Home Natural farming A baby giant was born. Increasingly, large children are born in the world. The newborn from Spain broke the record for the previous hero in weight. Baby-sturdy or is it difficult to give birth to a "hero"

A baby giant was born. Increasingly, large children are born in the world. The newborn from Spain broke the record for the previous hero in weight. Baby-sturdy or is it difficult to give birth to a "hero"

Hello everyone! With you again, I am and today we will talk about babies who have become record holders with an abnormally large weight. So, as you may have guessed, the next question on our agenda today is: how much does the largest newborn baby in the world weigh? What miracles is nature capable of?

Newborn hero

With what weight normal full-term babies, boys and girls, are born, today everyone knows. On average, this is 3 kg, plus or minus 500 g in both directions. But sometimes heroes are born, whose weight exceeds the average at times!

For example, in the Chinese province of Henan, in the city of Xinxian, a "baby" with a weight of 17 kg 400 was born. The whole central China gasped, and the city of Xinxian immediately became famous. The boy was given the name Chon Chun. Since he is the largest newborn on the planet, he was brought in.

Believe it or not, but quite medium-sized Chinese are the leaders in the birth rate of such "chubby". From 2008 to 2011, Chon Chun's compatriots were three kids weighing more than 7 kg! Our hero has a sister who was not born with the smallest weight either - 4 kg!

The mother of the children, even during pregnancy, noted some features of their intrauterine behavior. They are less active and need more food. Therefore, the feeling of hunger in my mother was constantly present, throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In addition, the load on the spine was very high, and I had to lie down more than walk. Well, and of course, pastiness or puffiness, as you like, haunted.

But not only the Celestial Empire has such glory. There are also strong boys in Russia. For example, in Altai. There on February 29, 2012, in the village of Protasovo, a boy was born with a weight exceeding 7 kg (7850 g)! He is the record holder for large newborns in the Russian Federation. She gave birth to a hero Svetlana Titova, 42 years old. For her, this is the ninth child. For the Titov family, this is a gift from God.

In the same area, on September 17, 2007, a girl with a weight of 7 kg 750 g saw the light! She was named Nadezhda because they had been waiting for their first child for a long time. Of course, there is a significant difference between 7 and 17 kilograms, but it's not over yet! The main thing: both mothers and children are safe and sound, which is what you want.

Sturdy kids or is it difficult to give birth to a "hero"?

Everything would be just fine, if not for the numerous "buts" with such a pregnancy. The biggest danger for large-born babies is diabetes mellitus. Its congenital form has a particularly malignant course, is inherited, and requires insulin treatment from the very first day.

The "heroes" often have allergies or individual intolerance to the components of many medicines, up to Quincke's edema. Large children from birth have weak muscle tone, that is, they risk acquiring neurological pathology.

And the mothers who gave birth to such huge babies like them? Not very good. This is a huge physical and psychological stress on a very young woman. Try to endure such a burden yourself for 9 months. What will happen to your spine and joints? And childbirth? Of course, caesarean! But this is an operation, and any operation is fraught with danger for both the mother and the fetus.

Set up an experiment for fun. Take a 7 or 17 kg bag and try to carry it around. How long will you last? But children need to be regularly fed, lulled, soothed.

The simplest thing that a woman can expect in such conditions is scoliosis. At worst, a herniated disc or reactive polyarthritis. I am not saying that it is unlikely that it will be possible to feed such a baby with breast milk alone. He will always miss him. Therefore, you will have to combine breastfeeding with formula. And these are additional material costs.

One must have, truly, a strong character and willpower in order to feed and raise such a baby.

That's all! Until new publications and interesting records!

Always in touch

Anna Tikhomirova

The birth of a child weighing more than 4 kilograms is a rather rare occurrence, but these babies have broken all records!

1. Jasleen - the largest child in Germany

In 2013, a child was born naturally, weighing 6.1 kilograms and 57 centimeters tall. Baby girl Jaslyn was born at the University Hospital in Leipzig, Germany on July 26 and became the largest record holder in the entire country.

Jaslyn's mother, it turned out, suffered from gestational diabetes mellitus, a condition that usually manifests itself in the 24th week of pregnancy and can lead to unusually large newborns.

2. Stephen Little - Australia's largest child

Stephen Lyttle, who weighed 7,399 kilograms at the time of birth at Kempsey Hospital on January 26, 1963, was the largest child in Australian history. The average newborn weight is 3.37 kilograms.

At the moment he is 50 years old, his height is the usual 186 centimeters, and his weight also does not differ much from the norm - 97 kilograms.

3. Maxine Marin (Maxine Marin) - gave birth to the largest girl in Spain

A 40-year-old woman from Britain gave birth to the largest naturally born child in Spain - a girl weighing 6.2 kilograms. Maxine Marin gave birth at 4:43 am local time at Hospital Marina Salud in the Mediterranean city of Denia.

Larger babies were delivered by caesarean section, but Marin didn't even need an epidural (a pain reliever injected directly into the spine during labor).

Marin, who lives in Spain with her Colombian husband, said she was expecting a big baby, but "not that big."

4. George King is Britain's largest child

The largest child born in the UK is George King, who was born this year. The child weighed 7 kilograms, which is almost twice the average weight of a child.

There was no sign that George would be that big: both of his parents were of normal size at birth, and in adulthood, they also do not differ in special height or weight.

George's size caused significant difficulties for his mother, Jade. During childbirth, after the newborn's head had already left the mother's body, it got stuck. Its relatively large size for a newborn meant that his shoulders could not go further.

According to Jade, “it got very scary then,” as nearly 20 paramedics worked to free the child. Eventually, George was successfully born and transferred to another hospital for further follow-up.

5. JaMichael - the largest child in Texas

In 2011, Janet Johnson gave birth to a baby boy who appeared on the world with a weight of 7.2 kilograms, which is twice the average weight of newborns. Baby JaMichael was the heaviest child ever born at Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview, and by some accounts the largest newborn in the entire state.

Johnson and her fiancé, Michael Brown, knew the baby was going to be big. Two weeks before the cesarean delivery, Dr. John Kirk, Johnson's gynecologist, said the baby would weigh 5.5-6 kilograms. However, JaMichael surprised even the doctor.

6. Nadia Khalina

Nadya, who weighed 7.75 kg at the time of birth, was captured in a photograph lying in the maternity ward of a hospital in the Siberian city of Barnaul on September 26, 2007. The mother from Siberia made literally a great contribution to correcting the demographic situation in Russia. Tatyana Kharina shocked her husband by giving birth to Nadia, her 12th child.

7. Newborn baby weighing 8.7 kg from Indonesia

This 4-day-old baby, weighing 8.7 kilograms, sleeps among medium-sized children at Abdul Manan General Hospital in Kisaran, Asahan County, North Sumatra. He was born on September 21, 2009. An Indonesian woman gave birth by caesarean section to a baby the same weight as the average one-year-old.

8. Stephon Hendrix Louis-Jean - newborn boy 58 centimeters tall

The fifth child Marie Michel (Marie Michel) was the record holder. In 2011, Michelle gave birth to a 6.7 kilogram baby boy at William W Backus Hospital.

Hospital officials said the newborn, Stephon Hendrix Louis-Jean, broke the 18-year record for the heaviest newborn, 822 grams ahead of the previous record holder. The boy was almost 58 centimeters tall.

The size of the child did not surprise the mother. The eldest son Michelle weighed 4 kilograms, her eight-year-old twins each weighed 3.8 kilograms, and the youngest, a three-year-old boy, almost 5.5 kilograms.

9. Ademilton dos Santos - the largest newborn in Brazil

In 2005, a Brazilian woman gave birth to a "giant baby" weighing 8 kilograms, twice the weight of the average newborn. Ademilton dos Santos, according to the Brazilian Gynecology Association, is the heaviest boy in the history of Brazil

Ademilton was born by caesarean section at a Salvador hospital in northeastern Brazil. This is the fifth child of Francisca Ramos dos Santos and doctors believe that the boy's unusual size was due to his mother's diabetes.

Bogatyr was born in the First City Hospital of Novosibirsk. The doctors knew that the child would be large, but they could not imagine that it would be so big. The boy's weight is 5 670 grams. For Svetlana Kaskeeva, his mother, this is the fourth birth. The woman's previous children were also large, but their birth weight did not exceed 4.5 kilograms.


Note that quite often children weighing four kilograms are born, rarely five kilograms. “For the last six years I have been working here, the child has never had such a weight. It is 5,670,” said Alexander Shaklein, head of the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology service, in an interview with Vesti Novosibirsk.

The baby was born healthy, he and his mother are doing well. True, Svetlana complains that she had to hand out all the things she had bought in advance. They turned out to be small for the hero. And this is not the only problem with a newborn. The nurses have to raise the child together. The clinic staff called him a soldier - when the boy eats, he immediately stretches himself up to attention and falls asleep in this position.

Recall that the average weight of a baby is three to four kilograms. The record holder was a "baby" from China - his birth weight was more than kilograms. He was born in February 2012 in the town of Xinxiang. A newborn weighing 7.12 kilograms was registered in the UK and 7.39 kilograms in Australia.

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