Home Natural farming When to sow tomato seeds for seedlings. When and how to plant tomatoes. Tomatoes can be grown in seedlings and seedlings.

When to sow tomato seeds for seedlings. When and how to plant tomatoes. Tomatoes can be grown in seedlings and seedlings.

The transformation of small tomato seeds into a powerful bush takes more than one month. Therefore, they are planted early, in winter. The most impatient vegetable growers carry out pre-sowing seed treatment already on January 23-28. Dates of mass crops - February 7-14. You can start germinating seeds before March 14, but not later. It is better to sow seeds in 2-3 terms. This will help insure in case some of the seedlings die. In this way, you can "stretch" fruiting from early July to mid-October.

Growing seedlings

After you have decided on a date, take out the seeds. Place them in a small glass jar. Put a piece of double gauze on it, secure it on the neck with an elastic band. Prepare a solution by dipping 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in 200 g of water. Stir it, pour it into the jar. Drain off the liquid after 20 minutes. Rinse the contents of the jar with water.

Place the seeds on cheesecloth, which you will place on a saucer. Prepare a solution of any growth stimulant according to the instructions. If not, add a quarter teaspoon of aloe juice to 100 g of water, pour this solution into the seeds for 10 hours. Then pour it out, place the saucer in the refrigerator for a day. Now you can plant seeds in a prepared container with soil.

Make grooves to a depth of 1.5 cm. Cover the container with the earth with cellophane, remove to a warm place. As soon as the first light eyelet of the sprout appears, place the container on the window. When the seedlings are 4 weeks old, transplant each into a small glass. After the same amount - in a larger container. All this time, from the moment of emergence of shoots, provide additional illumination to the shoots in the evening and morning hours. Do not overmoisten the soil, and do not raise the temperature at the window where the seedlings are above + 24 ° C. Then it won't stretch.

Planting seedlings in the ground

They are planted in warm tomatoes on May 1-15, under light shelter on the 15-25 of this month, in open ground - on May 20-30.

Make holes 15 cm deep at a distance of 50-60 cm in a checkerboard pattern. Pour 0.5 tsp into them first. complex fertilizer, a tablespoon of ash. Cover it with a liter of humus. Spill the wells well. Use scissors to cut one side of the cup and the bottom. Free the plant carefully. With a lump of earth, plant it in the prepared hole. Immediately place a support stick near each plant. Tie it to it with a string of a figure-eight loop.

You need to plant in the evening or in the afternoon in cloudy weather. If the next days promise to be sunny, shade it with a light-colored cloth or newspapers.

Many tomato growers ask this question regularly. Some will sow in February, some in April, some manage to "torment" especially valuable varieties for almost years - they leave their stepson in pot...

But actually I digress from the main idea - the timing of planting.
When to sow tomatoes, in conditions conditionally close to the Moscow region?

January. In principle, I do not even want to consider such an option, but for a short time ...

January 15, sunrise 08:41, sunset 16:28, while at 12 noon the sun's height above the horizon is only 12.63º. If you are not going to highlight the seedlings with metal halide or at least just Very Powerful, and if you are not planting tomatoes in a Well Heated greenhouse, then even the latest varieties of tomatoes, the seedlings of which are conditionally permissible to keep on the window for 60 days, will turn into stunted blades of grass creeping along the ground under their own weight.

February... Many Wise Pomodorovodov sow tomatoes in February. Apparently in the old fashioned way, it is believed that the more the plant spends on the window, the faster the first tomato in the salad will turn out ... This is not so, but why this is not so we will consider in subsequent entries.

February, 15. Sunrise 07:48, sunset 17:31, height above the horizon at 12 noon - 20.85 º. Not much better than January, don't you think?

Tomatoes that have sprung up in mid-February will have time to stretch out and get sick in almost the same way as the poor fellows planted in January. However, in the presence of the aforementioned powerful lighting (and this is not the first fluorescent light bulb that comes across on a full window sill of seedlings - such lighting is no use ...) yes .. so, if there is adequate lighting and a heated greenhouse, it makes sense to plant tomatoes in February for getting early fruits. But only with lighting and a heated greenhouse.

Update as of February 24, 2017.

6-7 years have passed since this short note was written. AT THAT TIME it was not even necessary to dream of illuminating seedlings with LED lamps. Now the realities have changed somewhat, and in principle, the problem of lighting, even for an ordinary user, one way or another, is completely solvable. However, this is not the only factor that still holds me back from early planting), especially with very good illumination - the seedlings grow faster, and in 45 days huge bushes grow, which are clearly getting crowded on the window! .. I bring to your attention a short "" ...

March... Rooks have arrived, drops, thawed patches and other attributes of an average spring. A cheerful poimdorovod, happily rubbing his hands, takes out packets of seeds from the storehouse, says folk wisdom.

March 15th. Sunrise 06:41, sunset 18:28, the height of the sun above the horizon at 12 noon - 31.45 º. Something already! However, the sophisticated tomato grower does not relax, but takes out a fluorescent lamp. Because in the morning and evening hours, as well as on cloudy days, highlighting seedlings in the first half of March is almost mandatory.

Tomatoes that have risen in mid-March will undoubtedly be stronger and, very importantly, more fertile than their older brothers, which have risen in February. Why more prolific? Because the rudiments of the future harvest are laid in the first weeks of the plant's life. If a grown tomato receives a lot of sunlight, the plant "considers" what is in favorable conditions and programs a high yield.
And if the grown tomatoes do not receive enough light, then according to the program laid down in them, they will try their best to stretch out, outgrow the competitors around them for sunlight! They, unfortunately, do not understand that it is dark for them not because they are shaded by other plants in the neighborhood, but because they are just at the window in cloudy weather.

April... Sow seeds in the middle April, perhaps a little presumptuous ... except perhaps the most early ripening superdeterminants. However, tomatoes sown at the very end of March - beginning of April will be the healthiest and strongest, and in unheated greenhouses or open ground they will certainly overtake their counterparts planted in February or early March.

April 15, sunrise 05:22, sunset 19:29, the height of the sun above the horizon at 12 noon 40.65 º. This month, if tomatoes need additional lighting, then only on the most cloudy days.

Usually, tomato varieties and hybrids are recommended to be grown in seedlings for no more than 60 days (late indeterminate varieties, such as san marzano, de barao, bovine heart. It should be noted that the volume of soil for each plant for this growing period should be at least 1 liter Optimally - 3-5 liters It is usually not easy to place such pots on our windowsills, so it is much more reasonable not to torment the plants, but to leave them to vegetate on the windowsill for no more than 50-55 days.

Novice gardeners ask themselves the question: "How to grow tomato seedlings before the start of the season?" Preparing seedlings is one of the most important things that every gardener should be able to do. In the event that you made a decision to purchase seedlings ready for planting in the ground immediately, it would be better to refuse them. You cannot be 100 percent sure that it will later germinate and yield a harvest. The presence of a large number of leaves and a strong stem are not always indicators of the health of seedlings.

It will be much better and more efficient if you do everything yourself. After reading this article, you will learn how to sow tomatoes for seedlings step by step.

Timing is important

The first thing to consider is the timing of the seedlings. There are a variety of tomato varieties that require different start times for preparation and seedling. There is the following division of tomato varieties according to the ripening rate criterion:

  1. Early ripening. Tomatoes of this variety have the highest ripening rate. It ranges from 90 to 100 days;
  2. Mid-season. Ripening rate ranges from 110 to 120 days;
  3. Late ripening. This kind of tomato requires the longest period for its own ripening. It can last from 130 to 140 days.

In order to find out the ripening period of a variety, you do not need to look for an appropriate reference book. In most cases, it is indicated on the seed package. In the event that you purchased seeds, for example, in a regular plastic bag, then ask the seller about the ripening period of the purchased variety. You can also read about any tomato variety on the Internet, since the descriptions of the varieties are present in sufficient quantity and you should not have any problems finding the necessary information.

Knowing the timing of ripening will allow you to accurately calculate the date of the first harvest. Another important factor that should be considered when calculating the timing of the first fruits is the region in which you are going to sow your tomatoes. The farther south your site is, the earlier the ground will thaw, which will allow you to plant seedlings earlier in full-fledged soil.

In the event that your tomatoes will grow in greenhouse conditions, then this period may be even earlier. Based on the above, you can calculate, for example, that you should start preparing tomato seedlings in central Russia for greenhouses in the third or fourth quarter of March.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

Preparing seeds for planting is an extremely important step. Untreated seeds may not germinate or subsequently give a diseased bush that will not survive even half the season, dying without a crop.

It doesn't matter how or where you got the seeds: bought in a bag from a store or harvested from your previous harvest. In any case, they must be disinfected with special means. This procedure is necessary if you do not want the grown seedlings to die due to disease.

The most popular method of disinfection involves placing seeds, which are wrapped in gauze, for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. The solution should be dark pink in color. To achieve the required concentration, it is necessary to dissolve two and a half milligrams of potassium permanganate in a glass of water with a volume of two hundred milliliters. After this procedure, the seeds must be rinsed well in running water and dried.

The next stage in seed preparation is their germination. This procedure will accelerate the emergence of the plant. To do this, you need a paper towel, which must be moistened with water. Then fold it in half and place the seeds between the sides. Wrap the tissue in a clear plastic bag. Place the seed napkin on a plate or saucer and place in a warm place. At home, you can put the seeds under the battery.

Important! Do not forget to moisten the napkin, otherwise the seeds will simply dry out and you will not get any result.

The seeds will begin to germinate within 3-5 days. Remove germinated seeds from those that cannot sprout. You can throw out the latter. Even if they germinate later, the likelihood that they will produce a healthy shrub is extremely small. Most likely, bushes from such seeds will be weak and affected by a fatal disease.

How to prepare the soil for seedlings

In order to start sowing sprouted seeds, oddly enough, we need soil. Not every land you can find will work. It is recommended to purchase a special seedling soil. You can find it in absolutely any gardening store. In most cases, the packaging indicates that the soil is intended for growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers.

Some gardeners advise to dilute the soil purchased in the store with earth from the garden.

In their opinion, this will reduce the likelihood of adverse consequences. But you can't just take and fill up the land brought from the garden and mix it with purchased soil. First, you need to warm it up to room temperature. To do this, you can simply put it indoors and wait a week. Secondly, the soil must be disinfected. This requires a solution of potassium permanganate. The solution should be pink. The final step will be mixing in the same proportions of the purchased soil and what you brought and processed.

The containers in which the tomato will grow

The correct containers in which a new fruiting plant will be born is something that in no case should be forgotten or not given due attention. Depending on where your tomato meets its first days, its whole future fate depends.

You can sow seeds in a separate container each or all together in one large container. Modern stores offer an extremely wide range of different containers that are suitable for any purpose, volume and wallet. If you don't have the extra money, you can get simple plastic cups at any grocery store. Professionals recommend planting each individual seed in a separate cup. This will allow you to avoid the diving procedure and plant the shoots directly into the open ground.

Sowing seeds

If you purchased special containers, then you have already done most of the work and saved your time. If you decide to use improvised materials, then they need to be prepared before planting a plant in them.

First of all, we will consider the option of using a plastic cup as a container for growing grains separately. First, make a small hole in the bottom of the cup. Then pour pebbles or ground, but not hard, egg shells into a glass.

It is required to fill one tenth of the total volume of the cup. Next, fill up the earth there and water it well with warm water. After that, press through small holes in the soil and place two, or preferably three, germinated tomato seeds there. A few are put in in case not all the seeds germinate. Cover the seeds with soil and dampen the top layer of soil. A spray bottle is perfect for this. Cover the cups with cling film and place in a warm place for the seedlings to grow well. If the landing was done correctly, then soon you will see the result.

In the event that you decide to place everything in one large container, then repeat all the same, but only without making a hole in the bottom. Plant the seeds 3-4 centimeters apart.

Now you know how to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings.

Incorrectly grown or early planted seedlings will not please with a rich harvest. Flower buds in elongated, fragile shoots develop poorly, there are fewer flowers. Only healthy and strong seedlings quickly take root in the ground, actively bloom and produce tasty and large fruits. How to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings so that the harvest is of high quality?

How to grow tomatoes - step by step instructions

No matter how experienced the gardener is, he will not be able to grow an enviable fruit from a bad seed. Therefore, the choice of seeds must be approached responsibly and it is better to purchase several different types, in case any variety turns out to be unsuccessful.

The seeds are sorted before sowing. Empty, damaged and small copies are removed. Experienced gardeners recommend filling them with salt water (60 grams of salt per liter of liquid) and removing from the total mass those seeds that float to the surface. To make it easier to choose the best variety in the future, it is better to store and plant seeds separately or in groups and mark where which species.

To prevent seed contamination, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure. For this, the seeds are placed for a day in a container with a solution of acetic acid (0.8%), after 20 minutes they are dipped in a cup with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 grams per glass of water). After the manipulations to protect the seeds are completed, they must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Video - we properly plant tomato seeds for seedlings

Ways to improve seed germination

  • Warming up

A bag of seeds is immersed in a thermos with hot water for several hours, or the seeds are washed under hot water.

  • Enrichment with mineral fertilizers

The seeds are soaked for 24 hours in a special solution, which can be found in a specialized store or prepared by yourself. In one liter of clean water, you need to stir a mixture of copper sulfate, ammonium sulfate. Boric acid, potassium salt and superphosphate should also be added there.

After the seeds have been processed and disinfected, they are placed in a damp cloth and germinated, being constantly careful not to dry out.

For better adaptation of the sprouts to the climate, it is recommended to harden the seeds. Swollen seeds are sent to the refrigerator for 1-2 days, so resistance to low temperatures is developed.

Video - the process of sowing and soaking tomato seeds for seedlings

Preparing seedling potting mix

In order for the tomatoes to be large and healthy, they need to be planted in sod soil mixed with humus and sand. To maintain normal acidity, resin and chalk should be added to the soil (for every ten kilograms of earth: resin - 0.5 l, chalk - 100 g). But you can buy a ready-made soil mixture or peat tablets in the store (about two seeds per piece), the main thing is to choose a trusted manufacturer.

Seeds must first be planted in one large container, and then pick the best sprouts in a separate container. Dived sprouts can be planted in special containers that are sold in gardening stores, or plastic bottles can be adapted for this. Remember to make drain holes in the bottom of each container.

How to grow seedlings correctly

When growing seeds, the main thing is to follow the rules for planting them, temperature regime and follow the recommendations regarding watering and providing lighting for the sprouts.

Best time to plant seeds

It usually takes 1.5–2 months to germinate tomato seeds, and accordingly the planting time depends on the area in which it is planned to grow them. If you hurry with planting, the sprouts will form before the weather stabilizes and it will simply be impossible to plant them in the ground due to the cold weather. If you plant the seeds late, the sprouts will not have time to get stronger and will not survive after transplanting into the ground. Early spring is the optimal time for planting tomato seeds for seedlings.

Seed planting process

The prepared mixture is poured into the container, lightly crushed with palms. After a little water the soil with water, cover the container with a plastic bag and leave overnight so that the moisture is evenly distributed. After the surface of the earth is leveled, I make grooves 0.5–1 cm deep at a distance of 4–5 cm from each other. The seeds are carefully placed in the recesses and covered with earth and watered again.

Temperature regime

Then the container is covered with glass or a bag and sent to a warm place where the temperature is not lower than 22 degrees - to the battery or to the windowsill (in the sun). After 5-7 days, when the first shoots hatch, the glass (film) can be removed, and the seedlings can be sent to a cooler place (up to 16 degrees), for about the same time. And when the sprouts get stronger, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime - in the daytime up to 24 degrees, at night not lower than 12.

It is also worth remembering that humid air is harmful to tomatoes. The room in which the containers with seedlings will be placed should be regularly ventilated. To prevent the plants from dying, drafts and sudden temperature changes must be avoided.

Pickling tomato sprouts

The formation of the first leaves is a sign that it is time to remove weak and non-viable sprouts from the container. The root is pinched during this procedure to accelerate the growth of the root system.

But there is no need to rush with a dive. Before starting the process of sorting the sprouts, make sure that they are strong enough, the bases must be thick. Otherwise, the pick should be postponed.

The pick is made in seedling cups, the sprouts go deep into the soil along the cotyledon leaves. This procedure can be used to reduce the pulling out of the sprouts. To do this, you need to add more light to the dived sprouts.


In order for the seedlings to be strong and green, they need good and long-term illumination, and in the early days even around the clock. If the windows are on the sunny side, then there will be enough light from the seedlings placed on the windowsill. If the sun is not enough, it is necessary to install several special lamps. Tomatoes are very demanding on light, so additional lighting is required.

Watering seedlings

The moisture content of the soil must be constantly monitored. At the initial stage, a few spoons of water are enough, after which the volume gradually increases, but in cold weather you need to water less often. Soil watering tips:

  • it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out in containers;
  • it is not recommended to spray the sprouts;
  • it is better to water with a weak solution with mineral fertilizers instead of water.

With an excess of moisture, the leaves acquire a yellow tint, and the roots gradually die off. In addition, with frequent watering, the sprouts can stretch out, which will adversely affect the quality of future tomatoes.

Planting tomato seedlings

Before moving the sprouts into the ground, they must be hardened. To do this, the seedlings are gradually accustomed to cold air: airing is intensified, the vents are left open overnight.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in late spring - early summer, when the frost has passed, and the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees. How can you tell if the sprouts are ready to "move"? If the sprout has 5-6 leaves and its stem is thick and strong, then it's time to replant it.

Features of growing large tomatoes:

  • you need to plant seedlings in a well-lit place, protected from the wind;
  • the most suitable watering regime is 2 times a week;
  • it is better to use light, sandy loam and loamy soils;
  • sprouts are planted in pre-prepared and spilled holes at right angles;
  • it is necessary to plant sprouts at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other;
  • it is necessary to prepare the soil before planting, fertilize it;
  • a peg should be inserted next to each sprout for support;
  • there should be at least 60 cm between the rows.

Harvesting is done when the tomatoes turn red. If you pick tomatoes green, then this will affect their taste.

Video - how to properly plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Mistakes when growing tomato seedlings

The main mistakes of a poor tomato harvest:

  • poor quality seeds;
  • planting seeds for seedlings too early or, on the contrary, very late;
  • non-observance of the temperature regime;
  • improper watering (abundant or insufficient);
  • poor lighting quality;
  • rejection of hardening procedures.

A good harvest directly depends on the quality of the seedlings. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of seeds, it is better to take several varieties and then choose the best one that is most adapted to your area and weather conditions. Sort out low-quality seeds and process good ones before planting. Prepare potting mix, plant seeds, and provide proper maintenance. Only if the above recommendations are followed can one hope for a large and tasty harvest.

How to sow tomatoes correctly? Many gardeners who do not yet have their own experience, or who want to improve the quality of their seedlings, ask themselves this question every year. Let's figure it out. It is recommended to sow in February only varieties of tall tomatoes and hybrids, and it is better with a dive into pots, then the seedlings are not very stretched.

Seedlings of tomatoes. © Cee Bee

The best size of the boxes is 30 × 50 cm, height 8-10 cm, they are previously disinfected with copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water).

Prepare the soil mixture 5-7 days before sowing. For the mixture, we take 1 part of humus, old wood sawdust, sod land, add 2 tablespoons of wood-type ash, 1.5 tablespoons of superphosphate, 10 g of slaked lime and 1 part of peat (if any). The box is filled with soil to the brim. It would be nice to moisten it with snow, laying it on top of the mixture - it will gradually melt in the room.

You can buy ready-made soil mixture for tomatoes in the store, but in this case we advise you to purchase such soil from trusted manufacturers in large stores.

The seeds must be prepared in advance. Tested for germination and, if necessary, treated with growth stimulants.

On the day of sowing, the mixture is poured into a box, leveled and slightly compacted, poured with a solution of copper sulfate, to prevent the development of fungal diseases. It would be good to add liquid mullein to the solution (for 8.5 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of mullein and 1/2 teaspoon of copper sulfate).

The distance between the seeds during sowing is 2 × 5 cm, the planting depth is up to 0.5 cm. Sprinkle the crops with the same mixture on top, water carefully, close the box with glass or film, put in a warm, bright place (not lower than +22 ° С).

Tomato seedlings - day 10. © 3 times Tomato seedling - day 27. © 3 times Tomato seedling - day 51. © 3 times

The first shoots will appear in a week. Immediately place the box for the next week in a cooler place (up to +18 ° C) so that the seedlings do not stretch out. The seedlings can be left in the same place, but at the same time it is necessary to reduce the temperature regime by 7 days with a screen, or with the help of a window.

In 27-30 days after germination, the plants will develop to the second true leaflet. Watering tomato seedlings during this period only two or three times.

The first watering is when all the seedlings appear (1 glass of clean water for the whole box). The second watering is after 3 weeks, and the last on the day of the pick in 3 hours. The water temperature should be +22 ° С. Water should not fall on the leaves.

You can read about how to dive seedlings in the article:.

Seedlings of tomato. © tonyolm

Spray the plants with skim milk every 6 days (1/2 cup milk in 1 liter of water). Such spraying of seedlings, and further spraying of plants planted in the ground, protects tomatoes from late blight. We begin to spray with the appearance of the first real leaf.

If possible, do not put the box with seedlings on the windowsill; it is better to put it on a stand next to the window and provide additional lighting. This will protect the seedlings from accidental frostbite if you have not closed the window, and also the earth in the boxes will not dry out from the heat of the batteries.

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