Home Natural farming How to make your face expressive without makeup. How to make your eyes expressive without makeup? The nuances of creating beautiful eyes

How to make your face expressive without makeup. How to make your eyes expressive without makeup? The nuances of creating beautiful eyes

The use of any decorative cosmetics lies only in the fact that with its use you can hide very significant flaws and make your appearance more expressive. Otherwise, all buttered mascaras, skin-nourishing foundations and moisturizing lipsticks are a promotional stunt to boost sales. With age, many women who are faced with the first signs of aging begin to think about how to minimize the amount of cosmetics they use. However, after making such a decision, the question becomes acute: how to look fresh, bright and attractive without makeup? Today we will talk about the beauty of the eyes, namely, how to make your eyes expressive without makeup.

How to make your eyes expressive without makeup?

Refusal from cosmetics at first is given to all women quite difficult, as they face the fear of looking unattractive against the background of their brighter, and most importantly, "make-up" girlfriends. In fact, from the absence of makeup on your face in the future, you only look, as you will acquire a fresher complexion and more attractive features. In addition, giving up makeup significantly saves time, which means that deciding that your skin is enough, you will also discover additional advantages, for example, you can sleep a little longer in the morning and get rid of the habit of being late for work. Only the first few days will be hard. However, it is not difficult for women who know their worth and are confident in their natural beauty to survive this period.

The subtleties of eye care

Using cosmetics, we are accustomed to the fact that with the help of foundation, powder and correctors, you can easily tidy up the skin around the eyes: not only visually get rid of bruises and bags, but even cope with small wrinkles. Eyeliner, shadows and mascara, in turn, give our eyes more expressiveness. These decorative products help to adjust the size and shape of the eyes, lengthen the eyelashes and emphasize their volume. How to make your eyes expressive without makeup? First of all, you need to tidy up the skin around the eyes and return it to its previous tone. The methods that we offer you can be called everyday. Of course, you will not achieve a quick effect, but the result, nevertheless, will be beyond praise.

How to make your eyes expressive videos

5 easy ways to look fresh and bring back expressiveness to your eyes

1. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. A good, sound sleep is the key to your beauty and blooming appearance.
2. Try to limit situations in which you have to strain your eyes. In particular, sit at the computer less, try not to read in poor light, watch TV with the lights on.
3. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
4. Try to eat less spicy and salty foods.
5. Try to eat a balanced diet.

To keep your eyes without makeup shining with beauty, try not to overexert yourself and get enough rest. For example, according to cosmetologists, to make your eyes expressive without makeup, you should go to bed no later than ten o'clock in the evening. In reality, it is not easy to implement such a scenario, but at least 1-2 times a week you can try to follow the advice of a specialist. Also, don't ignore the five golden rules for eye care:

1. Remember to wear sunglasses on a sunny summer day. The same goes for relaxing on the beach. Dry wind and ultraviolet radiation severely dry the skin around the eyes, which can lead to premature wrinkles.

This trick was invented by Korean women. To make their naturally narrow eyes appear larger, they wear lenses with an enlarged iris.

Lenses with an iris of 14-15 mm (with or without diopters) will make the eyes look like a puppet in anime characters. For comparison, the iris is usually about 11-13 mm in diameter.

The effect of the magnifying lenses is instant and very bright. But before using them, it is better to consult with an ophthalmologist. For some people, even briefly wearing lenses is irritating.

2. Highlight the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows

According to the laws of color, dark shades visually reduce everything, and light shades increase. To make your eyes look bigger, be sure to highlight the inner corners of the eyelids and the areas under the eyebrows.

For this, use light matte shadows or a highlighter. In the corners of the eyes, you can apply products with a light shimmer. Also, a little mother-of-pearl will not hurt in the center of the movable eyelid. It will add volume to your makeup and make your eyes more noticeable.

3. Bring your eyes and draw the arrows correctly

One is to enclose the eyes in a black frame. When the eyeliner moves from the moving eyelid to the fixed one and captures the water line, the eyes turn into small black slits. Looks awful!

Use a pencil technique to enlarge your eyes. Draw with a pencil the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid: the closer to the inner corner, the thinner the line should be. Then bring the lower eyelid, but only the space between the eyelashes and only to the middle of the eye. Blend the eyeliner thoroughly and apply the eyeshadow.

If you decide to add arrows, be sure to bring them outside the outer corners of the eyes towards the tips of the eyebrows.

4. Apply light kajal to the water line

A soft underwater pencil of pale pink or cream color, applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, will not only visually enlarge the eyes, but also hide traces of fatigue.

5. Try a blue, purple or turquoise liner

These cool, intense colors will brighten your makeup and brighten your eyes.

Try to draw your eyes with a blue or purple pencil instead of black, and you will see how your eyes open.

6. Draw the crease of the eyelid just above the natural line.

If you highlight the fold of the movable eyelid with shadows several shades darker than the main shade in the makeup, the look will become more expressive. And if you move the drawing line 1–2 mm from the natural fold, the eyes will become visually larger.

7. Add volume to lashes

The thicker and longer the eyelashes, the larger the eyes. If nature has not rewarded you with luxurious eyelashes, use volumizing mascara.

Curl your upper lashes with a curling tong, then apply the first layer of mascara. Paint over the eyelashes, not towards the temples, but straight up. Lightly dust lashes with loose powder and apply a second coat or use false lashes.

Apply one coat of mascara to the lower lashes, or leave them unpainted.

You can see these and other tricks in action in the following video:

Many women dream of making their eyes big and expressive. How to achieve this result without using makeup? There are several simple and effective ways.

Healthy lifestyle

How to make your eyes look bigger without makeup? The basis of all methods is the correct daily routine. In order for the look to "shine" with health, and the eyes to seem larger, you just need to get enough sleep. The daily sleep rate is 7-10 hours. Tired eyes with bruises and puffiness underneath will never look big.

The second thing to do to enlarge your eyes is to give up bad habits. The toxins obtained from nicotine and alcohol impair a woman's appearance and make her look dull. The whites turn red and the skin around the eyes looks unhealthy.

Do not forget about proper nutrition and water balance of the body. The diet must contain fruits, vegetables and herbs. They fill the body with vitamins, make the skin radiant and expressive look. The daily water intake should not be less than 2 liters. But you should not get too carried away with the liquid at night, since in the morning you can face swelling of the skin around the eyes.

The next way to enlarge your eyes without makeup and make your eyes look expressive is to take an active part. You need to stay less in front of the TV screen and computer monitor. Better to spend this time outdoors or exercising in the fitness club. If being at the computer is not entertainment, but work, then during the working day you should try to take short breaks. While resting, you can do a couple of simple exercises to relieve redness and eye fatigue.

Folk remedies

The next answer to the question of how to make the eye visually larger is the use of folk remedies. There are not many of them. The best remedy for open gaze at home, which has been confirmed by scientists, is the complete absence of cosmetics. Already after a month, you can see the first results: the skin acquires a more natural color, and a blush appears on the cheeks. As for the eyes, they increase due to the absence of constant exposure to various cosmetic components. The feeling of skin tightness and heaviness from the applied cosmetics disappears.

But cosmetics are not the only enemy of large, expressive eyes. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect on the epidermis, as a result of which wrinkles appear on the skin. Therefore, on clear days, do not forget about eye protection from ultraviolet radiation (glasses). And to prevent wrinkles, sunscreen should be applied to the skin.

Curling your eyelashes with special tweezers or a brush, you can instantly enlarge your eyes without using makeup and make your look expressive. And by pinching the eyebrows of tweezers and giving them pigment with the help of coloring in a beauty salon, you can emphasize the expressive and open look of a woman.

Hairstyling can also make your eyes look bigger. Neat curls that match the shape of the face will perfectly emphasize the overall natural look. And the right color will also create the right contrast with the skin tone, brightening the face and making it look younger.

Here are some simple rules that every woman who wants to visually enlarge her eyes and make her look expressive should know:

  1. No need to touch your face with dirty hands. The skin becomes greasy and rough, which is clearly not the best effect on the appearance and expressiveness of the eyes.
  2. Fatigue from the skin around the eyes is best relieved by compresses with a decoction of chamomile or masks from other natural ingredients. It is necessary to carry out procedures using these funds daily.
  3. An ordinary ice cube helps to restore freshness and vigor to the look. It is enough to wipe the skin around the eyes with it every morning. For freezing, you can use plain water or decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. Massage the face and area around the eyes for expressiveness of the look should be done regularly. As a result, the skin becomes firm and taut. It is important to remember that you do not need to press too hard on the skin and carry out all movements with ease in your hands.
  5. Special gymnastics allows you to keep the eye muscles in good shape, making the look clear, expressive and deep.
  6. It is better to wash off cosmetics from the skin around the eyes not with water, but with a cotton pad dipped in sunflower oil.

Exercises for the eyes

You need to devote at least 15 minutes a day to such exercises. As a small workout, you can use the following sequence:

  • circular movements of the pupils to the right and left;
  • regular turns of the pupils from side to side;
  • close your eyes for 5 seconds and relax your eyes;
  • focus on a nearby subject for a few seconds and look sharply into the distance.

You need to do this workout slowly, taking short breaks between exercises. After such an exercise, the eyes are closed for 15 seconds, giving the muscles and skin a little rest.

Contact lenses

If all of the listed options for how to make the eyes larger are not suitable, then you need to try the fastest and most affordable option that makes the look expressive - lenses. This method is widespread among celebrities. The most optimal diameter of contact lenses for visual eye enlargement is 14.5 mm. If we take the broader ones, the effect will be more "puppet" than natural.

Cosmetics for the skin

When choosing creams and lotions for the skin around the eyes, you need to carefully consider the composition of the product. It should be as natural as possible.

Homemade lemon scrub makes your eyes look more expressive almost immediately. It can be made from egg white and 2 drops of lemon juice. Such a tool visually enlarges the eyes, brightens and mattifies the skin of the face.

You can have an open and expressive look without using makeup, you just have to want it. Already a month after performing the exercises or applying the other listed techniques, an amazing result will be noticeable.

Most people claim that only natural beauty and naturalness are attractive to them. Nevertheless, many girls and women of our time resort to the use of cosmetics and daily makeup.

This article will look at how, without using makeup, to give your eyes brightness, beauty and expressiveness at home. Thanks to this, the appearance in the photo or video will be amazing, but in reality it will be mind-blowing.

It is worth noting that women and girls cannot stop using decorative cosmetics due to psychological nuances. This is dictated by some circumstances.

  • banal habit;
  • obtrusive advertising of cosmetics;
  • fear of looking bad in society.

It is advisable to prepare for the fact that for a certain period of time, a woman will seem unattractive, inconspicuous and boring to herself. The main thing here is to be patient. In a couple of weeks, after a complete rejection of cosmetics, the skin of the face, eyebrows and eyes, as well as lips, will become clearer and return to their natural, natural color. This is proven by research.

In this regard, having stopped using makeup for several days, one should not panic and treat the new psycho-emotional state normally.

Making beautiful eyes

The decision to refrain from using cosmetics has been made. How to make beautiful eyes and make them stand out without using makeup and cosmetics at home.

The first step is to restore tone to the skin around the eyes. Due to the habit of constant use of special products, of course, you can not remember about the healthy appearance of the skin around the eyes. So, with the help of foundation they mask:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • bruising;
  • wrinkles.

But, getting rid of these skin defects is possible with the help of natural, useful and affordable remedies. Naturally, the result will not be visible immediately. So, it is necessary:

  • good rest and sleep;
  • work less at the monitor;
  • do not consume or reduce the amount of alcohol;
  • limit the salt and spice of food;
  • eat properly;
  • quit smoking.

You should reduce your fluid intake on the eve of bedtime, as this can affect the appearance of swelling and swelling.

It is necessary to pay attention to the time of going to bed. Due to the high-speed rhythm of life, going to bed at a certain time every day is very difficult, but it is necessary to make it a rule to go to bed a couple of days a week before twenty-two hours. Indeed, in fact, this time, modern cosmetologists consider it ideal for a good rest, which will prevent the appearance of signs of eye fatigue. How to make your eyes more beautiful? Here are some recommendations.

The nuances of creating beautiful eyes

To make your eyes beautiful, without the use of cosmetics and the services of professionals in cosmetology, and using natural products at home, you need to pay special attention to eyebrows and eyelashes.

Refusal of cosmetics, in no way claims that eyebrows and eyelashes cannot be slightly corrected and colored. Indeed, the most insignificant curling of eyelashes will give the eyes expressiveness and attractiveness, as well as decorate them.

If you want to have beautiful eyes, then under no circumstances should you touch your eyes with unwashed hands. When applying any type of cream, whether it is a moisturizer, a night cream or a day cream, you should first wash your hands with soap and water. When applying the cream under the eyes, do not exert effort and press on the skin of this area. The cream is applied by patting the pads of the fingers on the skin of the face. From time to time it is necessary to rinse the eyes with chamomile broth or infusion of strong and natural tea. An ice compress will be effective. To do this, take pieces of ice, wrap them in a gauze cloth or napkin and apply them to the eyelids.

In order for the appearance of the eyes to remain beautiful, you cannot use water to rinse off the mascara - use vegetable oil, having previously moistened cotton swabs in it. It will be useful to take a vitamin complex.

The sun is the main enemy of the skin around the eyes

To keep your eyes toned and radiate youth, without the use of cosmetics, you must wear sunglasses when going out into the sun. Since ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and act badly on the skin around the eyes. In summer, it is recommended to wear glasses even in cloudy weather, as ultraviolet rays penetrate the clouds and can negatively affect the eyes. You should always have your glasses with you, despite the weather forecast, because after a cloudy morning, a sunny day may come.

As practice shows, it is quite possible to live without cosmetics. Mostly, you should wait a few weeks, get used to the new look, and after a while the skin will acquire a bright and attractive appearance.

The tips suggested above are not complicated and the application of these tips in practice will not be difficult. Soon, applying makeup every day will not be a necessity and you can do without it.

It's worth starting with the shadows. Apply a special base under them - this way they will last much longer. Start blending the root tone. It should be light and preferably matte (although pearlescent components are acceptable for evening makeup), ideally beige natural shades.

Next, apply the eyeshadow with a soft brush all the way down to the brows and blend them thoroughly. Then take a darker shade to make the eyes a little deeper: to do this, draw a line along the contour of the lashes, and also select the crease of the upper eyelid and the outer corner of the eye. Using a larger brush, carefully blend the borders of the two shadows.

The eyeliner is in use

Eyeliner and arrows are a great way to visually enlarge your eyes. To begin with, draw a line on the upper eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes, slightly pulling the eye towards the temples. Towards the end of the outer side of the eye, the line can be slightly raised. Now paint on the lower eyelid as well. Strictly along the line of eyelash growth (in no case touching the mucous membrane - this will lead to the exact opposite effect), draw a neat, not particularly greasy and light line.
In order for the line to turn out neat, even and not greasy, the pencil should be tilted so that the lead is almost perpendicular to the eyelash growth line.

Connect the lines of the upper and lower eyeliner at the temple - there should be a very small dot of unpainted skin. Now arm yourself with a light pearlescent pencil and paint over this point, and then draw with the same pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. This simple technique makes the eyes shine, expressive, and also greatly enhances them. In addition, with a pearl pencil you can highlight the inner corner of the eye, as well as the space under the eyebrow - these techniques will make the eyes larger and the look fresher. Plus, it's a good way to combat the signs of fatigue.

In the space of the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow, instead of a pearlescent pencil, you can use a highlighter.

Mascara is the last but very important touch!

Mascara should be chosen voluminous, but with the most natural effect. Take your time with the application of mascara, carefully paint over each lash, and, if necessary, go through a special comb with rare teeth. Attention: in order to visually enlarge the eyes, do not forget about the lower eyelashes, paint over them too. If your eyelashes are straight and you want more effective visual volume, then you should think about curling them slightly with a special tool or using mascara with a curling effect. Focus not only on the lashes at the outer corner, but also on the lashes in the middle of the eye.

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