Home Natural farming What is the full name of Vova. The meaning of the name vladimir, the origin, nature and fate of the name vladimir. The meaning of the name Vladimir - character and fate

What is the full name of Vova. The meaning of the name vladimir, the origin, nature and fate of the name vladimir. The meaning of the name Vladimir - character and fate

A person named Vladimir is usually friendly, active and sociable. He has many friends and acquaintances. He is popular with women.

From the Old Slavonic language, this name is translated as "owning the world."

The origin of the name Vladimir:

Vladimir was a pagan name, but after the baptism of Rus, the name remained and took root in Christian society, since the initiator of the spread of Christianity was called Vladimir.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Vladimir:

Little Volodya is curious, absorbs everything he could learn and applies this knowledge in practice. Has a tendency to take risks and adventures. As a kid, he listens and follows all the advice of adults, but growing up, he does everything only as he sees fit. At school he masters technical sciences well, but puts social activities in the foreground. Tries not to clash, in such situations smoothes corners. Vova loves coziness and comfort, chooses expensive furniture and at home he always has a lot of interior decorations. He is very clean. If parents want Volodya to achieve something, then you should not force him to do what he does not like. It is better to develop in him the quality that he lacks - ambition. Without it, he will not be able to achieve much in life.

Vladimirs appreciate intelligence and strength in people. They are quite active, tactful, and have a lightning-fast reaction. They are proud, therefore they are thrilled about compliments and flattering words addressed to them, they listen to the opinion of strangers. And there are good reasons for this, since Vladimir is a creative, gifted person. They love noisy companies, are enterprising, achieve a great position in society, but hardly forgive insults. Although it is hard to offend him, because for this you need to greatly affect his pride.

The owner of the name Vladimir is generous and noble. There is no aggression in him, but there are such wonderful qualities as self-confidence, sociability and kindness. He willingly maintains a conversation, helps with advice, often they turn to him with a request to resolve a conflict or dispute. The most important trait of Vladimir is calmness and ease of communication.

Volodya is a hard worker, he loves to overcome difficulties, therefore he calmly and confidently does his job, not wasting in vain on all sorts of trifles. This quality can bring success in a wide variety of fields, from household chores to specialties that require a lot of skill and talent.

Vladimir chooses extraordinary women whom he tends to idealize. For him, it is more important that a woman is a muse than setting a festive table and being a hostess. Loving. It turns out to remain faithful, rather because of being busy at work and not wanting to spoil your life. He can transfer the leadership to his wife, while he cannot be called henpecked. It's just that Vladimir is a self-sufficient person and he doesn't need to prove anything. In the family of Vladimir, the wife is mainly engaged in raising children, he participates only in their education, helping to solve a difficult problem. He does not tell anyone about his grievances. He is not averse to drinking, but does not have a strong addiction to alcohol.

This name became widespread in Russia. And in modern Russia it remains one of the most popular.

In various old Slavic tales and epics, the name Vladimir is mentioned. Usually, this is the main character of the story, a mighty and kind hero.

Vladimir was the name of the main revolutionary who made a complete overturn of power in Russia and stood at the head of the new system. It was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin). Surprisingly, a man with the name Vladimir Rus baptized, and a man with the same name promoted atheism. Both were done without any consent of the people.

Volodymyr, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimirros, Vladomir, Valdomiru, Vladimir, Vlodzimezh, Wlodzimierz.

Short form of the name Vladimir... Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka, Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Miro, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vlodek, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya, Vladimirushka.

Patronymic name Vladimir: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

Vova's name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Ukrainian: Vova. Yiddish: וואָוואַ (vova). English: Vova (Vova).

The origin of the name Vladimir

The meaning of the name Vova

The name Vova is a Slavic name. It consists of two parts: "Vlad" (to own) and "the world" - it turns out "owning the world." Sometimes it is also translated as "noble ruler". Initially, the name Vladimir ("Volodimer") was a pagan name. But after the Baptism of Rus, the name of the Baptist - Prince Vladimir the Saint - was canonized, although it became widespread only in the second half of the 19th century.

Numerology named after Vova

Name number 5 means freedom and independence. "Fives" rarely listen to advice from the outside, they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than ponder. "Fives" love adventure and travel, it is not their nature to sit still! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire path in life. The native element of the "fives" is bargaining, in any trade, few can compare with the "fives". It is worth remembering that the "fives" do their best to avoid responsibility.


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat-humidity.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Beasts: Dove, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, doe.

Vova's name as a phrase

In Vedi
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
In Vedi
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vova

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. A creative person looking to the future.
O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.
B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. A creative person looking to the future.
A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Vova name compatibility

Suitable for marriage:, Angelina,

Names: origin and forms

Vladimir- (from Old Church Slavonic) to own the world.

Derivatives: Vladya, Ladya, Vadya, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Volodya, Volodyuka, Volodyunya, Voldyukha, Volodyusha, Volodyaka, Volodyasha, Vova, Vovulya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya.

Directory of Russian names

To own the world(from Slavic).

Marked by reason. Learning, learning by yourself. By nature, they are closed, although outwardly open, In society they usually reach considerable heights. In friendship, they are constant, but easily injured. Women are idealized and suffering is accepted from them.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Vladimir- owning the world (Old Church Slavonic).
This does not mean power over the whole world, as many understand. The concept of "peace" in Ancient Rus meant "agreement", "consent". Thus, the name means that Vladimir is a person who can bring people to agreement and keep the agreement.
Always a very common and popular name. Now it is given a little less often.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: green.
Stone talisman: green jasper.
Auspicious plant: maple, heather.
Patron name: oleander.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of the year: autumn.
Main features: receptivity, sociability.

Names, patron saints

Vladimir Kievsky and Galitsky, Metropolitan, Hieromartyr, February 7 (January 25).
Vladimir (baptized Vasily)... Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duke, July 28 (15). He converted Russia to Christianity.
Vladimir Yaroslavovich Novgorodsky, prince, October 17 (4). Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, grandson of Princess Olga. As a pagan, Prince Vladimir defeated the Khazars and married the Byzantine queen Anna. Communication with Byzantium, where Orthodox Christianity was widespread, did not pass without a trace for Prince Vladimir. Perhaps it was then that a change took place in the soul, and the pagan decided to become a Christian. When the baptism of Prince Vladimir took place, it is reliably known that, having been baptized himself, in 988 he performed the Baptism of Rus: first, all the inhabitants of Kiev were baptized in the waters of the Dnieper, and then the preaching of the Christian faith began its march across the Russian land. The temples of pagan idols were destroyed, Orthodox churches were erected, and divine services began. According to the chronicle, "churches and monasteries are being erected in all towns and villages, and priests are multiplying, and the Orthodox faith is blooming and shining like the sun." For his enlightenment, Prince Vladimir is called "Equal to the Apostles". With the adoption of the Christian faith, Prince Vladimir built hospitals and shelters for the homeless and the hungry, set free slaves, erected churches and schools with them. In 996, Saint Vladimir erected a stone church in Kiev, called "Tithe", since a tenth of the income from the princely treasury was determined for its maintenance. This church was dedicated to the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. The day of her consecration - May 12, old style - was included in the church month for an annual celebration. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir reposed in the Lord in 1015. The celebration was established by St. Alexander Nevsky in 1240 and takes place on July 28 (15).


On October 17, on Vladimir Novgorodsky, the gobies play a fool in the forests: they wander, shout, laugh, clap their hands, break trees, chase animals and fall through the ground until spring.


From early childhood, he is very curious, he likes to invent different stories - he flies to the moon, communicates with gnomes, he has excellent artistic and musical abilities, a creative mind that should be developed. He willingly performs various assignments, but you should not give him two tasks at the same time: Volodya will think for a long time what is more important, and in the end he will not do one. It is difficult to piss him off, but if this has already happened, he becomes irritable and angry.

Vladimir is smart, hardworking, persistent in achieving his goal. He is susceptible to knowledge, has an excellent memory. He has a wide field of activity, he can reach heights in technical sciences, medicine, be a politician, economist, wonderful actor, excellent writer, playwright. He is passionate about his work, if necessary, breaks away from it with annoyance.

Vladimir is active, affable and benevolent. Has a quick reaction to the events, is able to make an independent decision.

For Vladimir, the opinion of those around him is very important, he is easily vulnerable, selfish. In men she values ​​intelligence and strength. He sincerely strives to be of service to his friends. He has a lot of them due to his great employment and a wide range of contacts.

In a woman, Vladimir appreciates romantic qualities. He notices how she looks, how she is dressed, but does not focus on it. He is in love and in his youth has several novels, but he is also faithful in marriage, however, not because of a great love for his wife, but as a result of complete immersion in work and unwillingness to ruin an already established life.

In everyday life, Vladimir appreciates comfort, loves beautiful furniture, expensive things, paintings. Requires perfect order cleanliness. He treats children calmly, shifting their upbringing to his wife. The most successful marriage of Vladimir with Alla, Angelina, Angela, Valentina, Zinaida, Varvara, Lilia, Veronica, Eugenia, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalia, Raisa, Svetlana, Sophia, Emma.

Vladimir is a big and loud name, even in its diminutive forms: Vova, Volodya. Vladimir has few distant plans and deliberate moves, intellectual complexity, but more direct strength, pressure; not alien to the displacement of his dreams with the truth, the most responsible in life is given to him easily, without much pain. If there is creativity in his life, he blossoms, reveals himself in brilliance. Here his broad mind, although devoid of true depth, his kindness, can most easily manifest. Vladimir is a good tree, but he needs fat soil. What would certainly deserve censure in others, when it comes from Vladimir, is met without indignation, with a complacent smile and secret indulgence. The word "well done" goes to Vladimir. In the company, he easily resolves all world issues. The broadest generalizations, generous impulses, brilliance and toughness of life are the natural state of this person.

Vladimir's achievements are as vast as they are fragile. They lack sufficient materiality, they seem more than the essence, but there is an undoubted power of creation in him. Vladimir's mind is occupied with vast designs. Narrow and special topics are not his lot. It is attracted by everything that is general, but not abstract theoretical, but involving practical consequences that open up broad organizational perspectives.

Vladimir is Vasily, who grew up on Russian soil, and therefore it is clear that for Russia this is the most significant of the names, the typical name of a great man from RUSSIANS ONLY.

middle name: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.


Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1053-1125), nicknamed Monomakh, was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich from a marriage with the Greek princess Anna Konstantinovna - "monomakh", that is, the daughter of the Greek emperor Constantine, who was called "Monomakh", which means "combatant".

Chronicles report that Vladimir Monomakh was the bravest prince on the battlefield. As a 13-year-old boy, he went from Pereslavl, his father's inheritance to Rostov, then to Vladimir Volynsky, twice to Polotsk, together with his father and uncle Svyatoslav besieged Chernigov, in 1078 he was planted there by the prince.

The Polovtsi ravaged the Russian land and Vladimir Monomakh called on all the princes to forget their quarrels, to unite against the enemy on the Desna River in 1079. The princes defeated the Polovtsians and made a profitable peace with them. Russia owed all the glory of this victory, all the benefits of this world to Monomakh.

After the death of the Kiev prince Svyatopolk in 1113, the Kievites in a solemn council decided that the most worthy of the Russian princes should be the Grand Duke, and sent ambassadors to Monomakh. At first he refused, because there were other direct heirs, but the riots in Kiev forced him to agree to the Grand Duke's throne.

Vladimir Monomakh spared the blood of people, but he knew that the surest way to establish calm in Russia was to be formidable for external and internal enemies. The successes of Monomakh's weapons glorified the Grand Duke in the East and West so much that his name, as the chroniclers put it, "thundered in the world, and neighboring countries trembled onago." Vladimir Monomakh built churches and public houses, surrounded old cities with stone walls and laid new ones. So, far away from the Kiev land, among the forest, not far from the Suzdal lands, on the banks of the Klyazma River, a city was built, to which the prince gave his name. This is the future city of Vladimir, famous for the beauty of its architectural monuments, later the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

Vladimir Monomakh worked a lot on laws, tried to improve them. Interestingly, his will to children:

"... O my children, praise God! Love people also. It is not fasting, not monasticism that saves you, but good deeds. Do not forget the poor, feed them and remember that everything that you have belongs to God and is entrusted to you only for a time. .. Do not kill either the right or the guilty: the life and soul of a Christian is sacred. Do not call on the name of God in vain; , not in your heart and think: we are not eternal, today we are alive, and tomorrow we will be in the grave! Fear all lies. Honor old people as fathers, love your younger ones as brothers ... In all, honor the visitor, the famous, and the simple, and the merchant, and the ambassador. Guests dissolve in foreign lands both good and bad glory about us ... Having learned all the good, you must remember; what you do not learn, learn that. Laziness is the mother of vices, beware of her ... I myself did everything that could have told the lad: on the hunt and in the war, day and night, in the summer heat and winter cold, he did not know rest, did not hope for posad nicknames, did not give the poor and widows to insult the strong, he himself looked after the church and the divine service, household order, stables, hunting, hawks and falcons. All my trips were eighty-three, and I don’t remember others, unimportant. I concluded nineteen peace treaties with the Polovtsians, took prisoner and released from captivity more than a hundred of their best princes, and executed more than two hundred and drowned them in rivers. Who drove faster than me? Leaving Chernigov, I was in Kiev, with my parent, before evenings. Loving hunting, we often caught animals with your grandfather. With my own hands in the dense forests, I knitted several wild horses. Twice the buffalo threw me on the horns, the deer butted, the fallow deer trampled, the bear bit the saddle, the fierce beast once rushed and dropped the horse under me. How many times have I fallen from a horse! Twice he broke his head, injured his arms and legs, did not take care of life in his youth and did not spare his head. But the Lord kept me safe. And you, my children, do not be afraid of death, nor battle, nor fierce beasts, but be courageous in any case sent from God ... "

From this will one can understand both the soul of Vladimir Monomakh and the way of life of that time. Vladimir Monomakh reigned in the capital for 12 years, died at the age of 73, as the ancient chronicles say, "glorious for victories for the Russian land and good manners."

Published with the kind permission of the OKULUS project - astropsychology.

There are a huge number of names in the world, each of which is beautiful in its own way and shrouded in mysterious mystery. This article will reveal: the secret of the name Vladimir and its meaning, as well as the characteristic features of the people named by him. from Slavic - "master of the world". This majestic name, which has many diminutive forms, was very popular in the old days. Nowadays, it has become much less common to call boys that.

Origin of the name

This name has a pagan origin. But after Russia became a Christian country, it was believed that it had Russian Orthodox roots.

One of his main patrons is Prince Vladimir, thanks to whom Christianity reigned in Russia. According to legend, at first the prince was a pagan, but his marriage to the Byzantine queen Anna, a Christian woman, and acquaintance with the cultural traditions of this country changed his worldview. he himself adopted the Christian faith and conducted the rite of the baptism of Rus.

What does astrology say?

The secret of the name Vladimir testifies that it is able to protect people named that way from negative intentions and other troubles, free them from fears and fears, and increase self-esteem.

The totem animals of this name are deer and hawk. The deer personifies well-being, rebirth, creativity and spirituality. The hawk symbolizes strength and belonging to the nobility.

Heather symbolizes inspiration, love and desire.

Birch is a symbol of light, purity and beauty.

Maple personifies bashfulness, self-control, as well as financial well-being and the beauty of the world around us.

Naming can leave an imprint on the future fate of a child. Having information about the character of the boy, named Vladimir at birth, parents will be able to properly educate and guide their son on the right path.

Vova is endowed with a cheerful, bright disposition and friendliness. In childhood, he is distinguished by curiosity, interest in the world around him. The boy (the secret of the name Vladimir and its meaning confirm this fact) has a rich imagination and seeks to comprehend the laws of the universe. He loves to invent and tell others various fantastic stories, being in a dream world.

Volodya has a good memory, he quickly remembers and retells fairy tales to his friends. The boy is endowed with artistry, dances and sings well. Parents, it is imperative to reveal the creative abilities of their son in time and support them. The secret of the name Vladimir for a child does not exclude the possibility that its owner can take place in a creative profession and become a famous person.

Character features in childhood

The positive character traits of little Volodya include hard work and diligence. He always fulfills the requests of family and friends, offers them his help. Only it is not recommended to give the boy several assignments at once, he simply may not cope with them. Vova is a good student at school, without causing problems for his parents.

It can be difficult for Volodya to lose his temper. The secret of the name Vladimir lies in the fact that nature rewards its owner with a calm disposition, which is its main advantage. This child quickly forgets grudges. He is not able to keep negative emotions in himself.

Relatives are often touched by Vova's childhood pranks. From early childhood, the boy is a cheerleader among his friends, whom he always has a lot.

What is the secret of the name Vladimir for a boy? In the fact that it is capable of influencing its future destiny, contributing to the development of certain qualities of character and abilities.

Vladimir in his youth

Vladimir in adolescence is distinguished by activity and goodwill, quick reaction to what is happening. For this young man, who is an independent person, the opinion of others is important. Critical statements can strike a blow at his pride, but Vladimir never loses his composure.

In high school, and then in a higher educational institution, he is actively involved in social work. The craving for independence and the desire to become a leader lead to the fact that the young man begins to oppose the prevailing stereotypes, thereby acquiring ill-wishers.

Volodya prefers to be friends with people like him, ambitious and intelligent people. In friendship, he is distinguished by loyalty and constancy.

The meaning of the name for an adult man

Vladimir is distinguished by hard work and brilliant mental abilities. If a given man sets a specific goal for himself, then he does not give up going to her halfway, always following to the end.

Volodya is an active and energetic representative of the stronger sex. He is a born leader, always in the spotlight, communicating politely and benevolently with others. This ambitious man is endowed with the ability to lead people with him.

Sometimes it may seem that Vladimir is an impulsive person who likes to take risks. But this is far from the truth. Before doing something, he will carefully weigh and think it over.

Vladimir attentively listens to the arguments of those around him, public opinion is of great importance to him. This man may be hurt by an offensive statement, but he will not hide evil and resentment.

The designation of the name Vladimir for a child and an adult indicates that this representative of the stronger sex does not lose his calmness and poise over time. A violent manifestation of feelings is not typical for him at any age.

Professional activity

Vladimir can take place as an artist or a designer. In addition to creative professions, he can submit to a large number of specialties from various fields of activity. This neat and charming male is able to achieve success in all his endeavors.

Thanks to his love for cleanliness and order, Vladimir can become an excellent doctor and reach great heights in his medical career.

He can make a good diplomat, politician or lawyer, because from childhood the secret of the name Vladimir rewards him with oratorical abilities and the ability to closely study details.

Qualities such as ambitiousness, prudence, sociability, and entrepreneurial spirit allow this man to succeed in business. Thanks to his sober mind, he can successfully develop his business. At the same time, success is not able to awaken arrogance in this representative of the stronger sex, Vladimir remains an open person.

This man is able to put the process of business development above his financial component.


Vladimir is most often sanguine. This calm man can still be pissed off, and then he becomes an irritated, uncontrollable person. Volodya possesses pronounced volitional qualities, but in some cases he needs to be patient and perseverant in order to bring to the victorious end a matter that requires enormous efforts.

This man has no complaints about the state of his health, but over time, he may experience disturbances in the work of the respiratory and intestinal organs, and reduce his visual acuity.

Vladimir tends to get tired quickly, so rest is important for him.

Love relationship

The characteristic of the name Vladimir in love indicates that this man is popular with the fairer sex. He gives his preference to ladies who are distinguished by eccentricity and put care, affection and sublimity in the first place in relationships.

Of great importance for this male representative is: a beautiful appearance, the level of education and intelligence, the spiritual qualities of his chosen one. She is obliged to properly emphasize his position in society.

The secret of the name Vladimir endows the bearers of this name with tenderness and excessive gentleness. This man can be in love, but only until the moment he meets his soul mate. With a woman who does not meet his requirements, he can easily part.

Relationship in marriage

In his wife, Vladimir, first of all, wants to see a reliable friend. He must have unlimited trust in his soul mate and never doubt her loyalty.

The fair sex should not soon expect a marriage proposal from this man. It is typical for him to evaluate his beloved for a long time before making such a fateful decision. If the chosen one of Vladimir manages to interest this positive, caring man, in the future she will have a happy family relationship.

Executive and responsible, Vladimir is able to be an exemplary husband and father, the dream of any female representative. The feeling of beauty, inherent in this person by nature, allows him to treat his wife and children extremely attentively and reverently.

The secret of the name Vladimir: compatibility with some female names

The representative of this name and Olga have different characters and views on life. Therefore, it is not surprising that their relationship inevitably comes to a logical conclusion.

Vladimir and Anna can become a happy married couple. These people, for the sake of true love, are ready to sacrifice their freedom. In the first place in relationships, representatives of these names put sincere feelings, and not material benefits.

With Elena, the owner of this name converges life priorities and desires, therefore the marriage of this couple is doomed to success.

The relationship of this man and Tatiana is filled with sensuality, romance, a tender attitude towards each other. Only material problems are capable of overshadowing them.

The family union of Volodya and Marina is based on a strong friendship, which has every chance of being reborn into a positive family cooperation.

The relationship between Vladimir and Lyuba is often filled with misunderstanding and inconsistency. Opposing views of life often lead to discord.

The relationship of the representative of this name with Larisa is saturated with Mexican passions, quarrels and reconciliations, but such an alliance completely suits this couple.

The union of this man and Valentina is usually built not on passion, but on generally accepted family values. The two agree that spouses should be friends first and foremost.

The characteristic of the name Vladimir for a boy and an adult man indicates that its owner is endowed with a wide and noble soul, sociability, self-confidence, kindness and many other positive qualities. Even in its sound, the name is devoid of aggression, which is its main distinguishing feature.

Vladimir has a strong intuition, will, inquisitive and wants to realize almost all of his ideas and dreams. What does the name Vladimir mean - this question is of interest to many, because the owners of this name always strive to occupy a leadership position. He always remains friendly, kind, with a subtle sense of humor. Loves comfort, order and punctuality. He reacts quickly to events happening around him and likes to plan all his actions in advance.

The origin of the name Vladimir

There are several options for the appearance of the name Vladimir. In the first case, it came from ancient Germany, when it was fashionable to create a name using two bases. Comes from the old name Voldemar, which translated means "to rule" and "to own", "owning the world."

There is another version - the name Vladimir has Old Slavic roots and comes from two foundations - Vlad (translated as "power") and peace. In Ancient Russia it was interpreted as "consent" or "agreement".

The owners of this name are born and incredibly talented diplomats, able to reconcile even archenemies. They are very tactful, neat, inquisitive, because the main thing in life for them is knowledge.

The character of the name Vladimir

Vova grows up as a very inquisitive boy, loves to fantasize and dreams of one day flying to the moon. She has excellent musical and artistic abilities, a creative mind that requires constant development and personal growth.

He is happy to take on various assignments, but you should not put several tasks in front of him at the same time. Otherwise, Vova will start thinking for a long time and will not do anything in the end. It is extremely difficult to get out of a state of calm, but when this really happens, it instantly turns into an angry and irritable person who does not like anything and only causes anger.

The opinion of others is very important, because Volodya is very vulnerable and loves himself very much. He appreciates in people not only physical strength, but also a sharp mind. Wants to be useful to friends. In addition, he has a lot of close friends due to a wide circle of contacts.

Creative work helps to open up and show all your talents and abilities. His keen mind and kindness begin to show. He can easily reconcile friends and find a way out of even the most confusing situation.

Destiny named Vladimir

Vladimir likes to take risks, depends on his own mood, sometimes he is very conflicted and ready to argue even over little things. If someone dares to throw him out of balance, he will be in great danger. Hardworking and engaged in an interesting project, he forgets about the need for rest. That is why he often finds himself on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown.

Volodya has an excellent memory and is very curious. By nature, he is a true leader, not afraid to take on new and unknown projects, to be a pioneer. But before starting directly to work, he thinks everything over and calculates his every step, so his behavior cannot be called frivolous. But from the outside it may seem that he makes his decisions on enthusiasm, completely without thinking about the consequences. However, it is not.

The owners are active, react quickly to events taking place around them. Falls in love easily, he is interested in special and comprehensively developed women. If Vova really falls in love, he will remain loyal to his chosen one throughout his life.

Business and career

Vladimir has the ability to make money literally out of thin air. He is not afraid to take risks, especially if he is sure of winning. In most cases, success and luck become his faithful companions. Even hard-earned money can be spent thoughtlessly, buying expensive and completely unnecessary things.

To implement the existing plans, he is not afraid to use large sums. However, he must be extremely careful, because even a minimal puncture as a result will lead to the fact that the enemies will quickly throw him off the heights reached. It is best to invest in land and real estate.

Vladimir reaches great heights in his career, but they do not guarantee stability, so you should take care of your own well-being in advance. Has big plans and global ideas, does not like to deal with specialized topics. The main thing is everything in common, but not a simple theory, but that which will lead to practical consequences and open up great prospects.

Achieves great heights in organizational activities, entrepreneurship, business and politics. He is quickly versed in technical sciences, has a deep and sharp mind. Able to convince anyone of their own righteousness. He knows how to make the right impression, has a rich imagination and well-developed artistry. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves success in creative fields.

Vladimir is hardworking, smart, not afraid of difficulties on the way to his goal. Able to achieve success not only in technical sciences, but also in medicine, economics, becomes a successful politician, playwright and writer. He is so keen on work that he forgets about sleep and rest.


Health directly depends on how well he mastered the art of self-control. There is a risk of periods of affects, severe depression, imbalance. Frequent stay in stressful situations and lack of proper rest leads to heart problems and disruption of the digestive tract.

There is a tendency to diabetes mellitus, intestinal problems, there is a possibility of visual impairment. Even in the most difficult periods, it is better for Vova to give up alcohol and stimulants, otherwise he risks getting more serious problems.

Vladimir name compatibility

A happy family is formed with Valya, Zhenya, Inna, Irina, Any, Natasha.

You should avoid starting a relationship with Dasha, Toma, Lida, Lisa and Nadya.

Love and sexuality

Vova is amorous, most often he pays attention to interesting, stylish, extraordinary and self-confident girls. The chosen one should be beautiful, bright, attractive and sexy. It is important that there is an energetic, intelligent and educated woman nearby, with whom it will not be a shame to go out into society. The ability to play a musical instrument or work in the field of art becomes a virtue for Vladimir. Even the ability to cook deliciously is not so important.

Vladimir will never tell anyone about his sexual exploits or addictions. This behavior periodically raises doubts about his masculinity. The owners of this name are quite loving, sometimes they become too feminine. There is a tendency to develop a male inferiority complex. That is why Vova so desperately needs constant proof of his own capabilities.

Loves a beautiful environment, does not mind talking to a partner in bed. Prefers overweight, but not overweight women. Often he pays attention to slender beauties, but if they are not educated, he quickly loses interest.

Marriage and family

Vladimir becomes a real support for the family. A man with this name wants to see a beautiful woman next to him, but order in the house is also important for him.

He considers it his duty to provide financial support for the family. He does not always pay enough attention to raising children, does not like helping his wife around the house. Always listens to the opinion and advice of the second half. He will not protest at all if the beloved woman wants to take a leading position in the family. This state of affairs suits Vladimir quite well. Easily concedes, but at the same time can maintain its own internal independence.

In marriage, Vladimir is always faithful to his soul mate. This behavior is dictated by moral principles, which he always tries to adhere to. In addition, Vladimir absolutely does not want to find new problems, scenes of jealousy and scandals in the family. Side adventures can take up all his free time, which does not suit Vova at all.

Vladimir's birthday

In January - 21st, 24th and 31st.

In February - 7th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 26th.

In March - the 3rd, 7th, 21st and 25th.

April - 3rd and 6th.

June - 20th and 27th.

In July - 10th and 28th.

In August - 13th and 27th.

In September - 2, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16.

October - 1st, 4th, 9th, 17th and 21st.

November - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 16th and 25th.

December - 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31.

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