Home natural farming The husband is in love with another but does not leave. Husband loves another woman, what to do? Husband loves another: rules of crisis behavior

The husband is in love with another but does not leave. Husband loves another woman, what to do? Husband loves another: rules of crisis behavior

Hello Anton. I do not know what to do. Three months ago I found out that my wife was cheating, I even know with whom, I see him every day. I had to leave immediately, but I couldn’t, my son is 6 years old, I have a third marriage. Although one would be enough, I am a normal and accommodating person. But no luck. She denied everything, but this is a natural reaction. For the first time in my life, I am terribly depressed, I did not expect that this could happen at all. Three months was a nightmare for me. Now she loves me in words, sex, etc., she says she loves me. but I do not believe, such a state, even climb into the loop. I can't tell my friends and family. Maybe get a woman on the side,
Suggest something.

Voleriy, Nizhny Novgorod, 53 years old

Family Psychologist Answer:

Hello Voleriy.

I would definitely not recommend getting a woman. Just because it will completely destroy everything. The wife will find out, she will also get hurt, this will be superimposed on the already existing crisis, and the family will most likely not stand it ... What can be done here: start talking about what led to treason. After all, it wasn’t just that she needed a person on the side? Do you know what didn't suit her? Here, try to find out. Yes, at first it may be difficult for her to believe that you are ready to discuss this. But over time, I think you will be able to find the opportunity for frank and confidential conversations. And then you can really do something to ensure that the likelihood of infidelity would be minimized. After all, no one leaves a good, real, satisfactory relationship. And if she says that she loves and is trying to maintain a relationship, then most likely it is. If nothing is expensive and you need it, they leave immediately. She needed and expensive, but something was missing. And if you have the courage to take on your part of the responsibility (whether we like it or not, both are responsible for any situation in a couple) - you can change the situation so that this crisis will serve to strengthen relations, no matter how it sounds now strange for you.

Sincerely, Nesvitsky Anton Mikhailovich.

Why did the beloved change so drastically? Cooling to the chosen one, delays at work, ridiculous explanations, nervousness ... Does she really have a connection on the side? How do you know if your wife is cheating?

Once a man managed to understand what a woman wants. Unfortunately, he immediately died of laughter. — Odessa anecdote

Women are unpredictable. Sometimes such strange behavior indicates chronic fatigue, depression, hormonal disruptions. Before giving vent to jealousy, suspicion, resentment, you should make sure that the wife is cheating on her husband.

False accusations will only aggravate the situation and the relationship between the spouses. Often, chronic male jealousy provokes the chosen one to think about a connection on the side as a possible way out of the current situation.

What signs accurately indicate violation of marital fidelity? There are several proven methods that allow you to determine if the chosen one is cheating on you.

Top 5 signs of adultery:

  1. Absent-mindedness, secrecy, an attempt to avoid heart-to-heart talk are warning signs for you. You should also pay attention to a sharp change in clothing style, hair color, makeup, although the beloved has always been distinguished by conservatism. The appearance in the apartment of expensive things that are not affordable, do not correspond to the family budget.
  2. She made adjustments to her lifestyle, became interested in sports, bought beautiful underwear, but does not show interest in you, went on a diet, changed her social circle. Swimming pool, fitness, gym, oriental dances, plastic strip, massage courses are new hobbies that I used to consider a waste of time.
  3. I began to spend a lot of time on the net, cleaning the history of visiting sites. She behaves strangely, hides her eyes in fear, or is defiantly indifferent when you find her at a computer monitor. Does not part with the phone even in the bathroom. If this is not an Internet addiction, then you should be more careful with your chosen one, she has something to hide.
  4. Makes unreasonable claims, shows aggression, irritability, jealousy, or becomes “quieter than water, lower than grass”, tries in every possible way to please. Perhaps the beloved feels remorse, guilt. She does not want you to meet her after work or accompany her during an evening walk. In any case, it is necessary to find out the reason for such unusual behavior.
  5. In a conversation, family quarrels, words about divorce, parting, replacing you with a more worthy candidate that will truly love her slip through. At the same time, the attraction to you has noticeably decreased, but the number of excuses for making love has increased. Beloved has moved away from you, behaves closed, silent, often tries to avoid talking, although she used to willingly share the latest news of the past day.

Methods for checking a wife's fidelity

The first method is close observation of her behavior. Do the listed signs correspond to the strange behavior of the second half?

Second method- Peaceful conversation. Sometimes a direct question helps to find out the truth: “Are you faithful to me? What's stopping you from being happy with me?" You need an open dialogue. If she is not a professional actress, you will be able to feel the lie and find out the weak points of the family union along the way.

The third method how to determine if a wife is cheating or not - surveillance. Various options are possible. Sometimes a video camera will help, hidden shooting at the time of your absence in the apartment. If the financial situation allows, hire a private detective and the question “how to catch a wife on a hot one?” will fall off by itself. Surveillance of the object of passion, as a rule, gives a good result.

It also does not hurt to periodically check the beloved’s mail, carefully familiarize yourself with her “business” correspondence. If desired, you can install a special listening application on your beloved’s phone. A woman will definitely give herself away during a conversation with a new sexual partner or a curious girlfriend.

With the help of a specialist or spyware, you can easily find out the passwords to your partner's social networks. A keylogger application is also suitable for this purpose. You can get creative with the task. Place a voice recorder under the car seat of your beloved. Maybe you can record part of their love date. This will be enough for a serious conversation with your soulmate.

Fourth Method- urgent business trip. Can connect with fixed surveillance. Adjust favorable conditions for adultery. Announce an unscheduled business trip to your family and just wait for the right moment. The reason may be the desire to "visit relatives", arrange a week's rest alone, "correct health" in a hospital outside the city. Do not forget to periodically call your beloved, be interested in household chores, share news “from vacation” so as not to arouse suspicion.

Fifth method how to find out if a wife is cheating with another person - a medical DNA fidelity test. In this case, you will not only receive the results of the examination with an accuracy of up to 100 percent, but will also be able to figure out your opponent. How to check if the woman you love is cheating? Everything is simple.

To perform the test, you need to provide laboratory workers with a DNA sample that remains on sheets, clothes, chewing gum, used ear sticks, a toothbrush, feminine pads, cigarette butts, a condom, napkins or glasses.

Earwax, mucous fluids (discharge from the nose, mouth), blood, hair at the root, semen stains, cut nails - all this can be reliable evidence of adultery.

Don't worry, the analysis is completely confidential. The presence of your soulmate is not required. Matching the detected biological patterns with your genetic materials will help to easily identify foreign DNA. The result depends on the condition and quality of the biosample provided. Based on the verified data, the laboratory of the medical center will issue you an expert opinion.

A medical fidelity test is expensive and not always convenient. But after such an accusation with the documents provided, the spouse will no longer be able to lie to you.

What to do if the wife is cheating?

When your wife betrays your love, the old world collapses. In fact, while we are looking for effective ways to find out that our wife is cheating, we do not want to believe in her infidelity to the last. How to understand the motives of the woman you love if she betrayed you so easily? How can you forgive, and is it worth it?

The first common mistake is making decisions impulsively. When the wife is unfaithful, you want to pour out your anger, take revenge on your opponent, punish the traitor as soon as possible.

The second mistake is inaction, an attempt not to notice changes in family relationships. Come what may. A sign of infantilism, unwillingness to solve problems on their own. Such a man will definitely not inspire respect in a woman.

When the first emotions leave, I want to slam the door and proudly leave forever. Take a break, live separately. This is necessary to make the right decision. Don't try to mirror your answer. Deal with your feelings.

Family psychologist Andrei Zberovsky advises you to start reviewing your relationship by filing for divorce. This action will demonstrate to the chosen one the seriousness of the situation, your determination, firmness in matters of principle. Divorce or not - it's up to you two.

Do not involve friends, relatives, acquaintances in your relationship. When it comes to your life, other people's advice should not play a decisive role.

Adultery is a symptom of a deep family crisis. Andrei Zberovsky claims that it is possible to overcome all obstacles and restore trusting relationships only if the young lady herself sincerely desires reconciliation. At the same time, she is ready to exclude the repetition of a similar situation in the future, she will try to become an ideal wife.

A lot also depends on the man. Are you willing to work on your own behavior to build relationships? Ready to change? Can you forgive her infidelity or will you blame your beloved for what happened at the first opportunity for years, tormenting your wife with constant reproaches?

When you drop a glass or a plate on the floor, a loud knock is heard. If glass breaks, a table leg breaks, or a picture falls off the wall, we hear a noise. But when a heart breaks, it happens silently. - from the Internet

Forgiving betrayal is never easy. But, if love is still alive, perhaps. It may be worth visiting a good therapist to deal with conflicting feelings and alleviate mental pain.

Remember that there is no universal solution for such a difficult situation. Each family is individual. Restoring a lost connection or starting life from a new leaf? The choice is yours.

The article will tell men how to detect signs of female infidelity and accurately determine the wife's infidelity.

It is equally unpleasant for both women and men to be in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if they are actively discussed, and wives do not hesitate to share the details of love affairs "on the side" of their unfaithful "halves", then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes to the last.

If a man doubts the fidelity of his wife, he will have to watch her for some time, and only after that draw conclusions.

How to understand that the wife is cheating? Obvious signs of cheating wife

The most indisputable and irrefutable evidence of a wife's infidelity can be straight Talk in which she herself confesses what happened. After such a recognition, you no longer have to look for some hidden signs and suffer from conjectures.

However, according to statistics, less than 2% of wives who at least once had sex “on the side” admitted this to their spouse.

IMPORTANT: A man who suspects his wife of cheating needs to be patient and in no case blame her spouse for anything and not try to figure out the relationship ahead of time.

A sharp change in the wife's mood, both for the better and for the worse, should alert. And if, in addition, the spouse began to actively update her wardrobe and experiment with her appearance, carefully read the article below.

The first sign of female infidelity

Periodic “jumps” of mood can happen even to the most faithful wives. Also, a sudden desire to change her appearance can occur in a woman who does not even think about treason.

What is the very first sign that will tell the husband that family happiness is in jeopardy?

First of all, in such a familiar and dear woman a mystery emerges. A look, a smile, words or deeds will sooner or later betray her. And she will be far away. Thoughts about another man will come first, so her dreamy expression and deep thought are also some of the signs of infidelity.

How to recognize a cheating wife by behavior?

It is possible to understand that the spouse is unfaithful by the changed behavior. Often a woman, starting a romantic relationship "on the side", quickly loses interest in what is happening in her own family, from household chores and hobbies to sex with her husband.

All thoughts of the lady are occupied by the new man. They are distracted by the need to cook food, maintain order in the house, and deal with children. All this begins to noticeably annoy, the woman tries to avoid doing the usual household chores, avoiding the company of household members, preferring to retire with her phone or tablet.

However, some family ladies, subconsciously trying to make amends and hide the fact of infidelity, begin to behave unnaturally friendly and caring. This is the second common extreme behavior of women who have broken their promise to be faithful spouses.

IMPORTANT: Any obvious change in the wife's behavior may be the "first call". But that doesn't mean the betrayal has already happened. Perhaps, tired of everyday life and a more uninteresting spouse, the woman only decided to add bright colors to her own life.

Signs of female infidelity: 15 points

An unexpected change in the appearance and behavior of a wife is far from all that can hint to her husband about her infidelity. There are many other signs, and here are the most obvious ones:

  1. The phone is always with her, messages in the social. networks are hidden. Even if the outwardly changed wife does not give herself away, then the phone will be kept as far as possible from the eyes of her husband. If a woman corresponds with her lover on the network, then she will probably change the passwords from the pages.
  2. Diet, fitness, pool. The wife suddenly began to actively care for herself She cares a lot about how she looks. For no reason, she went on a diet or signed up for a gym. Well, you can’t even talk about the fact that a woman who has lost weight and pumped up urgently needed new dresses and several sets of openwork underwear. Of course, she will also change her hair and make a manicure. Everything is simple. She needs to impress a new partner.
  3. Her best friend needs more and more help. Today she tearfully asks to sit for a day with the children, and next week - to help with wallpapering. A few days later, there is an urgent matter again, with which a friend is not able to handle herself. In general, this very friend has somehow become too often appear in your life. But only she herself may not be aware of this, and all the stories about her friend in fact may turn out to be a cover. When the spouse once again goes "to help", it will be enough to surprise the women and visit them. Perhaps no more evidence is needed.
  4. The wife began to linger at work, attend corporate parties, spend free time in a new company. From such meetings, she returns in high spirits, but it quickly deteriorates at home.
  5. The wife began to criticize and compare, set as an example other men, although everything suited her before.
  6. A woman no longer seeks to spend time together. There are no more cozy family evening gatherings in the kitchen over a cup of tea, she does not ask her husband about work, does not talk about her affairs.
  7. The wife stopped arguing and asking. She no longer proves her case. She silently steps over the socks scattered around the apartment, and carefully silently puts the door of the kitchen cabinet hanging on one hinge into place.
  8. She now prefers to visit friends and relatives on her own.. She explains this to her husband in different ways, but there are always reasons not to go together. He also does not allow meeting himself in the evening.
  9. She started missing calls.. Then suddenly it turns out that the phone is “glitched”, discharged or even left at home. Of course, all this is not true.
  10. Refresher courses, trainings, blockage at work- all these are reasons to linger. Well, the phone, of course, will turn on only after the end of the "training".
  11. The woman began to avoid looking. And if suddenly she accidentally meets her husband's eyes, she hurries to turn away or leave the room with a preoccupied look.
  12. She is irritated by any physical contact.. Gentle hugs and kisses are a thing of the past. If the husband expresses his dissatisfaction, the wife offers to have a mistress.
  13. She complains about the lack of communication. She blames her husband for this, although she herself pushes him away at the first attempt of a man to improve relations.
  14. She no longer goes along in conversations and actions. All actions of the husband are severely criticized or ridiculed. It seems that it no longer matters to her whether the family will survive.
  15. Changes in sex. Marital sex will not remain the same. The wife may completely lose interest in the once desired man, or, on the contrary, may suddenly take the initiative and offer a new position or game in bed. But this is worth talking about separately.

One of the signs of female infidelity is indifference to her husband.

Sexual signs of cheating wife

Sexual sign of female infidelity can be considered the wife's attempts in all ways avoid sex. She either falls asleep before her husband, or finds herself “urgent” chores around the house and finishes them when her husband is already asleep. This can go on for quite a long time, and when the deceived husband still manages to get sex from his legal wife, surprises can await him in bed:

  • She became cold and indifferent. Passion, mutual caresses and hugs, kisses and games - all this seemed to have never happened. It seems that she tolerates sex with her husband, and does not enjoy him.
  • The wife unexpectedly asked to diversify sex. Perhaps she has new tricks, she has become more relaxed or demanding. Such behavior can be perceived as an attempt to compare a husband with a lover - who can give more in sex?
  • In a fit of passion, the name of another man flew out of the lips of his beloved wife. Here you can not comment.

One of the signs of female infidelity is unwillingness to have sex with her husband.

Physiological signs of female infidelity

The female body can also tell about infidelity. Evidence of infidelity can be:

  • Foreign odors. Whether it is the smell of men's perfume, sweat, or, conversely, the smell of the body after a shower. Many men will be able to accurately determine by smell whether their spouse had sex "on the side." By the way, if after sex with her lover she managed to swim, then she probably updated her makeup and hair.
  • Irritation on the skin of the face. After a passionate meeting on the cheeks and chin of a woman, irritation and redness from male stubble may remain.
  • Bruises of unknown origin. On the chest, legs, arms, thighs. Yes, and you never know where else. It is desirable that the wife explain their origin.

Bruises of unknown origin on the body of a woman - one of the signs of infidelity

How to recognize the betrayal of his wife in shorts?

Those who are looking for a way to recognize the betrayal of a wife by her underpants will be surprised a lot. Such a sign is not any marks left on the underwear during sex, but the underwear itself.

If buying a new set at least once a week has recently become a pattern, most likely a woman quite often has sexual contact with the one she wants to impress. If this lucky man is not a husband, then any other signs of infidelity become secondary.

Wife can get sexy underwear before a new betrayal

Those men who are looking for a way to bring their wife "to clean water" actually need to start from a completely different side, namely, from themselves. While the missus is once again "delayed at work", it is worth considering why everything happened this way.

Maybe the accomplished female betrayal was preceded by her requests to be heard, loved and desired? After all, it is often the husbands who push women into the arms of other people's men.

In many cases, female infidelity occurs already at the moment when the husband turns away in difficult times, instead of turning his shoulder. A woman needs male attention, and if she does not receive it in the family, she will definitely get it on the side.

Perhaps now is the time to “gather the stones”? And if this is true, it would be right not to look for signs of a wife's infidelity, but to have a frank conversation with his wife, who, perhaps, can still save the family.

Video: Does a girl cheat? Signs and how to check

Men cheat on their wives for various reasons: the desire to feel "young", diversity, adrenaline. If this is not a fleeting connection, but a long relationship with a mistress, it is difficult to hide them. The traitor does not always leave the family for the sake of another woman, and then the wife has to think what to do if the husband loves another, but does not leave.

Is it worth keeping a family?

Fear and fear - we often use these words interchangeably, not paying attention to the fact that although their meanings are close, they are not the same. We are afraid of a big, crying dog at us or a terrible, big hairy spider. Domestic violence is a legal, moral, psychological and social problem. Domestic violence interventions include: Domestic Violence Prevention and Amendment Act.

Husband loves another: what to do?

A crisis can affect any marriage, whether five, ten or twenty years of life has passed. A marriage crisis begins when a woman and a man lose contact. Waking up at night significantly reduces the quality of sleep. In the morning a person gets up as if he is not sleeping at all. Some people wake up several times or even dozens of times during the night.

As a rule, the traitor is in full confidence that he keeps the situation under control. He tries to hide his mistress from his wife, and tells the lady on the side that there are problems at home and now is not the best time for a divorce.

When an unfaithful husband does not want to go to his mistress, the woman herself can decide the fate of the family.

Try to keep a man

It is difficult to be with a spouse when he was able to love another, but sometimes feelings are higher than betrayal. In this case, efforts must be made to convince the husband to stay in the family. No need to show your cards this very evening, first prepare the ground.

Fear of darkness is one of the main fears of young children. This is a developmental anxiety that develops over time and learns to fall asleep without having to keep the lights on in the room all night. Disconnection anxiety occurs in children around the eighth month of life. Babies react with anxiety to the situation of separation from their mother, which for them is a "continuation".

Drug addiction is called leukemia. For the “closest friend”, tablets, capsules and all kinds of medicines become available. Alcoholism continues to be the biggest addiction in Poland. Poles drank as a result of prevailing customs. Alcohol is accompanied by most social events and family celebrations - baptism, wedding, communion.

Think about your relationship and try to understand the reasons behind his cheating. Just like that, a man will not go for treason, which means that he does not like something or is missing in the family. Reasons that you can influence: unkempt appearance, bad temper, problems in intimate life, poor housekeeping, etc.

In treason, as a rule, both spouses are to blame. But it is up to you to work on your mistakes.

Try to do everything to make him comfortable at home. Create an environment at home so that that woman fades into the background. After a week of good attitude, you can move on to talking about the future.

Related articles Conflicts in relationships. Men - how to use them? After all, it is not known that they are from Mars and women are from Venus. Men prefer bright and simple messages. They don't like guessing and reading between the lines. Imagine that you and your partner are in a fight. Rain a lot of bad words, finally the adventure ends. Are you hiding in yourself, running into another room and waiting for the atmosphere between you to clear?

Many people wonder how to argue constructively so as not to aggravate the conflict, but to resolve it and not hurt the feelings of the other side.

The fact that a woman is significantly different from a man is visible to the naked eye. What about characteristics that we cannot determine by appearance? Is the brain of a woman different from the brain of a man, are they the same?

Discuss the current situation. Do not use blackmail, threats, do not turn to shouting and sheer accusations. Let him know that you know about his mistress, and understand that she appeared due to problems in the family. Offer to work together on relationships and keep the family together. Discuss the situation so that at the end it is clear - either you or your mistress, but do not directly issue an ultimatum.

Return of departed love: instructions for use

Relationship conflicts can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as misunderstandings, ignorance of the needs of the other party, communication breakdown, or ambiguity about roles. Currently, people can enter into their preferences. Until recently, marriage was concluded with the consent of the family. With that kind of freedom of choice, sometimes it's done in ways that aren't carefully thought out.

Who has never experienced jealousy for a partner? Healthy jealousy, that is, one that doesn't happen in the company of adventure and reproach, can raise the temperature in a relationship. Here are some ways to deal with male envy that has come with your relationship. You get jealous when your partner is interested in other men. They look behind her on the street or catch her in clubs.


But if you do not want to live with a traitor, you must part with him. This must be done without unnecessary scandals and showdowns. But only if you are sure of his betrayal and your decision.

Take a break so you don't get emotionally stupid. Think about the situation and make a final decision, because after his departure your life will change.

After calming down, you can think about how you will tell him about the breakup. Every action must be calculated. Most likely, the husband will deny his betrayals, start blaming you, so it is better to have evidence or an iron position.

You may have noticed that some people find it difficult to say these two short words, despite the fact that they often use them in other situations during everyday conversations such as “I love cheesecake”, “I love sports”. Unpredictable and sensitive, emotional and timid. How to ensure good communication between a woman and a man in a relationship? How to respond to female quirks and foves? How to intelligently resolve conflict?

This is how the conversation begins when a woman asks for support to understand what is happening to her, why she betrays and in most cases wants to do whatever it takes to save her relationship or what is left of her. There are many reasons why women cheat on their partners.

After the conversation, say that you do not want to live with the traitor. If the apartment is yours, you can pre-collect his things and put them near the door. But it will not be so easy to drive him out of the common apartment, although you can offer him to leave to spend the night with his mistress.

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If the temptation to have an affair makes you look good, it's a good idea to go to couples counseling and try to work out the hidden issues of marriage before cheating on your partner! Virtual "innocent" adventure. On the one hand, in this age of technology, it's easy to get carried away, where the phone and messages make it easy for you to communicate. Communication sites will help you rediscover passions from the past and more, and meetings promise even one-day adventures without obligations.

On the other hand, let's not forget that it's just as easy for a partner to find their extramarital affairs. Fun can seem innocent if you haven't been caught. But if the truth comes out, you and your family will certainly suffer. They start off with trivial conversations, swap songs, and talk about their married life and how unhappy they are with their relationship. They are convinced that a person will certainly understand them, confirm them and receive recognition and respect.

Love... How many sonnets have been written about it, how many songs have been composed, how many films, books and other works of art have been created. Yes, and in real life, each of us at least once in our lives, but experienced this painfully sweet feeling. Although, according to many psychologists, if love makes a person suffer and commit rash acts, then this is not love at all, but a kind of substitute - love or passion. expressed in the fact that even if a loved one loves another, it does not cause pain. On the contrary, there is a desire to be sincerely happy for both ... and let them go in peace.

Like a dream

In general, of course, it is not easy for a person in love to distinguish love from blind love. When two people are together, they feel good when they are full of bright hopes, when in the truest sense of the word they cannot breathe on each other, hardly any of them think about the difference.

And she certainly is. Falling in love can be compared to a dream, magical and pleasant. I would like it to never end, but, alas, this does not happen.


"The love boat crashed against everyday life," Mayakovsky sighed. Yes, it happens. It is only in books that lovers maintain a reverent attitude towards each other throughout their lives, in fact, everything is somewhat different. Even the strongest feelings sometimes cool down, and some kind of insight or awakening occurs. Psychologists speak out more categorically, calling this moment a period of crisis or "grinding". Alas, it is at this time that a woman can suddenly feel and understand that she loves another.

What happened?

Such a question is asked more than once by the beautiful half of humanity, furtively glancing in the mirror.

Everything seems to be in order: there are no extra centimeters at the waist, hair and inconspicuous makeup are present, the wardrobe, including the intimate one, is regularly updated. So why are alarm bells ringing in the mind every now and then? Why now and then come terrible thoughts that the guy you love loves another? And let girlfriends offer to "score" and "not bathe" - who, if not us, should know and feel that the beloved and the only one has become completely different?


No, he still invites us on a date, still brings gifts, still invites us for a weekend somewhere out of town. It just seems that between the two lovers, who seemed to understand each other a few weeks ago at a glance, a wall has grown that is getting thicker and thicker.

The beloved loves another - the woman understands, feeling that a little more, and this invisible wall will become so thick that it will hardly be heard, even if she breaks. He becomes more and more irritable, he increasingly needs solitude, and in the end he moves away so much that she would rather spend the weekend alone than in the company of a man who behaves as if he is serving a duty.

"I'm guilty..."

“He loves another,” an unpleasant thought persistently beats in the mind, and, as often happens during a neurosis, the more we drive it away from ourselves, the more it sticks to us. In the end, we also become irritable, suspicious and whiny.

A man, for whom, as you know, women's tears are like a rag for a bull, already feeling guilty, gets annoyed in response. Here is the quarrel. Last? Hardly. A man - a rational being, even burning with painful love for another woman, can torment himself and both ladies in love with him for years. As for his unfortunate passion, having told the tormentor everything she thinks, she painfully begins to look for flaws in herself. The most annoying thing is that, while it is not known who is a happy rival, it is impossible to understand what advantages she has and what should be changed in herself.

Searching of decisions

When a loved one loves another and does not hide it, the most important thing is not to panic and not throw tantrums. Although, given that women are emotional beings, this is perhaps the most difficult thing. It should be remembered that since he is still here and has not gone anywhere, it is necessary to remain calm. It is necessary for both, because only in a calm state can an adequate solution be found. As for the unfaithful lover, without hearing screams and reproaches, without seeing tears and a swollen face that once seemed to him the most beautiful in the world, he will be able to put his thoughts and feelings in order and understand what he really wants.

The decision to definitely find out what the opponent is is not the best. Firstly, this is a waste of time, and secondly, without the skills of Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes, it is quite difficult not to make a mistake and not give yourself away during surveillance. And yes, it's a distance. If a loved one loves another girl, he turns into a real jealous in relation to his own person and carefully guards his personal space. If a mobile phone left on the edge of the table is moved a millimeter to the side, this may not cause unpleasant questions like: "Did you take it?" But the thought that in his short absence, a passion that clearly knows something, could either read incoming SMS messages or write out several numbers unfamiliar to her, flash through his head. And this means that the defense will be strengthened, the invisible wall will become wider, and on top of that, he will also dig a mental ditch.

What to do?

But other young ladies, despite the risk, still manage to recognize the "enemy" in the face. So, when it becomes known that a loved one loves another, what to do is not entirely clear.

The whole strategy that was developed up to the moment of truth is collapsing, hands are falling, and one wants one thing - either kill both of them, or break with the traitor and traitor forever. Looking at them, happy, laughing, you absolutely do not want to go to the store for a new "outfit" that he will certainly like. I don’t want to change my hairstyle, I don’t want to improve in cooking: why, when she is next to him, who is not only younger or more beautiful, but just different ...

By the way, a common mistake of many women is to assume that if a loved one loves another, she, this other, is certainly better in some way. Yes, of course, sometimes it really happens that a man runs away from his passion to one that does not saw him, does not hang on him, does not require attention. But it is not uncommon for a previously tender and faithful friend to leave for another woman simply because she is completely different from his ex-lover. Unfortunately, there is hardly anything we can do to help. And it makes sense to return to the concepts of love and falling in love. If he really loved, he would hardly be drawn to the side in search of new sensations. If she truly loved, she would not have a desire to follow her beloved and torment him with her jealousy. Although, of course, to some extent, love is selfish.

"Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"

When an unmarried couple breaks up, the breakup can be handled without too many complications. Yes, it hurts, but, in the end, it's not the end of the world, and is it worth holding on to a person who betrayed and trampled on bright feelings? And there is no guarantee that the homeowner will be happy with him. After all, as you know, the boomerang always comes back, and "who betrayed once - will betray again." Another thing, when another.

Here, especially when there are children in the family, a real tragedy can happen. However, considering that life with a disgusted (yes, let's call a spade a spade) spouse, even for the sake of children, will not be a joy either for her, or for an unfaithful spouse, or, of course, children who feel that something is wrong at home, hardly it will benefit the latter. As practice shows, children growing up in a nervous environment, witnessing family quarrels, even in a complete family can acquire complexes and phobias. Therefore, wouldn’t it be better to either let your beloved spouse go free swimming, or invite him to live separately for some time? A man, no matter how much he is in love with another, is strongly attached to the family. It's genetic, and there's no getting around it. Having walked on the side, maybe even for more than one month, he will be able to appreciate the hearth and the benevolent wife, who, provided that she can understand and forgive, is always ready to accept the prodigal husband back.

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