Home Natural farming The largest waterfall in North America. The most beautiful waterfalls in north america Usa waterfalls - photos

The largest waterfall in North America. The most beautiful waterfalls in north america Usa waterfalls - photos

When a river bed meets a sharp drop in height on its way, the flow does not stop, but begins to fall vertically, forming a waterfall. This natural phenomenon amazes the imagination with its beauty and picturesque, and often grandeur. In this article we will tell you about the most wonderful waterfalls on the planet. We will focus not only on the height of the flow, but also on its power.


Venezuela, a state in the northern part of South America, has the largest waterfall in the world. Its streams fall from a height of 979 meters. This natural landmark is nestled in the rainforest of the Canaima National Park in the state of Bolivar.

Kerepakupai-meru is the new name given to the waterfall by the President of Venezuela in 2009. Before that, he was called Angel - in honor of the pilot who accidentally discovered this miracle of nature in 1933. Local residents and tourists still use the old name.

The largest waterfall, not only in South America, but throughout the world, originates from the highest point of the table mountain Auyan-Tepui, which means "Devil's Mountain", and flows into the waters of the Kerep River.

The area where Angel Falls is located is wild and inaccessible. The easiest way to get to these regions is by air or by river, ascent on foot takes 10 or more days. An excursion to Angel costs about US $ 300, but despite the high cost, tourists from all over the world tend to see the largest waterfall in the world.


It is the largest waterfall in Africa and the second highest in the world. It descends in a five-step cascade from the eastern cliff of the Drakensberg Mountains, located in Natal National Park, South Africa. Its highest point is 948 meters above the ground, and the foot is the source of the river of the same name.

Travelers can approach the waterfall from two sides along specially equipped trails. The largest waterfall in Africa costs only $ 50 to visit. But for this money, tourists get real pleasure, admiring the narrow ribbon of rumbling water in the rays of the setting sun.

Three sisters

Ranked third in the "Largest Waterfall on Earth" rating. It is an unusually picturesque sight: the three arms of the cascade are rapidly flying down from a height of 914 meters. Located in the south of Peru, in the country of Ayacucho. It is not easy to approach it because of the inaccessibility of the surrounding forest.

It is noteworthy that there is another beautiful waterfall in the world with the poetic name Three Sisters. He is located in North Ossetia. It starts at one point on the Taimazi glacier, but then splits into three branches falling from a height of more than 300 meters. Officially they are called Taymazinsky waterfalls.


The Hawaiian island of Molokai is famous not only for its wonderful beaches and beautiful resorts, but also for the 900-meter Oloupena Falls. Water slides like a thin ribbon between rocks, sandwiched on both sides by volcanic mountains. Therefore, it is difficult to find this attraction on your own. But excursions to the waterfall are regularly organized, which are very popular among tourists.


And again we return to South America - to the country of Peru. It was here, in the Amazonas region, that another 896 meters high stream falling from the cliff was discovered in 2007. Although it rounds out the five tallest waterfalls in the world, it is far from the largest waterfall. The amount of discharged water is very small, moreover, in the dry season, the flow dries up altogether.

Niagara Falls

"Rumbling water" - this is how the name Niagara is translated from the language of the local Indians. It is given very accurately. The water roars with such force that in the area of ​​500 meters nothing is heard at all, and the noise of the stream is carried for many kilometers around.

How many meters high is Niagara Falls? Only 53 meters. Of course, by this parameter, he cannot be compared with Angel. As mentioned above, the height of the highest waterfall in the world is almost a kilometer. But the power of Niagara is simply amazing - every second it dumps 5,700 cubic meters of water, or 3 million liters. According to this indicator, it has no equal on the entire planet. This is why it is often called the largest waterfall on Earth.

It is located in North America, in the middle reaches of the Niagara River, on the border of the United States and Canada. Millions of tourists visit it annually, since the excursion costs only $ 30. There are many other attractions around. The infrastructure of the region is very well developed.


It is the widest waterfall in the world. Its streams stretched for 1800 meters along a huge cliff that stood in the path of the Zambezi River, South Africa. The height of Victoria Falls is also significant - 120 meters. The current name of the stream was given by the Scottish geographer David Livingston in honor of Queen Victoria. Although the aborigines still call the waterfall Mosioa-Tunya, which means "thundering smoke".

A special city has been built in this region for travelers who want to admire this wonder of the world. Due to the revolutionary unrest in Zimbabwe and Zambia, which are in close proximity to Victoria Falls, the flow of tourists to this area has decreased slightly.


This is a complex of waterfalls in South America, on the border of Argentina and Brazil. It is called the eighth wonder of the world. In total, about 270 streams are connected here, which stretch for 3 kilometers. The largest of them is the "Devil's Throat" 83 meters high. Every hour, Iguazu throws more than 1 billion tons of water with a terrible roar, and water dust rises many tens of meters up. Iguazu in translation from the language of the local tribe of the Guarani Indians means "great water", which is fully justified. After all, the seething power of the streams is simply mesmerizing. Every year, more than 1.5 million tourists visit the natural landmark, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Only here you can observe an amazing phenomenon: a huge rainbow in the light of the moon.

The most significant waterfall in Europe

It is located in Norway, in the county Mere og Romsdal, and is called Winnufossen. It is a cascade system with a height of 860 meters, which makes it the sixth highest waterfall in the world.

Streams run down the steep slope and are lost in dense forest thickets. The waterfall looks especially impressive from afar, when you can appreciate all its picturesqueness and grandeur.

The largest waterfall in Russia

This is Talnikovy waterfall. It is located in an inaccessible place on the Putorana plateau, or more precisely, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the left bank of Lake Dupkun. The height of this waterfall is 700 meters. It falls like a sheer wall from the flat summit of Mount Trapezium and rushes down in 15 cascading steps.

It is noteworthy that Talnikovy waterfall is a seasonal phenomenon. It is formed in spring during the snow melting period and lasts for several months, completely drying out by the end of summer.

Russia is an immense country, its remote corners conceal many secrets. It is quite possible that a higher waterfall will soon be discovered in our country.

Where is Niagara Falls located and how to find it?

He can impress every tourist with his beauty, which personifies the power and superiority of nature over the strength of an ordinary person. Niagara Falls is located in North America, separating the US state of New York from the Canadian province of Ontario. It is a complex of several waterfalls that do not differ significantly from each other in height, reaching 53 meters, but at the same time covers a huge area.

Particular popularity among tourists has a positive effect on the social and economic development of cities adjacent to the waterfall, among which Niagara Falls stands out. From the Canadian coast, the most colorful view of Niagara Falls is created. Not far from it, down the Niagara River, you can see the "rainbow" bridge, which provides transport and pedestrian links between the United States and Canada. Powerful hydroelectric power plants under the waterfall provide electricity to both countries.

Not everyone has heard of how Niagara Falls formed?

The Wisconsin glaciation marked the beginning of the formation of a waterfall in this area more than 6 thousand years ago. The movement of the glacier on the east side of the Canadian border actively and almost unimpeded moved earth formations in the form of soil and stones. As a result, the North American Great Lakes gradually formed on one side in view of the expansion and deepening of the river. On the other, filling them on top of the ground - new river beds. Over time, the glacier melted, and water from the lakes gradually began to drain through Niagara. The riverbed began to pass through the cuestu mountain slope. Such a formation consisted of hard limestones, resistant to erosion, and dolomites, as well as shales that are softer in their natural structure, which, in turn, are much less resistant to significant destruction by water. Meanwhile, under the onslaught of a large volume of water, a steep cliff formed at the waterfall, as well as a gradual shift upward in the direction of the current. The last obstacle was successfully reduced to delayed action due to special engineering and mechanical work to avoid further destruction of the waterfall.

About how Niagara Falls appeared from a historical point of view.

Niagara in translation from the language of the ancient local population of the Iroquois: "a forked land".

Their legend tells of the beautiful girl Lelavalai. At the request of the father, the daughter was betrothed to an Indian warrior. Lelavalae treated her chosen one with contempt and dislike, therefore it seemed logical to sacrifice herself to her truly beloved god of thunder He-No, throwing herself from the height of the powerful stream of the waterfall down, where she was saved by her true loved ones during the flight. From that moment on, their souls forever became indivisible from each other.

Disagreements about who was the first to see and describe all the beauty of Niagara Falls was also subject to controversy from French, Swedish and Finnish explorers and discoverers of the first major attractions in North America, including Niagara Falls, a description of which the world saw in 1677.

The twentieth century in the history of the waterfall has become a century of rich tourism and the construction of various facilities, including entertainment centers. This development had a positive impact on both the Canadian and American sides.

Among the list of the most famous, the most powerful and functioning power plants on the Niagara River: "Sir Adam Beck 1 and 2"; Robert Moses and the Levinston pumping station.

Important information about Niagara Falls: opening hours, prices, currency.

Working hours:

daily: from 9 am.

Ticket prices:

1 ticket from the Canadian border - $ 15.

1 ticket from the American border - $ 10.

View the location of Niagara Falls on the map:

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South America is the continent of nature's greatest wonders. There are such unique geographical objects as the deepest Amazon River in the world and the lowland of the same name, occupying the largest area, the longest mountain range on land - the Andes, the highest Angel Falls ...

The natural attractions for which South America is largely known are the waterfalls. The wettest continent is rich in rivers. And the presence of mountain ranges and plateaus with steep rocky slopes creates many obstacles in their path, causing waterfalls. They are a grandiose sight: streams of rushing water, puffs of steam, wet rocks, a rainbow, the crash and roar of the stream ...

The largest waterfalls in South America

The most famous are Angel and Iguazu Falls. If the first is the tallest in the world, then the second is one of the most beautiful.

The unique South American Angel Falls on the Churun ​​River in Venezuela has become known since 1933, when pilot James Angel noticed it while flying over the jungle. Four years later, he organized the first expedition to Auyan-Tepui - a plateau with steep walls, from which the waterfall falls. The epic with the crashed plane and the eleven-day crossing through the jungle brought Angel worldwide fame. And the waterfall was named after him in Spanish transcription.

South America - Angel - is located in an inaccessible area, so its height could only be established in 1949. This was done by the expedition of the US National Geographic Society. The total height is considered equal to 1054 m, and the highest continuous flight of water is 877 m.

Since 1994, Canaima National Park and Angel Falls in South America have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Currently, ubiquitous tourists have reached the impassable jungles of Venezuela. Here excursions to Angel are organized for them by plane, helicopter and by water. Despite the difficulty of the path, the routes are very popular, because there are many who want to contemplate one of the natural wonders. South America, waterfalls and unforgettable views await them.

Iguazu - big water

Iguazu Falls in South America is actually a whole system of waterfalls. They are located on the river of the same name, flowing along the Brazilian Highlands, on the border of Argentina and Brazil.

It's hard to even imagine all the greatness of Iguazu! Almost 300 separate streams rush down from a height of about 80 m, and their width is more than 3 km! The rumble of the waterfall is heard at a great distance, clouds of fog rise above it at any time of the day. And in clear weather, you can easily see a full rainbow, and a lunar one too.

The word "iguazu" in the language of the Guarani Indians means "big water". And after all, almost 5 thousand cubic meters of water flows through the waterfall every second. Iguazu is the largest waterfall in South America.

By the way, on the river of the same name there are several more places where water jumps from the ledge of the channel. The largest waterfall is Nakundai Falls. Its height is almost 40 m.

Other waterfalls in Brazil

On the Parana River there was a unique waterfall in South America - Guaira (Seti Kedas). It was the most powerful in the world - water consumption was three times that of Niagara! With a not so high altitude (34 m), it attracted many tourists, but it was flooded during the construction of the most powerful hydroelectric power station in the world - Itaipu, and the rocks from which it fell were blown up.

Now, along with Iguazu, it is very popular. It is located close to habitable places and is equipped for tourists. You can admire the waterfall, falling from a height of 131 m, from the tower with an observation deck or climb to the top of the hill by cable car. You can also go down to its foot on a metal staircase of almost a thousand steps, but there is no elevator for ascent.

San Rafael

In Ecuador, the most famous is the San Rafael Falls on the Quijo River. This is a double cascade with a total height of 150 m. The waterfall is located in the Andes at the foot of the Reventador volcano among dense tropical forests. Tourists are forced to admire it from a fairly large distance, from a specially constructed observation deck. This is done for safety reasons, as there have been cases of the death of daredevils trying to get close to the monumental stream of water. Yes, and it is easier to grasp the entire waterfall from a distance, and the noise and rumble can be heard at a distance of ten kilometers. A constantly hanging mist of water splashing against stones settles on everything around, making the path and slopes slippery and very dangerous.

The waterfall itself is in danger of extinction. Construction of a hydroelectric dam has begun twenty kilometers upstream on the Quihos River.

Natural wonders that South America may be deprived of are waterfalls destroyed by human activities.

Peru waterfalls

Peruvian Gokta is often recognized as the third highest in the world (771 m) after Angel and Tugela in South Africa. But this claim is controversial. The waterfall was discovered by Stefan Zimmendorf in 2002. The amount of falling water varies depending on the season.

At the foot of the waterfall, there are rainforests with many. All of them are part of a nature reserve, which is allowed to travel only accompanied by an experienced guide.

Another Peruvian waterfall is Umbilla (Yumbilla). It is located in the Amazon Basin. The National Geographic Institute of Peru reports that its height is 895.5 m. The source of the river is in a cave. Umbilla consists of four to five ledges. It is difficult to establish more precisely because of the inaccessibility of the area.

The waterfall is shallow and dries up in the dry season. Situated in the impassable forest of the eastern slope of the Andes, Umbilla can only be explored with the help of a local guide.

Tequendama waiting for tourists

In Colombia, on the Bogota River, there is the Tequendama ("Open Door") waterfall. Located within an hour from the capital of the country, just 20 km downstream, it is very popular with tourists.

Locals believe that the Great Spirit once cut a rock to save people from a flood.

The 137-meter waterfall attracted so many people that a castle was built next to it for the then president of the country, later turned into a hotel. Eighteen of its rooms were never empty, because it was considered very prestigious to relax next to a beautiful deep waterfall.

Unfortunately, civilization reached these places, which manifested itself in the pollution and shallowing of the river. As a result, the flow of tourists has dried up. It was only in recent years that the discharge of sewage into Bogotá was prohibited and the river was cleaned up. Local authorities hope to increase profits from tourism, because such an interesting object, moreover, located very close to the capital, is worthy of attention, like other waterfalls in South America (see photo in the article).

In the meantime, Tequendama has a gloomy fame due to the fact that it is often chosen as the place of settling accounts with life by desperate people.

Guyana Falls

Kaieteur Falls, considered one of the most beautiful natural sites in the world, is located in the jungle of Guyana. The Mazaruni River brings down more than 650 cubic meters of water from a height of 226 m every second. It is simply amazing that such a powerful waterfall remained unknown to Europeans until 1870, when it was discovered by the English geologist Charles Brown.

The remoteness and inaccessibility of Kaieteur have become the reason for its low popularity among tourists. But the majestic views of the grandiose waterfall are impressive even in the photo. In 1929, Kaieteur National Park was established here.

The second famous waterfall in Guyana is the Orinduik, located on one of the tributaries of the Amazon - the Ireng River. This is a whole cascade of waterfalls with a total height of about 25 m. A picturesque multi-level stream of water 150 m wide flows among red jasper rocks and piles of stones.

Tourists are attracted not only by the beauty of the landscapes of Orinduic, but also by the opportunity to swim in its warm waters. The waterfall is not as majestic and formidable as Kaieteur, but it is much more hospitable. The jets falling from the low ledges produce the effect of a relaxing massage, and the river itself can be easily waded.

The waterfall is visited by thousands of tourists, so runways for small passenger planes have been built on both banks of the river.

Chilean waterfalls

Chile also has waterfalls, among which the most famous are Salto Grande ("Big Leap") and Petrogue. The first of them is located in the Torres del Paine National Park and has a height of 15 m. Despite this, the waterfall looks impressive and is a favorite place among tourists.

Petrogue is located within the Vicente Perez Rosales National Park near the dormant Osorno volcano. The volume of flowing water depends on the level of Todos Lake, from which the river begins. The average consumption is 270 cubic meters per second.

The Salto de Laja waterfall, 35 meters high, is located in the province of Bio Bio. It was considered a sacred site by the Mapuche Indians. Only the young man who was able to cross the waterfall was considered a man.

All three waterfalls are very popular with tourists, so their surroundings have a well-developed infrastructure.

High mountains, fire-breathing volcanoes, virgin forests, deep rivers, amazing flora and fauna - this is what South America is famous for among tourists. Waterfalls take their rightful place on this list. But it must be remembered that even the most ambitious need human protection.

- one of the most beautiful natural formations. Ancient lands amaze with their landscape, flora and fauna. Several millennia ago, a powerful glacier transformed the surface of the continent. Thanks to this natural disaster, America collects thousands.

It is impossible to remain indifferent to this miracle of nature. How much adrenaline you can experience at the foot of the waterfall! The roar and splashes, the power and energy of the seething water falling from a great height makes you numb and immobilized to admire the forces of nature.

Present to your attention

World famous waterfalls in North America

Niagara miracle

Among the waterfalls in North America, Niagara Falls is unique, its height is 53 meters. It includes the American and Horseshoe Falls, between which the so-called Goat falls. Around the waterfall there are numerous observation platforms, a cable car, parking lots and bridges. The most famous one was built in 1941 and has the name - Rainbow Bridge. It got such a sonorous name because of the numerous rainbows that shimmer over the seething water of Niagara. The Rainbow Bridge is open for pedestrian tourists and light vehicles.

The Niagara River got its name from the word "Оnguiaahra", which among the ancient tribe of the Iroquois meant "thunder of water". A beautiful Indian is associated with the origin of Niagara Falls, according to which the local beauty Lelavala was forced by her father to marry her unloved. The girl gave her heart to another - the God of Thunder He-No, who lived in a cave under a waterfall. In her canoe, she rushed through the rushing stream of Niagara and threw herself into the waterfall. He-No saved the girl. Since then, according to legend, the souls of lovers live under the waterfall.

Niagara Falls is a sight of extraordinary beauty at any time of the day. At night, spotlights of different colors turn on and direct their beams to the seething stream of water. The fabulous illumination comes on. During the day, the sun's rays are refracted in drops of water and form numerous rainbows.

To see all this natural splendor, about 15 million tourists come here every year.

Yosemite Falls

In the US state, there is National Yosemite, known throughout the world for its crystal clear lakes, magnificent valleys, unique groves of giant sequoias and waterfalls. One of them - Yosemite- has become especially attractive for tourists. It is one of the highest waterfalls in North America: its height is 739 meters. At the very foot of this giant one can appreciate all its greatness and power. This sight bewitches, delights and even scares a little.

Another attraction of Yosemite Park is the so-called Fiery waterfall... Its height is 650 meters. The Fiery Waterfall attracts special attention in the month of February. The fact is that it is at this time of the year that the sunset is reflected in the water stream and plays with red, crimson colors. From this it seems that a stream of incandescent lava rushes down from a great height. The spectacle is amazing and unforgettable!

North America Falls are some of the most amazing waterfalls on the planet. Traveling through Columbus's Land, be sure to include these amazing places on your itinerary!

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Niagara Falls is a magnificent natural wonder. Separates the territory of America from Canada. The most powerful and undoubtedly the most famous waterfall in North America. One of the three most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Its shape resembles a horseshoe. The waterfall attracts many people every day. Among the tourists there are also desperate daredevils who decide to conquer the elements. Which, undoubtedly, can be called a crazy act, as the waterfall falls down from a height of 56.6 meters with a force of 2.8 million liters per second. And unfortunately, a large number of people died at Niagara Falls. They were torn apart, broken and maimed. Many died immediately from cardiac arrest when they felt the danger. Sadly, statistics say that up to 5 people die at the waterfall every year. Among them are extreme sportsmen, or just people who want to commit suicide. It all began in the distant 30s of the XIX century.

Someone named Sam Pach, who calls himself Yankee Leeper, jumped from a waterfall in October 1829 and became the first known person to survive the fall. And in 1901, 63-year-old Annie Taylor, a school teacher, decided to repeat his feat. For this purpose, a special barrel was made for her. When she was taken out of the container, she was bleeding from her ears and mouth. Doctors diagnosed multiple fractures. Annie took this step for the sake of fame and wealth, which she never saw. She spent the rest of her life in poverty, healing wounds.

10 years later, on July 25, Boby Leach became the second person to descend from Niagara Falls in a barrel. It took him 6 months to recover from the severe injuries he sustained in the fall.

There are more tragic cases in history. For example, the one that happened in 1920, on July 11th. Charles G. Stevens showed miracles of ingenuity by tying the anvil, which he took for ballast, to his body. The only thing that was found in the barrel after the fall was his hand.
And here is another case of human carelessness - the Greek writer Heorhe Stratakis, who descended in a specially designed sealed capsule with an air supply for 8 hours. The poor man was found 22 hours later, killed by suffocation. Although a year before him, Jean Lassier made a successful ride along the edge of the waterfall in a large rubber ball.
But the luckiest ones were John David Monday and 22-year-old stuntman Steve Trotter. Monday came down from Niagara Falls twice in 1985 and in 1993. Trotter did this in 1985 and 1995.
In the modern history of the conquest of the elements, two of the most unfortunate cases are also known. This is an attempt by 28-year-old Jesse Sharpe, who in 1990 decided to jump from the top of the waterfall in a kayak without protection. What Jesse hoped for is unknown. The body was never found. The second case is the act of Robert Overacker, 39 years old. He jumped from the waterfall on a jet ski, hoping that the parachute that he had behind him would open. The parachute failed ...
Body found downstream. Surprisingly, Niagara Falls keeps miraculous rescues in its history.

On July 9, 1960, Roger Woodward, a seven-year-old boy, was accidentally carried away by Niagara and ended up in the Horseshoe. Fortunately, he was wearing a life jacket. The child was found safe and sound. And in October 2003, during an attempted suicide, Kirk Jones passed the waterfall without any equipment and escaped with only broken ribs and bruises. Really a Niagara Miracle when you consider the fact that he fell from the height of a 16-story building.

Unfortunately, the sad list is open and will be replenished with new names. Despite the fines and attempts by the police to stop the madmen, we will read more than once about the senseless actions of people who dared to challenge the Natural disaster. But even with the stories of destinies tragically absorbed by Niagara, I would like to believe only in happy outcomes.

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