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Hibiscus is an unpretentious plant, but its transplantation has several subtleties.

Soil / Ground - What kind of soil is suitable for a tea rose?

Cuttings of a Chinese rose are transplanted into loose soil with neutral acidity - it contributes to their rapid root formation. Young plants need nutritious, but not greasy soil.

Adult hibiscus are less demanding on the soil, only 2 conditions must be met - drainage and good looseness... An adult plant is transplanted only when the pot becomes small for it.

Soil composition

For planting cuttings, clean sand or a mixture of one part of sand and one part of peat is used. It is in such soil for 25-30 days - during this period a stable root system is formed in the plant and it is already transplanted into a pot to form a bush. For a young tea rose, a soil is prepared from the following components:

  • 1 part compost or humus;
  • 2 pieces of turf;
  • 1 part sand.

The composition sometimes includes one part of leafy land for added nutrition.

To improve the looseness of the soil, pieces of charcoal and a little peat are added to it. And to accelerate the formation of buds, a small amount of bone meal is included in the soil. Clay shards or expanded clay are used as drainage.

For transplanting or planting hibiscus, the use of unripe manure or mullein is contraindicated.

What kind of pot is needed when planting / transplanting?

In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. For planting cuttings of a Chinese rose, use a low pot (7-10 cm). Its diameter depends on the number of seedlings. After rooting, each stalk is planted in a separate container up to 10 cm high, with a radius of 4-5 cm.
  2. The size of the pot for an adult tea rose is chosen very carefully. When the crown of the plant grows extensively, the hibiscus is transplanted into a container one size larger: its diameter and height should exceed the dimensions of the previous dishes by 5-7 cm.
  3. The materials used for the pots should also be chosen carefully. The Chinese rose grows well in ceramic pots and wooden pots. In plastic containers, the roots of the plant will overheat. Immediately after buying the pots, they are soaked in boiling water for 2-3 hours. Used containers are washed with running water (without the use of special cleaning agents).

The best season for planting and transplanting hibiscus is Spring... At this time of the year, the plant is gaining strength and growing. The best reproduction period for hibiscus cuttings is from March to May: in the next two months of spring, the plant will take root and have time to gain color (read about the reproduction of hibiscus). The planting of young, rooted cuttings that have formed shoots is performed in May. The transshipment of an adult tea rose can be done in any month of spring.

How to transplant at home?

Transplanting a Chinese rose at home is a simple task, however, in order for the plant to quickly take root and turn into color, certain rules must be followed.

Transfer after purchase

It is undesirable to transplant a tea rose after purchase, especially if the plant is in a state. However, if the hibiscus is sitting in the wrong pot, then it is best to transfer it to another vessel.

Can hibiscus be transplanted in the fall - why?

The natural flowering period is winter and summer. Autumn is a dormant period, so a transplant at this time of the year is undesirable. However, the flowering time of the tea rose can be shifted. In order for the plant to form buds in the fall, a transplant is also done in May.

Hibiscus is transplanted only when it becomes really cramped in the pot. Young plants need this procedure once a year, adults (over five years old) every 3-4 years.

When a tea rose reaches impressive dimensions and the transplant becomes a laborious process, then enough replace 5-6 cm of top layer soil in a pot.

What to do if it wilts after the transplant?

Sometimes it happens that the tea rose withers and dries after transplantation. This is a normal plant reaction to a change of location and should not be ignored.


There are few reasons for the wilting of hibiscus, here are the most common ones:

  • lack of light;
  • change of location;
  • excess or lack of moisture;
  • damage to the rhizome during transplantation.

If the plant has not recovered within 7-10 days after transplanting, the plant's habitat should be improved.

How to fight?

During the wilting period, the plant needs to provide access to light and moisture.

If the root system was damaged during transplantation, the Chinese rose will have to be reloaded. To do this, the plant is carefully pulled out of the pot, the damaged roots are carefully cut off with a sterilized knife, and the sections are treated with potassium permanganate.

To make the healing process faster, add to the soil vermiculite.


For more photos of planting and for hibiscus, see below:

Despite its unearthly beauty, Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-chinensis) very easy to maintain. But, like any plant, it has features that must be taken into account when growing it.

Buying plants... Quite strong and interesting varieties of "Dutch hibiscus" can be bought in our flower shops when the sales season starts in Holland, from the beginning of April to September. In winter, insufficiently stable specimens arrive. Florida varieties can only be purchased from amateur flower growers.

Priming. Hibiscus needs moisture and breathable soil. Ready-made, purchased peat-based soils are not entirely suitable for the successful cultivation of hibiscus. It is good to add leaf humus to these substrates, it structures the soil, makes it moisture-consuming. The addition of sand, sod land will have a good effect. The soil should be slightly acidic, pH 6.8. At other pH values, hibiscus will not be able to absorb the necessary nutrients from the substrate.

Illumination, temperature. Hibiscus prefers south-facing windows, it is able to grow on those windowsills on which many other flowers simply burn out. It can be a southeast, south, southwest window. It will not be possible to achieve stable long-term flowering on north-facing windows, since hibiscus needs to be in direct sun for 4-6 hours a day for flowering. This plant came to us from the tropics, therefore, the dormant period due to nature does not have and is ready to bloom, as long as there is enough light and the temperature is suitable, even all year round. The comfortable temperature for Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis ranges from +24 to +30 degrees. At higher temperatures, buds may fall off. On especially hot days, you need to shade the hibiscus a little from the direct sun.

It is also necessary to protect the roots of the hibiscus from overheating, especially if it is planted in a dark plastic pot. The temperature at which the hibiscus stops blooming is +15 degrees, at temperatures below +10 degrees the roots cease to absorb water, as a result, even with a wet clod of earth, the hibiscus leaves droop. The critical temperature is +7 degrees.

Some varieties of Chinese hibiscus, especially those with brown flowers, need a little less light.

Watering. During its active growing season, which lasts as long as there is light and warmth, hibiscus requires a lot of moisture and loves abundant watering, especially on hot days. This plant is not adapted to storing water in its parts, therefore, a lack of moisture immediately causes a decrease in turgor, hibiscus can lose all leaves. If the drying is prolonged, then the death of the plant occurs.

However, the overflow of the plant should not be allowed, with stagnant moisture, the roots of hibiscus are affected by fungal diseases and rot, in addition, oxygen ceases to flow to the roots, which is very important for the plant. Water must be abundant, but do not allow the presence of water in the pan - hibiscus does not like "wet feet". It is recommended to water the hibiscus early in the morning so that the plant dries up during the day. On winter days, when there is little light and it becomes cool on the windowsill, the hibiscus falls into a forced sleep. The need for water is falling, it is necessary to reduce watering so that the roots do not rot. If, for some reason, the hibiscus has lost all or many of its leaves, then its transpiration is greatly reduced, watering must also be reduced, and the clod of earth must be kept slightly moist.

Top dressing. At the stage of intensive growth, hibiscus needs regular fertilizing with complex fertilizers. However, fertilizers for flowering plants are not suitable for him. It has been noticed that Chinese G. needs much lower doses of phosphorus than other flowering plants; an excess of phosphorus negatively affects the quality of flowering, its abundance, and causes plant poisoning. In this case, the potassium content should be high. Optimal formula: NPK = 9-3-13; 10-4-12; 12-4-18 (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Therefore, the standard fertilizer for flowering with the formula NPK = 16-20-27 from POCON, NPK = 15-21-25 from Agricola, NPK = 3.8-7.6-7.5 from Etisso, etc. are not suitable for hibiscus. ... In terms of composition, the universal fertilizer for potted plants from POCON with NPK = 7-3-7 turned out to be closest to the optimal formula.

In addition to the basic nutrients, hibiscus needs magnesium, it is the core of the chlorophyll molecule. With a lack of magnesium, chlorosis occurs, while the leaf turns yellow between the veins, which remain green, sometimes dark spots appear on the leaves. To fill the magnesium deficiency, you can use Epsom salt, but it is better to purchase magnesium in a chelated form (Siliplant), you can use Greenwold fertilizer for conifers with N - 3%, K - 2%, MgO - 5%, this will also serve as an additional source of N and K.

Top dressing should be carried out on cool days, early in the morning or in the evening after sunset, and only on the previously shed earth. You can feed it once a week, but it is better to apply fertilizer more often, but in proportionally reduced doses.

Hibiscus responds well to foliar feeding. For them, it is necessary to dilute the fertilizer 10 times of the weekly dose for feeding under the root and sprinkle the leaves in the morning or in the evening. With a decrease in the rate of vegetation, along with watering, the dose of fertilizers should also be reduced, with complete rest, cancel feeding altogether. A recently transplanted plant should not be fed.

Transfer... Young plants are transplanted once a year, older ones - once every few years. Before transplanting, you need to make sure that it is necessary. The lump of earth must be completely entwined with roots. After transplanting, it is recommended to water it for a while from the pallet so that the young roots look for water and begin to germinate into a new substrate. As for the plants from Holland, I recommend replanting them immediately after purchase, using the method of careful transshipment, without damaging the clod of the earth. It is better to take a slightly larger pot than is usually recommended. This need is due to the fact that Dutch hibiscus is highly stimulated to bloom. This inhibits their normal development and growth, increases vulnerability to spider mite infestation. It is necessary to dilute these stimulants a little, so the whole season for such hibiscus feeding will not be required.

Pest control. With proper care, hibiscus is not very susceptible to various diseases and pests. However, Chinese G. can be attacked by aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and spider mites. It is possible to completely cure a tick only by settling the conditions of detention, in some cases, transplant on time. To combat insects, hibiscus growers do not recommend using oil-based preparations, they are very poorly tolerated by hibiscus leaves. Better to take water-soluble drugs such as Aktara.

Pruning, shaping. Hibiscus grows strongly over the summer, while blooming only on the tops of the shoots. To get a real "rose bush" it is necessary to form a plant in time. Pruning can be done in the fall, after flowering, and try to root the cut branches. Or in the spring, until mid-February, until the plant starts growing. Pruning later is not recommended as hibiscus blooms on shoots older than three months. Having pruned in May, you can not wait for flowering at all in the summer.

Hibiscus is calm about pruning, even cardinal. From the remaining buds, side branches will start to grow, which will give lush flowering in the new season.

Reproduction. Methods of vegetative propagation are used to preserve the variety. For "Dutch" varieties, cuttings are suitable. "Florida" varieties are considered more capricious and the method of grafting is more often used for their reproduction. For breeding new varieties, seed propagation is used.

Photo: Natalia Semenova, Rita Brilliantova

Some of the most popular ornamental plants in indoor floriculture and horticulture are hibiscus... These plants are great for home and office interiors, for creating picturesque compositions in landscape design.

In my opinion, the main advantage of hibiscus is its simplicity. In addition to high decorative qualities, hibiscus flowers have valuable properties that are used in cosmetology and cooking. Hibiscus flower extracts are added to various cosmetics for hair and skin care. For example, flower extract is used in skin care products as a sunscreen because it absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

The hibiscus sabdarifa drink is very popular all over the world. Hibiscus is a tart sour drink of dark red, raspberry or purple color, containing vitamins (C, PP, etc.), polysaccharides, flavonoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins, various organic acids (15-30%) (citric, malic, etc.) ... Hibiscus can be consumed hot and cold. Sugar, lemon, mint, rose hips, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices are added to the drink to taste. Numerous foreign studies have shown that with regular use, hibiscus drink lowers systolic blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, and has a hypotensive and diuretic effect.

In some countries, various dishes are prepared from hibiscus flowers, for example, salads are made from edible bracts of plants in the Pacific Islands.

On July 28, 1960, Chinese hibiscus was named the national flower of this country by the government of Malaysia (it is depicted on banknotes and coins). Also hibiscus is

national symbol of Haiti. In India, hibiscus flowers are used to decorate wedding ceremonies. Plants of the genus hibiscus (Hibiscus) belong to the family Malvaceae (Malvaceae).

Hibiscus spread

Under natural conditions, hibiscus grow in Asia, America, Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East.

Usually, hibiscus are found in the form of evergreen (or deciduous) shrubs or small trees, the height of which can reach 2-3 m, as well as herbaceous plants.

Hibiscus species

Scientists have counted about three hundred species of hibiscus. The most common species in indoor floriculture is the Chinese hibiscus (or Chinese rose) (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). In countries with tropical and subtropical climates, this thermophilic plant is grown outdoors.

In Russia, the following types of hibiscus are grown in indoor floriculture and in gardens: hibiscus chinese(H. rosa-sinensis), hybrid hibiscus(H. hybridus), Syrian hibiscus(H. syriacus), hibiscus sabdarifa (Sudanese rose or rosella) (H. sabdariffa) and others. Hibiscus sabdarifa can be grown from the seeds found in hibiscus hibiscus.


Hibiscuses have shiny dark green or bright green leaves that can be solid or variegated with white, cream, pink, red streaks, spots, or streaks.

Flowers are single; simple or terry; funnel-shaped, with stamens accreted into an elongated tube; large (up to 15-20 cm in diameter, up to 25 cm in garden forms); have different shapes and colors. According to various estimates, 400-500 forms and varieties of hibiscus are known. The flowers of these numerous forms, varieties and hybrids have different shades of petals - red, white, pink, crimson, orange, yellow, lilac, violet, brown, purple, peach, salmon, etc. Probably, you can find flowers of almost any color, except blue and black. They can be monochromatic, or they can be decorated with decorative ornaments in the form of borders, spots, strokes, streaks, etc.

Hibiscus is a fairly hardy plant. The main problem that growers face when growing hibiscus is the lack of flowers. It should be noted that with good care, hibiscus blooms profusely. To create favorable conditions, hibiscus needs good lighting, regular watering and spraying of the leaves, and periodic fertilization. The flowering period is from March to November. It happens that hibiscus blooms in winter, during the dormant period.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Hibiscus is a light, warm, moisture-loving plant. Therefore, it is best to place the plants in an area well lit by indirect sunlight. It should be noted that hibiscus is shade-tolerant, but it blooms less often in the shade. The optimum air temperature in the warm season is 18 ... 25 ° С.

Our Chinese rose grows in a large ceramic flower pot located near a south-facing window. The plant is protected from direct sunlight by a tulle curtain. In hibiscus flower buds are laid at a temperature of 12 ... 17 ° C. Therefore, one of the main factors necessary for the flowering of a plant is to provide it with a special temperature regime during the dormant period. In late autumn, the hibiscus becomes dormant, and we move it to a dark corner, away from the radiator. In this place, the plant stands from November to March. When young leaves appear on the branches, we return the hibiscus to its original place (this must be done before the buds appear).

Some growers artificially shift the flowering time of hibiscus, "changing" the period of its rest: until May, the plant is in a dark room, it is rarely watered. In May, the hibiscus is pruned (and transplanted if necessary), in July it is pruned again. As a result, the plant begins to bloom in late autumn, and flowering continues throughout the winter.

Irrigation mode and air humidity

Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it regularly and spray the leaves. In the summer I spray the hibiscus twice a day (morning and evening), in the spring and autumn - once. Of course, the frequency of spraying should depend on the conditions in which the plant is kept.

Watering also depends on the conditions in which the hibiscus is kept and the time of year. I usually reduce watering in winter (in December and January - limited watering). During the active growing season (especially during flowering), I water the plant more often and more abundantly than during the dormant period, with insufficient watering it will not bloom. Therefore, the soil in a flower pot should always be loose, moderately moist, waterlogging or overdrying can lead to shedding of leaves and buds.

Dust or dirt should be periodically removed from the leaves. I wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or soft sponge.

Soil, planting, replanting

For planting and replanting hibiscus, I usually prefer to use a ready-made soil substrate for ornamental shrubs (loose, permeable with a high nutrient content). Much less often I prepare the potting mix myself. It should include: turf, leaf, pine land, humus (in approximately equal proportion), as well as sand and peat. You can add some charcoal.

The acidity of the soil for hibiscus can fluctuate in the pH range 5.5-7.8. The ideal soil acidity should be close to neutral (pH 6-7). Outside these ranges, the plant will have a harder time absorbing nutrients.

A flower pot for planting hibiscus must have drainage.

Young plants should be replanted once a year in spring and mature plants as needed. When our hibiscus was a young plant, I transplanted it annually in the spring into a larger pot. Now that the plant growing in a very large pot has reached an impressive size, it would be difficult to transplant it into another pot, so I periodically add new soil, replacing the top layer.

Fertilizing hibiscus

In the spring-summer period (from about March to August), I feed the hibiscus once every 10-15 days with water-soluble fertilizers for flowers and ornamental shrubs (alternating mineral and organic fertilizers). In the autumn-winter period, I stop fertilizing or reduce it to once a month (depending on the state of the plant).

The fertilizers used should contain the following elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc.

In the spring, it is best to use fertilizers with a higher nitrogen content; in the summer, it is necessary to switch to fertilizers with a higher content of potassium and phosphorus.

Bush shaping and rejuvenating hibiscus pruning

In the spring, you can cut off last year's growth of hibiscus by 1/3 of the length in order to rejuvenate old bushes and form young branched bushes or a standard tree. Also, annual pruning is necessary to stimulate flowering. Cut cuttings can be rooted.

Reproduction of Chinese hibiscus

Hibiscus is propagated by cuttings, air layers, less often by seeds.

Hibiscus can be propagated by cuttings throughout the year, but the best time is February to April or July to September. Cut young apical cuttings about 15 cm long should be planted in small pots filled with a loose substrate — a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. Cuttings can also be rooted in water.

In order to accelerate root formation, the seedlings can be covered with a jar or film; regular airing and spraying are required. To get a branched bush, when the cuttings grow a little, their tops and side shoots need to be pinched.

Cuttings take root within 1-2 months (depending on temperature, humidity and light). With good care, young plants can bloom in 10-12 months. After a year, they need to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Grafting hibiscus

Some growers in May-June graft several cuttings (usually no more than 4-5 pieces) of various varieties on one standard bush (in the crown) of a non-double hibiscus. I do not really like this experiment, because, in my opinion, flowers of various shapes and shades do not look very natural on one bush.

Possible problems that gardeners may encounter when growing hibiscus are shown in the table.

Table. Possible problems, pests, diseases
Problem Causes Solution
1. Chlorosis - discoloration of leaves (interveinal tissues are pale yellow, veins are green). Low temperature, high soil moisture; an excess of phosphorus and calcium with a lack of iron. Compliance with the temperature regime; limiting watering (add ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate) or ferrous chelate to the water).
2. Falling buds, flower buds, drying and shedding of leaves. A sharp change in the location or conditions of detention; irregular fertilization; low air humidity; insufficient illumination; low temperature; insufficient or excessive watering. Compliance with temperature and illumination; regular moderate watering, spraying and fertilizing with fertilizers.
3. Lack of flowers (flower buds are not laid). During the rest period, the temperature is below 12 ° C or above 17 ° C; insufficient watering; excess nitrogen fertilizers. Compliance with the temperature regime during the rest period; regular watering.
4. Fungal diseases (sooty fungus; root rot). Defeat is facilitated by: high humidity, hypothermia, insufficient illumination. Remove the affected leaves, treat the plant with fungicides (basezol, oxychom, glyocladin, etc.) in accordance with the instructions. Limited watering during the cold season.
5. Pests: spider mites, aphids, felt insects, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects (attack weakened plants). Defeat is promoted by: insufficient air humidity; lack of regular feeding. If pests are found, carry out chemical treatment with actellik or an aqueous solution of laundry soap. Transplant the plant into new soil. For prevention - frequent spraying with water and regular fertilization.

In order to prevent diseases, restore immunity, stimulate root formation and flowering, I periodically spray the plant with a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Hibiscus in the garden

Once I decided to find out from my Sicilian friend the secrets of successfully growing hibiscus in the garden. To my questions about the peculiarities of caring for plants, he replied: "I do not take care of them, they grow by themselves." From this we can conclude that the main problem that Russian flower growers face when cultivating hibiscus in gardens is the successful wintering of plants.

As a rule, Russian flower growers grow frost-resistant hibiscus in gardens, for example, various forms and varieties of hybrid hibiscus, which was bred by the breeder Fedor Nikolaevich Rusanov by crossing three types: bright red hibiscus, marsh hibiscus, armed hibiscus. But planting cold-resistant hibiscus to protect their roots from frost in winter and from overdrying in summer must be mulched with dry fallen leaves or grass. In addition, it is imperative to cover the plants for the winter. In the spring it is necessary to cut off old branches, and the young shoots that have appeared can be pinched to form lush bushes.

For successful cultivation of hibiscus in the garden, it is best to choose a place well-lit by the sun's rays. Hybrid hibiscus is a moisture-loving, but drought-resistant plant. Hibiscus is not very picky about the soil, the main thing is that it is fertile, loose and well-drained.

Anna Vasilina

Photo by Olga Rubtsova and Alla Protasova

Hibiscus is a popular houseplant. Many growers call it the "Chinese Rose". With good care, an evergreen tree grows up to 2 m or more. In addition to the Chinese, there are other types of such a spectacular plant as indoor hibiscus.

Home care is simple, the flowering is very beautiful, propagation with cuttings gives excellent results. In most cases, the Chinese rose is grown in offices and public spaces, and not in an apartment: strange signs are associated with the flower, which superstitious people pay attention to.

Types and varieties of hibiscus for growing at home

General information about the plant:

  • in nature, the height of certain tree species reaches 10 m or more;
  • genus from the Malvov family;
  • there are shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants, annuals and perennials;
  • in nature, hibiscus grows in the tropics and subtropics, in Europe and America;
  • large leaves, large flowers, lush crown, bright greens, shades of petals - from white to deep red;
  • a popular greenhouse and indoor culture is the Chinese rose. Photos help to understand why, when looking for an ornamental plant for decorating offices, it is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis that is chosen in large, bright red, with a scarlet tint, flowers, simple or double;
  • a tree with a central trunk grows up to 2-3 m, sometimes higher, requires pruning and crown formation;
  • the homeland of indoor hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is the Malay archipelago;
  • breeders have bred many interesting varieties of the Chinese rose with a varied shade of petals.

There are many types of Hibiscus in nature:

  • Syrian tree hibiscus.
  • Triple.
  • Volatile.
  • Chinese.
  • Swamp.
  • Sudanese.
  • Cosmatogenic.
  • Triple.
  • Terry.

Some species change the color of the petals at different flowering periods. Previously, the Chinese rose had only bright red petals, but in recent years hybrid varieties with a different color of the buds have been bred: white, yellow, combined, with a bright center.

Home care

In apartments and offices, in most cases, the Chinese rose is grown. The plant looks like a small tree with a light brown, woody trunk. Young shoots are green, leaves do not fall off. If the growing conditions are not followed, indoor hibiscus does not bloom, but even in the absence of buds, the plant has a high decorative effect.

Location and choice of flowerpot

The light-loving species grows poorly and does not bloom with a lack of sunlight. Most often, a tub or flowerpot with a tree is placed next to a window, in a room whose windows face south or east. The western side is also suitable, if tall trees or shrubs with spreading branches do not grow nearby.

The pot is medium in size, not small, but not too large, otherwise the roots grow too much and take more nutrients. Hibiscus grows well in a wooden tub and a plastic flowerpot. It is important that there are drainage holes in the bottom, otherwise root rot is almost inevitable with abundant watering.

Advice! You should not choose a dark-colored flower pot: the soil and roots overheat in the heat.

Where to place the plant

Five rules:

  • Closer to the window and the light.
  • In the possibility of shading in the very heat.
  • In the area where there will be free access to the tree for crown care and watering.
  • Not in a draft.
  • No dampness, no dark room.

Soil and drainage

For growth and flowering, the substrate needs not only nutritious, but also loose. It is important that with abundant watering, the water does not stagnate in the flowerpot. Drainage is small stones, pebbles, clay shards, expanded clay at the bottom of the flowerpot. holes are required for the gradual removal of water from the flower pot.

At the flower shop you can buy soil for the Malvaceae family or prepare soil mixture at home. You will need 1 part of sand, leaf and sod land + 2 parts of humus.

Planting and transplanting

A young Chinese rose is transplanted annually, adult trees - as needed, usually every two to three years. If the roots are actively growing, completely braiding with an earthen ball, the plant slows down growth, then a larger flowerpot will be needed.

When transplanting, proceed carefully so as not to damage the roots. Top dressing is not carried out for a week after transplanting.

Moving to a new soil is also advisable after purchasing a young Hibiscus from a flower shop. With an optimal soil composition, the plant quickly takes root in a new flowerpot.

Step-by-step video - instructions for transplanting an indoor Hibiscus:

Content temperature and humidity

Indoor hibiscus does not like dampness, drafts and cold. The optimum room temperature is above +22 degrees, but intense heat and lack of fresh air negatively affect the plant.

In the summer, the room or office should be warm. If there is an air conditioner, then you need to check if cold air flows on the leaves.

In winter, during the period of suspension of the growing season, you can move the flowerpot with the plant to a cooler room: at the level of +17 .. + 18 degrees. The indicators should not be allowed to become extreme and fall less than +7 degrees: the thermophilic species freezes, rots and dies.

The Chinese rose loves high humidity (about 70%), but it is not always possible to maintain such indicators in a room or office, especially in winter, when central heating is turned on. Spraying in winter is not carried out, there is another simple method: put a container of water near the plant or periodically use a household appliance - a humidifier.

Watering and spraying

Indoor hibiscus loves moisture, but daily watering is not necessary. The liquid is added after the top layer has dried. Water must be defended for one or two days.

The most intensive watering is in spring and summer, with the active growth of young greenery and flowering. In autumn and winter, the tree rests, and the moisture level of the substrate is reduced.

Spray the leaves in the summer if the room is stuffy and watering is not enough to retain moisture. You can often wipe the greens with a damp cloth.

Lighting and supplementary lighting

A sun room is a prerequisite for good growth and ejection of buds. Some varieties (dwarf species) do not tolerate bright light, direct rays on a hot day can lead to burns on the leaves. You will need a little shading or placing a flowerpot with a Chinese rose in a room with windows to the west or east.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Moderate application of mineral compositions improves growth, has a positive effect on flowering. It's important to know: an evergreen tree necessarily needs all the components, including potassium, for the active release of buds and magnesium, so that the leaves do not turn yellow. With nitrogen and phosphorus, you need to be more careful, add components in a minimum amount.

Many housewives carry out top dressing based on natural ingredients. A decoction with banana peel, succinic acid for plants gives a good effect.


To form a beautiful crown, you need to periodically cut off the lateral and apical shoots. Some housewives do not carry out measures to create a spectacular form, they limit themselves to hygienic pruning. Even in this case, the tree looks magnificent and "rich", but if you wish, you can slightly shorten the young branches in the right places in the spring to form the shape of a bush or tree.

In the absence of formative pruning, the bush will be wide, spreading. In good conditions, indoor hibiscus grows up to 3 m and more, and you cannot do without shortening the top. Pinching is carried out in the spring, during the growing season. The Chinese rose is a great decor for public spaces where it is not very cold and there are no drafts.

Flowering and resting period

The first buds appear in late spring, with good care and sufficient lighting, flowering lasts throughout the summer. Often, even very young plants grown from cuttings bloom, if the hibiscus is in a warm, well-lit place, receives a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Each flower pleases the eye for several days, then fades, but in another place a new one appears. From autumn to the end of winter, you need to give the Chinese rose a little rest for the spring growing season and timely ejection of buds. If the florist observes the peculiarities of seasonal care, in winter he reduces the intensity of watering, fertilization, then the Chinese rose in the spring will be full of strength for the new season.

Reproduction methods

Breeding a Chinese rose at home is not a laborious process, the plant takes root quickly and grows well after planting in the ground. The main breeding method is vegetative propagation: young hibiscus grows from cut shoots. Growing from seeds is used, most often, by professional flower growers and breeders.


Growing a hibiscus from a cut shoot is not a very tedious task, and in most cases the result is positive. It is useful to learn the technology to avoid mistakes.

How to proceed:

  • cut off a young, green stalk from the apical or lateral shoots;
  • carefully remove the leaves, place in a glass jar with lukewarm water;
  • on top you can cover the container with a plastic bottle to create a small "greenhouse"
  • after three to four weeks, roots appear at the cutting. Next, the shoot is planted in a light and nutritious soil containing peat, sand and humus. To retain moisture, it is useful to put sphagnum moss on the soil;
  • young hibiscus are protected from the effects of the scorching sun, but they provide growth in a bright area.

Growing from seeds

The method is laborious, complex, without professional knowledge and skills, it is difficult to achieve a good result. For this reason, amateur flower growers use simple and affordable cuttings for breeding hibiscus, and only breeders propagate the evergreen species by seeds.

Care errors and their elimination

It is important to understand what factors negatively affect the evergreen and how to normalize the state of the Chinese rose:

Problem Causes Elimination
Leaves turn yellow and dry The plant is in a stuffy, hot room. Watering is rare, the tree does not have enough moisture. Excess nitrogen fertilizers, magnesium deficiency In the heat, shade the plant, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In the warm season, make sure that the soil does not dry out much more carefully. Refuse excessive nitrogen fertilization, normalize the amount of magnesium
Rots A damp, cold room. Moisture accumulates in the soil against the background of too frequent and abundant watering or lack of drainage holes in the bottom of the tub or flowerpot Normalize the temperature regime. Water the tree as the soil dries. Check for clogged water drain holes
Does not grow The flower is in a dimly lit room. Pot too tight. Poor substrate, lack of nutrients. Rotting roots Transfer the flower pot with the Chinese rose to a bright room, but not under the scorching rays of the sun. Transplant the flower, normalize the composition of the soil

Diseases and pests, control methods


Important information:

Important nuances:

  • A fungus can settle on a weakened tree if the soil is too wet and water stagnates in the soil after watering.
  • When detecting an off-white or gray-black plaque, wilting leaves, you need to carefully wipe off the layers.
  • Be sure to move the flower to a separate room if there are other indoor plants nearby.
  • To destroy pathogenic flora, biological fungicides and chemical names from the fungus are used: Fundazol, Abiga-Pin, Bordeaux liquid, Fitosporin, Profit Gold, Maxim, Tanus, Gamair, Trichodermin, Green soap.
  • When selecting fungicides, the type of preparation is taken into account: systemic or contact agents, the degree of toxicity, the period of plant protection after treatment.
  • For the prevention of mycoses, the conditions against which the pathogenic flora develops are excluded, they do not allow waterlogging of the grant, cold and dampness in a room with a Chinese rose.

Experienced growers often prepare the soil for planting on their own, which increases the risk of introducing fungal spores with organic components. A simple method - roasting the prepared substrate in the oven - is a good protection against harmful flora. Another way is to treat the soil with strong potassium permanganate: so much crystals are taken that, when mixed with water, a dark purple solution is obtained.

Hibiscus in the house: signs and superstitions

How many contradictions are fraught with such a popular flower as the Chinese Rose or Hibiscus! The possible impact on a person can be different, but to a greater extent superstitions and omens are associated with the imagination of people, and have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Hibiscus is a flower of death, as many "knowledgeable" people say, and if flowering occurs at the wrong time, then some one of your loved ones will be in misfortune. Where this belief came from, no one knows, but many are afraid to keep a luxurious tree with spectacular buds at home, and grow the plant in offices and public places.

There is another opinion - Hibiscus carries powerful energy, tunes in to creativity, activates the circulation of active matter around it, because the flower belongs to the sign of Fire. The masculine plant restores the flame of love in spouses who have lived for many years in marriage. In many eastern countries, hibiscus is considered a charm of the hearth, a talisman for good luck.

Which version is closer? Decide for each person, taking into account his beliefs and character. If you want to have a Chinese rose, but there are fears associated with bad signs, you can place a flowerpot with Hibiscus at work: a well-groomed, beautiful tree with bright foliage and large flowers will certainly delight colleagues and visitors.

Indoor hibiscus is an evergreen plant with spectacular, bright green foliage and luxurious, large buds. Even without flowers, the tree retains its decorative effect. If you follow the rules, you can enjoy the luxurious flowering of the Chinese rose for several months.

Hibiscus is a very popular and incredibly beautiful flower that is successfully grown both in the garden and indoors. The genus "Hibiscus" belongs to the family "Malvovye" and has more than two hundred species and varieties. Not many people know that it is from the petals of one of the types of hibiscus, called "Sudanese Rose", that "Hibiscus" tea is made. But the Sudanese rose is grown only in the garden, and at home another type of plant has taken root - "Chinese Hibiscus" or "Chinese Rose". Today we will talk about taking care of the indoor type of hibiscus at home.

Indoor hibiscus is a tree-like shrub that grows up to 3 meters. It has lush foliage of rich green color. The leaves are shiny and serrated.

In the tropics, hibiscus can bloom all year round, but at home it blooms from spring to autumn in large, cup-like flowers. Each individual flower lives for 1-2 days, after which it begins to fade gradually. But on each bush of the Chinese rose there are usually a lot of buds, so its decorative effect does not suffer from this. The color of the petals and their shape are very varied depending on the variety.

When pollinated, fruits appear that look like a five-leafed capsule. Inside are seeds, which can be either smooth or covered with hairs.

Chinese hibiscus varieties

More than 500 hybrid varieties of Chinese hibiscus have been developed, which differ from each other in the shape of flowers and color. The photo shows the most popular of them.

Kyoto- yellow flowers with a reddish center.

Hamburg- purple double flowers.

Florida- red-orange petals.

Feeling Blue- Flowers of bluish-purple shades are diluted with thin white stripes drawn from the center to the edges. A very decorative variety.

Pirple majestic- dark burgundy flowers with white specks appearing closer to the edges of the petals.

Carmen Keene- pale pink flowers with a white border.

San Remo- rather large white flowers with a yellow pistil.

Borias- white flowers with wavy edges. The core is bright crimson.

Hibiscus care at home

Growing hibiscus at home will take a lot of patience. But this is not due to the fact that the flower is too picky about the conditions of detention. It's just that the Chinese rose is slowly growing. It will take several years for a young specimen bought in a store or planted on its own to turn into a large, lush, profusely flowering bush. Perhaps this is the only difficulty, because otherwise, hibiscus, like most tropical plants, loves bright lighting, abundant watering and high humidity.

Lighting and location

Hibiscus needs a lot of sunlight. If you plan to grow a flower on a windowsill, the most successful options would be east and west windows. A southern sill can also be used, but at noon, the hibiscus should be shaded with curtains or blinds to prevent the leaves and buds from burning. If you plan to place a pot with a plant in the back of the room, choose the south side, as otherwise it will not have enough light. In the northern regions, where cloudy weather or short daylight hours prevail, additional illumination with phytolamps is required.

Hibiscus doesn't like drafts. Remove the flower while airing the room, and also do not place it near an open window.

In summer, a pot with a Chinese rose can be taken out to a balcony, loggia or garden. Fresh air promotes more abundant flowering. But protect the flower from the wind, as well as from prolonged exposure to the midday sun. Hibiscus tolerates morning and evening sunlight well, but can wither from the midday sun.

In winter, it is better to rearrange the plant on the sill of the south window. It is desirable to provide additional artificial lighting.


In spring and autumn, the optimum temperature for hibiscus is 20-22 ° C. In summer, it can be raised to 25 ° C. In winter, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 15-18 ° C, as this has a positive effect on the setting of buds and the flowering of hibiscus in the next season. But in no case do not allow the temperature to drop below 12 ° C - the flower may die.

If you don't have a cold room at home, don't worry, hibiscus can overwinter at normal room temperature.


Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant. In spring and summer, it should be watered abundantly so that the entire earthen lump is completely saturated with moisture. But this should not be done too often, between waterings the top layer of the soil should dry out. In autumn and winter, watering is slightly reduced, and watered 2-3 days after the top layer dries. For irrigation, settled, filtered, rain or melt water at room temperature is used.

Hibiscus is not able to accumulate water in the leaves, so you should not forget about watering it. If you were still away and did not water your pet for a long time, you need to bathe it in the shower immediately upon returning. So the plant will become saturated with moisture faster than through the roots, and, most likely, will not get sick.

Air humidity

The Chinese rose needs high humidity, otherwise there is a possibility that the buds will not open completely. Therefore, it should be sprayed frequently. Use the same water for spraying as for irrigation. At the same time, be extremely careful - try to spray only the leaves of the plant, not getting on the buds, otherwise they will be covered with spots and fall off. A good bonus would be the presence of an aquarium or a humidifier in the room.

In winter, special attention should be paid to humidity, because during the heating season the air in our apartments becomes very dry. Try not to place the flower pot near the central heating radiator, and if this is not possible, cover the radiator with a damp towel. Remember to dampen the towel as it dries. Additional air humidification can be organized using a tray filled with water and pebbles (expanded clay). But please note that the bottom of the hibiscus pot should not touch the water, otherwise the roots can rot from excess moisture.

Top dressing

Like any other houseplant, hibiscus needs additional feeding, because the nutrients in the soil are not endless. In the spring, when the flower is actively growing and gaining buds, feed it with liquid fertilizers containing nitrogen, iron and copper. During flowering, the composition of the dressings should be changed, and fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium should be used. Potassium assists in bud formation and phosphorus assists in root growth. Feed the flower 2-3 times a month, no more. Follow the dosage according to the instructions.

Some resources do not recommend using fertilizers containing nitrogen, as hibiscus does not like it. But in order for your bush to grow and grow lush foliage, nitrogen is needed. Therefore, we, in turn, advise you not to worry about this, and apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the period of active growth. Above all, do not overdo it. Apply such dressings no more than 3 times a month.

There are a couple of rules to follow when feeding hibiscus:

  1. before feeding, the flower should be watered abundantly;
  2. Fertilizers are best applied in the evening.

The frequency of top dressing in winter depends on the temperature at which your bush hibernates. If you were able to provide him with a cool winter with a temperature of 15-18 degrees, stop feeding. If you couldn't, just reduce them to 1 time per month.

You need to know that buds are formed only on young branches of a Chinese rose, and pruning is necessary for their appearance. After the flowering period, trim the tips of all the shoots. This stimulates the emergence of new lateral shoots in these places, on which buds will appear next year. In early spring, also pinch all the shoots, including the young ones that have appeared.

Pruning for decorative purposes is also necessary. Remove shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk (tops) and those that grow into the crown. Do not worry about the flower, it tolerates pruning well and never gets sick after it.

How to transplant hibiscus

The first transplant of indoor hibiscus must be carried out a couple of weeks after purchase. Stores use a depleted substrate so that the plant does not grow too much while on the counter. But if you bought a flowering specimen, wait until the end of flowering, otherwise all the flowers will fall off. Further, young specimens less than 3 years old are transplanted once a year in early spring, slightly increasing the diameter of the pot. Older specimens are transplanted every 2-3 years, and adult large bushes are no longer transplanted at all. It is enough to renew the topsoil.


Each time, the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. But you cannot immediately take too large a container, otherwise the plant will put all its strength into the growth of roots and foliage, leaving you without colorful flowering this year. The diameter of the pot should be increased until it reaches 30-40 cm. In the future, new pots are not used, and the transplant can be carried out in the same pot. Otherwise, you will grow a rather large bush at home and will face the problem of placing it.

The soil

For indoor hibiscus, loose soil with neutral acidity is suitable. The easiest way is to buy ready-made soil for hibiscus in the store. If this is not found, you can prepare the mixture yourself:

  • Buy a universal soil for indoor plants and dilute it with an equal part of garden soil with the addition of moss.
  • Mix the same universal soil with turf soil and humus in equal proportions. Add some charcoal.
  • Mix 2 parts of humus or rotted compost, 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part of sand or vermiculite.

Transplant process

  1. Stretch out the pot and cooked soil.
  2. Place a thick layer of drainage and some soil at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Remove the hibiscus from the old pot along with the earthy clod. Shake off the dirt ball a little, but not completely.
  4. Examine the roots carefully. If you find rotten roots, cut them off.
  5. Place the bush in the center of the new pot and sprinkle soil between the earthy ball and the walls. In the process, shake the pot a little so that the earth falls asleep in hard-to-reach places and settles a little. Add some earth and on top, compacting slightly.
  6. Water and spray well with the hibiscus.
  7. Return the bush to its old place. The plant does not like moving, and even more so after transplanting it does not need extra stress.

Reproduction of hibiscus

Chinese hibiscus can be propagated at home by cuttings and seeds. Seed propagation is a rather laborious process, and is more often used by breeders. With this method of propagation, there is no guarantee that the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will be preserved. In addition, the first flowering will have to wait for several years.

Propagation by cuttings at home

Cutting is the simplest and most common way to propagate indoor hibiscus. A specimen grown from a cutting retains all the varietal characteristics of the parent plant. In addition, flowering can be expected already in the first year. Cutting is best done in the fall, after flowering.

  1. Cut the cuttings 10-12 cm long with 3-4 internodes from even, undeformed branches of the mother bush.
  2. Trim the bottom leaves and flowers.
  3. Prepare a potting mix of equal parts peat and sand. Fill it in cups or other containers suitable for rooting cuttings. Place the cuttings there.
  4. Create greenhouse conditions for them by covering with a film, a transparent bag or glass.
  5. Place the greenhouse in a room with an air temperature of 25-27 degrees, ventilate and humidify daily.
  6. The stalk will take root in about a month. When this happens, transplant the young specimens into 7cm diameter pots, trim the top off, and care for them as if they were an adult plant. Most likely, your new specimen will lay buds already in the spring.

Hibiscus cuttings can also be rooted in water. To do this, simply place the cuttings in an opaque glass of water, adding a growth stimulator or a couple of activated charcoal tablets. Next, proceed in the same way as when rooting in the substrate, starting from point 4.

Growing from seeds

Sowing seeds is best in winter - in January-February.

  1. Soak the seeds overnight in a growth stimulant solution (Epin, Zircon).
  2. Prepare the soil with equal proportions of turf, sand and peat.
  3. Place the drainage layer and substrate in the seed container. Water.
  4. Plant the seeds 0.5 cm deep and 2 cm apart.
  5. Cover the container with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect, and place it in a warm room with a temperature of 24-27 degrees.
  6. Ventilate and humidify the greenhouse daily.
  7. In a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear, but it is worth cutting down the seedlings only after the appearance of 3 real leaves on each of them.
  8. After transplanting into separate pots, keep young specimens in a well-lit room, but not in direct sunlight.

Hibiscus grown in this way will bloom for 2 or even 3 years.

Growing problems

If you notice the symptoms of the disease in time, you can quickly determine the cause and correct the situation. Now we will describe what this or that symptom means.

Hibiscus sheds unblown buds.

  • insufficient watering;
  • low room temperature;
  • lack of nutrients.

Leaves wither.

  • insufficient watering;
  • excessive watering, and, as a result, decay of the root system.

Leaves dry and curl.

  • insufficient air humidity.

Leaf fall.

  • the presence of pests;
  • the flower stands in a draft.

The leaves turn yellow and dry.

  • watering is done with hard, most likely not settled chlorinated water;
  • low room temperature.

The stems are elongated, the leaves lose their bright color, turn pale.

  • lack of sunlight.

Indoor hibiscus does not bloom.

  • too large a pot;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • lack of fertilizing;
  • not trimmed.

There are sticky droplets on the back of the leaves.

  • insect pests;
  • the norm for some odorless varieties. This is how they attract insects for pollination.

On the obverse of the leaves there is a white bloom, which turns brown over time.

  • Powdery mildew. Remove infected leaves. Treat the hibiscus with Bayleton or Fundazol.

Pinkish spots on the leaves.

  • excess fertilizer;
  • lack of light.


Spider mite.

  • On the leaves there are yellowish spots, a small cobweb is noticeable. Spray the Chinese rose with insecticides such as Fitoverm or Derris. Avoid excessive dryness of the air, regularly spray the plant with water from a spray bottle. If spraying does not help, place the flower under an ultraviolet lamp.


  • Hard brown growths are observed on the back of the leaves along the veins. Adult scale insects are not afraid of chemicals and will have to be removed by hand. Then spray the plant with the insecticide solution. Repeat the procedure several times until you completely get rid of the scabbard.
  • Young leaves and shoots wither and curl. Small insects are visible on them. Spray the plant with aphid remedy according to the instructions.


Indoor hibiscus is a wonderful decoration for any home. It has lush decorative foliage and lovely flowers. The variety of varieties allows any grower to find exactly what he wants. Do not forget about the ease of care and the long flowering period. And this is all just a small part of the advantages of the Chinese rose, which will bring a sea of ​​positive moments to the life of the homeowners.

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