Home Natural farming Who does not know how to lose weight. Bestseller Secrets “I Can't Lose Weight. Frequent meals

Who does not know how to lose weight. Bestseller Secrets “I Can't Lose Weight. Frequent meals

Which of the overweight women would not like to lose weight, but at the same time so as not to starve and eat as much as they want? Yes, everyone would like to sit on such a diet. And there is one! And not in someone's fantasies, but in reality. It is called the Pierre Ducan diet. Pierre Dukan is a renowned French nutritionist. Now famous, after the publication in 2000 of his book "I Can't Lose Weight", which instantly became a bestseller and was translated into 14 languages ​​of the world. And for 30 years, while he was developing his unique technique, almost no one knew anything about him.

Dr. Ducan began his career as a general practitioner in the 70s in France. One day he faced a case of obesity in his patient and thought hard about how to help him. At the time, nutritionists suggested losing weight by restricting calorie intake. Such a diet was ineffective - those who lost weight quickly gained it again, besides, observing it, people suffered from a constant feeling of hunger. Ducan had some thoughts on how to solve the problem in a different, more effective and gentle way. But first, he wanted to make sure his assumptions were correct. For three decades, he conducted research and observation of the weight loss of his patients. Well-fed and lean, they were pleased with his approach. And then the nutritionist decided to help other people suffering from obesity, setting out the essence of his methodology in a book.

The essence of the Pierre Ducan diet

Protein is its cornerstone. They are almost completely replaced by fats and carbohydrates. Digesting protein, the body spends much more energy than digesting them. Consequently, more extra grams and kilograms are burned.

High Protein Foods Are Most Healthy

Protein also removes excess fluid from the body, which also works for weight gain. It is also good in that it significantly reduces the feeling of hunger.

Plus, pure proteins are the building blocks of our muscles and skin. If they are not supplied to the body enough, these organs begin to weaken and grow decrepit.

Also, protein strengthens the body as a whole, and weight loss based on its use will not let you undermine your health.

But all this does not mean that you cannot eat anything other than protein during this diet. Almost anything is possible. About a hundred products are allowed. The only question is how often and in what quantities to use them.

The programs of each of the four stages of the Ducan nutritional system explain exactly this. These are called Attack, Alternation, Reinforcement and Stabilization. The presence of the latter two makes this diet very different from all others. No one before Pierre Ducan (and so far and after him) took care of how to consolidate the success achieved with losing weight. And not for a week, but for the rest of his life.

The French nutritionist was also concerned that there was no need to puzzle over what to cook from the permitted products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He has published several books with recipes for Pierre Ducan's diet.

Another feature of his methodology is its complexity. Throwing a diet halfway through, doing something, but something cannot be left unfulfilled. Here or all - or nothing. There is no other way to get the result. In addition to following the recommendations on nutrition itself, it will certainly be necessary to include physical activity in the process of losing weight. Ducan focuses on walking - not difficult, but effective.

At the same time, it is necessary to reduce salt intake and drink a lot.

The fact is that salt retains fluid in the body. This affects weight and health - no harmful substances are removed. In addition, salt stimulates the appetite and makes you want to eat even more.

And you need to drink at least 2 liters daily - this volume includes both ordinary water and drinks - tea, coffee, compotes, herbal decoctions. Liquid, filling the stomach, dulls the feeling of hunger, and also removes toxins from the body.

The main thing that attracts millions of people to this system of combating obesity is getting quick results and the opportunity to eat as much as you want. Restrictions are introduced by the name of the products, but not by their quantity.

Pierre Ducan's diet: stages

If you are in the mood for a long journey and adherence to all recommendations without exception, you can proceed. You have to go through 4 stages. The duration of the first three depends on how much weight you need to lose. Calculations are shown in the table. And the last stage is essentially eternal. This is a way of life that after losing weight will have to lead constantly.

  1. The first stage is Attack. It is characterized by swiftness. It only takes 2 to 10 days to lose weight radically. The more weight, the longer the period. In almost one fell swoop, 10 to 20 kg of weight is lost - an impressive start and a good incentive to continue. At this stage, only protein foods are allowed:
  • Meat: beef, horse meat, veal (excluding parts containing fat), chicken (breast), turkey, rabbit. Fatty varieties are prohibited: pork and lamb, ducks and geese. The bird should be eaten without the skin.
  • Offal: tongue, liver.
  • Ham up to 4 percent fat.
  • Fish: fresh - white and red; smoked (with a fat content not exceeding 10 percent); canned (no oil added).
  • Any seafood.
  • Crab sticks.
  • Eggs (mostly without yolk, as they contain fat).
  • Dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese (non-fat).
  • Soy tofu cheese.
  • Oat bran is an important and constant staple of Pierre Ducant's diet. At the "Attack" stage, they need to be consumed 1.5 tablespoons a day (in the form of porridge, flat cakes, additives to dairy products).

According to a French nutritionist, oat bran is the most valuable component of a weight loss menu.

Dishes can be flavored with various spices (cumin, dill, parsley, vinegar, mustard, lemon, onion, garlic). But ketchup, mayonnaise and vegetable oils are prohibited.

Sugar is banned, but artificial sweeteners are not.

You cannot use regular sugar.

You can cook food in the oven, double boiler, grill, in a non-stick pan, but strictly without any oil, sour cream or other fat.

Be sure to drink 2 liters of water and drinks, and walk for at least 20 minutes a day.

  1. The second stage is Alternation. It continues until you lose as much as you wanted and eventually reach the desired weight. Minus a kilogram per week is the average of this stage. Protein days are now interspersed with protein-vegetable days (when vegetables - raw or cooked) are added to the already familiar protein meal. You can choose the scheme 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 and so on. But it is most convenient to alternate every other day.

The permitted foods on Pierre Ducant's diet for this phase are all vegetables except potatoes, peas, corn, beans, beans, and lentils. Like protein foods, they are not limited in quantity.

Now you need to eat 2 tablespoons of oat bran daily, still drink plenty of fluids and take half an hour of walking.

At this stage of losing weight, the body's defense mechanisms are turned on, and you may find that excess weight goes away extremely slowly, and sometimes the process generally stands still. You need to endure this period - then everything will go as it should.

Final stages

  1. The third stage is Fastening. As the name suggests, the main task now is to consolidate the result. The duration of this stage is calculated as follows: 10 days for each "gone" kilogram. That is, if, for example, you lost 12 kg in the previous time, then you will need 120 days to consolidate.

At this stage, Pierre Ducan's diet allows you to include all sorts of "sweets" in the diet:

  • Fruit (per day to choose from - one apple or pear, two apricots or avocado, a glass of berries, a slice of watermelon or melon)
  • Bread - whole grain or whole grain protein (2 slices per day)

It is allowed to eat bran or whole grain bread

  • Cheese (not more than 40 percent fat, 40 g per day)
  • Fatty meat - lamb, pork, bacon (1 or 2 times a week in unlimited quantities)

Those with a lot of sugar are excluded from the list of permitted fruits: grapes, figs, bananas, cherries, cherries, dried fruits. And from cheeses - blue cheese, soft cheese and goat cheese.

A portion of starchy foods and a festive meal will also pamper your stomach at the third stage. In the first half of the stage, they are allowed once a week. And in the second - two.

A portion of starchy foods means:

  • Potatoes (one or two jacket potatoes baked in the oven)
  • Rice (no more than 125 g)
  • Buckwheat
  • Pasta (from durum wheat)
  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)

A festive meal in the Pierre Dukan diet means eating whatever your stomach desires for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Only the amount of food is limited: you can eat one portion of the first, second and dessert. The serving size is the same as in catering.

  • Protein and vegetables should now always form the basis of your diet. Two slices of whole grain bread, a serving of fruit, and a slice of cheese are still permitted additions. Also, two servings of "starchy" foods and two festive meals a week are not canceled.
  • Make every Thursday a protein day.
  • Eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day.
  • Skip the elevator and walk for at least 20 minutes a day.

A walk in the fresh air will give you a good mood and help you get slimmer

Other rules remain unchanged until the end of life - less salt and more water.

Want to see the Dukan weight loss results? See Penelope Cruz and Jennifer Lopez.

An unacceptable word, an unacceptable rule that will have to be followed for the rest of your life - but what if it will provide you with weight stability and will only be applied one day a week?


It was then that the moment of truth came for me: I realized that the real success of my diet, undoubtedly, lies in the combination of all four of its stages, successively replacing each other, with successively decreasing intensity. Years of practice allowed me to build a logical and orderly chain from which it is impossible to deviate.

First stage "Attack" short enough but very effective. It is replaced by a stage called "Alternation", including periods of assault and respite, followed by consolidation stage weight achieved, the duration of which is proportional to the number of kilograms lost. And finally, in order to permanently maintain the weight gained with such difficulty - a constant and therefore effective measure, the observance of which is recommended until the end of life - one protein day a week, day of cleansing, which will keep the balance on all other days of the week.

And in the end I achieved my first really stable results. In fact, I offered the patients not only fish, but also a fishing guide, that is, a diet plan according to which they could not only quickly and effectively cope with obesity, but also maintain the results for a long time and without assistance.

I have spent 20 years perfecting this technique, applying it to a limited number of patients. Today, thanks to their consistent results, I am making it available to a wider audience.

My diet is designed for those who have tried everything; who lost and gained weight too often; and for those who, above all, want to provide themselves with a guarantee that, in exchange for their short-term diligence, they will not only lose those extra pounds, but will also preserve the fruits of their efforts and will live with the figure to which they aspired and to which they have every right. So I wrote this book in the hope that my proposed weight loss system will one day be the solution to your weight problems as well.

I wrote a book for those who are worried about weight problems, but it is dedicated to those with whom I worked, who helped me live a full life as a doctor: my patients, young and old, men and women, especially the first of them - my cheerful fat man-publisher.

Introducing the four stages

It has been 25 years since that crucial meeting with the overweight publisher, and the direction of my professional life has changed dramatically. Since then, I have devoted myself to nutritional science and now I help people of different weight categories to lose weight and stabilize their weight.

Like all of my fellow doctors, I was a graduate of a typical classical French school, where we were taught strict calorie counting and taught about low-calorie diets that allow all foods to be consumed, but in moderation.

But as soon as I started working, this beautiful theory, based on the shaky hope that you can turn a fat man, a passionate glutton and a glutton, into a conscientious and scrupulous devotee of a low-calorie diet, irrevocably collapsed.

What I know today, I learned through many years of practice and direct daily communication with my patients - men, and most often women, who are passionate about cooking deliciously and who are even more experiencing an irresistible need to eat deliciously.

Very quickly I realized that under the guise of gluttony and unbridled appetite hides the need for self-reward through food, which for all fat people is irresistible and as vital as the survival instinct.

It soon became clear to me that we are not able to help a fat man lose weight by giving him only advice, no matter how much common sense and scientific argumentation they may have. A person who has decided to lose weight turns to a doctor or a weight loss method so as not to fight overweight alone - a struggle that runs counter to his survival instinct.

This person seeks to find an external strength, someone who would accompany him and give him clear instructions - exactly what he hates most - instructions, instructions, because it is unthinkable for him to determine the exact days, times alone. and methods of food abstinence.

A fat man without any shame admits his weakness (and why should he be ashamed?) And the immaturity of his decisions when it comes to his weight. I have seen different fat men in my life: both men and women; different social backgrounds: ordinary people and stars, leaders, bankers and politicians; smart and brilliant people. They all sat opposite me and told me about their amazing weakness for food, about their lack of will and the unrestrained appetite of gluttonous children.

It is obvious that most of them have secretly mastered the light tactics of using food to compensate for stress or discontent from early childhood. And no matter how reasonable and logical the doctor's recommendation may seem, it will not help (and if it does, then not for long) resist this defensive reflex, which has been developed since childhood.

In my 30 years of work, I have witnessed the fame and failure of many diets. Since the 50s I have counted about 210! About some of them have been written books that have become bestsellers, published in millions of copies: the Atkins diet, Scarsdale, Montignac, Weight Watchers and many others. I realized with what enthusiasm a person seeking to lose weight unconditionally accepts them, even if they are draconian, absurd or simply dangerous to health, such as, for example, the diet of the American Mayo Clinic, with its two dozen eggs a week, which even now, after 30 years after its birth, it is still used, although it is unanimously rejected by nutritionists around the world.

An analysis of these diets and the reasons for their successes and failures, my daily communication with overweight people, during which I noticed how motivated patients can be in their desire to lose weight at certain periods of their lives and how quickly they can become frustrated if there are no results. commensurate with their efforts convinced me that:

For those who would like to lose weight you need a diet that gives the first results quickly enough. This is in order to strengthen and maintain their motivation. The patient also needs specific goals set by someone from the outside, with the subsequent determination of the stages of weight loss, in the intervals between which he could calculate and compare his efforts with the expected results;

Most of the recently hit lightning-win diets have very effective start-ups and startling results. But, unfortunately, after reading the book and studying the recommendations contained in it, man is left alone with his temptations again... And for him everything starts anew;

No matter how original and inventive these diets are, all of them, oddly enough, turn out to be untenable after the initial, most active period and the first tangible results and, as a rule, leave a person alone with himself, adding only a few instructive recommendations and useful advice about moderation that he is not able to follow;

None of these famous diets have been able to provide accurate, simple, and effective guidance to support and strengthen early stage results.

A person striving to lose weight knows in advance that he cannot alone, without outside help, preserve the fruits of his efforts. In addition, it is known that losing weight, left to himself, after the first stage, will again begin to gain his kilograms: first slowly, then faster and finally - with the same staggering speed with which he lost weight.

Dr. Pierre Ducan is a French nutritionist, author of 19 books, including the famous bestseller "I Can't Lose Weight" in which he, already a well-known specialist in France, summed up the results of his many years of practice and detailed the theory of his system. This book was sold all over the world, in more than 10 million copies, but only now it reached Russia ..


Too many choices make it difficult to choose

Throughout my medical practice, I have found that reliable, authoritative, yet simple and specific instructions, without ambiguity, improve control and facilitate compliance. Therefore, I have selected 4 effective exercises that are best suited to solving the following problems:
First problem: weight loss across the broadest range of muscle sectors and calorie burn intensity through their work.
And the second problem: how to prevent sagging skin after losing weight, since many patients who have lost weight often complain of sagging and sagging skin in the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.

Four vulnerable areas of a slimming body

At 8 kg, the battle begins between the burning of fat and the tightening skin. Indeed, the fat melts faster than the skin can shrink, and a not very attractive picture is observed. This problem appears more often in areas where the skin is thinner.
There are 4 problem areas that women most often complain about (loss of firmness and excess skin):

Abdomen area (flabby hanging belly). As you lose weight, the loss of weight and adipose tissue affects both the outer part of the fat just under the skin and the inner part that surrounds the muscles. When the fat is gone, the muscles become less tense, and as a result, the skin on the abdomen becomes flaccid and flabby, and the stomach itself protrudes slightly forward. And when the external fat melts, it is the skin that suffers, losing its firmness and elasticity. After losing weight, the skin recovers, but very slowly, it needs 6 months to achieve the best tone. There is no need to hope for quick improvements and there is no need to do anything radical for this. As for the abdomen, which protrudes slightly forward, this is due to the weakening of the muscle wall. To tone it up and regain a flat and muscular belly, you need to work on the abdominal muscles, pumping the abs.

Hands. It is women with large, large hands who complain about their softening during weight loss. After losing weight, the arms become less voluminous and the skin on them sags

- saggy and loose buttocks... A sedentary citizen, losing weight, very quickly loses the fat pad of the gluteal muscles. As a result, he gains soft and saggy buttocks, which deprive him of his sex appeal;

- relaxed hips... This applies mainly to women, whose excess weight is concentrated mainly in the lower body, in the hips and knees. When weight loss is significant, thinner thighs are less firm, and the same can be said for the skin.

Exercise number 1

I first came up with this exercise for myself and have been using it for 20 years. For the last 3 years I have been prescribing it to my patients, most of them have already taken it. Besides walking, you have only one compulsory exercise to do, and I urge you to include it in your daily activities. Why? Because it is simple and easy to do. This makes it very easy to incorporate it into your daily life. Short and quick, it can be done in bed in the morning after waking up or in the evening before bed. It is extremely effective. Finally, it allows you to target a very wide range of muscle groups: abdominals, thighs, and arms. See for yourself!

You can use physical activity as a quick return to diet plan: 20 minutes of walking allows you to neutralize, for example, a glass of wine or 3 pieces of chocolate.

Starting position - lying in bed after waking up or having breakfast. Use a roller or pillow to create a comfortable tilt. Lie on your back with this roller under your torso.

1) Bend your knees, lifting them up, and keep your hands at your knees, supporting them.
2) In this position, bring the torso into an upright position using the abdominal press, without using your hands.
3) Then lower yourself onto a pillow or roller. Repeat this exercise 15 times without using your hands.
4) Do 15 more times, contracting the biceps.

Total - 30 times. In the evening, repeat the same series - this will give you 60 movements, and from the first day you will acquire the foundation of the stability of your abdominal wall and your biceps.

Try to do a little more every day, adding 1-2 movements to the abdominals and arms in the morning and the same amount in the evening, that is, 31 + 31 on the 2nd day, 32 + 32 on the 3rd day and 36 + 36 at the end of the first week ...
The goal is to reach 70 + 70 by the end of the first month and eventually 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. At this point, 200 repetitions will only take 3 minutes of your time. You can see for yourself that this is not a very burdensome task.
You will understand how effective this lesson is by examining your belly in a month, which, instead of flabby and bulging, will become elastic and flat.

Exercise number 2 - for the gluteal muscles

This exercise has become another reflex of mine, I also do it every day right after the first, in bed after waking up, it is a logical addition to the first. It is amazingly effective, every morning and every evening, I experience immediate results. With these exercises, the front of the thighs heats up very quickly, very strongly, and I can feel all the main muscles tone up. It activates not only the hamstrings, but also the thigh-gluteus and arm muscles. Let's try.

Starting position - take a roller or pillow, lying on it, place tense arms along the body on the bed.

1) Bend your knees. Place your feet and knees together. As you exhale, lift your hips up to form a bridge. The hull in the bridge must form a straight line.
2) Hold this position for a few seconds, lifting your buttocks up.
3) Then lower yourself to the starting position to quickly rise again and take the same position, trying to make the bridge straight. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Repeat this series of exercises in the evening while going to bed. This will add 60 more exercises per day, that is, no more than 1.5 minutes. If you are unable to do these 30 exercises, then you have a very heavy pelvis and insufficient muscle base, atrophied by a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, do not worry: reduce the number of movements and know that these muscles will adapt over time and you will be able to do the exercise as expected. Try to do at least 10 exercises in the morning and evening, however, as you really need it. Then, as with the previous exercise, try to add one set every day to reach 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening one day. At this stage, you will find that your torso and pelvis, which have lost weight, will become firm.

Our society tends to tolerate general overweight.
You, of course, hear the speeches of ministers, dignitaries, warning against excess food and a sedentary lifestyle, but they do nothing to prevent this.

Exercise number 3 - for the hips

This exercise is of double interest, since it is this exercise that consumes the most calories and mobilizes the largest, quadriceps muscle, which, as its name indicates, consists of four muscle bundles. On the other hand, cellulite is most commonly seen over this muscle, and even the smallest weight loss can easily reduce it.

The goal of this exercise is to simultaneously burn calories and gain firm, elastic muscles after losing weight. It engages all the muscles in the thighs, which is a lot for one exercise.

Starting position - stand on your feet, if possible, in front of a mirror.

1) Grab the edge of the table or sink, spread your legs a little and straighten your shoulders.
2) Slowly begin squats, bending your legs until your buttocks touch your heels.
3) Then rise to the starting position.

This is a difficult exercise, but extremely highly efficient... It depends on your weight, its location and your fitness level. If you weigh more than 100 kg, it will be difficult for you to do even one such exercise. In this case, do what you can, and you will see that, gradually losing weight through diet, you can reach one, then two, three or more squats a day. By the time you do a series of 15 squats, you will already be close to your optimal weight.

Remember to add one set every day. When you get to a series of 15 exercises, aim for 30, but don't worry - you have time. When you reach 30, you will feel that you have gained firmer hips, while 8 muscle bundles will continue to work, gradually burning calories day and night.


Exercise number 4 - for hands

A woman's hand is a very sensitive indicator of excess weight and skin condition. There is symmetry in the distribution of cellulite on the thighs and arms. Most women with cellulite on their thighs also have very powerful arms. As they lose weight, they lose fat more easily in the arms than in the thighs. Because of this, their thinned hands of its implementation lose their tone and become flabby, and women are very worried about this. There are not many solutions in this area - surgery is contraindicated as it leaves too many scars. But there is a huge selection of physical exercises. I have chosen one of them and offer it to you. This exercise is my favorite because it is very simple and effective.
This exercise has the advantage of making two muscles work - the biceps in the front of the arm and the triceps in the back - in order to strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin in the fleshy side of the arm.

Starting position - Take a 1.5 liter water bottle or one dumbbell of the same weight.

1) Bend your arm with the dumbbells or bottle until the dumbbell is near your shoulders. Start with the palm facing inward. As you lift the dumbbell, rotate your hand so that your palm is facing up.
2) Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat.

This exercise should be done 15 times for each arm to gain sufficient muscle mass and to get rid of saggy skin.
Try to push to the limit of your capabilities and, if you feel able, feel free to move on.

When you do 15 movements for each hand daily for a week, try to do the series 20 times, after a week 25 times, to reach 30 movements at the end of the first month. On the other hand, remember that the skin of a thinner person needs 6 months before it tightens again, so you don't need to expect miracles right away.


1) Do not forget about the wonderful properties of simple walking, even 20 minutes a day will accelerate weight loss and give you the incentive to keep going.

2) It is especially important to include walking during the weight gain phase, when the risk of plateau effect is very high, since the introduction of physical activity will give you additional reserves of the body to burn calories.

3) Enter the 4 simple exercises that you learned about in this chapter, and you will quickly get not only your ideal weight, but also firm hips, buttocks and slender arms.

It just so happened that nowadays, almost everyone strives for well-known beauty standards, namely 90-60-90. I can say that I have never been fat, for my height -171 cm, I had a completely normal weight - 62-63 kg. I have never exhausted myself with diets, hunger strikes and other nonsense. Over the winter I got better by a couple of kilos, over the summer I threw everything off, because I ran in the mornings and did not drag any nasty things into my mouth.

But, one day, my poor life came to an end in the person of my beloved husband)) I got married, began to cook deliciously and a lot. Every evening rituals, such as tea with cookies, did not diminish the kilograms, but quite the opposite. Then pregnancy, childbirth, health problems and stress-stress-stress. I started eating, all my frustrations, depression and fatigue I stuck with sweets / cakes / cookies, and as a result my 63 kg turned into 79. For two years I lived with such a weight until ...

Until I found out about such a magical thing as the Ducan Diet.

The Ducan Diet is the first technique based on a clear structural approach and provides effective weight loss in 4 stages, 2 of which are aimed directly at losing weight, and 2 of which are aimed at maintaining and stabilizing the achieved Correct Weight.

Diet implies 4 stages:

  • Attack

The stage at which rapid weight loss occurs. This stage is limited to 72 protein-rich foods. Attack is the shortest phase of the diet

  • Alternation

Alternation of protein and protein-vegetable days. At this stage, 28 more are added to the list of allowed foods. The alternation stage continues until you reach your desired weight.

  • Anchoring

The stage contributing to the consolidation of the lost weight. Foods that are fortified with carbohydrates and have a higher energy value are added

  • Stabilization

At this stage, any food is allowed, without restrictions, subject to three rules:

  1. Consuming exclusively protein foods once a week
  2. 3 tablespoons oat bran every day
  3. Twenty-minute daily walks and lifelong lift skipping

The basics are the basics, but no one can tell you about the diet better than Monsieur Ducan himself, so I recommend reading the book "I Can't Lose Weight" and go on to tell further))

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