Home Perennial flowers What to remove to get a lot of views. Where and how to get views on Youtube without write-offs. How to get views on YouTube through special services

What to remove to get a lot of views. Where and how to get views on Youtube without write-offs. How to get views on YouTube through special services

Hello friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch.

Do you have your own Youtube channel? How many videos have you uploaded there? Exactly your own, taken with your hands? How many views do you have?

Everyone knows Youtube. Everyone has visited this video hosting at least once in their life. Or watched clips and jokes that were downloaded from him. This is a huge platform with an incredible number of videos and a storm of visits, with 3 billion views per day. Also, a huge amount of search traffic comes from Youtube.

And if you have your own website, then you've heard about SEO (optimization of your resource for greater visibility by its search engines). And to promote their site, to get traffic to it, they also use this video platform. That is, they post their masterpieces there, put a link to their site and, if the video is interesting, useful, worthwhile, then they receive transitions to their resource.

How does this relate to SEO? Look.

An Internet user enters a query into a search engine, say, Yandex. And even if your site is not in the top ten for this request, your video may be in this top ten. Through it, a visitor can come to your site, if, of course, your video helped him.

As a result, it often turns out that it is easier to promote a video for the same request, because it has less competition. And getting into the top ten is easier!

But how to do it? Again, SEO, but specifically for Youtube.

You need to optimize your video! I'll tell you about this. In the future, we will talk about promoting the video on social networks and using a special service. And now I want to give you a foundation, without which promotion is almost impossible.

First, I'll tell you a little story. Being engaged in SEO, and understanding the basics by which search engines see this or that site, I easily came to the understanding that it is even easier to optimize a video than a website page. I had a video where my eight-month-old son grimaces at the camera, parodying Turchinov. I decided to post this video on Youtube, according to all the rules of optimization. Note that I have not used any third-party promotion services or social networks. I just named the video correctly, described it correctly and optimized it correctly. Here is the video itself.

I posted it, watched it for a week and forgot. I even forgot the password for the account from which I posted it. Recently I went to youtube, entered “show Turchinov” into a search engine and was very surprised by the number of views 16000. First place for this request. And, accordingly, Yandex is also in the top ten results.

So what did I do in terms of optimization?

Before uploading my recording to Youtube, I named it exactly what I want to be found - Kid shows and parodies Turchinov. That is, the key words are "kid, parodies, shows, Turchinov." By them I want to be found.

  1. The description of the video must also contain the same words. That is, the description of the video - the kid shows Turchinov.
  2. And for each video, you have the opportunity to prescribe several dozen tags - the same keys that seem to personify your video. It's like hashtags on Twitter. Here we prescribe everything related to your video: kid, parodies, shows Turchinov, shows Turchinov, funny, fun .... Etc. That is, so that the search engine understands what your video is about, and who might like it or come in handy.

In the near future, by the way, I plan to design my channel and only then add a video. I decided to buy a video course YouTube-Master Popova, you probably heard about it, mega-class courses, and if you took this one, please write in the comments whether you liked it or not.

4 votes

Hello dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Are you already the owner of your channel and even realized that you can make money on YouTube, but want to increase your income? Then this article is for you.

I'll tell you everything I know about how to get views on YouTube. You will learn more than five ways. Some of them are free to use, while others require some investment.

I highly advise you to learn all the possible methods that you can apply. I will not fool you with long texts, spend 5 minutes studying the complete list. Whether to use something or not, you decide in the process, but at least you will have all the information. Don't limit your own possibilities.

Perhaps not now, but a little later, you will want to expand the boundaries, and in this case, take up a detailed study of one of the available methods. Let's get started?


This is a very cool way to promote. During publication, you consciously come up with a name for your video based on search queries, write special tags and make a description that will bring new visitors to your channel.

How does optimization affect the number of views? It's very simple. Your video appears in Yandex and Google search results. Now many people first of all want to watch the video on a certain topic, there are even special tabs of the same name in the search engines. Don't miss the opportunity to be on the list of the best and take the first place in the search results.

I can recommend you the book by Kirill Zhukovsky " YouTube. Way to success ". In it you will find a lot of tips not only about optimization, but also get recommendations for creating top videos, learn and.

This information is also on my blog, but the book will undoubtedly have a number of advantages. Unfortunately, my time, like other bloggers, is limited. If I write very long texts, then I simply won't have any readers.

Optimization will also help you find yourself in the list of "Related Videos", you probably stumbled upon it. When a person finishes watching one clip, he is offered a whole scattering of similar ones. It remains only to choose which one is of particular interest to him. You can also learn how to hook the viewer in the book that I advised you a little earlier.

Social media pages

You may have read my article on how to build. Yes, you can earn money on your personal page too. However, now we are not interested in this, but in views. If you are, then your friends see it, which means the number of those who saw it increases.

Nobody forbids you to create multiple accounts, look for new subscribers, and then use them to increase your profits. By the way, it is possible that your friends will also repost records, which means that the audience will double.

You can ask some of your especially popular friends to repost. It's fair and probably free. If you have contacts of popular people on Vkontakte, you can contact them and ask them to post a video on their page for money. I don’t think it will cost you very much. Try it.

Groups and communities

Another good way to increase your views is. You can publish your videos there too. People will be able to follow you on both sites. You increase the chances of popularity.

There are those who constantly sit on Vkontakte and watch videos right here, without even paying attention to the popular video hosting. You will be credited with all the views these people have made through another popular network.

Other social networks

By the way, now I was talking about Vkontakte, but you must understand that there are also Odnoklassniki, as well as Facebook. Nobody bothers you to create an additional profile on these social networks. Both will be more beneficial.

There are many foreigners on Facebook who willingly subscribe and become friends of our compatriots. If you create videos with no audio or subtitles, they can also become interested in the channel and become ardent fans of your art.

On Odnoklassniki, friends' actions are displayed in the feed. It is not necessary to repost, even if someone just likes your post, all subscribers of this person will immediately know about it. Don't give up on Odnoklassniki. Even here you can find the views you want and thereby increase your earnings very quickly without any promotion or programs.

Electronic resource

Many bloggers run their own website in addition to their YouTube channel. It's very simple and increases your chances of hitting search engines. You can now win the first place for a particular request in two ways - a video on YouTube and a text on your own website.

It is not so important which method of development you choose. I can advise you, in this case even they will do. You just need a platform to increase your own popularity.

Although, I would still advise you to use the exchange Kwork ... Here, for only 500 rubles, they will help you create a good modern website on some site. I strongly advise you to read, sites created on this engine have a number of advantages in comparison with others.

You can, of course, get confused yourself and do everything right, without investment, but it will take so long that you have time to go crazy.

I see no reason to master a new profession, and even more than one (layout designer, designer, programmer), in order to create a single site. Although, if you have such a desire, I can offer the course “ WordPress 4: an example of creating a website ».

Other sites

If the site is close to your topic, then you can try to leave a comment and leave a link to your video in the application. Of course, it's not a fact that the moderator will miss your message, but if you write in the topic, you can get a lot of traffic.

For example, your channel is dedicated to Photoshop work. You have recorded a screencast about. Find a blog that has the exact same article but no video tutorial. Attach it to a comment with a message that you worked according to the instructions described in the text. I think that in this case, every blogger will want to publish your work!

Promotion programs

Promotion services will help a beginner to collect the required number of subscribers. In fact, at the beginning of their activity, almost everyone uses this method, so I advise you to pay attention to it. For example, I know a great service ... Here you can buy views or subscribers to choose from.

The main advantage of this particular service is that you don't have to be afraid of being banned. Everything is fair enough.

Promotion services

Another way of promotion is online services that contact advertising platforms and bloggers for you. Those, in turn, agree for money to leave a link in their text, on the wall or somewhere else with your video.

I can offer you Viboom.com ... Its significant drawback is that I did not understand anything about prices, but the information is impressive. The guys promise to select people who will be shown the video based on gender, age and type of device they use (phone or PC).

In addition, you can apply where exactly you want to advertise - on social networks or blogs. I will not deceive you, I myself have not used this method, so if you dare, I will be glad to leave comments on this article and your assessment of the guys' activities, as well as at least some specific information about prices.

That's all for me, do not forget about the opportunity to subscribe to the blog mailing list to keep abreast of new topics that I cover. You also have the opportunity to join group Start-Luck Vkontakte ... Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.

First, you must understand that if you are not a member of the “Youtube Affiliate Program”, watching videos will not make you money, but many still want to make their video more popular (some to brag and some to earn money later On this).

Step 2

Of course, you can “wind up” views with the help of some sites, but it costs money and can be blocked for it. Therefore, we will consider legal ways.

Step 3

First, make a good video, it could be your own internet show (like “+100500 and“ This is Horosho ”), just a funny video that you managed to capture on the street or somewhere else, or even a video of a concert, a news video, excerpts from TV programs, etc. The main thing is that no one else has downloaded it (to do this, use the search).
Then register on the website (youtube.com), and click the “Add video” button (see illustration).

Step 4

A video download window will appear, select your video, now the most important thing begins, first, change the name of the video so that it matches the content, but at the same time attracts attention (example: you have a video where someone falls funny, such videos on Youtube the most popular :) and are called FAILs, name the video in English and Russian, like
“Funny FAIL”, now not only Russians will watch this video), the second important step is tags, use popular tags like “funny, joke, tin, sensation” (on YouTube, tags are written without a comma !!! ), you can now save the video.

Step 5

The next step is promotion. Remember that on “YouTube” views of one person are counted up to 350 times (that is, after you have watched the video 350 times, views are no longer counted), so ask your friends and acquaintances to view your video several times (for this you need to right-click mouse in the browser “Opera” and select “Reload every”, and then custom and enter 0 minutes 1 second, see illustration), if 10 of your friends leave the window to refresh for a few minutes, then you will already have 3500 views (350 * 10 = 35.000), the main thing is to remember that views will appear only after a few days.
The next step is promotion on forums, if you are registered on a popular forum and you are an active user there, then add a link to the video in the signature, the main thing is to hide the link under the BB code, so that instead of the link there is an inscription (“clickable”), like “DO NOT CLICK ! ” (this will attract any user, since the “forbidden fruit is sweet” (:) will help you get 1000-5000 more views.

Step 6

Another way is Social Networks. If you have a lot of friends on “networks” like facebook, twitter, etc. Use the “share” button on Youtube, and ask your friends to click “tell friends” as well.
That's all, if you combine all these actions, then you can easily get 10.000-20.000 views.

How to get views on YouTube? Today I will give you a method that will help you gain views for each video absolutely without programs, without cheating and for free. The result will depend on your persistence.

So how do you get views?

The bottom line is that you post (in social networks) in different groups in the comments their own videos... But not in every group in a row, but in thematic... Topic groups are those groups that are directly related to the topic of your channel. If the video is about building a house, then you need to look for groups dedicated to building a house (logical). Let's say you have a fishing video. If you post your video in public on the topic of music, then no one will watch you and you will not have views. It is necessary to take thematic communities. Well, do not forget about near-thematic groups. Examples of related topics / groups: video, youtube, youtube.

Here's a prime example:

Every day I left a new one link per video in more than 20-70 publics... Everything was done by hand. This business takes about 20-30 minutes. At the end of the day, I already have the n-th number of views. The very juice is that the video (in most cases) remain and you will be further recruit views. I'm talking about those groups / publics where there are very few new posts.
If you say in your video that they say “ subscribe to my channel“Then you will also gain subscribers. You kill 2 birds with one stone.

In large groups / publics you will receive ban for spam. But do not be upset, because there are other publics.
The more you link to your videos, the more and more efficient the exhaust will be. The result will depend on your persistence.

This method is good because it gives push your channel and your videos. At first, it is better to advance like this, because this white way promotion... Once you get promoted and you have enough followers, then you can quit this business.

After 3 months.

If you have not yet used this method, then you are losing a lot. Until now, I am actively using this method. But now I am scattering videos not in 40 publics, but 2-3 times more, so that the result is better. Help me with this "fake" pages. Oh yes, it takes more time (hour), but as I said, the result is worth it.

You probably know that the video that received the most views in the first few days has huge advantages over other videos of a similar topic.

By topic, I mean those videos that will have similar titles and other similar optimization of the video itself on video hosting.

There are many articles on the Internet that tell you how to get videos to the top on Youtube, but I believe that they do not fully cover this topic.

I hope after reading the article you will clearly know how to get views on YouTube. All the methods that I describe below are perfect for any person who runs their own YouTube channel.

The methods will help to gain views on YouTube videos in the first few hours and will be able to direct traffic to them in the future.

My personal experience

He started promoting a completely new channel without subscribers and views.

In 4 weeks I got 484 subscribers on Youtube and over 267 thousand views. At the same time, 75 videos were uploaded. The result does not suit me very much, since there was an opportunity to significantly increase these indicators, but I did not use it.

But since some channels exist due to constant promotion, I will talk about it at the end of the article.

How to get a lot of views on YouTube?

At the moment, there are several popular social networks on the Runet that generate a huge amount of traffic, you just need to find it and send it to your video.

People are always looking for interesting materials and for this they visit their favorite publics and groups. Find thematic communities and post your video there, views on YouTube will increase.

I recommend using the following social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook. I don’t work with others because I don’t think the game is worth the trouble.

True, exceptions are possible, for example, if you want to promote a video not on the Runet, but somewhere abroad, then pay attention to the following sites: Tumblr, LinkedIn, Digg.

To effectively promote a channel on Youtube, you will need not only to search for traffic, but also to delay it on your own pages of social networks: in communities or on personal pages.

Why do you need to detain someone on third-party sites?

I think you know that an incredibly large number of people visit Youtube, but have you ever wondered that not all of them are registered there ?!

If they do not have an account on this video hosting, then they will not be able to subscribe to your channel and will most likely simply forget about it after watching the video. We will be smarter and ask these valuable people to subscribe to pages on social networks. Most likely they are in some one.

Thus, it is possible to increase the audience not only on the channel, but also on other sites, which in the future will be able to bring some income and, of course, steadily direct traffic to the YouTube channel, views will grow.

In words, it all seems simple, but in reality it is quite difficult.

If you are working on a channel alone, know that you will have to sweat.

How to get views on YouTube through VKontakte, Odnoklassniki?

First of all, create a personal page where you will post your videos. You can arrange it as you please, do not forget to include a link to your channel.

If several people are working on a channel, consider creating your own community, which will be more difficult to promote, but you can get a much better result than from promoting a group.

I recommend not delaying, but immediately creating VKontakte and in Odnoklassniki for yourself groups in which you will publish the video.

Communities will need to promote along with the channel, and in the future they will support one one.

Take certain key phrases for yourself and work your way up on them in your social media searches. The promotion of VKontakte groups has already been described earlier, I can not add anything new here.

An effective way to quickly attract interested people to your video.

Finding groups is fairly easy through search. VKontakte videos should be posted on the wall, and a topic should be created on Odnoklassniki. Different names, but the essence is the same. You can post the video on the wall yourself, or add it to the comments to some existing post.

The best option is to offer news, there is such an item on VKontakte and a similar one in Odnoklassniki.

You, through a certain section, send your material for verification by the group administration and if they liked everything, they will post the video on behalf of the community. Thus, your video will be in the feed of all members of this group, the traffic flow will be significant!

There are also various forums where you can create your own theme and attach a video. If you know where it can be done - do it!

Even if the influx of viewers is minimal, you shouldn't neglect it!

With the help of forums, you can perfectly build the link mass to your video, after which it will rank better not only in the search itself on Youtube, but also in other search engines.

Try to enter some questions into a search engine and it will offer you to look not only the text on various sites, but also the video.

For example, you have already created a profile for yourself, and then start filling it with content.

I recommend for VK to just repost from your group to your page, so your friends will see what you have posted on your wall and will most likely watch the video, or maybe join your community. A similar strategy will work for Odnoklassniki with Facebook.

Friends do not need to be added simply through a search for people on a social network, it cannot, for example, if you have a fishing channel.

There is no such item in the search for people as "Fishermen". If you are promoting a channel specifically for your region, then you can use search.

Go to the thematic group, open the page with the members and add everyone you like.

You can also add those who comment on posts on the wall, like, repost.

By the way, when searching for VKontakte, check the box next to the item on the site now, so you will add only those people who are online, which means your video will be watched faster.

On Odnoklassniki and on Facebook, search for members in communities that cannot be online.

How to increase the number of views on YouTube on Twitter?

Twitter will not help you get a lot of views on Youtube directly, but getting inbound links is very real here.

Many people say that Twitter can't do anything and blah blah blah. Of course, if you just talk, then it will not help!

I myself have been working with this microblogging for several days and I know very well that it can significantly raise the level of social signals.

Thanks to Twitter, you can display not only videos, but also sites in the top search engines.

So, I created my account, added a background, a picture, etc. The page itself is worth nothing at the moment, since no one knows about it, but this can be fixed pretty quickly. Here we will be helped by cheating readers on Twitter. In a few days, I have added over 2 thousand followers to my page and I keep doing it all the time.

You need to add a lot of followers to your Twitter profile if you want to increase his trust. How does this happen?

The Internet is a web of links. On Twitter, when a person starts reading your page, you appear in the Followed section, and then search robots find a link to your page in this section.

The search engine understands that you are already interesting to someone if they started to follow your news and trusts you more and, of course, indexes your tweets faster.

Ideally, you need to get 10 thousand followers to quickly index new posts.

Of course, if you are followed by people who already have several thousand of their own readers, then the situation here is completely different.

As you can see, there are many nuances, but I think you understood that many subscribers are good, and few are bad.

Yes, you will already have a lot of readers, but there is no need to stop there! Go to the section cheat retweets and select a service to promote your post. Ideally, of course, it is better to use all sites at once, but this is very difficult.

By the way, you can wind up retweets and readers through the VTope program, its functionality is excellent. On average, for each new tweet, I try to wind up a little over 400 retweets.

If you have the opportunity to receive several thousand retweets - forward and with the song. All services and VTope allow me to get 400 retweets in half an hour.

By the way, I don't like tweets, perhaps they are put by readers who have been screwed up or by other users who voluntarily subscribed to the page.

I hope you figured out how to get views on YouTube through social networks. Now I will tell you a little about the services for boosting views, likes and subscribers.

How to get views on YouTube through special services?

There are a huge number of projects on the Internet that allow you to artificially add an unlimited number of views.

You may have already heard about some of them or even worked with them. Undoubtedly, these sites can help you get views on YouTube, but do not forget that it is not safe!

Any cheat can be recognized, no matter how you hide it.

Some people want to artificially increase the number of views in order to connect an affiliate program in the future.

If you are one of them, then visit the section cheat views on YouTube, here you will find a complete list of sites that will help you.

I do not deny the fact that such services are able to promote videos to the top of Youtube searches, but I repeat that this is very dangerous for the normal life of your channel.

Many channels work directly with people who promote videos online.

This way you can buy views on Youtube too. Collecting views on YouTube through paid services is much safer than through free ones.

Specialists who promote orders use various ways to promote your video: promotion on social networks, building a link mass on a video, etc. If you want to place an order, ask what traffic sources they use.

I hope after reading this text you understand how to get views on YouTube.

Yes, this is a rather difficult task that requires a lot of attention and, of course, time. But by promoting your videos on a daily basis, you'll be making your life easier on your own.

Analyze all the methods, see which ones bring results and which ones do not. Create your own promotion schemes and share with them on the Web. Good luck and lots of views!

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