Home Natural farming How to make fruit pilaf. Fruit pilaf: baby food. Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker

How to make fruit pilaf. Fruit pilaf: baby food. Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker

Chapter 1

We are what we eat. (ancient oriental wisdom)

Chapter I. NUTRITION (the most important thing in this book).

Never go on a hungry ration! - the most important law of proper nutrition!

Paradox? No! Let's explain now! In our time, temptations lie in wait for us at every step.

The principle that you have already used many times for weight loss:

From now on - not a crumb - initially doomed to failure!

And now you are absorbing your favorite dishes, tormented by remorse: "Today I will allow myself everything, and tomorrow I will start a new life."

But this tomorrow never comes!

The very refusal of food or a strict diet is a powerful stress for the body. You will have a bad mood, drowsiness, depression, loss of energy, decreased performance.

No one can withstand such a test for a long time.

You return to your usual diet and, as a result, increase your weight and body weight.


It is almost impossible to "cheat" a fat cell! Fat cells exist to store fat.

Divide the food on the plate into 2 equal portions. And think again whether it is worth eating the second part.

Eat while chewing slowly.

Place your fork on the table every time you want to put the next piece of food in your mouth.

Choose a smaller plate.

Drink water with meals.

Do not starve all day, otherwise you will have to eat "to the full" at dinner.

Don't go to the other extreme: don't snack all the time. Avoid drinking tea, sandwiches and biscuits several times a day with coworkers.

As a child, we were taught: it's not good to leave half-eaten on a plate. Do the opposite: never finish eating until you are hungry.

If you "lost" and ate a lot of high-calorie foods, do not despair, the next day, arrange a menu with a minimum calorie content.

When you go to the store, read the calorie labels on your groceries.

Never go to the grocery store if you are hungry. Eat first, then go to the store.

Saturate your body, not fat cells.

Remember! You can eat whatever you want in reasonable amounts, but only when you experience biological hunger.

If you overeat, the excess calories will turn into fat, regardless of what kind of food they entered your body.

Remember! Both "overeating" and "malnutrition" work for your fat cells.

Paradox? No. We will explain to you now.

If you make long intervals in food intake, and even worse - you eat irregularly, then, as soon as you have not eaten at your usual time, the fat cell will start screaming: "Help! ..", and at the next meal it will first feed itself as much as possible , and what remains - will give to the body.

Like this!

But if you eat regularly and the breaks between meals do not exceed 3 hours, the fat cell will calm down and the so-called fat-forming enzymes will not be turned on.

Remember! If you eat little and often, you turn off fat-forming enzymes from work and the fat cell will not be saturated!

Saturating your body without feeding fat cells is a difficult, but real and very important task.

Keep a diary for 3-4 weeks, learn to correctly assess your feelings and eat only when your body requires it. Note in your diary the degree of your saturation according to the following scheme:

1. Intense hunger, causing dizziness.

2. You cannot think of anything other than food.

3. You experience a noticeable feeling of hunger.

4. You are slightly hungry.

5. State of comfort.

6. Feeling of discomfort from overeating.

7. Slightly overeat.

8. Feeling of fullness in the stomach.

9. Overeat so that it's hard to breathe.

10. Overeat so that they are barely alive.

As you already understand, the 5th and 4th levels are optimal for assessing food intake - follow them!


The energy supplied to the body from food is measured in calories. According to statistics, the average person gets 3119 kcal per day.

However, please note!

Specialists in the field of nutrition have found that the average rate for men is 2,400 kcal, and for women - 2,000 kcal per day.

So what happens? And that's what!

Men eat about 720 kcal above the established norms, and women - by 1120 kcal.

Now it is clear why we have so many overweight and obese people. By the way, 270 extra calories is 36 g of butter, or 50 g of chocolate, or pork chop. If you consume 270 extra kilocalories daily, then within a month you will gain 1 kg of weight only due to the daily consumption of 36 g of oil!

Now let me explain to you why by eating small and frequent meals you have the ability to trick your fat cells.

If all 2000 calories are ingested in one meal, you will overeat and store excess in your fat cells. Most of this food will go to nourish the fat cells, less will go to the needs of the body.

With five meals a day, you will reduce the intake of calories in your body to 400-500 kcal. This even intake of calories throughout the day will force the body to burn excess calories rather than storing them in the form of fat.

Not everyone understands the importance of proper distribution of calorie intake throughout the day.

But this is just the most important condition!

To maintain a good figure, I suggest you eat the same number of calories, but not at one time (2500 kcal), but 500 kcal 5 times a day.

Some people think that if I allow myself to eat often, then my whole life will turn into one continuous meal, and I will definitely get better!

However, the truth is this: Eating smaller meals more often leads to weight loss!

The second advantage of frequent and fractional meals is an even supply of blood sugar.

If you eat more often and do not overeat, your blood sugar level will be stable, your working capacity will not be impaired, your mood will be without changes, your psyche will be more resistant to stressful situations. In addition to the diet, there are a few more rules that will help you avoid weight gain, and I advise you not to neglect them!

Tricky advice from Dr. Fedorov:

If you are hungry, do not wait for lunch time - refresh yourself. If you have a snack, then eat less at lunch.

Limit yourself to one dish? No, it's better to eat a variety of foods on one plate, but very little and low in calories.

Pay attention to the portion size, the assortment should be larger and the portion smaller.

Drink a glass or 0.5 cups of plain water 30 minutes before meals and start your meal with soup.

You can always replace animal protein (meat) with plant protein (soy products). They are two times lower in calorie content, and the taste, when properly prepared, is not at all worse.


And maybe it's still better to starve? Or use the very low calorie diet method (600 kcal). At the present stage of scientific knowledge, it has been proven that with the help of fasting you can quickly reduce your weight, but 80% of patients after stopping the fasting course very quickly (within 20-30 days) gained their previous weight. On the other hand, fasting is a powerful stress for your body. Finally, fasting therapy and low-calorie diets have a number of contraindications. In this regard, scientists refused to use the method of therapeutic fasting in order to reduce weight and treat obesity.

So, you still need to eat!

Then we will learn to eat right.

The foods we eat contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (Table 3). Understood? The most "harmful" foods are fats and alcohol, they contain the most calories. Foods containing fats are much tastier and you want to eat more! 1 g of alcohol - 7.3 kcal. Taking 50 g of vodka brings 365 kcal to the body, and taking 150 g of vodka almost 1000 kcal. Do you see how many extra calories you take during "business" meals, even without food?

Table 3. Characteristics of the main components of food:

Fats and alcohol are the most nutritious in our diet.


The main function of fats is to store energy for future use. Fats are divided into animals - "harmful" (lard, butter, sour cream, cream, sausage, cheese, fish) and vegetable - "useful" (olive, corn, soybean, sunflower oil, nuts, seeds).

Fat is the main cause of being overweight and overweight. Try to limit animal fats - they are the most nutritious and quickly contribute to weight gain.

Let us now turn again to the mistakes that many patients make, and even most doctors do not think about some very simple, simple questions about the recommendation of certain foods containing fat. Let's turn to table 3. Most of you limit the consumption of butter, considering it very high in calories (right!), Trying to switch to vegetable oils, believing that now the number of calories will be drastically reduced. It was not so! Look (table 4), it turns out that the vegetable oil we buy in our stores is even more nutritious than butter. What is the way out? Give up oil altogether? Of course not!

Fats play a huge role in the life of cells, and without them cells cannot work normally. So what do you do? To accept or not to accept fat? Is there a way out?

Table 4. Fat content of some fat-containing foods:

All fats are divided into vegetable and animal fats. You know that. But fats are also divided into useful and harmful. Useful, of course, vegetable. But vegetable fats, in turn, are subdivided into essential polyunsaturated (linolenic acid, omega-3 and fish oil) and saturated fats - these are other types of vegetable oils.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain a large amount of phytosterols, which significantly increase the content of prostaglandins in the body, play an important role in the process of active metabolism of fats.

So, polyunsaturated fatty acids are, first of all, flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil and, of course, fish oil. In addition, these oils improve the rheological properties of the blood and lower the blood pressure that almost always accompanies obesity. This is how we learned one more subtlety.

Table 5. Fat content in the most frequently consumed products (according to MM Ginzburg, 2000) (in grams per 100 g of product)


For our ancestors, fat was a symbol of survival in times of poor harvest or in the winter cold, the guarantor of abundance and confidence in the future. In our time in the civilized world there is no need to accumulate it. Today we receive more food than we consume. Excess fat (energy) is stored in the body fat.

Fats are the embodiment of the contradictions of civilization.

If at the beginning of the XX century fats made up 2% of our diet, then by the beginning of the XXI century this figure is at the level of 50%, and this is not the limit.

Fat is the most nutritious in our diet:

1 gram of fat - 9 kcal;

1 gram of protein - 4 kcal;

1 gram of carbohydrates - 4 kcal.

Thus, eat more protein and as little fat as possible!

But it is impossible to completely abandon fat, since it performs a number of functions in our body. Useful functions of fat:

Fats store the energy we need to live;

Adipose tissue keeps the body warm;

A number of important vitamins - A, K, F - are supplied and absorbed through fats;

Fats are part of the cellular material that protects cells from damage.

However, excess fat quickly turns into extra pounds.

The fat molecule (triglycerides), in order to be absorbed, must be converted into smaller molecules (monoglycerides) + fatty acids.

This process takes place in the intestine under the action of an enzyme of the pancreas - lipase. It is this enzyme that allows the crushed molecules to enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and spread throughout the body.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. They are divided into: quickly digestible "harmful" (sugar, honey, jam, confectionery, sweet drinks; from fruits - melon, grapes, bananas, dates) and slowly digestible "suitable" (bread, legumes, potatoes; from fruits - pears , plums, citrus). Try to prioritize slow-digesting carbohydrates.

Don't eliminate foods you can't live without from your diet, but eat them in very, very limited quantities.

I've always loved sweets! Maybe I'm so fat because of this, and not because of the fat?

We all have love for sweets since birth, but no one gets fat from sweets! However, the sweets that most people love and that bring them weight problems usually also contain a lot of fat, such as chocolate, sweet pies, cakes, cookies, desserts, ice cream. 25 g of pure sugar contains 100 calories. However, pure sugars are not so good at satisfying hunger, or rather, they are satisfying for a very short period of time.

Your blood glucose rises quickly, but also drops quickly, and you will want to eat again. Don't swear to yourself to end sugar once and for all. So you won't succeed! Make changes gradually!

Well, if you still exclude carbohydrates (sweets) from the diet, what will happen then? Firstly, you will hardly be able to hold out for a long time without carbohydrates, and secondly, glucose is the only source of energy for the nerve cells of the brain. The complete elimination of carbohydrates from the diet will lead to the synthesis of glucose from protein (and not from fats), the process of protein breakdown (primarily from muscles) will occur. Thus, the decrease in body weight will not be due to the burning of excess fat, but due to the decrease in muscle mass, which will ultimately lead to discomfort and weakness.

On the other hand, you will say, perhaps, reduce fats to a minimum in the diet and consume carbohydrates and proteins? What happens then in the body? What will happen is this: excessive consumption of sugar-containing foods will cause the synthesis in the pancreas of an excess of the hormone insulin, which in turn will significantly slow down the processes of fat breakdown in the body and will contribute to the excellent synthesis of fat and ensure maximum absorption of it by fat cells. So let's not go to extremes!

Take a look at the following table (table 6), where we have specially prepared for you options for replacing high-calorie sweets with less high-calorie ones.

If you choose sweet dishes, then, of course, it is better to give preference to fresh fruit. They contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. They can satisfy your need for sweets. They do not contain fat and this is the most important thing, and without fat, on carbohydrates, you simply cannot gain weight!

Any dried fruits are a great alternative to sweets, they do not contain fat.

Well, we finally got to the sweetest thing - chocolate. Almost all people eat chocolate, but not everyone who eats it is overweight. So what do you do? Eat or not eat chocolate? No one has yet put on weight by eating chocolate once, twice or three times a year.

Your daily consumption of chocolate is what you need to keep in check.

Table 6. Food groups depending on their calorie content.

Even the thinnest people eat chocolate and still manage to stay slim. The reason is that sometimes they eat it and sometimes they don't!


Proteins are the building blocks for the formation and renewal of all body tissues, as well as for growth and development. Proteins are divided into animals (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and vegetable (beans, peas, beans, mushrooms, soybeans, bread).

So what do you need to do to lose weight?

It is necessary to reduce the amount of calories that enter the body with food, i.e. reduce the calorie content of consumed foods (see tables in the Appendix).

It has been established that overweight people in their daily diet consume from the total calorie content:

Proteins .............................. 20%

Carbohydrates ........................... 40%

Fat ............................... 40%

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you must change this ratio and do this:

Proteins ................................ 50%

Carbohydrates ............................ 30%

Fats ................................. 20%

You must observe this ratio all your life and it is very simple.

In addition, you must reduce the amount of high-calorie foods consumed by 20%, for example, consume not 2500 kcal, as before, but 2000 kcal (500 kcal less).

How to do it?

Very simple!

Eat as often as possible - every 3-4 hours - and then you won't want to eat too much!

Another essential condition for weight loss.

Stop eating after 6 pm in the usual way, as you have always done. Redistribute calories in the middle of the day and reduce calories to a minimum in the evening. In the evening, you can eat cottage cheese, milk, soy products, fruits, salads, vegetables, protein foods. For example, a piece of meat without a side dish and without bread; replace the garnish with salad.

Forbidden: confectionery, sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, ice cream, sausages, dough products.

Helpful tips from Dr. Fedorov:

Remember that fats are not only fatty meat, lard and butter, it is also sausages, all smoked meats, mayonnaise, sour cream, milk and, of course, vegetable oil, which is not inferior in calorie content to butter.

Avoid dressing salads with mayonnaise and sauces. Do not fry, but eat baked, boiled or steamed meat. Skim and remove visible fat from meat, poultry, and fatty soup.

When buying groceries, pay attention to the fat content and calorie content of the food.

Remember that many foods contain so-called "hidden fats": hot dogs, cold meats, cheeses, ice cream, pastries. Even boiled sausages or sausages, which seem to contain a minimum of fat, are actually very high in fat.

So, "junk foods" are those that are high in calories and fat. Try to eliminate them from your diet or reduce their intake as much as possible.

EAST IS A THIN CASE or my own observations: why the Chinese cannot be fat

The Chinese get only 14.5% of their calories from fat, while the Europeans get an average of 40%.

The main food of the Chinese is rice, noodles and soy.

Rice is 90% carbohydrates, 8% protein, 2% fat.

They eat very small portions and often. A lot of spices are added - some, by the way, increase metabolism and contribute to weight loss.

Soy is a source of calcium and magnesium. 5% vegetable protein.

Noodles - as a rule, in the east, they are made from durum wheat, and not from soft ones, as in Russia. The difference is huge. In grains of hard varieties, starch is contained in a crystalline form. It is this starch that has a very low calorie content and a very high nutritional value, which creates a feeling of satiety.

What pasta and what varieties of wheat in Russia can be eaten for weight loss?

Only A and only I class! - this information must be present on the package.

There are 3 groups in total:

A - solid flour,

B - high-glass flour,

B - fine flour.

And also 2 classes:

Class I - durum wheat,

Class II - soft wheat.

Just do not think that sitting on noodles and pasta, you will reduce 10 kg a month. This is not a way to lose weight - rather, it is a way of not gaining weight and keeping yourself in optimal shape.

And do not forget that in the East there is such a combination on the plate:

40% - vegetables,

40% - rice or noodles,

20% - fish or meat,

As well as olive or soybean oil, spices.

And finally, meat or fish? What to choose?

In the East, fish has always been preferred! And don't forget to drink water. Before or during meals - this increases satiety.

And lastly: spices, spices, spices - which enhance metabolic processes in the body, and therefore contribute to weight loss!

Most diets have a short-term effect. Even if you managed to lose weight, then only 5 out of 100 people will be able to maintain their weight for 3 months.

Therefore, my advice to you is - do not forget about exercise!

Chapter 3


When compiling a therapeutic low-calorie diet, it is necessary not only to choose the optimal ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but also the ratio of micronutrients (trace elements and vitamins) in food.

Of course, you will name protein as the main component of the diet for the release of fat deposits with mandatory physical activity. And you will be right! However, for metabolic processes to start working, the body cannot do without vitamins and minerals.

They are the catalysts for the rate of metabolic processes in the body. We cannot do without them.

In addition, it is necessary to effectively remove toxins and toxins that are formed in the body during metabolic processes.

So what are the most essential minerals and vitamins during the weight loss process?


We all know that calcium strengthens teeth and bones and plays an important role in muscle function. If the calcium level in the blood decreases, it leads to a decrease in muscle strength, increases irritability and causes cramps and muscle pain, i.e. creates barriers to your exercise. But you can fix this problem by consuming approximately 1.2 g of calcium in your diet.

Foods that contain the maximum amount of calcium: cheese, salmon fish, nuts, soybeans, broccoli, sunflower seeds, or dietary supplements containing easily digestible calcium. Antioxidants "push" iodine and calcium molecules into the cell, and iodine is an excellent catalyst for the rate of metabolic processes in the body.


Magnesium is necessary to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system and the treatment of osteoporosis, normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the deposition of fat in plaques, has an anticoagulant, antithrombotic effect.

Every day, your body should receive approximately 280 mg of this element from food.

A large amount of magnesium is found in foods: figs, apples, lemons, seafood, almonds, dark greens.


Plays an irreplaceable role in inhibiting the formation of fats. Therefore, with a monotonous diet, which includes mainly potatoes, meat, dairy products and bakery products, there is almost always a lack of chromium in the body.

It has been established that the main effect of chromium in the body is associated with an increase in tissue sensitivity to insulin, which in turn reduces the level of insulin in the body and is a key point in the endocrine mechanism of obesity development. In simpler terms, chromium reduces the nutritional value of glucose (Abraham A.S. et al., 1996).

It is especially important and necessary to include chromium in the complex therapy of obesity in patients with the threat of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. The average daily dose of chromium is 150-200 mg. Chromium is found mainly in legumes, brown grains, and fish.


As clinical studies of Russian and foreign scientists show, obese people have a significant deficiency of B vitamins. The purpose of B vitamins in the body is to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Average daily requirement:

Vitamin B1 ............ 50 mg

Vitamin B6 ............ 20 mg

Lipoic acid ...... 50 mg

A large amount of vitamin B1 is found in black bread, cereals, vitamin B6 - in milk, buckwheat and oatmeal, lipoic acid - in cottage cheese.


It is the most active fat-soluble antioxidant in the body. The daily requirement for vitamin E ranges from 200-400 ME to 500-800 ME. As a rule, in obese people, the content of this vitamin is sharply reduced. Especially if the obese person suffers from diabetes.

It has been proven that vitamin E plays a leading role in the process of free radical oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL), the so-called "harmful" fats, contributes to their oxidation and excretion. It also has an antitoxic effect on the body, helping to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Thus, vitamin E has a strong place in the treatment of obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in seafood, grapes, some medicinal herbs (ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root), and, of course, in young shoots of cereals.


It is the most versatile of all vitamins. The average therapeutic dose is approximately 500 mg per day.

The action of vitamin C is multifaceted:

Restores oxidized forms of vitamins E and A;

Prevents damage to lipid (fat) structures, lowers blood pressure;

Reduces the level of low-density cholesterol, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed. A lot of vitamin C is found in lemons and grapefruits, as well as in all sour fruits and berries.

You can get micronutrients with food or additionally in the form of food supplements (recommended by us). It is the inclusion of micronutrients along with low-calorie dietary products that is an essential factor in the regulation of energy homeostasis and leads to an increase in metabolic processes in the body with an increase in the breakdown of fats and their removal from fat cells (lipolysis). In addition, micronutrients effectively control hunger, and patients who take them tolerate certain restrictions and substitutions of their usual food more easily.

Taking the proposed necessary and effective nutrients, you can easily endure the restructuring process that will inevitably take place in your body without much difficulty, without stress and with minimal discomfort on the way to reducing the calorie intake. In this case, you will not so much want to return to the old way of life.

As a rule, my patients, who followed a diet with a decrease in calorie content, very calmly tolerated these hardships while taking nutrients. There was not a single patient who could not withstand the low-calorie diet. All patients quite easily switched to fractional dietary low-calorie meals without side effects (weakness, severe hunger, discomfort, hypoglycemic state, irritability, depression) It was the nutrients (vitamins and trace elements) that prevented the occurrence of these unpleasant symptoms of discomfort.


Typically, for most people, food is one of the strongest factors in coping with stress. Why? In the process of eating, our brain produces the so-called "hormones of joy".

Don't seize stress!

There are other methods for this:

Seek the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist;

Use natural herbal anti-stress medications. They can be vitamins A, E, C in sufficient dosages, which have a powerful antioxidant effect:

Vitamin E ..........................., ..... 400 mg once a day in the morning;

Vitamin A .............................., .. 200-400 mg once a day in the morning;

Vitamin C ................................. 500 mg 1-2 times a day;

Or any other drug with powerful antioxidant effects, such as:

Rikolin, produced in Indonesia - 1 capsule 2 times a day;

Vascular doctor, made in Russia - 2 capsules 2 times a day;

These drugs will perfectly help you to overcome stress and improve cell metabolism, helping to flush out fat from cells and normalize metabolic processes in the cells of your body.

Let the room fill with your laughter. (Van Morrison)

At the end of the 19th century, a physician named Israel Weinbulm hypothesized that laughter relieves stress by providing cells with access to oxygen. So whenever you get the chance, laugh heartily at full strength at least twice a day.

7th rule. Build on your gains and tune in to a sustainable, long-term weight loss program.

After reading this guide and adopting all of the above recommendations, you are surely doomed to success.

Why? Yes, because your fat cells were turned off by the influence of fat-breaking enzymes and now the existence of your fat cell looks like this:

Refusal of diets;

Lack of overeating;

Frequent meals;

Turning off the fat cell;

Refusal to eat in the evening;

Avoiding fatty foods.

Now the amount of fat-breaking enzymes in your body exceeds the amount of fat-forming ones. As a result, your fat cells are shut down from active functioning.

What are your next tasks?

Maintain this ratio so that your figure becomes better and better, and your fat cells become smaller and smaller!

If you have not yet reached your goal, but have already budged and started losing weight, I want you to think about what you are planning for the next 3 months.

Or maybe you started to lose patience, disappointed in the slow pace of positive change?

As much as you would like to go on a strict diet - don't do it!

Do not neglect the small positive changes that you have made, which you will make, thinking about the ultimate goal.

We often miss the progress made on the way to the goal.

Learn to be proud of your victories by rewarding yourself for them.

After achieving the first successes, your body will want to return to its original weight. Don't let him do this! Maintain the achieved ratio of muscle to adipose tissue, level and ratio of fat-forming and fat-burning enzymes.

For some, the fight against excess weight turns into an obsession, they do not get off the scales and measure their weight daily. Remember that 25% of total body fat is ideal weight, and dropping below 18% fat is unhealthy.


What to do if changed life circumstances forced you to give up physical activity or break your diet? Having abandoned these recommendations temporarily, try to return to these priorities again. Start again with the first rule and consistently implement all the others, the second time your body will respond faster to familiar factors.

Tips from Dr. Fedorov:

Do not strive to acquire an "ideal" figure, set realistic goals and objectives for yourself.

Remember that your main goal is not to lose overall body weight, but to lose excess fat.

Remember that fat cells will never starve to death. We cannot kill a fat cell, but we can lull its vigilance.

You don't have to go hungry to lose weight! You need to eat well and regularly!

Don't fight your female physiology, but cooperate with it.

Oksana Fedorova is a real beauty. TV presenter, model, title holder Miss St. Petersburg, Miss Russia and "Miss Universe" there was always a wonderful figure. With a height of 178 cm, when she was Fedorov's model, she weighed only 51 kg. She, as a model, periodically had to lose weight. However, the most serious test awaited the star after pregnancy.

Oksana is a mother of two kids: Fedya and Elizaveta. During pregnancy and after childbirth, Fedorova gained quite a few extra pounds. She looked like she had doubled in size. However, Oksana was able to cope with this problem - the presenter managed to get rid of more than 15 kg.


The star took up fitness. She trained hard to sweat. First of all, her fitness program included a large number of abdominal exercises. Here, we note that such training will not help you lose fat. But Oksana was getting back into shape after pregnancy and childbirth, so she needed to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. The exercises, of course, coped with this.

Photo "before and after" weight loss Oksana Fedorova.

In addition, Fedorova's program included complexes for the legs and buttocks, as well as stretching. The star believes that the latter is great at developing joints and helping to get rid of internal clamps. In addition, many women develop back problems after childbirth. Stretching can relieve these unpleasant sensations.

Fedorova did not forget about skin care. She regularly visited a traditional Russian bath and steamed with an oak broom, and then dived into the ice-cold water. Such procedures perfectly tone the skin and prevent it from becoming flabby and losing elasticity, which is especially important when you have to lose a lot of weight. To fight cellulite, Ksenia resorted to massage and body wraps.

Fedorova's diet

While losing weight, Oksana Fedorova did not resort to strict diets. She acted carefully and wisely.

  • First of all, the star stopped eating at night. She also refused starchy foods, although she was very fond of such dishes, for example, dumplings, pizza and pasta. Eliminated Fedorov and pickles, canned foods and sweets.
  • Fedorova began her day by drinking a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. After a while she drank kefir. And only an hour later she had breakfast.
  • In addition, Oksana tried not to eat too much in the afternoon, while in the first (more precisely, until 13.00) she allowed herself almost everything she wanted.
  • After dinner, the star preferred to eat mostly protein foods. These are boiled eggs, vegetables, fish (her host eats at least four times a week), seafood (Ksyusha loves them very much), steamed meat. Fedorova also eats cottage cheese, to which she can add a little fruit.
  • Before pregnancy, Fedorova could afford very late snacks, and they did not turn into extra centimeters at the waist. However, after giving birth, Oksana adjusted her diet and shifted the last meal to 19.00.
  • One day a week, the star made unloading and ate only soaked unsalted rice, as well as buckwheat with kefir.

Oksana Fedorova in everyday life.

On ordinary days, Fedorova's menu looked like this.

On breakfast the star ate cottage cheese, scrambled eggs or porridge. Allowed myself a cup of coffee and, if desired, one caramel.

Dined Oksana fish and vegetable salad, as well as soup. It can be meat, but it is better also vegetable.

Dinner stars consisted of salad and a glass of juice.

Oksana perfectly understood that it is not easy to withstand the restrictions. Therefore, she has developed three methods of dealing with common culinary temptations.

  1. Sweet. If you want something like that, the host advises to dissolve a spoonful of honey in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to this, the blood sugar level will rise slowly, and you will no longer want sweets. Does your hand reach for a chocolate bar? Allow yourself this delicacy, just do not eat it all at once, but savor it in tiny pieces.
  2. Hunger. Often it remains even if you eat a heavy meal. In such cases, you need to wait about 10 minutes, and the desire for supplements will pass. However, this does not apply to snacks - they should not be missed. According to Fedorova, at least once a day between "large" meals you need to "intercept" something.
  3. Fast food. Fedorova says that she understands fast food lovers: there is something attractive to her. Oksana believes that from time to time you can afford such food. Only a little and really from time to time. One portion will not do catastrophic harm to the figure. According to Oksana, the whole danger of such food is precisely in the fact that often the matter is not limited to one portion: you want more and more. Therefore, the most important thing is to know when to stop and not to go over too much.

Thanks to this integrated approach, Oksana Fedorova got rid of excess weight. Now all she has to do is maintain her figure in excellent condition. That in the presence of effective recipes, which, moreover, do not harm health, it is not at all difficult.

Pilaf is a special dish, with its own traditions and even the culture of cooking, serving and eating. By the way, almost all peoples have analogues of this dish, whose menu includes rice. And besides, pilaf has become so democratic over time that it is cooked on weekdays and holidays, for adults and children. For example, fruit pilaf is perfect for a children's menu. And adults will not refuse to enjoy such an unusual dish. And if you want to learn how to cook sweet fruit pilaf, then choose the recipe. By the way, this dish will appeal not only to rice lovers, but also to those who follow the figure or adhere to the principles of vegetarian nutrition.

Sweet pilaf with carrots
Let the children consider this dish just sweet porridge. But in reality, we will spend time preparing a delicious and aromatic fruit dish.
.2 cups of rice;
.1 carrot;
.A handful of raisins;
.A handful of dried apricots;
.A handful of prunes;
.2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
.A pinch of salt;
.Vegetable oil.
Rinse the rice thoroughly in running water, and then let it dry. If necessary, soak prunes, raisins and dried apricots in warm water and leave for about half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. If the dried fruits are soft enough, then you just need to rinse them and dry them too.
Now we clean and wash the carrots, cut them into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil in a cast-iron or thick-bottomed frying pan. It will be ideal to use a cauldron for cooking pilaf, but you can take, for example, a rooster (gosyatnitsa). So, as soon as the carrots begin to fry, add dried fruits to it and continue to fry until the carrots turn golden. To prevent sweet dried fruits and carrots from burning, you need to fry them over moderate heat.
Now on top of the carrot-fruit fry, pour the rice in an even layer and fill everything with boiling water so that the water rises above the rice by a centimeter and a half. Do not mix anything! Just cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum and leave the pilaf to simmer until the rice is cooked. After removing the sample and realizing that the rice is already ready, remove the pilaf from the heat, add sugar and salt and mix. Let it stand for another ten minutes - and you can start your meal. By the way, this pilaf is also good cold.

Fruit pilaf with pumpkin
Recipe from the vegetarian category. We suggest you cook fruit pilaf with pumpkin.
... One and a half glasses of rice;
... A pound of pumpkin;
... 2-3 fresh apples;

... Half a teaspoon of salt.
Preparation (option 1):
Rinse the rice thoroughly in running water and let it dry. Peel the pumpkin and cut the flesh into small pieces. We also peel the apples and cut them into small slices. Now in a frying pan with a thick bottom (or in a special bowl for pilaf), dissolve the butter and pour half a glass of rice in an even layer. Next, lay out a layer of apples with pumpkin, and pour another half glass of rice on top. Thus, we spread all the fruits and rice (rice - the last layer). Fill with water with salt dissolved in it so that the water covers the rice by about a centimeter. Cover the dishes with a lid and simmer pilaf over low heat until rice is cooked.
Preparation (option 2):
The same pilaf with apples and pumpkin can be cooked in the oven. To do this, we also rinse the rice, and then cook it until half cooked and rinse again. Peel and cut the pumpkin and apples into small pieces. Now we mix the pumpkin with rice and apples, add one or two teaspoons of honey and put the mixture in an ovenproof dish. Put pieces of butter on top of the rice mixture and put in a preheated oven. Such pilaf in pots is especially tasty.

Fruit pilaf with apples
Another version of apple pilaf, which can be supplemented with any seasonal fruits - apricots, quince, plums.
... One and a half glasses of rice;
... 5-6 fresh apples;
... 2 tablespoons of butter;
... 1 tablespoon honey
... Salt at your discretion.
Soak the rice for about half an hour in advance, and then rinse it thoroughly. Wash the fruit, free it from seeds (seeds) and cut into small slices. Dissolve the butter in a thick-bottomed bowl and spread half of the fruit. Put a layer of rice on top (also half) and again - fruits and rice. Fill with hot salted water (the water should completely cover the rice!), Add honey and a little more butter. We cover the dishes with a lid, put on low heat and simmer rice full until cooked.
Bukhara pilaf with raisins
It is not true that in Central Asia only fatty pilaf with meat is loved. And an example of this is the classic recipe for Bukhara pilaf. And such a pilaf with raisins is being prepared!
... 3 medium carrots;
... 2 heads of onions;
... About a kilogram of rice;
... 2 handfuls of raisins;
... Butter and salt.
Peel and wash carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into strips, and the onions into rings. Now dissolve the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and put the carrots and onions in it, and then simmer the vegetables over low heat for about ten minutes. After that, add the raisins (washed!), A glass of boiling water and cook the raisins with vegetables for another five minutes. Next, pour the washed rice in an even layer and fill it with salted boiling water so that the water rises about a centimeter above the rice. First, cook pilaf over medium heat with the lid open. When the water is completely absorbed, cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum and continue cooking for another twenty minutes.
Put the fragrant Bukhara pilaf on a dish with a slide and serve with vegetable salad and herbs. Pilaf can be sprinkled with pomegranate seeds on top.
Fruit pilaf with peaches
A wonderful pilaf recipe for a children's menu that combines fresh and dried fruits.
... One and a half cups of rice:
... 150 grams of butter or vegetable oil;
... 1 tablespoon saffron infusion
... 200 grams of dried apricots;
... 200 grams of raisins;
... 3 fresh peaches;
... 1 glass of fresh cherry plum;
... 100 grams of peeled almonds;
... 2 tablespoons of honey;
... 2 tablespoons of sugar;
... Half a glass of pomegranate juice;
... 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
... 2 pieces of cloves.
Rice is pre-washed and boiled in a large amount of salted water until it is not fully cooked. Then we put the rice in a colander and rinse with cold water. Now put half a glass of boiled rice in a thick-bottomed dish and mix with 100 grams of melted butter. Align the layer, cover the dishes with a lid and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. During this time, the rice should be completely cooked.
Until the rice is fully cooked, fry the washed, dried and cut into pieces fruits and almonds in the remaining butter until golden brown. In a separate saucepan, cook the syrup from pomegranate juice, honey and sugar. At the end of the syrup preparation, add spices and fried fruits to it. We boil a little more. Serve rice garnished with fruit and syrup.
Here is such a different, but very tasty pilaf with fruits you can cook! Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Many people know only the traditional recipes for this dish, but there is also a fruit pilaf. It has a characteristic taste that only dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries can give. Such pilaf is a godsend for children, as well as for parents.

Traditional recipe

Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare it, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

What is required:

  • litere of water;
  • 2 cups rice
  • 70 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric.


  • To cook fruit pilaf, heat the cauldron over the fire, pour vegetable oil into it.
  • Grate carrots, put them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to it.
  • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
  • While the dried fruits are fried, turn to the rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
  • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruit and cover with hot water. The water should cover the rice layer by 1 to 2 centimeters.
  • Carcass the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and tomato fruit pilaf for 15 minutes, covered.

Peach recipe

Pilaf with peaches is a very tasty dish, worthy of being prepared in the summer. Fruit pilaf with peaches is light, with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Preparing such a fruit dish is a little more difficult than the traditional fruit pilaf, but it's worth it.

What is required:

  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 100 grams of butter (vegetable oil can be used);
  • 200 grams of dried apricots and raisins;
  • a glass of cherry plum;
  • 3 ripe peaches;
  • 100 grams of peeled raw almonds;
  • honey for 2 tablespoons;
  • half a glass of juice of one pomegranate;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 carnations;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon saffron infusion.


  • To prepare this delicious fruit dish, pre-wash the rice and boil it in enough salted water until half cooked.
  • Put the rice in a colander, then rinse under cold water.
  • Put half of the boiled rice in a thick-bottomed bowl, mix with 100 grams of butter.
  • Level the rice layer, cover the saucepan or cauldron with a lid, and simmer for about 30 minutes. This is enough time to fully cook the rice.
  • Cut dried fruits, fruits, almonds into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
  • In a separate saucepan, cook syrup from pomegranate juice, sugar and honey. For the final syrup, add fried fruits and spices to it.
  • Toss the rice with the fruit syrup. Fruit pilaf with peaches is ready.

Recipe with apples and pumpkin

Preparing pilaf with apples and pumpkin for children and adults will not be difficult. Apples and pumpkin go well with each other and with other ingredients.

What is required:

  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin;
  • quince;
  • ½ cup vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 2 apples;
  • nutmeg;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon;
  • a pinch of salt;


  • To prepare pilaf from pumpkin and fruits, peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, and cut the apples (preferably green) into cubes.
  • Combine pumpkin, apples, raisins and finely chopped quince.
  • Rinse the rice several times so that the water is clear.
  • Pour odorless vegetable oil on the bottom of a cauldron or saucepan and heat it up. Then lay out the pumpkin pieces so that they cover the entire bottom, then cover it with some of the rice, and on top put some of the apples with quince and raisins, sprinkle the fruit dish with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Then make a layer of rice and a layer of fruit again. Pour the dish with salted water and oil so that the rice is completely covered with it.
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid, tomi a dish of rice and fruits for about an hour on low heat.

Now you know that cooking is quite simple and easy, but pilaf turns out to be light and tasty.

Many people know only the traditional recipes for this dish, but there is also a fruit pilaf. It has a characteristic taste that only dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries can give. Such pilaf is a godsend for children, as well as for parents.

Traditional recipe

Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare it, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

What you need:

  • litere of water;
  • 2 cups rice
  • 70 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric.


  • To cook fruit pilaf, heat the cauldron over the fire, pour vegetable oil into it.
  • Grate carrots, put them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to it.
  • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
  • While the dried fruits are fried, turn to the rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
  • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruit and cover with hot water. The water should cover the rice layer by 1 to 2 centimeters.
  • Carcass the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and tomato fruit pilaf for 15 minutes, covered.

Peach recipe

Pilaf with peaches is a very tasty dish, worthy of being prepared in the summer. Fruit pilaf with peaches is light, with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Preparing such a fruit dish is a little more difficult than the traditional fruit pilaf, but it's worth it.

What you need:

  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 100 grams of butter (vegetable oil can be used);
  • 200 grams of dried apricots and raisins;
  • a glass of cherry plum;
  • 3 ripe peaches;
  • 100 grams of peeled raw almonds;
  • honey for 2 tablespoons;
  • half a glass of juice of one pomegranate;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 carnations;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon saffron infusion.


  • To prepare this delicious fruit dish, pre-wash the rice and boil it in enough salted water until half cooked.
  • Put the rice in a colander, then rinse under cold water.
  • Put half of the boiled rice in a thick-bottomed bowl, mix with 100 grams of butter.
  • Level the rice layer, cover the saucepan or cauldron with a lid, and simmer for about 30 minutes. This is enough time to fully cook the rice.
  • Cut dried fruits, fruits, almonds into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
  • In a separate saucepan, cook syrup from pomegranate juice, sugar and honey. For the final syrup, add fried fruits and spices to it.
  • Toss the rice with the fruit syrup. Fruit pilaf with peaches is ready.

Recipe with apples and pumpkin

Preparing pilaf with apples and pumpkin for children and adults will not be difficult. Apples and pumpkin go well with each other and with other ingredients.

What you need:

  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin;
  • quince;
  • ? a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 2 apples;
  • nutmeg;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon;
  • a pinch of salt;


  • To prepare pilaf from pumpkin and fruits, peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, and cut the apples (preferably green) into cubes.
  • Combine pumpkin, apples, raisins and finely chopped quince.
  • Rinse the rice several times so that the water is clear.
  • Pour odorless vegetable oil on the bottom of a cauldron or saucepan and heat it up. Then lay out the pumpkin pieces so that they cover the entire bottom, then cover it with some of the rice, and on top put some of the apples with quince and raisins, sprinkle the fruit dish with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Then make a layer of rice and a layer of fruit again. Pour the dish with salted water and oil so that the rice is completely covered with it.
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid, tomi a dish of rice and fruits for about an hour on low heat.

Now you know that cooking is quite simple and easy, but pilaf turns out to be light and tasty.

An excellent dish for pilaf fans. It has already happened that at the mention of the word "pilaf" our imagination draws on a plate rice with meat and vegetables, fatty, aromatic and unusually tasty. I, probably like many others, simply adore rice dishes, and pilaf is one of my favorite dishes. Probably, recipes for dietary, vegetable and fruit pilaf have been undeservedly forgotten. Again, this is simply a must-have for vegetarians. Fruit pilaf is a delicious dessert made from rice and dried fruits. And baked in a pumpkin, it is additionally saturated with its aroma.

We will need:

  • medium pumpkin
  • rice - 1 tbsp
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • apple or quince - 2 pieces
  • dried apricots - 1 handful
  • prunes - 1 handful
  • raisins - 1 handful
  • almonds - 1 handful
  • butter - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cut the carrots into cubes.

Dried apricots, wash and cut into 2-3 parts. If the dried apricots are soft, then you do not need to soak them.

My prunes and cut into 2 parts.

Peel and core the apples. Cut the peeled apples into small cubes.

Steam almond nuts with hot water and remove the skin from them. Then cut in half.

Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and sauté the carrots. Carrots in this case, among other things, are used in order to give the pilaf a beautiful color.

Then add dried apricots, prunes and washed raisins to the pan. Mix well.

At the end we throw apples and nuts. Turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave the mixture to warm up. Remember to stir a couple of times to prevent the fruit from burning.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin, take out the seeds with a knife and spoon. We make small notches inside with a knife. Be careful not to damage the outside of the skin.

Put the rice, pre-washed, soaked and boiled until half cooked, on the bottom of the pumpkin.

Then spread out the entire fruit mixture. Add sugar and salt.

Put the other half of the rice on top. Pour in about half a glass of water. You can use fruit juice. Coat the pumpkin outside with vegetable oil. Place the pumpkin in a low-sided baking dish. One where you can put the finished pumpkin on the table. We put it in a preheated oven on the lower shelf. Do not cover with the pumpkin “lid” yet. Cover with foil on top. After 35-40 minutes, remove the foil and cover with a pumpkin lid. Bake for another 15-20 minutes.

Remove the finished pumpkin with fruit pilaf from the oven, but do not open it for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.

Fruit pilaf can be served both warm and very cold, scraping the flesh of the pumpkin with a spoon.

If you want to cook fruit pilaf without roasting in a pumpkin, then after frying the fruits, immediately pour in raw rice, add salt and sugar, pour in a glass of water and cover with a lid. After boiling, reduce the temperature. So the pilaf will be ready faster. It will take about 20-25 minutes to cook.

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