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How to dissolve blocks between head and body. Energy blocks, or nodes of fear. How to remove energy blocks

2017 according to the Chinese calendar will be the year of the Fire Rooster. 2017 promises that the Rooster will influence all signs of the zodiac, without exception. But how exactly?

In any case, for almost all signs of the zodiac, this year will be much more successful and better than the last. The rooster promises us all that it will be a little easier!

The rooster is a symbol of the Sun, because it is with his morning singing that the day begins. In the countries of the East, it is directly related to solar heat: the Indians consider it the personification of solar energy, and the Japanese call it the first light. The Chinese, however, see the Rooster as symbols of the five virtues: courage, kindness, loyalty, dignity and benevolence. These are the qualities we need to cultivate in 2017.

The rooster loves to command, make comments to others in his tough manner, but he hates criticism towards himself. You can win his heart with flattery and praise. The love of flattery is explained by the Rooster's need to be in full view at all times. He always becomes the first, he has innate leadership qualities. The rooster needs the attention of others, without it he can become depressed. This year it is possible and even necessary to stand out from the crowd with something, and not only for women, but also for men.

To attract attention, the Rooster tries to dress brightly, outside the box. The need for a universal calling made Rooster an expert on how to make the right impression. He loves a job in which you need to communicate a lot with people. The rooster will rightfully be considered in any team a bright and unusual person. Many will be able to quickly move up the career ladder this year.

The rooster is a logician and conservative in everything, even in politics. Despite the love for the attention of others, the Rooster believes that it is he who thinks correctly, while the rest are mistaken. From this follows his reckoning only on his own strength. Therefore, straightforward and stubborn careerists will be lucky.

He does not have easy money, it is Roosters who become workaholics. The rooster always wants to do more than it can. But also the Rooster often indulges in laziness in work, which is due to the tendency to contemplation. If the Rooster is engaged in the business of his dreams, then he will be able to achieve a lot: money, independence, prestige. The horoscope for 2017 advises you to determine your true purpose in life. Despite frequent public communication and new acquaintances, many people will feel lonely this year.

The rooster is a controversial sign, so 2017 will be difficult for those who cannot keep a balance between their personal life and work. However, for all initiative and active people, the Rooster will help to achieve a lot.

Horoscope for 2017 Aries

In the life of Aries, finally, it's time to relax and experience all the delights of life. The two previous difficult years, which passed under the motto "All life is a struggle", were left behind. The time has come for the representatives of this sign to reap the fruits of their hard work. Although it cannot be said that everything will fall by itself at the feet of Aries.

To get something, you will need to make some effort and be careful. However, this is no longer the lion's fight that had to be fought before. Rather, it can be called the last spurt before the finish. And this breakthrough will have to be made in the first half of the year. But in the summer, a real "resort" stage in the life of Aries will begin.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus

So, the year of the Monkey is over, which means that all the failures and defeats, the constant fuss and tension that accompanied Taurus earlier are in the past. Finally, it is time to calm down and enjoy life.

The stars, of course, do not guarantee that everything will go like clockwork, but it is quite possible to count on good compensation for the emotional and material losses suffered. A little patience and perseverance - and things will go uphill, the heavenly bodies whisper.

Taurus will not completely fall into blissful calmness and the whirlwind of events that fill the year of the Rooster.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 promises Rooster promising period. This is his year, how could it be otherwise. The Chinese say that the Rooster is a dreamer who has many beautiful qualities:

  • Accuracy
  • Organization
  • A responsibility
  • Bravery
  • Self confidence

Some traits of his character in various situations turn into disadvantages. The rooster can be overly self-confident, inclined to impose his righteousness on others. In the heat of the moment, he behaves aggressively, likes to “spread” his tail. The rooster is a conservative, but the desire to "show off" for show makes them wear bright, ridiculous clothes and make passionate speeches. He loves to dream of travel and great battles. But he does it by the fireplace in cozy slippers.

The bright plumage of the Rooster attracts people to him, they listen to him. However, in a fit of eloquence, the Rooster can hurt the interlocutor painfully, without even noticing. He should control himself, otherwise he risks losing the audience.

Overall forecast

2017 is a time for great things. Finally, the Rooster waited in the wings. Now you can even more actively reflect on the fate of the world, pronounce slogans, demand changes. The Fire Release enhances the effect of revolutionary moods.

But the Rooster is still afraid of open conflicts, so the seething passions will take place at the level of the lobbies, the masses will not suffer. The previous years have created tension in society - it is logical to demand relaxation. The rooster, like no one, can better level the situation, creating the appearance of opposition. In fact, everything goes on as usual. As if porridge is boiling: inside it is almost ready, and bubbles are still exploding on the surface.

The rooster requires others to devote more to the cause, but he himself prefers not to bother. However, he will have to work in 2017. Activity will bear fruit: the Rooster will receive a lucrative offer. What is happening around is only good for him. In 2017, the Rooster will be fine, this is a calm period for him.

Horoscope for a Rooster man in 2017

Representatives of the strong half of this sign love to command. In the family, at work, everywhere. They show intense activity, trying to implement all the conceived projects at the same time. If you stop for a minute and concentrate on one thing, then the horoscope for 2017 for the Male Rooster will read a successful career.

He needs to pay attention to a field of activity that involves close contact with people. It is desirable that the work be associated with the production of something. Based on the situation in the country and the world, astrologers recommend paying attention to agriculture.

In his personal life, the Rooster has a stormy period. He loves attention to his person and in every possible way tries to win the most beautiful lady of the evening. The poser himself attracts birds with bright plumage. However, he needs to choose a woman who will provide a calm family life, comfort, delicious dinner and clean bed. While the Rooster is dreaming and making plans, his wife equips a home and raises children.

Single Roosters are unlikely to formalize a relationship this year. They are too busy with themselves and with work. Their other halves need to show maximum tact and patience.

Horoscope for a Rooster woman in 2017

The ladies of this sign have a bright, memorable appearance. In their youth, they have a wonderful figure, men constantly pay attention to this fragile girl. As she gets older, she loves to wear expensive things, sparkling jewelry. All life, the ladies of this sign are in the spotlight. The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster woman guarantees a lot of fans.

She is a strict leader, knows how to get subordinates to work. It works both with a stick and a carrot. In 2017, as a boss, she will have to deal with conflict situations often. If the Rooster is an ordinary employee, it is better not to show aggression towards colleagues. The rooster does not know how to abstract from family troubles at work. She needs to learn to leave personal problems on the doorstep and vice versa, coming home to forget about work.

2017 is a period of passion. Deeply family Roosters will fall in love with their spouses again, as if a second wind will open in a boring relationship. Single Rooster bathes in attention, this year they are often given gifts to match: jewelry, branded items, trips to southern countries. The year is filled with passion, love, tenderness. The ladies are delighted.

Love horoscope for 2017

In love, the Rooster is active. If he is in love, he will by any means seek the location of the object of passion. Sometimes even prohibited methods. Ladies of this sign shamelessly flirt with unfree men, which most often brings problems. Representatives of the strong half shower the woman they like with gifts. The rooster is assertive in achieving the goal. The subject of passion gives up, but then it is disappointed. Under the "wrapper" is a completely different person.

In 2017, the Rooster's falling in love will give him some problems. The period is tense, there is no point in aggravating the situation with conflicts in the family. In addition to the emotional component, there is also a financial one: the Rooster thoughtlessly spends money on his hobbies. Sometimes more than it has. The Rooster's impulsiveness will ruin him. Be careful.

Single ladies will meet a strong patron who can help solve old problems. Perhaps we are not talking about strong love, but deep affection has a place to be. Men of the sign of the Rooster are lucky with young ladies, they are having fun. Have fun, but be on the lookout.

Money horoscope for 2017

The rooster knows how to earn. The Chinese say that he gets his food both with its beak and paws. Digs the ground and finds tasty worms. The rooster has an enviable ability to work, he is ready to plow for days. Until suddenly, fantasies about new projects begin to visit him. Astrologers recommend that the Rooster adhere to a given line, do not rush to the sides. In this case, the horoscope for 2017 for Roosters promises a strong financial position.

The sooner you harness the working team, the sooner you will receive dividends. Literally in the middle of spring, you will receive an interesting offer to invest in your project or become a co-owner of a small business. Don't be afraid to invest in startups, but don't take off your last shirt. Friends this year will provide support in every possible way: both finances and useful connections.

Be careful about your rash spending. The Rooster has a tendency to buy an expensive and completely unnecessary thing with the last money. Wait a little, hold your breath, consult with loved ones. Although, Roosters are not inclined to follow the advice of others, do listen. The money will come in handy by the end of the year. Force majeure situations are possible.

Career horoscope for 2017

It takes a lot of work to be successful this year. The rooster is not lazy by nature, but sometimes it hovers in the clouds. We need to pay more attention to practical problems. Roosters need to choose professions related to the production / extraction of raw materials, finished products, clothing, building materials, hygiene items. Everything that people use on a daily basis.

In the summer, a conflict with top management is possible. Not everyone likes your methods of management, but it makes sense to defend your position. The main thing is not to get involved in an open conflict. You need to prove your point of view calmly, without waving hands.

By the fall, it will be possible to radically change the place of work. The rooster will receive an unexpected offer. Accept it or not - you need to think carefully. You should seek advice from experienced comrades. Remember, this is the year of the Fire Rooster: there are many opportunities to both get rich and go bankrupt. You need to be the most accurate businessman.

The Rooster should behave correctly with subordinates. You should not stand on ceremony with lazy people (even fire if necessary), and it is advisable to encourage good responsible employees in every possible way.

Health horoscope for 2017

The rooster is an addicted person. Any fashion trend arouses their keen interest. They can give up meat, becoming vegetarians, or even completely switch to vegetables and fruits. Experiments like this can lead to health problems. Be more critical of drastic changes in your diet. A healthy lifestyle is recommended.

To avoid seasonal colds, pay more attention to sports. The rooster is lazy, but will always find time to visit the gym. Ladies are recommended fitness, jogging, exercise in the morning. Men can improve their health with the help of the martial arts section, rocking, jogging. Just keep fit, perfectionism is useless.

Roosters need to go on vacation once or twice a year, to change the environment. If finances allow, take trips to the islands. You need to distract yourself from endless plans and thoughts about work. In the case when money is "scarce", you can just relax in the summer in the village, swim in the lake, enjoy the pristine nature. Spend time with your family, children, do not be alone.

Celebrities born in the Year of the Rooster

Catherine the Great, André Maurois, Fenimore Cooper, Jean Paul Belmondo, Maria Medici, Richard Wagner, Roman Polanski, Tatyana Dogileva, Cate Blanchett, Britney Spears, Ksenia Sobchak, Mikhail Prishvin, Alexander Suvorov, Goebbels, Johann Strauss, Maxim, Yuri Nikulinsky , Nikita Mikhalkov, Yuri Stoyanov, Jennifer Aniston, Roy Jones, Merlin Manson, Michael Schumacher.

Although the Rat will come into its own only on January 25, with the onset of the Chinese New Year, we are already interested in knowing what the world will have in 2020, and what the year of the White Metal Rat will bring us.

Regarding what will happen in the 2020 Year of the Mouse, the opinion of astrologers and predictors in some ways coincides, and somewhere they differ.

But everyone agrees that the Mouse in the Eastern calendar is a symbol of realism, cunning, high adaptation to external conditions. She is gifted with different talents and is incredibly loving.

Therefore, the coming year 2020 promises changes in the life of every person.

Since the coming 2020 will be the year of the Metal Rat, its color is white.

Since ancient times, sages believed that the element Metal personifies strength from above and prosperity, success in finance. This is the smartest sign commonly associated with money.

The essence of the element of Metal is expressed in internal concentration, in the accumulation of energy.

Element Metal is presented in a round shape, or rather in a spherical shape, which means the minimum volume at maximum compression.

Direction - West and North-West, they are used when they want to increase the energy of Metal in a person.

The white color is closely intertwined with the metallic element. It is the color of divine love, and in the Feng Shui tradition, it unites and controls the entire palette in this world. The colors of this element are also considered gold and silver.

White color in psychology means the need for development, self-disclosure, innocence and purity. It symbolizes the very purity and the ability to start everything "from scratch", means union and truce.

Metal is distinguished by such qualities as perseverance, struggle, resilience, determination. Such a Rat is characterized by a struggle for justice, a strong character.

Many are afraid of a leap year, they expect troubles, disasters and loss of balance in life.

In fact, this is not the case. 2020 is the right time for marriage and family replenishment.

Rats are very fertile, and 2020 will be a good year for conceiving and having children.

The arrangement of the stars indicates that the political situation in the world will finally begin to level out. Well, whether these changes will be pleasant or not - in your hands.

According to the predictors, in 2020, purposeful and persistent people will be very lucky.

The White Metal Rat will only help those who do something to achieve their goals and show willpower.

Therefore, in the coming year, you need to boldly cast aside any doubt and reject to rush towards the new, not to be afraid of changes and all kinds of changes.

It will be very important to adapt to the change of era and keep pace with the times.

This is due to the peculiarities of the nature of the eastern symbol of 2020.

For the whole world and each country individually, the new 2020 will be a turning point.

Of course, things will not get better in one year, but there is still hope for a brighter future.

Try not to take everything to heart in the coming year and keep a cold mind in any conflict.

And most importantly, this year can be an opportunity for each of us to learn how to find compromises in conflict situations.

All your actions should be weighed as much as possible, and your deeds should be good, and then they will turn into great success by the end of this period.

On the eve of the new year, many of us think about what the horoscope for the Year of the Pig is preparing for the various signs of the zodiac. What surprises and challenges await us? In order to find answers to the questions of interest to us, we turn to the help of the stars.

Probably everyone already knows that 2019 according to the Chinese calendar will be the year Yellow Earth Pig ... Knowing the good-natured and cheerful character of the cute Pig, we can most likely say that the year will be good. Victory awaits anyone and everyone, including financial ones, optimism and cheerfulness will haunt absolutely everyone. 2019 is a good time for those who dream of having a family and offspring. The pig loves and respects people who are generous, cheerful, freedom-loving and carefree like himself.

We suggest you study the current horoscope for 2019 by the signs of the zodiac:

Horoscope for 2019 - Aries

Aries it's time to get to work and move towards your goals after a long time of carelessness and fun. Having gained strength, you can safely proceed to conquering the heights in business or professional sphere. Creative natures will gush with new ideas and brilliant projects. Aries expects a whirlwind romance, in which he will plunge into a whirlpool with his head. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will go on an unforgettable journey that will bring many positive emotions and impressions.

In June, Aries will plunge into their thoughts, they will want to be more often alone with themselves. Feel tired of taking responsibility for your family, relatives and friends. Get your thoughts in order, and all your emotions will go into a positive direction.

In August, Jupiter will enter the Virgo constellation and make Aries seriously think about plans for the future, health, and change their usual way of life.

Representatives of this sign will gain popularity in their environment or team in 2019, which they did not even dream of just a couple of years ago.

Horoscope for 2019 - Taurus

2019 will be for Taurus harmonious, without any particular difficulties and troubles. Taurus will have to cut their expenses and temper desires in order to pay off debts and loans, or for the sake of a long-awaited major acquisition, refuse purchases with which they can wait.

In 2019, Taurus will be more concerned about their careers and jobs than about their personal life, however, changes in their personal life are unavoidable this year. Lonely Taurus are likely to find their other half, and representatives of the sign who are legally married will not change their position, moreover, an addition to the family is likely.

Horoscope for 2019 - Gemini

The Year of the Yellow Pig will bring long-awaited changes to Gemini's personal life and career. Gemini are full of strength and energy, they are ready to move mountains, they take on all cases and projects, show brilliant results and their hard work brings good profit in the form of wages.

In March 2019, the stars say that you should completely reconsider your outlook on life, it is possible to change your job or professional sphere, as well as your lifestyle. Gemini will feel a great desire to do what they like, and not what they have to do for financial gain. Neptune will help you to fulfill these desires of yours, but you should not rely on eternal help from the outside, count your strengths and capabilities. Purchase of real estate is possible in August.

In the personal life of Gemini, big changes await. Free representatives of the sign will marry, and Gemini who are in a relationship will have difficult times. In the Gemini family, especially those born from May 22 to June 1, in 2019, the situation is often tense to the limit, so the horoscope advises not to sort things out, but to engage in introspection, reading books, visiting exhibitions, cultural events or sign up for interesting courses, trainings ... This will allow you to distract yourself from problems, bring your emotional state back to normal, and thereby save the marriage from divorce. Jealousy, the struggle for power, mutual reproaches will certainly lead to a break in relations and the inability to return everything back. Free Gemini, completely unexpectedly for themselves, at the beginning of the year, will meet their prince or princess, who will correspond 100% to their ideal. These relationships in the near future will develop into the stage of serious relationships and even marriage.

Horoscope for 2019 - Cancer

Cancers in 2019 will have to work hard and make difficult decisions. The stars will help you in solving these questions by placing the key planets in the right place.

In March, Cancers will have a desire to get away from worries and problems, they will go on vacation or travel, and those who cannot rest at this time will plunge headlong into literature, and Cancers will choose the works of world philosophers and thinkers. Until the end of August, Cancers feel financial instability, but in September the situation will change for the better and you will be able to afford an expensive purchase, repay a loan or loan.

The main priority of 2019 for Cancers will be love and family relationships. Cancers will try to change their spouse or spouse, adjust their partner to their requirements, but if you want to save the marriage, you need to find a compromise, to improve relations with joint efforts, since a happy marriage is a constant work of both spouses. In a completely unexpected place and suddenly love will fall on free Cancers. It is these representatives of the horoscope that have a very developed intuition, therefore, they unmistakably choose a suitable life partner.

Horoscope for 2019 - Leo

In 2019, Lions will seriously think about their life, whether they are moving in the right direction, whether they are satisfied with their work and personal relationships. Think about it and draw the appropriate conclusions yourself, find the answers yourself without looking at the opinions of others. Be careful, there are people around you who will try to get you into trouble. A favorite hobby can bring Leo satisfaction, they will fly on wings, enjoying their creativity, and then unexpectedly find that their activity brings joy to people and good profit directly to Leo, so there is a reason that the hobby will grow into the main field of activity.

2019 is rich in romantic and love adventures for Lviv. Single Leos dream of a serious relationship and a wedding, while those who have recently divorced enjoy a free, non-binding relationship. In the year of the Yellow Pig, Leo has a lot of love, many partners, a large number of fans and options, so many of them are in no hurry to choose.

Horoscope for 2019 - Virgo

Virgos will have to make many discoveries in 2019, reach the top. You did a great job last year, and now you are reaping the fruits of your labor. In June 2019, it is possible to meet an influential person who will help you achieve success in life. The influence of Uranus will revitalize the relationship with a partner, kindle a flame in family relationships. Virgos need to learn not to back down at the first signs of resistance, and then they will be rewarded with pleasant changes in life.

Virgos who are married will want more freedom, however, like their life partners. Mutual grievances and reproaches, jealousy and mistrust destroy the family life of Virgos, but you will be able to survive these negative moments. In early January, single Virgos will meet an old friend or a person with whom they had a romantic relationship in the past, it is with this person that Virgo will resume a relationship, you will be easy, comfortable and incredibly cozy with him.

Horoscope for 2019 - Libra

2019 for Libra is a time of personal achievement, creativity, intellectual and social growth. In the first half of the year, you will work hard, rely only on yourself, it is during this period that you will be able to stand firmly on your feet. August 2019 is the best time for vacation, relaxation and reflection.

Lonely Libra has a choice in personal life: either they enter into a serious, stable, practical relationship, or they enjoy an abundance of romantic and free relationships. The decision is yours. Libra's family life is also being tested for strength: there are so many temptations, romantic proposals from representatives of the opposite sex around. However, adultery is unacceptable for a typical Libra, therefore, carnal pleasures on the other side of fidelity to a partner, and what will outweigh is unknown.

Horoscope for 2019 - Scorpio

2019 will be a pivotal year for Scorpios. They will achieve their goals, they may have to change jobs or even profession, move to another city. In August, numerous acquaintances are possible that will help you in moving up the career ladder. In financial terms, 2019 is not the best year for Scorpios, you will have to moderate your spending. In June, many representatives of this sign will be visited by the idea of ​​improving their qualifications, obtaining additional education, internships, do not give up this idea, because this is a great solution that will bear fruit in the near future.

Scorpios are loners by nature, it is difficult to establish romantic relationships. 2019 will not bring them significant changes in their personal lives, they are more concerned about their career and finances than new acquaintances. Scorpios lead a reclusive lifestyle, even meeting friends is rare for them.

Horoscope for 2019 - Sagittarius

Sagittarius have set targets and are confidently moving towards them. In 2019, Streltsov will be recognized by colleagues and business partners, they are constantly in the spotlight. Representatives of this zodiac sign look sexy and like a magnet they attract the opposite sex to themselves. This year, Sagittarius will change their ideas about their ideal, and they do not have a special desire to seek and find this very ideal. They have a much greater need for privacy and silence. Even the stable family relationships of Sagittarius are not without problems, which, even if they do not lead to a break in relations, then some coldness and alienation are inevitable.

Horoscope for 2019 - Capricorn

Capricorns must keep pace with the work they set at the end of 2018 in order to achieve their goals. The financial stability that emerged last year will remain, and in the middle of 2019 a big win, a bonus or an unexpected inheritance is possible. In June, Capricorns will receive a tempting job offer that will undoubtedly need to be considered.

In their personal life, Capricorns do not expect anything new, they will remain in the same relationship that they entered into in 2019, although they will try to make some changes to the existing relationship. Capricorns need to use these opportunities to strengthen, correct their mistakes.

Horoscope for 2019 - Aquarius

For Aquarius, 2019 promises success in business, new partners, and many interesting projects. In August, large financial profits are possible, but you should not mindlessly spend the received funds right and left. In June, Aquarius needs to take care of their health and change their lifestyle, undergo medical examinations.

Good friendships are much more important this year for Aquarius than love and family relationships. They feel comfortable in the company of friends, they can always rely on their help and support. Aquarians, tied by the knot, show a certain indifference, and even coldness, towards their spouses. Rather, they are preoccupied with personal needs and desires. Distraction from the routine will help to change this state of affairs: go with your other half on a trip to an exotic country, a new restaurant, a romantic walk in the woods.

Horoscope for 2019 - Pisces

Pisces will completely change their lifestyle in 2019: they will take care of their health, will persevere in sports, will work tirelessly. Very soon, this lifestyle will become familiar to you and the results will not be long in coming. The effect will be both in the form of improved well-being, energy, vitality, beauty, and in the form of financial gain. Pisces who have thought about moving, changing jobs or professions, receiving additional education, will be able to easily implement these plans in 2019.

Family and personal relationships are not a priority for Pisces in the Year of the Earth Pig. However, some representatives of this sign in September are still waiting for changes in the love sphere. Pisces constantly want changes, changes, activity in their personal life. Therefore, Pisces partners need to be provided with variety, romantic surprises, unexpected attentions, cute gifts. In this case, Pisces will not look for adventure on the side and there will not even be a desire to swim away from you.

The most accurate common horoscope for January 2019.
For lovers and married couples - the love horoscope for January.
For fashionistas and fashionistas - the horoscope of hairstyles for January.

What does 2017 bring us and how to prepare for it?

2017 takes us out of the sequence that began in 2011. For some, this sequence clearly manifested itself immediately, for some only in 2012, for some, the bell sounded perceptibly above the ear and only in 2015.

2017 is a breath of freedom and a new round in comparison with many previous years, but it also requires us to enter this new future as bright, conscious and free from unnecessary things, since what and how you will enter 2017 can lay the foundation for many years to come (5-10 years and in some cases much more). From this point of view, the year is very strategic. And when I say "new" - this is not new from the series "Every New Year brings us something new, become newer, even newer", it is REALLY NEW, sometimes radically.

Advice to all: think about what you want to finish before the end of the year, what you are ready to say goodbye to, why there were some partings and losses - look at your life in the context of the big picture 2011-2016.

If in 2012 you got stuck, somewhere you slowed down yourself, somewhere they started to interfere with you, somewhere everything turned out not at all as you expected; if in 2013 you started having problems and / or serious changes in your life; if you spent 2014 as in purgatory, again stuck in some slow processes and combining past experience with circumstances newly discovered in 2013; if you spent 2015 almost like hell, simultaneously getting stuck in the schemes of manipulations and addictions (from people, emotions, circumstances); and in 2016 something collapsed to the ground, so you thought that in 2015 there were still flowers, but now berries ... that is, there is a chance to start a new life and breathe easily in 2017, but for this you need to work on yourself.

If you do not recognize in this description your past years from 2011 to 2016, then there are options why:

a) either you are already a highly enlightened person and all this is happening in another plane of multidimensional space;

b) either you have lightened karma in this incarnation (well, there are such “incarnations of rest”);

c) either you have a "fine scenario" positive karma in the current cycle (earlier and later it may be different, but in these years everything happened relatively easily or generally in a purely positive cut);

d) either you have a karmic choice to develop or stay in place, and you choose to slow down;

e) either you desperately refuse to admit that all this is happening to you, since it hurts to admit it.

There are more reasons - the main ones are listed here. With the exception of the first two cases, everyone else can be told that sometimes it is better to get all the injuries before the ascent than already in the mountains - the difficulties help to enter a new cycle cleaned, and not drag them there. Maybe it makes sense to have time to part with something superfluous, to make a painful decision or pain as such while the energy still contributes to this, so that all this can also be left in 2016?

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