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The relationship of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman. How good is compatibility between Virgo women and Aquarius men? Marriage compatibility: all the shelves

  • Auspicious days for Scorpios in October 2017: October 4, 10, 14, 19, 27, 30.
  • Difficult days for Scorpios in October 2017: October 1, 7, 22.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio woman

Love horoscope

October 1 - October 10. You can bond with the man you are interested in. However, difficulties will arise on the path of your love - because of Saturn in Sagittarius, you and your gentleman will have an obvious lack of funds.

October 11 - October 20. You finally realized that the prestige and wealth of your man are not so important to you. Now it is much more necessary for you to know that he understands you perfectly and is ready to be with you always. The conjunction of the planets means that you and your beloved in this decade will have a lot of time and opportunities for emotional conversations. He is a reliable person who can be trusted with any secret.

October 21 - October 31. This week you will not have time for romance. Your partner will start to command you and be jealous of everyone around you. Mars suggests that during this period you will not miss the opportunity to make a strong impression on men. Therefore, your loved one may have significant cause for concern.

Romantic date. Friends will help you find the perfect place for intimate meetings - either they will give you the keys to a cozy apartment, or offer some creative idea for a romantic date - they will advise you on a place where everything will go in the best way. So don't give up on their mediation.

Family horoscope

Relationships with family members will be complicated by financial issues. They will disagree with how you spend your money. At the beginning of the Libra period, when Venus is in the sign of Leo, the spouse will begin to command you so that it will be difficult for you to do anything without his knowledge. He will also be in charge of the family budget - almost alone. But later, when Venus, you can convince him that you are right.

The Secret to Happiness: Reduce your financial concerns. It is not worth counting who and how much earns in the family and who is entitled to an unlimited loan from a home “bedside table”.

Rest horoscope

If your friends invite you, you will be ready to go anywhere. And even better - in the company of a loved one. Then you will feel completely happy. Rest in such a cheerful company will be just great, even if you stay in some godforsaken hotel

Place of power. Mars will awaken your curiosity about informal organizations and interest groups. You will like to visit various clubs, attend trainings.

Horoscope of work and money

At the beginning of the period, you can earn very good money, since it is your contribution that the management will appreciate very highly. You should seize the moment and establish a relationship of trust with your boss. Then in the future you will be able to enter the selected circle of especially close persons.

Purchase of the month. It is good to spend money on your hobby, hobby. You can buy what you need at a bargain price. It is also a good time to buy gifts for friends. They will appreciate your attention and will not be in debt.

Health horoscope

There may be health problems associated mainly with nutrition, digestion. Watch your diet, do not break your diet if you need to follow it. You should not eat fast food, go to cheap restaurants - there is a chance of getting poisoning or an intestinal infection.

Horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpio men

Love. Your loved one will show himself with the most attractive of his sides. But unfortunately, not only you, but also many of your girlfriends will pay attention to this. They will want to meet your chosen one, and here a serious test awaits you. You will have a choice - either you allow your Scorpio to flirt unhindered, or show yourself jealous. Don't let him see your weakness and vulnerability.

Tone. Your Scorpio will be in excellent physical shape. He will want to demonstrate to you what he is capable of. If in the past he played successfully in sports, then he probably still has not forgotten how to impress the fans. Familiar women will envy you.

Finance. Good financial opportunities will open up for your chosen one at the beginning of the month. Keep in mind that it is a mistake on your part to control where he plans to spend his money. Your partner will never miss this alarm call.

Hobbies. Scorpio will be very keen on informal communication. You could survive all this if there were only men among his friends. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The stars tell you to stay calm.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio child

0-6 years old. During the Libra period, the Scorpio baby will be able to vividly show their creative abilities. You should send your child to some kind of developmental creative group or circle so that he can fully express himself.

7-12 years old. Little Scorpios will be very active in the company of friends. Your child will be very carried away by the little intrigues that rage in the children's circle. You may be upset that his grades will decline, but this is temporary. He will fix everything soon, and you will be proud of him.

13-17 years old. Teenage Scorpios will try their hand at flirting. Your child can start communicating with several passions at once - just to make sure of their own irresistibility. Do not rush to condemn him, this is just a test of your strength and a search for the boundaries of what is permitted. Let him learn from innocent mistakes.

Read the horoscope for October 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In October 2017, the period of birthdays of representatives of the sign begins, which means that, perhaps, Scorpios will not be as active and cheerful as always. You may develop unreasonable depression, apathy, sadness, and for some, this month in general may become one of the most difficult of the year. But the Scorpio horoscope for October 2017 advises not to succumb to despondency and sadness, because you, like no one else, know how to cheer yourself up and gather strength in time. Do this and do the same things as usual, even better even to fully devote yourself to something, such as family or work.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio

October 2017 will not bring significant changes in their personal lives to Scorpios in a relationship. You are having a rather favorable period with your loved one. You enjoy each other and give pleasant moments. Try not to disturb this idyll with causeless jealousy and conflicts.

If you are single, it is possible this month that you will meet the person with whom you will start a serious and lasting relationship.

Scorpio financial horoscope for October 2017

October 2017 will bring with it a lot of worries and problems that need to be resolved, but this does not scare you. Try not to be nervous or panic, even if it seems to you that something insoluble has appeared. Treat everything as business as usual. According to the Scorpio horoscope for October 2017, you will cope with all the problems without much effort, because you are no stranger to all sorts of "force majeure".

Also this month, the same unexpected, but this time pleasant surprises in the form of a promotion or an increase in salary are possible.

Auspicious days for money in October 2017 for the sign of Scorpio: October 10, 27, 28, 29, 30

Health horoscope for the sign of Scorpio for October 2017

If you have been bothering with any pain for a long time, now is the time to see a doctor. Scorpios quite often neglect their health, believing that they do not care about everything, although they should not do this. At one point, this neglect can go sideways.

In October 2017, you may have kidney problems or back pain. But even if everything is in order, it will not hurt to do prevention before the onset of cold weather. Adjust your diet and daily routine by freeing up more time for sports or just movement, as well as eliminating salt, pepper, fatty foods and alcohol from the menu.

Scorpios will have a month filled with important events and changes in the professional field - according to the horoscope for October 2019. Scorpio, due to its obstinacy, will in every possible way oppose changes in life, not seeing the prospects that lie on the surface, although for the most part these changes are positive.


The positive tendencies that formed in the summer in the professional activities of Scorpios will be multiplied many times in October. The stars will give optimism, determination and self-confidence, and this is the main thing that the representatives of the zodiacal house need in order to move mountains and perform daily small feats. Therefore, do not waste time and put into practice all your ambitious plans. You can plan business trips and important meetings, but keep in mind that their result will directly depend on the quality of preparation for them. And remember that the patron of the year is a big joker, and your plans can be crossed out by some completely insignificant misunderstanding at first glance. Later, you will laugh more than once at the embarrassment that has occurred, and in October the event will only cause irritation and annoyance.


In October 2019, representatives of the zodiacal house may face failures in family life. On the way to a good and trusting relationship, there will be obstacles that are difficult to avoid: they depend on external factors. Under the influence of Venus, many Scorpios will want freedom and expand the boundaries of personal space, which absolutely cannot be accepted by their other half. Even older relatives will be involved in a series of conflicts and clarifications of relations, and believe me, their sympathies will not be on your side.

The family horoscope for October 2019 recommends that Scorpios deal with household issues, especially since in the previous period you did not overwork yourself with family responsibilities. In October, the family of the representatives of the sign will have to buy something useful for the home - a washing machine, a food processor, a TV set. This will allow Scorpio to slightly smooth out the roughness that has arisen in relations with a spouse, even though the financial situation of the family is not at its best now. The main thing is that you work together and are not afraid of the problems that arise along the way.

Scorpio Woman

If you think that you know everything about the notorious female logic, you will be deeply disappointed in your knowledge, having talked even for a short time with a Scorpio woman in October 2019. Verified and well-grounded decisions, a mathematical mindset will favorably distinguish Scorpios from other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. You will not be able to confuse her with either abstruse reasoning or obscene jokes - the horoscope for October 2019 warns. The Scorpio woman knows exactly what she wants from any conversation and nothing will stop her on the way to the desired result.
If the family of the representative of the sign has to move or a long trip, rely on her punctuality and responsibility. Everything will be ready right on schedule.

Scorpio man

Intuition will be the faithful assistant and advisor of the Scorpio man in the middle of autumn. Feel free to rely on her tips, you will not allow a single miscalculation in any area of ​​your life. Intuition will come to your aid in case a representative of the zodiacal house wants to make adjustments to his appearance. Scorpio in October 2019 will unmistakably choose a new style of clothing or hairstyle. The new image will make the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity look at you in a new way, and many women will lose their heads altogether - the horoscope for October 2019 promises. Scorpio man, do not give in to temptations and do not reap the fruits of your success - casual sexual intercourse will bring bitterness of disappointment and annoyance to yourself. Channel your energy in the right direction, engage in self-education or creativity. An old hobby will brighten up autumn evenings and charge you with positive.

Scorpio child

Parents of some little Scorpios may be alerted by an alarm bell in the behavior of their own child. At first glance, aggression or cruelty may appear completely unreasonable, but before proceeding with the debriefing, carefully ask the kid about his motives. Perhaps after the conversation you will slightly change your opinion about the groundlessness of such behavior. Do not worry, your baby is only learning to show his feelings, you will not even notice how he learns to control negative emotions.


Sudden mood swings, increased sweating, weakness, anxiety. Sound familiar? If all these phenomena are your indispensable companions, you will need the help of an endocrinologist. Of course, isolated manifestations cannot serve as an indicator of ill health or instability of the hormonal background, but if this repeats itself over and over again, there is cause for concern. Take a good look at your thyroid condition. It is this organ that is the Achilles heel of many representatives of the zodiacal house of Scorpions. The treatment prescribed by a specialist in October 2019 will quickly lead to a positive result, and you will get rid of both annoying symptoms and the disease that caused them.
In addition, October is the ideal time for the prevention of cold snap-related diseases. Scorpios suffer from cold more than other representatives of the horoscope and catch colds more often. Herbal tea, clothing for the season, avoiding drafts and crowds of people - these simple measures will help to avoid high fever, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold.

Horoscope for October 2019, Scorpio changes and many events in the professional field await.
It's time for Scorpios to pay attention to their family.
The Scorpio man enjoys incredible success with women, but this is not a reason to start romances on the side.
Horoscope for November 2019, Scorpio.

Scorpio horoscope for October 2017.

In October 2017, Scorpios will have a great desire to throw a lot of their lives into the trash. The only thing that will stop you is the confusion of your desires. You know, like in a situation when a cat pissed into his slippers, and you decide - definitely in the trash! Just don't understand the cat or the sneaker? Or both. In any case, you will have an irresistible desire to change something in life, and throw something unnecessary out of it. Maybe even necessary, but already boring.

So, as you understood, Scorpios in October 2017 will be so creative that even cockroaches in your head will hardly understand the vector of your desires. Next month, Scorpios will rush about in search of self-realization, mainly concentrating on their professional activities, or on any other activity - the main thing outside the home. Therefore, as the horoscope in the head of Scorpios shows next month, there will be a lot of ideas, work, plans and very little room for Love.

As the horoscope shows, if last month you had a lot of new, colorful and interesting things happening every day. For example, nothing. Then in October 2017 the word "nothing" will slowly disappear from your vocabulary. Including from the answer to the question "how are you?" Because you have business next month, there will be a sea, and this sea will not be knee-deep at all. The speed of life will force Scorpios to navigate very quickly in situations, questions, sentences, "inclusive cases" and problems. And, as you know, nothing guides a person on the terrain like looking for a toilet, a lost mobile phone or answering the question - what to grab at first. Therefore, try to be in touch all the time - it is quite possible that someone from the distant past will call you and make a rather interesting offer. Try to be in time everywhere and do everything quickly, quickly. You know that blinking lasts on average half a second, but the camera, bitch, always manages to record this very moment. So in life, he blinked, and perhaps did not have time.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio shows that the next month is ideal for you to put things in order in your affairs, and slowly begin to look into a better future. The horoscope advises October Scorpios to celebrate their birthday in an energy-saving mode. As in the situation when you bought an energy-saving light bulb, came home, screwed it in, but it does not burn. - Everything is correct, it saves energy. This is how the October Scorpios should celebrate their birthday in an energy-saving mode and invite only those "who are on fire" to it.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio auspicious days - 3, 4, 14, 15, 19, 21, and 27.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio unfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio career, work and business. The main task of the Scorpios in October 2017 in the professional field is to be in time everywhere and not be late. Everything must be done on time, and even be late on time, and although sometimes being late can save you from many problems, this does not apply to Scorpios in October 2017. But if you are really late for work - do not rush. Come up with a reason.

The career horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpios suggests that you use as much as possible in your work, even the oldest connections and acquaintances. In October, you can safely suggest new ideas or directions to your boss. In the next month, the Scorpios may even be assigned to lead some new project with a large budget.

Be light on criticism at work - just ignore it (although, let's face it, for Scorpios - this is almost an unrealistic task). And yet, try not to waste your time in October on envious and intriguing people. And don't take anything but money into your account.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio Finance... Success in work should bring financial well-being to Scorpios, and practically no time for personal life will also save money.

In October 2017, Scorpios will have a great desire to throw a lot of their lives into the trash. The only thing that will stop you is the confusion of your desires. You know, like in a situation when a cat pissed into his slippers, and you decide - definitely in the trash! Just don't understand the cat or the sneaker?

The name horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio Love... The reason for many of Scorpios' life mistakes is that you feel where you needed to think - and you think where you need to feel. Reread and remember. In October 2017, you will be able to fix these errors. Next month, you will be able to more calmly and correctly look at existing relationships and new acquaintances.

The horoscope advises family Scorpios to avoid petty quarrels and conflicts, as well as "hikes to the left." In October, amorous adventures on the side can bring not only jealousy into your relationship, but also the "autumn cold". It is not for nothing that they say that there are an infinite number of beautiful places on earth, but the most attractive is where they are just waiting for you! So family Scorpios just need to run home more often in October 2017.

The horoscope of promising love affairs does not promise lonely Scorpios. But attention from the opposite sex is quite. Scorpios men - this will remind a situation, a bouquet-candy period - when she and her friends have not yet decided whether she needs this relationship, and you have already spent 16 salaries on her ... Scorpio women should remember that loneliness has nothing to do Besides, whether you have a lot of friends or not, so do not forget that a day is more expensive than a year, and it happens that a person is not worth the evening spent on him. As we already said, October 2017 for Scorpios is a great time to put things in order everywhere, including in the head. It is very similar to the situation when they say - put in order in the HEAD ... Sorted out random THOUGHTS, rubbed EMOTIONS, refreshed MEMORY ... Everything is now IN FULL ORDER ... I DON'T WANT even to think, so as not to MERRY!

At the end of the horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpios, it is advised to forget about the fear that something bad is about to happen. Such thoughts will often lurk in your head in the next month. Cover them with optimism and constant employment. It's not for nothing that the musicians say that you know nothing about fear if your guitar standing at the head of your bed does not fall in the middle of the night. So Scorpios can sleep well - the guitar won't fall.

What opportunities for the implementation of fateful decisions await the Scorpions in October 2017? Whether new acquaintances and existing relationships will be successful, the exact love horoscope for October for Scorpios will tell you.

In the middle of autumn, many single Scorpios can seriously reduce their activity in conquering the opposite sex. In October, they may need time to realize their mistakes and weaknesses in the relationship. Some free people born under the constellation Scorpio, during this period, may unexpectedly realize that one of their friends of the opposite sex has long and unrequited feelings for them. How to behave in such a situation, it is up to the Scorpios themselves to decide, depending on their own feelings. In any case, they will not be able to do without an honest heart-to-heart talk in October.

Relationships with a loved one for Scorpios, who are married or in a stable relationship, in October will not be particularly emotional. Instead of a passionate and physically pleasing pastime, representatives of this sign may need comfort and a warm atmosphere in the house. The second month of autumn can open up new features in the portrait of the second half for many Scorpios and help them become even closer. The exact love horoscope for October tells Scorpios that their partner can bring many more pleasant surprises.

Love horoscope for Scorpio women for October 2017

The usual attention of the stronger sex in October can bore many single Scorpio girls. Flirting and new acquaintances will not cause them especially happy forebodings and a desire to develop relationships. At this time, it is better for Scorpio girls not to go against their desires and take a short pause in search of love, if they want it. The stars advise them in October 2017 to listen to their intuition more often, and not to the opinions of the people around them. The inner voice very rarely lets down girls born under the constellation of Scorpio, which in the middle of autumn will help them avoid many troubles.

The personal life of most married Scorpio women in October will not cause much difficulty. The efforts made earlier in the relationship with the spouse during this period of time will bear fruit. The second month of autumn for many Scorpio women can be remembered for the special attention of a loved one, a joint vacation or attending interesting events. The opportunity to relax will help married Scorpios to take care of the pleasant things that are delayed due to more important matters. The support of a spouse in October will give them strength not only for everyday worries, but also for gentle communication in private.

Love horoscope for Scorpio men for October 2017

Some chilling to romantic adventures can overtake free Scorpio men in the middle of autumn. For people born under this zodiac sign, it is important to feel reciprocity in feelings. Without her, young people belonging to the sign of Scorpio very quickly lose interest in such a relationship, after which not every girl can return their attention. The love horoscope for October recommends representatives of this zodiac sign not to plan fateful events for this period. Scorpio's plans and preferences for the future in the middle of autumn may change significantly.

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