Home Perennial flowers What happens to the earth with energy. New energies on earth. Natural energy sources

What happens to the earth with energy. New energies on earth. Natural energy sources

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. So the old man says to the old woman:
- Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom, if you can scrape flour onto a bun.
The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom of the barrel, and scraped up two handfuls of flour.
I kneaded the flour with sour cream, concocted a bun, fried it in butter and put it on the window to chill.
The gingerbread man lay down, lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - yes into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate, further and farther.
The Kolobok is rolling along the road, the Hare is meeting him:
- Don't eat me, Hare, I'll sing you a song:

I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I'll leave you, hare, even more!

And he rolled along the road - only the Hare saw him!
The Kolobok is rolling, the Wolf is towards him:
- Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, I'll eat you!
- Don't eat me, Gray Wolf, I'll sing you a song:

I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
From you, wolf, I’ll even leave!

And he rolled along the road - only the Wolf saw him!
Gingerbread man is rolling, Bear meets him:
- Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, I'll eat you!
- Where are you, clubfoot, eat me!

I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
I left the wolf
From you, bear, I'll leave even more!

And again he rolled - only the Bear saw him!
Gingerbread man is rolling, Fox meets him:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where are you rolling?
- I roll along the path.
- Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song!
The gingerbread man began to sing:

I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,
I'm scraped along the box,
Swept along the bottom,
On sour cream meshon
Yes, yarn in oil,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother,
I left the hare
I left the wolf
I left the bear
It's easy to leave you, foxes!

New Energies come to Earth

A person is ever brighter, feeling his involvement in the processes of Cosmic Evolution, feels himself both an Inhabitant of the Earth and an Inhabitant of the Cosmos.
The processes that we are now living together with our Earth and all Living on it, probably, can be defined by the mysterious word - ascension.
We are undergoing amazing changes - changes not only in consciousness, but equally - in the senses and the physical body.
This makes it possible to confirm with joy: we are people of the New Time, New Consciousness and New Feelings, we are people of the New Earth.
These days you probably also feel the intensification of energies and the acceleration of processes. The work is really getting very intense.

We are talking about acceleration, about the fact that new energies begin to work at a deep cellular level. And this is no longer preparation for change. This is the beginning of the changes themselves. All this happens to us.
New energies HAVE COME to Earth. In the timeless space of the Universe, they speak of New Energies, i.e. recognize the significance of what is happening on planet Earth.
Of course, there have always been New Energies, taking into account the simultaneity of what is happening.
But YOU, it is you, who are reading these lines, are entering the strip of space of the time interval, in which the New Energies will CHANGE you.

It would be absurd to assert that energies cannot change a person, but they do not change his Essence. The essence is unchanged in every moment of time space, but this immutability contains the potential for human change.
New Energies are directed precisely to the Essence of Man. And the Essence is in every cell of a person. The essence attracts the Light of New Energies to itself and begins to manifest itself more tangibly for a person.
Man, as never before, is CLOSE to God, to the Light, for it was not man who went to God, but God - to Man, at the same time arriving in him forever.

ACCELERATE your progress towards the Light, i.e. to the very process of Ascension through the call of N.E. in the essence of yourself. Here is the call:

Beloved New Energies.
Thank you for your love and immense help in my self-transformation.
I call you into every cell of my body, into its very Essence.
Let every particle of me, my bodies, my formations be filled with the Light of your Rays, your vibrations.
I urge you to quickly penetrate into your essence and accept all changes in yourself with gratitude, trust and love.
For this appeal to you is caused by my intention to prepare for an early Ascension together with other participants in this process.
Thank you and confirm my love and intention to cooperate with you.

I ask you to understand that the Light, the Divine Energies have always been within you. But the distortions have condensed your shell. Your essence has ceased to be manifested for you.
The Cosmos has always sent the Energies of Light connecting the Cosmos of the Universe, Galaxies with the cosmos in human bodies. But for the first time, you enter the band of Energies that so effectively enter your Essence, which is still closed from you.
The effectiveness of this work is determined by the maximum mobility, the changeability of the energies themselves entering into you. The cleansing process. dissolution of distortion is the most optimal and fastest way.
Your Essence shines brighter in you.
The action of your Divine Forces is more and more manifested.
All the more beautiful you seem to yourself - for all the Divine Beauty is in you.
And now the most important thing.
The changes that take place in you affect the changes that take place in the SONMA of Galaxies, and in some cases even cause these changes.
Manifest your God-quality - the Divine responsibility of accepting in yourself a FEELING OF COMMUNITY and participation in Everything that goes in you as a powerful ray of Power and Brotherhood.
This is the most important thing now.

Request for the beginning of cellular cleansing, for the penetration of N.E. into cells can cause a feeling of "loss of oneself", self-accusations, panic, self-rejection, because the cleansing changes its speed (much faster), and most importantly, the movement, the direction of work of the New Energies changes. All cellular "garbage" can lead a person into a state of uncontrollable anxiety, doubt, disappointment, because fear distortions will flare up in a multitude of fears.
Therefore, simultaneously with the call for cellular cleansing, it is desirable to make an appeal to the New Energies about strengthening and manifesting the Quality of God's Responsibility and a sense of community and involvement in the entire process of Life.
Here is an appeal (given to me):

Beloved New Energies!
I urge you in love, gratitude and acceptance of all the changes that are taking place in me.
The knowledge of WHAT is happening to me, in me - as in a part of the One Whole - helps me to keep calm, a joyful feeling of freedom and love, fearlessness and tenderness for All Living.
I ask you, New Energies, to manifest in me the Divine Responsibility and the Divine Quality of participation in everything that happens through the awareness of my heart, every cell of mine - a part of the common, part of the One process of Life, which is Love.
May I remain in the power of the action of the Ray of Divine Power and the Brotherhood of All That Is.

Any energy wave that descends to Earth from space, updates current vibrations planets and pulls to the surface of consciousness what needs to be released.

Along with this, new codes of light are loaded into a person.

When you do not interfere with this process, you open up to it, qualitatively new circumstances, abilities, and positive changes enter your life.

This time everything happens very fast.

Sometimes you do not have time to deal with one issue, several more pile up next, which also require attention.

The team and I noticed the similarity symptoms of manifestation of new cosmic energies we have.

We are pleased to share our observations and recipes from the treasury of practices of the Keys of Mastery project that will help eliminate any imbalance.

Symptoms of the manifestation of new cosmic energies

Perhaps these are not the only signs, and you experience the arrival of new energies in a different way.

1. Physics and emotional background suffers

Streams of current energies can manifest through exacerbation of chronic diseases, lingering flu, unusual headaches, difficulty waking up from sleep, or sleep disturbance.

Emotional background is unstable, may arise.

If you are faced with inappropriate behavior of loved ones or found it in yourself, most likely this is a sign of the manifestation of new energies.

Energy flows pass through us from space to Earth.

But the physical body is inert, unable to quickly adapt and rebuild, therefore all stagnant processes come out.

Unbalanced emotions are one of the indicators that there are blocks in the body.

Do not assess what is happening to you, do not judge yourself, your body, that it does not accept new energies badly.

Take it for granted, a necessary process.

What will help go through ailments and bring back a good mood:

  • Read the article.

In it you will find answers to why physical condition may deteriorate. after working with energies or the release of emotions, why rush jobs occur during eclipses, equinox days and the opening of portals.

  • They will help you improve your condition.
  • You will learn more about light packs, the loading process and how to embrace new cosmic energies without compromising your health.
  • Tune in to a wave of harmony. Balance your masculine and feminine sides.

2. Dreaming special dreams

You may have dreams in which various "teaching" situations occur.

They show you how you can act in real life under certain circumstances.

If you did not know how to resolve an important issue the day before, in a dream you can show the solution.

In this regard, sudden awakenings occur during the night. You are "woken up" so that you remember WHAT needs to be done.

The second type of dreams - dreams with the same key component... Their goal is to convey one single thought to you.

These dreams may be different, but they have the same essence. They will dream until you understand what they want to tell you.

In a dream, you are shown the best option for your actions. If you do something wrong, in a dream you are guided, corrected.

Your task is to remember HOW you need to act and perform this action in life.

Important messages transmitted from the Higher Self through a dream are easier for the mind to accept than if you read it in an article, book, or heard advice from the outside.

In a dream, the opportunity increases direct interaction between soul and personality.

Pay attention to your dreams and listen to yourself.

3. Loading of light packages takes place in an intensive mode

Several problems are highlighted for you at the same time so that you get rid of the old as quickly as possible.

Because of this, you may feel pressure on your head - this is the physical manifestation of loading packets of information.

They come in large numbers, and there is no time to think. It's like they say to you: "Go ahead, don't slow down, don't stop."

These powerful practices and meditations are aimed at cleansing and restoration resource state:

  • - in your life there is no longer a place for everything untrue - lies, omissions, the wrong way of realization.

Restore and fill yourself and your loved ones with high vibrations c.

  • Take advantage.

In which you will learn how to make the most of the night time for personal transformation and get a list of techniques for each step of the algorithm.

And finally, we propose not to dwell only on the restoration of your resource, but give direction their actions in new energies.

3 steps to focus your actions

Once you feel like you have failed, try to remember these steps and follow them.

It will help you easier to survive the influence of new cosmic energies and stay focused on the right action.

Let go of the past, obsolete, free from the consciousness of the victim

Surely you have noticed that lately you are being shown intensely WHAT you still continue to be a victim.

Observe yourself and identify this behavior.

Someone suddenly begins to complain about the lack of help, forgetting to support themselves, someone falls into condemnation, indulges in despondency, complains about injustice in life.

Find your weak point. This is what you need to accept and release.

Take a look at this list of materials:

  • Get rid of your own illusions to start building your life from scratch.
  • Stop dwelling on failures and old problems, regretting your mistakes, and getting angry with past offenders. Stop looking back at your past, move forward.
  • Learn how to move from a state of self-pity to liberation, gaining strength and inner harmony.

Allow yourself to embrace the new cosmic energies

This is not only your personal transformation, this process affects all people. Light packets of information are loaded into each person.

But this time there is no time left to postpone the solution of the difficulties that have fallen down.

There are not so many people on the planet who are engaged in spiritual development. You are one of them, since you are reading this information.

Do not slow down on your spiritual path.

Perhaps among your loved ones you are the only anchor that they can cling to to walk forward with you into a new reality.

Ground the higher energy of love in your physical reality and build your new future.

Act in a New Way, According to the Truth Within You

If you have recognized the messages of the new cosmic energies, then it is time to ground them - to act on the basis of your highest choice.

Difficulties can arise here.

Due to the strong glow of new energies, you are depleted physically and energetically. There is simply no strength to make changes and new actions.

Your current state might look like this.

You received information, found a solution to a problem, realized an important thought for you, and so on in several areas of life.

But you continue to walk in circles, losing these realizations. And all because you have no energy for action.

Energize with divine support and take the leap to the next level of spiritual evolution!

We wish you to easily get through this period and get the most out of it.

Share with us in the comments how you feel the influences of new energies and what methods help you restore your resource state!

Keys of Mastery project team

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