Home perennial flowers Ten foods we eat wrong. Named foods that we eat wrong & nbsp. Best to drink: at night

Ten foods we eat wrong. Named foods that we eat wrong & nbsp. Best to drink: at night

It seems to be simple advice, but some I didn’t know for sure and didn’t even imagine that it was so.

Did you know everything from the list of these tips?

If you eat apples without peel or in the form of a sauce, you lose their beneficial properties. The skin of apples is rich in nutrients such as fiber and antioxidants. If you remove the peel, you will lose the ability to feel full longer, lower cholesterol and get rid of inflammation.

If you always boil your vegetables for dinner, you are getting rid of key nutrients like vitamin C. Instead of getting into your body, the vitamins end up in the water and then down the drain. To get the most benefit, steam your vegetables.

If you fry meat, chicken, or seafood, the heat changes the protein structure in those foods and can even make them dangerous. It is better to try to cook meat at low temperatures, this will allow you to reduce the level of carcinogens in the dish. In addition, it is worth cooking in meat in a marinade and turning more often when frying - this also minimizes the occurrence of carcinogenic components.

Tea and milk go well together, but it's not very healthy. When you add milk to your cup, you get rid of the protective properties of tea that promote heart health. Milk contains the protein casein, which reduces the amount of catechins in tea. It is better to drink tea without milk or add a slice of lemon.

If you like salty snacks, pistachios are perfect for you. Not only are they very low in calories compared to other nuts, but they are also lower in fat. However, if you buy shelled pistachios, you may be hurting yourself. Buy pistachios in the shell, then you will eat more slowly and you can visually evaluate how much you have already eaten.

There are plenty of low-calorie, fat-free foods available in the store, but that doesn't mean these options are the best. When it comes to dairy products, don't go for low-fat ones - you'll just end up eating a large portion of sugar as a result. The thing is that when fat is removed from a product, the manufacturer replaces it with sugar so that the food is appetizing. In addition, fats provide not only a creamy texture, but also help to absorb fatty acids and vitamins. Fat also guarantees a long feeling of satiety.

Snacking on a handful of raw nuts is a great way to satisfy your hunger, but there are a few things you need to consider if you want to get all the nutrients. Nuts contain substances that do not allow them to be digested normally. To reduce them, soak nuts and dry before eating. Nuts like pecans, walnuts, and peanuts need to be soaked for twelve hours, almonds and macadamia for seven, and cashews for four to six. After soaking, you can dry the nuts in an oven or electric dryer.

Raw spinach is great for a salad, however, if you want to get the benefit, lightly sauté the greens. Cooked spinach contains less oxalic acid, in addition, vitamins A and E are absorbed better, the same goes for protein, fiber, zinc, calcium and iron. Pairing raw spinach with vitamin C if you don't feel like cooking will also help with iron absorption.

If you always chop garlic right before cooking, you should change your approach. It is recommended to wait five to ten minutes before cooking the garlic. The alliin found in garlic only begins to be converted to the beneficial allicin after you mince the garlic. If you immediately heat treat it, there will not be enough time for a full reaction.

As with dairy products, low-fat salad dressings aren't the healthiest either. Where better to choose dressing with fat. It will be much more satisfying, in addition, nutrients are absorbed better in combination with fats. It is best to dress the salad with olive oil with vinegar or spices.

Banana is the most convenient snack you can always take with you. If you eat them without any supplements, you will lose the nutrients from these yellow fruits. Try to always pair them with some source of fat, like almond butter, because the fat will help digest the banana's high sugar content.

Do you add chia to your juices? Not? Then you are doing everything wrong! Chia is a great source of healthy fats, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and protein. All juices, even vegetable juices, contain some amount of sugar, as they are a source of complex carbohydrates. Chia slows down the absorption of these sugars, preventing a spike in insulin in the blood. By adding chia, you turn a fast burst of energy into a slow burst of energy.

Do not eat yogurt without any additions. Add hemp seeds, flaxseed or chia to it. Yogurt contains a lot of sugar and yeast, which are acidic. The seeds have an alkaline effect, so they neutralize the acid created in the body by yogurt and help prevent sugar from fermenting in the body, which would otherwise cause all sorts of digestive problems. Remember that yogurt can negatively affect the digestive system. The fiber in chia seeds, hemp, or flax seeds helps the body digest yogurt and prevent constipation.

Raw onions contain minerals and oils that help fight fat stores and speed up metabolism. It is better to try to eat the onion in this way, without frying it.

If you regularly eat flaxseeds, you can reduce your chances of developing cancer, heart attack, and other diseases. However, eating the seeds whole without grinding them reduces the benefits and fiber.

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If you eat these foods at the wrong time, they will do more harm than good.

In our rapidly changing times, it can be difficult to eat regularly, stay slim and healthy.

But, even if you try to choose healthy food, this does not guarantee the best results.

Want to get the most out of food? Pick the Right Meal Time and You'll Feel the Difference.

Here are 7 foods we eat at the wrong time and when is the best time to consume them.

When is the best time to drink it in the morning or in the evening?

1. Milk

Best to drink: at night

Experts say that the best time to take milk is before bed, not during the day, as it takes a long time to digest and can lead to drowsiness.

When you drink milk at night, your body relaxes and your cells are better able to absorb nutrients while you are resting.

Worst to drink: in the morning

Due to the fact that we are more active in the mornings, milk is hard to digest and brings disorder to our diet.

2. Rice

Best to eat: in the afternoon

The ideal time to eat rice is at lunchtime, as your metabolism is much higher during the day than in the evening, plus it gives you an extra opportunity to use up carbs.

Worst to eat: at night

It is best not to eat rice at night, as the high starch content will make your stomach feel bloated throughout the night. In addition, the consumption of rice at night can lead to extra pounds, as it takes a long time to digest, and our body is completely at rest.

3. Yogurt and cottage cheese

Best to eat: in the afternoon

When we eat dairy products during the day, they aid digestion and soothe the digestive system. These foods are probiotics that aid in healthy digestion.

Worst to eat: at night

Cottage cheese and yogurt eaten at night are bad for the respiratory system, causing excessive phlegm production, which leads to coughing.

When is the best time to eat: morning or evening?

4. Sweets

Best to eat: in the morning

Ice cream, chocolate and other foods containing sugar should be eaten in the morning. This is due to the fact that insulin is best at fighting sugar at this time of the day. In addition, we are more active during the day and our body can burn more sugar in a day.

Worst to eat: at night

Sweet foods at night lead to the accumulation of excess fat in the body, since at night our physical activity is at a low level.

5. Legumes

Best to eat: at night

Legumes are rich in fiber, and if you eat them in the evening, they help digestion and lower cholesterol. In addition, they promote sound sleep.

Worst Eating: Morning

Avoid foods like lentils, beans, and other legumes in the morning or afternoon, as they increase your appetite and cause you to eat more during the day.

6. Bananas

Best to eat: in the afternoon

Bananas are rich in fiber, which aids in the digestive process. Bananas also help neutralize acid and reduce heartburn. Bananas are indispensable for maintaining energy levels throughout the day and are great as a pre-workout snack.

Worst to eat: at night

A banana eaten at night increases sputum production, which can aggravate coughing. It is especially not recommended to eat bananas on an empty stomach, as they are rich in magnesium, which can cause stomach problems.

7. Apples

Best to eat: in the morning

Apples contain fiber - pectin, which is especially abundant in apple peel. Pectin improves intestinal motility, prevents constipation and removes carcinogens from the body.

Worst to eat: in the evening/at night

Apples are a source of a lot of acid. When you eat them at night, it can cause sour burps due to the rise in acid levels.

Usually we eat certain foods, as we were taught to do this in childhood and, becoming adults, leave these habits, because it is more convenient for us. But is it really right and by preparing food the way our mother and grandmother taught us, we keep all the useful substances and vitamins in it? Just imagine how many useful things we miss out on by simply cooking or storing food incorrectly. We have prepared for you a few secrets that will help preserve in the products everything that nature has endowed them with.


Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C, omega-3 acids and antioxidants. Recent studies have shown that kiwi fruit is best eaten with the skin on. So the body gets even more ascorbic acid and fiber. Of course, in modern realities, you need to approach this issue sensibly. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, then it is better not to risk it. And if you are relaxing in a hot country and are convinced that your kiwi is grown in natural conditions, for example, in New Zealand, Chile or other kiwi exporting countries, then feel free to eat a healthy fruit.


Broccoli cabbage contains in its composition a large amount of minerals, vitamins, especially group B. Broccoli has a positive effect on the digestive system and improves blood composition. Many people make a common mistake by eating only the florets of this cabbage, while the stems contain even more vitamins A, C, K and nutrients that improve and speed up the detoxification of the body.


"Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!" - this statement from a children's song does not lose its relevance at all. Cow's milk consists of irreplaceable valuable substances that are so necessary for the human body for normal life. No other product contains so many useful elements.

It is important to remember here that all this does not apply to skim milk. It, in turn, does not bring any benefit to the body. In addition, to remove excess fat from the product, you need to add something else to it, which is not always a blessing.

Meat and caramelized onions

This is especially true for meat that is cooked on the barbecue. Yes, this ideal and loved by many couple is not really compatible if you want to have a fresh and fit look and be a healthy person. The fact is that in the process of frying over an open fire and caramelization, sugar reacts with protein. This starts glycation. It is this process that is responsible for skin aging and the occurrence of various diseases. For example, problems with the cardiovascular system or Alzheimer's disease. Give preference to healthy alternatives - stewing and baking.


The main problem with cinnamon is that it is often underestimated. Basically, the spice is added to coffee drinks or desserts. These are far from the only uses for cinnamon. Cinnamon pairs well with oatmeal. You can also add it to tea and even ordinary drinking water. Another reason to include cinnamon in your diet is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite.


Pomegranate has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, peeling this healthy fruit is sometimes very difficult. Do you like the prospect of splashing everything around with pomegranate juice? We don't either. To peel a pomegranate quickly and easily, you will need a knife, a spoon and a deep bowl. First, cut off the top of the pomegranate. Then we make cuts along the veins. Turn the fruit over and tap on it with a spoon. Ready!


Garlic is an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. It is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Scientists have counted more than 100 valuable substances that are important for the human body. How to use it correctly? Garlic should be crushed, not cut. And after that, ideally, you still need to give him time to lie down. About 10 minutes will be enough for garlic to reveal all its beneficial properties.

We eat most of the products exactly as our parents and grandparents taught us in childhood.

Have you ever thought: do we eat certain foods correctly, and do all the nutrients get into our body?

In fact, nutritionists have identified 10 mistakes that we make while cooking. Check them out and never do it again!

10 foods we eat wrong

1. Broccoli

Wonderful broccoli has quietly gained wide popularity in our country, and all thanks to its exquisite taste and the presence of nutrients, B vitamins, chlorophylls and antioxidants that improve the rheological properties of blood, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and destroy cancer cells.

But most of us make the common mistake of eating only broccoli florets when The stem of this plant contains twice as much vitamins C, A and K.
Moreover, scientists have found that blanching and adding broccoli to vegetable broth, we unconsciously kill the valuable substances of this product.

Avoid long-term frying, baking and stewing broccoli. It is much more correct to use cabbage fresh, chopping it and adding it to a salad or steaming it.

2. Black tea

Most people cannot imagine an early morning or a cozy evening without a cup of fragrant black tea. It perfectly invigorates and calms, and besides, it has a lot of useful substances, among which catechins stand out - bioflavonoids, which are known for their anti-carcinogenic properties.

Some prefer tea with honey, others add a slice of lemon to it, and still others adore tea with milk. This is where the error lies.
The fact is that when tea interacts with milk, beneficial properties are destroyed of this drink, namely, a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
In addition, milk protein inhibits the absorption of catechins by the body, which is why tea loses its anti-cancer properties.

3. Flax seeds

Flaxseed is a real treasure trove for people who value their own health. This product secretes mucus that envelops the stomach and prevents the development of gastritis and ulcers, and besides, flax seeds boast the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and phenolic compounds - lignans, which actively destroy cancer cells, preventing the development of oncology.

Such a product should be regularly present in the diet of a person who thinks about his own health.
But the valuable substances of the seeds are hidden deep in the nuclei, and therefore it is difficult for the human body to absorb them. In this regard, eating energy bars with flax seeds, as well as adding whole grains to juice or cereal, will not bring benefits.

It is much more correct to purchase flaxseed in powder form or grind the seeds yourself before adding them to food. In this case, the structure of the seed will be destroyed, and the beneficial substances will be easily absorbed by the body.

4. Strawberries

With the advent of summer, a wonderful strawberry pleases all of us with its unique aroma and inimitable taste. In addition, strawberries are a valuable source of vitamin C, a storehouse of fiber and antioxidants that destroy free radicals, preventing any inflammatory processes in the body.

It would seem that everything is clear with this product - what could be simpler: I collected a basket of strawberries, washed, cleaned and cooked fragrant jam. But not everything is so simple!
It turns out that the valuable substances of strawberries are very sensitive to light and oxygen, and therefore, when tearing off the tail and cutting the berries, all the benefits from them quickly disappear.
Washed and peeled strawberries should not be covered with sugar and left to let the juice in, because in this case there will be practically no benefit from it.
In addition, only self-grown berries are useful to the body and only in season. Having decided to eat strawberries in the cold winter, give up the genetically modified product from the supermarket shelves in favor of your own frozen berries.

5. Asparagus

Experienced housewives know and appreciate asparagus for saturating the body with useful substances and the dietary properties of the product, which allow maintaining a beautiful figure.

They just cook it, basically, by blanching it in boiling water, which is completely wrong. In this case, most of the vitamin C, a valuable source of which is asparagus, is simply destroyed.

For proper preparation of this product, it should be fry very quickly in a pan or cook asparagus in a double boiler.
This will allow you to save all the valuable substances of greenery.

Moreover, do not rush to throw away the water from the steamer left over from cooking asparagus. It also contains many useful substances, which means that you can make a sauce based on this liquid or simply add it to soup.

6. Tomatoes

What could be tastier than juicy and ripe tomatoes? Especially if these wonderful red vegetables are just picked from the garden.
But tomatoes are also invaluable benefits for the whole body, especially if you eat them raw.

However, the most valuable component of tomatoes is the phytonutrient lycopene, which prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies, inflammatory diseases and cancerous tumors.

But there is no lycopene in raw tomato. It is formed during the heat treatment process, which means when boiling, frying or baking tomatoes.
According to scientists, the maximum concentration of phytonutrients in this product can be achieved at a temperature of 90 ° C, which means that it is safe to prepare salads with pan-fried tomatoes or roast vegetables on the grill.

By the way, this rule applies to carrots. Scientists have proven that when eating boiled carrots, carotene is absorbed 5 times better!

7. Grilled meat

Cooking shish kebabs and barbecue is an essential attribute of outdoor recreation. Juicy fire-roasted meat simply attracts with its aroma and pleases with an unsurpassed taste.
True, only true professionals should cook meat on the grill, because otherwise, instead of juicy pieces of lamb or pork, you can get charred coals.

But nutritionists warn that the burnt meat crust contains the most harmful substances - heterocyclic amines, which can cause the rapid growth of cancer cells.

To rid your body of carcinogens, never do not rely on a burnt crust as a sign of meat readiness. It is better to check the readiness of the meat with a special thermometer.

8. Yogurt

When you open a package of Greek yogurt, you can see a clear liquid on top, which many simply pour into the sink. You don't have to do it, because the resulting liquid is nothing but whey, which is rich in phosphorus, calcium, protein and vitamin B12.

There is no need to get rid of this nutrient, it is much more beneficial to mix it with yogurt, keeping all the valuable elements inside the product.

But those who like to add yogurt to cooked meat and various marinades should be warned against such actions.
If nothing happens to the vitamins and calcium present in the fermented milk product, then the beneficial bacteria that all yogurts are famous for will simply be destroyed when interacting with heat.

9. Beans and grains

The shell of dried beans and unprocessed cereals contains special substances - phytates, which, when ingested, prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body.

However, you should not stop using these products because of this problem. Enough Soak grains, peas or beans for several hours in water and most of the phytates will not get into your food.
Moreover, saturated with water, beans and cereals will be easier to digest in the stomach.

10. Garlic

If most products lose their valuable properties when destroyed, things are somewhat different with garlic. When destroyed, this product, like many others, loses vitamin C, but at the same time it begins to rapidly release allicin, a substance that inhibits the growth of fungi, bacteria, and even cancer cells in the body.

Experienced chefs recommend not chopping garlic for soups and salads, but just press it, and then leave it for literally 10 minutes so that the nutrients are revealed as much as possible and only after that add to the prepared dishes.

Now that you know how to properly consume certain foods, you will not miss the benefits that they bring to our body.
Health to you and good mood!

For a person it is difficult to overestimate. Every day we eat different foods, many of which are very familiar. But even this seemingly simple food can hide a great danger. Below, we have selected the most common foods that will harm the body if abused every day.


Most people start their mornings with coffee. Well, out of habit, how not to add a little cream to it. The danger of this product is that often this dairy product has nothing to do with cream. But there is soy or cottonseed oil, which can harm memory processes. Coffee creamers also contain trans fats, sugar, and synthetic colors. If you do not like to drink pure coffee, try adding regular milk instead of cream.

Add milk to coffee


Juices are good and healthy, especially for children. This opinion is rather controversial. Fruit juice is a fairly concentrated product that irritates the intestinal wall. Also, do not forget about the high content of sugars. For example, 250 ml of natural grape juice contains 35 grams of sugar. In packaged juices, the amount of sugars is completely over the top, since it is obtained mainly from fructose syrups. The best and healthiest drink is pure drinking water. But if you already want something sweet, then replace the juices with homemade lemonades or compote. In this case, you can personally control the amount of sugar and other components of the drink.

Replace juices with lemonade or compote


If you think that you practically do not eat icing, then you are deeply mistaken. Almost all confectionery, cookies, curds and sweets are covered with icing instead of chocolate. Also these days it is difficult to find popsicles with real dark or milk chocolate. What is so dangerous in confectionery glaze? Trans fats, dyes, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide are just some of its ingredients. Carefully read the composition of the products, and use natural chocolate to decorate at home.

Make frosting at home


There are many energy drinks on the market today. According to the manufacturers, they increase concentration, invigorate and give energy for the whole day. But for some reason they forget to warn about serious harm to health. Such drinks contain a lethal dose of caffeine and its analogues, which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system. Energy drinks are destructive to tooth enamel, and frequent use can lead to impaired liver function. Also, do not forget about the huge amount of sugar - two cans of the drink exceed the daily intake of its consumption. It is better to invigorate yourself with natural coffee or green tea.

Get rid of energy drinks

Bakery products

Of course, rolls or bread in themselves are not harmful, except for the figure. As always, the problem is in the components of the product. It's no secret that many manufacturers use baking powder for greater splendor and volume of bread and rolls. One of these substances is potassium bromate - food additive E924. This baking powder causes cancer in animals and increases the risk of disease in humans. In many countries, it has been banned since 1991, but products containing potassium bromate can still be found on store shelves. If we talk about white bread, benzoyl peroxide - E928 is of particular danger. This additive is used to bleach flour; in its pure form, this substance is a carcinogen. To protect against such bread, carefully look at the composition of its components.

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