Home Natural farming Variable forms of preschool education. Development of variable forms of preschool education. Organization of educational activities

Variable forms of preschool education. Development of variable forms of preschool education. Organization of educational activities

Julia Struchkova
"Development of variable forms in preschool education"

« Development of variable forms in preschool education»

I. Relevance development of variable forms of preschool education.

Service preschool education, regardless variability of the forms of its provision,should:

Comply with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "About education In Russian federation", other regulatory documents in force in the field preschool education;

Ensure the protection and preservation of children's health, their all-round (physical, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal) development through the organization of various types of children's activities and amateur performances, the leading of which is play;

Help your child reach a level development ensuring his psychological and physical readiness for school;

Create equal conditions for education, development and education of children;

Be focused on interacting with the family in order to fulfill the full child development;

Be consistent with the main general education primary general education.

Direction of work in variable forms of preschool education depends on the age and social characteristics of the children.

In the "Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 17.11.2008 No. 1662 r) as one of the priority problems of the domestic system educationidentified the following:

Implementation of innovative technologies in education, application of design methods;

Competitive identification and support of leaders implementing new approaches in education;

Solving staffing problems educational system;

Updating the organizational and economic mechanisms of the system education;

Increased flexibility and variety of forms system service delivery preschool education;

Preschool preparation of children entering the first grade;

Full use of the family's potential in raising children.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 No. 599 "On measures to implement state policy in the field education and science"The task is set to take measures aimed at eliminating the queues for enrolling children in preschool educational institutions by providing the extension forms and ways to get preschool education, in accordance with Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 "About education In Russian federation":

preschool educational organization - educational organization, carrying out as the main goal of its activities educational activities for educational programs of preschool education, babysitting and caring for children (art. 23);

organization carrying out educational activities - educational organizations, as well as organizations providing training. To organizations carrying out educational activities, are equal to individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities(Art. 2).

Conditionally a service preschool educationcan be divided into two components:

1.implementation of the main preschool education program,

2. babysitting and caring for children.

Moreover, the service preschool educationcan differentiate:

By age groups - from 2 months. up to 1.5 years, from 1.5 to 3 years, from 3 to 7 years;

By the duration of the service - 12 hours - full day, 8-10.5 hours. - shortened day, 13-14 hours. - extended day, 3-5 hours. - short stay, 24 hours. - round-the-clock stay, groups organized on weekends and holidays;

- by direction: general developmental, compensating, wellness.

Currently in the system preschool education In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the following variable forms of organization of preschool education:

Municipal preschool educational institutions;

Family kindergarten;

Private educational institution;

Governing services in the family;

Groups of short-term stay of children;

Groups of confessional orientation (spiritual and moral education of children on the traditions of national culture, etc.).

Possible organizational forms of preschool educationyoung children may be:

Kindergarten for young children;

General groups development

Groups of joint short-term stay of a child and a parent ( "Child - parent", "Child play support center", "Adaptation group" organized on the basis of kindergartens, institutions of additional education;

Home groups education("Tutor groups", "Kindergarten at home").

At the present stage development of preschool education it is necessary to ensure the introduction of new models older preschool education... Possible organizational forms of education for older preschool children can be:

Kindergarten for preschool children;

General groups development, compensatory, health-improving, combined orientation in kindergartens of various types;

Short-term kindergarten groups;

Groups for older children preschool age on the basis of educational institutions;

- preschool groups based on cultural and educational centers and centers for complementary education;

Species a variety of variable forms of preschool education

"Adaptation group".

"Future first graders".

"Groups of evening stay, weekends and holidays".

“Groups for children with disabilities development» .

"Short stay groups".

"Groups of short-term stay for children whose native language is not Russian."

Groups "Special child".

"Groups development» .

"Advisory point" (KP).


"Family kindergarten".

"Early assistance service" (PSA).

"Child play support center" (CIPR).

Groups "Learning to Swim".

ECE center with a multicultural component.

Uncompleted kindergarten.

There are also others variable forms of preschool education.

II. Construction principles variable forms of preschool education

1. Availability preschool education

Implementation of the principle of accessibility when building a network of institutions that implement preschool educational programs, means the need to build a network in such a way way to optimally take into account and educational needs of children, and the spatial proximity of institutions to the place of residence of children.

2. Variability of preschool education and unity of requirements

Necessary system requirements preschool education are currently becoming variability(ability to fit different educational needs) and unity (consistency as the ability to provide a single level of quality education for all preschoolers).

Need variability of preschool educationdue to two factors:

- variety of children's educational needs associated with different levels child development, different needs for compensation of violations, different opportunities for development educational programs of a high level of complexity;

- development of the educational space itself, the emergence of innovative projects that differ in both content education and forms of work with children.

In network conditions variability content of programs and forms work with children creates favorable conditions for ensuring the maximum number of preschoolers with appropriate educational services.

3. Orientation of the system preschool education on a civil order

Civil order in the field preschool education is formedhow to integrate different positions of interested adults: parents, doctors, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists.

Building a civil order regarding education involves a step-by-step solution of several tasks.

* The first task is informing citizens about opportunities education, about the purposes of modernization of the system education, about innovations. Preschool education has greater mobility and greater ability to respond to citizens' requests regarding general education... But in order for citizens to start receiving these requests (in the future, such requests and registration expectations is a civil order for preschool education, initially it is necessary to open up opportunities for citizens to express their expectations and requests (that is, to provide "a place", a space for open discussion of your expectations from education in negotiations with representatives education, open the range of possibilities of the system itself preschool education, a range of services to ensure preschool education(that is, to present those opportunities preschool education, or rather, educational programs, present, show clearly the results). Feedback connection begins to build up with initiation from the system education.

* The second task that needs to be solved is the task of studying the expectations of citizens from the system preschool education, study of satisfaction with the quality of services provided in the field preschool education... Based on the information campaigns, researching the expectations of citizens, it becomes possible to build a dialogue between representatives of the system education and civil society institutions.

* Building a dialogue (v format negotiation platforms, for example)- the third, most difficult, task in the field registration civil order against preschool education.

4. Orientation of the system preschool education to assess the quality of education

Quality assessment criteria are being developed at the municipal level. In this case, the main reference point is the ability of children (cognitive, communicative and creative)... For quality assessment preschool education different methods are used. Most preferred - mediated by quality indicators preschool education(do not require direct monitoring and diagnostics of abilities preschoolers). Such indicators are educational environment, dynamics indicators development abilities and health of children, indirect indicators capacity development(for example, the success of the adaptation of children to school)... High quality indicators educational conditions are material and staffing educational institution(including the level of qualifications of teachers, in particular, their involvement in innovative activities, as well as educational program implemented in a specific educational institution(licensing educational programs or the status of innovative).

Department of Education

Child Protection Department


The methodological recommendations present the normative and organizational support of variable forms of preschool education in educational institutions of the Vladimir region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A list of the most common variable forms of preschool education (short-stay groups, family kindergartens (groups), counseling centers, child play support centers, family and child support model, Early assistance service, Lekoteka), as well as sample documents regulating their creation and operation.

The manual is intended for heads of local self-government bodies (education departments), heads and directors of educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education, families with preschool children, as well as for citizens (organizations) wishing to organize non-state (private) kindergartens.

1. Introduction.

2. Organization of the creation of variable forms of preschool education and their varieties (models).

3. Databank of state (municipal) and non-state organizations and other structures in the Vladimir region providing services to families with preschool children.

4. The list of documents adopted in the municipalities of the Vladimir region on the introduction of variable forms of preschool education.

5. Regulatory and legal basis for the organization of variable forms of preschool education, including non-governmental children's organizations and family kindergartens.

6. Materials from the experience of municipalities of the Vladimir region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the introduction of variable forms of preschool education


In the Vladimir region, the problem of providing publicly available high-quality preschool education is urgent. Despite the rather high indicators of the provision of preschool children with preschool educational services (coverage of children: region - 74.4%; RF - 59.1%; Central Federal District - 65.8%; meeting the needs of the population in the services of preschool education region - 87, 7%, RF-81%), in the region there is still a priority for the placement of children in preschool educational institutions (more than 6 thousand people).

The problem of the shortage of places in preschool educational institutions is the most urgent for urban settlements. In rural areas, there are 85 children per 100 places in rural kindergartens, and 105 children per 100 places in urban areas. In a number of cities (Murom Island, Gus-Khrustalny, Raduzhny), the problem of the general availability of preschool educational services has already been resolved. The order of priority has been eliminated in 6 municipal districts in rural areas (Gorokhovetsky, Kolchuginsky, Melenkovsky, Selivanovsky, Muromsky, Yuryev-Polsky districts).

The main mechanism for solving the problem is the municipal program documents for the development of a network of preschool educational institutions. As a result of their implementation in 2011. in educational institutions for preschoolers, an additional 2.6 thousand places have been created. The programmatic approach to the organization of preschool education in the region made it possible to provide 63.6 thousand children with preschool education (2011 - 59.7 thousand people, an increase of 7%).

The largest number of educational institutions providing services in the field of preschool education are municipal preschool educational institutions. The share of municipal preschool educational institutions is 90% and has 546 units. 62.8 thousand people are brought up in institutions. (98.7% of the number of preschool children attending educational institutions).

The number of non-state preschool educational institutions in comparison with 2010 decreased from 4 units. up to 3, of which 2 NDOU - in the Aleksandrovsky district and 1 - in the Suzdal district. In 2011. non-state kindergarten art. Vekovka Gus-Khrustalny district was transferred to municipal ownership.

Educational institutions implementing the preschool education program in the academic year.

Educational institutions

Municipal preschool educational institutions / children


Preschool / children


new kindergartens / children

Schools with preschool groups / in the village, in them groups / children

OU for preschool children. and ml. shk. age / children

Total educational institutions /

Number of institutions /

(80 gr.) / 1142

In most municipalities of the region there are other state and municipal institutions that provide services to families with preschool children (institutions of culture, education, social protection, etc.).

Considering that more than 30 thousand preschool children in the region are brought up at home, the services of counseling centers created on the basis of 165 preschool educational institutions are provided to help families. In addition, “Schools for young parents”, “Family clubs”, etc. are organized at the preschool educational institution. Every fifth institution is a supporting kindergarten for organizing work with families raising preschool children at home.

Services for the care, supervision and development of children are provided by individual entrepreneurs and other structures. Work experience in this direction is available in the city of Vladimir, Kovrov, Sobinsky, Vyaznikovsky districts, etc. (Table 2).

For the most complete solution of the problem of accessibility of preschool education, local governments are recommended to provide all-round support to organizations and individuals who have expressed a desire to organize family educational groups or other variable forms of preschool education, including those not related to the provision of educational services.

In order to provide assistance to municipalities in expanding the possibilities of providing the population with services for the care and supervision of preschool children and using modern models of preschool education, instructional and methodological letters have been sent to the municipal formations of the region, as well as the experience of the Perm Territory in the formation of a municipal order for preschool education services and Belgorod region on the development of public-private partnership in the field of preschool education.

At the same time, in the municipalities of the region, the non-state sector of services in the field of preschool education is not developing effectively enough. The main reason is the lack of adopted documents regulating the activities of variable forms of preschool education, as well as the lack of necessary areas (buildings) for the creation of non-state (private) kindergartens that meet the sanitary requirements and standards provided for by SanPin

In this regard, it became necessary to expand the variable forms of preschool education, which, along with traditional preschool institutions, are able to assist the family in raising a preschool child.

2. Organization of the creation of variable forms of preschool education and their varieties (models)

Variable forms of preschool education, as a rule, are created on the basis of educational institutions in order to increase the coverage of children with preschool education services and provide for a different regime of stay of children, both with developmental norms and with disabilities and special educational needs.

TOvariable forms of preschool education for children with 2 months before 7 years include:

§ short stay group;

§ child play support center;

§ advisory point;

§ early assistance service;

§ library;

§ family kindergarten (group);

§ "governorship", etc.

1. Short stay group (GKP) is a variable form of organization of preschool education in part-time mode (up to 5 hours). The GKP is created for children of early and preschool age in order to ensure their all-round development and the formation of the foundations of school education in them, to provide advisory and methodological support to their parents in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, his social adaptation and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

Groups of short-term stay can be accommodated on the basis of preschool educational organizations, general education schools, organizations of additional education and other adapted premises. The premises in which groups of short-term stay are accommodated must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

VCurrently, the most common and demanded GKPs are:

§ "Adaptation group" - for children from 2 months to 3 years, which aims to ensure the early socialization of children and their adaptation to admission to preschool educational institutions;

§ "Development group" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, pursuing the goal of the comprehensive development of children, their socialization in a team of peers and adults;

§ "Future first grader" group - for children 5-6 years old, the purpose of which is to prepare senior preschool children for schooling;

§ “Group for children whose native language is not Russian” - for children from 3 to 7 years old, aimed at adapting a non-Russian child in a new Russian-speaking environment, at mastering Russian speech skills, and shaping his readiness for schooling;

§ "Evening stay group" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, the purpose of which is to assist parents in raising and educating children, organizing childcare and supervision;

§ "Group for children with developmental disabilities" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, aimed at providing systematic psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with health problems, their upbringing and training, consulting and methodological support to parents.

2. Child play support center (CIPR) is an organizational form of providing preschool education, psychological and pedagogical assistance to children aged 2 months to 3 years in the mode of short-term stay of children in municipal preschool educational institutions on the basis of modern methods of organizing play activities.

The main tasks of the CIPR are:

· -Providing assistance in the socialization of children of early preschool age on the basis of the organization of play activities;

· -Development of individual programs of game support and the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the child;

- acquaintance of parents (legal representatives) with the ways of using various types of play teaching aids, organization on their basis of developmental games and play interaction with children;

· -Consultation of parents (legal representatives) on the choice of optimal methods and means for the development of children with disabilities, as well as on the creation of a developing environment in the context of family education.

3. Advisory points are created for parents (legal representatives) and children aged 1 to 7 years who do not attend preschool educational institutions. The main goal of their activities is to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) in supporting the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Main goals:

    providing comprehensive assistance to parents (legal representatives) and children not attending educational institutions in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school; providing advisory and methodological assistance to families on various issues of upbringing, training and development of a preschool child; prevention of various deviations in
    physical, mental and social development of preschool children who do not attend educational institutions.

4. Family support service for a young child in a preschool educational institution

The main purpose of organizing a support model is to create optimal conditions for the mental and social development of a young child, to stimulate his potential in the process of a specially organized child's interaction with parents and the world around him.

Maintenance tasks are:

    determination of the level of development of an early age child in accordance with the main normative indicators of a given age; the earliest possible identification and psychological and pedagogical qualification of deviations in the development of the child; monitoring the development of the child in the process of targeted psychological and pedagogical assistance; consulting parents on the issues of raising young children, etc.

5. Lekoteka is created with the aim of providing psychological and pedagogical support for children from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disabilities for socialization, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, support for the development of the child's personality and the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.

Main goals:

The main tasks of the "tutor service"

    Provide assistance to families raising preschool children at home (on a reimbursable basis). Implement new approaches in interaction: kindergarten-child-family, develop new forms of preschool education. Organize diagnostic, advisory and medical assistance to parents of children who do not attend preschool institutions. Ensuring the most complete coverage of children with preschool education.

3. Databank of state (municipal) and non-state organizations and other structures providing services to families with preschool children in 2012

State and municipal organizations and other structures providing services to families with preschool children

Non-governmental organizations providing services in the field of preschool education


Preschool educational institution No. 8 - Short-term stay group: inclusion of unorganized children with disabilities in functioning groups / 2 people.

Preschool educational institution No. 70.101 - Short-term stay group: Care and supervision (evening) / 22 people.

Preschool educational institution number 77 - Short-term stay group: Adaptation group for children of early preschool age / 15 people.

Short stay group: Care and supervision (evening)

Preschool educational institution number 000 - Family group / 3 pers.

School No. 34, 37, 47 - Preschool group 3/82

Palace of children's (youth) creativity of Vladimir - School of early development "Solnyshko" / 48 people

"Children's health and educational center of Vladimir" - advisory point / 30 people








st. Gorky, 69; tel., A; tel. -47-74

Raduzhny, 1 quarter, 58

BABY, -; Tel.

MOSAIC, CHILDREN'S CENTER, st. Gorky, 56A, office. 804, tel.

of. 612; Tel. (ext. 114); Tel.

MY NANNY, st. North, 4-61;





Goose - Crystal

UDO children's center "Istok" (circles for preschoolers artistic gymnastics, art activities)

DDC "Dektyarevets", "Rodnichok", rehabilitation center for disabled children

FE "Magician", st. Mokhovaya, people), FE "Fidget", people)

Children's health and educational center - providing correctional assistance to preschoolers, in UDO - 2 groups for preschool children "Filippok";

On the basis of the preschool educational institution, there are 18 adaptation groups and 2 play support centers


UDO "Lad" (organized a circle work for preschool children); Children's and Youth Sports School "Kristall" (classes with children according to their interests);

Preschool educational institution - 2 GKP for children under 3 years old



Social and rehabilitation center "Rosinka", UDOD "Center for additional education for children", "Palace of sports for children and youth" (80 people). At preschool educational institution No. 23, Vyazniki, there is a Game Support Center (27 people)

I. P Smirnova center "Orange" (preschool training and psychological assistance)


On the basis of the UDO CDT "Rosinka" there is 1 group of social and psychological support for children 5-6 years old (9 people) and 1 group of short-term stay for young children (10 people), on the basis of the GUSO Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors "Family »10 people receive help.

In preschool educational institution No. 4, Gorokhovets, there is a GKP (10 people)

Goose - Crystal

OGUSO "Gus-Khrustalny social rehabilitation center for minors";

Center for social and psychological assistance to families and children (under the district administration).


Institution of social protection "Center for social assistance to families and children" (organized with unorganized children play hours of physical and visual orientation); UDO CVR (classes with preschool children on the early study of foreign languages, art activities)


On the basis of the UDO CDT, 2 groups work to prepare children 5-6 years old for school (24 people)


MOU DOD "Children's Music School of Arts" - a preparatory class for teaching preschool children to play the button accordion - 12 children;

* MOU DOD "House of Children's Art":

1. Group of early aesthetic development (singing, dancing, performing arts) - 12 children;

2. Group of early development (intellectual direction) - 35 children.

On the basis of the OGU "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population" of the Kovrovsky District, assistance is provided to preschool children from families at risk: social and pedagogical patronage, prevention of child homelessness and neglect.

* MAU "FOK Palace of Sports":

3. Hockey section - 10 children.


On the basis of the UDO TAC there are 2 groups for unorganized preschoolers (24 people) to prepare for school

On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 11 in Kolchugino, the GKP operates.

At preschool educational institution No. 15 in Kolchugino, the Rastishka Game Support Center (15 people) is functioning for children under 3 years old.


On the basis of the UDO TAC in the city of Melenki, there are 2 circles of intellectual and theatrical directions for preschool children (24 people)


On the basis of the social rehabilitation center, the city of Murom, assistance is provided to preschool children with disabilities

On the basis of preschool groups of MBOU "Kovarditskaya secondary school", a model of accompanying a family and a young child is being implemented.

On the basis of 7 educational institutions, there are GKPs, which are attended by 49 children,

Advisory center for preschool children (branch of MBOU Boris-Gleb secondary school);

Group for future first-graders (MBDOU No. 4 v. Chaadaevo).


On the basis of UDO, the city of Pokrov, 5 groups are working to prepare children 5-6 years old for school (54 people)


On the basis of the Selivanovsky social rehabilitation center for the imperfect. assistance is provided to preschool children. age, including disabled children (39/7 people), Center "Healthy Family" at the registry office


NOU "Istok" - center of educational services (play activities with preschool children);

CIPR on the basis of MDOU No. 1, Sobinka.

On the basis of preschool educational institution No. 5, Lakinsk and pre-school educational institution No. 4 in the settlement of Stavrovo, 2 groups of efficiency factor (28 people) operate.

Children's leisure center "Pochemuchka" (children from 8 months to 5 years) (IP)


On the basis of the Sudogod social rehabilitation center for the imperfect. assistance is provided to preschool children. age with limitation possible health (2 reb-inv.)


Complex center of social services for the population of the Suzdal region;

Municipal institution "Sports and recreation complex" Suzdal region

with. Pavlovskoe;

MOU DOD "Children's School of Arts" p. Sadovy, p. Novo-Alexandrovo;

MOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities in the city of Suzdal and the Suzdal region."

GKP in preschool educational institution with. Klementyevo "(3 hours without payment, 12 people up to 3 years old)

Yuriev - Polskiy

On the basis of the UDO CVR works 6 gr. on preparing children for the Svirelka school (82 people)

On the basis of MDOU No. 6 in Yuryev-Polsky, a Gaming Support Center was created (12 people, working hours 3 hours)

Places in kindergartens for toddlers are always relevant and at the same time challenging topic. What should those parents do if their child does not attend kindergarten full day? In this case, variable forms of preschool education come to the rescue. Olga Butorina, head of the education department of the Administration of the Tyumen municipal district, in our short interview talked about what it is and how such forms are useful for parents.

- Olga Nikolaevna, variable forms of preschool education - what is it?

Today, various types of groups for short-term stay of children are working and are actively opening in institutions, the flexible regime of which (from 2 to 5 times a week, from 3 to 5 hours a day, depending on the needs of the parents) and the content of the work attract parents. The species diversity of groups allows them to choose exactly those educational routes for their children that suit and like them best. To date, about four thousand children of the region are covered with variable forms.

Variable forms of preschool education provide for a different regime of stay for children with both developmental norms and those with disabilities and special educational needs. Such forms are created with the aim of increasing the coverage of children with preschool education and creating equal starting opportunities for all children when they enter school.

- What are the types of variable forms of preschool education?

In educational organizations of TSR, there are organized: an integrated short-term stay, a group of short-term stay, an adaptation group and an advisory-methodical point.

Such variable forms of preschool education are implemented in all educational organizations of the district that implement preschool education programs.

Short-stay groups (STG) - for children from 3 to 7 years old who attend kindergarten every day for 3 hours. At the request of the parents, the child can attend the group in the first (from 8.00 to 11.00), or in the afternoon (from 15.00 to 18.00). Educators of short-term stay groups develop the child in play, speech, design, visual, musical activities, as well as form an ecological culture, introduce a healthy lifestyle, form elementary mathematical concepts, enrich sensory experience and communication skills.

Integrated short-term stay (ICP) - for children aged 3 to 7 who attend flexible kindergarten without catering. At the request of the parents, they can attend kindergarten in the same way as in the GKP - in the morning or in the afternoon. The activities of pupils are organized in accordance with their age, individual characteristics, the content of the main general educational program of the institution. The organization of the educational process is regulated by the cyclogram of educational activities. Educational and educational work in IKP groups is carried out by kindergarten teachers and specialists.

The adaptation group for short-term stay for children (from one to two hours) is intended for children aged 1 to 3 years who do not attend an educational organization. Thus, kids are prepared for admission to kindergarten. Children come to the adaptation group in the morning with their parents, who, together with educators and specialists, take part in play, musical and visual activities, they get acquainted with the regime moments within the daily routine to form cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills. That is, children are beginning to get used to the fact that they will be waiting for them in kindergarten full-time.

And the last form is an advisory - methodological point (KMP), intended for children aged 1 to 7 years, brought up in a family environment: it is created in order to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents, support comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend kindergarten. Work with parents raising preschool children at home in the counseling center is carried out in various forms: group, subgroup and individual - this can be visiting a family or providing a service in a kindergarten (group, music and gymnasium, speech center), children and their parents are invited to participate in contests, holidays. At the same time, methodological materials are sent by mail to parents personally.

Are these forms suitable for a child? Does he not overlook some part of the educational process that includes children who are in kindergarten full time?

No way. This is a great option to start kindergarten when the family is waiting for the main preschool place. Plus, this is a kind of adaptation process for a child in a new place and with new people.

The shortened time spent in kindergarten and learning in the form of a game make it possible to provide the most comfortable environment for the child, give him the opportunity to get the first positive experience in new social conditions, which solves many problems of a communicative nature.

The only difference from the regime of the main groups is the lack of sleep and nutrition, since the child is involved in educational activities from three to five hours a day.

- What about your parents? Can they get expert advice with this form of training?

For parents, in this case, there are also only advantages. They have the opportunity to communicate with educators on a daily basis on issues of concern. For them, group consultations are also conducted, which allow them to solve the issues of adaptation, development and upbringing of the child in the most effective way.

- Do specialists work with children?

Of course, specialists! Teachers of variable forms of preschool education are qualified professionals in their field. In the groups, there is always an educator who conducts the main educational activities. If necessary, music teachers and physical education instructors are involved in the work.

- How much will this form of the preschooler's educational process cost for a parent?

Not at all. Attendance in any optional form of preschool education is completely free for a parent.

- How to arrange a child in a short-term stay group?

Parents should apply to the head of the educational institution in their territory. In the Tyumen region, variable forms of preschool education are implemented in every educational organization.




Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology





Teacher: Volobueva L.M.

Moscow, 2017


The goal of social policy in the field of preschool education is to realize the right of every child to quality and affordable education and to increase the coverage of children with preschool education.

The implementation of this goal is being addressed in the framework of the following priority areas:

    availability of preschool education: development of variable forms of preschool education;

    development of inclusive, integrative and special preschool education: ensuring the availability of education and determining educational routes for children with disabilities and special educational needs;

    psychological and pedagogical support of the family: assistance to parents raising children in the family.

What are variable forms of preschool education?

Variable forms of preschool education -

    These are modern models aimed at the fullest satisfaction of the population's demand for preschool education services and the quality of services provided, including creating conditions for the development of the non-state sector of preschool education, providing support for family education.

    these are structural subdivisions of state educational institutions that implement general education programs of preschool education (from 2 months to 7 years).

Variable forms of preschool education are created with the aim of increasing the coverage of children with preschool education and creating equal starting opportunities when children enter school.

Variable forms of preschool education provide for a different regime of stay of children, both with a developmental norm and with disabilities and special educational needs.

What are the types of variable forms of preschool education?

Variable forms of preschool education for children from 2 months to 7 years old include:

    short stay group;

    child play support center;

    advisory point;

    early assistance service;


    family kindergarten

Short-stay groups (STG) - a variable form of preschool education, which is a structural subdivision of an educational institution (GOU) that implements preschool education programs (from 2 months to 7 years), which is created for children of early and preschool age in order to ensure their comprehensive development and form the foundations of school education in them, providing advisory and methodological support to their parents (or legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, his social adaptation and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

Currently, the GKP includes:

"Adaptation group" - for children from 2 months to 3 years old, which aims to ensure the early socialization of children and their adaptation to admission to preschool educational institutions;

"Development Group" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, pursuing the goal of the comprehensive development of children, their socialization in a team of peers and adults;

group "Playing, learning" - for children from 1.5 to 7 years old, ensuring the child's mastering of social experience, communication with peers and adults in joint play activities, the formation of the foundations of readiness for school education;

group "Future first grader" - for children 5-6 years old, the purpose of which is to prepare children of senior preschool age for school education;

"Group for children whose native language is not Russian" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, aimed at the adaptation of a non-Russian child in a new Russian-speaking environment for him, at mastering the skills of Russian speech, the formation of his readiness for schooling;

"Group for evening stay, weekend and holiday" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, the purpose of which is to assist parents in raising and educating children, organizing childcare and supervision;

"Group for children with developmental disabilities" - for children for children from 2 to 7 years old, aimed at providing systematic psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities, their upbringing and training, consultative and methodological support of parents "

group "Special child" - for children from 2 years to 7 years old, aimed at providing systematic psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to disabled children, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, social adaptation, assistance to parents in organizing the upbringing and education of children

group "Young Olympian" - for children from 4 to 7 years old, aimed at physical development and involving children in sports;

group "Learning to swim" - for children from 2 to 7 years old, with the goal of teaching children various ways of swimming;

group "Home kindergarten" - for children from 1 to 7 years old as a structural unit of a preschool educational institution operating in a residential building.

Child Play Support Center (CIPR) is created with the aim of organizing psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at the comprehensive development of children aged 6 months to 3 years on the basis of modern methods of organizing play activities, using modern play technologies in the practice of education and adapting a child to admission to a preschool educational institution.

The main tasks of the CIPR:

    rendering assistance in the socialization of children of early preschool age through the organization of play activities;

    development of individual programs for game support and the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the child;

    teaching parents and preschool educational institutions how to use various game learning tools: organizing developmental games and game interaction with children on their basis;

    advising parents on the creation of a developing environment in the context of family education, the formation of the optimal composition of game teaching aids, the rules for their choice; familiarization of parents and preschool educational institutions with modern types of play teaching aids.

Advisory point (KP) - for children aged 1 to 7 years, brought up in a family environment, it is created with the aim of ensuring the unity and continuity of family and social education; providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents; support for the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend educational institutions.

The main tasks of the KP:

    providing advice to parents on various issues of upbringing, training and development of a preschool child;

    assistance in the socialization of preschool children; comprehensive prevention of various deviations in the physical, mental and social development of children;

    providing comprehensive assistance to parents and children 5-6 years old, in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school;

    ensuring interaction between the state educational institution implementing the general educational program of preschool education and other organizations of social and medical support for children and parents.

Family kindergarten (SDS) is created with the aim of ensuring the comprehensive development of children from 1 to 7 years old, implementing in practice an individual approach to raising a child, expanding the forms of preschool education for children with health and development problems, supporting large families and providing large families with employment opportunities.

The parent of the large family in which he is created is appointed to the position of the SDS educator. If a large family has one or two children of preschool age, the organization of a family kindergarten is allowed, provided that preschool children from other large families are admitted.

Stages of creating a family kindergarten:

1. identifying the need for family kindergarten services at the micro-site.

2. study of the regulatory framework.

3. study of work experience.

4. selection of candidates for the position of educator.

5. Familiarization with the conditions of the family.

6. familiarization of the family kindergarten teacher with the pedagogical process at the preschool educational institution.

7. methodological support of a family kindergarten.

8. expert advice on age characteristics.

9. Providing the educator with practical material.

10. master - classes, days of open doors.

11. inclusion of a family kindergarten teacher in the pedagogical process.

Early assistance service (EWS) created for children from 2 months to 4 years old with identified developmental disorders (or risk of violation) who do not attend educational institutions.

The purpose of the PSA is organized psychological, pedagogical and social support for a family with a child with identified developmental disorders (risk of violation) who does not attend an educational institution, the selection of adequate ways to interact with the child, his upbringing and training, and correction of developmental disabilities.

The main tasks of the PSA:

    psychological and pedagogical examination of children with developmental disorders (risk of violation) and their families;

    provision of comprehensive correctional and developmental assistance to children with developmental disorders (risk of impairment) and psychological and pedagogical support to their families;

    implementation of work on adaptation, socialization and integration of children with developmental disorders (risk of violation);

    inclusion of parents in the process of raising and educating a child;

    determination of the child's further educational route.

Lekoteka is created with the aim of providing psychological and pedagogical support for children from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disabilities for socialization, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, support for the development of the child's personality and the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.

Main goals:

    implementation of an educational program developed based on the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of pupils;

    psychoprophylaxis, psychotherapy and psychocorrection by means of play in children from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disorders;

    training parents, specialists of state educational institutions in methods of play interaction with children with developmental disabilities;

    carrying out psychoprophylactic and psychocorrectional work with family members of a child from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disorders;

    psychological and pedagogical examination of children from 2 months to 7 years old with developmental disorders in the presence of parental consent;

    assistance to parents in the selection of adequate means of communication with the child;

    selection of individual techniques for the formation of the prerequisites for the educational activity of the child; support of parental initiatives in organizing family interaction programs.

Variability of the educational system in a preschool institution.

We see the development of our preschool educational institution in the development of innovations that contribute to a qualitative change in the educational process. For us, this is, first of all, meeting the needs of the parental community in new forms of preschool education. Modern moms want to develop their children early.

It would seem that today, given the total shortage of places in kindergartens, it makes no sense to talk about increasing the competitiveness of preschool institutions, but nevertheless there is competition. A preschool institution is not indifferent to who will come to their kindergarten: passive consumers of educational services or interested parents who are ready to actively participate in the educational process, invest financial, intellectual resources in it, etc.

Today we are convinced that the classic form of preschool education - full-time kindergarten - has been replaced by new variable forms.On the example of preschool education in our city, we see that the problem of providing preschool children with places in kindergartens is partially solved by turning to just such variable forms. forms.

One of the priority tasks of the work of our institution is interaction with the families of pupils. For several years now, the preschool educational institution has been a reference kindergarten for interaction with parents for teachers of the city.

One of the most important issues in this area of ​​work is building partnerships in the "teacher - child - parent" system.

The teachers' awareness of the meaning of the ongoing processes is to a large extent connected with their acceptance of the variability of education, the desire to update its content and technologies.

This gave a new impetus for the development of initiatives and creativity of teachers, including the development of variable forms.

3. Family group (structural unit of the preschool educational institution)

Family groups are a form of organization of preschool education aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, supporting large families, providing parents with employment opportunities, and the practical implementation of an individual approach to raising a child.

The family group is a structural subdivision of a preschool educational institution. The family group is organized in residential premises (private houses or apartments) at the place of residence of the family. Family group employees are employees of the institution.

An important point in the organization of this form of preschool education is its design as a family group. This requirement is dictated by the peculiarities of the current legislation regulating this area. Requirements for the conditions of activity of family preschool groups are provided in section XI of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of work in preschool organizations" (approved by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91).

On the basis of the Decree of the Head of the city, the order of the Head of the Department of Education in June 2009, 2 family groups were opened in the preschool educational institution. Currently, there are 5 such groups with a total number of children - 8. In accordance with this, changes were made to the staffing table.

When the groups were opened, the necessary package of documents was collected: job descriptions, employment contract, statements, extracts from orders, interaction agreements

Senior educators drew up a work plan for the preschool educational institution for interaction with family groups and developed a number of methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting educational work with children of family groups, a subject-developing environment, the daily routine recommended in the family group, the schedule of classes in the preschool educational institution.

The specialists of the preschool educational institution developed and carried out the following activities: conversations, consultations, memos, booklets on various topics: "How to organize leisure at home", "How to spend a weekend with a child", "Games in the kitchen", "Physical activity of kids", "Speech games and exercise ”and others. The senior nurse held a conversation on hardening and walking.

A small library of pedagogical literature has been collected, both pedagogical, for junior educators, and fiction, for reading to children.

The kindergarten provided practical assistance in the selection of material for developing and playing activities (games, teaching aids, audio library).

The operational psychological, medical and pedagogical control of the family group of the preschool educational institution was drawn up, the Visiting Sheets, the social passport of the family were developed and filled in.

In order to comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions, equipment, organization of a developing environment, visits were made to the families of the head, senior educators, and the senior nurse. The food organization was checked by the manager of the farm. Acts of visiting families, control cards were drawn up.

The senior educator of the preschool educational institution spoke with the aim of sharing experience on the work of family groups at the August forum in Mariinsk. I attended a family kindergarten there.

Celebrating children's birthdays has become a tradition; making gifts by the hands of children and preschool educational institutions. Collected photographs.

Classes with children and other activities in the family group are held both in the kindergarten building (music lessons, preparation and participation in matinees, sports activities, swimming pool, etc.), and at home. Relevant recommendations are given.

THEN. the following social effects of the organization of family groups at preschool educational institutions can be noted:

1. The issue of reducing the queue for kindergartens and the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive public and free preschool education is being addressed.

2. Parents can get an official job - they become educators, junior educators attached to the preschool educational institution. Consequently, they have a work book and a salary, depending on their qualifications.

3. Family groups are material support for the family, since a certain amount will be allocated to each child's food.

4. The family group may include children who, for various reasons, do not attend regular preschool institutions.

4.Group of short-term stay as one of the variable forms of preschool education

Short-term stay groups (GKP) are a variable form of preschool education, which is a structural subdivision of a preschool educational institution that implements preschool education programs (from 2 months to 7 years). These groups are created for children of early and preschool age in order to ensure their all-round development and the formation of the foundations of school education in them, to provide advisory and methodological support to their parents (or legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, his social adaptation.

Today, in preschool institutions, various types of groups for short-term stay of children work and are actively opening, the flexible regime of which (from 2 to 5 times a week, from 2 to 5 hours a day, depending on the needs of the parents) and the content of the work attract parents. The species diversity of groups allows parents to choose educational routes for their children. Among the groups of short-term stay, such as: "Adaptation group" (from 2 to 3 years), "Development group" (from 3 to 7 years), "Playing, learning" (from 1.5 to 7 years), " Group for evening stay, weekends and holidays "(from 2 to 7 years old), etc.

In 2012, the team of our educational institution conducted a mini-study to study the demand for types of groups for short-term stays in the nearby area. The research results showed that the most demanded is the adaptation group (53%).

The shortened stay at the preschool educational institution and learning in the form of a game allow to provide the most comfortable environment for the child, give him the opportunity to get the first positive experience in new social conditions, which solves many problems of a communicative nature. The daily opportunity to communicate with parents on issues of concern, as well as group consultations on a single topic, make it possible to solve the issues of adaptation, development and upbringing of children most effectively, in accordance with their age and psychological characteristics.

Together with the identified difficulties and contradictions, the work of the DKP showed that there is a real opportunity for cooperation of preschool educational institutions with different categories of families, ensuring the availability of preschool education, social adaptation of children, preparing them for school, as well as increasing the prestige of the institution and rational use of its internal resources

The increased demand for GKP is associated with an increase in the importance of preschool education in the eyes of parents, the recognition of the value of the preschool period of childhood, as well as with a gradual increase in the birth rate of children.

A short stay group is a form of work with preschoolers based on their short stay in a preschool institution.

The adaptation group for short-term stay functioned at the preschool educational institution from May to July 2012. The group is designed for children from 1, 5 to 3 years old.

We want to introduce our algorithm for organizing the activities of the adaptation group.

First of all, we studied the regulatory framework, assessed the capabilities of our institution: material and technical base; availability of premises; compliance with the terms of SanPin; methodological support of the educational process; professionalism and creativity of teachers.

To regulate the activities of the group in the kindergarten, we have developed special local acts: the provision on the group of short-term stay; agreement between MBDOU and parents (legal representatives); an order to open a group of short-term stay at MBDOU; job descriptions of employees (educator and assistant educator); group work mode; determination of the program of the educational process; group documentation (work plans, information about children, about parents, timesheets, receipts for parental payments).

From the very beginning of the work, the goal of the short-stay group was clearly formulated: the realization of the right of every child to an affordable and high-quality education.

Tasks defined:

- ensuring the availability of preschool education for young children;

- provision of pedagogical and psychological assistance to parents raising children at home;

- to create favorable conditions for adaptation to the social world of young children, to facilitate entry into the collective of peers, admission to kindergarten.

We recruited 8-10 unorganized children into adaptation groups for short-term stays.

The kids in this group attended kindergarten every day for two months.

One of the leading principles of organizing educational activities directly in this group is the principle of child-adult cooperation, based on the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development.

The work is planned in such a way that the parents of children attending a short-term stay group are active participants in the educational process, and not outside observers, they are willingly involved in the child's development process. This allows you to avoid complications in the initial phase of adaptation, to ensure its optimal course and the gradual transition of the child from the family to the preschool educational institution.

Parents, being with a child in a group, get to know their baby better, see and understand what he is successful in and what difficulties he has, as well as parents, observing the work of a teacher, learn forms of versatile communication and interaction with their children.

In the work of a teacher in a group of short-term stays, various forms of interaction with the parents of children are envisaged in order to ensure the continuity of the upbringing and education of the child, to expand and consolidate the ideas of children about the world around them.

For the kid himself, attending a short-term stay group, it is a holistic way of life - two hours a day are filled with a variety of tasks, activities that are organized by the group educator. These are: - finger, round dance, outdoor games;

- dramatization games (playing together fairy tales with parents);

- games with didactic toys;

- story games;

- joint drawing (with felt-tip pens, chalk, wax crayons, gouache, plasticine);

- joint construction from large and small builders, as well as from paper and natural materials.

All directly educational activities are carried out in a relaxed partnership form (in pairs, small subgroups), which contributes to the free communication of children, teachers and parents.

Due to this multi-age and diverse cooperation, communication of children is stimulated, emotions and motives are developed that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships, as a result of which the child is ready to move to a "full day" group, independence and an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten develops.

In the conditions of a short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution, close cooperation with the family is a decisive factor. A child can get full development only if parents play, study and communicate with children at home, using recommendations, advice, advice from professional teachers.

Parents systematically use the literature of the kindergarten library. In addition, parents do not worry about the emotional state of the child, who will soon start attending kindergarten full time.

The results of the short-term adaptation group's work had a favorable effect on the teaching staff of MBDOU. In addition to the formation of a positive reputation of the kindergarten (the authority among parents has increased) and an increase in their own social status, teachers provide high-quality preparation of children for attending a preschool educational institution for a full day. The parental community's demand for the need for a short stay group has increased.

THEN. the organization of short-term stay groups enables children who do not attend preschool educational institutions to undergo "initial" socialization among their peers.

5. Organization of the work of the Advisory Center (CP) for parents.

Advisory point (KP) - for children aged 1 to 7 years, brought up in a family environment, is created with aim ensuring the unity and continuity of family and social education; providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents; support for the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend educational institutions.

The main tasks of the KP:

providing advice to parents on various issues of upbringing, training and development of a preschool child;

assisting in the socialization of preschool children.

Appropriate preparation for the operation of the CP has been carried out:

1. The work plan of the advisory point has been drawn up.

2. The effective forms and methods of work with parents and children have been identified.

3. The necessary documentation has been developed.

With the parents or their substitutes who will visit the KP, a conversation was held about the rules of the KP, about mutual rights and obligations, contracts were concluded.

Since September 17, 2012 in our kindergarten №40 "Solnyshko" began its work Advisory center for parents and children who do not attend preschool institutions. It was created in order to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents, to support the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend kindergarten.

The work plan of the Advisory Center during the year includes meetings with preschool educational institutions, workshops, round tables, performances and entertainment for children. Parents have the opportunity to contact specialists at any time, to receive the necessary advice.

Classes at the Advisory Center are fruitful and interesting. Those present were familiarized with the legislative framework in preschool education, their attention was offered other normative documents, the Regulation on the Consultative Point. We also got acquainted with the work of the kindergarten, its successes and traditions. The preschool educational institutions also organized and conducted master classes: the teacher of additional education offered her help in the manufacture of environmentally friendly paints, speech therapists talked about the development of the child's active vocabulary, the physical education instructor taught the parents several dynamic games. On the eve of the new year, we held a joint holiday of the New Year tree.

Parents exchanged their views, shared their problems in raising their children, expressed their wishes, and filled out questionnaires. All meetings are held in a warm, relaxed atmosphere, in an atmosphere of mutual interest and, we hope, became the first step towards constructive cooperation in the future.


Thus, the variability of education is one of the fundamental principles and direction of development of the modern education system in Russia. Variative educational process - the interconnected activity of all participants in the educational process to achieve the goals of education, carried out in the context of the choice of content (within the framework of state standards), means and methods of activity and communication, value-semantic attitude of the individual to the goals, content and process of education.

It should be especially noted that the processes of democratization in the education system, its variability, innovative programs have influenced the nature of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

An analysis of the current situation in the education system, on the problem raised, shows that at the moment the growth of priority in preschool institutions has decreased, parental interest in these institutions has increased.

Expected results from the introduction of variable forms of education in a preschool institution:

the quality and availability of preschool education for children from different social groups and strata of the population will increase, regardless of the place of residence and income of the parents;

the cultural image of preschool childhood will be formed as the main resource for the development of all spheres of the child's life and his future, which will make it possible to meaningfully determine his place in the structure of age stratification of society;

institutional transformations of the preschool education system will be carried out on the basis of the typical and species diversity of institutions;

the flexibility and multifunctionality of the structure of preschool education will be ensured by the optimal interaction of various spheres of life in the city of Yurga and the Kemerovo region;

new approaches to the economic support of the development of the innovative system of preschool education will be determined;

the regulatory and legal regulation of the innovative transformation of the preschool education system is being optimized;

on the basis of a competence-based approach, a system for monitoring the assessment of the quality of a specialist's innovative activity and a flexible system of profiles for his training and retraining will be formed;

there will be a public and state system for managing the quality of preschool education.

All sorts of forms are needed, different forms are important.

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