Home Natural farming Skyforge walkthrough for the keeper of the light. Keeper of the Light - a build from Jack. A detailed study of the Guardian of the Light class

Skyforge walkthrough for the keeper of the light. Keeper of the Light - a build from Jack. A detailed study of the Guardian of the Light class

The channel was doing the Game Weekdays, Vladislav behind the microphone.

All of you surely know the game Skyforge, for many, it has even sunk into the hearts of many and does not crawl out of there. The toy is now at the CBT stage, and after the New Year holidays, with a tangerine in my mouth and fumes in my hands, I didn’t seem to confuse anything, I’m carrying news from the fronts. And in this message I will tell you about one class called "Keeper of the Light", a priest among the common people. By taking this class, you will bring pain and terror to your enemies, as well as light.

Aelion's classes have no backstories, so let's start reviewing the abilities.
The first skill is Flickering flash... Deals very little damage and consumes no energy at all. It also has an interesting feature to shout "Use me!" When the energy is at zero, because nothing else can be used. Well, if you hold down the left mouse button, the back of the flash will turn on and even the name will change to Scorching stream... This ray is already capable of inflicting serious damage on the enemy when held, but then the energy will simply cry, because the stream is eating it at high speed. And I would not recommend using it, as there are cheaper abilities.

The next standard skill is Particle of light... Your keeper is like a baseball pitcher taking a ball out of nowhere at enemies, inflicting average damage on them. Very effective against a bunch of enemies if they are not very strong, mostly used in PvE.

The third in the list and the second in damage of all the priest spells is Caviar of anger... The most likely used spell, it is not very expensive in terms of energy and does good damage to the enemy. In general, it would be ideal if, in addition to instant action, the character did not stop and spin, sending another bunch of energy, sometimes you just need to move quickly, and this stops. Well, if "Sparks of Wrath" are in second place in terms of damage, then the first one takes Light shaft.
By sending 3 clots to the enemy, causing huge damage, and if there is another crit, it’s a holiday at all, while our character does not waste energy. The only downside is that the ability has a 20 second cooldown, but it can be knocked down to 0 with a 5% chance using Flickering flares.
But as we all know, this is a support class and not all spells inflict damage on it, there are those that absorb. And one of them is called Unstable Shield, as the name implies, using it, you have a shield equal to 25% of your maximum health for 10 seconds. At the end of the time or when the shield's health mark reaches zero, it explodes, causing damage to others. It can be, and in some situations it is necessary, to be used on allies. It is inexpensive, but with a rollback of the problem - 20 seconds.

But our keeper owns more than one shield, there is also Divine shield... It has a slightly different effect, a dome appears within a radius of 20 meters, and everyone who is in it receives only half the damage. It is very cheap, but often cannot be used, the rollback is 45 seconds.
Next Named Ability The wrath of the sun more suitable for PvP. The character hits the ground with his fist and everything around shudders, while doing damage like a Flickering Flash and, most importantly, knocks all opponents down. With the right talent, it costs free, which helps out in battles more than once, and you can not take it at all in PvE.

Well, since I mentioned PvP skills, then I'll tell you about three more. The first Wanderer's relic, leaves a certain sphere on the ground, and here you are, within 25 seconds, without departing from it by 50 meters, you can safely, in one millisecond, move to it. As mentioned above, this is a PvP skill, it is absolutely unnecessary against ordinary NPCs, just for the sake of fun, once again to tease them.
The second PvP ability is Fury of the Stars... Three stars appear above your head, which will fly and knock down for 2.5 seconds whoever dares to hit you. This pleasure is not cheap - 500 energy, and the cooldown is not feeble - 35 seconds. Therefore, personally, I rarely use this ability at all, but there were cases that with the help of it I was able to deliver the final blow.

And the third skill, which I also attributed to PvP, although I use it very often in everyday life Quasar, throws a sphere at the enemy, which, like a hachiko, waits for 15 seconds and if the enemy gets closer, it attracts him to himself, stuns him for a second and slows down by half his running speed. Recovers in about 20 seconds and requires 650 energy. Expensive but worth it. Actually, there is also a sister of this ability. Supernova, in the same way throws a sphere, but no longer attracts, but simply explodes and sets fire to enemies, does not do much damage, so I do not use it. Honestly, there is a third Pulsar, but I haven’t opened it yet and I don’t know what he’s doing there.

And now, little by little, we are approaching the ultimate, but there are still two abilities that I don't even take with me. it Blessing of the sun that increase damage by one and a half times for 7 seconds. It seems to be good, but it takes a whole minute to recover and replaces the beloved Light shaft... Another ability is better Inviolable barrier... For 4 seconds, you and your allies are surrounded by a shield that reflects absolutely any damage. And in these seconds, the keeper will have time to take away half of his health or just run away. Replaces The wrath of the sun, here already, as someone is used to, personally I break away out of anger.

Well, finally, all the abilities are considered and we come to the ultimate Incarnation of light... This skill makes you float above the ground and your mini-staff above your head, and at the same time you glow. In this form, you only have 3 abilities that are restored per second. it Bright beam in damage almost like Sparks of anger, Blast of light as much as in damage Particle of light and it works in about the same way. And the third Patronage of light, acts like a normal Unstable Shield, but only on all allies and at the same time the ulta falls off. And if suddenly someone dies during your peak of omnipotence, the aura will subside and that goof will revive with a part of his health.

And after learning all the abilities, I want to summarize. The Keeper of the Light is a very good class, it looks great in PvP and PvE, and if in the future you want to pump it, then don't even doubt it won't let you down.

In any city in any country, go to any psychiatric hospital or any rehabilitation center you can get into. When you get to the reception, close your eyes and ask for a meeting with someone who calls himself "Keeper of the Light." You will be led to a lonely door that leads into a long, winding corridor. You will be told to open your eyes. The corridor will be utterly dark, but narrow enough for you to feel the walls and be able to move forward.
If, at any point along the way, the corridor is suddenly filled with light, immediately close your eyes and quickly make your way back to the door through which you entered. If your eyes remain open for more than a second, what you see will cause you to instinctively rip them out.
If the light is turned off as long as you need to pass the corridor, you will reach another door. If you see a light breaking through the crack under the door, immediately run, for what you are looking for is not here. If you can't see the light, gently turn the knob and walk in.
The room will be completely dark, except for one dim candle in the center. Her light will be enough to make out the outlines of a figure bending over her, wrapped in a cloak. The person under the cloak will be completely motionless. The only question he will answer is "What will protect us from them?" Say something else and this man will rip out your eyes and consume your soul; and you will take his place under the cloak for the rest of eternity.
If you ask the question above, a shrill cry will be heard from the candle and a series of lights will illuminate the room, revealing images of the most horrific thoughts, fantasies and memories of all minds in history. Most people won't stand it; they will either go mad or die on the spot. However, if you can survive this ordeal, the man in the cloak will slowly get up and put his hands on your head. You will be forced to look at his face. He will have the face of a young man, but instead of eyes there will be only empty eye sockets. From now on, you must not look away if you do not want to remain chained to this room, forever forgotten in time. He will put something small and round in your hand. From this moment on, you will not feel pain (if you do not try to get another Object, since the pain you then feel has nothing to do with ordinary pain), but the terrible images that you saw in this room will forever be burned into your memory.
The eye you hold in your hand will be Object 5 of 538. The awakening has begun; they don't have to come together.

edited news Adele - 29-03-2011, 13:46

“Their teaching, no matter how primitive and crude it may seem now, is based on an undeniable truth: light is the source of life. That is why the movement of the Guardians clearly stands out among other pagan cults, and its benefits, due to the reliance not on fictional entities, but on the real laws of the universe, is beyond doubt. "

Encyclopedia of Asteria.

Today we will tell you about the keeper of the light - a wise and brave warrior who is able to control the power of light, helping his comrades-in-arms in hot battles. He will be in demand in any campaign, because with such a hero the team gets serious advantages.

In the group, the guardian of light plays the role of a kind of director of the battle: it is he who makes the most important decisions in the course of the battle, protects allies and weakens opponents, choosing the most suitable moments for this. All basic skills of the keeper can be directed to his comrades: the energy of light will not harm them, but will only increase the outgoing damage. Those who intend to play in a team, if desired, may not interact with enemies directly, fully concentrating on supporting allies.

Basic skills:

Blinking Flash (LMB)... Light Keeper's basic attack. Using it on allies, you can enhance several of their subsequent hits.

Stream of Light / Burning Stream (LMB)... Depending on the chosen skill, holding the button for a long time activates either "Stream of Light", which temporarily transfers part of the keeper's skills to the target ally, or "Scorching Stream", which deals damage to all enemies caught in the line of the beam.

Particle of Light / Golden Ball (RMB)... Depending on how long the player holds down the mouse button, one of the following skills is activated: "Particle of Light" activates a pulse discharge and is the main AoE skill for the keeper, and "Golden Ball" by the power of gravity will line up all the enemies near which fly by.

Sparks of anger... A powerful combat skill with instant action. Consumes light energy. The hero swings a wand and fires a sparkling ball at the enemy, causing significant damage.

Other skills:

Star storm... Sends three impulse discharges to enemies, inflicting massive damage on them. With a 5% chance, the skill will be instantly restored after using the "Shimmering Flash". On the CBT it is called "Light Shaft", but for the MBT the visual effects of the skill will be changed, and the name will change accordingly!

Unstable Shield... A spell that absorbs damage. The size of the shield is equal to 12.5% ​​of the maximum health of the guardian of the light. The Guardian can protect both himself and an ally with it, but in the latter case, the size of the shield will be doubled. Lasts 8 seconds. If the shield is destroyed or its duration expires, it will explode, causing significant damage to surrounding enemies. The more enemies surround the target, the weaker the explosion.

Wanderer's relic... The character gains the ability to teleport. At any moment, from any point on the battlefield, he can be transported to a pre-established relic, and any of his ally, having run up to this shining sphere, can easily teleport under the guardian's reliable shield.

Inviolable barrier... Surrounds all units in front of the Guardian of Light with an obstacle that makes them immune to damage for several seconds. Removes all negative effects when applied.

We have listed only some of the abilities of the Keeper of the Light, a little later you can familiarize yourself with the detailed list and description of the skills in a special section on our website. Attention, skill icons are subject to change!

The Guardian of Light is surrounded by a special aura. It feeds him and the rest of the group: increases their health, and also transfers part of the guardian's characteristics to the squad, increasing the effectiveness of attacks. If there is a melee fighter in the team, the Keeper of Light will apply a shield on him that protects the "tank" from powerful blows. His other shields are capable of absorbing damage dealt to allies, as well as providing immunity to crowd control effects.

The Keeper of the Light is ready not only to help friends, but also to stand up for himself on occasion. During the attack, the forces of light, directed by his wand, carry destruction: streams of burning rays or exploding particles of light cause tangible harm to the enemy. For the final blow, the Guardian can summon the wrath of the sun or a crushing star storm. Their energy knocks the enemy down, depriving him of his last strength. In a team game, inflicting maximum damage is not at all the key task of this class, other fighters will deal with enemies much easier. But often it is only thanks to the well-thought-out and competently composed actions of the guardian that the group becomes capable of accomplishments that would be completely unthinkable without him.

In the heat of battle, a fighter capable of giving his comrades-in-arms strength, protecting them from excessive damage and even making them invulnerable for a moment will be absolutely irreplaceable. This class will be appreciated primarily by those who wish to fight together with a group of friends and support them in the most intense battles. By choosing the right talents and skills, you get a versatile fighter who can largely determine the outcome of the battle.

Wise and courageous followers of the warlike school of light are able to administer justice and seek out the truth even in the dark hearts of hardened villains and criminals. Guardians of the Light are universal - they perfectly cope with the role of a combat protector: they endow allies with indestructible strength and support life energy with powerful auras.

Or, crushing the pressure of the enemy, they launch magic spells and incinerating bunches of energy, acting as the leader of the entire team. The class truly directs each battle - it hurls the enemy with attacks in waves and, as if drinking blood, helps wounded allies and supports them with useful auras.

Of course, the class is imperfect and along with outstanding advantages border on disadvantages.


  • Versatile abilities useful at any stage of the game;
  • High survival rate;
  • Active skills and spells are pronounced "on the go";
  • The abilities are really useful;
  • The class is ideally revealed in team fights.


  • The choice of abilities depends on the mode; to win, you will often have to "tune" the fighter;
  • The main damage is not impressive;
  • Low mobility of the class in critical situations;
  • Skills require a lot of energy;
  • Not suitable for beginners.

In what situations is the Light Keeper Skyforge useful?

Attack - class heroes are capable of scattering powerful spells that hit both single enemies and entire parties within a certain radius. In 1v1 fights, the followers of "Light" can easily deal with opponents due to their high mobility, attacking and defensive abilities, and high survival rates.

In defense, the Guardians of the Light do not heal the wounds of allies, but only impose impenetrable shields that reduce damage or increase special characteristics.

Light Keeper class trivia

For the Keepers of the Light, a set of 25 skills of varying degrees of importance is gradually unlocked, including ultimate abilities and passive auras. When casting spells and using abilities, the main resource of the class is consumed - Energy of Light (ES). Each skill, of course, uses a different amount of resources. The recovery level is 100 units of energy per second. The maximum stock is 1000 units.

Classic keyboard layout. Assigning a different value to the keys is allowed in the settings.

There are exactly twenty talents - a key feature of the class: a simplified combination process. 8 active talents will help in any battle, the main thing is to make the right choice from the categories "Support", "Attack" and "Ultimate skills". It is pointless to list all the talents - the best abilities and skills will appear below, in the special instructions for playing the hero or class in question. Important - the selected abilities can be distributed at will at any time outside the battle! And in the case of the Keepers of Light, changing abilities is really useful!

Symbols in Skyforge are responsible for passive auras that are displayed in available slots. The most useful are listed below:

A detailed study of the Guardian of the Light class

Endurance is the main indicator of the HS class, it increases the level of survivability and the usefulness of the applied auras and defensive abilities. When developing, it is important to pay attention to the bonds associated with Spirit, Luck and Strength. Important: it is equally pointless to improve all the characteristics - the hero will turn out to be vulnerable and not worked out. Hybrid ligaments are useful at any stage of the game, the main thing is to understand how to distribute the characteristics.

Particularly useful items for the class are:

  • Impulse recovery;
  • Snatch preparation;
  • The effectiveness of the shields;
  • Impact protection;
  • Increased critical hit chance.


Battles in [PvE]:

  • LMB - Stream of Light - an excellent ability that supports allies;
  • [Z] - Radiance - a useful skill at any stage;
  • [C] - Wrath of the Sun - knocks back opponents, helps control the situation;
  • [X] - Stars' Fury - additional control option;
  • - Star Storm - the strongest ability of the class, deals colossal damage;
  • [V] - Quasar - suitable for playing alone.

Battles in [PvP]:

  • LMB - Stream of Light - strengthens allies;
  • [Z] - Radiance - breaks through protection, increases outgoing damage to the target;
  • - Blessing of the sun - Increases the level of attack;
  • [X] - Blessing of fortitude - incinerates negative effects;
  • [C] - Wrath of the Sun - allows you to control enemies, protects at critical moments;
  • [V] - Quasar - controls the opponent.

Of course, it is not necessary to blindly believe the instructions - every player will definitely find a suitable "build" and turn the whole world upside down!

Keeper of the light

“Their teaching, no matter how primitive and crude it may seem now, is based on an undeniable truth: light is the source of life. That is why the movement of the Guardians clearly stands out among other pagan cults, and its benefits, due to the reliance not on fictional entities, but on the real laws of the universe, is beyond doubt. " Encyclopedia of Asteria.

Protecting mortals, preaching kindness and not judging anyone for mistakes - these are the immutable behests of the keepers of light. Their path is the path of selfless service to people. Following their allies, the Guardians of Light multiply their strength and cover them with shining shields. The Guardians of the Light are not very strong, but they are hardy, and can hold out for a long time under the onslaught of the enemy.

In the group, the guardian of light plays the role of a kind of director of the battle: it is he who makes the most important decisions in the course of the battle, protects allies and weakens opponents, choosing the most suitable moments for this. All basic skills of the keeper can be directed to his comrades: the energy of light will not harm them, but will only increase the outgoing damage. Those who intend to play in a team, if desired, may not interact with enemies directly, fully concentrating on supporting allies.

The Guardian of Light is surrounded by a special aura. It feeds him and the rest of the group: increases their health, and also transfers part of the guardian's characteristics to the squad, increasing the effectiveness of attacks. If there is a melee fighter in the team, the Keeper of Light will apply a shield on him that protects the "tank" from powerful blows. His other shields are capable of absorbing damage dealt to allies, as well as providing immunity to crowd control effects.

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