Home Perennial flowers Podesta brothers. Wikileaks: Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta is a real Satanist. What is your evidence

Podesta brothers. Wikileaks: Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta is a real Satanist. What is your evidence

Reddit CEO Stif Huffman admits to editing supporter comments Donald Trump because they were insulting him. Huffman was called a pedophile by supporters of the US president-elect for the fact that Reddit administrators closed the section of the site devoted to the conspiracy theory about Bill's connection and Hillary Clintons with child molesters. What was it and why is this whole story a warning sign for the readers of one of the most popular sites in the world?

The story began with Pizzagate. Shortly before the US presidential election, Facebook links to yet another fake news headline "Pizzagate: How 4chan Revealed the Sick World of Washington's Occult Elite" (4chan is an anonymous forum) appeared on Facebook. The article stated that the Clintons, as well as the chief of staff of Hillary Clinton John Podesta, were allegedly associated with an underground pedophile a chain based in the popular Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington DC. The reason for suspicion was the Podesta's correspondence published by Wikileaks: among other things, there were letters from the owner of the pizzeria, James Alefantis.

John Podesta. Photo heavy.com

As evidence, they cited pictures of children from Alefantis' Instagram, as well as the fact that the slogan of the pizzeria “Play. Eat. Drink ”is abbreviated to PED; other arguments were of about the same degree of persuasion. The publication gained popularity, and the owner of Comet Ping Pong began to receive threats from anonymous authors, including murder. Numerous online trolls from Donald Trump supporters flooded Twitter with the hashtag #pizzagate and created a separate subreddit (topic channel) on the Reddit forum to find new evidence that pedophile network exists - and Hillary Clinton is involved. Alefantis contacted the FBI and asked Reddit and other sites to remove material that his pizzeria allegedly covers a pedophile network.

Jeffrey Epstein. Photo by Daily Mail

The main argument of the conspiracy theorists is the Clintons' acquaintance with the financier Jeffrey Epstein. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton maintained friendly relations with Jeffrey Epstein, who spent more than a year in prison on charges of involving a 14-year-old girl in prostitution... Epstein is officially registered as a sex offender; he is credited with organizing sexual orgies with the participation of minors, but this has not been proven by the court. However, Donald Trump was also associated with Epstein: a lawsuit was filed against the elected President of the United States for the rape of a minor at one of the parties at the financier's house. This case was not widely publicized as the charges appeared to be inauthentic; moreover, in early November, the claim was withdrawn.

Reddit has decided to shut up the trolls. By the decision of the site administration, the subreddit / pizzagate was closed on November 22 due to violation of the rules of Reddit, including the publication of personal data. “We don't want a witch hunt on our website,” the website said in a statement. After that, supporters of Donald Trump in their thread fell with curses at the Reddit administration - and personally the head and one of the founders of the project, Steve Huffman (pseudonym spez). This time they called him a pedophile, and also wrote to him "fuck u / spez".

The creator of Reddit, Trump fans got so much that he began to edit the comments of the offenders. Here is what Huffman wrote on the evening of November 23rd: “Hello everyone. Yes, I got into the comment "fuck u / spez" and replaced spez with the nicknames of the moderators r / the_donald (subreddit about Trump) for about an hour. It was a difficult week, I had to deal with all this "Pizzagate". We try to maintain good relations with all of you, but it gets boring when you are constantly called a pedophile. As a CEO, I shouldn't play such games, and now everything is fixed. Our moderators are very offended by me, and I am more than sure that I will no longer behave like that. Fuck u / spez. "

Typically, managers of large projects like Reddit don't have access to the internals of the site, but Huffman is not just a manager, he was the one who wrote Reddit.

Editing comments on Reddit is a serious crisis for the site. Link aggregator seems like a purely entertainment project, but Reddit is one of the most popular platforms on the Internet with over 200 million unique visitors every month. Reddit is the eighth most popular site in the US and 27th in the world, more popular than Ebay, Tumblr, AliExpress, Pornhub and Odnoklassniki. Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger and hundreds of other celebrities and politicians.

The community of Donald Trump supporters alone has 300,000 registered users, and it is not known how many more people read it without registering. The fact that a Reddit boss can easily start editing comments because he was personally touched by users is damaging the site's reputation. Outraged by Huffman's behavior, Reddit users ask if the creator of the forum ruled comments Barack Obama .

[tjournal.ru, 11/24/2016, "The CEO of Reddit admitted to editing the comments of users who criticized him": Reddit chapters are traditionally criticized for their decisions, however, as The Verge notes, the hatred towards Huffman cannot be compared with the fact what they wrote about the previous head of the company, Ellen Pao, who also removed several controversial threads and fired Victoria Taylor, the popular organizer of AMA Q&A sessions - sidebar K. ru]

Comet Ping Pong "s Show Posters

Clintons, pizza, pedophilia, the Podestà brothers and Washington perverts

What's wrong with pizza?

The wave was raised by users of image-boards Reddit and 4chan, experts in youth and criminal slang. The fact is that in the United States, if you inadvertently admit that you love pizza with cheese, then at best, an explosion of general laughter awaits you, and at worst - the attention of special services. The expression cheese pizza or simply cp is a euphemism for child porn, that is, child pornography. And in letters from Podesta, mentions of this particular pizza are found more than once. However, as well as just pizza, which in slang is the designation of juvenile prostitutes for pedophiles. Moreover, some turns indicate that the letters really do not mean fast food. As an example, the strange correspondence of John Podesta with his brother Tony is given (all this pornographic food topic is connected with him).

Tony invites John to dinner on January 12th or 13th, 2014: "Mary is busy. I'm going to take pizza for an hour. Will you come?" To which John replies, "It might work. Somalia? Osspadi (Originally Geez is a slang for Jesus. - Ed.)." Podesta's wife Mary, however, ruins the party plans: "I can't do it on the 12th, and John has an arm operation on the 13th." This refers to the little finger of Podesta, which bothered him since December, a fracture was suspected. However, such an "operation" takes literally a few minutes and can hardly interfere with a meeting "for an hour", if, of course, pizza was really meant.
Tony is a big pizza lover. He invites John "for lunch or pizza" in January 2015. In another letter, he himself is invited to "Hillary's pizza party", where both John Podesta and Maya Harris (more on her later) are going. In March 2016, there is another strange letter, seemingly about food again, where Tony invites his brother to sit in a cafe. “Or I can bring the pizza home,” he suggests. "I pass. There is too much to do before tomorrow's trip to Michigan. There is no need for pizza," Podesta replies.
Tony generally likes to have fun. In one of the letters, a worried woman asks when it is possible to call Podesta: her brother was in the hospital, and, as follows from the letter, less than a day after leaving it. He is in pain and takes the highly addictive narcotic pain reliever percocet. It is prescribed only in extremely rare cases, for example, for cancer patients, the drug is strictly accountable, and its illegal sale leads to criminal liability. The reason for Tony Podesta's admission to the hospital was alcohol intake, which is incompatible with pain relievers. "How much did he drink? Percocet is awful!" - worries the head of the campaign headquarters Hillary.

Strange preferences

Brother isn't the only one who writes to Podesta about pizza and other strange preferences. One letter from the Sandler Foundation has a cryptic set of words. "Hi John, the realtor found a black and white handkerchief that looks to be related to pizza. We can send it [to you], but if you're busy, you don't have to answer if it's not yours or you don't need it." The realtor is also interested in some pillows that she bought yesterday and which she can also send.
Just three days before the US elections, another mail leak scandal erupted. At first glance, there is nothing seditious in the letters addressed to John Podesta. In one, a brother forwards an invitation from a famous artist to come to her house for dinner, while others discuss pizza snacks and hot dog parties. However, it suddenly became clear that behind innocent culinary terms are orgies with satanic rituals, child trafficking and pedophilia.

Abramovich herself hastened to disown (as far as a Satanist can) from the occult with Podesta, although she admits that the dinner took place. "I'm outraged because the message is taken out of context. It was a normal dinner. With the usual menu that I call 'spiritual cooking.' No blood or anything like that. The dishes just had funny names," she said in an interview with Inqusitr ...

Clintons and voodoo

By the way, the voodoo theme has been haunting the Clinton family for more than a decade. Bill Clinton has indeed been to Haiti more than once, and the locals are quite sure that he came there not only for political purposes. For example, on the Web, you can find many references to how Clinton persuaded the voodoo priest Gerard Jean-Just to conduct a ritual for ... winning the election. The political magic worked, the health of Clinton's rival George W. Bush deteriorated sharply, and Bill became president. Since then, Clinton has maintained close ties with the local priests, as evidenced by his numerous visits to Port-au-Prince.
Although, maybe this is all again the inventions of conspiracy theorists? It is quite possible, but then the truth looks even more unsightly. It would be better if they ate goat's heads.

Island of pedophiles

At Hillary's pizza parties at John Podesta's house, as we mentioned above, there was a certain Maya Harris, whose presence is mentioned separately in Podesta's correspondence. Why? The fact is that Ms. Harris was an employee of the Ford Foundation and dealt with issues of early child marriage. Her sister, District Attorney Kamala Harris, specializes in child sexual abuse cases. Bill Clinton's visits to Haiti, mentioned above, were considered to be humanitarian in nature.
After the devastating earthquake in the homeland of voodoo in 2010, hundreds of thousands of people have died and many are missing. As it turns out now, taking advantage of the general devastation, traffickers from all over the world rushed to Haiti. Children were kidnapped from temporary tent camps, sold literally for a penny - half a pound for a baby. UNICEF estimates that even before the earthquake, traffickers bought and abducted up to 2,000 babies every year, who were later sold for organs or for child prostitution. It is impossible to establish the truth, since children simply disappear. Now, according to various organizations, the number of such missing Haitian children reaches 8,000 a year.

So maybe Bill Clinton went to Port-au-Prince not to perform magic rituals, but for more pragmatic and even more terrible purposes? The connection between both Bill and Hillary Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein, an American financier and sex criminal, has already been proven. Epstein organized a syndicate of child and teen prostitution and maintained an entire island for the entertainment of wealthy people with slave children forced to fulfill any perverse whim of the tycoon's cronies. Bill Clinton has been to this island dozens of times, Hillary at least 6 times. These trips were confirmed by the Clinton security personnel of the private military firm Blackwater.

Elections and a criminal case are on the way

Citizen journalists from American forums have collected all the facts, attached an interpretation of slang terms and suggest that the American special services should investigate further. After the scandal with the husband of Clinton's assistant Huma Abedin, who sent pornographic pictures to minors using Hillary's official server, the US presidential candidate has already attracted the attention of the FBI. The civilian counter-coup that Steve Pechenik talked about is gaining momentum. We will see tomorrow whether it will influence the results of the elections.

Fed babies
How the US political elite was considered a pedophile sect

Anton Bolotov

In October, WikiLeaks published the correspondence of the chairman of the election campaign of the US presidential candidate from the US Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta. Among the letters, Reddit visitors discovered the "secret code" of PizzaGate, allegedly created by the US political elite to transmit messages about sexual relations with children.

Pizzeria with a secret

According to Reddit users, one of the founders of the pedophile lobby in the US capital is the owner of the Comet Ping Pong family pizzeria, James Alefantis, who is one of the top 50 most influential people in Washington according to GQ. Attention was drawn to strange references to cheese, pizza, pasta and hot dogs in emails posted on WikiLeaks. It can also be concluded from them that Alefantis is closely associated with the current US President Barack Obama, John Podesta and his brother Tony.

The network believes that messages mentioning food are in fact nothing more than the secret code of PizzaGate, with the help of which the top officials of the Democratic Party arrange meetings where children are massively abused. "'Your hot dog stayed in Hawaii" - what does that even mean in correspondence with politicians? " - asks one of the users.

Photo: Lucas Jackson / Reuters

American presenter and creator of the infoWars.com project Alex Jones went even further and published a series of videos on YouTube in which he openly declares Podesta's involvement in organizing the pedophile lobby.

Jones explains that the names of the dishes are a pedophile Democratic cipher. So, the word "pasta" means a boy (mentioned in letters of Podesta 78 times), "cheese" - a girl (mentioned 85 times). "What does the question [from Podesta's correspondence] mean," Do you think I'd rather play dominoes with cheese than pasta? " one can only guess, ”he comments.

"Hot dog" = "boy"

"Pizza" = "girl"

"Cheese" = "little girl"

"Pasta" = "little boy"

"Ice cream" = "bugger"

"Map" = sperm

"Sauce" = orgy

What is your evidence

Conspiracy theorists have no direct evidence for the reality of PizzaGate. However, this does not prevent them from actively accusing the Democrats of pedophilia. Reddit users found the Instagram account of the owner of the pizzeria, where he, under the nickname Jimmycomet, publishes strange photos with no less strange captions.

Pizzeria interior decoration

There were also complaints about the design of the pizzeria. The walls of Comet Ping Pong are said to be adorned with primitive paintings depicting sexual intercourse with children.

It did not go unnoticed that Alefantis personally visited the White House several times, where, according to Reddit users, he talked with politicians and negotiated financial support. As proof, a list of money transfers that the owner of Comet Ping Pong received from Hillary Clinton has been published. According to rumors, the well-known American trader and financier George Soros also transferred $ 21,000 to Alefantis.

One of the users of Reddit even managed to find an archive with a photo from the Instagram account of the owner of the pizzeria, where he captured a personal letter from Clinton. In it, the presidential candidate warmly thanks Alefantis for "extraordinary talent" and assistance in the election campaign. “Oh no, no, Hillary! Thank you for YOUR extraordinary talent, ”reads the caption under the picture.

In addition, a video was found of one of the evenings at Comet Ping Pong with the participation of the Heavy Breathing group. In the video, the vocalist talks about former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle, who confessed to child abuse and child pornography in August 2015. “He loves the sounds of this world and two more things: little boys and children. Everyone has their own preferences, ”the band's frontman notes, laughing (the original video was removed at the request of the copyright holders, but there are several copies left on the network).

Published: 11 nov. 2016 Nov.
Majestic Ape of Heavy Breathing- Comet Ping Pong, Podesta PEDOPHILIA JOKES, read DISCLAIMER BELOW

Suspicions and strange hobbies were raised by Podesta, who previously served as Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and was an adviser to Obama. They point to a deleted note in The Washington Post saying there are photographs of naked children in his house. “People who visited the Podesta home in Lake Barcroft found several color photographs taken by Cathy Granan in the bedroom. She is known for taking pictures of naked teenagers in country houses, ”the article stated.

The Empire Strikes Back

Almost immediately after the start of a large-scale Internet investigation, Alefantis told The New York Times that he and his employees were bombarded with threats on Facebook and Twitter. The angry citizens promised to crack down on the workers of the pizzeria and execute the owner of the establishment. The restaurateur admits that he was unpleasantly surprised at the accusations of child sexual abuse along with Clinton and Podesta. “Because of this crazy conspiracy theory, we came under fire. I didn’t do anything like that, but now I have to figure it out and protect my employees and friends from threats, ”he complained.

Your face when I found out that the hashtag #PizzaGate is popular on Twitter, and everyone knows that you were selling children with your elite friends

Inspired by The Washington Post, Reddit co-creator Steve Huffman tried to get rid of the PizzaGate discussions and closed the largest thread dedicated to pedophile Democrats. He explained this by his reluctance to watch another witch hunt.

No one expected this from the sexist billionaire.

This infuriated visitors to the resource. Fans of US President-elect Donald Trump were especially indignant, who immediately began to offend Reddit administrators and Huffman personally. He had to resort to extreme measures and edit the comments of the offenders, which brought on him even more anger.

As a result, as expected, he was ranked among the gang of pedophile democrats, and the thread itself was soon restored.

True lie

During the presidential race in the United States, no one had any doubts that social networks in capable hands are a powerful weapon of political struggle. A single Twitter post could lead to accusations of organizing the protests, and a stream of absurd fake news could seriously damage your reputation.

It is worth noting that PizzaGate began almost simultaneously with the Democrats' attempts to achieve a recount in three states and change the results of the US presidential election.

Clinton’s chief of staff, John Podesta, reacted to WikiLeaks’s publication of his personal correspondence by claiming that the letters were stolen by the Russians to secure Donald Trump’s election victory. At the same time, he categorically does not want to talk about his joint business with a Kremlin-backed investment company, as well as about his attempts to hide this cooperation from public attention.

"Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer and Trump headquarters are urging journalists to pay attention to Mr. Podesta's ties to Russia - and they may be right. The story began in 2011 when solar power company Joule Unlimited announced that Mr. Podesta had been selected to its board of directors. In a press release, the head of Joule enthusiastically stated that Mr. Podesta has "extensive experience both with US authorities and internationally." No one claimed that Mr. Podesta had a scientific understanding, but the company's founder said he hoped the new board member "can help Joule build the strong relationship it needs for long-term success."

Mr. Podesta, the former chief of staff of President Bill Clinton, then ran the Center for American Progress, which supported the Obama administration's "reset with Russia." In 2009, during an event held by the center, Mr. Podesta personally spoke positively about "moving relations with Russia into a more constructive channel."


Clinton's boring chatter about Trump

The American Conservative 10.24.2016

Hawk is Hillary, not Trump

The New York Times 10/22/2016

Final round of televised debate

Voice of America Russian Service 10/20/2016
Apparently, Mr. Podesta did try to develop Russian-American business relations. In 2011, eight months after joining Joule, Rusnano's investment fund, backed by the Russian government, announced that it planned to invest $ 35 million in the company. A few months later, Joule announced that the head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, was joining its board of directors. Around this time, Mr. Podesta joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisory council.

Of course, it is not forbidden to cooperate with a Kremlin-backed investment fund whose task is to acquire technologies useful to Russia. As far as we know, there is nothing illegal about being a freelance adviser to the US Secretary of State.

However, when Mr. Podesta returned to the administration in 2014 as an adviser to President Obama, he was probably worried about the impression that such connections might make. It was then that Mr. Podesta announced in his official property declaration that he had gotten rid of the Joule shares.

Further, the story becomes somewhat ambiguous. The correspondence published by WikiLeaks shows that around the time of his return to the White House, Mr. Podesta demanded that Joule transfer his shares to a company called Leonidio Holdings, LLC, which had been set up a few weeks earlier.

Leonidio is officially located at the address of Megan Rouse, daughter of Mr. Podesta, a financial planner, who lives in California. When we phoned Ms. Rouse on Tuesday, she said she had no time to discuss the matter, thanked us for calling and hung up.

On Wednesday, a Clinton campaign spokesman told us that Mr. Podesta cut ties with Joule in 2014 when he returned to the White House. He allegedly "transferred all the assets to his adult children" and "stepped back from everything connected with Joule for the entire duration of his stay in the White House."

However, WikiLeaks data also shows that Mr. Podesta received a bill for legal costs associated with Leonidio's Delaware registration. I wonder how often people pay to start companies in which they have no stake?

Mr. Podesta left the White House around February 2015. He later received an invoice from law firm Steptoe and Johnson for services related to Joule in April 2015. This invoice was also published by WikiLeaks and states that a Steptoe employee spent half an hour working on "requesting Joule to approve the appointment of Mr. Akhanov." Dmitry Akhanov, head of the American branch of Rusnano, is now on the board of directors of Joule. It would be very strange if the company asked a person who is no longer associated with it to approve the candidacy of a new member of the board of directors. After leaving the White House and before joining the Clinton headquarters, has Mr. Podesta renewed formal relations with Joule and with the investment fund of the Russian government?

According to Mr. Schweitzer, this is a clever attempt to circumvent the principles of openness that are mandatory for civil servants: “Our openness laws should enable citizens to see potential conflicts of interest from high-ranking officials. This is especially important in cases where they or their relatives have financial ties with unfriendly foreign governments. ”

The Clinton headquarters refused to give us the opportunity to speak with the Podesta. He probably thinks - due to Clinton's lead in the race - that he can avoid the topic until election day and then say that the news is outdated and no longer relevant. Be that as it may, voters now have the right not to take his statements about the Kremlin and Donald Trump seriously.

Freeman is the Deputy Editor of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page.

When exactly did John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, cut off business ties with Moscow? - asks The Wall Street Journal. John Freeman, associate editorial editor, writes that in 2011, startup Joule Unlimited announced that Podesta, the former chief executive officer of President Bill Clinton, had been elected to its board of directors.

Eight months later, the investment fund (sic. - Approx. ed.) Rusnano, backed by the Russian government, announced that it plans to invest about $ 35 million in Joule. “A few months later, Joule announced that Anatoly Chubais, chairman of the board of Rusnano, would join its board of directors. Around the same time, Podesta came to work on the Foreign Policy Council of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ”the article says.

According to the publication, when Podesta returned to civil service in 2014 and became an adviser to Obama, he did not want to draw attention to his ties with Rusnano. In his income tax return, Podesta announced that he had gotten rid of his stake in Joule.

On Wednesday, a spokesman for Ms. Clinton’s headquarters said that in 2014 Podesta severed ties with Joule, “handed over the entire share to his adult children” and “withdrew from all matters concerning Joule while working in the White House.”

“But WikiLeaks also demonstrates that Podesta received a bill for legal fees associated with Leonidio’s registration in Delaware,” the article said.

Around February 2015, Freeman continues, Podesta resigned from the US administration. Later, Steptoe and Johnson sent him an invoice for services rendered in April 2015. The bill "states that the Steptoe attorney spent half an hour working on" Joule's request to approve the appointment of Mr. Akhanov, "the newspaper quoted the newspaper as saying. “Dmitry Akhanov, head of the Rusnano US office, is now a member of the Joule board of directors. It is highly unusual for a company to ask someone no longer associated with it to approve the appointment of a board member. Perhaps Podesta resumed official relations with Joule and the investment fund of the Russian government immediately after leaving the White House and on the eve of moving to Mrs. Clinton's headquarters? ” - the edition reflects.

James Freeman, The Wall Street Journal

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