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Research article on psychology. Psychology list of scientific articles. Most Disarming Weapon

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How much does reading mean in your life? Do interesting articles about everything often brighten up your leisure time? Do you get any new information, getting acquainted with the material on the countless Internet pages? FUNNING READING: ARTICLES ABOUT EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD Unfortunately, there is not always time to read meaningful, noteworthy books. A lot of material scattered on the Internet resources, of course, will not fill the deficit of classical or avant-garde creativity, but it will significantly expand the horizons. Regular acquaintance with information that periodically appears in virtual print becomes a pleasant habit. In addition to the Internet, printed publications are becoming a source of information. Many people prefer to read articles in newspapers and magazines, getting news from there. It doesn't matter where we get the data from. The main thing is not to let your brain level off, saturating it with interesting and necessary information. The range of readers' interests is multifaceted. Someone enthusiastically reads informative articles, while someone can only be carried away by entertaining lines. Tastes, as they say, do not argue. But there are people whose field of knowledge is not limited to something specific. This is a category of active readers, constantly developing, inquisitive and tireless. They need to know everything. In childhood, they broke toys and tried to repair them themselves, assembled steam locomotives from the designer and painted the walls in the apartment, sewed dresses for dolls and, secretly from their parents, dismantled an old TV set. Such children listened with equal interest to educational articles and fairy tales, watched programs about space and historical films. Today they are the most grateful readership. There are also a lot of categories such as "garden and vegetable garden", "sports news", "DIY repair", "tourism, travel", etc. Well-written interesting articles about everything always find their readers. The main thing is an attractive presentation of the material, an accessible language. Of course, a worthy plot To, while reading, forget about everything in the world, wanting to quickly reach the end and learn something new. It's funny to see how the interests of the female and male audience differ. It is clear that interesting facts and articles about fashion trends, the latest news from world catwalks are unlikely to attract a strong half of humanity. They will certainly not be interested in embroidery techniques, beading, the nuances of creating home comfort. Interesting articles about health and recipes can "hook" both of them: many culinary shows on modern television are conducted by men - chefs of expensive restaurants. And this exception, which previously served as nonsense, today, rather, is the rule. Men now love to cook, willingly share recipes, participate in culinary programs and are happy to teach those around them, proud of their achievements in the field of cooking.


Women are another matter. There are tons of magazines and Internet portals offering interesting articles for women on any topic. Don't want to think too much, strive to relax and read without thinking about what you read? Then for you secular rumors, news of the show world, reliable (and not so) facts from people's lives, carefully collected by editors from all over the world. Would you like to be distracted by serious reading? At your service - interesting articles about health, telling about the prevention, symptoms and treatment of various diseases. Someone needs it to solve their own problems, someone has opened a page for general "development". Agree, we get a lot of useful information from such sources! What can your head hurt? Why does he twist his leg? Why spots appeared on the skin, etc. How to treat, what to buy, what to do - you should not rely on the accuracy of what you have read 100%, but you can take the information obtained as a basis. Glossy magazines and their online counterparts publish interesting articles for girls. Such resources never suffer from their lack of attention. Perhaps, fashion news and gossip are a priority here, but this data is always in great demand.


What do men read? In addition to sports news (who played - who won - at what minute the ball was scored / knocked out), they are interested in automotive articles and materials on similar topics. New car models, achievements and innovative developments in this area, modern tuning and much more, thanks to which the car enthusiast not only raises the general educational level, but also, possibly, prepares for something important in life, for example, to purchase a new car. attracted by news of technology and new technologies. The knowledge gained is not necessarily applicable in practice, but rather interesting, especially since modern science makes a forward march in its development every day. The technique, which was relevant six months ago, will be outdated in six months. Every day we are introduced to the news of high technologies, educating us about computers, phones, and various newfangled gadgets. Group video chats, artificial intelligence, robotics and more - you don't have to be a nerd to read insightful articles about this and more.


When buying a magazine to read at home, think about your neighbor! Let it contain interesting articles about life - it is always interesting for both. After all, after reading, you can share opinions, and this unites, like any common cause. Any material you read can be a reason for discussion. Why not set the tone for the evening conversation? Especially if the news is fireworks that can capture the imagination? Even a woman can be interested in car articles, if they are not talking about the reasons for the creak of the brake pads or the knock of the suspension, but about the latest models of your favorite car brand. And if this model is created especially for women, then the article is definitely a must-read! There will be something to tell both friends and her husband the idea to formulate, in terms of exact names and numbers, and not just "I like that little red one!" understandable discoveries, achievements. From this perspective, women will surely read the news of technology and new technologies, especially when the article talks about smart models of a vacuum cleaner, a food processor, new phones or tablets. Broadening one's horizons does not happen by itself. Our brain receives data from the outside, processes it and gives it to us in the form of thoughts, which we transform into speech. So, interesting facts and articles can be useful for a person who is often in society. Arriving at work in the morning, don't you share your impressions of the news you've heard or read? Automatically you become a respected colleague and an interesting interlocutor, your social rating increases significantly. Reading interesting articles about life, analyzing someone else's experience, inevitably we try ourselves in the place of another person, thinking how we would act in his place. Thus, we prevent potential mistakes that could be made in a similar situation. CONTINUOUS READING. MOTIVES AND ASPIRATIONS We try to read articles about what can give us emotions. It doesn't matter what - the main thing is to get what will make us think, talk about it, analyze, reason. We can confidently talk about the basic functions of reading: With a sensible presentation of the material, any of the articles will perform them together. In other words, each of them MUST meet these requirements: interesting facts and articles should awaken the desire to talk about them, they should be “digestible”, pleasing to the eye, and they should contain as much useful information as possible for the chosen topic. There is one more feature of reading that testifies in its favor. The habit of reading articles teaches empathy, which is so lacking in the modern world. This is, of course, not about scientific topics. When we read interesting articles for women, we are experiencing with the people on whose behalf the story is being told. Even a little experience gained as a result of processing such material sometimes changes the attitude towards life. Naturally, interesting scientific articles do not cause such feelings, but they are also able to surprise, convince, cause delight. Reading the articles, we form our worldview. Sharing impressions, we interest others. Discussing what you read, we generate interest and respect for ourselves. This is not just a pastime. This is the pleasure thanks to which we develop.

Anxiety of people of different ages and their peculiarities of coping behavior

Alekseeva V.V.

Institute of Psychology of NEFU named after M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk;

Scientific adviser: Prokopyeva N.Yu.

Throughout life, almost everyone is faced with situations that are subjectively experienced as difficult and disrupting the usual course of life. And the ways to overcome or avoid them helps to cope with the difficulties that have arisen in life. Currently, the problem of anxiety and how to cope with it is becoming increasingly important. Anxiety is described as a certain state of an individual at a limited time; is a stable property of any person.

The ability to cope with stress determines modern living conditions and the preservation of mental health. Because the study of anxiety and the factors of coping with stress is of great importance, both for the level of a person's functioning and for maintaining his mental well-being.

The purpose This study is: Study of coping strategies in people of different ages with high anxiety.

An object: Students and adults of different ages

Hypothesis: People with high personal and situational anxiety will have a coping strategy "escape-avoidance".

Item: Coping strategies for people of different ages with high levels of anxiety.


For the study, 50 people were selected at the age from 18 to 35 years. The sample was divided into: students aged 18 to 23 and adults aged 24 to 35.


The following techniques were used (see appendix):

1) Methodology "Determination of the level of anxiety" Ch.D. Spielberg, as adapted by Yu.L. Khanina:

Methodology for subjective assessment of situational and personal anxiety Ch.D. Spielberg, as adapted by Yu.L. Khanina determines the level of anxiety based on the scale of self-esteem (high, medium, low).

Situational anxiety (ST) arises as a reaction to stressors, most often of a socio-psychological nature (expectation of an aggressive reaction, threat to self-esteem, etc.).

Personal anxiety (LT) gives an idea of ​​a person's susceptibility to the effects of certain stressors due to their individual abilities.

2) Questionnaire "Methods of coping behavior" Lazarus:

The technique is designed to determine coping mechanisms, ways to overcome difficulties in various areas of mental activity, coping strategies.

According to the results of the methodology "Methodology for subjective assessment of situational and personal anxiety Ch.D. Spielberg, as adapted by Yu.L. Hanina ”, we can see that students are slightly more stressed than adults. This may tell us that adults are better able to cope with stress, anxiety, unpleasant experiences, anxiety than students. This may be due to the fact that an independent life, independent responsibility for decisions made, solving any household and work issues helps adults cope better with anxiety than students, who can still rely on parents and teachers.

When studying the level of situational anxiety in students and adults, the following results were obtained:

That 8% of students have a high level of situational anxiety. A high level of situational anxiety indicates a temporary feeling of anxiety, dissatisfaction with their ability to meet the requirements of the situation, specific circumstances. Students with a high level of anxiety cannot cope with social and psychological stressors (expectation of a negative assessment, fear of losing something very significant, assessment from adults or peers).

64% of students and adults have an average level of situational anxiety. 28% of students and 36% of adults have a low level of situational anxiety.

When studying the level of personal anxiety in students and adults, the following results were obtained:

That 76% of students and 60% of adults have a high level of personal anxiety. People with high levels of personal anxiety tend to perceive most situations as threatening him, his prestige, or self-esteem.

24% of students and 40% of adults have an average level of personal anxiety. A low level of personal anxiety in students and adults is not observed.

Thus, according to the results of the study of the level of anxiety in students and adults, we found that there is a risk group according to the scales: "situational anxiety" 8% of students and "personal anxiety" 76% of students and 60% of adults. Now we are faced with the task of identifying ways to overcome difficulties, types of coping strategies in people with a high level of anxiety.

To test our hypothesis, we identified students and adults with high situational and personal anxiety.

Using the Spielberg-Khanin method, we found that 8% of students had high situational anxiety. In adults, a high level of situational anxiety is not observed.

Among students with a high level of situational anxiety, the following results were obtained on the methods of coping strategies:

Escape-avoidance - the average value is 16.5, which corresponds to a high level - the personality's overcoming of negative experiences in connection with difficulties due to the response by the type of avoidance: denial of the problem, fantasizing, unjustified expectations, distraction, etc. With a clear preference for the avoidance strategy, infantile forms of behavior in stressful situations can be observed.

Confrontation - average value 12, which corresponds to the average level.

Distance - average value 13.5, which corresponds to the average level

Self-control - average value 14, which corresponds to the average level

Seeking social support - average 11, which is in line with the average

Acceptance of responsibility - average of 9.5, which corresponds to the average

Problem resolution planning - average 10, which corresponds to the average

Positive overestimation - average value 12.5, which corresponds to the average level

Thus, students with a high level of situational anxiety have a high level on the "flight-avoidance" scale and moderate indicators on the other scales, which suggests that in situations of expectation of a negative assessment or fear of losing something very significant, they resort to avoiding the problem. - denial of the problem, fantasizing, distraction to other, in their opinion, questions.

Using the Spielberg-Khanin method, we found that 76% of students and 60% of adults have high personal anxiety.

Students with a high level of personal anxiety had the following results on the methods of coping strategies:

Escape-avoidance - the average value is 13.2, which corresponds to a high level - the personality's overcoming of negative experiences in connection with difficulties due to the response by the type of avoidance: denial of the problem, fantasizing, unjustified expectations, distraction, etc. With a clear preference for the avoidance strategy, infantile forms of behavior in stressful situations can be observed.

Confrontation - average value 8.1, which corresponds to the average level

Distance - average value 9.1, which corresponds to the average level

Self-control - average value of 9.9, which corresponds to the average level

Seeking social support - an average of 9.7, which is in line with the average

Taking responsibility - average 6.6, which is in line with the average

Problem Resolution Planning - Average 8.1, which is in line with the average

Positive revaluation - average value 9.8, which corresponds to the average

Thus, students with a high level of personal anxiety have a high level on the "flight-avoidance" scale and moderate indicators on the other scales, which suggests that in case of failures, conflict situations, they resort to problem avoidance - denial of the problem, fantasizing, distraction by other, in their opinion, questions.

In adults with a high level of personal anxiety, the following results were obtained using coping strategies:

Escape-avoidance - an average value of 12.1, which corresponds to a high level - the personality's overcoming of negative experiences in connection with difficulties is not always due to a response of the type of avoidance: denial of the problem, fantasizing, unjustified expectations, distraction, etc.

Thus, in adults with a high level of personal anxiety, moderate indicators are observed on all scales, which indicates that adults successfully cope with failures, unpleasant experiences, life difficulties, and conflict situations.

It can be noted that students with high personal anxiety resort to coping strategies more than adults, that the most dominant coping strategy in both students and adults is the coping strategy "escape-avoidance".

A low level of situational anxiety also has a significant part in a person's life, as well as a high one. Since students and adults with a low level of situational anxiety do not sufficiently actualize the needs of the body, there is no interest in what is happening in the world and in oneself.

It can be noted that students and adults with low situational anxiety have moderate indicators on all scales, which indicates that they successfully cope with failures, unpleasant experiences, life difficulties, and conflict situations.

Using the questionnaire “Methods of coping behavior” by Lazarus, we found that students with high situational and personal anxiety showed dominance of the coping strategy “escape-avoidance”. Adults with high personal anxiety cope well with anxiety.

Thus, the hypothesis put forward by us earlier "people with high personal and situational anxiety will have a coping strategy" escape-avoidance "" was proved, since we proved that students with high situational and personal anxiety exhibit coping strategies. Escape-avoidance.


1. Aleksandrovsky Yu. A. Socio-stress disorders // Review of psychiatry and medical psychology. V. M. Bekhterev. - L. - 1992 .-- 453 p.

2. Bassin FV, Burlakova MK, Volkov VN The problem of psychological protection // Psychol. magazine. 1998. No. 3. - 96 p.

3. Bodrov V.A. The problem of coping with stress. - SPb .: Peter, 2008 .-- 554 p.

4. Bodrov VA On the psychological mechanisms of regulation of the process of overcoming stress // Psychology of the subject of professional activity / Ed. V. A. Barabanshchikov and A. V. Karpov. M.-Yaroslavl: Avers-Press. 2002. Issue. 2.- 183 p.

5. Nabibulina R.R., Tukhtarova I.V. "Mechanisms of psychological defense and coping with stress (definition, structure, functions, types, psychotherapeutic correction)". Study guide - Kazan, 2003 - 360 p.

6. Parishioners AM Causes, prevention and overcoming anxiety. // "Psychological Science and Education" - 1998, No. 2. - 115 p.

7. Parishioners A.M. Anxiety in children and adolescents: psychological nature and age dynamics.-M., 2000.- 187 p.

Hello dear blog readers! There is countless variety of information on the Internet, and it is not so easy to understand what is worth spending time on and what not.

Therefore, today I want to bring to your attention interesting articles on psychology. Perhaps among them there will be exactly the one that will be useful specifically for you.

Each of us sometimes needs inspiration, something that will give energy and strength to go further towards our goals. Because stress and constantly arising difficulties over time can deprive you of the desire to give all the best, as before. Especially if long and hard work did not lead to the expected results.

Or it happens that a person simply does not understand why she needs to "go out of her way." She could not find what would stimulate her to act, get out of her comfort zone and take risks, try new things.

A person who is motivated for success achieves it without fail. If only because he does not give up trying and believes in himself. He is true to his dream and knows why he sometimes has to make superhuman efforts to "stay afloat."

In the same article, 10 methods are indicated at once, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself and go to conquer the world. Well, or just make your dreams come true.

Relationships are the most difficult, but at the same time valuable, area of ​​human life. People are so different that it is quite difficult to find a common language even with a great desire. And even more so to understand how they really feel in relation to each other.

That is why it is so important to know not only the basic types of non-verbal signals, but also to understand what is the difference in the manifestation of sympathy in women and men.

Then you can easily recognize it even from the interlocutor who is not yet aware of what emotions he is experiencing. And, keeping in mind the gender difference, take actions that will surely help you achieve more constructive and productive communication with him.

Depression is a disease that is accompanied by very difficult experiences, sometimes so unbearable that you want to stop them at any cost. And, unfortunately, no one is immune from it, since a modern person has to cope with a lot of difficulties, withstand stress when there are no resources at all.

In the same article, you will find methods that you can rely on in difficult times. They are aimed not only at combating depression, but also at preventing it. Which, you see, is also very important. Still, it is easier to anticipate the onset of a protracted illness than to cope with it later.

Quarrels and conflicts happen to all people, even very peaceful ones. But not everyone knows how to solve them without destroying relationships, career or social status.

The conflict then arises due to the fact that two different opinions, desires collide ... Even two people who are passionately in love with each other.

And how to find a way out of this situation, while satisfying your needs and not losing forever the location of your opponent, the people around you? How to resolve issues peacefully in order to continue to interact, and not make plans for revenge?

Quite difficult, but quite possible. In general, follow the link and you yourself will find out everything.

And this information is for women who want to improve their personal life. When you fail to attract the attention of a man you like or go with your partner, so to speak, to a new level of relationship.

Sometimes we perform some actions that seem quite normal to us, but which repel other people. Accordingly, it turns out that we ourselves stand in the way of our happiness and do not allow it to happen. It's time to remove the barriers and find the long-awaited love, and just get the attention of the opposite sex!

Did you know that being awake at night, a person provokes the onset of depression, which was mentioned a little above? Or, that begins to age more actively than those who do rest at the right time.

His blood pressure rises, and fatty deposits begin to be deposited. Regardless of whether he plays sports or adheres to diets. Men are at risk of getting impotence. And in women, arousal decreases, that is, the desire for sexual intimacy occurs less and less often.

And this is not all the scientific facts about the harm of sleepless nights. For more details, follow the link.

When it comes to instinct, what's the first thing that comes to mind? If only the instinct of self-preservation and continuation of a kind - then you simply must familiarize yourself with this article.

And not just for general development, but also to understand the nature of some of their desires and motives. Perhaps this will help you understand where you are "over the top." And what points should you pay attention to so that life becomes better and happier.

And isn't it interesting to learn about the existing differences, as well as the similarities between us and animals?

And here we will talk about the psychology of influencing the opinions of people around them with the help of manipulation techniques. Each person manipulates, mostly unconsciously, which is why it is not always possible to achieve his goal.

No one will be superfluous with information on how to emerge victorious from any situation. The methods are effective for both personal relationships and workers.

That is, you can apply them to business partners, colleagues, subordinates and even bosses. Among other things, protect yourself and your loved ones. Since you will timely recognize attempts to influence your subconscious mind.

Do you know what are the mechanisms of psychological protection of a person? The name seems to indicate that they protect us, or rather, our psyche.

If not for them, then, most likely, not a single mentally healthy person would exist in the world. Since tension, anxiety, pain, fear and other not particularly pleasant feelings would simply take over our mind with their intensity and duration of the experience.

But these mechanisms sometimes become not salvation, but on the contrary, the cause of most of our problems and limitations, distorting reality. Then the person feels as if he has fallen into a trap and does not understand what to do.

So that you do not have such situations, be sure to study the material that is indicated in this article. You will be aware of what is happening to you and choose the most productive way to solve any issue.

Such a complex word, the meaning of which, I think, is familiar to each of you. Procrastination is putting off important tasks until the very last moment. That is, in fact, this is when a person creates a force majeure situation for himself, a deadline.

He thinks that he has a lot of time in stock and that he will have time to complete the work on time. Either he does not like her so much that he cannot force himself to take her, hoping for a miracle.

Do you want, like Sherlock Holmes, looking at a letter, instantly give out a short, or maybe even a full description of the author? If yes, but you think that it is almost impossible, I hasten to please you.

Almost every person can learn to determine character by handwriting. One has only to study such parameters of handwriting as inclination, pressure, outlines of letters, their size and location on the sheet. And, of course, practice.

Then no one can hide the truth from you, you will read everyone at a glance, which will save you from most of the disappointments.

In films, very often there are moments where a psychologist or psychiatrist, showing strange spots to his patients, draws conclusions about their mental health and emotional state.

And if you always did not understand how you can characterize a person by some kind of smeared ink, then the time has come to "see the truth."

You will discover the secrets of all 10 existing cards. Plus to everything - you can also check yourself.

British scientists in the course of an experiment on students were able to prove that a strong word helps to withstand pain. It lowers the pain threshold, and indeed the level of tension.

Accordingly, if you need to cope with some kind of stressful situation, you will have a better chance if you allow yourself to swear.

But there are also a number of disadvantages that are harmful to our health. Even DNA can change under its influence. In general, follow the link to determine whether it is worthwhile to indulge in swearing, or it is dangerous and no advantages will save the situation.

A person with a blissful face and a detached look in front of, say, some kind of painting is not an esthete who knows a lot about art, but a person who has a Florentine syndrome.

Such a beautiful name for a mental disorder that arises under the influence of music, painting, films and so on. Moreover, it is dangerous and sometimes requires medication.

In the article, you will learn more about the signs, causes and methods of treatment for this disease, which can occur in almost all of us.

Very interesting material about the psychology of violence, aggressiveness and cruelty. Phillip Zimbardo conducted an experiment that proves that every person is capable of hurting any other creature, even one with whom he was previously in friendly relations.

And even if you are not distinguished by cruelty, under certain conditions you will manifest it, guided by the idea that you just follow the order, do your job.

The Stanford Experiment is still considered the most inhuman experiment in existence. And for this reason, they do not dare to repeat it anymore.

The crisis can be multifaceted: creative, emotional, family. A separate and, perhaps, the most incomprehensible niche is occupied by the midlife crisis. Most often, he overtakes those who are over thirty-five. Why does he choose this particular time? This is not an accident, since usually during this period of life, a person evaluates what he has lived through. What has been achieved in terms of finances, what are family relationships, is the work prestigious, what is the status of employed in society.

The fact that thought is material has been proven for a long time. Nowadays, you can find a lot of information, but for some reason people continue, neglect their thoughts. Due to the frivolity of this issue, unpleasant things happen in their lives. When trouble occurs, they begin to blame the environment, and anyone else, without thinking that these are their own thoughts and led them to such consequences.

It is unlikely that you will find such a person on earth who, at least once in his life, would not hesitate before making a responsible decision, tormenting himself with the question: "What if it does not work out?"

Everyone in life has unpleasant situations that are constantly remembered, because of this life turns into a nightmare. Psychologists have proven that the more a person is immersed in negative situations, the more he is prone to depression and mental disorders.

You can lead a conversation to a dead end, silence the interlocutors or start painfully searching for a new topic with just one or two phrases. And what is unpleasant, it is these phrases that we often use unconsciously or because nothing better came to mind.

5 laws that will help you learn to be a positive person

What's stopping you from being a positive person? Life, others, problems? No, the reason is only in yourself. If you want, but do not know how to decorate your existence with bright colors and turn it into an interesting, positive and endorphin-bringing series of events, so that there are more pleasant moments, so that you have more luck? Then learn about the five laws of interconnection with the world that surrounds you, they will help you understand what and when you need to change in yourself in order to make your life happier.

In the process of growing up and trying to become oneself as an integral personality, people not only acquire, but also lose many qualities that are necessary to maintain harmony within. For example, the ability to enjoy even insignificant things, to be open to experiments and something new, the ability to enjoy every moment of life and control your feelings of guilt. For such seemingly simple things in adulthood, sometimes you have to do a lot of work on yourself. This article will show you how to connect with your inner child, who lives in every adult and significantly affects the quality of life.

A person who is rejected by society is called an outcast. In this case, his attempts to improve relationships with people around him only exacerbate the situation. This problem is more relevant than ever in our modern life. Anyone can be rejected - an adult or a child. In order not to become a victim of conflict with society, first of all, you need to know what this phenomenon is and what caused it.

Breaking up is stressful for anyone. Many people feel fear, there is a feeling that life has stopped, they begin to blame only themselves for the situation. This condition negatively affects health, so it is important to get rid of obsessive thoughts as soon as possible, to find peace of mind.

There are often times in life when a person has to do something. For example, at work, he must submit a report soon, or he must go on a business trip to the hated city at the request of the boss. At the same time, a person wants something completely different. But the word "must" remains, and it evokes melancholy, there is a mental resistance to these responsibilities.

Suppose you are offended by a person. From evil he did it or not - it doesn't matter, but he touched you to the quick. Time has passed, this event has dulled a little in your consciousness, and the person has long disappeared from your life. Maybe, deep down, you even forgave him, but the insult remained - a heartbreaking, oppressive and just disgusting feeling. Can you get rid of it?

Many people have become hostages to their role. As a rule, she gets it even in childhood: clever, joker, quiet ... As we grow up, we get used to a certain model of behavior, which is already dictated by the surrounding society - family, colleagues, acquaintances.

Getting married is the cherished dream of any girl and woman. If she claims the opposite, then she will certainly be disingenuous or disappointed with her previous marriage. For the marriage to be successful, you need to make every effort, and both partners. If time passes, and your loved one is in no hurry with the proposal, you need to understand the true reasons.

If you are constantly in despondency, count your failures on your fingers, think that you are not worthy of a new car, then those around you will think that you are an example of that very loser. There can be no question of promotion, and arranging your personal life will be a huge problem. As a rule, only losers are attracted to losers.

1. Gruzdeva Maria Sergeevna. Rehabilitation work with recipients of social services of a neuropsychiatric boarding school There is a review.
Co-authors: Academic Supervisor: Marchenko Lyubov Andreevna, Candidate of Pedagogy, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education, Vologda State University
The text of the research examines rehabilitation work with young people with mental illness in a psychoneurological boarding school, as well as the personal and socio-psychological characteristics of this category of persons. Their involvement in activities carried out in the institution of social services of a neuropsychiatric profile is considered. It is proposed to conduct an event of a social and rehabilitation nature, namely, a station game conducted by student volunteers, for the subsequent identification of the resource potential of young disabled people for a successful rehabilitation process and their further integration into society, as well as for social practices. Involvement in the event and its impact on people with mental disorders through observation during and after the game are analyzed.

2. Bogatyreva Luiza Akhmetovna. Influence of the level of development of concentration of attention on the voluntary memory of older preschoolers There is a review.
Co-authors: Nogerova Maryam Tatayevna, Candidate of Sciences, Kabardino-Balkarian State University IM. HM. Berbekova
The urgency of studying the influence of the level of development of attention concentration on the voluntary memory of older preschoolers has been substantiated. Psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue has been analyzed. The level of concentration of attention and its influence on the voluntary memory of older preschoolers has been established.

3. Sinenko Yuri Alekseevich. Modification of hypnotest for suggestibility V. Yevtushenko "Falling hand" There is a review.
Before starting the hypnotherapeutic process, the hypnotherapist needs to form a general qualitative idea of ​​the patient's readiness for cooperation, his ability to concentrate in internal sensations and their observation. The article discusses a modification of the well-known test for determining suggestibility, proposed and used by Dr. V. G. Evtushenko, "The Falling Hand".

4. Shefer Anastasia Pavlovna. Self-attitude in adolescence There is a review. Article published in # 69 (May) 2019
Co-authors: Academic Supervisor: Shelkunova T.V., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology of Personality Development, Master of Pedagogy
The article examines theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of "self-attitude", defines the criteria for self-attitude in adolescence. The authors of the article experimentally revealed the level of self-attitude of young men studying at the primary courses of the university.

5. Smerdova Elizaveta Anatolyevna. Formation of social competence in junior schoolchildren There is a review.
Co-authors: Academic Supervisor: Filatova Alexandra Fedorovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology
This article analyzes the problem of the formation of social competence in children of primary school age. In the process of studying theoretical material on this issue, we clarified the concept, social competence, identified psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence in younger schoolchildren, where a program was subsequently drawn up to implement the conditions.

6. Voistinova Maria Alexandrovna. Study of the psychological readiness of job seekers in the customs authorities There is a review. The article was published in # 63 (November) 2018
Co-authors: Vasilyeva M.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Pskov State University
The article provides a general description of the activities of specialists and employees of customs authorities from the standpoint of factors affecting productivity and labor intensity. The thesis put forward the position on the importance of psychological readiness of the staff for difficult (intensive) working conditions in the context of the transition to "digital" customs. Within the framework of the study, the results of assessing the psychological readiness of potential customs officers (graduate students of the specialty "Customs") were proposed, problems in this direction were identified and recommendations were developed for graduates wishing to enter the service of the customs authorities.

7. Baranova Elena Alexandrovna. AMBIVALENCE OF THE REFLEXION PHENOMENON There is a review. The article was published in # 62 (October) 2018
Co-authors: Belanovskaya Olga Viktorovna, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Reflexivity is viewed as a mental property and as a mental process. The article analyzes the relationship between the types of reflection and irrational attitudes, which make it possible to evaluate reflexive processes in different ways in groups with different levels of severity of attitudes towards socially desirable behavior.

Co-authors: Pesterev Arseny Olegovich, 2nd year student of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Professional Pedagogical University"
The article examines the problems of students' depression and anxiety in the context of their professional training.

Co-authors: Chernukha Natalya Sergeevna, 2nd year student of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University", direction of training "Psychological and Pedagogical Education."
The scientific article examines the psychological and pedagogical features of self-organization of educational activity in adolescent shoes. The study examines the problems of the formation of self-organization competencies among senior pupils studying in different training profiles; the peculiarities of the style of educational activity are revealed.

10. Maysumova Elmira Gusenbekovna. PECULIARITIES OF THE EMOTIONAL SPHERE OF WOMEN WITH THE THREAT OF ABORTION OF PREGNANCY There is a review. Article published in # 58 (June) 2018
Co-authors: Delaryu Vladimir Vladimirovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health. Filimonova Maria Aleksandrovna, student of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, Volgograd State Medical University
Examination of 60 women with physiological gestation and the threat of termination of pregnancy using the Spielberger-Khanin Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale method showed the presence of personal anxiety in women with normal pregnancy, which is advisable to take into account when organizing psychological support for this category of persons.

11. Filimonova Maria Alexandrovna. Study of the peculiarities of coping behavior in persons with alcohol dependence There is a review. Article published in # 58 (June) 2018
Co-authors: Delaryu Vladimir Vladimirovich Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health. Maysumova Elmira Gusenbekovna, student of the Department of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, VolSMU
Examination of 42 patients with alcohol dependence using the method of R. Lazarus “Coping strategy” showed the predominance of non-adaptive strategies (“escape”, “distancing”, “self-control”), which is advisable to take into account when organizing psychological support for this category of persons.

12. Drums Rodion Evgenievich. The use of transpersonal representations in the study of social adaptation of students There is a review. The article was published in # 57 (May) 2018
Co-authors: Arabi L.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Institute of Integrative Medicine of the International Academy of Social Technologies
The article presents the results of studying the social adaptation of first-year students based on the use of transpersonal representations.

13. Dorokhov Vladimir Vladimirovich. The concept of "I-concept" in the works of S.L. Rubinstein, I.S. Cohn, W. Frankl There is a review. Published in # 56 (April) 2018
Co-authors: Cherepanova Irina Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
In modern psychology "I-concept" is considered as one of the components of the personality, as the relationship of the individual to himself. The concept "I-concept" expresses the unity and integrity of the personality with its subjective inner side, that is, what the individual knows about himself, how he sees, feels and represents himself. The article examines the views of S. L. Rubinstein, I. S. Kohn and V. Frankl.

Co-authors: Sambikina Oksana Semyonovna Head Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology; candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor;
The article describes the experience of using art methods to develop forms of interaction of a child with autism spectrum disorder with the world. The diagnostic techniques for drawing up the individual characteristics of the child are described. The main stages of an individual program for a child with autism spectrum disorder are highlighted. This article is addressed to students and teachers, psychologists.

15. Dorokhov Vladimir Vladimirovich. I AM THE CONCEPT IN THE WORKS OF FOREIGN RESEARCHERS There is a review. The article was published in # 54 (February) 2018
Co-authors: Cherepanova Irina Vyacheslavovna, associate professor, candidate of psychological sciences
The topic of self-awareness and self-perception of a person is one of the central problems of psychology, philosophy and sociology. Self-concept is a dynamic system of ideas about oneself, determines the perception of the impact of external factors, and also determines the standards, rules and scenarios of behavior. This article examines the self-concept from the standpoint of foreign researchers.

16. Zyatkova Ekaterina Leonidovna. Psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in primary school children There is a review.
Co-authors: Irina Romanenko, Senior Lecturer, Omsk State Pedagogical University
This article reveals the essence of the concept of aggressive behavior and identifies the characteristics of aggressive behavior in primary school children. Teaching younger students the skills of self-regulation, relaxation and adequate behavior in conflict situations will help reduce the manifestation of aggressive reactions.

17. Gryzunova Margarita Viktorovna. Internet addiction problem There is a review.
Co-authors: Voloshina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technology, Fine Arts and Design
The article examines the phenomenon of Internet addiction. This article may be of interest to people who have encountered this problem or have observed symptoms of this problem from friends. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of Internet addiction and ways to solve it.

18. Zhuina Alena Igorevna. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PECULIARITIES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION OF ADOLESCENTS-ACTIVE INTERNET USERS There is a review. The article was published in # 52 (December) 2017
Co-authors: Zhuina Diana Valerievna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special and Applied Psychology of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevieva
The article presents an analysis of foreign and domestic approaches to the problem of studying interpersonal communication in adolescents - active users of the Internet. The features of the impact of long-term communication in cyberspace on the personality of the younger generation are revealed. The article presents the results of an empirical study of interpersonal communication, the level of communicative competence, types of reactions to communicative situations in adolescents who are active Internet users. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of adolescents' communication showed that adolescents who prefer virtual communication to real ones are characterized by a low level of sociability, insufficiently formed communication skills, demonstrate dependent and aggressive-competence-based reactions in situations of criticism (fair and unfair), conflict, the need to make a request, provide and accept empathy and support, make contact with the other person.

19. Livshits Tatiana Alexandrovna. Formation of a training program for organizational consulting while accompanying the process of mastering and implementation of a structured program of medical admission (service standard) There is a review.
Co-authors: Mosina Natalia Anatolyevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva
The article discusses the conditions for the formation of a program of psychological support in the development and implementation of the service standard in the activities of doctors.

20. Ivashkina Ksenia Anatolyevna. Group lessons with children and group counseling of parents as a means of increasing the level of emotional well-being of first graders There is a review.
Co-authors: Alikin Igor Anatolyevich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University named after Viktor Petrovich Astafiev
The article presents the concept of emotional well-being of a first-grader. The criteria for assessing the emotional well-being of a first-grader are highlighted. The influence of parenting on the emotional well-being of a first grader was also determined. A work program is presented to increase the level of emotional well-being of first-graders, as well as to correct parental attitudes towards them. The results of work on this program are presented.

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