Home Natural farming Xi'an universities. Xi'an Petroleum University. Huaqing Hot Spring

Xi'an universities. Xi'an Petroleum University. Huaqing Hot Spring

Xi'an Petroleum University

The first university in new China to train engineering and technical personnel in the field of oil and petrochemicals;

General higher education institution under the Ministry of Education of the PRC;

The only higher education institution in the northwest region of China with an oil and petrochemical specificity;

Shanxi Provincial Government Joint University with CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), Sinopec Group (Kitfi Petrochemical Corporation), CNOOC (China Marine Petroleum Corporation);

Twelfth Five-Year Plan "High-End Construction" University in Shaanxi Province;


Ancient and modern city;

The most historical and cultural city with Chinese characteristics;

Treasures of 5000 Years of Chinese Civilization;

The third international metropolis after Beijing and Shanghai in China;

One of the top ten tourist cities in China according to the online survey;

The city of Xi'an is known to the whole world, has existed for more than 3100 years, was the capital of 13 dynasties and kingdoms for 1162 years in China. Walking along the wide avenue in this historic city, you can see the ancient city wall, the Forest of Steles Museum (storage of stone books), the Small Wild Goose Pagoda) and other significant sights.

In the city of Xi'an there is the "Eighth Wonder of the World" - a terracotta army, one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation - the site of the ancient village of Banpo, and other valuable sites of antiquity, including the settlements of the Yangshao and Longshan cultures, where you can watch the change in the transition from Chinese matriarchal tribal communities to the patriarchal.

The history of Chinese civilization is more than 5000 years old. If you want to experience 5,000 years of Chinese history, then visit the city of Xi'an. As we know, many foreign leaders during their visit to China visited Xi'an as a place that cannot be bypassed. In addition to the aforementioned attractions, Xi'an is also the beginning of the Great Silk Road. From the city of Xi'an to the east is Mount Huashan - one of the five sacred mountains in China, famous for its cliffs and dangerous peaks, which brought this wonderful city an unusual scale.

The modern city of Xi'an is an economic and cultural center in the northwest region of China, and its scientific and technological strength is among the first in China. Xi'an is not only an important node of Eurasia, but also a modern modernized city in the field of science and technology, industry and tourism.


The Institute of International Education is a unit directly subordinate to Xi'an Petroleum University. The institute will specifically provide the following types of study: Bachelor's programs, Master's programs and Long-term Chinese language training. At the same time also short-term training in Chinese language and culture. All 56 bachelor's degrees (petroleum engineering in Chinese or English, storage and transportation of oil and gas, etc.) and 56 master's degrees, the university accepts foreign students for academic education and the study of Chinese culture from elementary to higher education.

Type of training:

Undergraduate programs

Study in Chinese

Education in English

Master's programs

Study in Chinese

Education in English

Internship programs (non-degree)

System and training period

Bachelor's degree study period: 4 years

Master's study period: 3 years

Bachelor's programs: The term of study is 4-6 years, during the course of training, the fulfillment of an educational task and after the defense of a scientific work, you can get a diploma.

Master's programs: The term of study is 2.5-3 years, during the course of training, the fulfillment of an educational task and after the defense of a scientific work, you can get a diploma. If the diploma meets the conditions for conferring an academic degree, then a master's degree can be obtained.

Senior trainee: Researching a specific topic. Internship period 6 or 12 months

General intern: Further research in my field. The internship period is 12 months.

Short Term Mandarin Chinese Course: divided into separate groups or a group with Chinese students, depending on the number of students or the level of the language. A separate group can accept special training programs. After graduation, you can get a language diploma

Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The fall semester is the beginning of the school year, usually from September to January of the following year, and the spring semester from February to June. Each academic year has winter and summer holidays, usually summer holidays - about two months, winter holidays - about four weeks after the Spring Festival.

Teaching students in Chinese:

Admission requirement

Before studying science and management, you need to obtain an HSK level 3 certificate (or at least 180 points of the newest HSK level 4 certificate, an exam in the level of Chinese language for foreigners), and in order to study social subjects, you need to get an HSK 6 certificate -th level (or at least 180 points of the newest HSK certificate of the 5th level)

Good academic performance

Learning Mode

An individual student studies with Chinese students in standard management

A separate group (no less than 10 people) for foreign students prepared in different specialties

Qualified and experienced instructors with a doctoral degree or high position

The most important majors typical for international students: petroleum engineering, resource exploration, storage and transportation of oil and gas, chemical industry, electronic engineering and management of industry and commerce

Chinese Traditional Culture and Chinese Language as essential subjects for international students helps students to become talented with an international outlook and intercultural backgrounds

After applying to study Chinese and study with Chinese students, the university can review and divide students into different specialties according to the requirement of the language level and the interest of the students.

Teaching students in English:

Requirements for admission

Have a high school diploma

Ability to use English fluently

Good academic performance

Learning Mode

Teaching students in English in a separate group (number of more than 6 people)

Reliance on an international curriculum system

Qualifying talents and teachers receiving an educational certificate abroad, while special scientific disciplines taught by experienced specialists in two languages

The university has the most important specialties typical for foreign students in English: petroleum engineering, resource exploration, storage and transportation of oil and gas, chemical industry, electronic engineering and management of industry and trade.

Chinese Traditional Culture and Chinese Language in English as Required Subjects for International Students helps students to become talented with international outlook and international backgrounds

After applying to study Chinese and study with Chinese students, the university may consider the number of students of the same specialty and report the type of study at the time of issuing the subpoena.

Master's programs

Requirements for admission

University Graduation Diploma

HSK Level 5 Certificate (or at least 210 points for the latest Level 4 HSK Certificate)

Good academic performance

Learning Mode

Study in Chinese

Admission: joint admission to the Institute of International Education, postgraduate study and special institute

Academic Supervisor: Two-Way Choice

Prepared programs and study of the discipline

Dissertation: choose a thesis, set a topic and write

Consideration of university graduation

Dissertation defense and award of a scientific degree

Your trainee

Requirements for admission

Postgraduate student or someone who has completed a master's degree and is studying a special topic

- Hello everyone, all friends, amateurs and spectators of Sweden! Muki is our guest today. She lives and studies in China. Muki came there as a student. Today she will tell us about her Chinese life, how she lives there, how she studies, etc. In general, Muki, hello, introduce yourself and tell a little about myself!

- My name is Mukandar, I am from Kazakhstan, from the city of Almaty. I came to China, the city of Xi'an, for my studies. I arrived that year, in September. At the moment I am in China and am studying Chinese.

- How long is this course you are studying?

- I study at my school for a year and two years. It's called a school or college. Then you can go to your profession. It seems to me that a year will be enough for me, and I want to start a profession next year, even this year.

You have already subscribed to my Youtube channel about immigration to Canada?

- Where do you think to go?

- I want to go to Guangzhou, studying to be a Chinese and English translator. So far I’m learning Chinese, but I will need to improve my English a little, since I only have Chinese now.

- Is it difficult to learn Chinese? Or is it just talk that it is impossible?

- No, it's not difficult. The first month, when I arrived, I, one might say, cried, because I really wanted to go home. Then, when interest arose, when I met everyone, when you already know all your classmates, classmates, it seems like there is a competition going on, who will write the exam well, who will pass it.

- Interesting. How did you choose China at all? Why China and not some other country?

- I came here purely by chance. I was advised by a classmate who has been studying here for three years. He helped me with the documents, there was nothing particularly difficult, but I had to tinker a little. And I decided that maybe it’s mine, it’s worth a try, and I arrived.

- Well done for making up your mind. Tell us a little about your educational institution, college or whatever it is called.

- I study at Bo-Ai International College, which is located in Xi'an, Shanxi Province. I am not the only foreigner here, there are many, very many. We study from 8 to 9 in three shifts.

- From 8 am to 9 pm?

- I want many to hear this, because it is very difficult. Here the Swedes work 8 hours and then get tired, they want to switch to a 6-hour regime. Are you very tired or are you already used to it?

- No, I’ve gotten used to it. It's just that the faster we go through the program, the better it will be for us. Because of this, we are going fast.

- This is a plus for you.

“We’re not just wasting our time here.

2. Chinese language

3. Chinese literature

4. Chinese folklore

5. Economy

6. Management

7. Jurisprudence

8. Literature

9. Medicine

10. Art

2. Duration of training

Students complete the course of study * within 4-6 years by completing the prescribed number of exams. Students who pass successfully receive a diploma of completion of an equal Bachelor's degree in accordance with the order of the Degree Commission.

3. Deadline for registration

4. Requirements for applicants

Age from 18 to 35 years old; high school diploma

Chinese language courses (semester / year)

1. Curriculum

If desired, students can attend additional classes: extensive reading, listening, Chinese culture. HSK preparation, Taijiguan, Chinese cooking, calligraphy, music, tourism in China Cultural events: symposium with Chinese students, sightseeing in Xi'an. Excursions: visiting historical and cultural sites.

2. Duration of training

1 semester - 3 years

3. Deadline for registration

The spring semester starts from February to July. Registration until the end of December.

4. Requirements for applicants

Diploma of complete secondary education; age from 18 to 60 years old; good health

registration 240 yuan
Cost of education
Chinese 7,250 yuan / semester

Master's degree

1. Specialties (directions):

1. Natural and applied sciences

2. Economy

3. Management

4. Jurisprudence

5. Literature

6. Medicine

7. Art

2. Duration of training

Students complete the course of study * within 2-3 years by completing the prescribed number of exams. Submit a Ph.D. thesis and defend it before the commission. Students who pass successfully receive an equal master's degree diploma in accordance with the order of the Commission for the Award of the Degree.

3. Deadline for registration

4. Requirements for applicants

Age from 18 to 40 years old; bachelors degree; international passport

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A small cut from the description of educational institutions in this section:

Since 1896, a higher educational institution has been functioning in China on a state basis - Xi'an Jiao Tong University. The campus of the university is located on the territory of Xi'an. According to the state ranking, Xian Jiaotong University (XJTU) is in the top twenty.

Students of this institution can study the following sciences and disciplines:

The high quality of teaching and the level of education allow the university to hold the leading positions in many ratings (both local and world). A large number of applicants strive to study at Xian Jiaotong University, since the university practically guarantees them further employment.

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