Home Natural farming Stories about strong manual arousal of girls. A very exciting real super erotic story. Sexiest Snow Bunny

Stories about strong manual arousal of girls. A very exciting real super erotic story. Sexiest Snow Bunny

Flight Sex (Male, 30)

“My friend had an insatiable appetite for sex. Therefore, an hour before the trip to the airport before flying to Italy, we had sex. By the time we boarded the plane, she was horny again. Naturally, we checked the plane's toilet.

Suddenly my girlfriend called the flight attendant shortly after takeoff and asked for two blankets. Then she threw one of them on my knees, slipped her hand under it, took my penis and began to massage me until an erection. Keep in mind that we were sitting in a three-seater row. She was at the window, me in the center, and another middle-aged stranger by the aisle.

Caressing me as slowly as possible so as not to arouse suspicion, she whispered in my ear that she wanted me to cum. It was weird to be shoulder to shoulder with a complete stranger, and it was hard to hold back his increasingly heavy breathing, but it was incredibly sexy to do something so daring. About half an hour later I finished, smiling broadly, realizing that I will never forget this incredible handicraft. "

Loner Seeking Sexual Adventure (Female, 35)

“As soon as I got divorced, I got a job as a television producer, whose duties included frequent business trips around the country with the actors and the show crew. When meeting new people, I decided that the only way to finally get rid of the influence of my ex-husband is to sleep with a complete stranger.

One night I was sitting in the bar of a cheap, cozy hotel, and one of the travelers began to flirt with me. Then I noticed his wedding ring and asked him about it. “My wife and I have a misunderstanding,” he said. This answer was enough for me.

We went up to the room, took off our clothes and pounced on each other. We had sex three times in a row, and with each orgasm I blessed my divorce.

The next morning, my lover and I were awakened by a phone call from his wife, and his guilty tone made it clear that his marriage "agreement" was probably one-sided. However, I didn't feel guilty. I needed sex and I am grateful for it. "

Good giver (female, 34)

“I recently traveled to Europe with a close friend. We were in Bulgaria for the last day when an impressively handsome guy with thick dark eyebrows walked into our hostel. I was immediately drawn to him, probably because I hadn't had sex for a long time. Looking around, I realized that I was not the only person interested in him. I am not aggressive by nature, but I knew that I needed to eliminate rivals and not miss my chance.

As soon as my target put down their bags, I grabbed his hand and led him outside. We chatted for two minutes in the dark, during which time I learned two things about him: he turned out to be a boxer from the UK and was seven years older than me. That was enough for me to rip off his belt and pull down his pants. Right behind our hostel, I gave him a blowjob with great pleasure. The moment demanded an impromptu action, and it was worth it. Who knew being generous could be so great? "

* on behalf of the girl
You will arrive in two days. If you knew how my heart begins to beat from the thought that soon I will finally embrace and kiss you. Every day I imagined our meeting with you, how it will happen, what will happen, what will you tell me ...
Finally, this wonderful day has come, I will soon see you ... Long 7 months have passed, these were the most difficult 7 months it seems like an eternity has passed without you.
I'm going to go to the airport to meet you, and I'm as excited as before the exam ... I put on lacy black lingerie, it looks amazing on my tanned body, then I put on jeans, a white jumper with chunky knit that hugged my figure a little, emphasizing the curves of the upper part of my incomparable body, I have white flat boots on my feet, I didn’t wear high heels because the thought of you gave me a little tremor in my knees and I wouldn’t hold on to my heels, so I decided that I'd rather be on my feet. I took my purse, car keys and a light leather jacket.
An hour later I arrived at the Airport, 30 minutes were left before your arrival, but they were forever, I walked around the airport hall not knowing what to do and how to overcome the excitement. The landing of your plane has already been announced, for a while and you appear in the airport hall, you noticed me, and a smile shone on your face. Here you come to me a little more, and you will be very close, I just froze, I stood and could not just take a step. You, remembering that we agreed to kiss at a meeting without words. You came up, bent down to me a little and kissed me, my heart was pounding madly, it seemed it would just jump out of my chest, at first it was a little uncertain kiss, then a much more decisive one, and here we are passionately kissing in the middle of the hall, you stroke my back with your hands, touch my face, neck ... Then you hugged me and for some time we stood like this in each other's arms and you whispered in my ear:
- Kitty, how have I been waiting for this moment ..., dear, my beloved girl, I will not give you to anyone, I love you ...
It was awesome ... We ended up heading for the exit, got out of the car, and drove to my house ...
On the way home, we, one might say, got to know each other in a new way, you talked about yourself, what you were doing at that time, we joked, laughed, then there was silence, we could not deftly keep silent, this was just a loud silence, when it’s pleasant just to be next to the person you love, the silence broke your light touch of your hand to my cheek, feeling the touch, I smiled slightly while I was driving you teased me in every possible way, you kissed my ear, neck, with your other hand you crept under my sweater and lifted it a little higher you bent down and began to cover my tummy with kisses, feeling my growing excitement, you stopped caressing, and then continued, my excitement grew from your bottom touch, but I asked:
- Honey, please stop teasing me ... I can barely control myself.
You smiled slyly and stopped caressing, you sat down in a normal position, but still put your hand on my knee and lightly stroked. We were talking about something ... and now we drove up to my house ...
Entering the apartment, you took off your light windbreaker, took off your shoes, you helped me take off my boots, I took you to your room and gave you some time to take a shower and change, I changed accordingly, put on a black evening dress, in my back was completely open ... and I had no underwear, the dress did not allow such
part of the toilet.
I changed and entered the living room, where it was already covered for two,
I took the matches and lit candles on the table, on the floor, and on the windowsill. The room was filled with a pleasant warm light, I turned on the slow music and went to the window. You did not keep yourself waiting long. You entered the living room inaudibly and, seeing me standing by the window in a black evening dress, smiled, and silently came up to me, hugged me around the waist and covered my neck and shoulders with kisses ... you turned me around and kissed me passionately. I offered to sit down at the table ...
The music played, you offered to dance, I agreed, you gave me your hand and we got up, you hugged me around the waist and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around your neck. We slowly followed the melody of gentle music, your hands gently began to caress my back, then took me in his arms and carried me into the bedroom, saying in my ear:
- My dear ... my girl ... my dear ... I love you ... Let's go ...
I tightly hugged you by the neck, unable to resist, I pressed against you and my heart pounded strongly ... I really wanted you ... You laid me down gently on the bed, and quickly took off your shirt, you approached me and lay down on top of me, resting my hands on the bed and I felt your strength, I lay in silence, you kissed my face, neck and shoulders barely touching my skin with your lips, I was completely in your power; you pulled down the straps of the dress (all this was accompanied by kisses) and lowered it to my waist, and then completely took it off, you saw my naked body ... taking a small pillow you put it under my head, with your one hand you put my hands behind my head , and looked me intently in the eyes, without taking his eyes off his other hand, first touched my face, went down to my neck, caressed her and shoulders (without taking his eyes off mine). Then your hand went down lower and lower to my chest, and now you grabbed my chest with your hand and gently squeezed, making sure of elasticity, you saw how I was excited and breathing faster, you liked to look and see excitement in my eyes, you continued to gently caress my chest, tearing a moan of pleasure from my lips. You let go of my hands, went down and began to caress my breasts already with your tongue, taking in your mouth the already excited papillae alternately, you gently nibbled them and made circular movements with your gentle tongue. You caressed my chest, and in the meantime, your hands caressed my thighs and belly, you, kissing, went down to the tummy and covered it with kisses, a slight tremor of pleasure ran through me, which made me bend a little.
Without noticing how, but you ended up at my feet, you began to cover my slender legs with kisses, especially you paid attention to your fingers, you kissed them, swallowing one by one, playing with them with your tongue, then switched to calves and moved higher, accompanying kisses, and here you are getting close...
You spread my legs and touched my pussy with your tongue, from this I shuddered a little and moaned slightly with pleasure. What miracles did your tongue do there! I did not remember myself from pleasure, everything was spinning in my head, and a moan escaped my lips. Your tongue rotated around the clitoris in a circle, then walked from top to bottom, then penetrated inside, exciting to such an extent that I just wriggled with pleasure ... You did everything very slowly and gently, trying to deliver as much pleasure as possible. You drank me drop by drop, but to the very bottom. My barely audible groans gradually turned into a very definite cry. I have never experienced this with anyone. After a while, I strongly bent down, a powerful discharge ran through my body to such an extent that I shuddered a lot and bit my lip. You distracted yourself from your occupation and began kissing me passionately on the lips. Our tongues were intertwined in a dance like two snakes, you stroked my hair and neck with your hands, whispered tender words to me. I couldn't wait any longer, my excitement was growing, and I just begged you ...
- Roma ... honey, come on, I want you ... I can't take it anymore ... don't torture me ...
You lay down on top of me and very carefully entered me, I wrapped my legs around you, and began to rhythmically enter me to the full length, a cry escaped from my open lips and I began to move at the pace of you, approaching the point of highest bliss, I embrace your my back with my hands, waves of orgasm roll over me, I could not hold back a groan, a groan of pleasure. From strong excitement, she stuck her hands into your back and left small marks on your back, we finished almost at the same time ...
How good I was with you.
The rest of the night we spent in bed lying on top of each other and talking about everything in the world, it was so easy and pleasant for me to be with you, I had never felt such tenderness for anyone, I wanted to be with you, touch you, feel your kiss, to love and be loved by you. You opened a new world for me, where I felt loved and protected by you. Then you hugged me, I put my head on your chest and you stroked my hair ..., I fell asleep in your arms. In the arms of a loved one.
Each subsequent night spent with you was bliss, I gave myself to you all, trusting you.

Monday, August 31, 2009 12:28 pm + in the quote pad

Road poles rushed around bringing with them a sense of anticipation of freedom and joy for life. I went to the resort, I wanted something, I wanted the sea, wind and noisy seagulls on the sand. It was fresh and joyful.
Everything was left behind - the house, the native streets, the boring boulevard and the bustle of the city. I was going to the sea. The company was left behind, songs with a guitar on the boulevard, light songs sung a thousand times, disappointments and joy a sip of cold beer; crazy shout of friends of simple motives, tired evening passers-by, and just people whom I thought I had seen all my life, the same. Something all the same was breathtaking and carried forward, away from the fleeting pillars of the road.
You know the feeling when, after tiring hours of driving, you see the outlines of the sea, huge, bringing hope and joy.
Strange, but for some reason, when you leave the city, you still do not feel completely free, there remains some kind of attachment to everyday life. A completely different feeling comes when it's time to return.

Hi, I said to the girl sitting on the sand that was warmed up during the day -I like your hair, and you, in an idyll with all this environment, -You look like a mermaid, a sea dweller, and I like to be with you now.
She smiled sweetly ... easily, as strangers usually do it when meeting a new person. I was glad, warmth swept through my body somewhere deep through my heart and, probably, remained somewhere in the depths of my soul.
We just talked, spoke in simple language about simple things - about the sun, about the air, the sky, the sea. All these words gradually made me a primordial person, a particle of nature. An environment without worries or all the fuss. I was calm, relaxed. I was resting.
I touched her golden hair, thousands of gentle creatures, which probably someone loved, someone who remained there, in turmoil and dust. But it was just us - me and her. And this could only mean one thing - that we are both free and completely calm. We enjoyed life, enjoyed nature, enjoyed ourselves as a part of this very nature.
It seemed to me that I was in love, I am a strange person, and therefore I have a crush on everything that is beautiful and warm in relation to me.
A gentle kiss. Light and fresh, warm. I touched her body, it was elastic and warm, fresh and very tender, pleasant, it was like in a fairy tale.
Light summer clothes always give us tenderness, beauty and an insane feeling of love. I bowed before her like a prince in a fairy tale, I kissed her body, it seemed to me the most beautiful creature in this world. She, too, timidly touched my body, threw her head back and light hair for a second developed in the air, striking in its lightness and perfection.
I felt every part of her body, I felt her gentle touches to my body, it was so nice to say how simply impossible it is not to feel all this.
She slowly wrapped around me like a mermaid, I felt that I was already licking on the warm sand, and there - at the top of the thousand twinkling stars that we so rarely see in cities.
And then I felt a slight shekotka, I took over my spirit. I felt something soft and warm touching my penis, wrapping around the head and gently sweeping from the bottom to the very end. I leaned back, I was just not where I thought, it is generally difficult to say whether I was at all at that moment.
I took a look at this cute creature. Her sweet lips swallowed my cock deep into itself, sweeping along the trunk to the very base; then back, and at the end they sweetly crawled over the head and the pink tongue repeated circular movements around the base, then down again, .. even deeper and further ... She seemed to be delighted with this activity no less than me, I felt how she would start ... She began to moan, it was strange to hear something else besides the noise of the sea and wind. She sucked my penis with more and more desire, it seemed that she wanted to suck me all through the huge head that had become a huge head that could hardly fit into her plump lips, fell into her mouth and there the crazy tongue made thousands of movements around her.
I felt that I could not stand it for a long time, she also understood everything perfectly and with great diligence did me a blow job. The moment came when she and I knew exactly what would happen next, she sharply thrust my penis into her mouth, a few passionate movements and I felt a river of sperm pouring out of my nailed head - she did not have time to swallow it, sperm flowed from her mouth down the trunk , she swallowed again and thrust him even deeper. She sucked every last drop out of me. When she raised her head and kissed my navel and stomach, a trickle of sperm stretched from her mouth over my body, she once again walked her skillful tongue over my penis ...
By this time it was already dark. She sat next to me. It seemed to me that I had known her for a thousand years.

Monday, August 31, 2009 12:22 pm + in the quote pad

I love my job. Honestly, no blues. Who else, besides a doctor, can afford to talk so shamelessly about the most intimate? Ask and find out what is enough for a book for those concerned. Most of all I like to transfer work to personal life. Beat your profession. I remember how the idea to play doctor and patient came to my mind. I was waiting for my boyfriend from work. Dimka was late again, overtime. The thought flashed to throw a scandal, but flew past. Better to arrange a naughty game.
I, unmasking, stood under the warm streams of the shower. I felt them with all my skin. Pleasant excitement ran through my body. Exactly what you need. Coming out of the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. A stunningly slender and sexy girl looked at me, straightening her shoulders and proudly throwing her head up. There was a challenge in her eyes. I winked at my reflection and donned bright red underwear. This color alone was ecstatic. I woke up very frank and obscene thoughts. Too easy. A snow-white robe lay on top of the bra, which was almost half-bare. Why button it up: I have nothing to hide, and I don’t want to. Openwork lace panties nicely cling to the body, caressing. I close my eyes for a second, looking forward to my benefit. Sweet trembling through the body. I'm ready. A pleasant weight of a stethoscope on my neck.
Doorbell. As soon as Dimka sees me, his eyes widen.
“Risha,” he just exhales, rushing towards me. - You.
I don't let him continue. I slide the stethoscope around his neck like a yoke. I pull him to me. Our lips merge in a kiss. His tenderness penetrates into my passion, they are intertwined in the struggle. His lips awaken the maenad in me. He just breaks away from me for a second. Pulls off his shirt. She falls like a blue cloud to the floor. I hug him with my leg, combining the heat of our lips again. He squeezes me in his arms, his heat penetrates into my blood.
- You obviously need a doctor, Dmitry, - I smile at the desire in his eyes.
“Take off your clothes,” my voice is like an order and a plea, like a mink glove and the whip of a cattle driver. He hastily pulls together that which still divides us.

His body in all its beauty is in front of me. Want.
I beckon him with my finger. A cold stethoscope touches his chest. His nipple. Below. Below. There you can no longer hear the sounds of the heart and breathing. Only unbridled passion seething in the blood of my beloved man. I discard the symbol of my profession: we no longer need it. Dimka hugs me to him. I pull back and press my lips to his neck. The salty taste of his skin. The joy of his pleasure. I hug his nipple with my lips. I draw in myself. He groans as he runs his fingers through my hair.
- My beautiful Risha, - reaches my ears in between caresses and his screams.
“Lie down, patient,” I order. Dimka obediently goes to bed. Without thinking for a second, I saddle him, feeling like a frantic rider with a cloak fluttering in the wind. There is silent admiration in my boyfriend's eyes. I bow down to Dima's face, run my finger along his plump lower lip. He reaches for me, but I do not let him rise. I press his outstretched hands, placing them in his palms, and with languid tenderness I run my tongue over his lips. I touch his lips with my own. Tantalizing, barely. His brown eyes glow, pupils dilated to the limit. Dima lets out an animal roar, and a second later I find myself under him. How hot his body is, how this heat turns me on. His strong arms sit me down, his beloved lips close to my shoulder. I can feel his palms sliding down my back, unbuttoning my bra. The fresh breeze from the window caresses my breasts. Dima carefully puts me on the pillow. I am no more. As well as his. Only the touch of his warm hands, full of tenderness. They don't crush me like a baker kneading dough. Carefully and carefully, he caresses my breasts. Only pleasure. Nothing more. He kisses his nipples - and they swell, asking for the heat of his lips:
I don't remember anything else. Only a piercing delight from the love and passion of this man. From the warmth of my beloved body, in which I woke up in the morning. His touch on my face in the light of the dawn sun was like a blessing of God. My head rested on his shoulder. Dima touched my temple with a kiss, pressed his cheek to his hair:
- I love you, Risha. Thank you.


Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:32 pm + in the quote pad

Vetlana was walking home in a bad mood. Her husband recently behaved strangely - he avoided intimacy, was annoyed. At first, Svetlana decided that her husband was in trouble at work, but her husband said that things were going well. Yesterday Svetlana decided to have a serious conversation. She asked her husband to be frank. What she heard just unsettled her.
The husband told Svetlana that he was tired of the monotonous classic sex. He wanted new thrills. But he is not sure that Svetlana will agree to his proposal.
The proposal was as follows. Svetlana must obey her husband in everything for a while. Follow all his orders, desires and whims. Even the most unusual ones. "Then," the husband said confidently, "our feelings will flare up with renewed vigor."

Svetlana loved her husband very much. She was ready to do everything so that harmony would come in their family life. She did not ask in detail what her obedience would be. She just promised that she would do whatever the spouse wants.
In the morning, Svetlana woke up from a slap in the face. Grabbing her flushed cheek, she jumped up and saw that her husband's face was dissatisfied.
- Lustful whore! How dare you sleep when your Master is awake! On knees!
Svetlana already wanted to be indignant, but then she remembered the agreement and silently knelt down. The husband abruptly lowered her head to the floor and put her foot on her head. He suddenly turned from a gentle spouse into an evil master.
- Remember, Bitch, now you are my thing. Any disobedience will be punished. Otherwise - a divorce! Now remember the rules. And he handed her a printout with the rules that a slave must follow. There were many rules. But Svetlana realized that she had to follow orders unquestioningly and then everything would be all right.
3 months have passed. Svetlana had mastered the rules in 3 months of training, and now her every step was connected with pleasing her husband, whom she now called only "my Lord".
In the morning she got up early, cooked breakfast, put herself in order, and then sat down on her knees and began to wake her Master with kisses. Kissing in the morning she was allowed only a member.

The gentleman was waking up. The member hardened. Then he just roughly fucked Svetlana in the mouth, filled her face and mouth with sperm. Sperm was not allowed to be washed off. Svetlana kept walking around the house, down the street, shopping. After that, the owner went to the bathroom. Svetlana sat down at the bottom of the bathroom, taking on her body the jets of Golden Rain. The owner gradually wanted to teach her to drink his urine. He started with the body, but then the jet rose higher, fell into the open mouth. Svetlana swallowed. She was already used to this procedure, thanks to which there was less sperm on her face.

Then the Lord went to breakfast. During breakfast, Svetlana sat on the floor at the master's feet, trying to guess his wishes. She either kissed his feet, or sucked cock, or licked her toes. Her master could throw her a piece from the table, which Svetlana carefully took with her teeth, like a dog. Her bowl was in the corner. The owner loved to watch how, having turned her ass, Svetlana lapped from a bowl.
Every morning, the husband told Svetlana what name she would have for the day. These were such names as "Pacifier", "Creature", "Hole", "Bitch" and others.
This morning, leaving for work, her husband announced to Svetlana that a surprise awaits her in the evening. He ordered to cover a festive dinner in the living room, put on jewelry, do bright makeup

And her hair. Svetlana was delighted. She decided that her husband was tired of using her as a slave and today he will announce that everything will be the same. But she was embarrassed that the table should be set for 4 persons. And the fact that she should meet her husband in her usual attire - a slave (naked, in a small lace apron), kneeling.

By the evening everything was ready. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Svetlana knelt down, preparing, as usual, to lick her Master's shoes. The husband entered, and with him - three of his friends. Svetlana knew two of them. They often talked, the third was her husband's business partner. Svetlana was dumbfounded. She fulfilled all the whims of her husband, but believed that it was their secret. But then her husband poked his shoe in her face. “The whore did not expect that today she has many masters! Now I will bring her to her senses! " Laughing, he told his friends. And he explained to Svetlana that all his friends - today they will use Svetlana, as they please. Svetlana had no choice but to obey. She licked the shoes of all four men, then led them on all fours to the table.

The men could see all the intimate places of Sveta. They made greasy jokes about her. While the men were having dinner, Svetlana under the table sucked all the members in turn. The men noticed that the slave was brought up very well. But my husband warned that this is only the beginning. He told the guests that Svetlana can be used as an ashtray, toilet bowl, toilet paper, and most importantly - a machine for sexual entertainment. The whole evening Svetlana served three men. At first, it was used by three of us at the same time, constantly changing places. Then the men became interested in how many members each of Sveta's holes can simultaneously accept. They managed to put her on 2 dicks at the same time, put 2 dicks in her mouth and fuck her. Having swallowed another portion of sperm, Svetlana thanked her tormentors for the "pleasure" that she allegedly received.

The husband did not take part in the orgy, he filmed everything on camera. Sometimes, he spat on Svetlana's face, calling her a lustful bitch. He announced to his friends that now that Svetlana was prepared, he would like to make a film about a dog's wedding. First, according to the script, a flock of males will run after Svetlana, then the winner will become Sveta's fiancé. The wedding ceremony will be held, and after the ceremony - the marriage mating. Svetlana will be wearing a veil so as not to break tradition. Guests will be invited to the ceremony to observe the marriage. In the meantime, the guests continued to have fun. They decided to play hide and seek. Blindfolded, Svetlana had to guess which of the guests was fucking her in the mouth. After several long hours, the men finally left Sveta alone. They expressed their admiring reviews to their husband and made an appointment to meet again.

Svetlana was on her knees. She kissed all the guests' feet, thanked them. Her whole body was in semen, all holes were filled with liquid.
After the guests left, the husband whipped Svetlana for "treason." And he called himself a prostitute for the night. “You understand that now it is disgusting for me to sleep with you,” he said to Sveta. All night Svetlana not only watched her husband's love games, she prepared their genitals for copulation - licking, sucking, and after the act - licking the anus and vagina of a prostitute. When the husband finished the prostitute in the mouth, she spat out all the sperm in the mouth of Svetlana, which Svetlana swallowed.

Sunday, August 30, 2009 23:30 + to the quote pad

Hello. My name is Sasha. I come from St. Petersburg, but it just so happened that in early childhood my family moved to live in a small town in the north, near Tyumen. I will not specify a specific location. This may seem ridiculous to some, but I do not want to embarrass the one who is the heroine of this story if she suddenly stumbles upon these lines. I changed her name and my own, as well as changed a few details. And I decided to tell about what happened because four and a half years after those events, I am more and more overcome by a feeling, if not guilt, then a certain dissatisfaction with my inaction. After all, this happens, perhaps, once in a lifetime and in the life of only one person out of ten. Perhaps I am exaggerating and in the future I will be able to make sure that this is not the case. But if I don't put everything on paper, the void inside me will continue to expand.

As mentioned above, my childhood was spent in a small town N. Since at the moment I live in a metropolis, I can safely compare my provincial life with urban life. There are pluses in the first, but, of course, also minuses. The pluses of provincial life include the good nature of the people. And this is not surprising: 7 thousand people live in the town, and your address does not indicate the street, only the house number. Everyone knows each other, and any incident, even a minor one, cannot go unnoticed. Unfortunately, from this main, in my opinion, plus, the biggest minus follows - the restriction of freedom. It is precisely the limitation. If any incident occurs that can tarnish your reputation, then your life will change for the worse. Because in a small town there is nowhere to go, and good nature can turn into hostility.

At that time I was almost seventeen years old. The last year of school, by the way, the only one for the whole settlement, did not promise any surprises, and then a completely different life awaited us all. Someone will go to university in big cities, someone will go to a military school, etc. Despite the fact that it was April, I did not think about all this, but only calmly prepared for the final exams, which have the disgusting name of the Unified State Exam.
Her name is Nastya. And she was then 34 years old. Even in this story, I do not want to call her by name and patronymic, because for me she will forever remain Nastya. I didn’t know the best teacher, perhaps I don’t recognize. She taught physical education at our school. For some, the subject is not very important, but not for me. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle, my hobby since elementary school is running.

I remember in the third grade, when Nastya just started working at our school, I first felt this unusual feeling that you experience when you look, as you think, at an angel. It wasn't love, of course not. It was a sincere admiration for beauty, which, naturally, was associated with another, no less beautiful feeling - desire. There is nothing surprising here, because the sexual awakening of boys comes with the image of a woman, and not of innocent girls of the same age. Starting from the fifth grade, after elementary school, Nastya began to teach physical education here. Already at that time I was closer to her than any of the students in our class, and maybe the whole school. This was largely due to my intense training, because they took place under her leadership. Considering that team games have always been a priority at our school, we can say that it was a great achievement for me to be among the best students, since I was never interested in basketball or volleyball.

In the sixth grade, I took first places in the away competitions in running at distances of 1000 and 1500 meters. The first victories are not forgotten, and the joy that you share with your favorite coach and teacher is not forgotten. What could have happened between an 11-year-old boy and a 28-year-old woman? Nothing, of course. But this did not diminish my passionate attraction to her. It's funny to remember now, but then, when I took two gold, I felt like a winner in everything and even dared to imagine that in some way I could conquer Nastya. But children's fantasies remained only fantasies. Six months later, she got married. I still have no idea for whom, and I don’t want to know how then, at the age of 11.

Everything happened so quickly that it was hard to believe. Until recently, I was next to a person whom I exalted above everyone else, and now someone dared to encroach on what was sacred to me. She got married, and some time later, after the end of the school year, she left. It seemed like forever, so the seventh grade was perhaps the hardest for me. It seems to be a trifle, you think, a big deal! It's time to grow up, you didn't think that she would be forever alone in her personal life! But how could such thoughts have entered my head then? No, that year I began to train much less and did not even go to competitions, because it became indifferent. I ran only for myself and more out of habit.

This went on for four years until my final year at school. Long before him, I drew the conclusions that I described above. I had to move on, I managed to meet interesting girls, but our relationship never went far. At sixteen, I remained a virgin and never thought it was tragic or abnormal. And then I found out the news that just excited me. Nastya is returning to our town. One. There were various rumors, and they all boiled down to one thing - family life did not work out. But again, I was not interested in delving into her underwear, I just wanted to see her. On the line, we first met after such a long break. I guess I glanced at her too often, because she turned her head in my direction and smiled pleasantly. I even feared that Nastya would not remember me. But I knew from her eyes that she had not forgotten me. I waited for the first physical education lesson, like no other lesson in all my time at school. The lesson took place in the forest, as usual, there we even have a special track with different distances.

I deliberately delayed to help Nastya collect all the flags. Now that we were completely alone, I could talk a lot with her. But I tried to ask questions very carefully - how could I know what could have happened in her life during these 4 years? But she herself willingly told everything, without going into unnecessary details. It turns out that she divorced her husband after a year and a half, but did not feel much sadness. She said that they did not get along in character and dispersed peacefully, without raising a fuss. Then she lived for some time in the city with her parents, got a job at a local school, but she did not get along with the team there and eventually decided to return to our small town. Then she asked how my life was going and how many medals I managed to win. Then I felt a little ashamed, because I hadn’t participated anywhere else. Nastya chided me and deservedly so.

Then I decided to play a little, because I did not stop running, and therefore I told her that if she trains me, then I will win all the races at the away competitions in my favorite categories. Nastya replied that, of course, she was all for it. How could she know that I had started all this only for the sake of one thing - to be with her as long as possible.
We started training in September. They were, one might say, individual. Classes at the school took place in the morning, so after them we went out together, ran around the football field, which is located not far from the school. This was affected by the minus of the small town, which I mentioned earlier. I was surprised when I heard Nastya's answer to my question, why not train on the track in the forest. She said that it would be better to be in sight, otherwise you never know, bad conversations will go. I knew immediately what she meant, but I quickly realized that there was truth in her words. The sensations were twofold.

On the one hand, she said it so casually, as if the possibility of an intimate relationship really could take place. But on the other hand, her attitude to such things was felt - no, of course not, an intimate relationship between a teacher and a student is unacceptable. And I wanted her at the same minute ... So our training went on until the first snow. During all this time, we have become not just a student and his teacher. We did not become friends in the sense of this word, rather, we were connected by no less strong ties between the coach and his best pupil. In winter we went skiing - an activity no less useful than running.

And then spring came, the time for the competition. I easily won the locals and therefore had to represent our city at the district competitions. They took place in another city, it was necessary to go to it by train. Since only I could excel in the race, we went with Nastya together. It turned out to be a very long ride, about 7 hours. Upon arrival, we were greeted and shown the complex where we will live for two days, where we will also find the competition program. At that moment I was in seventh heaven! Two days with my Nastya! Of course, I understood that nothing would come of it, but why not dream at least a little? The complex turned out to be luxurious. I had my own number, Nastya was given a number in the building for coaches. In the afternoon, a 1000-meter race was to be held. We were preparing. I came second in the first race, and in the final I was able to win bronze. Not gold, of course, but nice too! After that we went each to his own building. For a long time I did not know what to do, but, nevertheless, I decided: I would go to Nastya. Chat. I gave myself a directive not to give in to my passion in any way. It would be wiser to stay in the room at all. But I decided I could handle it. On the way, I bought a liter of juice along with a couple of chocolates at some kiosk and went to Nastya.

As I walked to her door, I realized that she was apparently taking a shower and decided that it was not my day today. After pushing the door slightly, I was surprised to find that it was not locked. I decided to enter. But barely stepping over the threshold, I said loudly that it was Sasha who had come, the door was not locked and, they say, here I am ... Nastya came out five minutes later, steamed, just out of the shower ... She was wearing a fluffy white robe, and I began to feel a little feverish at the thought that there was nothing under it, only her beautiful body. In general, I was not at a loss, I apologized that I had come like this, without warning, I did not know that I could inadvertently embarrass her. She replied that it was nonsense, there was nothing wrong with that, she told me that I could enter the room. We talked, recalled the events of the past day. Two hours passed, no less.

And then I caught myself thinking that, despite all the efforts of the will, I too often glance at her, mentally even undress her. She probably felt it too. Dusk fell. Nastya went to the window and examined the sports complex. I stood behind her. Her delicate neck was a couple of centimeters from my lips. As I walked out of my room, I figured I could handle it. But could not. Some unknown force made me gently take Nastya by the waist and kiss her. She got scared and walked away from me. It brought me to my senses a little. I apologized, said that I did not know what suddenly came over me. But then I thought about it and decided: What the hell? I am no longer 11 years old, even if he knows what a strong attraction I have for her. " Collecting all my will into a fist, I firmly and clearly explained to her what was the matter. In fact, I was all shaking inside, but I tried to hold on as best I could. He told her that I had idolized her for several years already, that I had never met a more beautiful woman, that it was a pleasure for me to just be next to her.

When my monologue ended, I felt incredible relief. He said everything like a stone from the soul. Nastya silently looked at me. A few seconds later she came up to me and said frankly that this was normal, she understood me, she even said that she herself sometimes thinks about such things, because she is also a person, not a machine. But there can be no relationship between teacher and student, this is wrong. As she spoke the last words, I caught the uncertainty in her voice and immediately understood what was the reason. Nastya at the moment was experiencing no less excitement than my own. Yes, she is not a machine, she is a sensual woman and nothing human is alien to her. Without a word, I hugged her and hugged her tightly. I felt what a flame is now raging inside Nastenka, how difficult it is for her to erect that dam, which is able to hold back the irresistible force of the river, which is called Passion.

I kissed her neck again. This time Nastya responded to the kiss by closing her eyes and giving me freedom in her actions. Before that, I had never been so close to a woman. In his relationships with girls, he never went beyond kissing, while feeling confusion and awkwardness. And then, as if all my complexes and fears were blown away by the wind. It’s not clear where, but I knew what to do next. Covering her neck with tender kisses, I sometimes caressed her with my tongue, while experiencing indescribable pleasure. We lay down on the floor. Nastya was lying on her back, her gaze was slightly blurred. I quickly took off my T-shirt and pants and continued my caresses. Descending lower and lower with my tongue, I simultaneously and slowly untied the belt of her white robe. Having finished with the belt, I took off her robe, and my eyes opened the most beautiful picture of all that I have seen. After kissing Nastenka on the collarbone, I began to go down and reached my chest. I felt that some animal was awakening inside me.

What I just did not do: kissed them, gently crumpled, stroked, fiddled, caressed with my tongue ... Nastya began to moan and her moans were music to me. Then I began to sink lower and reached the tummy. He was very soft and resilient. Having fondled him too, I decided to go even lower. It was much hotter there. I only remember that I felt like I was in some kind of trance. Caressing her there, I felt the pleasure that Nastya felt, as if she was caressing me. The warmth of her body made me caress her harder, more sensual. How long it lasted, I can’t even come close, it would seem that eternity, but on the other hand, only one moment. But at one point, she suddenly screamed, her hands clasped my head, began to passionately stroke her, and her legs shook in light convulsions. All this time, I continued to gently knead her breasts. It doesn't take a genius to understand that at that moment I brought a woman to orgasm for the first time in my life. Reassured, she whispered thanks. I knelt down trying to regain consciousness. Even before that, Nastenka grabbed my buttocks and moved closer to me. After a couple of moments, her head was at the level of my abdomen.

With her breasts Nastenka felt my excitement, which, as it seemed to me, had already reached its limit. She took out a pillow with her hand, slipped it under her head, and then began to gently kiss my penis. I thought that I would explode at that moment, closed my eyes, when suddenly I felt that she took the head in her mouth. An electric shock passed through me. I looked at her. I couldn't imagine anything more erotic. In my opinion, there is no more erotic and sexier picture than a woman delivering oral sex. Her tongue caressed my head, and Nastenka's movements were unhurried, she seemed to tease me. And I was so excited that I decided to take the initiative into my own hands. In time with her movements, he began to move his pelvis towards, now my penis entered her mouth by half.

Nastenka moaned with almost every new movement, I felt how eagerly her lips were wrapped around my penis, how much her tongue caressed me. This could not last long. The orgasm was incredibly powerful. In front of him, I tried to slow down, but when he came, it was beyond my strength to remain motionless. The first stream of my sperm went straight into Nastenka's mouth, after which my body jerked from all these sensations, and the second stream hit her right in the upper lip. Nastya smiled, and it was such a happy smile that I stopped feeling any embarrassment. My semen slowly flowed down her lips and cheeks ... Nastya got up and went to the bathroom to wash. And I was left to sit on the floor. I was shaking all over. I tried to get up, but my legs did not obey me well, and my knees shook treacherously. Nastya returned, and we sat for about half an hour. They talked about all sorts of things, laughed. And there was no tension, we both felt great.

It was time to leave. Saying goodbye, I thanked her again, kissed her on the cheek and went to my building. I felt very good that day.
Then there was the second day of the competition, where I performed, to put it mildly, it didn't matter. We returned to the town with one bronze medal. Our relationship continued, but I see no reason to go into all the details here. The most important thing, namely how it all started and went for the first time, I told.
P.S. In the summer, after my first year at the university, I returned to the town on vacation and did not find Nastya. They said she left. Therefore, one of the reasons why I am publishing this story is as follows: Nastya, if you read this, write to me, because you will immediately understand that it is about you and me.

Sunday, August 30, 2009 03:32 + in the quote pad

I came to my senses when it was already light outside. The morning rays of the sun shone through the window and sunbeams played on my naked body. Slowly pulling myself up in bed, I began to remember in fragments what happened that night ... Remembering the touch of a strong strong man and the pleasure he gave me, I began to get excited. The hand immediately dropped down to my crack, which was already wet. The finger went around the pea and slid into my girl. Oh: how sweet ... Thinking about my father-in-law, I caught myself thinking that I no longer think of him as a relative and father of my husband, I think of him as a strong man who knows how to please a woman and his thick elastic penis, which I did not see, but felt with pleasure in my girl. Ah ... how I would like to take him in my mouth, I thought licking my lips ... This is crazy ... he is 56 years old, he is the father of my husband, but I want him so much ...
Pulling my finger out of my girl and swiping along the clitoris, I licked my juices from it and began to get up sweetly, pulling up. Throwing a robe over my naked body, I went to the shower. There was silence in the apartment, the mother-in-law was apparently asleep after the night shift in the hospital, and the father-in-law ... he was probably in his office.
In the bathroom, I began to draw water and let out a fragrant foam, anticipating how I would bask in warm water, bending over to check if the water was too hot, I felt a hand go down my thigh from the inside to the pussy. Turning abruptly, I saw my father-in-law, with a glance he drilled my breasts, which were no longer hidden by the open robe. He stood in some trainings, and it was clearly visible how an excited member was sticking out in his pants. Not realizing my actions, I slowly raised one leg and put it on the edge of the bathtub, ran my hand over my wet pussy, scooped up my juices with my finger and held out my hand to him. My father-in-law immediately grabbed it with his hand and began to lick my fingers, and with the other hand stroked my pussy. Licking my fingers, he went down and licked and slightly bit the nipple, knelt down and began to passionately lick my girl. He licked my abundant juices, fingered the excited clitoris with his tongue, licked his lips and again with his tongue at the girl ... Oh, how sweet ... Legs tremble. With one hand I held on to the wall so as not to fall, and with the other I put it on his head and stroked him, as if encouraging his actions. The clitoris sucks, and the middle finger inside, and feels the walls of my girl, teases ... I feel the inevitable approach of orgasm, convulsively sit on my finger and ... Oooh ... Father-in-law felt the walls of my girl began to randomly squeeze his finger, but he did not stop sucking on the clitoris, making the orgasm longer and brighter. Unable to bear it, my legs gave way and I crawled down the wall trying to catch my breath ... Father-in-law stroked my cheek, ran his finger along his half-open lips, got up, closed the water that I had already forgotten about and began to take off his pants. A beautiful picture opened up to my eyes, a thick, excited member swaying from side to side, thick convex veins passed from the very base to the large mushroom-shaped head. Large massive balls and pubis were shaved, which surprised me a lot. I did not expect that the father-in-law, who will soon be 60, takes such care of his dignity ... In other respects, I did not expect and could not think that I would be so thirsty for his skillful hands, tongue and his thick penis. The father-in-law sat down on the edge of the bathtub, legs slightly apart, his penis was directed its powerful head up, at the end of which a drop glittered.
- Come to me ... look how I want you ... how he wants you ... - having said this, the father-in-law ran his hand along the trunk, - come to me ... I can hardly restrain myself, baby.
I looked fascinated at his beautiful, powerful member. Without getting to my feet, on my knees, I moved to him and stood between his powerful hairy legs. She ran her tongue along the entire trunk and, reaching the head, began to lick it like a delicious lollipop, savoring and smacking her lips. She massaged the testicles with her hand, and sat down on his handsome man with her mouth, tightly clamping the trunk with sponges, sucking, licking with her tongue. I helped with my hand, lightly stroking and running along the trunk with my hand in a circular motion, caressing his bridle with my tongue, slowly ... accelerating the pace ... then along the entire penis and down to the testicles, first one in my mouth and played with it with my tongue, then the second, and stroked with her hand ... such a hard, such a thick and tasty penis of the father-in-law. And I look into his eyes ... and he strokes his head, and can not hold back his groans. And again in my mouth ... I suck ... changing the pace ... deep in my throat, the father-in-law is trembling and I’m already waiting for his sperm to pour down my throat, but the father-in-law suddenly stops me, pushes me away ... tries to catch my breath.
- Minx ... You will be left without the main dish ... Get up ... I want to fuck your juicy narrow hole, sit down ... sit on it and jump, my sweetie ... just do not rush ... I want to fuck take you long ...
I got up, turned my back to him so that his legs were between mine parted and began to sit on his lap. Holding his penis with his hand, he directs the head into my crack, and the other strokes my ass. I felt his penis pushing the walls of my girl. Slowly, slowly, I sat on it. The father-in-law took me by the ass and began to press, push on his stake, pulling my clitoris with one hand.
- Do you like it when I fuck you, honey?
- Yes ... - I said through a groan.
- Speak louder, I didn’t hear.
Sitting on his lap and making rotational movements with my pelvis, I answered loudly:
- Yes! I like... . I like it when you fuck me ... oooh ... I couldn't hold back the moans, forgetting that my mother-in-law was sleeping after the night shift in the hospital. Then the father-in-law hugged me by the tummy, pressed me tightly to him and began to gently and slowly rise, so that his penis did not slip out of my girl. Leaning on the sink, I arched my back and spread my legs even wider. He took me by the waist and put it on his penis, rhythmically, abruptly ... bending over he squeezed my chest and pulled at the nipples, and fucked, quickly, driving his piston into me. After 10 minutes of vigorous fucking, by moans and abrupt movements, I realized that the father-in-law is now a tip and I moaned:
- Cum in my mouth ... I want your cum.
A few jerks and my father-in-law with moans, abruptly came out of me, turned me over, and I knelt down and took his penis into my mouth and began vigorously sucking and stroking, as a tart, tart stream of sperm shot from his thick penis into the palate, which I barely had time to swallow. The father-in-law was breathing heavily and stroking my head like an obedient girl, squeezing out the last drops from himself.
- You drive me crazy, baby. I want to fuck you always, and everywhere ... you won't resist it, will you?
- No ... - quietly escaped me.


Sunday, August 30, 2009 03:31 AM + in the quote pad

During the renovation in our apartment, my husband and I were invited by his parents and we gladly agreed. The hospitable father-in-law gave us a spacious room, in which we settled down.
My husband periodically goes on business trips, my mother-in-law works in a hospital, and my father-in-law, having his own small company, constantly disappeared in the office.
On that day, after returning from work, I felt tired, exhausted and decided to go to bed early, especially since my husband again left for work in another city and the evening promised to be boring.
Because of the fatigue that covered me, I fell asleep very quickly ... I dreamed of how in a glade near the forest I had sex with my husband, and without controlling myself, I put my hand between my legs and began to caress myself with my finger, from which my girl is very moisturized. Through a voluptuous dream, I felt how someone's strong hands confidently spread my legs, how they take my hand away from my girl and begin to lick my fingers, licking my desire juice from them. Then gentle light kisses fell on the inner thighs.
Outside the window it was already late night and in the room - pitch darkness. I decided that my husband's business trip was canceled and I relaxed, still being half in a sweet dream, half in reality ...
His wet, cool tongue began to caress my long-wet girl, lick and suck on the tense clitoris, dive into the hole with the tongue, lick again, again into the hole.
Ah ... How good ... I could not hold back the quiet moans, with my hands I caressed my big elastic breasts, rubbed and squeezed the nipples between my fingers and moved towards this playful tongue. He began to cover my whole body with kisses, rising higher. He kissed my tummy, tickled my navel with my tongue, began to passionately lick my breasts, while he wielded his finger between my legs, feeling the walls of the vagina, and with his thumb he massaged my rather large clitoris. All weight lies on me and puts a member to my wet hole. At last! I am exhausted from desire and cannot contain myself:
- Come into me, fuck! I so want to finally feel your thick penis in me! ...
Slowly he ran his wet thick head over the lips, pressed and began to enter me, and squeezed my wet clitoris with his fingers. I felt how his thick trunk parted the narrow walls of my vagina and from this sensation I began to cum, convulsively squeezing the girl's penis. He put his hands under my ass, his voice hoarse with excitement, whispered softly in my ear:
- I dreamed of fucking you for so long, baby ... And he abruptly pushed his friend into me up to the balls and energetically moved his butt between my legs, pushing my ass towards a meeting, his tongue fluttered around excited nipples, sucking it and nibbling.
These words were said by no one else like my father-in-law! The man lying on top of me and energetically fucking my wet slit is not my husband, but my 56-year-old father-in-law!
Oh my God! - I tried to push, put my hands on his hairy chest.
- Uncle Misha ... - I barely squeezed out of myself ... But then he leaned on me even more, pressed his lips to mine, stuck his tongue into my mouth and began kissing passionately, while with quick sharp movements began to drive into me his stake, "kissing" me with his end in the uterus, from which I just started to fly away. The father-in-law began to make sounds similar to the growl of a male. The squelching sounds of this wild ride and the slaps of his powerful balls against my ass filled the whole room, and I began to cum with a loud groan, shaking and wriggling under him. Wave after wave covered me, exploding in my lower abdomen, spreading all over my body to my fingertips. My violent orgasm caused a splash of semen and a loud, low, drawn-out moan from my father-in-law. From a bright orgasm, I lost consciousness, falling into a deep sweet abyss.
To be continued...

I want to tell a story that happened to me. My name is Lily. I am 26. Due to the circumstances (divorce from my husband), I received a luxurious 2-storey house and a brand new car from my father. Having promised him to start an independent life, after thinking carefully and deciding that I need to continue my studies, I enrolled in an English school.

The private school was designed for businessmen, managers who need high-level English, so there was no one under the age of 20 in this school. It was located far from the city center and my home. I had to go there almost every day in my favorite BMW. I love to drive a car, not driving through the streets, but just enjoying the average speed and listening to music.

The first day at school was probably the busiest. Having chosen a place for myself at the first desk, I began to examine those present. Several young girls, a couple of married girls, three guys, a total of 12 people. Cute. A pro will never recruit a class of 20 or more. The most fruitful learning takes place in these small groups.

At 10 o'clock, classes began, but the teacher was not there. During this time, the class managed to get to know each other. Expectations and conversations were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Hello, sorry for being late on the very first day of our training! , - the gentle voice of the teacher penetrated into my ears, making me flinch.
“It's okay, there are terrible traffic jams on the roads because of the snow!” Squealed young girls like me in admiration.

Teacher ... Hmm ... Now I understand why, when the teacher came in, the girls fell silent ... Alexander Andreevich was young, perhaps a little older than me, tall, pleasantly built and unusually handsome in appearance.

As expected, at the beginning of the lesson, Alexander Andreevich arranged an anonymous questionnaire for the whole class. We wrote questions to the teacher on sheets, and he promised to answer them. We learned from the questionnaire that the teacher is not married and lives far from work. And the last thing that he is 32 years old - that's what I wanted to know.

The lessons were held according to a specially selected program.
Alexander Andreevich, not sparing his time, conducted additional classes, diligently following each of us. If during the lesson someone did not understand the topic, the teacher spoke in a more understandable language, chewing on each sentence. It seems to me that he loved his profession very much and tried to "reach out" to everyone.

Girls, even married ones, went crazy for their teacher. Frankly, I was also a little bit intoxicated when the teacher was around. They tried to go to extra classes every day, went to the school cafeteria together, called for tea.
I did not rush after the teacher like everyone else, the wound from parting with my husband has not yet healed in my soul ... Although, I tried very hard not to think about him anymore. I did not care. My goal was to be fluent in English.

Alexander Andreevich did not refuse tea, but always kept his distance from too persistent. Although, sometimes a young soul full of unspent love burst out, and the teacher allowed himself to joke and "pin up", to drive even unbreakable girls into the paint.

A year has passed.

Once, on a day when laziness struck me and I didn’t want anything but rest, not having learned a lesson and having slept in addition to all this, I rushed to my BMW to class. “MOCKINGBIRD” was playing, snow was falling, the mood was appropriate ...

Arriving, I tried to sneak into my seat unnoticed, but the teacher still saw me.

Lily, is everything all right? You were just in time (he smiled slyly), yesterday I gave the task to translate the text, did you cope with the task?
- Alexander Andreevich, to be honest, I'm not ready at all.
- It looks like you are not the only one, half of the class is not prepared. Was the assignment so difficult? Well, okay, let's start with the text ... - the teacher said softly.
“Alexander Andreevich, what a sexy voice you have!” The girls screamed.
- Let's see, according to the results of the lesson, whether I will charm you or not! , - the teacher whispered more erotically.

I quietly laughed at these jokes. The lesson was intense, interesting, however, as always. After completing classes and additional ones, everyone began to disperse. Even those who always stayed late were in a hurry to go home. At 5 pm, it gradually got dark outside the window. Excellent sleepy weather. The girls ran away, I and the teacher remained in the class.

Lily!?, - the teacher called me

I shuddered. ... hurry to a warm bed ...

Lily, have you forgotten your request?
- Oh yes! Of course. I asked you to explain some words to me. Sorry.
- Nothing, I will not stay long, please stay for another hour and I will let you go.
- Good...

Alexander Andreevich smiled, looking at me. Approaching the front door, he looked around and asked:

To keep us out of the way, will I close the door?
- Ah ..? Mm .. Yes, please.

I was embarrassed ... Is there something wrong? Maybe he always closes the doors?

We parsed the phrase. The teacher sat down opposite me at the desk. Every facial feature, every fold was presented to my gaze. "What a handsome man he is," I mentally noted. Sometimes I made mistakes in writing, he took my hand in his and wrote to her, terribly embarrassing me with this. My hands were shaking, I tried to concentrate on the writing, but it was difficult. I dropped my pen on the floor a couple of times. At these moments, the teacher bent down to pick it up and our heads sometimes touched.

An hour has passed. Saying goodbye to the teacher, I got into the car. Hands grabbed the steering wheel painfully, my head fell on them. I was trembling from an overabundance of feelings, my heart was beating wildly in my chest ... I cried ...

Hurry home, hurry home ...

The next day I called the school and said that I would only come for additional classes in the late afternoon. This day was dedicated only to myself. Massage, delicious tea and doing nothing. At 4 o'clock I went to school.

As I thought, no one was there. Perhaps only a few teachers and Alexander Andreevich.

Hello, - I sang cheerfully.
- Lily, it's great that you came, let's work out ?, - the teacher, getting up, came up to me.
- With pleasure.
- Sit down at your desk, pliz.
- Oh, English right off the bat?

I removed the thread from the teacher's jacket.

Fine, Alexander ... Oh, sorry, Alexander Andreevich ...

Master looked at me intently, smiling slightly. A gentle smile ... What a gentle smile he has!

Lily, are you caring ... ”he said quietly.
“Hmm, sometimes,” I smiled.

A couple of hours of practice brought me to my senses. The heart was calm. After a while, the teacher asked me to write a couple of sentences on the blackboard and try to translate them.

Can you roughly, the main thing is that you must understand the meaning of the sentence.

He stood next to me and glared at me, from which I gradually began to melt. “The teacher will not be able to embarrass me! I am not strong, but because of this look I will not squeal like others. He's not looking at me! He is not looking at me, but at what I am writing, ”I thought to myself.

Lily, you're a tough nut to crack, ”the teacher whispered, making my heart beat faster and faster.

Soooo, decided to check me out ?! Wanted to embarrass? I'll show you the checks now! I got angry.

No, Sasha, from a look like yours, I melt, - turning to the teacher and coming very close to him, looking into his eyes, I whispered languidly.

His lips parted, his cheeks a little pink. Our faces were very close, it was worth slightly bending over, stretching out our lips, and we would kiss.

I succeeded! He was terribly embarrassed! (I rejoiced mentally) Suddenly, the teacher slightly bowed his head, and it seemed to me for a moment that he decided to kiss me. Can not be! I do not believe! A fright appeared on my face.

Alexander Andreyevich tightly squeezed my waist and, slightly pulling it away from him, said hoarsely:

Lily, me too ...

We both stood paralyzed for a few seconds and just looked at each other. Our bodies and hearts were burning hot.

Hmm, oh, I'm sorry, we'll continue to study, ”the teacher hastily moved away from me, firmly said.
- Let's ... I translated the phrase, but to no avail, help, pliz!
- Necessarily!

The teacher stood behind me and took my hand with the chalk in his. (damn, again I'm confused by his behavior) A strong hot hand and my supple ... I felt the heat of his body through my thin jumper.

Lily, I can hear your heart beating, what happened? The teacher whispered to me next to my ear. (Oh my God, what's going on .. What's wrong with me ?! Lily, pull yourself together! The girls were right about 100, he has a sexy voice. I'm already completely wet!)
- It's just the weather ... - I said slowly, without turning to him.
“Lily, I want you to take extra lessons more often,” the teacher asked.
- Good.

Arriving home, I fell on the bed in my clothes and fell asleep for the first time in six months ...

The next morning I was awakened by a knock on the door ...
--- Who came so early?, - I was angry, dressing on the go ... - Especially on Sunday! Or maybe it's an ex, it's my birthday today ... Found time, damn it, - I remembered.
Without looking at the intercom, I went down to the hall and opened the door.
Alexander Andreevich stood on the threshold with a huge bouquet of white roses.
--- Al ...? Alexan .... - I was shocked.
--- Happy birthday Lily! You look great! (the teacher stared at me with wide eyes stumbling)
I looked where the teacher was looking and was taken aback. Sleepy, in spite of myself, I only put on a transparent shirt of a soft pink color that slightly covered my ass. My hair, unkempt, flowed down my chest and shoulders. Lips from sleep burned and were crimson. I looked like a sexy, horny bitch who had sex all night. And in this form I appeared before the teacher. Yes, any man has one place to light up when he sees this !!!
Alexander Andreevich closed his eyes with a deep sigh.
--- Sorry, I'm not looking ... Although I would very much like to, - he joked, trying to get me out of my stupor.
--- Open your eyes and walk through, - I smiled. - You have already seen me, now it is too late to close your eyes.
“If I open my eyes and look at you again, I’ll have to revive me,” he continued to joke.
--- It's not scary, it's natural.
The teacher went into the room, and I ran to the shower. Coming out of it, I saw Alexander Andreevich sitting on the floor with a magazine and a whiskey cop.
He looked great, like from the cover of a fashionable men's magazine.
I sat down next to you.
--- Do you like men's magazines ?, asked A.A.
--- Oh, these ... - I nodded at the stack on the table. - This is left of my ex-husband, but I don’t want to end the subscription.
--- Still have feelings? Sorry, this is probably none of my business.
--- Thank you ... Almost everything has already burned out.
--- Lily, if you don't mind, let's go to the sea, - the teacher tactfully translated the conversation.
--- Yes!! I haven't been to the sea for a long time !!! Especially in winter !!!, - I happily agreed.
--- And then to a restaurant, to a disco or wherever you want, I want you to remember your birthday for the rest of your life.
--- Oh, I will remember it, even the morning event is enough
--- Aaah .... Right, I - definitely won't forget. We laughed together.
I sat down on my knees in front of him.
--- Whiskey?
--- Yes...
--- Who will drive the car ?!
--- You
--- Haa ?? I AM?? On your birthday ?? !! HM...
I pouted my lips. Master put the magazine aside and sat even closer to me. He took his kopp and brought it close to my lips.
--- Drink
--- NS?? I'll drive the car! , - I said sarcastically.
--- Drink, Lily, pliz, - he whispered sexually.
--- No
--- You will not? Here's how ... I came with a chauffeur, he would take us ...
--- What didn't you say before !?
--- Well ...., - he stretched out smiling
--- Alexander Andreevich, you ... you ... I have no words! - I exploded.
--- Senx
We went to the club.
Dr went amazingly ... On disco, when they put on a romantic melody, he hugged me tightly and I felt his body. Drunk, we sometimes did stupid things, flirted with each other; in a dance, as if inadvertently our lips were touching ... But it didn’t come to kissing. In the evening, the teacher dismissed the driver and we went to my house. In the car I got a little seasick and fell asleep. I woke up from the fact that Alexander Andreevich was taking off my outerwear. I was already at home.
--- Oh, sorry, I fell asleep ...
--- Nothing, - he gently reassured me. I didn't want to wake you up.
He covered me with a blanket and I fell asleep again.
When he woke up, there was no one around. Dream? The room was cleaned as if there was no Dr ...
I looked at the table. No, this is not a dream. There were still white roses on the table, and among them, in the very center .................... one bright red could be seen ...
Staring at the rose, I tried to understand when the teacher managed to buy it and its meaning.
Happy A.A. I called and inquired about my state of health, apologized for my behavior, although I was happy, glad. He gave me the most memorable DR ever.

A mounth later.
--- Lily, Lily, - my friend ran into the toilet, where I stood and combed my hair.
Today my friends and I were going to go for a walk after class.
--- What's happened?
--- You A.A. urgently asked to come. Have you done something?
--- Of course not. Strange ... We'll have to postpone our trip.
--- Hee hee, It's worth it! In my opinion, he "glues" you
--- Well, yes, of course .. Hehe. Bye!
--- Bye, - my friend slapped me on the shoulder and ran away ...
I wonder what he wants from me? Oh no! Not classes! I do not want
do it today ....
I slowly went up to the second floor, walked along a quiet corridor and opened the familiar door.
--- Alexander Andreevich, did you call me ?, - I asked quietly.
There was silence in the class. The teacher was sitting on the penultimate school desk with his head in his hands.
"Asleep?" - I thought.
Sitting in front of him and putting my hands on his desk, I began to look at him ...
Master raised his head sharply, thereby frightening me, grabbed my hands and squeezed them with his own. I was in captivity! With a cry, I wanted to free my hands, but in vain, he held them tightly.
--- Let me go!
--- Oh, I'm sorry, it's probably from a dream, - the teacher opened his fingers. Did it hurt!?
--- You scared me, I said with a smile
--- Please forgive me. So, about your test ... I noticed that you don't know how to write stories at all. If you don't mind, we could fix it now. It is not hard...
--- Today?!!
--- Yes, do you have any other plans?
--- Hmm ... Not anymore. I just don't feel like sitting in a cold class and studying ... I don't feel well ....
--- What do you suggest?
I got an idea, but will the teacher agree ...
--- At home ...
--- ?
--- If you don't mind, we will go to my house and you will explain everything to me ...
--- Hmm ... I don't mind, of course. Perhaps you will relax and delve into the topic more ... Okay ... Just promise me a cup of hot coffee?
--- Of course! - I was glad that he agreed. I'll get some rest.
--- By the way, put your car in the school parking lot, we'll go in mine.
--- Good.
The teacher, having warned the director about homework and having received consent, went down to the cloakroom, where I was already picking up my clothes.
--- Everything is fine! They agreed ... Let me help you ...
--- Thank you, - the teacher carefully threw a fur coat over me ...
Meeting my eyes, I was a little embarrassed. I have not yet forgotten how we spent my birthday.
We left school. Snow ... I'm so tired today. Throwing my head back and closing my eyes, I enjoyed the frost and falling snowflakes on my face.
--- The Snow Queen?! Let's go, - the teacher said this, gently touched the tip of my nose.
--- Thank you, I've become so lazy ...
He smiled back, opened the car door and put me in the car.
The car rumbled quietly and I dozed off to this sound.
--- Lily ..., - the gentle voice of the teacher woke me up.
Opening my eyes, I saw the face of Alexander Andreyevich in front of me, who was bending over me. His cheeks were burning, his heart was beating desperately ..
--- Lily ... I ...
His lips are slightly parted as if they were waiting ...
--- Alexander Andreevich .... - I plunged into his spell, a fog in my head.
--- Please ... kiss me ... - what am I saying! ... The words popped out by themselves. The body went limp.
He removed a lock from my forehead and gently touched his lips to it ... Oh, God, a flame burned in me from his kiss!
--- I'll be right there, I need to take a couple of books with me. Wait a little bit.
It turns out that while I was dozing, he first drove to his house.
Emotions sucked the last of my strength out of me. What is it? What relationships? A teacher with a student? Mmm ... a man and a woman? It looks like, but something is missing ... No ...
My head was spinning and I again, imperceptibly for myself, fell asleep.
Teacher returned with books, threw my seat back and covered my legs with a blanket.
--- Lily! Wake up, we have arrived, - the teacher gently touched his hand to my cheek. Seeing that I did not open my eyes, he began to stroke my hair, lightly tugging at it.
Under the teacher's gaze, I stretched sweetly.
Arriving home, I asked the teacher to feel at home, and I myself went to take a bath.
After 10 minutes, Alexander Andreevich knocked on the bathroom door.
--- Lily, I hope you haven't sailed far?, - the teacher joked.
--- Haha. I can't swim ... By the way, will you teach me?
--- Mmm, you need to think about it. By the way, it's already nine o'clock in the evening. Come on out and get busy.
--- Would you like to rub my back?
--- Lily, don't joke with me like that
--- Tell me honestly, do you want it or not ?, I insisted. I really wanted to know what he thinks at the moment and what he wants.
--- If you go out, I'll tell you.
--- Alexander Andreevich! What a sly one you are! - I was offended.
--- Lily, don't be capricious.
After the shower, I put on a short skirt and shirt. It was very warm at home, even hot.
--- Alexander Andreevich, you can also go to the shower. After work, I probably really want to take a bath and drink coffee ...
“Lily, if you don’t mind, then I would really like to do it,” he rejoiced.
An hour later, we drank coffee and ate the chicken I cooked.
I gave him a bathrobe after a shower and for the first time I saw his powerful breasts. I really wanted to touch such beauty.
--- Alexander Andreevich, - I came close to him, - can I touch it?
In response, he took my hand in his and put it to his chest. I could feel his breathing quickening and his heart pounding in my chest.
--- So warm ..., in response to my words, he took a deep breath and with my own hand held it across his chest to his stomach. I shuddered, and he squeezed my hand even harder. A storm was raging under his robe.
Twilight, dim light, light music aroused a woman in me, I wanted him here and now and was ready to pounce on him myself like a hungry animal. But I did not understand and did not know the thoughts of Alexander Andreyevich. He came to study and offered it several times. No, you need to get rid of all vulgar and intimate thoughts from your head. I'll wind myself up ...
--- Lily, what's wrong with you, I'm calling you, and you seem to be twisting somewhere, - the teacher lightly patted me on the shoulder.
--- Come on sit down at the table, - the teacher sat me down, laid out the books and notebooks.
--- So, you have to do something else with your hair.
The teacher took a crab and a comb lying on the table, came up behind me and began to gently comb my hair.
--- Alexander Andrei .... vi .....
--- Does it hurt?
--- No, I am very pleased
Putting the comb aside, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, bent down to my ear and gently, sexually whispered, "Lily." The body again felt severe weakness, the head was spinning. He saw me, closing my eyes, enjoying myself and squeezing my shoulders tighter.
Alexander Andreevich, touching his neck with his fingers, stabbed his hair with a crab.
After exercising and feeling very tired, we decided to drink a little brandy to raise our strength.
--- Alexander Andreevich, I wanted to say you have an amazing body.
--- Haha, thanks a lot, do you like it?
--- So much so that I want to see him again.
--- Ho..ro..sho ..., - the teacher said slowly.
We were already sitting in the living room, on the carpet were glasses and coppa with alcohol. The teacher was sitting with my elbows on the sofa, and I was next to him on my knees in front of him. He bared his torso to the waist.
--- What do you say, dear Lily, - he whispered in a languid voice.
--- I have nothing to say .... All I want is to touch again.
When I bent down to touch his chest, the teacher reached out and unhooked the crab. My hair fell on his chest and flowed in waves down it.
"Lily, you look ... awesome," he whispered, his voice hoarse with excitement.
Raising my eyelids, I looked with interest and whispered:
--- You too...
Intuition did not disappoint, deciding to go to the end and not miss the moment, I began to attack.
--- Can you ask ... to give me a massage?
--- Dear Lily, of course; I completely tortured you with my studies, - the teacher took me by the hand and took me to the bedroom. He sat down on the wide bed and leaned back against the pillows.
--- Come here, sit facing me ... like this ... Put your head on my shoulder. And feet on mine. Sit closer, don't be afraid, - the teacher, taking me by the shoulders, pulled me to him.
--- I'm not afraid .... I just ...
--- What? Tell me - he took my chin, again our faces were very close for a kiss. The teacher was very gentle in everything.
--- I ... I can't ...
--- In principle, I understand ... Lily ... answer me one question ... Honestly, what do you feel next to me now? The answer is required.
--- Now I feel ... excitement, shame, confusion, desire ...
--- You have a storm of emotions in your soul! - The teacher held his hand over my cheek. - Now I will fix it, my massage will calm you down.
--- Your hands do not let me calm down ... They are too gentle ..
--- Your body is too sensual, - the teacher snapped tenderly.
Leaning my head on his shoulder, I thought. "No, you can't calm me down."
Teacher brushed my back hair and pulled my shirt off my shoulders. Grasping my waist with both hands, he pulled me to him. There was nothing under the clothes and feeling this he became even more excited. His hot body began to inflame again, with my thighs I felt his "penis". And my skirt separated my pussy from his cock.
--- How risky it all is ... - I whispered
--- ......
He gently pressed his chest against mine, feeling its elasticity. He massaged my neck and back with his hands.
--- Lily ...
--- ...MMM?
--- I have a wish?
--- Yes, you won it from me, do you want something?
--- Yeah ..... But I can't ...
--- Why?
--- My job, debt, etc. me...
--- Stop? It looks like you have a storm in your soul too. We are adults, define your desires and act, bring them to life. Even if you are wrong, you will know the answer.
--- What a smart girl you are, Lily.
I looked at him and we smiled at each other. The sparkles emanating from him began to mix with mine.
--- If you don't mind, let's sleep, - the teacher stretched.
--- Yes! I'm so ... tired too. Where do you put you? ”I looked at him inquiringly.
The teacher raised an eyebrow. "We are adults ..." my own words flashed through my head. The issue was silently resolved. He lay down on the bed and I lay down next to him. Before that, I put a T-shirt on my body.
--- Lily, can I have a little request?
--- What? - I lay on my stomach and began to look at the teacher.
--- Call me by name, - the teacher also lay on his stomach.
--- Ok, Alexander Andreev ..
--- Sasha, - he smiled and touched my nose tip.
--- Yeah ...., - I whispered in reply, smiling.
We soon fell asleep. At night I woke up, the teacher was sleeping peacefully next to me, his hand was on my stomach. He hugged me in his sleep. I began to look at him with courage and not fearing that he would wake up. And then a thought flashed through my mind. I can make one wish come true! Risking nothing! Fine. I freed myself from his embrace, casually gathered my hair with something. In a dream, the teacher rolled over on his back ...
And I thought, "You are great ... But ... What is our relationship? It’s not clear to me. This is not a teacher-student relationship, but also not a man and a woman. They look more like kindred gentle. We must stop them and put them on a different level. But as long as there is a chance ... I will secretly change them from you. Like a warm-up. When I calm down a little ... I will accept from you all your tenderness and warmth. And wait for the development of relations. The desire to kiss him grew ...
I bent over the teacher, his lips parted in sleep and gave even more chances. --- Sasha ..., - closing my eyes, I gently kissed him on the lips. For several seconds my lips did not move. I enjoyed the softness and warmth of Sasha's lips. When I woke up, I kissed him again on the edge of his mouth.
--- Oh, who's playing naughty here, - with these words the teacher abruptly grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me over onto my back, pressing me to the bed with his magnificent body. I definitely could not move.
“Well, tell me ... what were you doing here while I was sleeping?” The teacher smirked slyly.
--- Let me go, I'll tell you.
--- No, dear Lily, this time I'm not going to let you go.
--- Then I will be silent, - in my heart I was happy with such a development of the situation.
--- But let's see, - and with these words Alexander Andreevich unexpectedly dug his lips into my lips.
A wave of excitement shot through my body and I groaned plaintively. The kiss lasted for several seconds. Then he kissed me again, slightly paring my lips with his tongue.
--- Did you want this? Yes? ..., - he gently touched his lips to my cheek.
--- I asked you for a long time to kiss ... me.
--- I remember in the car .... I restrained myself from this desire, tk. my job and the contract not to make any connections with the students were the main ones. But ... feelings cannot be forbidden by any paper. Every day, in every lesson, my thoughts were only about you, about your lips ...
My heart began to beat faster, the teacher was talking about his feelings! I couldn't believe my ears. The words that I dreamed and thought about ...
--- Lily ...
--- What!?, - I raised an eyebrow in interest, languidly speaking.
--- I'll tell you after ...
--- After what? - The teacher freed my hands and I grabbed his back with them.
I felt how his excited member began to rest between my thighs.
--- After I eat you
The teacher turned out to be a very passionate, hot man. In terms of sex. And in life he is calm and serious. I am happy, and my friend was shocked by my story, especially from the end. Basically I was too, though ... we were drunk and wanted each other terribly.
These are the things that happened to me.
We are now married and will have a baby in a week. By the way, we signed off the next day after the bed "war".
Happiness is really close to us, you just need to look around ...

In 1942, the Japanese captured a small island on which the US Air Force auxiliary airfield was located. Among other prisoners, the sixteen-year-old barmaid's assistant Irene Gillian was captured.
When Irene regained consciousness, she found herself tied to the prison bed completely naked again. Starting from the first interrogation, when one thing after another was removed from her with bestial smiles, carefully feeling, examining and pinching her body, she was completely naked. She had already resigned herself to nakedness, but the pain between her legs was excruciating. Yesterday Sergeant Hoyku, who was appointed by the colonel to be responsible for the prisoners for her knowledge of the language, took her to the barracks, introduced her to two dozen soldiers and allowed them to do whatever they wanted with her. First, they grabbed and pinched her breasts, thighs, pubic hair, then laid her on the table, spread her legs to the limit and studied female anatomy for a long time, parted her labia, thrust her fingers into her, pulled her nipples and clitoris. And then they raped her in turn, first one at a time, and then several at once - simultaneously in the vagina, and in the anus, and in the mouth.
The most embarrassing thing was that Irene let her own body down - as she did not fasten, the sensations that came many times were so strong that she finished - her face reddened, her nipples swelled, she began to wave her crotch to the soldiers who were raping her, and moans escaped from her mouth against her will enjoyment. The soldiers then laughed together, applauded and patted her on the chest, stomach, buttocks.
She fainted several times. Then a bucket of water was poured over her, put in a different position and everything started all over again. And at the end of the day, when the soldiers no longer wanted her, they came up with a new entertainment - they took turns shoving their dicks into her mouth and urinating, and she had to swallow it. If Irene did not have time and something spilled on the floor, she was beaten - on the cheeks, on the chest. After that, she was all covered with sperm and urine. Irene no longer had the strength to stand up and wash herself, they laid her on the parade ground in front of the barracks and, turning her legs over, doused her with a hose.
It is not clear why - with her. After all, she does not know any secrets. Maybe they were wrong? Maybe all this torture was intended for a real partisan, and not for a young girl?
God, how it hurts between your legs! And the right breast - in the evening they came up with another entertainment - they tightly tightened her breast with a rope and took Irene around the barracks like a dog, from time to time forcing her to protrude her buttocks, spread her buttocks and vagina - there they spat, kicked, shoved bottles and forced so to go to the amusement of the audience. Then they ordered me to lie down on the floor, lift my legs and masturbate, stroking my clitoris.
God, how it hurts! Irene broke down and groaned. And, as if in response to my groan, I heard the creak of the bolt and the sound of the key being turned. A blinding light filled the camera.
“This room is not as comfortable as your old barracks, is it miss? - smiled Sergeant Hoyku, - Okay, girl. Today you will have to be a little rude.
- In ... you must help me ... - she gasped, - you are a soldier, sir. Please, you can't help but see what they are doing to me.
- Why "I can not", of course I can. They break you off and at the same time become completely indifferent to the screams of the women being interrogated. On the contrary, today we will work for you, ”Hoyku grinned.
- Today I want to show you a specially designed rape machine called STALL.
Gillian opened her mouth in horror.
The sergeant explained that of the women captured on the island, she was the first to experience the STALL on herself ("our soldiers really liked you") and that the procedure would last six hours.
“You’ll try it all out,” he said. “I bet you weren’t expecting a date with a car.” And you know, for some reason none of the female prisoners reacted lovingly to our STALL. A date with him turned them into emaciated, panting, squealing and swaying jelly.
`` No ... oh sir, no please ahh ...
“Or maybe it’s just you who will like that you will be used as raw material,” smiled Hoiku.
Irene shook her head furiously. Her short hair stood on end.
- We will break you, my dear. Communication with a STALL will make you cum over and over again.
Gillian closed her mouth. Naked, with fully spread hips and an open vagina, she no longer looked cocky. Now the rebel in her was broken.
The sergeant bent down and punched the girl in the face. She lay sprawled in front of him and he saw a spasm of disgust run through her body.
“Don't look at me so sullenly,” he said, twisting her left nipple.
- Oh, seeeer, well, please ...
She got on the other cheek and now Hoyku squeezed her fingers with all his might and began to twist her right nipple, patting her open vagina in front of him.
- I think it would be nice to beat you a little in front of our guests. You could entertain them by riding a STALL for the first time in your life. Enough, let's go!
Tears filled Irene's eyes. How helpless, how vulnerable she was! Only such a person as Hoyk could be pleased. '' Silently crying, the girl left the cell and followed her jailer.
The STALLET was housed in a small outbuilding next to the parade ground. There was nothing there except the car itself, a chair, and two large mirrors. This was done so that all those present, and the women placed on the STALL, could see in detail the whole process of rape and their complete degradation.
Two officers were standing in the room and talking about something. The sergeant stretched out and reported to them, pointing at Gillian. The officers burst out laughing. Then one of them grabbed her breasts, feeling her hard pressed, and pulled on the nipple. Another stretched out his hand between her legs, twisted her hair a little and climbed into the vagina. Hoyku closed the door and hooked Irene.
"And now we will secure you," said the sergeant harshly.
Gillian burst into tears as his hands grabbed her. The day started off badly, but it got worse. With Hoyku's instructions, she climbed onto the platform of the car.
The STALL was very simple. The prisoner to be raped was kneeled in two channels made of soft black foam rubber, after which the legs were tied. The channels were made movable so that the girls' hips could be extended to the limit, and both the overseer and the woman herself could control the movement of these channels. Her arms were extended forward, and each wrist was chained to a separate rack. After that, the machine was put into working condition.
The platform could be raised or lowered at the request of the audience for a better view. Two screws were attached to it, like spurs, on which artificial limbs were planted. These limbs could be used one at a time or simultaneously and moved back and forth at a pace set by the operator.
“Today I’ll give you special lessons,” he said, chaining the girl’s hands, securing her hips and spreading her legs as far as possible. - You get it in both holes. To begin with, with a lubricant, and then with an irritant.
Gillian trembled with fear and sobbed soundlessly. She already understood that asking for something was completely useless. What will be will be.
Hoiku opened a small cabinet, where many rubber artificial limbs were placed in special nests, and after some deliberation he chose two of them.
“This one,” he showed her a penis 6 inches long and one inch in diameter, “is for your ass, and this one is bigger,” he handed her another, one and a half inches thick and 9 inches long, for your limber. Oh, how lucky you are. Soon you will be squealing with joy.
However, Gillian just kept crying. One of the officers came closer to her, pinched her buttocks with his left hand, and parted his crotch with his right hand and said something to the sergeant. He took Irene by the waist and pressed her to the platform. Both selected members were already installed on it, and now they were slightly pressed against the girl's holes.
Then he lifted the control panel and said to Irene:
“Let's start!” Hoiku slightly twisted the handle and the small member slowly began to enter the anus. Gillian gasped in pain and tears ran down her cheeks. He pushed another lever and another member began to enter her vagina. Again she gasped. Oh God, how big they were! They could rip it apart!
And then slowly a member began to crawl out of her anus. The other began to go even deeper into the vagina. This was the beginning. Two pistons slid back and forth at an easy pace. The two passages were threaded alternately. Gillian's teeth gnashed. She sobbed and sobbed. Oh, how disgusting that was! The officers grinned happily, patting her now on her bare chest, then on her stomach, then on her buttocks.
However, Hoiku hasn't finished yet. Suspended from the top rack were two flasks similar to those used for intravenous infusion. In one of them there was a lubricant, in the other - an irritant. Two thin plastic tubes were attached to the flasks. At first, the victim only had to receive the lubricant. The sergeant lifted the pipe to her widely spaced buttocks, taped the end of the pipe one inch above her anus, and turned on the tap. The lubricant began to drip slowly onto her anus, and from it onto the thrusting member. Excess fluid flowed to the penis, dealing with her pink anterior passage.
Slowly, very slowly, Hoiku increased the pace of the moving limbs. Gillian could have twisted and twisted as she liked, but they would never have jumped out of her, she could not have dodged them. Yes, the car was well conceived!
After about five minutes, the sergeant paused the artificial member in the anus and doubled the pace of the movement of the other. Irene began to choke on these pushes, but she could not do anything - against her own will, her crotch began to move synchronously with the vibrations of the rubber members, and the girl herself began to howl slightly.
Hoyku smiled lasciviously and pointed at Irene to the officers. They came closer, bent down and from a distance of several inches began to carefully study how the penises entered and exited the girl, grabbing the corolla of the small lips and the folds of the rectum. One of the officers patted Irene on the buttocks, and the other, stroking her stomach, rubbed her clitoris with his fingers, pulled up his chest and bit her nipple slightly. Gillian shuddered.
The sergeant noticed this, smiled and turned the control on the remote control. The artificial limbs began to move faster. Gillian gasped and began to approach the climax. She lowered her head and began to cry. She knew that this was only the beginning - a large penis was still moving mercilessly in her and, in time with his movements, Irene's anus was torn apart by others.
- Good? Better than with the soldiers? - smiled at Hoyku. Gillian could only shake her head. Her body no longer obeyed her, it itself was pushing and moving her knees, controlling the movement of the members and leading her to a whole series of orgasms - one after the other.
The sergeant raised his hand, closed the lubricant tap, and turned on the stimulus. It was either a weak vinegar solution, or diluted lemon juice. Irene turned purple from the sharp pain in the most tender places. But the sensations from the excited organs from this intensified. The large lips in her crotch were filled with blood, and the vaginal lubricant, which had previously been abundantly released, now began to noticeably flow out of her. The officer took a full hand of the liquid and smiled across the girl's face with a grin. Her eyes rolled back, her head swayed limply from side to side, moans escaped from her mouth. Only the hips worked. They forcefully pushed Irene onto the limbs, lifted her, and pushed her again. She already instinctively understood how to control the speed of insertion of rubber organs into her with the movements of her legs, and used this with might and main. When the next orgasm was approaching, she increased this speed, slowed down a little later, so that in a few minutes she would again feel the approach of the next explosion.
The sergeant was triumphant, and the officers chuckled happily. One of them patted Irene on the chest and said something demandingly to Hoyk. Then the sergeant pulled out from somewhere under the platform two black rubber cones connected by hoses to the suction pipe of a small pump. A rubber ball was attached to the inner surface of each cone, which rotated when the pump was running. As a result, when the cones were attached to the breasts of the victims, the full sucking effect was achieved - the vacuum pulled the breasts, and the balls created the sensation of stroking and licking the nipples.
This fondling of breasts, against her will, caused Gillian three more orgasms. The fourth began. Her head was spinning, her eyes were half-closed, her breasts and nipples were swollen and stretched forward, no more moans escaped from her throat, but some half-choked wheezing. She tried to beg for mercy, but could not utter a word and fainted.
Hoyku took the cones away from Irene's breasts for a couple of minutes, grabbed her nipples and started shaking them. It did not help, the girl still did not regain consciousness. Then he began to hit her on the cheeks, and the officers with a brace began to lash her breasts, trying as hard as possible to hit her tender, high and tense pink nipples. Irene shuddered, she was beginning to have another orgasm.
This went on for three or four hours until Gillian limply hung on the car and no actions of the coaches could bring her to her senses. But that was not all. Hoyku took out four clamps, two of which were attached to her nipples, and two to rubber members and turned on the current. New convulsions, new orgasms began to shake the unfortunate girl, who until the very end could not regain consciousness.

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