Home On the windowsill In a dream, a living fish is dreaming. Why do live fish dream? What does the dream book portend? Live fish in a man's dream

In a dream, a living fish is dreaming. Why do live fish dream? What does the dream book portend? Live fish in a man's dream

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing a live fish in a dream is considered a good sign. It symbolizes profit both financially and in love. The dream book suggests considering different options for the dream scenario and determine what live fish dream of in each case.

Seeing a live fish in a dream is considered a good sign.

If the sleeper is at least a little versed in fish, he can supplement the interpretation of sleep according to the type of marine animal.

If the sleeper is at least a little versed in fish, he can supplement the interpretation of sleep according to the type of marine animal
  • Carp or sturgeon. Such a fish portends the approach of financial well-being. If it is large, then you can count on big profits and subsequent wealth.
  • Herring or carp. Fuss, small problems at work and in personal life.
  • White fish. It signals the human principle. A woman can become pregnant, and a man will discover his potential.
  • Red fish. Happiness joy and family well-being.
  • Black fish. Grief, trouble, family troubles or financial loss.
  • Shark (along with other predators). A harbinger of trouble. If you see a predator, then you need to be careful in reality. Trouble can come from where it was not expected and suddenly destroy financial or family well-being.

If a woman sees a live fish in a dream

Often women see a sea dweller in their dream

Often women see a sea dweller in their dream. It means well-being in personal and financial life. The level of future luck can be determined by the behavior of the fish and other characteristic differences in sleep.

If the fish is in the water

  • In clean water. A calm and transparent course in which the fish feels at ease means good luck in new endeavors or future success in everyday affairs.
  • Muddy. The dirtier the pond in a dream, the more vaguely a happy opportunity will appear in reality. If the fish in such an environment is difficult to see, then you will have to make efforts for a successful combination of circumstances in real life.

Quantity and size

  • Small fish. You can interpret a dream with a positive outcome, but a pleasant surprise will be quite insignificant. If a woman sees a lot of small fish, then she can count on frequent and varied surprises, which can be compared with a pleasant surprise, both in business and in her personal life.
  • Large fish. The larger its size in a dream, the more significant the profit will be. Success will fall on your head unexpectedly and bring successful changes in a woman's life.

The girl sees in a dream a big live fish

A big fish signals a real-life fan in love

For an unmarried girl, a living inhabitant of reservoirs is a symbol of love and prosperity.

  • A big fish signals a lovelorn admirer in reality. To see several large individuals is to be popular in male society.
  • To catch a fish by the tail and hold it - perhaps an early marriage or a young man will appear on the horizon with whom the girl can share her life.
  • Muddy and dirty water, in which the fish is almost invisible, means a turning point in the life of a young lady. It can bring happiness or grief and disappointment.
  • If she dreamed of caviar or eggs in a pond, you can expect good news, which can relate to both personal life and self-realization in the financial sector.

Live fish in a man's dream

The male sex associates fishing with relaxation for body and soul. A successful trip in a purely male team brings joy and pride for a big catch. A dream about a living fish portends only good things for a man, and the area in which success will come depends on the type of fish.

  • Salmon. Seeing this fish in a dream, a man can count on strengthening his position among business partners or friends. If a new undertaking is planned, then it will bring the expected result.
  • Flounder. This variety for a man symbolizes physical health, peace of mind and attractiveness for the weaker sex. When a young guy sees a flounder in a dream, he can be sure of the reciprocity of the feelings of the second half.
  • Horse mackerel. She, with her appearance in a man’s dream, speaks of imminent changes. The cleaner and calmer the reservoir, the more pleasant the new news will be, which will turn the usual way of life upside down.

If a man sees a sick individual in a dream or she swims in a dirty pond, then one should be careful. Large investments or the implementation of new plans will bring disappointment. There is no point in risking the future, it is better to wait and postpone plans for later.

What does it mean if a living fish dreams in water or in hands

Fishing in the water is a good harbinger

Catching fish in the water is a good harbinger. But do not rejoice ahead of time, such a dream can also mean unfortunate coincidences. You can accurately interpret the dream and find out what to expect in the near future based on the fishing circumstances seen.

  • Bad fishing. If a person sees himself in a dream, sitting by a pond with an empty bucket, then this is not very good. No catch means a waste of time in real life. No undertakings or strengthened cases will bring profit, but will stand still, crushing with their futility
  • Catch. If in a dream you see successful fishing, you can expect profit.
  • A fish on a hook means that in life a person is going in the right direction, and if you continue on your way, new opportunities will soon appear.
  • Catch with hands. If the pond is full of fish and it slips out of your hands, you don’t need to be upset. Such a dream portends great prospects in your personal life.
  • Reaching for the fish with your hands, but not catching it, is a symbol of good luck in business. Success, in business or at work, is very close, you just need to decide in which direction to move in order to achieve it.


  1. A fish in a home aquarium that feels good symbolizes success in life, unnoticed by man.
  2. A sick live fish means elusive luck. Envious people interfere with the realization of their plans and put sticks in the wheel.

Fry or eggs in an aquarium symbolize the great potential of the sleeper, which he can discover in the near future.

Live fish is not always a harbinger of good luck!

A fish in a dream can bring not only a happy outcome in life, but also symbolize a series of failures.

Living fish in a dream is a bad harbinger if:

  1. The pike is dreaming. If a sleeper sees a pike in a dream, then this is a warning about the approach of trouble. Relatives or business partners can betray you.
  2. If the sleeper sees himself looking at a fish in an aquarium, then in real life he will soon lose interest in work or a loved one. Apathy may arise and things will fade into the background.
  3. Live fish that dies during sleep is a harbinger of financial loss. In personal life, such a dream may portend a divorce or a serious quarrel between loved ones.
  4. Non-standard actions that occur with living fish in a dream signal the approach of a disaster. It can be both large-scale (earthquake, floods), and touch the person himself (house fire, car accident).

Non-standard actions include raining fish, catching it from the ground, or if the fish speaks human language.

fish without water

Seeing a fish that does just fine without water is disappointing in people.

Seeing a fish that does well without water (hold it in your hands, lies on the shore, etc.) is disappointing in people. The sleeper may find out that someone close to him is intriguing or speaks badly for his eyes. For couples, this can signal infidelity or exposure.

In life, we often encounter mysterious and even mystical events. The same can be said about our dreams, they very often contain such bizarre pictures and signs that it becomes difficult to interpret them. Why is the fish dreaming? What does a dream promise in which a woman dreams of a living fish? Worth sorting out.

Why does a woman dream of a fish - the main interpretation

It is worth pointing out that since ancient times the fish symbol meant fertility and childbearing. Even in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, if a woman poured out fish, this meant that she had every chance of becoming a mother soon.

But what does the dream about the fish that the pregnant woman dreamed mean? Why does a living fish dream of a woman who is expecting a baby - to the excellent completion of pregnancy with an easy birth. Such a dream encourages the future mother and tells her that everything will be fine with the baby.

Other interpretations of dreams about fish:

Dead fish dreamed of by a pregnant woman - to a miscarriage;

Frozen fish is a symbol of stagnation in business, problems that will arise as a result of delay;

If a girl in a dream freezes fish on her own, or buys it at the market - in reality she really opposes the development of relationships on her own, she does not want them, but does not leave her chosen one alone;

If a girl is sick and she dreams of a frozen fish, the recovery process will still be delayed;

Smoked fish in a dream means uncertainty in reality, the destruction of hopes;

Dried fish promises fun and joyful events, the arrival of friends and relatives;

If a woman cleans fish in a dream - in reality she repels men with her behavior, it is worth understanding the reasons for this and eliminating them;

If a woman in a dream serves fresh fish to the table, her whole family is counting on her;

If only the head of a fish appears to a woman in a dream - this is a favorable sign - she will soon make a good deal, her relationship will move to a new romantic level;

Red fish in a dream promises good luck and prosperity, an early pregnancy;

If a woman eats red fish in a dream - in reality she will marry a wealthy man who is ready for anything for her;

Many aquarium fish promise a girl many children;

If aquarium fish behave aggressively in a dream, in reality the girl will want to change the situation, change her partner and the usual course of events in her life.

Why does a woman dream of a fish - a small Velesov dream book

According to Velesov's dream book, fish in a dream means for a woman:

Profit, early conception and birth of a child;

Huge fish - to slander;

Big fish - to prosperity and profit;

A little fish dreams of illness, grief;

Live fish - good luck and long life;

Rotten fish - to illness and financial loss;

Catching fish for a woman in a dream - for an early pregnancy;

If a woman catches fish, and the water becomes cloudy - to illness and trouble;

If a woman manages to catch only small fish, ruin and grief await her;

If the fish is multi-colored in a dream, it is worth waiting for quarrels and scandals;

If a woman feeds fish in a dream, she will be able to defeat her rival and all her enemies;

Fresh fish dreams of news;

Choose fish in the market - to profit and prosperity in the house;

Eat boiled, fried fish - to illness and trouble;

Eat raw fish - to ruin;

Stroking fish - to adversity;

Violent fish promises good earnings.

Why does a woman dream of a fish according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop's dream book says why a woman dreams of living fish - the need to keep a secret and protect her home from adversity. To see how many fish splash in the water is to become an unwitting witness to how other people are trying to solve their problems illegally.

If in a dream a large fish eats a smaller fish - in reality the authorities will not spare the woman and will find fault with her in every possible way, perhaps even for no reason. If a woman catches fish in a dream, she should not devote others to her plans, she should be more attentive to her desires and her needs. It is worth taking a closer look at what kind of fish they peck in a dream. If it is large - everything planned is realized, if there is no bite at all - it is worth postponing plans for later.

If a woman watches aquarium fish in a dream - in reality she will take a wait-and-see position in a very important matter - this will destroy her, since you can wait until a certain point, then she will have to be responsible for her silence and for letting everything take its course .

If a woman prepares a fish menu in a dream, or eats fish, such a dream promises a solution to all problems and troubles. It is worth celebrating the victory not alone - but with those who helped to get it.

If a woman in a dream caught a small fish and released it back into the water - in reality she builds grandiose castles in the air, which, having burst, greatly disappoint her.

Why does a woman dream of a fish according to Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream of living fish in a dream - to the fact that she is active in her sexual life and she needs the same active partner to create a full-fledged union. If a woman dreams that she is fishing, in reality she cannot be disconnected from everyday needs for the sake of sexual needs, and even more so for the sake of love. She should be more confident in herself and devote more time to her femininity and sexuality. For household chores, she lacks the ability to keep the attention of a man.

What this can lead to is depression and disappointment around the world. What should she do - she should pay special attention to her inner needs and desires, she should ask herself what exactly she wants from life with her loved one, and if there is none, how she would like to see him.

If a woman in a dream eats fish herself and does not share it with anyone, such a dream speaks of a selfish and charismatic person who, behind her own ego, forgets about the existence of loved ones. Also, such a dream speaks of a woman who does not seek to please her partner in sex - she wants to receive it only for herself and does not think about why her man does not seek to further develop relations.

If a woman in a dream catches fish and cannot catch anything, such a dream speaks of her sexual complexes. Such dreams say that she got a negative intimate experience quite early and now she needs to overcome her fears and complexes in order to get new intimate opportunities. New opportunities mean new acquaintances and relationships with the possibility of growing into marriage.

Why does a woman dream of a fish in other dream books

In Medea's dream book it is said that if a woman dreams about how she eats fish with her partner, in reality she will find a wonderful, strong relationship with him. Such a dream says that mutual understanding and trust will reign between partners. They will be able to share all the joys and all the sorrows.

If a man refuses in a dream the fish that a woman offered him - in reality he can refuse relations with her, it is worth taking a closer look at all the details of the dream - they contain a secret that will lead to such behavior of a man.

If a woman sees in a dream how her man eats fish with another - it is worth remembering who played the role of a rival in a dream, it is very likely that this woman will become one in reality. But if he eats fish with a stranger, it means that there is already a secret romance and it is worth talking seriously with your chosen one about how relations will develop in the future, because through a dream life tells a woman that she is being deceived. But does she want to continue to be a victim of deception?

In an esoteric dream book it is said that a fish appears to a woman in a dream as a symbol of her feminine principle. She must look at the behavior of the fish, and comprehend her own behavior as well. She must understand her destiny, and establish herself in life. If she manages to catch a fish in a dream and at the last moment it slips out of the woman’s hands, she should be more efficient, otherwise all good chances to improve her life will run out. Also, if a woman is in a relationship or married, she should pay more attention to her betrothed, otherwise he will also slip out of her hands.

In any case, dreams are clues of fate, and even if they speak of adverse events in life and grief, you should be grateful that the warning appears in life in advance. Often a woman has time to comprehend all her misdeeds and take active measures to eliminate them before the negative processes in her life become inevitable. This is precisely the value of dreams - the ability to use them to change the future.

Dreamed of a live fish? If you saw a live fish in a dream, this is a sign that for some reason you are afraid of losing a friend, but everything indicates that you can avoid this if you try to strengthen the relationship that binds you.

Why do live fish dream - according to Freud's dream book

When you dream of a live fish, it means that in real life you feel underestimated by other people, and you do not feel good in this situation.

You dream of a live fish in your hands, which means that in your life, you do not have the courage to defend your opinion, in disputes with other people.

A girl dreaming of a live fish is a sign that her relationship with a person whom she likes for a long time will give her great happiness.

If you dream of a fish in an aquarium alive, this is a prelude to the fulfillment of your desires, the existence of which you cannot even fully realize or informs you about happiness together with your loved one.

As interpreted by the dream book, if you dream of a live fish in the bathroom, this means that when you are awake, something limits you and isolates you from the environment, so you cannot develop properly in the professional field.

Buying live fish in a dream is a sign that you are in a situation in which you feel bad and subconsciously understand that you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

In a dream, a live fish bites, this is a signal that you are considered a much better person than anyone else, and you think that for this reason you are entitled to many privileges.

You dream of a fish alive on the shore, this means that you are dependent on the situation and you are trying to fight it, but you do not know if you can do it and you can take a lot of damage.

When dreaming of a live fish in a bucket, it is a sign that you will be able to follow your own path, and you will not have many obstacles that will occasionally appear on it, perhaps due to other people who want to harm you.

A live fish without a head is dreaming, which means that you will soon correct the mistake you made and make significant progress in your business.

In a dream, I dreamed of a living little fish, this is a sign that you are contributing to other people's serious financial undertakings, but you are not sure whether they are intentional or unconscious.

A live fish is dreaming of a man - Miller's dream book

A living fish is dreaming of a man, this is a sign that he has a strong opponent in business, and he must be careful that he cannot harm him.

If a live fish appears in a man’s dream, this means that a person has appeared in his life with whom he is very comfortable.

A dream in which you saw a man with a live fish in his hands may announce that you will soon be able to fulfill your dream or a signal that you have a good relationship with your devoted friend.

If you receive a live fish as a gift from a man in a dream, this is a sign that you will soon have a meeting with the person you once loved very much, and you will plunge into deep nostalgia.

In a dream, you happened to kill a live fish, a dream means that you have wonderful friends, and you can be sure of their loyalty and fidelity in any situation.

According to Vanga's dream book - I dreamed of catching a live fish

I dreamed of catching a live fish, a dream means that nothing will happen in the near future that will disturb your peace of mind.

When you see a person catching a live fish in a dream, it means that you will soon meet interesting people and this will go a long way in your future, in a way.

If in a dream a girl caught a live fish, this dream tells her that a new love or profit awaits her.

If you dream of a big live fish - according to the modern dream book

If you dream of a big fish alive, it means that soon you will fall in love with a person, and it will be love to the point of madness.
A dream in which you caught a large live red fish may indicate that you are dreaming of an erotic adventure experience.

Dreams and their impact on human life are of interest to scientists, psychics, magicians, and all ordinary people. Why is a living fish dreaming? After all, we all someday see dreams, sometimes very real ones, that disturb us. We are always trying to look into the future and we want dreams to help us in this, predict something, warn us about something. This is probably why there are a great many different dream books and interpretations of dreams.

Seeing live fish in a dream is a favorable sign, unless, of course, you kill it.

Almost all dream interpreters agree that a woman dreams of a living fish for pregnancy. It happens that this dream comes to a woman who is already in an interesting position. Then he portends her a successful resolution from the burden and the birth of a long-awaited baby.

Goldfish swimming beautifully in an aquarium portends a profit. The more fish, the bigger the profit. If you see an aquarium in someone else's apartment and know for sure that it does not belong to you, then the dream portends big expenses, useless and empty.

If, in a dream, you see someone else's aquarium with live fish, you can ask the owner to give it to you, then you can not lose your money, but rather increase it and spending will be pleasant.

American dream book

According to the American interpreter of dreams, fish is a great spiritual wealth and food for the mind and feelings, and it is also a symbol of the Christian religion. Therefore, a person who longs for spiritual consolation and repentance can see a living fish in a dream.

English dream book

According to the English dream book to see live fish in a dream means to soon gain material independence.

If you are holding a live fish in your hands, and it suddenly slips out, then this is a sign of the imminent loss of a lover., husband or friend.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • To see a fish swimming merrily in clear water, to unexpected gifts of fate.
  • If a young girl sees a living fish in a dream, she will soon meet her love.
  • Catching a big live fish with your own hands is a quick test sent by fate that you can overcome and get a well-deserved reward.
  • If you tried to catch fish, but nothing worked out for you, then you expect too much from fate, you need to reconsider the value priorities in your life.

Miller's dream book

Why is a living fish dreaming? The meanings of dreams about live fish largely coincide with the family dream book.

  • To look from the outside at how others fish is to get a surge of energy yourself and be able to take advantage of a favorable opportunity in fate.
  • Catch and catch fish - endure serious trials but do not lose your presence of mind and patience.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Seeing live fish in the water is a great success and success in all endeavors.
  • Catch a big fish - marry a rich man for love.
  • Multi-colored fish - get a recovery from a protracted illness.
  • To give birth to a fish is to get a wonderful child.
  • The fish itself swam to you - to an easy pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

If in a dream you were fishing and catching fish, then you just can’t stop thinking about business and problems while relaxing and even in bed with your loved one. If you do not learn to relax, you will undermine the capabilities of your body and your health.

Religious dream book of Islam

According to the Holy Quran, to see live fish in a dream is a sign of good luck and success in business and family life. This is a good omen, indicating that fate favors you and your family. Soon you can get both cash income and an addition to the family.

Karmic dream book

Fish is a symbol of health, good luck and a vivid manifestation of human instincts.

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