Home Natural farming Potentially habitable planets of our galaxy. What planets have life on. Distant worlds await us

Potentially habitable planets of our galaxy. What planets have life on. Distant worlds await us

Throughout modern history, scientists have been trying to figure out if there is even any chance that life exists outside the solar system. The answer was given about 20 years ago.

In 1995, astronomers discovered something interesting. It was officially proved that there can be planets next to other stars, and there are incredibly many such systems. Such planets are called exoplanets. Considering how many stars there are in the Universe, we can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that somewhere out there, in infinite space, there is a star, next to which there is an inhabited planet with various complex life forms. After such statements, the aliens no longer seem to be something fantastic.

Life is a miracle

This is a miracle, because for the appearance of even the simplest organisms, water is needed. To begin with, it requires warmth and atmosphere, as well as a strong enough magnetic field to repel the attacks of the star, which bestows light and heat. When there is an atmosphere, the heat from the star is successfully conserved. Water becomes liquid. Organisms appear in it only when many factors come together.

Our Earth is such an example. We have everything - protection from the Sun, atmosphere, moderate temperature, so as not to fry and freeze. There are much more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth combined. Just imagine this number. The probability that there is no life is negligible, but it is also negligible that we will see another life with our own eyes, although most scientists are almost sure that it exists.

Newly discovered exoplanets

In early 2017, NASA announced that their scientists had found a dwarf "cold" star around which planets revolve very close to each other. This system was named Trappist-1. There are seven planets in total. Three of them can have life because they are in the habitable zone. This is the most favorable distance from the star, which allows the temperature to stay within the Earth's limits.

A more detailed analysis of the system suggests that the presence of water on these planets is possible. These planets were named very simply: a, b, c, d, e, f, g. They are close to the star and to each other, so the year for them lasts about 5 to 12 days. Life is possible on planets d, e, f. Most of all, f is similar to our planet - it even has almost the same size. It is not possible to find out more about this, because the system is located at a distance of almost 40 light years.

It will not be possible to reach this system during even this century, let alone land on one of the planets. The closest planet to us - Proxima Centauri - is at a distance of 4 light years. Even it will take more than 80,000 years to get to it. There are conceptual rocket engines that can shorten the period by four to five times, but this will not be enough, so it will not be possible to verify the existence of life on other planets for a very long time.

Astronomers are almost certain that this system of 7 planets is very interesting to study and search for life. Now we can only guess what is there, and enjoy the cold solitude next to the dead planets and our closest neighbor - the Moon. We have more important problems, because in 2017 we narrowly avoided a collision with an asteroid, which could have caused great destruction, despite its very modest size, equal to about 100 by 100 meters. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Kepler 62e: water world

Today Kepler 62e is one of the most "viable" planets we know of. Its Earth-similarity index is extremely high - 0.83 out of 1.00. However, this is not what the astronomers are most concerned about. Kepler 62e is possibly the first aquatic world we have discovered.

Due to its proximity to the star and the large size of the planet, it can be entirely covered by an ocean with a rocky bottom: from pole to pole, in both hemispheres. The dimensions of this endless body of water, we are not yet able to even imagine. The Pacific Ocean would be only a small region in it - and after all, its area is greater than the area of ​​the entire earth's land combined.

At the same time, the water world of Kepler 62e is submerged in twilight even during the day. The star in the constellation Lyra, around which the planet orbits, shines five times fainter than the Sun. The year here is 122 earth days. Kepler 62e is one and a half times older than Earth, so if there is life here, she had a lot of time to develop. The hypothetical water world is 1200 light years distant from our planet. In other words, today we see the light reflected by Kepler 62e, as it was in 812 according to the Earth reckoning, when Veliky Novgorod was founded on the territory of modern Russia, and the Vikings inhabited the Faroe Islands.

Gliese 581g (Zarmina): red dusk

Gliese 581g is another candidate for the title of "sister" of the Earth. Unofficially, this planet is called Zarmina - after the name of the wife of the scientist who discovered it in 2010.

Zarmina orbits the red dwarf Gliese 581 in the constellation Libra, 20 light-years from Earth. The index of similarity to our planet for it is 0.82 - that is, it is possible for intelligent life to exist in the form in which we understand it. It is assumed that Zarmine has rocks, liquid water and an atmosphere, but from the point of view of earthlings, even in this case, life here should be difficult.

Due to its proximity to the star, Zarmina, most likely, turns around its axis in the same time it takes to complete a full circle in its orbit (by the way, the same happens with the Moon). As a result, Gliese 581g is all the time turned to its luminary with one side. On one side of it, an icy night constantly reigns with temperatures down to -34 ° C. The other half is shrouded in red twilight, since the luminosity of the star Gliese 581 is only 1% of the luminosity of the Sun. Nevertheless, it can be very hot on the daytime side of the planet: up to 71 ° С, as in hot springs in Kamchatka. Due to the temperature difference in the atmosphere, Zarmina is likely to be constantly raging with hurricanes.

The year on Zarmina is 10 times shorter than the Earth one and is only 36.6 Earth days. At the same time, the planet is noticeably larger than the Earth, and the gravity on it is 1.1-1.7 times stronger than the usual one. A person weighing 70 kg on this planet will weigh from 77 to 119 kg. If there is life on Gliese 581g, its representatives should be smaller and lighter than earthly creatures.

However, one scientist has already stated that sentient beings can live on Zarmin. In 2008, when it was not yet discovered, the Australian astronomer Ragbir Bhatal saw flares in the area of ​​the planet that resembled laser light. Other specialists, however, did not notice anything of the kind.

Gliese 667Сс: two suns

Gliese 667Сс revolves around another red dwarf - Gliese 667С in the constellation Scorpio. It is separated from the Sun by a distance of 22.8 light years. The Earth-similarity index for this planet is also 0.82.

The luminary around which the planet revolves belongs to the triple system of stars, and the planet is also illuminated by its "sisters" - the orange dwarf Gliese 667A and Gliese 667B. According to scientists' calculations, Gliese 667Сс gets about 90% of the energy that the Earth receives from the Sun. At the same time, the average temperature on the planet's surface is probably only 3 degrees below the average temperature on Earth and is 9 ° C. Scientists suggest that in this case, primitive life forms may exist on Gliese 667Сс.

However, a more sad option is not excluded: perhaps, due to the proximity to the triple luminary, the planet's magnetic field suffered greatly, and the stellar wind long ago tore off the water and volatile gases from it, like a peel. In addition, there is a hypothesis that life in systems of double and triple stars cannot arise in principle due to the instability of conditions.

From the point of view of earthlings, the main problem of the planet is probably its size: the mass of Gliese 667Сс exceeds that of the Earth by 4.5 times. The gravity is even stronger here than on Zarmine, and the year is even shorter: only 28 Earth days. In addition, like Zarmina, this planet is constantly turned to its star with one side. In the reddish skies above this world, three suns shine simultaneously.

Tau Kita E: Hot Storms

Tau Ceti is one of the closest stars to Earth with a potentially habitable planet in orbit. In science fiction literature, it is her system that is often described as the most suitable for life. It is located at a distance of only 12 light years from us. The Earth's similarity index for its planet Tau Ceti e is 0.77.

The star Tau Ceti is similar to the Sun, but the planet is closer to it than the Earth is to its star. Because of this, life here is probably ruled by a powerful greenhouse effect. The stormy dense atmosphere, similar to the cloud cover of Venus, does not transmit light well, but warms up perfectly. The average temperature on the surface of Tau Ceti e is about 70 ° C. Under such conditions, only thermophilic bacteria probably live in hot water and on the shores of water bodies. A year in this world is equal to 168 days, and gravity should noticeably exceed that of the Earth - after all, the mass of the planet is 4.3 Earth masses.

Kepler 22b: Gravity Difficulties

The planet Kepler 22b lies 620 light-years from Earth, near the star Kepler 22, between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra. It was smaller and colder than the Sun, but the planet is closer to it than the Earth is to its star, so the average temperature here can be quite acceptable: 22 ° C. The year here is most reminiscent of the terrestrial one: 290 days. That is why the Earth's similarity index for the planet is very high: 0.75.

We do not yet know how much Kepler 22b weighs, but if this planet really resembles ours, then local gravity is a problem for earthlings. It is 2.4 times the size we are used to. This means that a spacesuit weighing 90 kg here will weigh 216 kg and a person will not be able to move around in it.

However, some scientists believe that Kepler 22b is not similar to Earth, but to the thawed Neptune. For a planet of the terrestrial type, it is still too large. If these assumptions are correct, Kepler 22b is one continuous "ocean" with a small solid core in the middle: a giant vast expanse of water under a thick layer of atmospheric gases. This, however, does not negate the vitality of the planet: according to experts, the existence of life forms in the planetary ocean is "not beyond the realm of the possible."

NASA scientists are still in search for habitable planets... It became known that, perhaps, their efforts were crowned with success. Kepler's telescope noticed immediately 3 planets on which life can be! They all revolve around the same star.

In the zone of this star there may be a large number of planets... Moreover, many of them may be suitable for origin. So far, they are talking about three potentially habitable planets. They all turn around stars Gliese 667 C, which is an element of the triple star. This means that creatures living on space objects see 3 suns at once. The star is located at a distance of 22 light years from our planet. And in its orbit there are about 7 planets.

What can be said about the contenders for habitability? They are located in the habitable zone of the star. This means that the conditions on them allow the formation of liquid water. At the same time, the presented planets of the Universe are called super-earths, since they are larger than Earth in size, but not as large as Neptune.

If you believe the words of Mikko Tuom, scientists have long known about the existence of aliens. And their research is aimed at understanding how many planets are actually inhabited. So far, they focus on the search for life on only three planets, but in fact there can be much more objects with intelligent beings. With some data, scientists were able to obtain information that we are not alone in the Universe and find a number of other objects, presumably in the power of aliens.

Why is the case with the found planets interesting?

Firstly, the fact that earlier astronomers could not find 3 supposedly inhabited objects at once in one place. At the same time, it is questioned that in the zone Gliese 667 C there are many more inhabited planets, because the vicinity of the star is very densely populated, respectively, another object with a stable orbit in the indicated place is unlikely to fit.

What do we know about Gliese 667 C? It is the smallest of the three stars, while it is dimmer and colder than the Sun, which means, theoretically, life on it can exist. The inhabited zone of the star is located approximately at the same distance as Mercury relative to the Sun.

Planets orbiting Gliese 667 C make a complete revolution in 39 light years. Their size is similar to that of Venus and Earth. The specified star system where they are located is called TRAPPIST-1. It is located 40 light years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius. After scientists have carried out a thorough study of the atmosphere of potentially habitable objects, we will learn new data about whether we are alone in the universe or aliens do exist.

The earth is a common home for more than 7 billion people. There will be enough food and resources for a long time, and so far we are not threatened with overpopulation (if not talking about individual countries). However, scientists are sure that such a relative idyll will not be able to hold out forever, and even if not in the near future, but one day our planet will cease to be suitable for life. This can be the result of a world war, a global cataclysm or cosmic impact. What is the way out for a person? It would be nice to move to another habitable planet, of course, having prepared it in advance for this. Let's take a look at the TOP 7 planets that a person can colonize for future resettlement.

7th place. Mercury

Among other objects in the solar system, the planet Mercury is considered a candidate for colonization. It is best to populate the area of ​​the poles, since there are ice caps (so far, presumably) and minimal daily temperature drops. On Mercury there will be no problems with energy due to its close location to the Sun, and this planet is rich in useful resources, it's a pity not for food ... The advantages of Mercury include the presence of a magnetic field that can cope with the solar wind and cosmic radiation, although not so efficiently like the Earth.

But the proximity to the Sun and the absence of a more or less dense atmosphere make Mercury less attractive in terms of colonization. Well, and a bonus drawback is the length of the day at 176 Earth. Terraforming in such conditions is simply impractical, so you will have to make do with a colony underground. In any case, the organization of the possibility of a person living on Mercury will be quite long and laborious. Due to the gravity of the Sun, even the flight itself will be extremely energy-consuming and dangerous. That is why only 7th place.

6th place. Kepler-438 b

For a change, consider two planets outside the solar system, but the most suitable for life. It is possible that in the distant future we will be able to overcome interstellar space in a time period not exceeding human life, therefore, it is advisable to consider distant worlds as places of colonization.

Kepler-438 b is located in the constellation Lyra at a distance of 470 light years from Earth. Today it is considered the most similar to Earth in a number of characteristics., therefore, the presence of life on it is highly valued. This planet is slightly larger than ours, and its location from the star is optimal for the presence of liquid water and a perfectly acceptable temperature. In the catalog of viable planets, Kepler-438 b is in second place after, and this already says something.

The only thing that questions the habitability of Kepler-438 b is the recently released results of observations of the star around which the planet orbits. Astronomers have noticed that this star very often produces strong emissions of radiation. So not everything is so rosy, and it’s a long way to fly to it. Therefore, the 6th place.

5. place. Proxima Centauri b

Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b was discovered in early August 2016. It revolves around the star, closest to the Sun, Proxima Centauri. Among all the likely inhabited planets outside our system, Proxima Centauri b is notable for its relatively small distance from Earth at 4.22 light years. The average temperature there is about -40 ° C. So far, it is impossible to say for sure about the presence of life there, but the fact that the planet is located in a zone suitable for this is undeniable.

A year on this planet lasts only 11 Earth days. The star Proxima Centauri is small, which means that the habitable zone around it is closer than that of the Sun. And, consequently, the orbit of the planets will also be smaller, therefore, the orbit around the star is faster. By the way, like the Moon with Earth, Proxima Centauri b is always facing its star with only one side, therefore, in one hemisphere it is eternal night, and in the other - a constant day.

On Proxima Centauri b, only one side is illuminated

Scientists started talking seriously that it would be nice to send probes there, or rather, nanoprobes weighing 1 gram, which can reach this planet in 20 years.

4th place. moon

The moon (yes, it's not a planet) is most attractive because the flight to it is only 3 days, and building a base there is not as expensive as on other space objects. On a satellite of the Earth, water was discovered, a small amount of which is concentrated at the poles. As a matter of fact, that's all - the moon is no longer attractive as a place for resettlement.

Unfortunately, of all the options considered, terrorizing the moon is perhaps the most difficult. It lacks both an atmosphere suitable for life and a significant magnetic field. So there is practically no protection from meteorites and radiation. In addition, it is necessary to solve the problem of all-pervading moon dust, which not only spoils equipment, but also penetrates the human lungs. In general, to create terrestrial conditions on the moon will have to work hard. But its close location to Earth is an indisputable advantage.

Today the Moon is seen primarily as a place for scientific research and as a source of minerals. Especially earthlings are attracted by the presence of helium-3 there, which we will need.

3rd place. Venus

Venus is Earth's neighbor and also one of the hottest planets in our system. This is due to the densest clouds that keep the received heat in the atmosphere. Because of this, the average temperature on the planet is 477 ° C. Nevertheless, if you solve the problem with clouds, then it is quite possible to end up with conditions similar to Earth. In addition, getting to Venus is much easier than to any other planet.

Venus is deservedly called the twin of the Earth, tk. their diameter and mass are very similar.

In addition to solving the problem of extreme heat, man will have to solve the problem with water, which has not been found on Venus, but there is still hope that somewhere in the bowels of the planet it is. It is also unpleasant that, without clouds, Venus can be exposed to radiation due to a weak magnetic field.

Scientists already have an idea of ​​how to prepare Venus for active terraforming. You can install special screens between the planet and the Sun, which will reduce the flow of solar energy, which will significantly reduce the temperature. A less graceful way is to bombard Venus with comets and asteroids that carry ice. In addition, according to calculations, this way you can spin the planet and shorten the Venusian days, which now amount to 58.5 Earth days. In the process of formation of the hydrosphere, it will already be possible to start throwing algae and terrestrial microorganisms there.

The size of an asteroid needed to create a hydrosphere on Venus

Thus, the colonization of Venus is quite possible, albeit not in the near future, because now for these purposes mankind has chosen a different planet ...

2nd place. Titanium

Yes, Titan, a satellite of Saturn, is not a planet, but it fits very vividly into our list. This is one of the few places in the solar system where life is currently possible.(except for the Earth, of course), at least in the most primitive form. According to current research, Titan has carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen - everything you need for life. In addition, a fairly dense atmosphere provides reliable protection from cosmic radiation. Titan has everything necessary for the life of the colony: from water to the possibility of obtaining rocket fuel. Titanium is very attractive economically, because there are hundreds of times more liquid carbons than all the oil reserves on Earth. In addition, all these treasures are located right on the surface of the satellite in the form of lakes.

Low pressure, low temperatures and the presence of hydrogen cyanide in the atmosphere can harm a person on Titan. One cannot do without special spacesuits in the first pairs. An unpleasant factor is also gravity, which is 7 times lower than ours. Because of this, our body can suffer. And also there are often strong earthquakes.

It is very likely that Titan will become the third space object after the Moon and Mars, on which a person will land. Today it is primarily considered as a source of resources that are gradually running out on Earth.

1st place. Mars

It is Mars that claims to be the planet that man colonizes first. The red planet is suitable for creating living conditions for humans, according to scientists, to the greatest extent.

The indisputable advantage of Mars is the ability to produce food resources, oxygen and building materials on site. This is an indisputable plus over other variants of the planets of the solar system. All this will make it possible to carry out the task of terraforming, which ultimately will create terrestrial conditions. It will be much easier for humans to get used to the Martian days, which are 24 hours and 39 minutes. and the plants will also be delighted.

Mars definitely has water. This is confirmed by the latest research from the guys from NASA. And water is life! It is, however, in a frozen state, but there is an assumption that there are vast underground reserves on Mars. The local soil, with additional processing, is suitable for growing terrestrial plants.

The Red Planet is seriously considered as a place to create the "Cradle of Humanity" in case a global catastrophe occurs on our planet. True, so far this is a distant prospect, but now they look at the red planet rather as a place where it is possible to conduct interesting research and experiments that are dangerous to conduct on Earth.

By the way, there is an opinion that our civilization originated on Mars, but was forced to move to Earth.

Among the main problems that need to be solved are the weak magnetic field of Mars, the rarefied atmosphere and gravity, equal to 38% of the earth.

To protect against radiation, it is necessary to create a normal magnetic field, which with the current development of our science is still unrealistic. With the current atmosphere, you also have to decide something, because it retains neither heat nor air. The average daily temperature on Mars is -55 ° C. In addition, the atmosphere of the red planet does not provide adequate protection from meteorites. So, until the problem with the optimal atmosphere is solved, you will have to live in special living quarters. The factor of lower gravity will subject the human body to great tests - it will have to rebuild. Another nuisance on Mars is its famous sandstorms, which are very poorly understood today. However, different methods of solving these problems are already being considered, when the organization of life on many other planets still looks like fantasy.

Today, exploration of Mars is hampered by the high cost of flights. Of course, because the governments of all countries believe that it is better to spend billions on weapons than on conquering other worlds ... So let's hope that we will have time to organize on Mars at least cities with their own atmosphere before we finally dirtied the Earth.

The flight to Mars takes about 9 months, but in the foreseeable future it is planned to develop new engines that can significantly reduce this time. If we compare it with a flight to Mercury, then the energy consumption is just scanty, not to mention the comparison with interstellar flights.

In general, Mars is the best option in terms of the ratio of habitability and distance from Earth.


In the next 20 years, man will land on Mars. It will be a great experience in terms of exploring other planets. Today there can be no question of a mass resettlement of earthlings, and there is no need yet. But then we know for sure that there is more than one planet that can become our new home.

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