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So the apple tree falls not far from the apple tree. The apple never falls far from the tree. Specific Exercises to Change Your Loser Scenario

23 weeks pregnant: fetal development and mother's sensations

By the 23rd week, some pregnant women are just beginning to enjoy their position, while others are already dreaming of quickly becoming a young mother. 23 week of pregnancy: what is special about this period, how should the baby look, how much does it weigh, what are the norms of its development, what does the expectant mother feel? Let's take a closer look at this period.

  1. 23 pregnancies: what happens to the baby?
  2. Ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation

23 weeks pregnant: how many months is it?

By the middle of the period of being in an "interesting position", the woman is no longer surprised that the doctor, when determining the age of the fetus, calls not as many weeks as the total gestational age, but a couple less. Now the fetus is 21 weeks old (from conception). 23 weeks pregnant - what month is it?

Obstetric term - 5 and a half months. We can say that most of the way has been covered. Then time will go faster and faster, and the child will more and more often remind the mother of his existence.

23 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

At 22-23 weeks, the future baby grows significantly: the weight of the child is from 400 to 500 g. Interesting changes take place with the fetus. He is capable of:

  • vigorously wiggle the arms-legs;
  • swallowing amniotic fluid;
  • to grab oneself by the leg or the mother - by the umbilical cord;
  • push off from the walls of the uterus and swim cheerfully in your "personal sea";
  • grimace;
  • sleep and be awake, and its rhythm may not coincide with mom's.

By the time the period approaches 23 weeks of pregnancy, women feel that the baby is kicking more and more intensively in the lower abdomen. This is understandable: he has grown up, already "knows how" a lot, and there is still plenty of room in the mother's womb. So there are active "trainings".

23 obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the onset of rapid weight gain by the baby. A fetus at 23 weeks gestation, together with the uterus, resembles a soccer ball in size. The layer of subcutaneous fat becomes thicker, but the wrinkling and redness of the skin does not disappear yet.

The volume of the brain is growing, it is approaching 100 g. The respiratory system is becoming more and more perfect: if earlier the baby made respiratory movements from time to time, swallowing amniotic fluid, now he is constantly "exercising" in this way: he is able to produce up to 60 breaths per minute. At the same time, he "drinks" the amniotic fluid, which contributes to the development of the lungs, not yet straightened, because the respiratory tract is filled with fluid.

Experts believe that a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy can see the first dreams. This is due to the formation of a phase of REM sleep - it is she who "is responsible" for our dreams.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 23-24 weeks is prescribed less often, since it is usually performed from to, within. But if the study was not passed, the doctor will definitely write out a referral.

The baby at 23 weeks of gestation is almost fully formed and quite viable. It weighs an average of 500 g, its size (height) is about 20 - 25 cm.The doctor looks not only at these indicators, but also at other parameters:

  • the ratio of the proportions of the child's body;
  • placenta weight;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid,.

In addition, he will definitely assess the state of the cervix on an ultrasound scan, see if there is a tone of the uterus. Cervix 23 mm? This is not enough, this condition may indicate the danger of premature birth. Normally, the neck should be still long at this time. In this case, a restriction of physical activity is shown, according to indications, drugs are prescribed or surgical treatment is used in the form of special ones, which will be removed before childbirth.

A soft cervix is ​​a sign of starting preparation for childbirth. Specialist supervision is necessary! In addition, there are other signs of a possible miscarriage: in particular, severe soreness in the lower abdomen. If the body is too early to expel the fetus, the woman is prescribed morning sickness. It relieves spasms, fights contractions of the muscles of the uterus - that is, it helps to maintain pregnancy.

The doctor will measure the BPD (biparietal size, i.e. the distance between the extreme parietal points) of the fetus. It should be between 54 and 62 mm.

If this parameter is significantly lower than the norm, then we can assume intrauterine growth retardation, which is caused by hereditary factors or some kind of chronic diseases of the mother.

A significant increase in bipolar disorder may indicate dropsy developing in an unborn baby.

If the size is not very different from normal indicators, but somewhat larger, then the doctor assesses the possibility of natural delivery. It is possible that a woman will be offered a cesarean section, since the large head of the fetus will prevent it from being born without injury, and may cause serious problems for the woman in labor, up to and including danger to life.

Pregnancy 23 weeks: how does the baby feel?

The fetus at this moment is almost ready for independent life. Therefore, if, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent childbirth, and there were obvious signs of them:

  • leakage of amniotic fluid (this is a rather insidious symptom, in small portions it is "masked" under vaginal discharge);
  • true contractions;
  • nausea -

there is no need to despair: the baby has every chance to "mature" in specially created conditions and become an ordinary child.

The baby, being in the womb, hears sounds from the outside world, is able to see and touch. Sharp signals "from the outside" can frighten him, excite him: he shudders from loud music. The even, gentle voice of the mother, the beat of the mother's heart, soothe the child.

The tummy of the expectant mother clearly betrays her "interesting position." It cannot be hidden by any wide dresses.

A clearly visible dark line runs down from the navel - it will disappear after childbirth. This is the deposition of skin pigment - melanin. Thanks to him, the skin in the groin and nipples is intensely stained. The changes are reversible. A woman may feel itchy abdominal skin associated with her stretch. The first stretch marks appear, which you need to begin to fight with the help of creams.

Pregnancy 23 weeks: fetal development is proceeding quickly, there is very little left until maternity leave, which means that the expectant mother needs to complete all the tasks at work. Now, when the state of health is normal and the stomach does not really interfere, the moment has come for this.

Stirring at 23 weeks of gestation: normal

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, how often are fetal movements felt? The fetus makes up to 100 or more movements, but the mother does not feel all of them.

It is considered normal if, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, movements are felt more than 10 times a day. The child is still quite gently pushed in the lower abdomen, amniotic fluid smooth out the sensations of his movements. The movements of the fetus are not yet similar to the kicks and jolts that women who are at a later date describe, because the size of the child is not yet so large.

You should pay attention to such moments: there are a lot of movements - perhaps the fetus does not have enough oxygen. If the child moves a little (and it seems to the pregnant woman that the belly has become smaller - it is not growing), you urgently need to see a doctor, at least in order to allay your fears.

Uterine tone at 23 weeks of gestation: symptoms

At 23 weeks, uterine tone is as possible as before. The lower abdomen becomes stony, the appearance of pain is possible, in addition, brown discharge (or pink - but in any case different from the usual) may appear.

A woman can note that her stomach is pulling, her lower back hurts, and in general the sensations are not pleasant. The main thing is to recognize the problem in time and call a doctor. Lumbar pain, pain in the pubic joint - due to the redistribution of the vertical axis and softening of the ligaments and joints. This is how the body prepares for childbirth.

At this time, "trial" contractions begin - Braxton-Hicks contractions, when the uterus periodically contracts strongly, preparing for childbirth. The muscle layer of the uterus is prepared for the expulsion of the fetus during childbirth. They do not pose a threat to the baby and mother. It is difficult to confuse them with real contractions: they are much weaker, irregular, let go when relaxed. But pay attention: if the pain persists, in addition, you notice the leakage of water, then perhaps this is the onset of premature birth. Water leaking, albeit in small amounts? Urgently to the hospital!

Well-being of a woman at 23 weeks

5.5 months is the time when weight gain begins to be felt little by little. The rate of weight gain for the entire pregnancy by this time is up to 7 kg. Moreover, the weight of the child here is by no means the lion's share: the weight gain is due to the growth of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the deposition of fat reserves in the woman's body. Will pay attention to the fact that fluid in the body can be retained,. In order to check if there is fluid retention, you need to calculate the daily urine output and the amount of fluid taken (do not forget to take into account fruits, liquid food). By the 23rd week of pregnancy with twins, mom often begins to get tired, she wants to lie down, rest: of course, it is not easy to carry two babies under her heart, this gives almost a double load on all organs. Due to the pressure of the grown uterus on the bladder, frequent urination is your constant companion.

Discharge at 23 weeks gestation is abundant, transparent or whitish. They shouldn't be:

  • pink;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • cheesy;
  • yellow.

Should not have a strong odor.

Nausea at 23 weeks gestation is rare. It will rather indicate a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract than toxicosis. Late toxicosis, which is called gestosis, manifests itself as edema, as well as altered analyzes). , therefore, you must immediately consult a doctor to take timely measures to preserve the health of the fetus and mother.

If you feel sick, vomit, and besides, the temperature has risen, an intestinal infection is not excluded. If the throat hurts, on the lip. Perhaps these are flu symptoms if the illness started suddenly, and you feel fever, muscle aches. Self-medication is unacceptable - you need a consultation with a gynecologist and a therapist who supervises pregnant women.

A woman worries about what happens to her and to the child if the ultrasound doctor diagnoses "low placentation". The condition requires observation, because in some cases it is fraught with placental abruption. However, most pregnant women manage to safely deliver and give birth to a child.

But the diagnosis of "breech presentation" should not be alarming yet - at this time it does not matter how the fetus is located. He will have time to turn over more than once.

Women note at this time the following changes in the body: the first drops of colostrum appear, sometimes shortness of breath is annoying due to the raised abdomen, due to the compression of the stomach by the rising uterus.

  • to walk alot;
  • get more positive emotions (for example, admiring the first photo of an unborn baby who already looks like a tiny person);
  • there is often and little by little;
  • Limit salt intake and maintain good dietary habits.

If you wish, you can have sex if there are no contraindications. In general, there are many interesting and useful things to do. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special condition, so you shouldn't take too much care of yourself. Do whatever is fun. The main thing is to observe the measure! Easy pregnancy for you!

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23 weeks pregnant - second trimester truly the most memorable period of pregnancy. Such a review of this period has earned the positive influence of hormones, which made the skin unprecedentedly silky, and the hair thick.

Pay special attention to nutrition - anything that in any way can cause constipation or heartburn should be excluded from the diet. In the kaleidoscope of sensations of the development of pregnancy, now there is also heaviness in the legs, get more rest and preferably get comfortable shoes.

Your baby size:

What happens in the twenty-third week of pregnancy.

Basically, pregnancy at this time, for the majority, passes calmly, without any particular complaints. But not everything is as smooth as we would like it to be. Discomfort arises from pain in the sacrum or womb, all this is normal, if in moderation, with severe painful sensations, it is best to seek the advice of a specialist.

The increase in the weight of the expectant mother, causes a sprain, as a conclusion - heaviness in the legs. The optimal solution would be shoes with an orthopedic insole, if possible, do not arrange "hiking", let your feet rest, do not stand still for a long time.

On the twenty-third week of pregnancy may develop varicose veins some of the fair sex. This is because the walls of the veins are weakened due to the hormonal surge. Watch this in order to intervene in a timely manner, thereby preventing unwanted consequences.

Ultrasound images at 23 weeks of gestation:

Fetus at 23 weeks gestation.

At this stage development of pregnancy the baby makes itself felt in full - it moves, you can even determine that it was a leg, and this is a handle. After taking a walk, the child, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, causes painful sensations, you need to show tolerance. The kid has already gained weight - 450 g, and his height is already about 20 cm.

At the twenty-third week, the fetus develops step by step, continuously grows, gains mass, the senses are formed.

Studies by scientists at Columbia University have proven that even at this stage of pregnancy, a baby is able to dream! The baby's movements are distinct, shows interest in the world around him - he pulls the umbilical cord, touches himself.

Outwardly, he is even thinner, his eyes have already opened and react to light changes. Harsh and excessively loud sounds and noise frighten him, soothes his mother's voice humming lullabies.

“New” body: we get used to it and we rejoice - at the 23rd week of pregnancy.

You can see that the body has undergone significant transformations. Some mothers are calm about such transformations of their bodies at the 23rd week of pregnancy, others are a little upset, especially because of the enlarged abdomen. The former radiate vitality, beauty, are active and self-confident, while the latter are ashamed of their new image. In the modern world, consultations of specialists - psychologists come to help during the development of pregnancy. They will help to overcome psychological barriers within themselves, put everything in its place. Remember, you are the protector of your child, so there should be no room in your head for stupid thoughts and prejudices, no stress and negative emotions.

The priority is to eat healthy food at 23 weeks of gestation.

Constipation, heartburn, hemorrhoids are frequent companions in the twenty-third week of pregnancy... Avoid foods that can cause these side effects. It is worth excluding everything that is spicy, smoked, fried. Sweets are also taboo, including fast food. Watch your weight, a normal addition to your usual weight is 6.5-7 kg. Being overweight is detrimental to both your health and development of pregnancy generally.

Include in your diet plenty of vegetables, milk, cereals, meat, fish. Do not forget about fruits, but do not lean on exotic ones that cause allergic reactions.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation at 23 weeks of pregnancy.

A general analysis of blood and urine is the main thing that can be taken at a given stage of pregnancy. Also, a second ultrasound can be prescribed precisely during this period of pregnancy.

Ultrasound assesses the degree of maturity of the placenta, the state of the amniotic fluid, as well as identifies possible malformations during development. The doctor can confidently indicate the gender of the child. Skipping an ultrasound scan, if prescribed, is not worth it.

Sensations at 23 weeks of gestation.

Your skin is very sensitive and the oversaturation of UV exposure to significant body pigmentation. Darkened nipples and a pronounced band in the lower abdomen are in the order of things at the twenty-third week of pregnancy.

You may notice that the growth of hair and nails has accelerated, a great opportunity to change or improve your image.

Comfort - Above all, pamper yourself with nice outfits and comfortable shoes.

The beginning of the twenty-third week of pregnancy is exactly the equator of the fifth month. At this time, many expectant mothers, with a favorable course of pregnancy, feel great: basically, there is no toxicosis and heartburn, the abdomen still does not greatly hamper the movements, the movements and activity of the baby do not cause discomfort. You should not limit yourself in movement, unless, of course, your doctor allows: go to the park, breathe fresh air, do exercises, give up the elevator. Keep track of your weight gain and embrace each new day of your pregnancy with joy.


What happens to a woman

This week of pregnancy, women already have a rather large belly. The figure looks rounded, as the average weight gain is about seven kilograms. The belly of a pregnant woman rises slightly higher - about four centimeters higher than the navel. Doctors determine the height of the uterus through regular examinations.

Sometimes a woman can start. They begin with rather unexpected sensations - like mild uterine spasms, which are accompanied by pain. If a woman puts her hand on her stomach, then you can feel muscle contractions that are still unfamiliar to the body. This is absolutely normal, since these feelings are a preparatory stage that almost every woman goes through before giving birth. Simply, the muscles of the uterus "try" their strength, so to speak, train before the most important process - childbirth. It is possible that in the future, such contractions will manifest more often, moreover, gradually intensifying. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of new sensations for yourself and, of course, you should not think that these are real prenatal contractions.

If the expectant mother in the first trimester suffered from frequent, now she will forget about this ailment.

The thickness of the placenta at 23 weeks is approximately 24.52 mm.

Sometimes during this period, a woman develops swelling, as the chemical components of the blood change, which is why the body retains fluid much longer. In summer, in extreme heat at the end of the day, women notice swollen arms and legs. Do not be upset - visit a doctor who will tell you what to do specifically for you to alleviate your condition. Sometimes pillows help - they need to be placed under the swollen limbs, lie longer without moving in this position. Give up for a while from salty, drink less liquids.

Some expectant mothers suffer from seizures - this is a "normal" frequent occurrence in the evening and at night. True, sometimes they are so strong that a woman cannot even sleep. Massage will help relieve pain - it must be done, moving from the hips to the ankles, and then to the feet. Do not forget about the contrast shower - it helps a lot too. Swimming in the pool is also a wonderful pastime and relieves cramps. Food is also very important. In case of seizures, doctors advise to include in the diet foods that contain vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. But most often, experts advise using vitamin and mineral supplements or complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. You should not self-heal or resort to traditional medicine - this can negatively affect the health of the baby.

For five whole calendar months a baby has been living in your tummy, on the calendar there is a 23rd week of pregnancy, and according to obstetricians it is 5 and a half months. This is still the second trimester and your general condition is positive and quite active.

Headaches and morning sickness should not bother you, and with small mood swings, walks in the fresh air and minutes of communication with a child actively drumming in your stomach will help you cope. It's time to find out what is special about 23 weeks of pregnancy and how your belly has changed.

Baby development at 23 weeks

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby can be found not only in smart obstetric books, but also by the behavior of the baby. You have already noticed that he sleeps a lot, but when he wakes up, he uses the opportunities to communicate with you. I wonder what a baby looks like at 23 weeks of gestation.

Physical data

  • By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is up to 30 cm, with a weight of half a kilogram;
  • His body is fully formed, only too thin, subcutaneous fat is just beginning to form, while the skin is still abundantly covered with hairs;
  • If you look at his hands during an ultrasound scan, then you can see small marigolds;
  • The kid actively moves, wiggles his fingers, can cover his face with his hands or suck his thumb.

Internal organs

At 23 weeks of gestation, fetal development is progressing by leaps and bounds.

  1. His digestive system is fully formed: he can not only swallow amniotic fluid, but also synthesize water and sugar from it, and all unnecessary will go to the intestines and form the original feces;
  2. Your child makes up to 60 swallowing movements per minute, and if he likes the taste of amniotic fluid, sweetened with fruits or sweets in your diet, he will swallow more actively (about what to eat so that the baby gets enough vitamins and minerals, learn from the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  3. By the way, having swallowed, the baby may start to hiccup, and if you listen, you can notice it;
  4. At 23 weeks, the child's spleen has already started working, which is entrusted with the function of forming blood cells and controlling their quality.

Mental development

You already know that the baby hears you, feels warmth, and even distinguishes light, even though his eyes are still closed. It is believed that at 23 weeks the child is already dreaming, of course, dreams are short-lived and not as colorful as yours. By the way, the sleep phase itself is short, the baby wakes up every hour, but can also fall asleep quickly.

  • Please note that at the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is actively developing, if compared with the second month of pregnancy, then its size has increased 10 times and now the weight of the mental center is 20 grams;
  • Every week, the brain will improve and grow exponentially.

In it you will also find a list of products for preparing the cervix for childbirth + you will learn how to cope with edema, nausea and other phenomena of the second and third trimesters of pregnancy with the help of nutrition.

Baby gender

Determining the sex of the child at 23 weeks of gestation will not be difficult, unless the too shy toddler is covered with handles.

  1. In boys, by the 23rd week, the scrotum is fully formed, but the testicles themselves have not yet descended $
  2. And in girls at this time, ovaries are formed, and an egg cell fund is laid for future offspring.

Just imagine, the baby hasn't been born yet, and nature is already taking care of the procreation.

Mom's well-being

It's time to find out, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, what is happening with mom. You should be gladdened by the fact that toxicosis and vomiting are not characteristic of the 23rd week of pregnancy, headaches and migraines should also go away. However, hormones continue to shape the weather in terms of your mood, but do not rush to get upset - this is all temporary and will go away by itself.

Uterus size

Your baby grows, and with it your organs grow in size.

  • The fundus of the uterus at 23 weeks of gestation is already 4 cm above the navel. Of course, you may feel some discomfort at this size, because your internal organs are in a compressed state, there may be pulling pains on the sides, especially felt when sitting or when sneezing;
  • During the examination, the specialist can tell you the length of the cervix. When pregnant at 23 weeks, a length of 4 cm is considered the norm, while the walls themselves should be elastic and smooth, in which case your child is protected from the dangers of the external environment, and the possibility of premature birth is reduced to zero;

Another point regarding the uterus is the preparatory contractions, which can begin from the 23rd week of pregnancy. Such contractions are called false, they are short-term, not frequent, not painful.

Note! Regular and increasing contractions with a frequency of more than 5 times per hour in the 23rd week of pregnancy is a serious signal of danger, you need to go to a medical institution.

Pain at 23 weeks

It is possible that at the 23rd week of pregnancy you will be bothered by pulling pains in the abdomen and back, swelling and hemorrhoids, dizziness and excessive sweating may appear.

  1. Drawing pains. There is a logical explanation for the problem when the stomach pulls at 23 weeks of gestation. Although gradual, but regular growth of the uterus causes constant muscle tension, hence the discomfort;

In addition, your baby's weight and size increase every week, and your internal organs get cramped. If this calms you down, we note that this phenomenon is temporary and after childbirth all unpleasant sensations will pass.

  1. Back pain. The main cause of pain in the sacrum and back is a shift in the center of gravity due to a growing tummy and preparation of your pelvis for childbirth;

You can reduce some of the pain by wearing a tummy tuck. Pain can also occur after a long walk or sitting in an uncomfortable position, take time to rest, even during the working day.

  1. Headache. You shouldn't blame the hormonal background for headaches at 23 weeks of pregnancy; most likely, your fatigue or stress became the cause of the migraine. More rest, fresh air and smiles, and headaches won't bother you. And do not forget, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother affects the well-being of your child;
  2. Dizziness. Your circulatory system is now working for two, so sudden movements and jumping up can cause dizziness. By the way, constant weakness and dizziness may indicate to you a low level of hemoglobin in the blood and possible anemia;
  3. Pain in the legs. Weight gain, and by the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can gain up to 7 kg of your original body weight, and hormonal changes in your body can provoke varicose veins;

It turns out that the hormones responsible for relaxing the uterus reduce the tone of the venous walls, so the likelihood of varicose veins increases significantly. In addition, an enlarged uterus slows down blood flow through the veins. You need to give your legs a rest, you can use special creams or ointments, do a relaxing massage and baths.

  1. Convulsions. The phenomenon is frequent during pregnancy, caused by a lack of beneficial trace elements and excessive exercise. You may have to drink a vitamin complex, for example Magne B6 (useful article on the topic: Leg cramps during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Haemorrhoids. A problem that cannot be kept silent and left to chance, since hemorrhoids will only get more complicated during childbirth. There are medications that are permissible during pregnancy, a lot of folk remedies, for example, grated potatoes, and the daily diet can be adjusted so that going to the toilet is regular and easy. More about hemorrhoids during pregnancy >>>

Please note that any acute pain that does not go away, especially if there is bleeding and a stomach ache at the 23rd week of pregnancy, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

Bleeding. Allocations

The norm reads discharge at 23 weeks of gestation of a transparent consistency and without impurities. In terms of quantity, you should have enough panty liner for a day. You should be alerted:

  • Curd discharge. A discharge similar to the consistency of cottage cheese with a clear sour odor is a signal of the development of thrush caused by Candida fungi (read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  • Yellow or greenish discharge. Clots of pus give an additional color to the secretions, this indicates inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • Brown discharge. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, there should be no abundant brown discharge, this color is caused by blood impurities, this is a signal of premature birth or bleeding. It is possible that after a doctor's examination or sexual intercourse, you will notice slight brown blotches, this will indicate to you cervical erosion;
  • Transparent, but abundant discharge is most likely a leakage of amniotic fluid, at 23 weeks of gestation this is a dangerous signal.

Feeling at 23 weeks

Feelings at 23 weeks can be divided into 2 main groups - positive and unpleasant, but they are all the norm in your situation.

  1. Stirring. One of the main sensations of 23 weeks gestation is your baby's thrusts;
  • They are already obvious and strong, sometimes even painful;
  • The kid can accidentally hit you in the kidneys or liver, and from the inside, even a slight jolt is felt by you differently;
  • You can observe how the belly at the 23rd week of pregnancy changes its shape, increasing from one side to the other. These are the pranks of a mobile baby, whose dimensions allow you to move freely inside;
  • By the way, answering the question, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, how often the child should move, we can only say that the total daily time of its activity is 4 hours. Most often, the peak of activity occurs in the evening or at night, when you are lying down and relaxed.

You can calm the naughty little one by stroking her tummy or performing a lullaby. Do not forget that sleeping on your stomach at the 23rd week of pregnancy is strictly prohibited, choose a comfortable position, and you have few options - left or right side, since it is also not desirable to sleep on your back.

  1. Heartburn. Of the unpleasant sensations that may bother you at this time - heartburn. The reason is pressure on the internal organs and relaxation of the stomach walls. You can try fractional meals or alternative methods such as milk or seeds. But you do not need to abuse soda, the benefits are zero (current article: Heartburn during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Toilet calls. Frequent urge to use the toilet is a common sensation at 23 weeks of gestation. You have to resign yourself, go to the toilet regularly, as an option - bend forward a little while urinating in order to empty the bladder completely. Why this happens, learn from the article Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Skin problems. Your skin may feel tight and dry. This is normal with a growing tummy, moisturize the skin with baby oil or special cosmetics for pregnant women, this will help prevent stretch marks. Read more in the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>;

But if you are the owner of oily skin type, due to increased sweating inherent in pregnant women, you may experience a skin rash. You can wipe your face with herbal lotions, for example, calendula or chamomile, but if you prefer ready-made products, then pay attention to special cosmetics for expectant mothers.

  1. Pigmentation. A change in the color of the nipple halos, a vertical stripe on the abdomen, freckles and spots on the face, hands - this is a common pigmentation inherent in pregnant women. In most cases, all these skin nuances go away on their own after childbirth, but you can slightly reduce the number of spots by normalizing the time spent in open sunlight.

You can observe increased hair growth, and if their density on the head pleases you, then on the arms and even on the back by no means. You should not take drastic measures, these are hormone mines, all cosmetic procedures should be postponed until the postpartum period.

Narrow questions of pregnancy

The narrow issues that concern you at week 23 include diseases, fever, bad habits, sex.


It's time to forget about the norms 36 and 6 during pregnancy. If the thermometer stubbornly shows 37, do not panic, this is possible and the reason, again, is hormones. Another thing is the temperature at 23 weeks of gestation is 37.5 with concomitant cough, sore throat or runny nose. There are already clear signs of a cold or viral infection.

Colds at 23 weeks pregnant

It should be noted that the second trimester, namely the 23rd week belongs to this stage, is less dangerous in terms of infection of the baby in case of your cold or viral illness.

The fetus at 23 weeks gestation is well protected by the placenta and even already produces immune cells itself. The danger is rather in the choice of drugs and the method of treatment. You can not soar your legs, put cans, drink aspirin-based medicines (article

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