Home Natural farming The behavior of a real man in relation to a woman.

The behavior of a real man in relation to a woman.

If you think it's a Rolex on your wrist and a Porsche Cayenne in your garage, you're wrong. These are just the attributes of a successful man. If you think that this is the wife in the kitchen and the mistress in the bedroom, you are wrong. These are just attributes of the "alpha male" image. And then what? Shoulder width? Cottage height? Age of the secretary? It seems to me that this is completely, completely different.

1. A real man knows how to make a decision. He does not look for "extreme", does not look for "excuses", does not "dangle" from side to side. He makes a decision on his own, and then he himself is responsible for it. He will not blame anyone else for the consequences of his decision, let alone a woman.

2. A real man knows how, and most importantly wants to look after a woman. He does not consider it shameful to give his beloved flowers and does not consider it stupid to invite her to the cinema and theaters. And even if a real man considers all this to be girly nonsense, he understands that his attention and care are very important for a woman.

3. A real man does not have mistresses. A real man only has a wife, and if a real man falls in love for real, then he divorces his wife and marries his beloved.

4. If a real man falls in love with another woman, then he leaves home, taking with him socks and a toothbrush. A real man may stop being a husband, but he always remains a good father to his children.

5. A real man knows how to make money and does not depend on someone else's opinion. He does not curry favor with the bosses and does not suck up to the "powerful worlds". A real man will not laugh at the unfunny anecdote of an “important person” and smile ingratiatingly at someone he does not respect.

6. A real man will not buy a cool foreign car on credit for his last money to sound cool. A real man looks like a real man even on public transport.

7. A real man will not waste money in a cafe or restaurant to show his worth. Cheap show-off is not his lot.

8. A real man never speaks badly about his ex-women. His ex-women are always the best.

9. A real man is never too modest, but also too narcissistic too. A real man always achieves what he wants, and if he does not achieve, then he rests a little and starts all over again. And he achieves what he wants!

10. A real man always has real friends who do not care about his social status, as well as the number of monetary units on his account. A real man always has real friends for whom he himself is important.

11. A beloved woman will never leave a real man, because a real man is a gift of fate, and a woman understands this.

12. A real man knows how to lose. He understands that defeats are as much a part of life as victories. A real man knows how to draw conclusions from his defeats and turn them into victories.

13. A real man has his own opinion, which does not depend on the opinions of others.

14. A real man keeps his word or does not give it if he is not sure that he will keep him. A real man knows how to admit that he was wrong.

15. A real man is a wise man, he will never argue with a woman, but he will do everything in his own way.

16. A real man is well-mannered, well-read, has a sharp mind, but he can also "kick in the face" of a bully on the street.

17. A real man is not afraid to dirty expensive shoes, carrying his beloved woman through the autumn puddle.

18. A real man-optimist. He understands that his life is in his hands.

A real man is the ideal that all women strive for, but, alas, he does not exist in nature in its purest form. A real man for each of us, our beloved and only man, even if he does not meet all the points listed above.

Perhaps every woman has her own idea of ​​how an ideal man should behave, as well as how he should look, talk, and the like. The portraits that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity draw in their thoughts, representing “the one”, of course, differ, but some common features are difficult to miss.

What qualities a real man should have

List of the best masculine qualities from a woman's point of view

Self confidence. Not to be confused with overconfidence. With a person who is confident in their strengths and capabilities, any person will feel safe. This is very important for any woman.

Kindness. Many have heard the expression: "The strong must be kind." Most women are delighted, realizing that in front of them is a truly strong and confident man, who at the same time does not express aggression or complacency for any convenient or uncomfortable reason. Exude confidence and kindness, and it won't go unnoticed.

Reliability and protection. These qualities are very important. No matter how kind you are, a woman expects that in a difficult situation you will protect her, if necessary, and not laugh it off complacently or start philosophizing.

Generosity. Probably, it is difficult to find a woman who will be delighted with a greedy man. Reasonable economy is one thing, and pettiness and tight-fistedness is quite another.

Appearance. It may not even be about some physical parameters, but about the ability to dress. Do not allow any socks with sandals, short trousers, oversized jackets, and even more so - wrinkled and dirty things. You can dress simply, but it doesn't have to look ridiculous or unkempt.

Sense of humor. It is often difficult to build communication with boring people, and if you have a very tight sense of humor, then over time, any woman will begin to weigh it down. However, this will not happen if you are just not a bore.

Loyalty. Women do not like womanizers, and, of course, most of the fair sex with wariness, or even hostility, belong to this category of men.

Of course, a man has his own criteria of "ideality" - in some ways they are similar to women, but there are some differences.

Self-sufficiency... Men invest a lot in this concept. It is about financial independence, as well as independence from other people's opinions and judgments.

Ambition... A quality that most men consider important in conquering any peaks, both in professional and personal life.

Tenacity... To get what they want, men must be stubborn in their aspirations - this is exactly what the majority of representatives of the strong half of humanity thinks.

Initiative. It is also an important quality for achieving the plan. Many men are confident that if you do not take the initiative in time, you can miss something really worthwhile.

Optimism... It is difficult to do “great things” without maintaining a sense of optimism - it is with this attitude that men try to go through life.

What a true man looks like outwardly

If we talk about style in clothes, then, of course, there can be no uniform criteria here. Some women like it when a man prefers classic trousers, jackets, shirts. Others want to see their chosen one in jeans, T-shirts with interesting prints, sweatshirts and sneakers. In general, it is possible to list for a long time, but do not forget that at the same time everyone has general "requirements". It is unlikely that anyone likes unscrupulous people, and if you notice this problem behind yourself, then most likely you should not count on incredible success with the opposite sex.

Most women agree that no matter what style a man prefers in clothes, he should always have clean hair, cleaned shoes, and neatly trimmed nails. In general, even hints of any untidiness are not permissible in appearance. It’s just wonderful when a man “breathes” with purity and freshness. in this case, his clothes can be any, although, of course, it is important not to admit any excessiveness or absurdity in his appearance.

How a man should behave

Man's behavior on a date

A lot of girls get a thrill and excitement on dates, especially when it comes to early dates when people haven't fully gotten to know each other. Of course, in these situations, any person wants to feel confident in themselves, and compliments from a man help well in this. When a companion shows that he is interested in communicating with a girl, that he likes her outwardly, that he notes some cute features in her, the companion blooms and begins to subconsciously trust this man, even if she does not voice it. Also, on dates, do not forget about simple male gallantry - girls highly appreciate this quality.

In a relationship with a girl

In a relationship with a man, most girls hope to feel protected. This means that the girl is waiting for self-care, attention. It is important for her that she can always count on the help of a loved one, therefore, there can be no question of periodic “disappearances” from the life of her beloved. Of course, she can continue the relationship, but subconsciously she will understand that she needs a more reliable man.

Male behavior in marriage and family

Being married to a man, any woman wants to feel confident in the future. That is, it is important that the family has at least some kind of emotional closeness and financial stability. Many representatives of the fair half are welcomed when a family is built according to the following scheme: the husband is the breadwinner, and the wife is the keeper of the hearth. Also, do not forget about the importance of marital fidelity. Very rarely, a woman is the first to commit adultery, and, as a rule, reacts very painfully if she finds out about infidelity on the part of her chosen one. In addition, it is worth noting that if children are growing up in the family, it is important for the spouse that the husband not only financially provide for the offspring, but also give them enough attention. Of course, one should not forget that everyday life has destroyed many married couples, so romantic impulses on the part of the husband are quite appropriate. If a man meets such requests, then usually his wife also tries to be an ideal life companion, and such a family lives in harmony and happiness.

Man in bed (in and after sex)

Of course, any woman wants her chosen one to be a sensitive and attentive lover. Some people often complain in various forums or even among friends that a man often thinks only about his physical satisfaction, forgetting about his partner. However, of course, not all dissatisfied women complain - some are embarrassed to raise this topic, keeping all experiences to themselves. Being a sensitive lover does not mean that you have to devote an hour and a half to foreplay every time. It is much more important to guess the desires of a woman - when she wants to get more tenderness from her partner, and when she is waiting for passionate and quick sex (it also happens). Also, do not forget about the variety in intimate pleasures. When everything goes according to the same scenario, or there are only two or three of them, then both the man and the woman gradually become bored in such a relationship.

Pay attention to the fact that it is important for a woman not only how the partner behaves during sex, but also how he manifests himself after it. Probably, every man has already heard that after intercourse you should not turn away to the wall or rush to the shower. Give your beloved a few minutes - light affection, compliments, gentle words are appropriate. Although in this situation, measure is important - it will be unnecessary to start long and tiring conversations about what happened. And even more so, you do not need to ask your partner to evaluate your abilities aloud - let her eyes tell you about it.

The main thing in a man is what women appreciate

Self-care and care

If you want a woman to appreciate you, then be attentive to her - this is the simplest "recipe". For any representative of the fair sex, it is important that there is a person nearby whom she can rely on, to whom she can turn for help. However, a woman appreciates even more when she does not need to ask for support, because the man himself quietly provides it, without waiting for requests. If such a person appears in a girl's life who becomes a support for her, then over time she begins to value him more and more, fearing to lose.

Starting to date a guy, most often a girl expects him to show initiative and romantic feelings. That is, if a young man is active in a relationship, then, most likely, the beloved will consider him an ideal partner.

How does this notorious "activity in a relationship" actually look like, what kind of behavior the girl expects. Firstly, the guy shouldn't forget about small and big romantic surprises, especially in the early stages of the novel. Surely, your beloved will not be left indifferent by such signs of attention as bouquets of flowers, soft toys, chocolates, cakes, trips to other cities and even countries. Of course, if a girl is truly in love, then she will try to please her partner no less actively in return.

Most likely, the relationship will not develop harmoniously if the guy does not have any desire to please or surprise the chosen one. Some young people show a certain degree of activity before having sex with a girl for the first time, after which meetings become monotonous. As a rule, such relationships quickly "fade" or the partner begins to accumulate irritation in herself, being dissatisfied with this state of affairs. However, the second development of the "scenario" will not turn out to be anything good either.

What a loving husband should be

Usually, when marrying a beloved man, a woman imagines what future awaits her in marriage. Of course, in these dreams, she does not paint herself the image of a parasite, an alcoholic or a traitor. So what kind of husband, according to most women, can be called ideal? What qualities should such a spouse have?

Loyalty. When entering into marriage, most often a woman expects that he will be for life, she determines for herself that in front of her is a man who will be the only one for her, and, of course, she expects the same from him. If the spouse finds out that the chosen one has cheated on her, then, of course, there is a high probability that she will forgive him, but in her subconscious mind she will have the thought that her marriage is imperfect. An exception may be if the betrayal happened once or with one woman, after which the husband sincerely repented, making it clear that he regretted this step.

Stability. Living with her husband, any wife expects stability in their family life. Last but not least, we are talking about the financial aspect. No woman will enjoy living in debt or paycheck to paycheck. Of course, when a spender's wife is a completely different conversation, but it also happens that a spouse is unable to provide the necessary minimum for his family (food, paying utility bills), which introduces his darling into a real depression.

Signs of attention. Many women, having been married for several years, begin to feel envy of newlyweds or people who are just starting to have an affair. The thing is that at the initial stage of a relationship, men are usually more attentive to their chosen ones than later. Every woman is pleased to hear compliments from her lover, receive flowers, romantic gifts, and if this does not happen for a long period, then in the end this can lead to some problems in the relationship.

Care. Every person wants to be cared for, and of course most wives are no exception. As a rule, a woman takes care of her man - she cooks for him, monitors the cleanliness of his things and the like, but there are moments when she wants to feel cared for on herself. Usually, in couples where the spouses are attentive to each other, complete harmony reigns.

Mutual assistance. In some families, men take on exclusively the function of a breadwinner, while their wives deal with all household issues. Nevertheless, everyday work is very exhausting, and, of course, a woman expects her husband to help her at least sometimes. However, the situation is now being considered when the wife is a housewife. If a woman works, then there can be no question of any periodic assistance from the chosen one - the spouses need to share household chores. It is not uncommon for a husband and wife to come home from work at the same time, after which the man sits down in front of the TV, and the woman goes to the stove. If your family lives according to a similar scheme, then it is possible that for the spouse this will eventually result in enormous stress.

How to develop good male character traits

Probably every male representative would be flattering to know what they say about him: “Here he is - a real man”! By the way, with due diligence, it is quite possible to achieve such praise. What do you need to do for this and how to behave? How to develop masculine qualities in yourself?

Courage. If you consider yourself a humble person who is "lost" in some situations, you should develop qualities such as courage and perseverance. This can be done by starting sports such as archery, contact wrestling, bungee jumping, downhill skiing, and the like.

Laconicism. Many women are annoyed when a man talks too much, and even not to the point. Of course, many ladies like to listen to compliments and exciting stories, however, when they say about a man that his "mouth does not close" is not very good. It is important to be a sociable person, but even this requires a measure. Try not to chat around idle, and if you promise something, then let it be not words to support the conversation, but the beginning of concrete actions.

Dignity. In any situation, a man should behave with dignity, and especially in dealing with a woman. It is impermissible to insult a woman, to use foul language in her presence, and even more so to raise a hand against her. If you feel that a certain person deliberately pisses you off - just stop the dialogue with her, saying that you do not want to continue such a conversation, and find a way to withdraw yourself - it will be more worthy than to arrange "female showdowns".

How much should a normal man earn

Each woman has her own opinion on this matter. Of course, there is no doubt that a man should strive to provide his family with comfortable housing (his own or rented), good food. This is the minimum required. However, not every woman is ready to be content with only this. Someone thinks that a man should every year, otherwise the season, provide his family with trips to the resort. Some women need the chosen one to regularly provide some kind of monthly maintenance.

Be that as it may, all these nuances should be discussed with the beloved initially, so that there is no misunderstanding. In any case, it is unacceptable for a man to live at the expense of a woman on a permanent basis if he is in financial difficulties. Some husbands can sit at home for months without generating any income, waiting for a "good job", not realizing how stressful this is to the whole family, especially if there was no money left. Try to have a financial "safety cushion" and rely on the financial support of the chosen one only in the most difficult situations.

Unfortunately, many women believe that a real man is one who has an expensive car in the garage and has a solid watch of a famous Swiss company on his arm. And some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think that a real man should have a mistress in bed, and a wife in the kitchen who will cook for him.

Such opinions are fundamentally flawed and have nothing to do with real masculinity. These are just signs of a man's success, attributes of the "alpha male" image and nothing more. But what should a real man be like? Maybe the one with broad shoulders, a good-looking secretary, and a three-story cottage? Not at all! Masculinity is something completely different ...

Signs by which you can recognize a real man

1. He always keeps his word and does not promise anything if he is not sure that he will fulfill the promise. Knows how to summon his mistakes.

2. He is moderately modest, but at the same time he is not narcissistic. He tries at all costs to achieve his goal. And if it doesn't work out, he will take a break and start all over again. As a result, a real man gets what he wants!

3. He knows how to make decisions and be responsible for them. He does not blame anyone for the consequences of his decision, especially the fairer sex.

4. He cannot have a mistress. He only has a wife. And if he falls in love, then he divorces his wife and marries his beloved.

5. He will not spend his last savings on the purchase of an expensive car in order to show how cool it is! A real man, even while in public transport, will always remain a real man.

6. He knows how to make money. He will never flatter a person whom he does not respect, he will not curry favor with the "powerful of this world" in order to obtain his own self-interest.

7. A real man understands that his woman needs his care, affection and love. He knows how, and most importantly has a desire to look after perfectly, not counting trips to the cinema, to the park for a walk or to a restaurant with women's whims.

8. He knows how to lose with dignity and admit his defeat. He understands that losing is part of life. And later he will draw the right conclusions and turn his defeats into a victory!

9. His beloved woman will never leave him. After all, a real man is a "gift" of fate. And the woman understands this very well.

10. He will never speak angrily about his ex-women and gossip about them. His ex-women are the best!

11. He will never "throw money left and right," for example, in a restaurant, to show his value and financial viability. "Cheap ways to play in public" is not for him.

12. If it happens that he falls in love, he will go to his beloved from the house with a pair of socks and a toothbrush. He may stop being a spouse, but he will never stop being an exemplary father to his children.

13. He always has real loyal friends, for whom his social status, connections and the amount of money in the bank account are unimportant. For them, he himself is important as a person!

14. He always has his own opinion, no matter how much it differs from the opinion of others.

15. A real man is distinguished by the presence of wisdom and life experience. He will never argue with a lady, he will simply remain silent and do it his own way.

16. He is not afraid to get expensive shoes dirty by carrying his beloved one through a huge autumn puddle.

17. He has excellent manners and a developed intellect, well-read, educated and literate. However, a real man is not a "batan", he can easily stand up for himself and his woman, giving a worthy rebuff to hooligans.

18. A real man is an optimistic person. Therefore, he is always sure that his life is in his own hands!

A real man is perfect in everything. But, unfortunately, such representatives of the stronger sex are extremely rare. Almost all women, for sure, would give a lot to have just such a man next to them. However, for many ladies, their only and beloved husband has always been, and will remain, their only and beloved husband, who, perhaps, does not meet all of the listed parameters.

They are full of articles on how to attract a woman. Recommendations are completely different - from buying a suit from Armani and expensive perfume, to ignoring the object of your passion or uploading your own photo on the Internet with a couple of beauties - one on each side. I don't know if such methods will work, but if so, how can you win the heart of a real, self-confident woman who can bestow love and passion? What qualities does a real man have? I would like to express to the readers my opinion on this issue: only men who make the chosen one feel like a real woman (both in soul and outwardly) become irresistibly attractive to the weaker sex - and not only for the short term, but also in the long term.

What qualities does a real man have and how should a real man behave with a woman?

In fact, you can wear whatever you want and not even hear who Armani is, because the truth is that a woman is attracted to the man who gives her the opportunity to feel feminine and seductive. There are, of course, strange representatives of the weaker sex, for whom feeling like a woman means being at the mercy of a man and experiencing humiliation. But such a minority. Most beautiful ladies will be able to feel like real women if a man awakens a hidden charm in them and causes a strong attraction to himself in the following ways:

Will give her the opportunity to be a woman

Most modern women can work in almost any male field of work. But the truth is, she usually doesn't feel very comfortable doing it. All this gives a woman a masculine trait, jeopardizing her femininity (to be successful, they must constantly win, aggressively nudge their elbows and control what is happening in any situation). That is why a woman dreams of a strong shoulder, next to which she can feel soft, tender and vulnerable. A woman dreams of feeling herself in good hands - in physical, financial and emotional security. Women love men who can safely take responsibility and make decisions in different situations. One of the best compliments a woman can give a man is that she feels safe with him.

Will give her the opportunity to feel beautiful (seductive, sexy)

Reassure her that she is witty and good-looking. Show that you can appreciate her physical, mental, and spiritual qualities. This means that you do not need to impose on her your (or glossy) views on female beauty, body proportions and logic. A woman wants to laugh, cry for joy, run and jump like a little girl. She wants to appear witty and flirt. No need to criticize her for this or call for restraint. There's more that it's attractive, sexy and irresistible!

Will give her the opportunity to feel unique and loved

Every woman wants to be "one in a million" for the chosen one. Ignore tactics are not what you want. It sometimes works if a woman is not confident in herself, playing on her complexes can cause attraction, but a strong woman with whom it is pleasant to build relationships not only temporarily, but also in the long run, you will only push away. Of course, there can be some playfulness in a relationship (excitement, mystery, challenge) but not toughness (deception, ignorance, indifference, arrogance, or cruelty). I cannot tell you how many women have told me that they do not feel loved and appreciated by their man. And in a love puzzle - this is a very important fragment, on which it depends whether the relationship will develop or will remain a scattered picture of happy love. Of course, men are by nature not as sociable or affectionate as women, but this cannot be an excuse. if you really love a woman, she will know and feel it. Show your woman how much he means to you. This may be in words, but it is better - actions, beautiful fairy tales are not worth much, and a woman will appreciate specific gestures. It is not simple. Because many men are calculating - and what will they get in return? But by doing something selflessly, you will make any girl feel like a real woman. Remember that people who make promises do not command respect. People who keep promises deserve it.

Will make her feel the correctness of her choice

Show your support for the woman. This does not mean never to argue or fulfill any desire or to be henpecked. Most women find it offensive to be treated like spoiled little girls. If you act like a "rag" it will belittle you in her eyes - and the attitude will be appropriate. It is about treating a woman with understanding and warmth, finding compromises, not offending and expressing your thoughts (any, whether positive or not) in a tactful manner, without hurting pride, etc. Naturally, there are disagreements in the relationship, but there is no reason to get personal, to pour insults. It is necessary to maintain adequacy in any situation. And regardless of whether a woman wants to start a singing career or stay at home in order to spend her time with her family, you need to support her in what she wants to achieve in life, and not hinder her, encourage her during victories and console her in times of defeat. Be there no matter what (because a woman knows - when a man loves, he is not excused by circumstances, there will always be good and bad times, problems and unexpected situations) so that a woman feels happy next to you and does not regret that chose you among many other men. Because any of them can be there on sunny days. It is important whether he remains to hold the umbrella over the woman in heavy showers.

And finally advice

How should a real man behave? Be honest. The cornerstone of a relationship is the ability to trust the chosen one. There is no love without trust. If you want to lay the foundation for a happy and strong bond, remember that honesty is your best ally. And in your chosen one, support the desire to be frank with you and share your feelings. Just remember, she should not have fears that if she is honest with you, it will become a reason for reproaches or will cease to be a secret for others.

When it comes to women, no one has a question: are they real? Usually they are looking for the ideal among them.

The stronger sex was not lucky in this regard: give everyone only one hundred percent man. So for happiness it is not enough to be born a boy, you still need to become a real man.

A real man. Who is he

The length of the list and the order of the physical, moral and intellectual merits of a real man depend on the claims of a particular woman.

And yet it is interesting to compose an average portrait of a dream man. What else, besides strength and intelligence, should He differ from his fellows?

Signs of an ideal

There are several sure signs that indicate the same man:

  • neat and well-groomed;
  • not scattered with words;
  • honest;
  • polite;
  • looks at life optimistically.

His character

It is necessary to highlight those traits of a masculine character that are the basis, the core of the formation of an ideal guy.

If they develop, then everything else will "grow":

His behavior

There is a code of conduct in everyday life, with friends and at work for those who consider themselves a real man.

  • If a friend or loved one is in trouble and asked for help, you need to do everything that is possible within the framework of the law.
  • Punching in the groin in a fight is only allowed if there is a threat to life.
  • When asked by a friend's wife, the best answer would be “I don’t know.”
  • A friend's wife is not a woman.
  • Never cheat on children. If you promise, then fulfill.
  • Husbands of wife's friends can be ignored.
  • Do not promise to marry if you only need sex. In relation to a woman, this is meanness.
  • In a conflict situation at work, a man resolves issues with the administration without getting into an argument with anyone.
  • Behind the wheel, the main rule becomes "three D": give the fool a way.
  • If the item taken for temporary use turned out to be faulty, it should be repaired or replaced with a new one.
  • Do not listen to other people's secrets from a drunk friend.

The image is deceiving

The image of a real man is a stereotype of the perception of his external qualities, an ideal gentleman's set, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee the same impeccable inner content.

So, what does the representative of the stronger sex look like from the side, claiming to be a "real man" and what may be hidden behind this:

  • behind a proud posture and an unyielding gaze - an indifferent biscuit;
  • for expensive clothes and presentable appearance - an arrogant snob;
  • for the ease and naturalness of behavior - a licentious type;
  • for courtesy in dealing with women - henpecked and ladies' man;
  • for immersion in work - an insecure weakling;
  • behind the importance and popularity - an ambitious, but unprincipled person.

What qualities the standard of the stronger sex has and how it should look from the outside, of course, you need to know, but it is worth maturing, as they say, at the root. In addition, the stronger sex, despite the innate courage, often experiences fears.

What men fear

Male fears are, first of all, the fear of losing freedom, which means for many of them to lose their face, unwillingness to become dependent on people and circumstances.

Psychologists call the most male fears:

  • fear of responsibility... And not because he does not want to, but because he always doubts whether he can cope with it himself or whether this is the person for whom he stands;
  • fear of interference in his inner world. Unwillingness to dissolve in any relationship: he himself must make decisions and be independent in them;
  • fear of losing freedom... By their nature, men are polygamous, and should be eternal hunters (just who?);
  • fear of repeating negative experiences personal and parental;
  • fear of female manipulation(tears, pregnancy);
  • fear of relationship with mother-in-law... As a rule, these are those whose family was dominated by a mother who dreams of raising her son as a real man.

So, inner fears can interfere with the manifestation of the best qualities, but you do not need to get hung up on them, it is better to pay attention to the life credo of an ideal man.

Integrity will not hurt

His psychology should be based on a life outlook, that is, on what is important for him in the first place, and what he will never do.

There cannot be many principles, four are enough:

  1. Always reject inaction;
  2. Always take responsibility;
  3. Always lead;
  4. Always know why this is being done.

Affirmative “always” can be replaced with negative “never”, but in any case, in the life arsenal of men there should be similar mottos, which necessarily change over time, but which cannot be deviated from.


Compliance with the elementary rules of etiquette and the ability to communicate increases the chance of any man to be branded as real.

There are many other unofficial regulations for the behavior of a real man, for example, that he does not walk under an umbrella with another man, does not dress like a club boy, does not position his superiority to anyone, does not drink cocktails and does not watch melodramas.

The characteristic of the ideal in the flesh will not be complete if one does not remember his duty.


Any man is obliged to respect the law and defend the Motherland. The popular dictum regarding him about a house, a tree and a son did not appear by chance, it indicates that he must create, live for others, protect loved ones, and in moments of danger, overshadow himself.

It is a man's duty to respect himself and count on the respect of others. This is exactly what is needed for the team leader and the head of the family. He must be able to subordinate himself to his values ​​and be able to subordinate others.

Main qualities

Having considered the attractive and weak sides of the stronger sex, the rules of behavior for men and how to recognize the present in them, it is time to determine its main qualities.

Physical strength

She is desirable for a man, but not as necessary as fortitude. And yet, exercising never gets in the way, especially for those who don't feel confident enough to protect their family.

Martial arts, a gym - all this will contribute to the accumulation of physical strength, and hence the firmness of the spirit will become stronger.

Ease of lifting

This quality depends on the ability to make quick decisions and correctly assess the situation. His style of life should be such that, if necessary, he was ready to change everything in one minute or start all over again.

Clarity of goals

Where to go, why to go and with whom to go - this is a real man always knows. The dream of an uncertain bright future is not for him.

He moves from step to step up the ladder, if not career, then material well-being for sure.

A responsibility

A real man feels responsibility for himself, for his family, and for the Motherland (no less). There is no need to ask where to find such a person, because if you trust a man, obey him, he will definitely become like that.


Not every woman has this quality, so a man who has the ability to maintain order in things around him, in his thoughts and actions, cannot but be ideal.

Where to meet a neat man? Educate him!

How to raise a son correctly

Only a man can grow a real man out of a boy. He should become an example for his son. There is no father, so there must be his image. It was the upbringing of women that gave rise to the myth that normal men were extinct in the world.

They, of course, exist, only their mother's worries have masked them, and there are no women nearby who can awaken the masculine principle in them - more and more the same "mothers".

There are thousands of tips for raising boys. It is easier to remember what is strictly forbidden to do:

  • Do not interrupt the child's initiative. Do not scold for her, do not punish - just explain.
  • Do not pamper.
  • Do not educate according to any one methodology.

And the most important thing that must always be done is to love your son and share with him all your worries and troubles. Let him care, love and protect you.

The search for a real man, like an ideal woman, will never end, because there is no limit to perfection.

Video: What should be a man

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