Home natural farming Returning home, I felt sad, I was sad. What are the rules for using adverbial phrases? Doing chemical experiments

Returning home, I felt sad, I was sad. What are the rules for using adverbial phrases? Doing chemical experiments

Possible difficultiesGood advice

In the use of single gerunds and participles, mistakes are often made due to the mismatch between the producers of the action in the predicate and the gerund, for example:
"As I was approaching the station, my hat fell off."
Remember: the gerund denoting an additional action and the verb denoting the main action must refer to the same producer of the action.
In the above phrase, this linguistic rule is violated: in fact, the speaker (and not the hat) drove up to the station.
It is necessary to change the sentence so that both actions (in the predicate and participle) refer to the same person:
"I dropped my hat as I drove up to the station."

Errors in the use of gerunds and participles can be associated with the absence of a verb in the sentence, for example:
“Returning home, I felt sad”;
"How touching he is, delivering that monologue."
A participial turnover cannot be present in a sentence in which there is no predicate expressed by the verb. The participle must necessarily refer to the verb or (in rare cases) to the participle, for example:
“Returning home, I felt sad”;
"He looked very touching as he delivered this monologue";
“People were unable to resist the pressure of the waves that swept ashore, sweeping away everything in their path.”

If a gerund or participle is contained in a definite personal sentence, doubts may arise that the sentence is constructed correctly, for example:
If a gerund or participle is contained in an indefinite personal sentence, errors are possible, for example:
“After graduating from the institute, graduates were sent to work in Moscow schools.”
In definite-personal sentences, the gerund is quite appropriate and refers to the implied subject:
“When leaving home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.”
In indefinite personal sentences, the gerund must always refer to the implied indefinite agent, for example:
"When playing golf, you usually use several different clubs."
If this rule is violated, there is an error:
“After graduating from the institute, graduates were sent to work in Moscow schools.” (The graduates graduated from the institute, not those who sent them to Moscow schools.)

If a gerund or participle is contained in an impersonal sentence, errors are possible, for example:
"Even being near the fireplace, I'm cold."
In impersonal sentences, the participle or participle turnover is appropriate only if the sentence contains an indefinite form of the verb. As a rule, these are impersonal sentences with the general meaning of necessity or possibility / impossibility, for example:
“When solving a problem, you can use any reference materials”;
“When you go on a trip, you need to take a map with you.”

Participles and participial phrases, as well as participial phrases, are a characteristic sign of written speech, first of all, of an official business and scientific style. They are rare in spoken language. Moreover, it is not recommended to use gerunds in speech at all!

But since the participle is a book form, its use often causes difficulties.

When using gerunds and participles in speech, one should pay attention to a set of factors.

1. It should be remembered that the action expressed by the participle can only refer to the active subject.

For example, in one of his stories A.P. Chekhov cites an entry in the complaint book of the official Yarmonkin: Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat fell off. In addition to other speech and grammatical errors, this statement also contains an error in the use of gerunds. The subject of this sentence is a noun. hat. In accordance with the grammatical rules, it turns out that it was the hat that drove up to the station and admired the beauties of nature outside the window.
In order to correct the proposal in accordance with the norms, it is necessary to change the construction: convert the addition I have(it is it that is the subject of the action) into the subject: Pulling up to the station, I lost my hat.

    An exception to this rule is gerunds, which refer to the infinitive expressing the action of another person:

    His house was full of guests, ready to amuse his lordly idleness, sharing his noisy and sometimes violent amusements.(Pushkin).

    In this case, the action of the participle dividing refers to addition guests and grammatically depends on the infinitive amuse.

    It may not apply to the subject and turnover with words based on, since the form based on is no longer perceived as a gerund:

    The calculation is based on average production rates.

2. Precisely because the action of the participle refers to the subject, gerunds cannot be used in impersonal sentences, that is, where there is no active subject expressed in the form of the nominative case.

For example: Returning home, I felt sad. Such a statement would be grammatically incorrect, since the action of the gerund returning refers to addition to me. To correct a sentence, it is necessary either to transform it so that the object becomes the subject (cf.: Returning home, I was sad), or replace the participle with a verb-predicate or a subordinate clause (cf.: When I returned home, I was sad).

    It is allowed, although not encouraged (!), the use of gerunds in those impersonal sentences that include the infinitive ( Returning home, you need to go to the bakery on the way).

3. For the above reason, the use of the participle in passive (passive) constructions is not allowed, that is, in those sentences where the subject does not indicate the real subject (it is usually expressed by the addition in the instrumental case), but the object of the action.

    The predicate in such sentences is usually expressed either by a passive participle (cf.: Soldier hit in the head by a grenade), or a reflexive verb with the suffix -sya (cf.: House being built by workers). The following sentences are grammatically incorrect:

    Leaving the encirclement, the fighter was wounded in the head; Finding the necessary funds, the house is being built by the workers of our trust.

    To make such sentences correct, one must either replace the adverbial phrase with a synonymous construction, or convert the passive construction into an active one:

    When leaving the environment the fighter was wounded by shrapnel in the head; When the fighter left the encirclement, he was wounded; Finding the necessary funds, the workers of our trust started building the house.

Wed: Arriving in the city of my childhood, I will definitely meet my school friends and my first teacher.

5. Participles usually cannot be combined as homogeneous members with other circumstances or with the predicate. Currently, sentences that can be found in the literature of the 19th century will be grammatically incorrect:

Pechorin, wrapped in an overcoat and pulling his hat over his eyes, tried to make his way to the door.(Lermontov); cavalry guards galloped, but still holding horses(L. Tolstoy).

    Exceptions make up gerunds (most often in the form of a perfect form with the meaning of the state as a result of the previous action), which begin to acquire the features of an adverb. Usually these are the circumstances of the course of action. But they can only be homogeneous with circumstances that perform the same function in the sentence!

    The lady sat down in a chair then sideways, then tucked legs(A.N. Tolstoy).

6. The place of the adverbial turnover in the sentence is relatively free. At the same time, there are certain tendencies in setting the participle before or after the predicate.

    Before verb-predicate a gerund is usually put, which denotes an action preceding the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Taking out a handkerchief, Sergey handed it to me.(Sergey first took out a handkerchief, and then handed it to me).

    Before verb-predicate usually there is also a gerund indicating the cause or condition of the action, since the cause or condition always precedes the effect:

    Frightened, Tonya screamed.(Tonya screamed because she was frightened, and at first she was frightened, and then she screamed).

    After verb-predicate usually put a gerund with the meaning of the subsequent action:

    The horse fell, crushing my leg(First the horse fell, and then crushed my leg).

7. When using a perfect or imperfect participle, it is necessary to take into account its semantic relationship with the verb-predicate and the form in which the verb stands.

    gerund imperfect form usually used if the action expressed by the gerund coincides in time with the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Smiling, she held out her hand to me; Smiling, she extended both hands towards me.

    gerund perfect look indicates the action preceding the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Smiling, she held out her hand to me.

    When using the perfect and imperfect participles, word order and other factors should be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to which of the actions is expressed by the participle and which by the verb-predicate. Otherwise, the sentence may become incorrect or inaccurate in terms of the meaning it expresses.

    So, in the sentence: Approaching the river, the riders stopped the horses- there is a semantic inaccuracy. The imperfect gerund indicates the coincidence in time of two actions expressed by the verb and the gerund, but in reality the riders first drove up to the river and then stopped the horses. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the perfect participle: Having approached the river, the riders stopped the horses.

    Let's take another example: Newspapers report that Kent went mad after jumping out of a 20th floor window.. In this case, the verb should be replaced with a gerund, and the gerund with a verb ( Going crazy, Kent jumped out the window). Otherwise, the situation expressed in the proposal will be diametrically opposed to the one that was in reality. The perfective gerund indicates an action that precedes the action expressed by the verb-predicate. Therefore, if we leave the original construction ( Kent went crazy after jumping out of a 20th floor window), then we can decide that Kent first jumped out of the window and only then (in flight) went crazy. And this is nonsense!

With a subject expressed by a combination of nouns. (local) in im.p. + n. (places). in tv.p. ( The lawyer and his ward spent several hours discussing the case in day).

Common grammatical errors are cases of violation of the structure of verbal and nominal phrases with a link


The reason for such errors is the mechanical transfer of syntactic properties by compatibility to words that are close in meaning.

To talk about is to point to that (erroneously: to point to that).

To analyze it is to reason about it (erroneously:

analyze about it).

Often even words with the same root have different controls:

fare (V.p.), but fare (R.p.);

faith in victory (V.p.), but confidence in victory (P.p.);

deserve a reward (V.p.), but deserve a reward (R.p.);

rejoice at the news (D.p.), but rejoice at the news (Tv.p.).

Differences in control can be caused by the use of the word in different constructions and in different meanings:

Guarantee ("guarantee") of what? guarantee that, guarantee that

that ... (guarantee of success), guarantee ("document attached to the product")

on ... (warranty for two years).

When constructing statements, the accumulation of identical case forms should be avoided, since, in addition to dissonance, it creates additional difficulties in the perception of the text. For official business writing, chains of forms of the genitive case are characteristic : Based on the need to distinguish between the balance sheet ownership of the operational responsibility of the parties to the contract ... Exceeding

the optimal length (4-5 words) for the number of components, such chains make it difficult to read the text.

Written speech is characterized by the widespread use of participial and adverbial phrases. When used participle turns in

business written texts often violate the basic requirement:

the gerund and the verb to which it refers denote the actions of one person. Violation of this rule leads to alogism and absurdity of the statement. Therefore, it is erroneous to use the adverbial turnover:

- in impersonal sentences, except for infinitive constructions

(Agreeing with you, I have no objections. In resolving this issue, we were


In indefinitely personal sentences (Getting out of a taxi,

the victim was not given change), etc.

- in sentences with passive constructions (Running away from home,

the boy was found by the police).

The adverbial phrase usually comes before the predicate if it denotes a previous action, the cause or condition of another action. (Driving up to the house, he took out the keys). If the adverbial turnover denotes a subsequent action or mode of action, then it is usually placed after the predicate (He conducted the interrogation, carefully peering into the face of the detainee). The adverbial turnover can replace a synonymous subordinate clause with adverbial meaning in a sentence.

Its advantage is the greater compactness of the design. However, the subordinate clause is more expressive, since the conjunctions used can convey different shades of meaning.

When used participial revolutions it is important not to forget that

that the participial phrase can be before or after the word being defined,

but must not include the word being defined (incorrect: collected evidence during the investigation; right: evidence collected during the investigation or

evidence gathered during the investigation).

A violation of the syntactic norm is the separation of the participial turnover from the word being defined and the omission of words dependent on the participle.

The consequence of such a separation is the mismatch of the participle with the word being defined in the form of a case, less often - a number ( Persons who committed inattention while crossing the street that led to a traffic accident, and injured at the same time, were sent to the hospital).

Depending on the meaning, different participle agreement is possible.

(part of the material evidence sent for examination and part of the material evidence sent for examination ). In the first case, the quantity of the described object is emphasized, in the second case, the object, the part of which is being discussed, is characterized.

To avoid logical incompatibility errors

homogeneous members of the proposal , you should remember:

words denoting generic and specific concepts should not act as homogeneous members of the sentence, for example: The store needs sellers of household appliances and TVs. In this case, the violation of the norm is caused by the fact that the generic concept "household appliances" and the generic concept "TV sets" are used as homogeneous members;

homogeneous members of a sentence cannot be words,

expressing the so-called crossing concepts, i.e. words that have the same meaning. Structures not allowed: The management noted and rewarded the best employees with valuable gifts. The meaning of the words mark and reward largely coincides;

it is unacceptable to use as homogeneous members of the word,

denoting diverse concepts, for example: Issuance of finished products is made on account and upon presentation of a receipt.

In the structure of a complex sentence, errors are very common,

associated with the mixing of two forms of transmission of someone else's speech - direct and indirect. In this case, the expression becomes colloquial.

(The President said I would do my best).

When using complex sentences, it helps to accurately determine certain semantic relationships between their parts. conjunctions and allied words.

That is why their use must be correct.

This is especially true for compound unions and unions used with demonstrative words: not only but; like .... and ...; if..., then;

such as; although; due to the fact that; that;

thanks to; due to the fact that; before as; the same as others.

test questions

1. What is a syntactic norm?

2. What difficulties arise when matching words in a sentence?

3. What causes management difficulties? Give examples.

4. What is word order? What are the features of word order in Russian?

5. What are the features of the use of participial and adverbial phrases in speech?

6. What causes errors in the construction of complex sentences?


1. Make up phrases with words that require different cases of the complement (circumstance).

Worry - worry, touch - touch, explain - describe, dress - put on, full - imbued, indicate - prove, report - answer - summarize, pay attention - pay attention, ignorance - unfamiliarity, price cost - pay - pay, condemn - to condemn, to justify - to answer,

vouch - guarantee, start - proceed, reconcile - reconcile,

advantage - superiority, justify - establish, similar - identical, rely - base, warn - warn.

2. Make up phrases using auxiliary questions.

Abstract from what ..., focus on what ...,

alternative to what ..., announcement of what ..., appeal to someone - what ...,

argue what with what ..., guarantee of what ..., learn from whom, trust what and in what, sacrifice what and with what, pay for what and what, pay for what and for what, pay for what, review about what and for what, successor to whom and to whom , claim what ..., claim what ..., an indication of what and about what, indicate what and what,

authorize for what and for what ...

3. Insert the missing letters.

According to the credit… agreement…, in accordance… with Art. 865 GKRF,

head of departments…, to appeal the fact…, contrary to the decision… of the court,

pay for the use of the Internet…, waiting for your… question…, the manager of the company…, could not remember this… case…, control… work… the student has not completed yet.

4. Open the brackets, put the words in the right case.

According to (our agreement), the goods should arrive at the store no later than next month. Please pay travel expenses according to (contract). Accordingly (accepted circumstances), we send samples of our products to your address. According to (attached list)

to reward the factory workers with a cash bonus in the amount of 0.5 salary.

Please provide additional information regarding (change in funding) of our company. Act (against the rule)

postpone the decision until (clarification of the circumstances of the case), (after familiarization with the verdict) sign, write a report (upon completion of work), measures to strengthen (the safety of residents),

adjust the plan in the direction (reduction of work), proceed to

fulfillment of duties (after the expiration of the term of industrial practice),

non-fulfillment of the agreement by the (customer company), inquire about


5. Rewrite the sentences, inserting prepositions instead of dots

thanks to, due to according to their lexical meaning.

- … expected frosts, take precautionary measures and carry out preventive maintenance of equipment.

- … the repair of the railway track, the passenger train arrived late.

- ... to the courage and self-control of the driver, the accident was averted.

- … the flooding of part of the embankment, the repair work will be suspended.

- … a large influx of visitors, the opening hours of the exhibition have been increased from 10 am to 7 pm.

- … increase in prices for goods and services will be agreed with the members of the commission.

- … vigorous activity of the city's environmental services, the emission of environmentally harmful substances into the atmosphere by the city's enterprises decreased by 0.3%.

6. Look for management-related errors. Fix them.

In case of loss of valuables transferred for safekeeping, the bank has an obligation to the client to compensate for the corresponding losses. At the press conference of the CJD, the Minister of Justice reported to the public on the work done. They are subject to judicial action. Such matters require the approval of the court. We collect your questions and ask officials to answer them. I

I try to stay the way I am. The tactics were out of character for him. She came from Novosibirsk.

7. Find cases of stringing cases, confluence of case forms.

Do the editing.

Proceedings in a civil case on the claim of the Pokrovsky Gates Limited Liability Company against A. N. Zalomnov

collection of rent, penalties and court costs, stop.

The accused had to provide a number of evidence of his non-involvement in compromising video material. Among the many areas of legal assistance to entrepreneurs and citizens in the work of our legal advice, a large volume is occupied by property disputes. The offender was able to come with a confession. In satisfaction of the claims of Denisova E. Yu. against the Commercial Bank

"Sudostroitelny bank" (limited liability company) (St.

Moscow) on the recovery of interest for the use of other people's money, in the rest of the claim for the recovery of compensation for moral damage - to refuse.

8. Add the missing letters in the endings of the predicates.

1. Many people learned the art of eloquence by studying the speeches of F. Plevako and A. Koni. 2. Several guilty were ... punished,

the others have been warned. 3. Most were…recognized experts. 4. A number of new bills were rejected... by the Duma this week. 5. Most were…recognized experts. 6. Some of the minister's statements published in yesterday's issue clearly show... the position of the government. 7. RAO UES responded to this offer… with a refusal. 8. The CEC rejected ... several thousand signatures. 9. Microsoft released ... a new program. 10. CSKA defeated ... "Chernomorets" with a score of 5:2. eleven.

Incognito appeared ... unexpectedly. 12. For a month spent ... a thousand rubles. 13. The last two students successfully passed ... an exam. 14. 45 minutes passed ... unnoticed. 15. The 45 minutes we asked for has passed… . 16. Before the end of the term of imprisonment, there was ... a year and a half. 17. Universal

9. Indicate violations of grammatical forms in sentences with

homogeneous members.

1. After examining the scene of the incident, it turned out that there were two corpses in the basement, murder weapons, belongings of a certain citizen N., as well as a persistent smell of gas. 2. For three days, the criminals made three raids on treasure collectors, including the house of the clergyman Father Benjamin. 3. It was powerful, albeit moral support. 4. One wound was fatal, two were gunshot wounds. 5. The husband often drank and drove her with the child. 6. However, this did not affect the popular love for her and the press. 7. Thus, the manual can be effectively used in preparing not only for oral, but also for all forms of exams. 8. Police fired batons, tear gas grenades, and firearms at the youth. 9. There is a traffic jam on the road. There were buses, trolleybuses, land transport. 10. The family, by all standards, is prosperous. In addition to a non-working mother, a nanny was hired for the boy, with whom he walked for 4-5 hours a day. 11. They

met after one or two years.

10. Find examples of misuse in speech

adverbial and participial phrases. Edit proposals.

1. Having committed the theft of things, Lozov is brought to criminal

responsibility. 2. Having taken measures to detain the criminals, the investigator managed to detain them. 3 Yakubov was repeatedly detained by police officers, appearing in public places in a state of intoxication.4.

In an attempt to shield his accomplices, his testimony was contradictory. 5.

witness Moskvin Z.I. testified that while at work he received a call from unknown people. 6. Returning home, I felt ashamed of what I had done. 7.

The family, fearful of losing a large fortune and who wanted to transfer the factories under the care of the treasury, broke up. 8. We, the deputies of the City Duma, also feel this, at the receptions of citizens, hearing from them references to published materials. 9. Collect from a commercial bank the amount

the state duty paid when applying to the court. 10. The agreements reached at the meeting of the leaders of the two countries became the main news of the day. 11. As a result of careless storage of containers, a metal vessel fell off the rack and caused bodily injury to the victims.

11. Correct, if necessary, the errors in the following sentences.

1. In accordance with paragraph 1.1 of the loan agreement, Sberbank of Russia represented by Saratov Branch No. 8622 of Sberbank of Russia OJSC provided the borrower with a loan for a period of 24 months. 2. In accordance with Art. 865 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the bank that accepted the payer's payment order is obliged to transfer the corresponding amount of money to the recipient's bank. 3. I ask you to fire you of your own free will. 4. Iskarov hit his neighbor in the face. 5. Will pay a bonus of 0.5 salary for the quality repairs of the following comrades. 6. An inspection of the scene was made on May 15 of this year, where the murder was committed with the participation of attesting witnesses. 7. The noise of steps drowned out the howling of the wind.

8. The accusation was confirmed in court. 9. Personnel turnover generates an inattentive attitude of the administration. 10. Criminals escaped on these horses, traces of which lead to the Ingush Republic.

12. Correct, if necessary, the errors in the following sentences.

1. Article 108, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation requires the presence of grievous bodily injuries, referring to the category of grievous. 2. Studying the materials of the case, it never even crossed my mind to speak personally with the brother of the suspect. 3.

The person who committed the crime must be prosecuted

criminal liability. 4. Arriving in Vladivostok, the young businessman was found dead on the second day. 5. Then Petrikin is appointed head of the sales department, working in this position for a year and a half. 6.

When he arrived at the house, he quickly took out his keys and opened the door. 7. Persons

those called as witnesses are required to give truthful testimony. 8. The drunken organism of Tushin, having fallen from the scaffolding onto Barsukov,

crushing his leg. 9. During the interrogation, Askin testified that he and the remaining members of the company went on foot to Vasilievsky Island. 10. Part of the City Duma deputies went to work in the regional government. 11. The victim sustained seven gunshot wounds resulting in blood loss leading to death. 12. Karpov and Vasiliev violated traffic rules three times in the last month. 13. He systematically beat his wife with punches, kicks and other household items. 14. Grebnev organized and constantly monitored the smuggling distribution network. 15. When examining the corpse, no traces of injury were found, except for the wife's death certificate.

13. Determine the nature of the error in the structure of complex sentences.

Mark with numbers (1) congestion with subordinate clauses,

(2) mixing of direct and indirect speech, (3) compound conjunction structure, (4)

combining into a homogeneous series of various syntactic elements of a sentence. Do some stylistic editing.

1. Even his opponents are aware of the fact that he is talented. (__) 2. In

What are the mistakes so that the ballots are not valid? (__) 3. He hit the plate on the head, so much so that it shattered. (__) 4. Firstly, the colonel claims, on January 1, his car was never put on the wanted list.

Secondly, after the statement about the discovery of the missing car, I did not drive it anywhere. (__) 5. Not only was he not upset, but he was delighted. (__) 6. But at the same time, we understand that religious institutions can help our society out of the spiritual crisis that remains

"Syntactic Rules". "Construction of sentences with a separate circumstance"

Training exercises

Returning home

1) I felt sad.

2) it is already quite dark.

3) I remembered my promise to call home.

4) A book fell out of my bag.

sticking wallpaper,

1) First of all, accuracy is required.

2) you need to make sure that wrinkles do not form.

3) the front side must be dry.

4) A lot depends on the quality of the glue.

The first and fourth sentences are two different figures. In the third sentence, pay attention to the predicate: compound nominal. The translation of such a predicate into a participial turnover is impossible. (Correct option is 2)

How are the actions taking place? One after another or at the same time. (All actions take place simultaneously.) This is also one of the conditions.

Let's record our conclusions:

D 1 D 1

(comp. names.)

=============) Doer) simultaneity

D 2 D 2


If you have a b/l sentence in front of you, see if there is an infinitive in it that could refer to d/o.

For example: During the war, I had to work in difficult conditions, not having a single day for rest for a long time.

(Had to work how?)

If there is no infinitive in the b/l sentence to which d/o could refer, then the use of the latter is stylistically unjustified.

For example: Saying goodbye to my native school, I felt very sad.

Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Reading the title of the book

1) it may seem too complicated.

2) you see that this is a thorough work.

3) it turns out that its topic is wider than stated in the title.

4) there is a desire to read it without fail.

The first and fourth sentences are two different figures. The third sentence is SPP, two different figures, the predicate is expressed by the adjective in a comparative degree. The second sentence is about/personal, the actions are happening at the same time. (this option will be correct).

Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Arriving at the end station

1) There was a car waiting for us.

2) you need to transfer to the bus.

3) there are two kilometers left.

The first and fourth sentences are two different figures. The third offer is b/personal. The second sentence is a compound verb, having a gen. personal value (this option will be correct).

Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

1) at school it was boring to study the alphabet.

2) I could not master writing until I was eight years old.

3) my favorite pastime still remained drawing.

4) teaching at school was not difficult for me.

The third and fourth sentences are two different figures. The first is b / personal. The second one is the correct one.

Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Down the steep slope

1) there is an unforeseen obstacle in the way of the skier.

2) the skiers were waiting for the last stage of the competition.

3) there was a significant gain in time.

4) it was possible to get to the village in an hour and a half.

The fourth sentence is correct. It is impersonal.


Conditions under which the transfer is possible:

1) two actions refer to one actor.

2) definitely-personal offers.

3) if the actions occur simultaneously.

Remember!!! a compound nominal predicate cannot be translated into a participle; it denotes an additional action of the verb-predicate.

When using gerunds and participles in speech, the following syntactic norms should be observed:

1. The action expressed by the participle can only refer to the subject.

For example, in one of his stories A.P. Chekhov cites an entry in the complaint book: Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat fell off. In addition to other speech and grammatical errors, this statement also contains an error in the use of gerunds. The subject of this sentence is a noun. hat. In accordance with the grammatical rules, it turns out that it was the hat that drove up to the station and admired the beauties of nature outside the window.

In order to correct the proposal in accordance with the norms, it is necessary to change the construction: convert the addition I have(it is it that is the subject of the action) into the subject: Pulling up to the station, I lost my hat.

    An exception to this rule is gerunds, which refer to the infinitive expressing the action of another person:

    His house was full of guests, ready to amuse his lordly idleness, sharing his noisy and sometimes violent amusements.(A.S. Pushkin).

    In this case, the action of the participle dividing refers to addition guests and grammatically depends on the infinitive amuse.

    May not refer to the subject and turnover with words based on, since the form proceeding from is no longer perceived as a gerund (this is a preposition):

    The calculation is based on average production rates.

2. Precisely because the action of the participle refers to the subject, gerunds cannot be used in impersonal sentences, that is, where there is no acting subject expressed in the form of the nominative case.

For example: Returning home, I felt sad. Such a statement would be grammatically incorrect, since the action of the gerund returning refers to addition to me. To correct a sentence, you must either transform it so that the object becomes the subject ( Returning home, I was sad), or replace the gerund with a verb-predicate or a subordinate clause ( When I returned home, I was sad).

    It is allowed, although not encouraged, to use gerunds in those impersonal sentences that include the infinitive ( Returning home, you need to go to the bakery on the way).

3. For the reason above the use of gerunds in passive (passive) constructions is not allowed, that is, in those sentences where the subject does not indicate the real subject (it is usually expressed by the addition in the instrumental case), but the object of the action.

    The predicate in such sentences is usually expressed either by the passive participle ( Soldier hit in the head by a grenade), or a reflexive verb with the suffix -sya ( House being built by workers). The following sentences are grammatically incorrect: Leaving the encirclement, the fighter was wounded in the head; Finding the necessary funds, the house is being built by the workers of our trust.

    To make such sentences correct, one must either replace the adverbial phrase with a synonymous construction, or convert the passive construction into an active one:

    When leaving the environment the fighter was wounded by shrapnel in the head; When the fighter left the encirclement, he was wounded; Finding the necessary funds, the workers of our trust started building the house.

4. It is not recommended to use gerunds in sentences where the verb-predicate is in the future tense: Arriving in the city of my childhood, I will definitely meet my school friends and my first teacher.

5. Participles usually cannot be combined as homogeneous members with other circumstances or with the predicate.

Currently, sentences that can be found in the literature of the 19th century will be grammatically incorrect: Pechorin, wrapped in an overcoat and pulling his hat over his eyes, tried to make his way to the door.(M.Yu. Lermontov); cavalry guards galloped, but still holding horses(L.N. Tolstoy).

    Exceptions make up gerunds (most often in the form of a perfect form with the meaning of the state as a result of the previous action), which begin to acquire the features of an adverb. Usually these are the circumstances of the course of action. But they can only be homogeneous with circumstances that perform the same function in the sentence: The lady sat down in a chair then sideways, then tucked legs(A.N. Tolstoy).

Note 1. The place of the adverbial turnover in the sentence is relatively free. At the same time, there are certain tendencies in setting the participle before or after the predicate.

    Before verb-predicate a gerund is usually put, which denotes an action preceding the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Taking out a handkerchief, Sergey handed it to me.(Sergey first took out a handkerchief, and then handed it to me).

    Before verb-predicate usually there is also a gerund indicating the cause or condition of the action, since the cause or condition always precedes the effect:

    Frightened, Tonya screamed.(Tonya screamed because she was frightened, and at first she was frightened, and then she screamed).

    After verb-predicate usually put a gerund with the meaning of the subsequent action:

    The horse fell, crushing my leg(First the horse fell, and then crushed my leg).

Note 2. When using a perfect or imperfect participle, it is necessary to take into account its semantic relationship with the verb-predicate and the form in which the verb stands.

    gerund imperfect form usually used if the action expressed by the gerund coincides in time with the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Smiling, she held out her hand to me; Smiling, she extended both hands towards me.

    gerund perfect look indicates the action preceding the action expressed by the verb-predicate:

    Smiling, she held out her hand to me.

    When using the perfect and imperfect participles, word order and other factors should be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to which of the actions is expressed by the gerund and which by the verb-predicate. Otherwise, the sentence may become incorrect or inaccurate in terms of the meaning it expresses.

    So, in the sentence: Approaching the river, the riders stopped the horses- there is a semantic inaccuracy. The imperfect gerund indicates the coincidence in time of two actions expressed by the verb and the gerund, but in reality the riders first drove up to the river and then stopped the horses. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the perfect participle: Having approached the river, the riders stopped the horses.

    One more example: Newspapers report that Kent went mad after jumping out of a 20th floor window.. In this case, the verb should be replaced with a gerund, and the gerund with a verb ( Going crazy, Kent jumped out the window). Otherwise, the situation expressed in the proposal will be diametrically opposed to the one that was in reality. The perfective gerund indicates an action that precedes the action expressed by the verb-predicate. Therefore, if we leave the original construction ( Kent went crazy after jumping out of a 20th floor window), then we can decide that Kent first jumped out of the window and only then (in flight) went crazy.

Exercises for the topic “The use of gerunds and gerunds»

Exercise 1. Correct the speech errors associated with the use of adverbial phrases.

1. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.

2. Listing the names of the dead at the end of the film, it is believed that they will not be forgotten.

3. Looking at such injustice, my heart bleeds.

4. Arriving at the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.

5. Moving to the 9th grade, we have a new subject.

6. Reading a poem, one feels the power of each word.

7. Having lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.

8. Standing at the door to the living room, I could clearly hear their conversation.

9. Having run away from home, the boy was found by the police.

10. Approaching the city, my hat fell off.

11. Without finishing school, Sergei had to work.

12. Using a calculator, the calculation is done correctly and easily.

13. Waking up, he was told that breakfast was served.

14. After reading the play, images of the characters clearly appeared before me.

15. Having finished the tour, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant.

16. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia, staying there for many years.


1. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.

2. When the names of the dead are listed at the end of the film, we believe that they will not be forgotten.

3. When I look at such injustice, my heart bleeds.

4. When we came to the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.

5. When we moved to the 9th grade, we got a new subject.

6. Reading a poem, I feel the power of every word.

7. When she lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.

8. Standing at the door to the living room, I clearly heard their conversation.

9. A boy who had run away from home was found by the police.

10. When I drove up to the city, my hat fell off.

11. Sergei, who did not finish school, had to work.

12. When using a calculator, the calculation is made correctly and easily.

13. After he woke up, he was told that breakfast was served.

14. After reading the play, images of characters clearly appeared in front of me.

15. After the end of the tour, we were waiting for lunch in a restaurant.

16. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia and stayed there for many years.

Exercise 2(for in-depth language learners). Find errors and inaccuracies in the use of gerunds and participles. Justify your answer. Correct the suggestions.

1. Reading "Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky, before us are images of representatives of the "dark kingdom".

2. Going to her first ball, Natasha Rostova had a natural excitement.

3. Rereading M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom", every time I have a question, can there be two truths.

4. Raskolnikov cannot understand that by killing the old woman, the world will not change.

5. After driving 40 kilometers, to the left of the road, we began to see the buildings of the satellite city.

7. The master lived in the basement, and every time he saw someone's feet, his heart sank.

8. Climbing up the barrow, Pierre could see the whole panorama of the battle.

9. Having risen to the top, not a single sound is heard from the valley.

10. Having started working on a dissertation, a friend no longer had time to play chess.

11. Everything stated in the monograph is very important, given the lack of time for a practical doctor.

12. Lost in the forest, the children were ready to indulge in despair.

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