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Info lesson on the topic PARONYMS Intolerant - Intolerant

Info lesson plan:

1.Lexical meaning of paronyms intolerable - intolerant

2.Examples of phrases with a paronym intolerable

3.Examples of sentences with a paronym intolerable

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym intolerant

5.Examples of sentences with a paronym intolerant


INTOLERABLE... Exceeding patience, difficult to bear; intolerable, intolerable.

INTOLERANT- 1. One that cannot be put up with, unacceptable.

2. Disregarding the opinions of others, devoid of tolerance.


1) unbearable sound

2) unbearable bad weather

3) intolerable frost

4) unbearable cold

5) unbearable heat

6) unbearable stuffiness

7) unbearable shine

8) unbearable light

9) unbearable glow

10) intolerable darkness

11) unbearable whiteness

12) unbearable rumble

13) unbearable scream

14) unbearable howl

15) unbearable squeal

16) intolerable noise

17) intolerable din

18) intolerable hunger

19) unbearable pain

20) unbearable heaviness

21) intolerable agony

22) unbearable torment

23) unbearable suffering

24) intolerable hunger

25) unbearable shame

26) unbearable resentment

27) intolerable phony

28) unbearable melancholy

29) unbearable sadness

30) unbearable grief

31) unbearable suffering

32) unbearable desire

33) the intolerable itch of curiosity

34) be unbearable

35) get unbearable

36) get unbearable

37) seem unbearable


1) At first, the pain in my legs was intolerable but fear is stronger than pain. (E. Shilgo. On the crust)

2) Wandering aimlessly through the streets, he experienced intolerable longing. (K. G. Paustovsky. Late spring)

3) He was only engaged in polishing several times a day before intolerable shine your boots. (K.G. Paustovsky. The Story of Life)

4) The thought of the possible loss of this image [of the revolution] ... was to him intolerable... (V. Khodasevich. Memories of Gorky)

5) Grasshoppers chirp, intolerable the heat is over the meadow. (VM Peskov. Steps through the dew)

6) The pain was very intense, at times intolerable, but the doctor sprinkled with jokes, jokes, and I involuntarily listened to them and endured. (V. Bondarets. Prisoners of war)

7) The princess is cold; that night

Frost was intolerable,

Forces have fallen; she can't

Fight more with him. (N.A. Nekrasov. Russian women)

8) Heat intolerable: treeless plain,

Niva, mowing and the vastness of the sky -

The sun beats down mercilessly. (N.A. Nekrasov. Village labor is in full swing)

9) The thought that he could lose Anatoly was for Fyodor Vasilyevich intolerable... (A.B. Chakovsky. Blockade)

10) I hit my father intolerable insult. (I.S. Turgenev)

11) It was intolerable hot and stuffy. (A.P. Chekhov)

12) Such intolerable he had not yet experienced a burning thirst. (K.F.Sedykh. Dauria)

13) There were intolerable heat and stuffiness. (S.T.Aksakov. Childhood of Bagrov-grandson)

14) Intolerable swollen legs hurt. (V.Andreev. The story of one trip)

15) Fire intolerable Korchagin's right eye flared in pain, and his left one also caught fire. And for the first time in his life, Pavel understood what blindness was - everything around him was draped in a dark muslin. (N.A. Ostrovsky. How the steel was tempered)

16) Nudged intolerable with an itch of curiosity, Pavka quietly climbed from the roof onto a cherry tree trunk and went down to the Leszczynski's garden. (N.A. Ostrovsky. How the steel was tempered)

17) He was overwhelmed intolerable homesickness.

18) His whole appearance expressed genuine, intolerable grief.

19) Was at home all the time intolerable heat from stoves.

20) Tantalus or Tantalus flour (book) - intolerable torments caused by the contemplation of the proximity of the desired goal and the consciousness of powerlessness, the impossibility of achieving it. (Tantalus is a hero of Greek mythology, condemned to eternally languish with hunger and thirst, despite the proximity of water and tree fruits, which, when approached, elude him.)

21) Vanity, this intolerable, an agonizing thirst for success, is a great torture for the mind and consists of envy, pride and greed. (R.Burton)


1) intolerant custom

2) intolerant ceremony

3) intolerant tradition

4) intolerable conditions

5) intolerable situation

6) intolerant custody

7) intolerant treatment

8) intolerant attitude

9) intolerable error

10) intolerant behavior

11) intolerant inaction

12) intolerant act

13) intolerable requirement

14) intolerant habit

15) intolerant nature

16) intolerant disposition

17) intolerant nature

18) intolerant person

19) intolerant employee

20) intolerant colleague

21) intolerant friend

22) intolerant teen

23) intolerant wife

24) intolerant director

25) intolerant leader

26) intolerant subject

27) intolerant debater

28) intolerant of friends

29) intolerant of employees

30) intolerant of idlers

31) intolerant of talkers

32) intolerant of other people's opinions

33) intolerant of all lies

34) intolerant of stealing

35) intolerant of hack

36) intolerant of being late

37) intolerant of incompetence

38) intolerant of infidelity

39) being intolerant

40) becoming an intolerant person

41) being considered intolerant

42) seem like an intolerant person

43) appear to be intolerant


1) The atmosphere in the house has developed intolerant, and Nikolai Afanasyevich left for Moscow, temporarily leaving his family at the Polotnyanoy Factory. (I. Obodovskaya, M. Dementyev. Around Pushkin)

2) But he immediately upset himself: "What am I intolerant". (I. Grekov. Department)

3) The conference on Kara-Bugaz ... resembled a meeting of the headquarters preparing a campaign to the desert, which declared an irreconcilable war to be rude and intolerant mistakes of nature. (K.G. Paustovsky. Kara-Bugaz)

4) Our dogmas intolerant to an independent, original, independent, free judgment of others. (From periodicals)

5) Such a neighborhood [of the plant and the lake], which at one time was not taken into account by the designers, from year to year becomes more and more intolerant... (From periodicals)

6) When it comes to a serious matter, he becomes tough, demanding, intolerant.

7) Marshak was addicted to gifted people and intolerant to the hack. (V. Smirnova. Books and destinies)

8) Tolerant of screen lies, we are absolutely intolerant to the on-screen truth, immediately calling it slanderousness, malice. (From periodicals)

9) Created intolerable position.

10) Fanatic - a man frenziedly devoted to his faith and intolerant to other beliefs, to non-believers .

11) As a family leader, he intolerable referred to any attempts to deprive him of this role.

12) With age, she became categorical in reasoning, intolerant to the opinion of others.

13) Intolerant the attitude towards sin among the people is revealed when it comes to direct violation of the commandments.

14) The narrowness of thought made him unusually callous in matters of politics and intolerant.

15) The December logging plan is under threat of disruption. Especially intolerable the situation arose in a number of collective farms in the region, where demobilization sentiments overwhelmed the chairmen themselves. (F.A.Abramov. Pryasliny)

16) If the socio-political system of the empire dictated the struggle against the new large local hereditary aristocracy, then he did intolerant infringement of the interests of the trading elite - "untitled nobility", as sources invariably call it.

17) Genocide - the extermination of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups of the population, the creation intolerant conditions for their life, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed for the complete or partial physical destruction of these groups, as well as measures to prevent childbearing in their environment (biological genocide), the forcible transfer of children from one group to another.

18) Not a very good character for someone who intolerant to the bad character of the neighbor. (Jean de La Bruyere)

19) He showed clearly biased and intolerable attitude towards the accused.

20) We are never more dissatisfied with others than when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. The consciousness of guilt makes us intolerant

Dictionaries of paronyms of the Russian language

1. Bar (English bar - counter) - a small diner in which visitors are served at the counter.

2. Bar (French barre - bar, strip, fence, sandbank) - alluvial shallow near the sea coast, often formed at river mouths.

3. Bar (English... bar) - the main cutting part of the cutter and miner.

4. Bar (Greek baros - gravity, load) - 1. A unit of sound pressure equal to the pressure of 1 dyne per 1 cm 2.

5. Barin(bar - genus. pl.) - 1. Nobleman, owner of land and estates in tsarist Russia. 2. A person who shies away from work, shifts his work to others.

At the end of the dictionary there is an "Index of morphological homonyms", which includes the original forms of those words that make up homonymous pairs with other words. For example:

* bases (base);

* tanks (tank);

* bank (bank) ...

Second edition"Dictionary of homonyms" 1978 different, firstly, by the fact that the author has excluded all morphological homonyms ( oblique, three etc.), as a result of which the dictionary contains 3 500 articles. The "Index of morphological homonyms" was also excluded. Secondly, the author introduced stylistic marks and thereby determined the scope of the homonym: specialist., official, lingual, sport., and its quality: outdated., despises, mind-caress. and etc.

In 1968 g. Yu.A. Belchikov and M.S. Panyusheva published a reference dictionary "Difficult cases of using the same root words of the Russian language" which contains 180 dictionary entries. This handbook can be seen as an experience with a dictionary of paronyms ( Greek para - near, near, near and onyma- name).

In the considered dictionary-reference, the dictionary entry, which is preceded by a heading consisting of two or three paronyms, is divided into 4 parts.

1. Interpretation of the first word, illustrated by quotations from various works of print, as well as the interpretation of the second (and third) word with corresponding illustrations of their use.

2. Section "Compare", which compares the combinations typical for the first, second and subsequent paronyms.

3. Section "Note". It contains explanations regarding the peculiarities of the use of words in modern literary speech, as well as an analysis of the peculiarities of their combination with other words.

4. Section "Wrong", which presents examples of erroneous use of the same root words. These examples were taken from printed works, from radio and television broadcasts, from live speech recordings.

Dictionary entries are quite extensive.

Sample dictionary entry:

Intolerable. Such that it is difficult, impossible to endure, endure, unbearable; very strong in its degree of manifestation.

Unbearable torment. He was only engaged in polishing his boots to an unbearable shine several times a day. ( K. Paustovsky... A Story of Life). The backpack became heavy like a weight; the straps, cutting into the shoulders, caused unbearable pain. ( I. Orlov... Hot summer). Grasshoppers chirp, unbearable heat is over the meadow. ( V. Peskov... Dew steps).

Intolerant. 1. One that cannot be tolerated, which cannot be tolerated, unacceptable.

Intolerable situation. Intolerable working conditions. The conference on Kara-Bugaz ... resembled a meeting of the headquarters preparing a campaign to the desert, which declared an irreconcilable war on gross and intolerable mistakes of nature. ( K. Paustovsky... Kara-Bugaz). In these conditions, any kind of disorganization and conceit are especially intolerable. Commune. 18.9. 1964. Voronezh region.

2. Someone who, by the nature of his character, cannot put up with someone, something, recognize someone, something; disregarding the opinions of others.

Intolerant person. We are intolerant of other people's success.

Compare. Intolerable. Intolerable (th, th) shine, light, hunger, frost, cold, stuffiness, heat, heaviness, pain, anguish, sadness, grief, anguish, suffering, howling, etc.

Intolerant. 1. Intolerant (th, th) rite, custom, tradition, guardianship, behavior, inaction, attitude, treatment, lagging behind, position, character, etc.

2. Intolerant person, employee, child, wife, woman, etc.

Note. Adj. the intolerable is combined with abstract nouns denoting a person's feelings, his physical and mental state, as well as that which affects the senses, causes a corresponding reaction of the body (see the section "Compare"). Adj. intolerant is combined with animate nouns and those that denote concepts related to human activities (see section "Compare").

Wrong. An intolerable [necessary: ​​intolerable] situation has been created. Recording of oral speech. The life of the old collective farmer has become intolerable [necessary: ​​intolerable]. Maria shouted at her for any reason, and Nikolai even used his fists. Ukhtomsky worker. 23.3.1958<…> Further examples of the erroneous use of paronyms continue.

In 1971 was published "Dictionary of Russian paronyms" including 1 432 nests of paronyms. Its author, N.P. Kolesnikov, refers to paronyms not only single-root words, but also any others that sound similar to some extent ( paronomasia: geyser - kaiser, drill - trill, spring - mine etc.). Dictionary entries are very short, contain only an explanation of the meanings of the components of paronymic groups.

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