Home Perennial flowers 1 ml gr. Abstracts of modeling lessons. Modeling lessons in the first and second junior groups on different topics. Topic of the lesson: "Buttons for a dress"

1 ml gr. Abstracts of modeling lessons. Modeling lessons in the first and second junior groups on different topics. Topic of the lesson: "Buttons for a dress"

Walk down the path (path)

Tasks. Exercise children in walking in a limited area, develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and an eye.

Description of the exercise. The teacher draws two parallel lines along the floor (or puts two ropes; length 2.5 - 3 m) at a distance of 25 - 30 cm and tells the children that this is a path, they will go for a walk along it. Children follow each other, trying not to step on the line. They return in the same order. You need to walk carefully, do not interfere with each other and do not bump into the one in front. This exercise is good for the site. In the fall, you can direct the path to the tree and invite the children to walk along it and bring leaves, acorns, maple seeds, which will revive the game.

If the game exercise is carried out indoors, you can place flags, toys at the end of the path and give the task to bring them.

Go through the trickle.

Tasks. To develop in children a sense of balance, dexterity, an eye.

Description of the exercise. The teacher draws two lines (a cord can be used in the room) and tells the children that this is a river, then puts a board across it (length 2.5 - 3 m, width 25 - 30 cm) - a bridge.

“On this bank of the river beautiful flowers grow (colorful patches are scattered on the carpet), let's collect them,” the teacher says to the children. "But first we'll go over the bridge." Children one after another cross to the other side of the river (brook), pick flowers (squat, bend over), then return to their places. The exercise is performed 2-3 times. The teacher makes sure that the kids walk on the board carefully, without bumping into each other: “Be careful. Don't fall into the river. "

Where does it ring?

Tasks. To develop children's attention and orientation in space.

Description of the game. Children are facing the wall. The nanny hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. “Listen carefully, where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher says to the children. When they find the bell, the caregiver praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Who is quieter?

Tasks. Exercise the children to walk on their toes in the direction indicated.

Description of the game. Children walk in a crowd together with the teacher. Suddenly he says: "Well, now let's see which of you can walk quietly - quietly, on tiptoes" - and shows. Children follow the teacher. Imperceptibly he steps aside and says: "And now everyone is running to me." Children run, the teacher praises the kids, pretends to hug everyone. You can give the task to go quietly to the bear or bunny, which are sitting on chairs and, at the signal, the children should run back.

Some children 2 - 3 years old when walking on toes unnaturally hold their head, pulling it into their shoulders. It seems to them that they walk quieter in this case. It is necessary to monitor this, pointing out errors, and correct them. Toe walking strengthens the arch of the foot. However, children should not be bored by doing this exercise for too long. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Tasks. Strengthening the ability in children becomes a circle, gradually expanding and narrowing it.

Description of the game. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a large circle, becoming close to each other, then they say:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up big
Stay that way
Don't burst.

At the same time, everyone is gradually expanding the circle and holding hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”. Children lower their arms and squat down, saying "Clap". After the words “bubble burst,” you can invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying “shhhh”. the babies inflate the bubble again, move back, forming a large circle.

The text should be pronounced slowly, clearly, involving children in repeating words after the teacher. Instead of a quatrain, you can pronounce sounds that imitate balloon inflation: "pf-pf-pf". When the balloon bursts, clap your hands and sit down.


Tasks. Exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, perform movements on a signal.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs located on one side of the room, playground. The teacher makes rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest and says: "rrr", shows how to start the engine near the plane. Then he turns to the children: "We got up, got ready for flight, start the engines!" All repeat the movements of the hands. At the signal "flew" the children spread their straight arms to the sides (the wings are near the plane) and run in different directions around the room, the playground. At the signal to board, everyone goes to their chairs and sits on them. The game repeats itself.

The teacher first shows the movements, and then performs the entire play task together with the children.


Tasks. Exercise the children to walk forward in small groups. First, holding each other, then freely moving the arms bent at the elbows, start and end the movement exactly at the signal of the teacher.

Description of the game. The teacher helps several children stand behind each other and says: “Let's play the train. I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be trailers, ”then he stands in front of the children. The locomotive beeps, and the train begins to move slowly at first, then faster. The teacher leads the column of children in one direction, then in the other, finally stops and says: "Stop." Across

For some time, the locomotive beeps again and the train sets off.

The role of the locomotive is first performed by the educator, only after several repetitions he attracts the most active child to the role of the leading. The locomotive moves slowly so that the child carriages keep up with each other. At first, each child holds onto the clothes of the one in front, and then the children freely follow each other and move their hands, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, in time with the spoken words "chu-chu-chu." Children can be built one after another arbitrarily. With repeated repetition of the game, the kids are asked to go out at the bus stop: pick berries, mushrooms, jump, take a walk. Having heard the whistle, the children must quickly line up in a column behind the locomotive.

Sun and rain

Tasks. To develop in children the ability to run scatteringly, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game. At first, when familiarizing with the game, a simplified version is given. Children sit on chairs or a gymnastic bench. At the signal of the teacher "sun" everyone goes for a walk, runs, plays, etc. At the signal "rain" quickly return to their places.

You can use an umbrella in the game, the teacher opens it at the second signal - "rain". Children run to the teacher to hide under an umbrella.

After repeated repetition, the game can be complicated: at some distance from the edge of the playground or the wall of the room, chairs are placed, the children squat behind and look out the window (into the hole in the back), the teacher says: “There's a sun in the sky! You can go for a walk. " Kids run all over the site. At the signal "rain, hurry home," they run to their seats and sit down behind the chairs. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk! " the game is repeated.

Catch the ball

Tasks. To develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction during walking and running and change it depending on the current situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children a basket with balls and invites them to stand next to him along one side of the room or playground. “Catch up with the ball,” the teacher says and throws the balls (according to the number of children) out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions as far as possible. Children run after the balls, take them (each one ball), carry them to the teacher and put them in the basket. The game repeats itself.

In the game, you can use multi-colored wooden or plastic balls. Having put them in a basket, the teacher invites the children to see what beautiful balls are, names them, what color they are. Then he pours them out: “This is how the balls rolled. Catch them up and put them in the basket. " The teacher makes sure that each child tries to catch up with one ball. At first, the game is carried out with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

Birds in their nests

Tasks. Exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to hear the teacher's signal, to navigate in space.

Description of the game. On one side of the playground or room, hoops are freely laid out according to the number of children. Each child stands in its own hoop - this is a nest, a bird lives in it. At a signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter across the entire site. The teacher feeds in one or the other end of the playground: the children squat down, hitting their knees with the tip of their fingers - they peck at the food. "Birds flew to their nests!" - says the teacher, children run to the hoops and get into any free hoop. The game repeats itself.

When the children have mastered the game, new rules can be introduced - to lay out 3-4 large hoops - “several birds live in the nest”. At the signal "birds flew into their nests" children run, 2 - 3 babies stand in each hoop. The teacher makes sure that they do not push, but help each other get into the hoop, use the entire area allocated for the game.

Sparrows and the car

Tasks. Exercise children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, in the ability to start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground - these are sparrows in their nests. On the opposite side, the teacher stands with a hoop in his hands. It depicts a car. At the signal “the little sparrows flew to the path,” children run around the playground, waving their arms lightly. The teacher says: “The car is moving. Fly, little sparrows, to your nests! " The car drives out, the sparrows fly away - the children run and sit in their seats, the car returns to the garage.

Preliminarily, the teacher shows how the little sparrows fly, how they peck at the grains. Children repeat all movements after the teacher, and then the car is included in the game. Only after repeated repetitions, this role can be assigned to the most active child. The car moves quietly to enable children to find their place.

Shaggy dog

Tasks. Teach children to listen to text and respond quickly to a signal.

Description of the game. The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the site and pretends to be asleep. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room, beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, and the teacher says:

Here lies a shaggy dog
Burying my nose in my paws,
Quietly, calmly, he lies,
Either asleep, or asleep.
Let's go to him, wake him up
And let's see what happens.

The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. Children run into the house, go beyond the line. Then the role of the dog is assigned to another child. The game repeats itself.

Hen - crested

Tasks. Exercise children to quickly respond to a signal, to run with a dodge.

Description of the game. The teacher plays the role of a chicken, children - chickens. One child (more active) is a cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. The teacher walks with the children throughout the playground and says:

A hen came out - a crested hen,
Yellow chickens with her,
The chicken coughs: "Ko - ko,
Don't go far. "

Approaching the cat, the teacher says:
On a bench by the path
The cat has settled down and is sleeping ...
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are catching up.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, they run to the opposite side of the room, where the line marks their house. The cat does not catch chickens. The teacher protects them, spreads his arms to the sides and says: "Go away, cat, I won't give you chickens." Then a new cat is assigned and the game is repeated.


Tasks. Exercise children in a scattered run, change movement at a signal, be attentive.

Description of the game. The game is played with a tambourine, musical accompaniment. At the signal "the bugs flew" (music for running is played or the teacher lightly, rhythmically strikes the tambourine), children run scattered throughout the room or playground. At the signal “the beetles fell”, the beat rhythm changes (you can just shake the tambourine) or the music changes - the children lie on their backs, make free movements of their arms and legs - the beetles flounder. At the signal "the bugs flew", the children stand up. The game repeats itself. When the game is mastered by children, the change of movements occurs in accordance with the nature of the musical accompaniment or with a change in the rhythm of the beats in the tambourine.

Cat and mouse

Tasks. Exercise children in climbing (or crawling), the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game. The game is played with a subgroup of children (8-10) in a room (on a carpet) or a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on the edge or a cord is pulled. On one side there is a fenced off space - a house of mice. Choose a cat. They sit on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows behind the stairs. The teacher says:

The cat is guarding the mice,
She pretended to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of the holes (crawl between the slats of the stairs or crawl under the cord) and run. After a while, the teacher says:

Hush, mice, do not make noise,
You won't wake the cat ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their burrows (do not crawl under the cord or ladder rails). The role of a cat is first assigned to the most active child, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.

My jolly jingle ball

Tasks. Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the quatrain and run away only when the last word is uttered.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or playground. At some distance in front of them - a teacher, he has a ball. He shows how easily and high the ball jumps when hitting it with his hand, and says:

My jolly jingle ball
Where have you set off to gallop?
Red, yellow, blue
Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher calls 2 - 3 children, invites them to jump simultaneously with the impact of the ball on the floor and repeats the exercise again, accompanying it with reading the quatrain. After that, the teacher quickly says: "Now I will catch up!" the kids run away, and the teacher calls other children. Gradually, all children are included in the game. They are balls.

Chickens in the garden

Tasks. Exercise children in crawling, running, squatting, learning to navigate in space and quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game. In the middle of the room, a small area is limited - a vegetable garden. Not far from it, on one side of the room, a chair is placed - this is the watchman's house, on the other side, at the level of the child's chest, a rail is strengthened on racks or a ribbon is pulled - a house for chickens.

The role of the watchman is first performed by the educator, and then by the more active children. The rest are chickens. At the signal of the teacher "go, chickens, walk", the chickens crawl under the fence (rail), make their way into the garden, run, look for food, cluck. The watchman notices chickens and chases them away - claps his hands, saying: "Shoot, shove!" Chickens run away, crawl under the rail and hide in the house. The watchman walks around the garden and sits down again. The game repeats itself.

If the game is held at the beginning of the year, then the area of ​​the garden is not indicated. Children run around using the entire room.


Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle.

We went to the store with my mother,
They bought an air balloon there.
Let's inflate the balloon
Let's play with the ball.

(They stop, turn their faces to the center of the circle, hold hands, perform a "spring".)

Balloon, inflate!
Balloon, inflate!

(They go back with small steps - they inflate the balloon.)

Pout big
Don't burst!

(Clap their hands.)

The balloon flew away
Yes, I touched a tree
And… burst!

Raise their hands, swing them from side to side; then put their hands on the belt, slowly squat down, saying: "Sh-sh-sh-sh"

In an even circle

Children holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, reading a poem.

In an even circle
One after another
We go step by step.
Stand still!
Friendly together
Let's do it like this!

With the end of these words, they stop and repeat the movement shown by the teacher, for example, turn, bend over, squat, etc.

Let's join us!

Children are scattered about. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text and shows the movements.

Let's join us
(raise their hands to the sides)
Let's stomp our feet
(stamp their feet while standing still)
Clap our hands
(clap their hands).
Today is a good day!
(raise straight arms up - to the sides.)

It's me!

The teacher shows the children how to perform the movements, pronounces the text expressively. Children perform movements in imitation of an adult.

These are the eyes. Here! Here!
(show first the left, then the right eye.)
These are ears. Here! Here!
(they take first the left ear, then the right.)
This is the nose! This is the mouth!
(Show your mouth with your left hand, your nose with your right.)
There is a back! There is a belly!
(The left palm is placed on the back, the right palm on the stomach.)
These are pens! Clap clap!
(stretch out both hands, clap twice.)
These are the legs! Top, top!
(put palms on hips, stomp twice.)
Oh, tired! Wipe your forehead.
(The right palm is carried over the forehead.)

Handles - legs

Children are scattered across the hall. The teacher pronounces the words of the test and shows the movements. Children are doing.
Everybody clapped their hands
More friendly, more fun!
(clap their hands.)
Our feet knocked
Louder and faster!
(they knock with their feet.)
We'll hit the knees
Hush, hush, hush!
(pat on the knees.)
Handles, handles raise
Higher, higher, higher!
(slowly raise their hands.)
Our pens are turning
(turn the brushes to the right - to the left),
Down again.
Spun, spun
And stopped
(hands down).
The cock is standing on a leg
And pecks peas in the garden
(stand on one leg, depict with their hands how the cock is biting).
- Oh, the leg is tired,
I seem a little
(walking in place; the same with the other leg).
Mom - the elephant stomps quietly (steps quietly),
And the baby elephant Romka stomps loudly (they walk, raising their knees high).
Stomping, dancing (dancing squatting),
Waving proboscis (waving hand).
The bear woke up in the spring (further movement on the test),
Stretched out, smiled
Turned around, looked around
I combed my hair, combed my hair.
Bent down,
I washed my face with water from the stream (stretch upwards on toes, hands to the sides. Further movements along the text).
Dressed up
And went through the woods
To play tricks.
Beware, forest people,
The hungry beast is coming! (walking is bearish.)

The topic of the regime moment "Drinking"

Purpose: To promote the quick and comfortable awakening of children after sleep.

1. Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to communicate with peers and adults.

2. Ativize the speech of children, encouraging to repeat familiar nursery rhymes after the teacher.

Methods and premas: surprise moment (playful), artistic word (verbal).

Equipment: toy - kitten, health track.

Literature: A. Pikuleva "Pottyagushechki"

The course of the regime moment

Before raising the children, the teacher lays out a health track, puts a kitten toy on it.

Educator: Greets the awakened children, reads the nursery rhyme "So we woke up ..."

So we woke up! Where were you? In a fairy tale!

Cheeks got enough sleep, eyes got enough sleep,

Sleep hands, sleep legs ...

They will play, run along the path.

The nose slept, the neck slept ...

Ay, pityagunyushka, don't you get sick!

The eyebrows got enough sleep, the ears got enough sleep ...

Ay, poyagunyushki, ay, poyagunyushki!

During the reading, the teacher activates the children's attention, directs the children to search for options for performing the movements corresponding to the text. Each movement is performed 3-4 times.

Educator: Guys, a wonderful kitten came to visit us today. Look, there he is sitting on the health track. Sits and thinks what kind of path this is, why is it needed, how to walk along such an uncomfortable path.

Children: Tell the kitten why the health path is needed and show how to walk on it.

Get off the path, the cat, our baby is coming!

Walking along the path, will not fall anywhere!

Top-top, top-top, top-top, top-top.

After the children have walked the health path, the teacher invites them to get dressed.

Summary of the regime moment of the II younger group

"Let's teach Piggy to wash"

Software content:

Teach children the process of washing, enrich the children's vocabulary. To cultivate in them politeness, the ability to yield to each other.

Preparatory work.

Reading the nursery rhyme "Moidodyr" to children.

The course of the regime moment:

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows the children a dirty towel and reads poetry.

Who does not wash their hands with soap,

Wednesday to Wednesday.

On a shaggy towel

Traces have been printed.

Educator. Come on, children, show your palms, I'll look at the filthy thing that has stained the towel. No, he's not here. So, someone came to us, let's go look for him. Here it is, it turns out to be Piggy. Piggy stained our towel.

But we will not scold you

What was forgotten

Let's forget what was

And we will teach you how to wash with soap.

Children, today we will teach Piggy to wash cleanly, with soap. What do we need for this? (water, soap, towel). Where is it all with us? (in the washroom). The teacher takes the doll Piggy and goes with the children to the washroom.

Educator. Where did we take Piggy? (to the washroom)

Educator. Why did we come here? (for washing hands).

Piggy: "And I can wash myself"

Educator. Well, wash yourself (Piggy opens the tap with water forcefully).

Educator. Children, is that how they turn on the tap (no.)

And why does the spray fall on the floor, on the children? (children's answers)

Right. It is necessary to open the tap so that the water flows in a small stream.

Like this. (The teacher shows). Open the tap, Danya, so that the water flows in a small stream. What must be done first before going to the sink? (Roll up your sleeves so as not to wet your dress, shirt).

Educator. Show how to roll up your sleeves, help each other.

Piggy, roll up your sleeves too. The sleeves were rolled up, the tap was turned on, the water was flowing in a small trickle. Now we'll show Piggy how to wash his hands. Like this. In a circular motion. One palm strokes the other (children show). But first you need to moisten your hands with water and lather them with soap.

Do you understand Piggy? Then wash yourself, and you children, see if he does everything right. What is Piggy doing now (washing his hands with soap). Now what should he do? (wash off the soap with water). Piggy washed off the soap. What should he do next? (squeeze out the droplets of water and wipe dry with a towel), squeezed out Piggy, droplets. Go grab a towel, straighten and wipe dry-dry, each finger of one palm, then the other. So, hang up the towel in place, turn off the tap. Children, what is Piggy now? (clean).

Educator. Children, now Piggy's towel will always be clean.

Really, Piggy? Let's wash our hands with soap and water, and we'll do everything in order. Tell Vick. (We roll up our sleeves, open the tap so that the water flows in a small stream, wet our hands with water, take soap, soap our hands with soap, until “white gloves”, wash my palm and palm in a circular motion, wash off the soap, take a towel, straighten it, wipe our hands dry dry, hang the towel in place, turn off the tap).

Educator. Well done. Children, now everyone has clean hands. Let's go to the group and sit down in our places.

I must, I must wash my face

In the mornings and evenings

And to the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace

Shame and disgrace!

Educator. What did we do with you today? (They taught Piggy to wash his face correctly).

Educator. Right. Everyone helped Piggy, washed their hands clean themselves.

My dear children,

I am writing you a letter.

I ask you to wash more often

Your hands and face.

No matter what kind of water

Boiled, key

From the river, or from the well,

Or just rain!

It is imperative to wash

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon,

Before every meal

After sleep and before sleep!

Synopsis of the regime moment "Preparing for a walk" using the artistic word

Software content:

1. Ensure that all children get ready for a walk on time.

2. Form the correct sequence when dressing, self-dressing skills.

3. Encourage children to take action through the use of folk art (nursery rhymes).

4. To develop and activate vocabulary (to consolidate the name of clothing items, actions).

5.To fix the color of the clothes.

Didactic material: doll Masha in a fur coat, hat, felt boots.

Preliminary work: the didactic game "Let's dress the Masha doll for a walk", reading nursery rhymes.

The course of the regime moment.

The teacher brings the Masha doll dressed in outerwear to the group and addresses the children:

Children, look who came to us. This is the doll Masha.

Our Masha is small

She is wearing an alenka fur coat,

The edge is beaver,

Black-browed Masha.

Masha is going for a walk, but it's cold outside and that's why she dressed so warmly.

Come on, you and I, too, will now get dressed and go outside to play.

One, two, three, four, five

We are going for a walk.

(The teacher and the children go to the locker room).

I will put the Masha doll here, she will watch how the children dress. And you take off your sandals, put them in the locker.

If you want to take a walk

Need to dress quickly

Open the cabinet door

Dress in order.

We put on socks first.

Gather a sock into an accordion

And put it on the leg.

Take another sock

Pull up the same way.

Are you wearing socks?

We put on all the pants.

Now get up quickly

And put on your pants.

All the kids have warm pants. In such pants, children will not freeze on the street. Nastya, what color are your pants? (Red). Right. And you, Timur? (Blue). And you, Adelinochka? (Blue). Well done. We put on all the pants, and now what do we need to wear, Nastya?


Right. Some have blouses, and some have sweaters. And the doll Masha is looking at you guys. Here, Masha, as the children try, they dress themselves.

Look at the street

It began to get colder.

It's time for a blouse

To dress for children.

We put on blouses, sweaters.


Where are your ears?

Ears in a hat

Paws will not reach

(Children wear hats).

So that your ears do not hurt

They quickly put on the hat.

And then the jacket

For a long walk.

Well, here are our jackets. The children still cannot fasten the zippers on their jackets, so we will help them. And we'll tie the scarves.

(The teacher and the nanny help the children).

One, two, three, four, five

We are going for a walk.

Tied Nastenka

Striped scarf.

Put it on your legs

Valenki boots.

And let's go for a walk,

Jump, run and jump.

Put it on your legs

Valenki boots.

Nice boots

Legs will not freeze.

It remains to put on mittens for the children.

So as not to freeze

Five guys

They sit in a knitted stove.

It's about mittens. We put on mittens, we all go out into the street together.

Summary of the regime processes at 1 half of the day in the "Kids" group (morning reception, washing, feeding, preparing for a walk (dressing), returning from a walk (undressing), preparing for bed and going to bed).

Morning reception

Purpose: to create a cheerful emotional state for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Carrying out:

In 10-15 minutes I come to the group, ventilate the room, prepare toys.

I greet each child kindly, greet him and his parents with a smile. I ask the parents: "How did the child sleep?", "How is he feeling?" or I ask the child myself: “Well, how are you? Will you play with us today? "

Then I take a child into a group and offer him something to do (dolls, cars, cubes, mosaics). During the reception, if the child does not want to part with his parents, I use musical and wind-up toys (“Look where our toy went, and go for it”).


Purpose: to teach children to smoothly put their hands under the stream of water, rub their hands, use soap, find their own towel, dry their hands on their own, teach them not to be afraid of water.

Carrying out:

While the nanny puts breakfast on the tables, I call 2-3 children over to me, who are eating slowly and say: “Guys, do you want your hands to be clean? Let's wash them. "

I take the children to the washbasin and say: “We roll up our sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now we turn on the tap with warm water. I watch (I help if necessary) so that the children turn on the tap. When water has flowed in all the taps, I use an artistic word:

Pure water flows

We know how to wash with you

We put the handles under the water with a boat (showing them to the children). Now take the soap and lather the handles in a circular motion.

We washed our ears with soap,

We washed our pens with soap

These are the goodies

Okay - palms.

We put the handles under the water again and wash off the soap well. We shake off the remaining water into the sink and close the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes the handles dry on all sides, we hang the towel back in place. So our hands have become clean!


Purpose: To provide rational nutrition for all children, teach them how to eat correctly, educate cultural and hygienic eating habits (eat independently and carefully, use a napkin, do not crush bread, push in a chair, thank after meals, rinse your mouth), foster a favorable attitude towards food intake.

Carrying out:

- “Children, everyone who washed their pens, sit down at the tables. Sit upright, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table.

Everyone is sitting exactly

Legs stand together

Eyes are looking at the plate,

Elbows off the table

The kids eat quietly.

Children! Came to visit today

Not doctor Aibolit

Came to visit today-

A good appetite!

Bon Appetit everyone!"

While eating, I make sure that the children hold the spoon correctly, sit straight, and eat in silence.

I tell you how useful it is when children eat: they grow quickly, they never get sick.

I try to convince children who do not eat that they need to eat at least a little (if they have no reason not to eat).

For those guys who eat slowly or can't eat, I feed them with a separate spoon.

To the child who has eaten, I say: "Dasha, take a napkin and wipe your mouth, do not forget to say" thank you "and push the chair."

Outline plan

open display of operating moments

"Preparing for breakfast, breakfast"

in the second junior group "Pchelka"

Prepared by:


first qualification category

Raikunova A.O.

Marx 2015

Topic: "In a cafe".

Purpose: To form the ability to cultural and hygienic skills, the skill of cultural behavior at the table. Develop the ability to properly use cutlery, paper napkin. Foster self-reliance at the table. To form in children knowledge about a useful cereal - wheat, from which cereals are made and cooked (for example, semolina, wheat). Expand children's understanding of the benefits of products.

The course of the regime moment

After the morning exercises, the children and the teacher return to the group. The junior teacher sets the tables. Children sit on high chairs.

Educator : Guys, our week dedicated to different houses and buildings continues. Remember yesterday we talked about houses that have many floors. What are these houses called?

Children: Multi-storey.

Educator: We visited a multi-storey shopping complex, an apartment building. And today we will talk about other buildings.

(Picture display: sports complex, circus, zoo)

Educator: Look - this is a sports complex, where people go in for sports: a circus - people come here to watch a performance with animals.

Guys, what buildings do you know?

Children: Theater, cafe.

Educator : Look at the buildings of the café - when people get hungry, they come here to eat something tasty.

And today guys, I want to invite you to one of these cafes. Look, I even have a chef's invitation card. Do you want to go?

Children: Yes. We want.

Educator : Let's see what will be treated to us today!

Porridge ……..

Buttered loaf

Cocoa in milk

(If the tables are not covered and there is time left, the game "Useful, not useful" is played)

Educator : How many healthy foods are in these dishes. Let's play the game "Useful, unhealthy" (if it's useful, we clap our hands, if it's an unhealthy product, we stamp our feet).

Educator : Well then, let's go wash our hands. First, the girls will go, putting chairs at the table, and the boys, like real gentlemen, will wait.

All the illnesses of the guys

From germs, they say.

To always be healthy

We must wash our hands with soap and water!

(The teacher makes sure that the children thoroughly wash their hands with soap, do not douche or sprinkle water, that they wipe their hands dry, communicate politely and calmly, conducts individual work).

(Music turns on)

Educator : Guys, everyone sat down at the table evenly, the back is straight, we hold the spoon correctly in our right hand.

Bon Appetit!

Guys, you know the porridge is very useful. It contains a lot of vitamins. They are good for nails and hair.

And in the loaf - there is vitamin B, it is needed for the tummy to work properly.

Milk is good for bones and teeth.

(During meals, the teacher monitors the posture of the children, if necessary, shows (in illustrations or on additional devices) how to hold a spoon correctly, encourages accuracy and attention to peers while eating, the use of polite words in speech: please, thank you very much; conducts an individual work on the formation of skills of cultural behavior at the table(Cyril, Alisa, Ruslan)

We must try to eat everything that the cook has prepared. Because we have a long day ahead of us, and we will need a lot of strength and energy.

Do not forget about when you eat, wipe your mouth with a napkin and put it on the table. Don't forget to say thank you for the delicious breakfast.

Educator: - Guys, at which table will there be the cleanest plates, that table gets such a sun (a bright smiling sun is made on a stand).

The teacher's assistant cleans up used dishes in a timely manner, monitors the cleanliness of tables, and praises children for their success during breakfast.

Lilia Shuldyakova
Modeling lesson in the first junior group

Abstract modeling lessons in 1 younger group of early age.

Theme: "Beautiful bridge over the river".

Target: Development of the ability to pinch off a lot of small pieces of clay from a whole piece and roll them out between the palms with straight movements of both hands.


Continue to stimulate children's interest in sculpting;

Encourage, on the basis of a game situation, to create from plastic materials - clay - the simplest construction of a bridge;

Introduce the properties of clay (soft, elastic);

To foster goodwill and responsiveness in children;

Teach children to use clay gently during sculpting.

Materials (edit): Clay, cardboard for each child with a picture of a river, silhouettes of a mouse and a hedgehog made of cardboard, an illustration with the image of the bridge by Y. Vasnetsov for a nursery rhyme "Jump-jump", a sample of the bridge for children.

Course of the lesson:

I bring the children to the easel and pay attention to the picture.

Educator: Children, look at this picture. What do you see in this picture?

Children: River, animals on different sides of the river.

Educator: That's right, these are animal friends, a mouse and a hedgehog. They have difficulties, they cannot meet in any way, because the water in the river is very cold, it is impossible to swim across, they will get sick. What do they need to do to meet?

Children: Build a bridge!

Educator: That's right, children, they need a bridge across the river. Have you seen real bridges? Did they build them? What was the bridge built of?

Children: From building materials, bricks, cubes.

Educator: Let's take a look at another fabulous picture of the artist Y. Vasnetsov and find out what else you can use to build a bridge.

(I show and read the nursery rhyme)

Jump-jump, I'll knock off the bridge. I will pave with silver, I will let all the children go.

Educator: Look how fun and friendly squirrel animals work. What are they doing?

Children: Building a bridge.

Educator: What are they building the bridge from?

Children: From logs.

Educator: That's right, from logs - large and small. And now, with your help, I will build a bridge for the hedgehog and the mouse from clay, that is, we will sculpt it.

(I pick up a lump of clay and show it to the children) and I ask: What is it?

Children: Clay.

Educator: That's right, it's clay. Clay can be soft and elastic, many lumps can be pinched off from a whole lump of clay, and then put back together.

To build a bridge from clay, you need to roll out two large logs and many, many small ones. To make logs, we will pinch off a large piece of clay and roll out the logs.

(I show, tear off, and roll out a lump between two palms, with straight hand movements, sentencing: back and forth.

Educator: Show me how you will roll?

(Children show)

Educator: What great fellows, they helped me and got a big log.

(make the second log in the same way)

Educator: Here we have two large logs. See how I put them across the river. One log across the river is higher, like a rainbow, and the second slightly lower, also like a rainbow.

(Reading the rainbow nursery rhyme)

Rainbow arc, Don't let it rain, Come on sunshine, Bell!

Educator: And now, between the large logs, you need to put many, many small logs

(Baby show)

Educator: Show, Angelina, how you will roll the little logs.

Tear small pieces of clay from a whole lump and roll with straight movements of the palms (back and forth)... Then put the finished log on the bridge and put the previously prepared small logs.

So the bridge is made of clay.

Look at both the hedgehog and the mouse were very happy about the beautiful bridge and finally met each other, now they will have fun playing on the shore.

Oh guys, someone is crying, look how many mice and hedgehogs cannot meet without a bridge, they also need help, let's help them build a bridge from logs. Sit down at the tables.

(Children sit at tables and get to work)

(Individual help for children, I show with my lump of clay to whom it is not clear)

Does everyone have bridges ready?

Well done, kids, and now take your animals across the bridge to each other. Look, the animals are very happy with the bridge and thank you for your help.

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