Home Natural farming Health-saving technologies in the lessons of f to application. Application of health-saving technologies in primary school. Report of the English teacher Evseeva Vera Kuzminichna on the use of modern educational technologies in English lessons

Health-saving technologies in the lessons of f to application. Application of health-saving technologies in primary school. Report of the English teacher Evseeva Vera Kuzminichna on the use of modern educational technologies in English lessons



Human health in the 21st century is becoming paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren is of serious concern to specialists. The goal of health-saving educational learning technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during schooling, to form his knowledge, skills, skills for a healthy lifestyle, to teach how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Physics in the overwhelming majority of schools is studied in the middle and senior levels, most often, from the 7th grade, when various chronic and “acquired” diseases are already beginning to manifest and exacerbate in schoolchildren. No less important is the fact that on the scale of difficulty of subjects (according to I.G. Sivkov) physics takes the "honorable" third place - 9 points out of 11. Naturally, when studying this subject, schoolchildren have to experience significant intellectual, psycho-emotional and even physical load. Naturally, a physics teacher is inevitably faced with the task of high-quality teaching in this subject, which is completely impossible without a sufficient level of motivation of schoolchildren. In solving this problem, health-preserving technologies can help as a means of increasing motivation for educational and cognitive activities of students.

In physics lessons, it is necessary to maintain students' interest in the material being studied, their activity throughout the lesson, at the same time, one must take into account the level of fatigue of children, try not to harm their health.

The creation of an adaptive space for each individual student is carried out through:

    differentiation and individualization of training;

    the use of gaming technologies;

    project and team activities.

I carry out the integration of educational and extracurricular activities of students: solving applied problems that are personally significant for the student helps to expand their horizons, strengthen their interest in the science of physics. I include in the program questions related to human physics, which allows students to advance along the path of knowing themselves, to better understand the nature of man and his capabilities.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom is one of the most important aspects of a modern lesson. At the same time, on the one hand, the task of preventing students' fatigue is solved, on the other hand, there is an additional incentive to reveal the creative potential of each child. A friendly atmosphere in the lesson, a calm conversation, attention to every statement, a positive reaction of the teacher to the student's desire to express his point of view, tactful correction of mistakes made, encouragement to independent thought activity, appropriate humor or a small historical digression - this is far from the whole arsenal that can dispose of a teacher who strives to reveal the abilities of each child. It should be noted that in an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional uplift, the class's working capacity increases markedly, which ultimately leads to a better assimilation of knowledge, and, as a consequence, to higher results.

All health-saving physics lessons can be roughly divided into the following types:
1. This is a planned "Health Lesson" held at the end of the topic being studied. For example: "Mechanics in Sports", "Physics of Temperatures", "Electrostatic Phenomena in Human Life", "On the Role of Fields in Living Organisms", "Health and Radiation" 2. It can be a lesson that includes elements of health preservation, since the content of the lesson is related to health.

3. It may be a standard, typical, well-thought-out methodically lesson in physics, which does not say anything about health, but it is a health-preserving lesson, since this is a lesson in which the teacher:

Forms interest in his subject;

Establishes trust, partnerships;

Thinks over the lesson of maximum mental, psychological and moral comfort;

It makes the most of the individual characteristics of students to increase the effectiveness of their learning.

The main criterion for such a lesson is the desire of children, leaving the lesson, to meet again with a physics lesson, where it is comfortable, where there is a spiritual interaction between the student and the teacher, where there is an opportunity to open up creatively, where it is interesting, and physics is understandable.

Child health protection involves not only the creation of the necessary hygienic and psychological conditions for the organization of educational activities, but also the prevention of various diseases, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. In physics lessons, almost any topic studied can be used to highlight certain facts that contribute to the formation of the correct attitude of students to their health. This also includes the prevention of child injuries, accidents associated with the child's improper behavior in various everyday situations.

Each teacher in his lesson should take care of the health of students. Therefore, in my lessons, I follow the student's position at the school desk, since the sitting posture increases the statistical load and reduces the already low physical activity of a modern child. During the lesson, I spend physical education minutes, I pay special attention to gymnastics for the eyes, posture.


Grade 7, studying the topic "Structure of matter».

One group of children in the lesson depicts the behavior of molecules in solids - children become depicting a crystal lattice, hold hands and fluctuate chaotically, another group of children demonstrates the structure of liquids - children are no longer holding hands so tightly, the distance between them is greater, the movement of molecules is chaotic, the third group of students depicts the structure of gases and the behavior of molecules in it: molecules move freely, occasionally collide with each other. All models are clear and easy to remember.

Grade 8, studying the topic "Thermal conductivity"

I ask all students to leave their desks and stand in a line. I ask: “Draw a nail. We are pieces of this nail. I propose to show how the particles of this nail behave.

I declare: “We are heating the tip of the nail. Draw what happens to each particle of the nail. "

Exercises for the formation of correct posture and breathing exercises.

Up hand and down hand.

Pulled them lightly.

We quickly changed hands!

We are not bored today.

(One straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.)

Clap squat:

Down - clap and up - clap.

We knead our legs, hands,

We know for sure - it will be useful.

(Squats, overhead claps.)

We twist - we twist our head,

We knead the neck. Stop!

(Rotation of the head to the right and to the left.)

And on the spot we walk,

Raise our legs higher.

(Walking in place, raising your legs high.)

Stretched out, stretched out

Up and to the sides, forward.

(Stretching - arms up, to the sides, forward.)

And everyone returned to their desks -

Once again, the lesson is underway.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Any exercises are performed on condition of mental and emotional mood for the formation of a beautiful, healthy and "smart" body.

We got up quickly and smiled.

Higher - higher stretched.

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turn right, left,

Touch your hands with your knees.

They sat down, got up. They sat down, got up.

And they ran to the place.

Gymnastics for the eyes

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Look into the distance in front of you - 2-3 seconds. Move your gaze to the tip of the nose for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Extend your right arm forward. Follow your eyes, did not turn your head, follow the slow movement of the index finger of the outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. Look at the index finger of the outstretched hand - at the count of 1 - 4, then move your gaze into the distance - at the count of 1 -6. Repeat 4-5 times.

6. At an average pace, do 3 - 4 circular movements with the eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left. Relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 1-2 times.

7. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move the pupils from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

8. Slowly move your gaze up - down, then vice versa. Repeat 3 times.

Based on this, we can conclude: a health-preserving approach in the development of student success is promising. This confirms the growth of motivation to study the subject, a persistent interest in cognitive activity, including creative. Cooperation and friendliness between teacher and student relieve stressful situations, tension, allow the child to open up more fully. A joke or a smile will create emotional relaxation, allow you to switch attention, keep the pace of the lesson and its density.

Thus, the teacher must constantly take care of the preservation of the mental and physical health of children, increase the stability of the nervous system of students.

Informational resources:

        Babansky Yu. K. "Methodological foundations of optimization of the educational process" 1982. - 480 p.

        Shchukina G.I. "Enhancing the cognitive activity of students in the educational process." M., Education. - 220 p.

        Health-saving educational technologies.

      • Report of the English teacher Evseeva Vera Kuzminichna on the use of modern educational technologies in English lessons


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purpose of work: to determine the most effective methods of forming a healthy lifestyle among younger students.

Work tasks:

1) analyze the psychological - pedagogical literature on this topic;

2) determine the conditions for the development of a healthy lifestyle in primary school students;

3) determine effective ways, methods for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in younger students

The relevance of the work.

The current state of society, the high rates of its development make ever higher demands on a person and his health. The problem of preserving and purposefully shaping the health of children and youth in the modern conditions of Russia's development is extremely significant and relevant, since it is directly related to the problem of security and independence. The increase in the number of children with weakened somatic and neuropsychiatric health is of serious concern. In recent years, there has been a significant qualitative deterioration in the health of schoolchildren in our country.

According to the Ministry of Health, only 5% of school graduates are healthy, 80% of schoolchildren are chronically ill, 50% have morphophysiological abnormalities, 70% suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders. Of 1000 newborns, 800-900 have congenital malformations.

Modern educational institutions are characterized by an increased volume of study load and an intensification of the educational process in conditions of a shortage of study time. As a result, the child's body, which is most sensitive during this period to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors, acquires a number of health disorders, which are called "school diseases". In addition, in the process of learning at school, children experience an increase in chronic diseases, leading to a decrease in the functional capabilities of the child's body.

The students have not formed a value attitude towards their own health, most of them have a low level of knowledge on the problem of health preservation, do not have basic skills and abilities to preserve their own health.
Health, a healthy lifestyle are the basic concepts of health preservation.

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are:

1) lack of bad habits;

2) high culture of communication and behavior;

3) rational nutrition;

4) observance of the regime of work and rest;

5) optimal motor regime, which is based on regular physical culture and sports; 6) sanitary and hygienic culture.

I believe that our task today is to teach a child various techniques and methods of preserving and strengthening his health, so that later, after going to secondary school and further, the children can use them on their own. I try to build my lessons, setting this very goal for myself and the students: how to maintain and strengthen health? To do this, I use the techniques of health-preserving technologies.

Having studied the methodology of V.F. Bazarny for the protection and strengthening of the health of children, I took into account that the formation of finely coordinated visual-manual movements in students is facilitated against the background of the activation of the functional state of the body, including a general sense of balance and coordination. At the same time, one of the most effective methods of such activation is a periodic change of postures, in particular, the transfer of children from a sitting position to a standing position. All this is achieved through the development of a desk mounted on a standard desk.

Studying using the technology of V.F. Bazarny, I can conclude: children are distinguished by freedom of judgment, there is an increased interest in the subjects studied, an increase in the volume of work performed in the class.

VF Bazarny calls another of the biological prerequisites for normal development - this is space. Space, he says, is the ultimate in motor freedom. In Tibetan medicine, for example, space is assigned a major role in human development. What are we doing? We imprison children from 6-7 years old in concrete dead ends. And in the 30-centimeter book dead ends. Outside of space, children fall into a state of chronic depression. Not to mention the black and white palette of most of our books. And the brain of a person, and first of all of a child, is tuned to multicolor. VF Bazarny's idea of ​​an ecological primer makes a strong impression on me - this is a canvas stretched over the wall (2 X 3 m). It depicts a rural landscape: a river stretching beyond the horizon, a birch, in the distance - a village. The ecological wall changes with the arrival of a new season - autumn, winter, spring, summer.

Thinking over the lesson, I plan where I can use the material of the ecological wall, approach the children, offer individual assignments.

But how to use visual-spatial activity in the school lesson mode? This is achieved due to the maximum distance from the eyes of the child of educational didactic material. The presented didactic material may be small (previously we were forbidden to use it). Children gaze into the distance and thereby relieve tension from the eye muscles.

Promotes the expansion of visual-motor activity and the conduct of physical education minutes for the eyes with the help of landmarks located in space. Physical education is performed after 10-15 minutes of strenuous visual work.

I include elements of student-centered learning:

  • Entering the working day.

Starting from the 1st grade, to speed up the child's entry into the school day, I teach children to smile more often. Our rule: "If you want to make friends - smile!"

We have developed our own ritual for starting the day, greeting each other in the first lesson, we all say the following words together in chorus, accompanying them with a show:

I say to everyone: “Hello,

Good morning friends.

The day has come beautiful

Because in it you and me

Every morning we start the first lesson with exercises to the music.

Every morning in the morning

We need to do the exercises.

With these words, we start charging. By the second half of the year in the first grade, such exercises are carried out by the children themselves in turn.

  • Creation of a situation of choice and success.

The creation of a favorable emotional and psychological microclimate in the classroom and extracurricular activities also plays an important role. It is necessary that each student believe in himself, in his own strengths and capabilities, so that he experiences not only the joy of learning, but also the joy of communication, the joy of creativity. Therefore, in the classroom, I try to create a favorable background, a friendly environment so that children can fully reveal their emotional and intellectual capabilities.

For this I use various techniques.

1) Creating a subjective experience of success in the child:

Removal of fear ("It's okay");

Advance payment ("You will succeed");

Suggestion ("Come on");

High assessment of the part (“You did it great”);

Strengthening the motive ("We need this for ...")

2) Creating an opportunity to feel your intellectual worth:

Mistakes are normal and necessary, you learn;

Building belief in success:

Achievement mark;

Focusing on past successes.

The children freely enter into a discussion of the problem of the lesson with their peers and with me, ask questions to clarify the misunderstood, try to find a way out of the deadlock in the lesson, which indicates a slight decrease in anxiety and an increase in students' self-esteem.

For example, in the lesson “Thoughts about health children need to compose a kind of piggy bank of proverbs, sayings, sayings, aphorisms about health and a healthy lifestyle. This work is done collectively. Students, with the help of parents and teachers, work with literary sources. We arrange the collected material in the form of a stand and place it in a cool corner of health.

  • Using the techniques of reflection.

What impressed you the most?

What came out best?

What tasks did you find the most interesting?

What caused the difficulty?

What do you want to reflect on?

What advice would you give yourself?

Who would like to compliment?

Will the knowledge of today's lesson be useful to you in the future?

2. I usecarrying out physical exercises:

  • Physical education to music.
  • Posture correcting exercises.
  • Exercise for the eyes.
  • Breathing exercises.

Inhale pause exhale

4 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

5 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

6 sec. 2 sec. 4 sec.

Such gymnastics very well mobilizes children to work in the classroom.

  • Singing sounds.

What is this energy? It is acquired by exhalation when breathing in the stomach - this is very important. We take a deep breath, and as we exhale, we begin to sing (sounds). To make sure that our breathing is correct, we put our hands on our chest - it should move.

Sound A- relieves tension, stimulates the upper part of the lungs and sensory centers, increases tone, affects the system of "three heaters": heart, liver, large intestine. It relieves physical and mental fatigue.

Sound Oh- deep harmony, state of balance.

Sound U- sensual sound, it helps to stabilize emotional balance, has a positive effect on the psyche.

Sound And- the sound of reason. Long and drawn-out singing of the sound AND stimulates the brain, eyes, nose. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement.

  • Finger massage, preparation for writing.

Should be carried out on written subjects. Warms up muscles. Develops fine motor skills. Good with choral pronunciation.

  • Autogenic training (muscle relaxation and clamping exercises).

Smile at each other. Sit comfortably. Relax your forehead, eyebrows, close your eyes. Relax your cheeks, lips, neck muscles, shoulders, hands, legs, toes. Your hands and feet are warm. Breathing becomes free, calm, even. (Recording of birds singing is on).

You are in a forest glade, the sun is shining brightly. Birds chirp merrily. A light breeze blows your hair. You are in a great mood. You can complete any difficult task. I'll count to five. When I say five, you will open your eyes.

Next Autogenic Workout (In Maths Mood)

Let's say in chorus: “We are attentive! Everything will be fine! We love comparing items! We will have time to do everything! "

  • Self-hypnosis formulas. No less interesting are the self-hypnosis formulas that I use at different stages of the lesson. The following suggestions are posted on the board in advance on a large sheet of paper in large letters:

I am capable!

I can handle everything!

I like studying!

I am a good student!

I want to know a lot!

I will know a lot!

What landmarks do I use in my lessons? Different kinds of trajectories along which children "run" with their eyes. For example, on a sheet of Whatman paper any colored figures (ovals, eights, zigzags, spirals) are depicted, the line thickness is 1 cm.

With the help of such techniques, a visual-motor reaction, a sense of localization in space, stereoscopic vision, and a distinctive color function are developed. The material of the psychological impact of color on the child is also taken into account:

white - worsens the mood, instills a not entirely responsible attitude towards everything;

black- in a small dose it focuses attention, in a large dose it evokes gloomy thoughts;

red - excites, irritates;

blue - worsens mood;

green - improves mood, calms;

yellow - warm and cheerful, creates a good mood.

brown - in combination with bright colors creates coziness, without the combination of these colors increases discomfort, narrows the horizons, causes sadness, sleep, depression.

Having studied the data on the physiological capabilities of each child and drawing up a diagram of the incidence of the class, I spend differentiated physical education minutes. Each child, according to the memo he has, for 1.5 - 2 minutes, performs a set of exercises in the lesson:

1. Exercise for overweight children.

1) walking with high knees;

2) I. p. - legs together, hands down. Raise your arms up, placing your foot on your toes (alternately right and left legs), bend over, inhale. Return to the ip, exhale;

3) and. p. - sitting on a chair, leaning back. Vigorously draw in the stomach, then relax it, breathing is arbitrary;

4) jumping overhead claps.

2. Exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

1) ip - standing on the outer arches of the feet, half-squat (4-5 times).

2) I. p. - standing with toes inward, heels outward, rise on toes. Return to i.p. (4-5 times);

3) I. p. - while standing, turn the feet inward. Get up on your toes, slowly bend your knees, slowly straighten your knees (4-5 times);

4) I. p. - while standing, raise the left (right) leg - turn the foot outward, turn the foot inward (3-5 times).

3. Exercises to improve posture.

1) I.p.- o.s. Take the correct position, fix it;

2) walking with correct posture;

3) walking with arms raised high;

4) walking on toes, spreading arms and moving shoulder blades (30 sec.)

5) light running on toes.

4. Exercises of psychological self-regulation (auto-training).

1) "Create the sun in yourself";

2) "The magic flower of goodness";

3) "Travel on the cloud";

4) "By the Sea";

5) "Goldfish";

6) "Amber Castle";

7) "Dance of the Fish";

8) "In the meadow";

9) "Waterfall";

10) "The power of a smile", etc.


Guys, sit back and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale ...

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But this is an unusual waterfall. Instead of water, soft white light falls down in it. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light streaming over your heads ... You feel your forehead relax, then your mouth, neck muscles.

White light flows down your shoulders and the back of your head and helps them to feel soft and relaxed. The light flows through the chest, through the belly. You feel how they relax, and you by yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This allows you to feel very relaxed and pleasant and with each inhalation and exhalation you are filled with fresh strength ... (pause 15 seconds)
Now mentally thank this waterfall of light for relaxing you wonderfully ... Stretch a little, straighten up and open your eyes

5. Some self-massage techniques, acupressure.

The massage has a relaxing effect and relieves stress at any time.

Close your eyes and stroke your face with your palm. Lead it from the center of the forehead to the temples - 3 times, from the nose along the cheekbones - 3 times and from the mouth along the jaw line also 3 times.

Run your hands through your hair, pulling gently on all roots. Do this all over your head at a moderate pace.

Stroke your hand flat from the wrist to the shoulder, then around the shoulder joint and more lightly down to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Make fists and tap on the top and outer thighs. Hit your thigh lightly with your fist. Massage for 20-30 seconds.

Acupressure massage - simple

and safe therapy.

Massaging is performed

pressure on certain

points. For colds

diseases and to increase

immunity is necessary

massage certain

points on the face (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3),

massage the temporal region.

6. Exercises for the muscles of the arms.

1) "Cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We press, we press cabbage.

(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fist. Squeeze and unclench the fists.)

2) “We have woven our fingers

And pulled out the handles.

Well now we are from the Earth

We push away the clouds. "

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their hands with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

3) “We will put our hands on the table,

Turn the palm up.

Ring finger too

I want to be no worse than everyone.

(Children put their right hand on the desk, palm up, bend and unbend their ring finger. Then they do the same with their left hand. Repeat the exercise several times.)

7. Exercises for the eyes.

According to psychoanalysts, if eye exercises are carried out regularly, a person's vision is restored completely, and he can refuse glasses.

Here are some of the elements of this gymnastics:

  • Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.
  • Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Repeat 3 times.
  • Imagine the rim of a bicycle wheel rotating in front of you and, having marked a certain point on it, follow the rotation of this point. First one way, then the other. Repeat 3 times.
  • Put your palms one on top of the other so that a triangle is formed, close your eyes with this triangle and repeat all the exercises in the sequence described above. The eyes under the palms should be open, but the palms should not lie tightly over the sockets and should not let light through.
  • Look at the tip of the nose until you feel tired. Then relax for 5-6 seconds.
  • Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit still, slowly counting to five. At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements with the eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left. Relax your eye muscles, look into the distance, counting to five.
  • Students stand near their desks. First, they tilt to the right and wink with their right eye, then they tilt to the left and wink with their left eye.

8. Physical minutes according to the method of sensory-coordinating trainings.(In the 4 upper corners of the classroom, plot images are recorded. Under each picture, one of the numbers is placed in the appropriate sequence: 1-2-3-4. All students rise to a free standing position and under the teacher's command "1-2-3-4 "They begin to fix their gaze in turn on the corresponding picture. Then the counting order changes: 4-3-2-1, 1-3, 4-2, etc. In this case, the students make synchronous movements of their eyes, head and torso. But children must not just "run through" with your eyes, but also have time to consciously see all 4 plots and answer the teacher's questions.Duration of training is 1.5 minutes.Such work prevents fatigue, promotes the development of visual-motor reaction, speed of orientation in space.

9. Use in the classroom sensory circle.

Any round object can be used as a touch circle, such as a hoop or a round small item hanger with clothespins. This circle is attached with a bracket to the wall near the chalkboard at a height of 2.3 m. Multi-colored ribbons are tied around its circumference. Their length is different and depends on the height of the students. Clothespins with rings are attached at the ends of the ribbons. They contain tasks in the form of droplets, snowflakes, etc. The teacher invites the student to the blackboard to complete the assignment. The schoolboy reaches out, opens the clothespin and takes the task.

The sensory circle promotes correct posture and stimulates the development of the back muscles.

10. "Flower of health"

The health flower is made of colored cardboard. It has 7 petals: yellow, purple, blue, red, brown, green, pink. The middle of the flower is orange. On the stem, a leaf is light green. On each petal and in the middle of the flower is written one of the themes of the classes that are held throughout the year: "I live in a family", "I think", "I sing and speak", "I breathe", "I move", "I am tempered", "I drink and I eat ”,“ I am treated ”.

With the help of such ophthalmic trainers (flowers, pyramids, plates), the visual-motor reaction, stereoscopic vision, discriminatory color function, and a sense of localization in space are developed.

In the lessons, it is necessary to use the elements of light therapy: a green board, yellow notes along wavy lines. This contributes to better assimilation and memorization of the material, reduction of fatigue.

For the preservation and strengthening of the health of teachers in primary school with stable learning outcomes to be successful, it is necessary to implement the following conditions:

  • identify and take into account the indicators of student health;
  • correctly organize the place and time of educational activities (for example, carry out a change in dynamic postures);
  • apply health-saving technologies that are acceptable in the educational process of this educational institution (exercise for the eyes; combination of different types of activities);
  • create a special educational program for an optional course aimed at motivating a healthy lifestyle;
  • observe the principle of pedagogical cooperation between teachers and parents on the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of students.

The main goal of my work in the mainstream of health pedagogy was the formation of a health-preserving educational space that meets the medical and pedagogical principle: "Do no harm!"

Health is as contagious as disease. "Infect with health" is the goal of my work. And the constant concern for the protection of the health of schoolchildren can and should acquire the character of a law that determines the actions of the teacher.

The correct organization of education makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in schoolchildren, and also helps children to realize the importance of staying healthy.


Thus, we can conclude that health-saving technologies are an integral part of the educational process. Every year, a school psychologist conducts diagnostics during the transition of children from primary to secondary education. Diagnostics is carried out in order to identify the risk of deodaptation in primary children. In 2011, the following work was carried out in my class: diagnostics "Attitudes towards school subjects" and "Feelings at school." Based on the results obtained, we can say that most of my students have a positive attitude towards academic subjects, a favorable emotional background is expressed. The school psychologist carried out diagnostics in the acute period of adaptation (September-October) in the first grades. According to the results of this diagnosis, at the end of October, 96% successfully adapted and experienced slight difficulties - 4% (1 person). Subsequently, work was carried out with this student, and at the end of the school year, all students successfully adapted.

Comparing the results of the medical examination last year and this one, I saw that the health indicators did not deteriorate. The number of children with the 3rd health group (20%) remained at the same level. The number of people with the 1st group has increased (it was 16%, it has become 27%), but the number of students with the 2nd group has decreased (64% - it was, now - 53%).

I believe that such results became possible thanks to the use of health-preserving technologies in my lessons.

The complex use of health-preserving technologies in the educational and upbringing process helps to reduce fatigue, improves emotional mood and increases the working capacity of younger ones.

schoolchildren, and this in turn contributes to the preservation and strengthening

their health, improving the quality of knowledge .

I plan to continue the purposeful work to preserve the health of children in the coming years and would very much like the work to be continued by my successor in the transition of children to the secondary level of education.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J.-J. Russo, I want to say: "To make your child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy."

Health-saving technologies in the classroom at school are an important aspect of the pedagogical process. This is what will help children master the modern school curriculum and stay healthy.

It was also noticed by our ancestors: what a person's activities and habits are - such will be his health. The fact that the health of children is undermined by the school was already known in past centuries, and doctors and teachers sounded the alarm. The great educator and teacher I.T. Pestalozzi in 1805 told the world that with traditional book forms of education in the development of children, there is "suffocation" or, "undermining their health." And these words were spoken in an era when the parents themselves were healthy, and their children were born healthy. When children almost 3 years old still drank mother's milk. When they ate healthy food, they drank spring water and breathed pristine clean air. When school programs had less informational load.

Recently, a lot has been written and said about the ill health of schoolchildren. And there is every reason for this. Only about 10% of students can be considered healthy, and slightly more than half of school students suffer from various diseases of a chronic nature. There is a rapid increase in the number of chronic diseases and functional disorders, registered in 50-60% (and more) of schoolchildren; a sharp jump in the increase in pathological changes in the nervous system, sensory organs, digestive and cardiovascular systems, kidneys, urinary tract and musculoskeletal system. And also an increase in the number of schoolchildren with several diagnoses at the same time (in the anamnesis, 20% of high school students have 5 or more).

Currently, the content of school curricula is changing mainly in the direction of increasing requirements, increasing the volume of teaching loads and intensifying education. In terms of volume, the constantly increasing and increasingly complex scientific information comes into conflict with insufficiently flexible curricula, programs, textbooks, which leads to chronic overload of schoolchildren, a drop in interest in learning, and, consequently, a deterioration in their health.

It is no coincidence that in this regard, one of the activities of the school of our time is the preservation of the health of schoolchildren. For this purpose, health-preserving technologies are used, which involve the compilation of psychological, pedagogical and medical influences aimed at ensuring and protecting health, as well as the formation of a valuable attitude towards it.

The goal of educational health-saving technologies

This is, first of all, providing the student with the opportunity to preserve health during school, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle, learning to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

The success of any pedagogical technologies depends directly on the teacher and the direction of his activities (pedagogical psychological literacy). Educators must adhere to the following rules:

Emotional discharge in the classroom;

Use physical education pauses in the lesson;

Free, not fetter;

Support, not contain;

Straighten, do not bend.

The main component of the educational process is the lesson. A lesson in a health-saving school should be 40 minutes long... And in each lesson, both interest in the subject can appear, but also a similar boredom to death. Therefore, in the classroom, it is necessary to carry out pauses-dynamics: exercises for the hands, eyes and joints of the musculoskeletal system in order to relieve tension in the lesson, switch to new activities. You should also carry out industrial physical exercises, and in the lessons of physical education. Thus, physical activity increases. In the GOU "SKSH No. 2" in Saratov, the total teaching load of pupils 6-11 grades. 36 classroom hours, and students 5th grade. - thirty.

The teachers of the above school in the lesson pay a lot of attention to the choice of methods that contribute to the creative self-expression of the students themselves and the activation of the initiative. From this moment, schoolchildren turn from “consumers of knowledge” into a person of action to create and receive them.

These are the following methods:

Free choice (freedom in conversation, choice of actions, choice of a method of action, freedom of creativity, etc.);

Active method (student plays the role of teacher, group discussion, role plays, discussions, seminars, student as researcher);

A method aimed at development and self-knowledge (intelligence, emotion, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual appreciation).

In the lesson there should be emotional relaxation: jokes, smiles, humorous pictures, sayings, aphorisms, small poems, musical moments - all this in the lesson creates a psychologically favorable climate.

One of the acute problems not only in schools, but in society as a whole, is, of course, physical inactivity. Technological progress leads to a decrease in human motor function. Not only is the time allotted to active exercise reduced, but also the hours spent in the fresh air. At school (school №2 in Saratov), ​​each class is given three physical education lessons per week, and after school hours there are many sports competitions. At the same time, the requirements for the active movements of the child are taken into account and they should be varied, they should be carried out at the initial stage of fatigue, and preference should be given to exercises for a group of muscles in the stage of fatigue, the selection of exercises is carried out depending on the lesson and its characteristics.

In a biology lesson, studying the topics of health-saving technologies, it is implemented in the following way.

Introducing students to the structure of the musculoskeletal system, students should focus on the importance of physical exercises for its further development.

During the period of studying the respiratory system, breathing exercises should be carried out, which do not take much time. This method allows you to develop respiratory organs and enhances the culture of communication.

In today's world there are two problems: the health of the planet Earth and the health of humanity living on it, and therefore its present and future depends on the solution of these problems already at school.

Based on the work of L.S. Danilov,

teacher of biology and chemistry, GOU "SKSh No. 2", Saratov

The use of health-saving technologies in the classroom. “Education should become a factor in improving health, not destroying it ...” VF Bazarny One of the main tasks of integrated education is to create conditions that guarantee intellectual development, the formation and strengthening of the health of students with disabilities, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren by means of health-preserving technologies in the process of education and upbringing. Health-preserving technology is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. It includes techniques, methods, ways of solving educational and upbringing problems, a methodology for fostering a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle, which should be the basis of the educational process. A health-preserving lesson in which the teacher provides a friendly creative atmosphere, high performance of students, prevention of early and severe fatigue, maintains the attention and interest of students with disabilities, selects, rationally uses and alternates forms, methods, techniques and methods of teaching, which makes it easier for students to endure study loads, reduce the risk of deteriorating health. Factors of ensuring a health-saving environment in the classroom: optimization of the educational process; rational organization of educational activities; compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions; favorable psychological background during lessons, taking into account the physiological state of the child, implementing an individually differentiated approach at all stages of the lesson, ensuring the protection of children's health during lessons and after school hours, compliance of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren. Pedagogical methods and techniques of teaching: 1. Carrying out a variety of dynamic pauses, breathing exercises, exercises aimed at maintaining a high level of performance in a student; 2. Streamlining the system of multilevel homework assignments, their dosage, choice, creativity, commensuration of the volume of homework assignments and the degree of their complexity with the capabilities of each student; 3. Taking into account the individual psychophysical abilities and characteristics of the child; 4. Inclusion in the content of lessons "anatomical" word problems, exercises, tasks related to the study of their own health; 5. Personal example of the teacher; 6. Organization of reflection; 7. Game methods of psychocorrection Conditions: use of various types of educational activities in the classroom (4-7 types per lesson, average duration and frequency of alternation - 7-10 minutes). various types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work (at least three per lesson, alternating no later than 10-15 minutes). The technique of periodically changing dynamic postures of Doctor of Medical Sciences V.F. Bazarny: The teacher periodically transfers (after 12-15 minutes) children from a sitting position to a free standing position, alternates mental work with physical exercises (physical exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, exercises to stimulate thinking). Periodic change of postures is one of the most effective ways to enhance the learning activity of students. Forms of organizing the activities of students in the classroom: work in groups (both static and mobile), work in pairs of replacement staff; use of signal cards of various colors; activity with elements of competition. Breathing Exercises Stand up straight with your arms at your sides. Take a full deep breath. Raise your arms slowly, keeping them tense until your hands are above your head. Holding your arms above your head, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Inhaling slowly, lower your arms to the starting position. Exercises for the eyes "Coloring". "Shoot with eyes" left-right, up-down, rotation of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. Draw some shapes with your eyes (from left to right and vice versa). With your eyes, write the date, month, year of birth. Close your eyes and visualize the colors of the rainbow one by one as clearly as possible. Practice instead of myopic learning, when the gaze is fixed on the table - the search for the necessary information at a great distance, i.e. visual horizons mode. The inclusion of valeological inserts in the lesson increases the activity of children and cognitive abilities. The valeological insert is important, interesting information that is related to health improvement, serves as a reason for reflection and can be useful to a child in life. ACCOUNTING: In the nursery, 2 teams collected rosehips: Day 1: 100 kg + 32 kg =… Day 2: 230 kg + 70 kg =… Day 3: 340 kg + 50 kg =… Day 4: 130 kg + 90 kg =. .. Rosehip in the 16-17th century was valued more than gold, valuable furs were exchanged for it. Its berries contain 40 times more vitamin C than lemon, 2 times more than black currant. In order to teach children to take care of their health, it is useful to give assignments in the classroom that are directly related to the concepts of “knowing your body”, “body hygiene”, “proper nutrition”, “healthy lifestyle”, “safe behavior on the roads”. In the process of solving such problems, students not only learn the general way of performing actions, but also think about the result. At the end of each task there is a question that allows the student to understand the value of health. VALEOLOGICAL TASKS 1. 18 facial muscles are involved in a smile, and for a grimace of displeasure you have to strain 25 more muscles. How many muscles do we use to express our bad mood? What is the meaning of laughter for a person? 2. About 10,000 liters of air pass through the lungs of a person per day. How many liters of air pass through and cleanse the lungs in 1 week, 1 year? What do we call the "green lungs" of the Earth? For integrated learners, it is especially important to end the lesson calmly. An indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson can be considered the state and type of students leaving the lesson: at one pole - calm - business-like, satisfactory-excited state of schoolchildren; on the other - weary, confused, aggressive, "agitated". IMPORTANT: Application of relaxation exercises. Massage of biologically active points of the face and head. Individual dosage of the volume of the training load and its rational distribution in time. Multilevel tasks. Creating a learning success situation. Creation of comfortable learning conditions. Criteria for a successful lesson from the point of view of health preservation: the absence of fatigue among students and a teacher; positive emotional attitude; satisfaction from the work done; desire to continue working. The organization of educational activities from the standpoint of health preservation is very effective and allows you to reduce the percentage of morbidity at school, the level of manifestation of aggressiveness and anxiety in children, and increase the success of schoolchildren's education. Thank you for the attention!

The teaching material for all primary school subjects, for any program, provides an opportunity for the teacher to form students' healthy lifestyle skills right in the classroom, give children knowledge about the human body, teach them to take care and strengthen their own health. To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, motor means are used, which depend on the predominant activity of students in the lesson.



Use of health-saving
technologies in the classroom

Dear colleagues!

Have you ever wondered why we greet people with the word “hello”.

Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

The issue of health preservation in the classroom is raised in our pedagogical work many times. We all understand that this is important. But where is the time? Yes, I absolutely agree with you, there is a catastrophic lack of time in the classroom! Therefore, today we would like to look at this issue from the other side and at the master class talk about health preservation not so that you know about it, but in order to say: “Each of you, in almost every class, actively uses health-preserving methods, and it cannot be otherwise.

The teaching material for all primary school subjects, for any program, provides an opportunity for the teacher to form students' healthy lifestyle skills right in the classroom, give children knowledge about the human body, teach them to take care and strengthen their own health.

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, motor means are used.

One of these means are dynamic pauses of physical education for the prevention of overwork in the classroom.

Depending on the predominant activity of students in the lesson, there are several types of physical minutes.

The predominant activity in the lesson is writing.

In the process of writing, the student, as a rule, writes not with his hand, but "with his whole body." The muscles of the child that support the posture and take part in writing are in a state of prolonged static tension.

  • Finger gymnastics.

Exercises to relieve general or local fatigue;

In order to relieve excessive static stress, dynamic exercises are carried out during physical culture minutes to relax various muscle groups (neck, shoulder girdle, limbs, body). These exercises can be performed directly at the student's workplace or with the transition to a standing position.

Physiologically grounded physical education - 15-20 minutes of the lesson. In the 1st grade, 2-3 physical education minutes are recommended, in the 2-4th grades - 1-2 physical education minutes. The duration of their adduction is 3-5 minutes. The complex of physical education minutes consists of 7-9 exercises.

In the lessons, exercises in poetic form can be used by the teacher himself, the children or musical physical minutes from the Internet, accompanied by their favorite characters.

Also in lessons withthe predominant type of activity is writing, it is recommended to carry out finger gymnastics.

As you know, the hand reflects all our internal organs. Thus, it makes it possible to manage health, maintain spiritual balance, without making great efforts. Even V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The sources of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips."

Finger gymnasticsdevelops dexterity, mobility, and funny poems help relieve nervous tension. But this is far from all the benefits that finger games bring. The development of the brain depends on the child's motor activity, and especially on the movements of the fingers (that is, on fine motor skills) ...

Kids who regularly do finger gymnastics learn to write faster, speak better, have a good memory, develop coordination of movements, and rather calm down after stress.

In the classroom, you can use finger gymnastics in the form of a game, performing movements in accordance with the text of the verses.

Let's do the Cabbage exercise together.

Prepare your hands, listen to the text and repeat the movements after me. "Cabbage"
We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt and salt the cabbage,
We are three or three cabbage,
We press, we press cabbage.
(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fist. Squeeze and unclench the fists.)

The exercise can be performed several times.

Also, finger gymnastics can be performed while standing. (Show yourself)

2) “We have woven our fingers
And pulled out the handles.
Well now we are from the Earth
We push away the clouds. "
(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their hands with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

The guys are especially interested infinger gymnastics with a pencil.

1. Control. Piano Pressing the pencil alternately with your fingertips.
Press down on the pencil that is on the table with the tip of each finger. Press harder!

2. Control. Yula Rotate the pencil on the table with your index and thumb. Rotate the pencil on the table with two fingers, first with one hand and then with the other. Try doing the same with your thumb and middle finger.

3. Let's do the exercise together. Helicopter

Rotate the pencil in the air with your index finger, thumb, and middle finger. Rotate the pencil with your fingers first with one hand and then with the other.

My helicopter started
Takes flight

You can also do the exercise Making fire ... Place a pencil on one palm, cover it with the other. Roll the pencil between your palms slowly at first, and then faster, from your fingertips to your wrists. You can complicate the exercise by completing it with two pencils. (Complete with teachers)

I get fire

I rub it with my palm.

Children really likefolding fingers into intricate shapes is a game for them, and a pleasure.

For example exercise "Turtle"

Interlace the fingers of the right and left hand, forming the tortoise shell. Press the thumbs together with the end phalanges - this is the head of the turtle. Fix the figure for a few seconds.

Next exercise "Ladder"

Improves mood
Place the fingertips of your left hand sequentially between the fingertips of your right hand (the fingers of the right hand should always be on the bottom). The little fingers of both hands are straight and pointed up.

Also in our practice we use Kinesiological exercises that helpdevelop interhemispheric interaction, increase stress resistance, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, improve mental activity, improve memory and attention, facilitate the process of reading and writing.

There are many ways to train the brain. Here are just a few of those that you can use when working with children:

A ring.
Prepare your hand. Alternately and as quickly as possible, flick your fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. in a ring with the thumb in sequence. Control is performed in forward and reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. At first, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then with both hands at once.

Fist - rib - palm.
The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on a plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm with an edge on the plane of the table, straightened palm on the plane of the table. First, the child performs exercises together with the teacher, then from memory helping himself with commands ("fist - rib - palm"), pronounced aloud or silently. Exercise performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together.

Another interesting exercise Lezginka.Fold your left hand into a fist, set your thumb to the side, turn your fist with your fingers towards you. With your right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touch the little finger with your left. After that, simultaneously change the position of the right and left hands. Repeat 6-8 times. Achieve a high rate of change of position.

Let's do the exercise Ear - nose.
Grasp the tip of the nose with your left hand and the opposite ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."

Also in kinesiology, Mirror painting is used both on a sheet of paper and in the air.
They begin to draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. This exercise relaxes the eyes and hands. When the activities of both hemispheres are synchronized, the efficiency of the whole brain will increase markedly.

Some of the exercises are presented on the slides.



We all know that speech and intellectual development of a person depends on how well developed the fine movements of the hands are, therefore, to develop fine motor skills, we use exercises with a massage ball.

By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage the muscles of the hands.

The ball is between the child's palms, the fingers are pressed together. Do massage movementsrolling the ball back and forth.
2. The ball is between the child's palms, fingers are pressed together. Do
circular motion, rolling the ball over the palms.
3. While holding the ball with your fingertips, dorotational movements forward (as if twisting the lid).
4. Hold the ball with your fingertips and apply firm pressure to the ball.(4-6 times).
5. While holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate backward (as if opening a lid).
6. Tossing the ball.Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.
Clamp the ball between your palms, fingers interlocked, elbows pointing to the sides. Press down on the ball with your palms (4-6 times).
8. Shift the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the tempo.

You can also perform movements with the ball in accordance with the text of the verses.

Exercise Hedgehog.

Instead of a ball, you can use different objects.


I will pump my nut through the palms from the bottom up,

And then back to make me feel good.

Chestnut and clothespins.

We are funny clothespins

If we catch it, we hold it tight!

We'll catch the thumb

And let's rock it a little! Indicative catch

And let's rock it a little! etc....

The load on the eyes of a modern child is enormous, and they rest only during sleep, so it is necessary to expand visual-spatial activity in the school lesson mode and use:

  • Exercise for the eyes.Exercises to relieve eye tension, prevent visual impairment.
    According to psychoanalysts, if eye exercises are carried out regularly, a person's vision is restored completely, and he can refuse glasses.
  • You can use color trajectories along which children "run" with their eyes
  • Let's do the exercise together. Sit comfortably, follow moving objects with your eyes. For visual gymnastics, you can use a laser pointer.

Lift your head up and follow the red dot with your eyes.

Exercises with visual stimuli (objects) are widely used

At the tip of the pointer, we attach a bright object, or an object picture.

  • the visual reference should not merge in color with the teacher's clothes and the environment
  • the visual stimulus (object) is just above eye level in front of sitting or standing children
  • the subject is shown at a slow pace
  • the child must follow the movement of the visual reference with his eyes to the end
  • eyes work, the head is motionless (!)
  • Relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then from right to left.
  • Control Repeat 3 times in each direction.
    Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa.
  • Repeats 3 times.
    Blink quickly, close your eyes, and sit still, slowly counting to five.

When the predominant activity in the lesson is listening and speaking

  • Ear massage;
  • Sound gymnastics:

Singing sounds;


Ear massage

More than a thousand biologically active points are currently known on the ear, therefore, by massaging them, you can indirectly affect the entire body. It is necessary to try to massage the auricles so that the ears “burn”.

The exercise can be performed in the following sequence:

1) stretching the lobes from top to bottom;

2) pulling the auricle up;

3) circular movements of the auricle clockwise and counterclockwise.

Sound gymnastics includes Singing sounds

Sound A - relieves stress, physical and mental fatigue.

  • Sound Oh - deep harmony, state of balance.
  • Sound U - sensual sound, it helps to stabilize emotional balance, has a positive effect on the psyche.

Sound And - the sound of reason. Long and drawn-out singing of the sound AND stimulates the brain, eyes, nose. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement. Let's do this exercise together. We take a deep breath, and as we exhale, we begin to sing the sound of I.

Color therapy.

Already in ancient times, people knew: each color can affect a person in its own way - to cause a feeling of joy or sadness, excite or soothe, create various sensations.

If a person is tired of one color, then one must look at the opposite. Red always affects the physical state, yellow - on the mental, and blue - on emotions.

Red and orange are active colors, they have a stimulating effect on the body, accelerate vital processes.

Yellow is the color of good mood. Under the influence of yellow, a decision is quickly made and the task is instantly completed.

Green - creates a feeling of lightness and calmness; helps to concentrate; helps to maintain vision. The performance of children is higher with a green range of colors.

Blue color helps to restore the nervous system, helps with absent-mindedness.

During the lesson, you can use the game Colourful dreams .

In a sitting position after strenuous work, students close their eyes, cover them with their palms and lower their heads. The teacher names the colors, and the students strive with closed eyes to “see” a given color in something (blue sky, green grass, yellow sun). Selectively, the teacher approaches the children, touches their shoulders and asks about what they saw. Then the teacher names another color. The duration of the cycle is 15-20 seconds, the total duration is 1 minute.

You can also carry outexercise of psychological self-regulation (in other words - auto-training). Do not speak. "Waterfall"

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale ...

Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But this is an unusual waterfall. Instead of water, soft white light falls down in it. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light streaming over your heads ... You feel your forehead relax, then your mouth, neck muscles.

White light flows down your shoulders and the back of your head and helps them to feel soft and relaxed. The light flows through the chest, through the belly. You feel how they relax, and you by yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This allows you to feel very relaxed and pleasant and with each inhalation and exhalation you are filled with fresh strength ... (pause 15 seconds)

Now, mentally thank this waterfall of light for relaxing you wonderfully. Stretch a little, straighten up, open your eyes, smile at each other.

1. Because a smile cheers up, even if it was originally induced.

2. A smile disposes of those around us, evokes positive emotions in response.

3. Conceivably tightens facial muscles, makes you look young and cute.

We wish you to take care of your health, and to help maintain and strengthen the health of your students.

Thank you for the attention

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