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Exercises for weight and relief. Relief training program in the gym: the most effective exercises. Lifting dumbbells for biceps

During pregnancy, a woman has a double load on the spine. Many expectant mothers have a question: how to relieve back pain without harming the unborn child. In this matter, aqua aerobics are very effective.

The benefits of aqua aerobics for pregnant women

Aqua aerobics refers to a sport in which a pregnant woman performs moderate physical activity.... During pregnancy, a woman will have to give up her usual gym visits and strength exercises. Now, first of all, it is necessary to think about the health of the unborn child.
One of the positive factors of doing ava aerobics is that the fetus will remain in its usual position and not feel any discomfort, and the mother, in turn, will retain all her stretch and plastic acquired before pregnancy. .

Water aerobics classes help the expectant mother to correctly distribute the load on the spine... Another plus is that when practicing in the pool, a woman maintains her weight normally, which is especially important during pregnancy.
By performing a set of exercises, you can keep the gluteal muscles, muscles of the legs, back and other muscle groups in shape.

Water aerobics classes help a woman prepare for the exciting process of childbirth. During the exercise period, especially in the last months of pregnancy, a woman works out the correct breathing technique, which in the future becomes an unconditional plus in the gym.

It is worth noting that the technique of holding the breath when diving under water is of great benefit. It will also help in the future with childbirth.

If the child has taken the wrong position - breech presentation, then with the help of a special set of exercises, you can help him turn his head down and take a position that is comfortable for himself and the mother. That is why many doctors strongly recommend water aerobics classes for such a problem, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

However, despite the benefits of water aerobics, it is worth noting a number of reasons why it is contraindicated, as it can harm the mother and the unborn child:

  • possible threat of miscarriage;
  • the occurrence of skin and infectious diseases (this applies to people with a tendency to allergic reactions, for example, to chlorine, which is contained in pool water);
  • the presence of high water in the mother;
  • severe toxicosis, especially in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases in gynecology or the acquisition of new diseases during pregnancy (for example, if a woman stays in cool water for a long time, she may develop cystitis);
  • increased uterine tone;
  • hung blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

If any of the above problems are absent, then aqua aerobics classes can be started at any time, however, before that, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.


On average, one lesson lasts from 40 minutes to an hour.

On average, it lasts up to 10 minutes.

It starts with warming up the muscles: for this, a pregnant woman needs to swim several times near the sides of the pool, perform light jumps in the water. After that, special weights are put on the woman and a series of exercises for the arms and legs is performed.

This includes exercises that help a woman get the right breathing. This is breath-holding diving. It is these exercises that help a woman perform the breathing technique when pushing, and the child at this time gets used to the lack of oxygen and will easily pass through the birth canal in this state.

From the exercises of respiratory gymnastics, the following can be distinguished:

  • holding her breath, a woman should jump out, strongly spread her legs at the knees and dive, clasping her feet;
  • cross your arms over your chest to dive into the water, while holding your breath for a few seconds;
  • swimming underwater with a maximum breath holding time;
  • pregnant women stand in a circle, holding each other's hands and, at the command of the coach, dive under the water through one, holding their breath for a certain time.

It is at this stage that the main set of aqua aerobics exercises begins. Of these, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Walking underwater. In the rhythm set by the trainer, the woman simply walks underwater, while performing rotational movements with her hands.
  2. A set of exercises to strengthen the hips. These include squats, leg rotations at different rates, leg raises and falls, forward and side lunges.
  3. Training the muscles of the pelvis, back and abs. At this stage, the woman performs a set of exercises directly at the side of the pool. This includes exercises for raising and lowering the legs, their rotations. More complex exercises can be prescribed by the instructor, if the woman is allowed by her condition. To strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, it is necessary to perform movements of the hips, buttocks. With the help of these exercises, a woman can get rid of such an unpleasant moment as urinary incontinence from a strong relaxation of the pelvic muscles.

Stretching exercises

This set of exercises is also performed at the sides of the pool. They are designed to relax muscles, normalize breathing and pulse.

Performing exercises under the guidance of an instructor, a pregnant woman can sit on a split in the water, do lunges in a half split to the right and left, perform up jumps with a strong leg extension, putting one of her legs on the side, perform squats into the water.

Basic rules for exercising in water for pregnant women

The basic rules include:

  • be sure to visit a doctor who will give a referral to water aerobics classes;
  • you need to choose the most “safe” pool (you must definitely pay attention to the temperature of the water in the pool, water disinfection, etc.);
  • you need to start water aerobics classes gradually, without overloading an already tired body;
    stick to the optimal number of workouts per week;
  • food intake is allowed at least an hour before and after training;
  • if a woman feels the slightest signs of discomfort (hypothermia, fatigue, etc.), it is necessary to interrupt the training in order to avoid negative consequences;

Video: exercise for pregnant women

It is important to note that before starting training, it is imperative to consult with your doctor and undergo a number of laboratory tests (take a blood test, urine test, smears, etc.).

Today, water aerobics is a fashionable and very relevant trend. The benefits and contraindications will be carefully considered in our article today.

Why is water sports so attracting human attention? Life originated in water, therefore, starting from a very young age, children swim with great pleasure. And when there was a proposal to go in for sports not in the gym, but in the pool, many found it very attractive. However, this topic requires further study in order to determine how well aqua aerobics is for you, the benefits and contraindications must be carefully weighed before making a decision. Better yet, seek the advice of a professional fitness trainer or therapist.

What are the pros

Someone may go because they enjoy being in contact with water, as opposed to having to sweat in a regular gym. However, this is not the only difference between aqua aerobics. The benefits and contraindications are already widely known today, so everyone can make a choice for themselves.

So let's take a look at the main pros. First of all, both coaches and their students note that the results from any exercises performed in water are much better than those performed on land. Why it happens? Because the resistance of water is higher than that of air. Therefore, the load on the muscles is very high.

But that's not all, what makes water aerobics different. The benefits and contraindications must be discussed at the first, introductory, lesson with a trainer, so not a single person will start training without careful instruction. But in fact, it is the safest sport. It can be done by pregnant women as well as the elderly. At the same time, the likelihood of injury and sprains is minimized. Everything that yogis achieve over the years of training (the smoothness of each movement), the water itself provides.

Post-workout soreness is another factor that stops women from going to the gym. Water aerobics classes completely exclude this. The aquatic environment interferes with the production of lactic acid, which causes severe pain. The next day, you will feel lightness throughout your body and you will want to repeat.

What to think about

In and of itself, exercising in the water is very beneficial. However, it is very important to consider its composition. Many modern swimming pools have systems that are chlorine-free. Water is disinfected using ultrasound, silver and other technologies. Therefore, when choosing a pool, you need to pay special attention to this moment. But if, entering the room, you smell chlorine, then it is better to refuse regular exercise. This is especially true for pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions.

Almost everyone noted that after visiting the pool, the skin becomes dry and covered with a white coating. Thus, the remedy that is designed to protect us, spoils the skin and hair, affects the respiratory system. Leading gynecologists urge women to be careful when visiting the pool. Chlorinated water leads to a violation of the microflora of the vagina.

However, an open body of water can be even more dangerous. Therefore, if in the summertime the coach proposes to transfer classes to a river or lake, it is better to refuse. Water that does not meet sanitary standards can lead to allergic reactions, and hundreds of pathogenic bacteria can cause the development of a disease.

A pregnant woman should be attentive to the recommendations of doctors, as well as to her own feelings. Any discomfort should be a signal to stop training and alert the coach. During the lesson, you can not force yourself to do the exercises, but do them only when they are pleasant.

For a person over 45 years old

Most often, it is after this milestone that back pain, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the joints begin to bother. This is enough for a person to give up going to the gym. However, water aerobics classes are ideal for these occasions. Water can greatly reduce the stress on the spine, which helps better than sitting on the couch. In addition, with a series of workouts, you will feel that your back muscles are strengthened, which reduces pain.

For expectant mothers

Recently, water aerobics has become very popular; it is always the first to pick up new items and embody them in a form acceptable to the consumer. That is why fitness centers equipped with swimming pools began to grow in the capital. It is very convenient that great depth is not required for training, maximum to the waist.

Pool activities are shown for all expectant mothers. Swimming is very pleasant, it allows you to quickly get your muscles in shape, but at the same time it does not overload the body. The pool has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and cardiovascular and excretory systems. Swimming in the pool gives you good physical activity, it increases endurance, and it will be easier for you to survive childbirth.

Expert opinion

The aqua aerobics coach, Ekaterina Lyubimova, head of the club in Medvedkovo, explains to every pregnant woman that the goal of the classes is not to become a model overnight, but to prepare your body for the birth of a baby. In the classroom, a lot of time is devoted to diving. This will help mom and baby get used to the temporary lack of oxygen, which they will have to face during the period of contractions and passing through the birth canal. In addition, mom trains breath holding, which means that it will be much easier for her during attempts.

Any water aerobics coach will tell you that those women who have attended workouts did not have any problems with childbirth. At the same time, they master important breathing techniques, and physical activity will allow the baby to take the correct position in time.

How training affects the physical condition of expectant mothers

Initially, it is worth asking the opinion of your obstetrician-gynecologist. If he doesn't mind, then sign up for classes. In this case, you should not even think for a long time, the ideal option is water aerobics - this is the city that is ready to offer you hundreds of options for clubs, sections and pools where such activities are practiced. Below we will take a look at the most popular ones.

So, in the water, the expectant mother trains the muscles of the legs and perineum, abdominals, back and shoulder girdle. Going into the pool, you become 10 times lighter, as a result, the spine rests. The movements that you will perform under the guidance of a coach will relieve cramps, stretch the ligaments, and improve the blood supply to the whole body.

When to start dealing with pregnant women

Aqua aerobics clubs adhere to a similar program, which allows you to achieve significant results without much stress. The "Through the Looking Glass" club is becoming very popular today. Leading specialist Maria Kireeva works with groups and individually. She argues that there is nothing better than water training. This is a very gentle and serious load at the same time. In the first trimester, it is very important to actively visit the pool. In this case, the risk of gaining extra pounds will be practically zero. During the second trimester, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, you can continue with intense workouts with more emphasis on stretching. The third trimester should be devoted to calm swimming and breathing exercises.


The expectant mother should start training with a warm-up. It can be as simple as sailing from side to side. A series of common exercises are then performed to warm up the muscles. and arms, jumps and squats. The first main exercise is underwater walking. There is nothing difficult in this, only the knees need to be raised higher. Hip exercises are another complex that the instructor selects individually. These are raising and lowering legs, rotations and lunges, and squats. Exercising your back, abs, and pelvic floor muscles is another major block. Usually they are performed holding onto the side. As a rule, this is raising the legs at different angles.

After training, you need a little rest. At this time, you can lie on the surface of the water or play with a ball. The next block is breathing exercises. These exercises are nothing complicated, they are ordinary diving, inhaling and exhaling with holding the breath. Finally, there are stretching exercises. They help to normalize the pulse and relieve tension.

Water aerobics for weight loss

Very often, after the birth of a baby, women come to the gym with this problem. Ask an experienced trainer, and he will surely say that the best choice is water aerobics. The results will depend on the desire and on adherence to proper nutrition, but one thing is for sure: in one workout, you can lose up to 500 kcal. Observing a dietary diet, it will be possible to lose 6-8 kg per month with intense training 3 times a week.

In this case, the exercises are largely the same as those already listed. This is walking and running in place, swinging legs, squats, pulling up to the side of the pool and much more. The trainer creates the program for you individually.

It is very important to record the results that water aerobics gives you. "Before and after", fixed in kilograms and centimeters, will serve as the best incentive to continue practicing. In six months, you can lose several tens of kilograms or just make your figure more fit.

Leading clubs

Today there are a lot of them in Mokva. This is the already mentioned "Through the Looking Glass", which is located at st. Kantemirovskaya, 6, building 1. Judging by the reviews, attentive and competent instructors work here. Groups for pregnant women work separately. A club card costs 18,000 rubles for a year, and 11,000 for 6 months.

"Fitness Factory" is not just a club, but a developed network that offers guests the opportunity to find a healthy body. Qualified specialists are waiting for you to help you complete the necessary training and create an individual program that suits you. The cost of the subscription is 17,500 rubles per year.

Clubs network Dr. LODER invites old and new clients to visit the pool and learn how to swim, as well as do aqua aerobics. There are several pools at your service, the water in which passes a unique purification system. There are five saunas, a large gym, and in addition, an instructor will work with you individually. The cost of the annual subscription is 16,000 rubles.

Thus, you can draw up a general picture and decide for yourself if water aerobics is right for you. The prices we quoted are average, there are elite clubs where an annual subscription will cost you 35,000 rubles, but the choice is yours anyway.

Oh, this pregnancy! You wait for her, but as soon as it comes, so many problems immediately arise: now nausea, then zhor attacks, and then mood swings pester me.

And how not to worry if lightness and harmony have disappeared, but you constantly feel discomfort and heaviness in your bodies. And we must not be alarmed! Because the health of the future baby depends on our condition and mood.

    Now, more than ever, we need to strive for physical and emotional harmony. And then new questions arise: can I continue to do my favorite fitness, and what exercises should be done, even if it becomes more difficult to walk every day.

    Now it is clear why in the old days pregnant women were called "heavy"!

    To maintain physical fitness and train the necessary muscle groups by the time of childbirth, water aerobics classes are recommended... In addition, water treatments bring a lot of pleasure and calm the nervous system.

    It is true whether it is possible for pregnant women to engage in aqua aerobics in each specific case, only the doctor observing the pregnancy can decide, because there may be various contraindications.

    Do not overdo it in loads

    Exercising in the water reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system and gives the pregnant woman a feeling of lightness and plasticity.

    However, you should not show undue zeal and strive to perform all movements with maximum intensity.

    It is necessary to increase the load during their implementation gradually. Starting with visiting the pool once a week, it is advisable to switch to two-time workouts.

    Down with extra pounds

    Having significantly gained excess weight during pregnancy, a woman complicates the process of childbirth, which means that the risk of an unfavorable course of childbirth increases.

    Aqua aerobics will not only help to maintain normal weight, but also strengthen the muscles of the thighs, abs, pelvis, and also teach proper breathing.

    Exercises to strengthen muscles

    The complex of water exercises for pregnant women is designed to strengthen the important muscles of the back, pelvis, hips and abdomen, which will soon take an active part in the process of childbirth. The purpose of the preparatory exercises is to warm up the muscles and prepare them for further stress.

    Holding on to the side of the pool, women perform vertical, horizontal and cross leg swings under water alternately. Using special devices that allow them to stay on the surface of the water without diving, expectant mothers perform amplitude movements for arms and legs and turns around their axis.

    Squats, spins and jumps are an essential part of the training course. And in conclusion, after an hour of active physical activity, tasks are provided for stretching those muscles that were involved in the water aerobics lesson.

    Correct breathing is the key to success

    The most important thing when doing exercises for pregnant women is proper breathing. Its scheme is simple: inhale - hold your breath - exhale into the water.

    Thus, there is a full saturation of the brain with oxygen.

    It is important to accustom yourself to exactly this sequence of the respiratory process and breathe correctly while performing all actions in the water.

    Then at the most crucial moment, when labor begins, the woman will be able to follow the commands of the obstetrician and not hold her breath.

    During contractions, the woman's breathing should be as calm as possible: a slow inhalation and an even longer exhalation.

    It is these exercises, with drawn-out chanting, that are practiced in water aerobics classes.

    Aqua aerobics in water during pregnancy should also include diving exercises, when a woman, after inhaling, holds her breath for a long time and slowly exhales under water.

    These are ordinary dives under water, and somersaults under water, and touching the bottom of the pool with your hands. There is, for example, even such a rather difficult task as swimming around (or between) the legs of a standing partner.

    Some of the tasks pregnant women perform by sitting or lying on the bottom of the pool and slowly releasing air bubbles through their mouths.

    Having consolidated the skills of relaxed breathing in water aerobics classes, women in labor can easily use this technique at all stages of childbirth.

    Aqua aerobics for the fetus

    What processes are taking place in the body of the expectant mother at the time when she performs physical exercises in water with holding her breath?

    At first, a large amount of oxygen enters the mother's body, and her organs work with maximum intensity.

    Secondly, the same processes are observed in the body of the fetus.

    Moreover, by changing the position of her body in space during rotations or vertical dives, the mother provokes the baby to move inside the uterus.

    It is especially important to attend such classes for those women whose fetus has a breech presentation in late pregnancy. Exercises in which the pregnant woman places the pelvis above the level of the head, forcing the baby to roll over and take the correct position in the uterus.

    It has been proven that pregnant women who prefer physical activity and regularly attend aerobics classes in the water, have no problems with sleep, varicose veins and puffiness... They feel calmer and more balanced. And most importantly, expectant mothers are not afraid of childbirth, because they are ready for it!

    We offer you a video material for viewing, in which you can visually familiarize yourself with water aerobics exercises for expectant mothers:

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