood. As we have already said, the closest people are those whom we know from school. The guys from the neighboring yard, girls from school, former classmates - surely one of them was your best friend. Despite the fact that time has passed, perhaps you no longer communicate with many of them, it is never too late to call and find out how things are going. Most likely, memories of the past will make you meet more than once.
  • School friends. A special strong friendship often develops in the last years of study. It so happens that girlfriends did not run away at all due to circumstances. If you look around, you will surely notice someone from your school at your university. And if you also lived in the neighborhood, then you can find out if they have moved. It's never too late to rekindle a relationship.
  • You can also look for a girlfriend among the neighbors. Most likely, you are not the only girl in the house of this age. Maybe you have already run to a neighbor for help, why not continue the conversation and improve communication? If you see a girl from your house walking nearby with a dog, come up, ask something, there will surely be common themes. Remember that friendship starts small. Do not immediately load a person with your problems.
  • In our opinion, you need to look for a girlfriend among people who are close to you in spirit. If you notice that you do not have problems understanding with some girl, most likely she will be close to you in communication. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Our last advice is this: it is better to get acquainted with other girls by yourself. You don't have to wait for someone to come to you. Show attention yourself, be sociable, friendly, smiling. Here are a few places where it would be appropriate to make a new acquaintance:

  • Take your free time with a hobby. What are you interested in - dancing, embroidery, cooking, swimming pool, gym, theater? Feel free to sign up for a circle, start attending and joining the team. The advantage of such communication is that with new people you will already have something in common.
  • Do not neglect the team at work or school. Many faced the problem that they were not accepted by society. Understand that among at least a dozen people, you will definitely find someone with whom you can chat.
  • Finding "your person" these days is easiest on the Internet. Virtual communication allows you to find out everything about a person before the moment of meeting. You can find a girlfriend on any site of any subject. However, do not forget to transfer virtual friendship to real communication as soon as possible, since you need a girlfriend in real life.

I hope our tips will help you understand how a girl gets to know a girl.

When a new student appears in the class, it is always interesting.

Everyone wants to be her friend, help her fit in, show off her teachers, tell the latest gossip, and introduce her to the coolest guys.

Would you like to be friends with the new one too? If so, then it's better... leave her alone.

It is not known why, but it is believed that the new girl only dreams of being surrounded by attention. And that she simply won’t be able to breathe if no one starts giving her advice and asking questions. Same. A hundred times a day.

Even a hypersocial person will not be delighted if everything develops too rapidly. And if the new girl is also not very talkative and prefers silence to noisy gatherings, imagine how stressful it is for her!

Yes, meeting new people is interesting, but everything needs a measure. It takes time for the new kid to get used to the new class, the new environment, the new teachers, and the new curriculum.

How to help a new student get used to your class and become her friend?

First, find out her name. Agree, it’s not very pleasant when your name is “new”, as if the name does not exist! Sometimes a new girl has been like an old girl for two years, and everyone continues to call her that. So just call her by her first name.

- Remember: she is a living person, so treat her with dignity! Do not rush to make decisions for her. She herself knows what she wants, so if you undertook to introduce the new girl to all your girlfriends, ask first if she needs it. Let the newcomer to show independence!

- Mind your manners. Don't ask personal questions if you've only known each other for two days. Wait, time will pass, and if you make friends with a new girl, she herself will tell you everything that interests you. And even that which is of no interest.

Therefore, do not ask if her parents live together, how much her mother and father earn, why she moved to another school. If you want, she will tell you everything. And if the new girl decides to tell you her secrets, in no case do not blurt them out to your friends! So you will lose the trust of both the new girl and your friends. After all, if you told the secrets of one person, where is the guarantee that the secrets of your other girlfriends will not become public?

Remember: your new friend has her own opinion. Do not start telling her about the shortcomings of other people - she herself will figure out who she should be friends with and who not. If you see that she feels more comfortable in another company, do not try to drag her to your side. Everyone chooses for himself with whom to communicate! Perhaps the newcomer is simply closer to another company of interest.

- Be prepared for the fact that your friends will also begin to show interest in the new girl. So don't be jealous of them! Everyone is interested in new people, you too! Try to stay calm and don't get upset over trifles.

- Invite a new friend to your house. Sit back in your room, listen to some music or watch a good movie. Show her pictures of you and your friends. So she will remember better who's name is. Tell us how you spend your free time, take an interest in her hobbies. You will surely find many common interests and understand each other better.

Treat your new girlfriend the way you would like to be treated. This way you will keep the friendship for a long time, perhaps for a lifetime. After all, if we meet new people, it is likely that this is the beginning of a great friendship. It's great if you have a new girlfriend!

Perhaps I'll start with the classical conventional wisdom (assertions, delusions, prejudices, truths). You can independently choose from the list the most similar to your concepts.

So the phrase goes like this:

There is no friendship between a man and a woman.

So is there friendship between a man and a woman?

If we take friendship between the same sex as a criterion and compare it with friendship between people of the opposite sex, then such friendship will certainly be different.

One way or another, we always look at a person of the opposite sex as a person of the opposite sex. And we always evaluate the opposite sex in terms of attractiveness. It is inherent in nature and there is no escape from it.

With our friends, we hardly think about whether our friend is attractive. But even if we think about it, this will not affect our friendship in any way, because it is paramount in it - similar internal values ​​​​and common vital interests.

In friendship with the opposite sex, everything is different. Usually she keeps on someone's sympathy. The border of proximity can be held by one or both of them at once. But one way or another, there is always a sexual interest on someone's part. On the part of the man, it manifests itself more often. We boys are wired to be attracted to a good girl and not at all attracted to a girl who isn't.

From the side of the girl a little differently. She can be friends with guys who are just good people for her and at the same time sexually not want such a person with a single fiber of her soul and body.

However, do not be mistaken about the purity of the female soul. They say the girl is disinterested and therefore she can be friends with ugly men. It's just that women have different needs. For example, the need to speak out - for this she does not need a beautiful person, it is enough for someone who just listens to her.

And it's good if the sphere of interests of a woman in a man is limited to this. It happens that a woman uses her suitors for other purposes - to bring, take, receive a gift, a compliment, and much more. Giving in return only a ghostly hope for sex. What kind of friendship is this?

But if there is no friendship between a man and a woman, this does not mean that you cannot be friends with a girl that you like.

Benefits of being friends with a girl

The advantages of such a juzhba are huge. I won't list them all. I will name just a few.

First, it's fun.

Secondly, unobtrusive flirting, even through social conversations, is very invigorating, adds energy and positive to life.

Thirdly, the thought process, lifestyle and much more is different for the opposite sex. Therefore, in such relationships, both participants gain invaluable experience and develop much more harmoniously than if they communicated only among men or women.

Disadvantages of friendship with a girl

Now let's move on to the cons of friendship with a girl.

As I said, it's very cool to be friends with a girl that you like, but if a girl suddenly meets some other guy and falls in love with him ... I don't envy you here.

Firstly, a girl may not be interested in communicating with you and she will merge. Secondly, your male ego can suffer greatly. You will start to get driven, why didn’t you find the courage to move on, why didn’t you have enough courage, if you suddenly liked her. And anyway, maybe this is the only one, and you idiot missed it.


There is a cool girl. You slept with her, but something went wrong for both of you. You did not begin to meet for years, killing all the best between you, but in some "accidental" way translated all this into friendship. And it suits both. In such a friendship, the pluses are more reliable, and the minuses are not terrible. But such friendship is already an art.

A real friend is able to understand, sympathize, give advice, share your interests. However, finding such a girl is becoming increasingly difficult. Strong ties between people are not facilitated by a rapidly changing life, its high pace and daily stress.

With age, the problem of true friends is also exacerbated. In childhood, it was enough to have common hobbies. The older a person becomes, the more demands he makes on potential friends. Indeed, it is difficult to communicate and understand each other with people of a different circle, a different upbringing, social status and with a worldview different from yours.

At the same time, there are many places where you can find a girlfriend. If your hobbies include several items, you may meet a nice girl in training courses, in a fitness center, in an interest club. A great place to make new friends is work. The main thing is not to keep to yourself, to be open to communication. At the workplace you spend the lion's share of the time. Therefore, it is worth focusing your search on the office. Take a closer look at colleagues, do not miss the opportunity to participate in corporate events, try not to dine alone, look for common topics.

By the way, one of the topics - professional activity - you have. So, you already have something to base your communication with a girl on.

Get ready for a new friendship. It is important to understand that in order to establish a new contact, you will need time, inner strength. Relationships with friends also need to be worked on. This is the only way to create a strong union. With a new friend you need to communicate, have fun, share impressions.

Try to constantly deepen your relationship until you reach true intimacy and become inseparable friends. Be sincere and honest. Try not only to get positive emotions from communication, but also to give something in return. Friends do not just share information, but also provide assistance in difficult situations.

A true friend is distinguished by tact, indifference, generosity, kindness and benevolence. To be a true friend, you need to inspire trust. Know how to keep other people's secrets. Excessive talkativeness will make you a bad conversationalist. Learn to listen. This skill will make you a real support group for a girl. True friendship is manifested in the ability to share joyful and sorrowful moments.

Do not try to deceive your girlfriend and pretend. Understand that on a subconscious level, people feel deceit and manipulation attempts. Keep your word to your friend. Let her know that you can be counted on. Be attentive and punctual. It is also important to respect the opinion of the girl and refrain from harsh criticism of her.

Remember that a friend expects support from you.

Treasure your relationship with your friend. Sometimes you have to compromise and be flexible. Otherwise, you risk losing relationships at an early stage of their inception. Disagreements and misunderstandings can happen between friends. But true friends are kept together by the desire to quickly make peace and forget the grievances.

“Let's remain friends” - most likely, each of us has heard this phrase at least once in our lives. But not everyone after these words was ready to do what you will do today.

This is a rejection

"Let's be friends" is a rejection of you as a man. It's hard to understand, but you have to come to terms with it. Reconcile to replay this rejection. If you had a very good relationship with this girl, it is likely that after that she will still want to communicate with you. Let's not be under any illusions: most girls use their "friends" guys. Most likely, this girl, no matter how good she may seem to you, will want to use your attention. You will provide various services for her, and she will use these services. Not satisfied? Read on!

Leave her in the friendzone

In such a situation, the man usually still considers the woman his lover, while the partner already understands that the place of this particular man is in the friend zone. This is a losing situation for you. You will become a slave, and she will become a mistress. But you can get out of this situation by turning everything upside down. You can, of course, lift this imaginary chessboard, scatter the pieces and crack the chosen one on the head with the board with the words: “Fuck you with your friendship.” But after such a decision, the game cannot continue. Therefore, you need to play by the rules. You need to accept this friendship, while not letting yourself be used by trying to use it. Become a pragmatist

Turn off your emotions. Friendship with girls can be very beneficial if you become a pragmatist and objectively assess reality. The point is to get her to do something she doesn't want to do right now. Let her do it for you as a friend, and you, in turn, do the same for her, but no more. For example, if you are a student or a schoolboy, in response to a request to solve an algebra problem for her, you can ask her to help you with chemistry, cook dinner for you tomorrow, or do something that you think of yourself. The bottom line is that your service should find the answer in her service. Over time, the number of your services should decrease, hers should increase. And so we will come to a situation where you will already use her, and not she you.

The man believes in what he does. If you do a lot for her, then in time you will believe that you are in love with her. Conversely, if she does nothing for you, then your value in her eyes is too low. And your primary task in order to increase your value in her eyes is to try to get her to do things that are beneficial to you. Gradually, having learned to manipulate her, the number of her actions in relation to you will grow, yours will decrease. And there is one very interesting point here: after a certain time, you will change places, and then she will fall in love with you.

What is needed for this?

You need to become a complete pragmatist in the good sense of the word. A girl to whom you mean nothing will not want to do something for you. Start small and gradually increase the importance of her actions. If now you do 90%, and she does 10%, then in two weeks you should do 80%, and in 2 months - 60%. Six months later - 30%, while she will already be doing 70%. Of course, all this is very conditional, but you get the point. Be pragmatic and take your time. Do not let her use you, and under the right pretexts, try to use her. Over time, if you do everything right, she will fall in love with you and you have to decide whether this is the person with whom you are ready to build a relationship, or is it better, using the knowledge gained, to find yourself another girl?

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