Home Perennial flowers Dosage for walking and running according to the age of the dhow. “Track and field athletics in kindergarten. Development of speed-power qualities

Dosage for walking and running according to the age of the dhow. “Track and field athletics in kindergarten. Development of speed-power qualities


The types of running are different. In sports practice, running is divided depending on the length of the distance: sprint (60-100 m), medium-distance running (400-1000 m), long-distance running (from 2000 m), marathon running. In addition, a distinction is made between cross-country running, with obstacles, and hurdles. In recent years, jogging, which is used for recreational purposes, has gained particular popularity.
Taking into account age characteristics, the following types of running are available to preschool children: normal running at a calm pace, running at speed, with obstacles and the inclusion of other movements (crawling, jumping), running with a changing pace, slow running. The types of running and jogging exercises differ in their technique. The educator should know these features in order to prevent mistakes, correct them easier and faster, and correctly define the tasks and teaching methods.
Normal running. The correct technique for such a run is considered: the ability to run freely, easily, with natural hand movements. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are freely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward and upward approximately to the level of the chest somewhat inward, then elbows are pulled back to the sides. When running in small steps, the leg slightly bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. With wider running strides, the foot is placed from the heel, followed by an elastic lowering over the entire foot. When pushing off, you need to straighten your leg at the knee. The toes of the feet are not parted to the sides. The body is slightly tilted forward, the head is in line with it, the chest and shoulders are unfolded, the shoulders should not be turned after the hand, so as not to cause excessive rotation of the body.
Normal running at an average pace is widely used to teach some elements of technique, the skills of correct coordinated movement. With such a run, children can better control their movements, feel them well, and can amend their actions.
Normal running can be carried out in various formations: in a column one by one, in pairs, in a circle, "snake", etc. The approximate duration of continuous running increases gradually from 10-15 seconds in the younger groups to 35-40 seconds in the older ones (repeated 2 -4 times intermittently). For children 6-7 years old, at the end of the school year, the duration of the run can be within one minute, since during the year children master the elements of the correct running technique, their functional training grows.
Running on toes. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot, without touching the floor with the heel. The step is short, the pace is fast. The movements of the hands are calm, relaxed, in time with the steps, do not raise them high, You can put your hands on your belt.
Running with high knees. Run while raising the leg bent at the knee at a right angle, place it on the floor with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the forefoot. The stride is short, with little forward movement. The body is straight and slightly tilted back, the head is raised high. Hands can be placed on the belt. Alternate with regular running or walking.
Running with a wide stride. Take wide strides, increasing the thrust and flight time (as if jumping over an imaginary obstacle). Put your foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to straighten the pushing leg completely, pushing energetically. Hand movements are free and sweeping.
Running with the back of the leg bent at the knee. The body is tilted forward a little more than usual, the hands are on the belt. The leg bent at the knee is pulled back after the push (try to get the buttock with the heel). Alternate with regular running, relaxing your legs a little more, giving them rest. Cross step running. Perform with an overlap of almost straight legs: right - to the left, left - to the right. The leg is placed on the foot.
Jumping running. It is carried out energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward and upward.
The duration of continuous running on toes, with a high rise of the knees, with the back of the leg bent at the knee is short (10-20 s). As a rule, these types of running are repeated 2-3 times, alternating each type with regular running or walking. Running with a wide stride is given at a distance of 10-12 m. For this run, you can use various landmarks - lines, cords, flat hoops, stuffed balls.
Running at a fast pace. It is performed on the forefoot or on toes. The step is wide, impetuous. The movements of the hands are active, in time with the running steps. Do vigorous take-offs with a jogging leg, straightening it well. Move the fly leg forward and up. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders are deployed, not tense, look forward. Fast running is most often used in games with elements of competition. The duration of such a run is short - 5-8 s. However, alternating with natural stops - rest, it can be repeated 4-5 times.
Slow running has recently gained great popularity, mainly as a means of developing general endurance, increasing the functional capabilities of the body. In this run, you need to be able to maintain a small pace, not to speed up or slow it down, to run rhythmically. Take short steps, put your foot on the front of the foot or elasticly from heel to toe. The movements of the arms are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.
Variable pace jogging is used in conjunction with other movements. The main task in teaching this type of running is to teach children to choose the pace and type of running that best suits the content of the task. So, if the run ends with a jump or a long jump, then you do not need to slow down the pace before the push, but go directly from the last step of the run to energetic pushing up or forward. You need to be able to quickly and deftly switch from running to another type of movement. For example, crawl under a hoop or rope, walk along a log, and then continue running without stopping, without changing direction. Different exercises can be offered at a variable pace.
Shuttle run. A wide rushing stride alternates with hard braking at the end when driving in a straight line and frequent strides when cornering. Before changing direction, the pace is faster, the steps are shorter, the knees are bent more to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and around corners.
Running in combination with crawling under sticks, climbing into a hoop, jumping over, jumping up. Here you need to be able to slow down and accelerate the pace of your run before overcoming an obstacle.
Running in different natural conditions develops the ability to apply the type of running that best suits these conditions, its pace and speed. Running on a winding path is different from running in a straight line, and running on sand requires a different technique and different effort than running on a dirt track. Changing the conditions familiar to children, choosing their different combinations, it is necessary to promote the development of the skills so necessary in life - to use the most effective type of running in accordance with the surface conditions (unpaved, grassy, ​​asphalt track, running on sand, water, uphill and downhill) ...
When running uphill, the leg is on the toe, the step is short, the body is tilted forward. When running, the leg is placed on the entire foot or from heel to toe, the legs are more bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted back.
When running up and down on the board, laid obliquely, the feet are placed close to one another, the toes are not spread to the sides, and the balance is regulated by hand movements.

EN Vavilova, "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw", M., 1983

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Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 75 of general developmental type"

the city of Magnitogorsk

Literature 47

This manual presents the experience of a physical education instructor of the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 75 of general developmental type" Kartashova Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

The material presented in the manual reflects new approaches in teaching children of preschool and primary school age the basic movements: running, jumping, throwing.

The collection is intended for physical education instructors of preschool educational institutions and physical education teachers in primary grades.


The most urgent problem today is the problem of maintaining health.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have long established that human health is only 7-8% of envy on the success of health care and 50% of the way of life.

To be healthy, you need to master the art of preserving and strengthening it. This art should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution. For the development of preschoolers, it is important to timely master a variety of movements, primarily their main types - running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing, without which it is impossible to actively participate in outdoor games, and in the future to successfully engage in sports.

The manual we have proposed is an attempt to show in practice the system of work on teaching basic movements to preschool children. The manual will help to develop a set of athletics classes for preschool children.

The manual uses the generally accepted abbreviations in the methodology of physical education:

I. p. - starting position.

O. s. - the main stand.

Athletics is rightfully called the "Queen of Sports".

Athletics is a sport that combines exercises:


In throwing

· In the all-around.

Track and field exercises have a very versatile effect on the human body. They develop speed, agility, strength, endurance, and improve joint mobility.

Running is a natural way of getting around and is included in many sports such as football, basketball, and others.

Cross-country types are divided into:

· Smooth running:

Short distances: 30 m, 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m.

Average distances: 500 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1000 m, 2000 m.

Long distance: 3000m, 5000m, 10000m, 25000m.

· running in vivo:

Cross 500 m, 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 8 km, 10 km, 12 km.

Marathon 42 km 185 m.

· Running with obstacles:

Barrier running 50, 60, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400 m

· relay race:

Short distance: 4 people x 60 m

Medium distances: 4x400 m

By changing the length of the distance and running speed, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed, develop other physical qualities, coordination of movements.

Long-term running at low speed (in the forest, park) is of hygienic importance and is one of the best means of health improvement.

Running at high speed places high demands on the trainees, especially on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and serves as an excellent tool for developing endurance.

Running at a higher speed is included in activities to develop the strength of speed. Without good skills, it is difficult to expect high results in jumping.

Jumping as a way to overcome obstacles.

· Jumping over a vertical obstacle, where the goal is pursued - to jump higher - high jumps from a run.

· Jumping over a horizontal obstacle. The goal is to jump as far as possible - long jump with a running start.

Jumps of training value:

Standing long jump

Multiple jumps

Jumping from a height

Jumping out

In any type of jump, the level of results depends on the strength of the push. This means that the main attention should be paid to the development of the leg muscles.

H / jogging at high speed to send your body up or forward, it is important to be fast

You need to be able to control the body in flight when it is deprived of support

To be able to maintain a stable balance, trying to land as far as possible.

Throwing - the main goal is the range of the projectile:

Behind the head throws (spear, grenade, ball)

Turning throws (disc, hammer)

Shots with a jerk (core)

The main task: to give the projectile high speed and make it fly as far as possible.

To do this, you must have:

By the strength of the weightlifter

Sprinter speed

The agility of an acrobat

High volitional qualities

Versatile physical training.

The ability to run quickly and dexterously is necessary in the child's main activity - play. Running is the most common movement used in everyday life by all children, regardless of whether they are in kindergarten or on the playground.

Exercises for mastering the technique of running

1 Running of segments of 60-80 m in a straight line. The stops are placed on the line and parallel to it. 4-6 times.

2 Running with a high hip lift. First, it is performed on the spot, then with a slight advance (10-12 m) 3-6 times.

We make sure that the shoulders do not lean back, do not strain - you can keep your hands on the belt. The hip rises horizontally, the supporting leg is fully extended.

3 Running through objects (balls, gymnastic benches, etc.), changing the distance between objects and their height. You can change the height of the hip, the length and frequency of the stride, and therefore the rhythm and speed of running. 3-5 times.

4 Jumping from foot to foot. When pushing off, the push leg is fully straightened in all joints, and the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is energetically sent with the knee forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, vigorously move back and forth 10-20 m. 4-6 times.

5 Multiple hops on one leg with pulling the pushing leg forward and upward, as in running, and landing on it. 3-5 times.

6 Running with a high rise of the thigh and throwing the lower leg back ("wheel") 10-20 m 3-4 times. Make sure that the supporting leg is fully straightened at the moment of movement, and the pelvis is moved forward.

7 I. p. - o. with. Transfer the weight of the body to your toes without lifting your heels. Run a segment of 15-20 m, keeping the inclination of the body thus obtained 4-5 times.

8 I. p. - o. with. Movements with arms bent at the elbows, as when running. They are performed slowly at first, then with acceleration. Make sure that the elbows move back to failure, there is no tension in the neck and shoulders. The exercise can be performed with a rope.

9 Running a segment of 20-30 m at the entrance to the turn 3-5 times. Watch out for smooth corner entry. Bending the body forward and to the left and abducting the elbow of the right hand to the right while moving it back.

10 The same, but running along the bend.

11 Running a segment of 30-50 m when exiting a turn. 3-5 times. Observe the smooth transition from cornering to straight running. Pay special attention to the forward-left tilt of the body.

12 Running from a high start for 20-30 m. 3-5 times. Pay attention to the exit from the start in an incline and a fast run, which is achieved by actively raising and lowering the hip, as well as powerful repulsion.

13 Run downhill 4-5 degrees. 4-5 times.

14 Runs up a hill of small steepness 4-5 times.

15 Accelerated running on a straight path with entry into the turn 2-3 times

The sequence of training to run.

You need to start learning to run by finding mistakes.

Task 1: run several times at an average speed of 30-50 m, fixing flaws.

Task 2: repeated running with acceleration at different parts of the distance.

I.P. - one leg is slightly extended forward, rise on toes and start running at low speed, making small steps. Gradually increase the length of your steps and increase their frequency. Raising the hip higher promotes better take off, providing better conditions for setting the leg up for the next take off. Running speed increases as long as freedom of movement and their correct structure are maintained.

In running with acceleration, thanks to the straightened and. and a slow increase in running speed, it is easier to achieve correct posture and movement when running at high speed. A good way to achieve proper free running is to run with a rapid build-up of speed and then forward momentum.


The thigh is not raised enough

The leg at the knee is straightened early

The foot is extended far forward / whipping out the lower leg /

Vertical position of the trunk

Excessive backward tilt of the trunk

Keeping the elbows away from the torso

Insufficient amplitude of the work of the hands

Movement of the arms across the body

Excessive straightening of the arms when pulling them back

Incomplete take-off with the foot

Side swaying of the body

Enslavement in running

Ways to fix errors:

Jogging with a high hip lift

Folding the leg at the knee joint with a gradual increase in speed when moving forward

Accelerated removal of the hip, running with small bounces, running in support

Various multijumps

Running with a high hip lift with a gradual increase in steps and transition to running with acceleration

Line running

Springy swinging in a wide lunge, changing legs by jumping in a lunge, walking in a lunge for hip joint mobility

Imitation of the work of hands on the spot and while running

Jogging with raised arms

Errors in a high start on the command "Start"

The jogging foot is close to the starting line

A large bend forward, shoulders go beyond the starting line

Legs are too bent at the knees

The runner leans back

Error correction:

Keep your leg away from the starting line, less forward bend of the torso

Straighten up, do not shift body weight forward

Straighten your legs, raise your head and arms higher

Move shoulders forward, chin lower

Errors in a high start on the command "March"

The leg rises too high in the first step

The head rises sharply and quickly

Error correction:

· Send the foot forward, parallel to the ground. Move your foot forward, not up

Lower the chin to the chest

Relax your shoulders, lower your hands below the waist

Relay race

The difficulty of relay running lies in passing the baton at high speed in a limited transfer area. Distance running is no different from the usual “smooth” running, since the presence of a 50 g relay baton in the hands does not affect the running technique and requires almost no additional effort.

Sequence of training:

Problem 1- to create an idea of ​​the relay race technique among the students. Tell about the types of relay race, about the general features of all relay races and the features of each of them.

Task 2- to teach those involved in the technique of passing the baton.

In group training, students build in two open ranks 1-1.5 steps apart, with an offset of 0.5 steps to the left. The trainees, standing in the second rank, hold the baton by the lower end in their right hand. On command, the trainees standing in the first rank take their straightened left hand back to prima the relay baton, and those in the second rank with a pause after the command or on a new command pass the baton in such a way that the back of the hand touches the receiver's palm. After the transfer, the trainees turn in a circle and make the transfer, changing roles.

After the trainees master the transfer of the baton under the conditions set out above, it is possible to transfer with a preliminary imitation of running "work" with the hands, but the receiver takes his hand back to receive the baton in advance, and the transmitter with a pause, after the receiver is ready, puts the baton in his hand ... At first, the instructor gives the command to transfer, and later - the one passing the baton.

Then the baton is passed during the movement of all those who are walking, first at the command of the instructor, then at the signal of the transmitter. Participants change roles after each program. It will not be a mistake if the roles are changed after several transfers. Initial mastering of passing the baton in stride movement allows for transition to the transfer during slow running and running at medium speed.

Problem 3- to achieve passing the relay baton at the maximum speed in the 20 - meter zone.

Coordination in passing the baton at maximum speed plays a decisive role in achieving high athletic performance in relay running. Therefore, when preparing a team, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to improving the technique of passing the baton in the transfer zone at high speed.

The main means for solving this problem is the full distance running by the whole team. However, running a full distance multiple times is tedious, and this element of technique must be repeated many times to achieve clear transmission.

Therefore, along with running the entire distance, it is necessary to improve the technique of passing on short sections, but with the same running speed as at the full distance.

Tasks and means of teaching relay race.


Fixed assets

Additional tools for improving technique and correcting deficiencies

1. To create an idea of ​​the relay race technique among the students

A story about the types of relay race.

Demonstration and explanation of running technique.

Consideration of photographs, cinematograms, film rings.

2. To teach those involved in the technique of passing the baton.

1. Holding the baton

2. Passing the baton from the right hand to the prepared left hand while standing still.

3. The same from the left hand to the right

4. Passing the baton while standing still to the signal hand

5. Passing from right to left and from left to right while walking. The hand for receiving is first given in advance, and then at the signal.

6. Passing in slow running.

Re-execution after preliminary explanation.

3. Achieve the transfer of the relay baton at the maximum speed in the 20-meter zone.

1. Repetitive runs with a transfer in the 20-meter zone at different speeds.

2. Running the entire distance at a competitive pace

3. Participation in competitions

Consistent focus on individual elements of running technique and passing the baton.

Errors in initial training and remedies.



1. Non-springy "low" running in the first part of the run worsens all subsequent actions

1.1 Explanation and verification of the method of holding the projectile

1.2 Repetition of jogging with the ball, keeping the run on the forefoot.

2. The deviation of the body to the side opposite to the throw on the first “throwing” steps causes a slowdown in the running speed.

3. A high jump in a "cross" step and a pronounced positioning of the right foot on the heel significantly reduces the horizontal speed during the transition from the takeoff run to the throw and the accuracy of the application of efforts along the axis of the projectile.

2. Multiple jogging with ball deflection, running with a deflected ball, fixing the time of running the segments.

3. Imitation and execution of a "cross" step while walking and running. Choosing for each student the best combination of running speed and reaching the final position.

4. Premature straightening of the right leg in the “throwing” step reduces the effectiveness of its action in the two-support position when throwing the ball and shortens the length of the working path.

4. Imitation of setting the left leg in the last "throw" step, being on a bent leg. Running from a two-support position.

5. Flexion in the hip joint and tilt of the trunk to the left at the beginning of the final effort causes a violation of the entire throwing pattern.

5. Imitation of the final movement of the elements. Execution of a throw on elastic legs, accelerating the setting with the left. Throwing the ball at specified distances.

6. Lowering the throwing hand below the axis of the shoulders

6. Retracting the ball in place and in motion, controlling the position of the hand and the ball.

7. Abduction of the hand over the side.

7. Imitation of hand abduction

8. No “whipping” with the brush on the final effort

8. Throwing with a brush into the ground, a reference point through a stretched cord, leaving the brush with fingers pointing down.

9. Lack of acceleration in “throwing” steps.

9. First, throw in light conditions with 2-4 steps, then from running up.

Exercises to improve running technique and develop speed.

1. Starts from different and. etc. (lying on your back, standing with your back in the direction of running, etc.)

2. Jumping up from a half-squat on command with getting the object.

3. Running in place with forward movement, raising the knees high. Combine with optimal torso slope and correct arm and breathing.

4. Running in place with forward movement, overwhelming the lower leg with the hip lowered. Combine with relaxation of non-working muscles.

5. Jogging from foot to foot. Straighten the jogging leg rapidly.

6. Running with straight legs. Push off only with your foot.

7. Running uphill.

Exercises to develop speed of movement.

1. Running for a while on the move 30-60 m

2. Running with acceleration

3. Participation in assessments and competitions at 30,60,100 m.

4. Training in the transfer of the relay.

5. Imitation of the work of hands with a maximum speed of 10-20 sec.

6. Running in support with a maximum frequency of 10-20 seconds.

7.From a low start with a partner under the command of 30-60 m.

Exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities.

Complex number 1

1.and. p. - stand on one leg, bend the other at the knee. Jumps on one leg over objects a) in place

b) with promotion in place

repulsion mainly with the foot. Perform at an average pace.

2. and. - deep squat, emphasis on toes, in the hands of dumbbells. Jumping up. Do not tilt your shoulders forward. The body is straight. Emphasis on the execution of the final part of the take-off.

3. and. - stand on two legs, slightly bent at the knees. Jumping alternately overcoming 4-8 barriers located at a distance of 70-80 ms from one another. Two-footed takeoff. Keep your torso straight. Perform at an average pace.

4. and. etc. - to stand on a dais. The flight leg is in front, the jogging leg is behind. Jumping onto the jogging leg followed by a long jump. Emphasis on the consistency of the jerk and swing legs.

Complex number 2

1.and. etc. - stand on one leg, bend the other at the knee. Rapid take-off with the foot through medicine balls. 2-3 times. Do not tilt your shoulders forward. Vary the distance between the balls.

2. I. p. - forward lunge. After 3-4 springy wiggles - change legs in a jump. Hold your hands arbitrarily.

3. I. p.-o. with. Jumping up and forward on two legs 8-10 times. Pay attention to the straight position of the torso and the consistency of the work of the arms and legs.

4. I. p. - jogging leg in front, swing leg behind on the toe. With 4-6 running steps, quick take-off from foot to foot in the sequence: half-bridge - pedestal - reaching for a suspended object 3-4 times. Do not roll over your shoulders.

5. I. p. - the same. With 2-6 running steps, high jumps with a straight run 2-3 jumps on each leg. When passing over the bar, bend your legs at the knees. Do not roll your shoulders forward. Perform at a fast pace.

6. I. p. - to stand facing the gymnastic wall, rest your hands at head level. Two-legged upward push. Focus on ankle extension.

Complex number 3

1. I. p.-o. with. Fivefold jump from foot to foot

2. I. p.-o. with. Horse racing on one leg. Repeat on each leg 2-4 times.

3. I. p. - one leg is bent at the knee on the bench, the other is straightened on the ground. Jumping upward with extension of the bent leg (change of position of the legs). Pay attention to the consistency of arm and leg movements. Perform at an average pace.

4. I. p.-half-squat. Extend your legs and swing your arms to jump up.

5. I. p. - half-squat, hands down, holding a medicine ball. Throw the ball up as high as possible, catch, return to and. n. Keep your back straight.

6. I. p. - right leg in front of the heel. Alternating change of legs with forward movement with roll to toe. Pay attention to effective kick off.

Nodal running tasks.

1. Teaching the basics of running technique

2. Training in the peculiarities of slow running

3. Improving the technique of slow running, with a gradual increase in its duration, increasing requirements for the manifestation of endurance.

4. Teaching the alternation of slow running and walking, slow walking and running, keeping pace, length of the segment.

5. Teaching the features of fast running

6. Improvement of the fast running technique, gradually increasing the requirements for speed and promoting the development of speed as a motor quality.

Private tasks and the sequence of their implementation.

1. Teach to maintain correct posture while running

2. Teach free and rhythmic breathing while running

3. Teach rational hand movements while running

4. Teach a fast run up to 30 m, with the transition to running by inertia.

5. Teach to run at a steady pace for a duration of 1 minute.

Learning the assigned tasks begins with running in a column one at a time:

1. Teach to run in a straight line with a wide stride

2. Teach to run with a wide stride on toes, that is, high on the foot

3. To teach to develop the maximum speed in running at 30 m.

4. Teach to run at a slow and steady pace of 1.5 m or more.

The training starts:

By checking the running exercises previously learned. Depending on the development, one or another exercise is repeated to a greater extent, while learning new ones for better mastering of the running technique.

Running technique training

Task number 1 To acquaint children with the peculiarities of running, to identify individual shortcomings and ways to eliminate them.

Fixed assets:

1.repeated runs at an average speed of 50-100 m

2.conversation with children in order to find out their idea of ​​running technique

Problem number 2 Teaching children to run in a straight line

Fixed assets:

1. showing and explaining the acceleration run

2.Repeated running with acceleration at different parts of the distance

3.jogging with a high hip lift, with flexion of the leg at the knee joint, with the extension of the foot on the track

4. rerun with a rapid build-up of speed and inertia sprint for the rest of the distance.

Additional funds for technical improvement and elimination of deficiencies:

1.mincing running with a raking foot

2. running in small bounces forward and up

3.high-distant multijumps

4. running with throwing the lower leg back and abducting the thigh

5.Many bounces of take-off at the smallest possible angle to the track (straight trunk)

6.Various exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints

7.Various exercises to develop strength and speed of contraction of different muscle groups

Problem number 3 Teach children the technique of running along the bend of the track

Fixed assets:

1.show and explanation

2.repeat run with acceleration along the bend of the track, starting from the sixth, followed by a transition to running along the track with a smaller turning radius

3.repeat run along the bend with access to a straight track

4. Repeated running in a straight line with an exit to the turn of the track.

Problem number 4 Teach children high start techniques and starting acceleration

Fixed assets:

1.show and explanation

4.start of running from a high starting position without a signal

5. execution of the command "attention" with hand support on the track

6.Start of running from a position with hand support on the track at maximum speed

Task number 5 To teach children a low start

Fixed assets:

1.show and explanation

2. execution of the command "to start"

3. execution of the command "attention"

4.start running without a signal, independently

Additional funds for technical improvement and elimination of deficiencies:

1.beginning of the run with limitation of lifting the body with the hand held under the back of the starter, or with the gate above the track, with the head reaching the palm of the starter

2. overcoming resistance to moving forward

3.Pulling out with two feet without taking a step

4. start of running from and. n. from a horizontal position of the body and a leg set far back

5.Running from the start along the marks for the first 3-4 steps

Task number 6 To teach children the transition from starting acceleration to running on a distance

Fixed assets:

1.explanation of the essence and meaning of "free running" for a longer maintenance of the running speed at a sufficiently high level

2.Running after running a short distance

3.increasing running speed after running by inertia

4.a gradual decrease in the distance traveled by inertia (free stroke) to 2-3 steps

5.inertia run after starting acceleration

6. build-up of speed after a run by inertia, performed after the starting acceleration

7.Running 30-100 m with multiple changes of intensive running at different intervals

Problem number 7 To teach children how to run correctly when exiting a turn onto a straight part of the track

Fixed assets:

1.explanation of the meaning of “freewheel” when exiting a corner onto a straight line

2.inertia running after exiting a turn into a straight line

3. build up speed after running by inertia

4.a gradual decrease in the distance run by inertia, up to 3-4 steps

5. performing the transition from running on a turn to running in a straight line with "free play" after running the entire turn of the track at high speed

Task number 8 to teach children a low start at a turn

Fixed assets

1.Show and explain the features of corner start

2.installation of pads / support /

3.start acceleration along the second track (to increase the segment run in a straight line before entering the turn) with an exit tangentially to the edge of the first track

4.starting accelerations with the installation of pads (support) on your lane with a gradual increase from attempt to attempt of running speed

Problem number 9 To teach the finishing throw on the ribbon

Fixed assets:

1.demonstration and explanation of the meaning and technique of tape throwing

2. Performing a forward bend with arms backward, standing still

3. Performing a forward bend with the arms back when walking and running

4. - performing a forward bend with slow and fast running.

Problem 10 Improvement in running technique in general and in individual elements, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

After mastering the running technique, runners should work systematically to refine the details of the technique and reinforce the correct skills. As they move on to learn new technical details, runners continue to improve on previously mastered elements. Along with the improvement of skills, it is necessary to systematically work on the development of physical qualities necessary to achieve high sports results, since there is a close connection between the condition for the development of physical qualities and the form of movement of a runner.

Running teaching method

The development of a methodology for teaching any motor action begins with specifying the tasks. Their setting is conditioned by the requirements provided by the program, the corresponding educational material and the logic of mastering the technique of a specific action.

1.learning the general basics of running technique

2.Teaching the peculiarities of slow running

3.improvement in the technique of slow running, gradually increasing its duration and increasing the requirements for the manifestation of endurance

4.learning the alternation of slow walking and running, observing the given conditions (pace, length of the segment)

5.Teaching the features of the fast running technique

6.improvement in the technique of fast running, gradually increasing friction to speed and contributing to the development of speed as a motor quality

7. learning how to start running from a standing, sitting, lying position, contributing to the development of speed of movement and motor reaction

8. teaching the appropriate use of the formed running skills, the formation of running skills, the ability to distinguish between spatial and temporal parameters (which contributes to mastering the ability to control your movements)

From the formulation of general tasks, particular tasks follow, which are consistently solved in a preschool educational institution.

Stage 1 of the task:

1.to teach to maintain correct posture while running

2.to teach free and rhythmic breathing while running

3.to teach rational hand movements in running

4.to teach fast run up to 30 m

5. to teach slow running up to 1 min.

Column running one at a time

This is an organizing exercise. While mastering it, children learn to move around the site in a certain order, not overtaking, not pushing each other, but also keeping up with those running ahead by more than two steps. Link by link, the group goes in a column one by one, bypassing the site. 1 link starts running. Having run around the circle, it attaches itself behind the 3 links and continues to move at a step. Running starts with link 2, then link 3.

It is important from the outset to ensure that children keep their distance. At the same time, they learn to run at a slow pace. The exercise is repeated 2-4 times, 20-50 m long.

After 2-3 sessions, running in a column becomes more difficult:


Run in zigzags

· Running around flags, medicine balls, towns, etc.

Run on the board of the gymnastic bench

· Run under a tight rope, etc.

2.the pace of movement following the teacher:

Running in a circle



In a spiral

In parallel with the repetition of tasks in running in a column, the elements of the technique of correct running at a slow pace (100-200 steps per minute) are taught. First, they want the children to run with their arms bent at the elbows at right angles.

To master the elements of the correct running technique, it is useful to include jogging and running on the "wide staircase" in the classes. The need to overcome obstacles forces the runner to lift the hip of the swing leg high and vigorously. Correct execution of this movement develops a wide running stride with enhanced upward push-off, which contributes to a more successful mastery of the running technique in general.

First, a medicine ball jump (or other obstacle 25-30 cm high) is performed. At the first execution, the attention of children is focused on an energetic and high forward-upward extension of the hip of the swing leg at the moment of pushing off.

After repeating the jump over the medicine ball 4-5 times, the children in the same lesson practice running along the “wide staircase” - they run, “walking” through splinters the size of a school ruler, placed at a distance of 80-90 cm from one another (6- 8 splinters). Walking directions: Run with the swing leg hip raised high and lowering it to the ground from the toe, as if jumping over a medicine ball.

In the next 4-5 lessons, the same exercises are repeated with changes. Along with the consolidation of the correct running technique, running under a long rotating rope is learned.

First, the teacher himself rotates the rope with one of the children. The runner stands 2 steps from the rope and starts running at the moment when it descends towards him. In the future, the line from which the run begins is carried further 4-8 steps.

First, the trainees run obliquely under the rope, then straight.

Consolidation of the learned exercises is combined with tasks in a fast (170-180 steps per minute) 30 m run.

It is performed in pairs, in groups. I. p. Different:

1. running from a sitting, standing, lying position

2.Fast running alternates with slow running

Stage 2 of the task.

1.to teach to run with a wide stride along a narrow corridor

2.to teach to run with wide strides on toes

the same along a narrow corridor

3.to teach to run at a speed of 30 m

4. teach to run at a slow pace up to 1.5 minutes.

Training begins with checking the execution of the running exercises learned in stage 1.

Running down a narrow corridor

A corridor 20-30 cm wide is designated by two 6-10 m long cords laid on the ground.

Children alternately run along the corridor 4-8 times.


1. running down the hallway in the form of an arc or zigzag

2. running along a straight corridor with splinters of 80-90 cm transversely laid inside it.

3. Running along the corridor of gymnastic clubs, a chock 40-50 cm long.

Running on the rings.

At a distance of 80-100 cm from one another, 6-8 rings with a diameter of 28-32 cm are laid in a straight line. Run, hitting each ring with your toes and raising your knees high.


1.the rings are laid out so that when running, long strides alternate with short strides

2.two steps of the same length, the third is longer

After passing several rings, a medicine ball (barrier) jump is performed.

Training to run at a speed of 30 m.

1. running at a pace of 170-180 steps per minute. From different and. NS.

2. running 30 meters in a certain time.

3. Running at full strength

4. Fast run-slow run 30 sec

5. Slow run 30 sec, fast run 20 sec

6. Slow run 40 sec, average pace 30 sec

7. Slow run 30 sec, average pace 20 sec.

8. Slow run 1.5 min.

9. Fast running in games

Stage 3.

1.to teach straight-line running with correct foot position and active hand work

2.to teach slow run up to 300 m

3. To teach running with overcoming obstacles

4. Teach running from a high start.

Training begins with running in a column one at a time, at a different pace according to the tasks:

1. running at a medium and slow pace with claps

2. running - 8 steps counting. 8-no count

3.Running 10 seconds with claps, 10 seconds without sound signals

4.slow run 1.5 min, the same up to 500 m.

5. figured running along the markings - a circle, a zigzag, a spiral at a slow pace. Up to 500 m - no markings.

6. Jogging with overcoming obstacles


Run sideways a strip of barriers or balls, jumping every 2 steps against the next obstacle

Run along the path without an obstacle, jumping 2 steps

In running, jumping 2 steps from the left foot, then from the right.

Running with a stick behind your back.

2.teaching technique

1.Show and explain how to move the push

2. setting the leg to push and moving the body to the elastically bending push leg.

3. The same, but quickly bringing the pelvis forward, overtaking the shoulders and torso

4. The same, but accentuating the lag of the swing leg behind at a wide step, bringing it forward from the hip, fully straightening it at the knee and bending the foot towards itself.

5. In a free jump, quickly lowering down and along the body of the swing leg, pulling up and bending the jogging leg at the knee, directing the foot under the buttock of the swing leg.

6. The same performing a jump "for take-off" over the bar from walking and takeoff run in 3-5 running steps

7. Exercises for mastering repulsion:

Stretching 2-3 running steps and doing them all over the foot

Advancement in squatting on the swinging leg at the time of the completion of the penultimate step of the takeoff run

8.Exercises for mastering the final take-off movements

In walking, fast and with a large amplitude movement of the swinging leg and bent arms up

The same, but complementing the movement with a quick and complete extension of the trunk and pushing leg, lifting the body high on the front of the pushing leg.

Exercise by taking a take-off run on the treadmill and ending it with a slight take-off.

Jumping out suspended objects: leg, hand, head.

Jumping on high apparatus (objects) on the jogging and swinging legs.

3. Teach preparation for take off, the rhythm of the last steps and other elements of running technique.

1. demonstration and explanation of the rhythm options and elements of the take-off technique.

2. Mastering one of the variants of the take-off rhythm (2-4 running steps of the take-off run)

3. Mastering one of the options for starting the run

4. Gradual mastery of the take-off run and the choice of the most advantageous take-off distance.

5. Mastering the ability to smoothly increase the speed of the run and increase it on the last running steps

4.to teach the technique of crossing the bar

1.Show and explain the learned movements

2.imitation of movements of stepping over the bar without jumping

3.the same movements in a jump over the bar

4. in a jump, accentuated lowering with straightening of the swinging leg down behind the bar, while turning the foot inward and at the same time lifting the jogging leg and pelvis up.

5. In a jump over the bar, tilt the body towards the jogging leg.

Tasks and means of teaching long jump


Fixed assets

Additional funds

1. to create an idea of ​​the jumping technique using the “bending legs” method

Display and explanation

Viewing cinematics, film rings and posters

2.Test the ability to perform a jump

1.jumps from a running start in 4-6 steps with push-off from the ground

2.the same with repulsion from the bar

3.finding and refining a small take-off run and jumps from this take-off run

3.learning the repulsion technique

1.show and explanation

2.jumps from 4-6 steps

3.jumping over the bar at a height of 50-60 cm at a distance of half the length of the jump

1. jumping from a place with a push of one leg, with 1-2 steps

3. Combined Hymn Leap. horse and bar

4.Jumping on a treadmill in a series of 3-5 steps

4.Teaching landing technique

1.show and explanation

2.Long jump with 6-8 running steps over an obstacle 20-30 cm high, 1 m from the landing site

1. standing long jump

2. jumps from 4-6 steps to the anthem. horse, table, etc. with bent legs, trunk-vertical

3. bouncing with a push of 1-2 legs with raising the legs to the level of the body while standing still, walking and running slowly.

5.learning the flight phase of the jump

1.show and explanation

2.finding and clarifying the average take-off run in 10-14 running steps

3. jumping "legs bent" with a medium and full run

Jumping overcoming 2 obstacles:

1) height-50-60 cm at a distance of 1/3 or ½ of the entire length of the buckle

2) height-20-30 cm 1 m before landing

Exercises for mastering the repulsion technique.

1.and. on. with. with weights on the shoulders. Walking from heel to toe

2. and. on. with. jogging leg in front, swing leg behind. With 4-6 running steps, jumping onto the mat with landing on the swing leg. Pay attention to the release of the pelvis in the forward jerk. Perform at a fast pace.

3. With 6-7 running steps, a long jump from a straight run over a bar 20-30 cm high. Take off should be done at a distance of 60-70 cm from the bar.

4. I. p. Stand on a gymnastic bench, feet shoulder width apart. Stepping forward, straighten the supporting leg while simultaneously moving the swing arm to the g / wall.

Exercises for mastering the technique of movements in flight.

1.and. p. - jogging leg in front, swing leg behind. From 4-6 steps jump in step over obstacles located at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other and 60-80 cm from the place of push to 1 obstacle.

2. and. p. - the same C 6-8 running steps long jump, landing on 2 feet

3. and. p. - one leg in front. The other is behind. With your hands at head level, hold on to the rope, push off with a jogging foot, and then climb onto the rope.

4. I. p. - the same. From 2-4 running steps to step onto the rope, it is easy to lower the swinging leg and bring the jogging leg forward, pull the swinging to the jogging, bend over, jump off the rope on both legs

5. I. p. - the same. Do the same, only on the rings.

6. I. p. -C 4-6 running steps, starting from the support. perform long jump in "step"

Exercises for mastering the technique of long jump.

1. running 1 part of the run in 6 running steps. 2-3 times.

2. the same along the inclined path, the second part along the flat path.

3. Running with and without weights.

4. Takeoff on grassy ground

5. Running a full take-off run at the end

The development of physical qualities in the classroom of athletics.

Development of speed.

1.Jogging with a high hip lift, the maximum frequency of movements is 4-5 times, 10-12 m.

2. running with overlapping the lower leg back, maximum frequency of movements 4-5 times, 10-12 m.

3.acceleration from the start 5-6 times, 9-10 m.

To develop speed, outdoor games and relay races are used:

Running after the ball

At 5 m from the wall, an arc is laid out with white tape - the start. Behind her, to the left and to the right of the center, there are 2 teams of 5-6 people. Players to run are behind the arc. The interval is 1.5-2 m. There are 2 children near the wall, the ball is in the hands of 1. At the signal 1 passes the ball to 2, rolling it on the floor. Players of both teams run after the ball, trying to be the first to touch it and bring their team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Hares and rabbits

The group is divided into 2 teams: hares and rabbits. All are built through one in a column along the longitudinal axis facing the leader. To the left and right of the teams along lines A and B, there are various objects (there are half the number of participants in the game), at a predetermined signal, the participants of both teams run to the line and try to be the first to grab the objects and bring the team 1 point for each object. The team with the most points wins.

Running with obstacles

The game involves 2 teams, which line up each on its own start line. Lines at a distance of 3-4 m from one another. Finish line - 9-11 m. At the signal "Attention" the players accept and. n. - crouching down, lying down, sitting up, etc. at the signal “March” the teams run, and each of the runners of one team tries to catch up with the opponent and beat him to the finish line. For the salted - 1 point. In the next race, teams switch roles.

Oncoming run

Two teams are formed in columns, taking places behind the start leagues A and B. The finish line C is located at a distance of 9 m from the line A and B. At the signal, the team numbers simultaneously take the start and run to the finish line C. The winner brings 1 point to the team.

Speed ​​relay

There are 3 teams participating in the relay. Everyone is at the starting line. On signal, the first numbers run to the opposite side of the hall. Having gone around 1 rack, they come back, having gone around 2 rack, pass the baton to the next one.

Exercises to develop speed

1.Running segments of 20-30 m. 4-5 times. It is carried out both in a straight line and at a turn. Slowly at first, then accelerating.

2. The same, at an angle of 3-5 degrees.

3. Running a segment of 20-30 m from a high start. 5-7 times.

4. "Mincing Run". Performed in small steps, but with high frequency. It is carried out from a place, with acceleration.

5. Running with a high lifting of the thigh 20-40 m. 4-6 times.

6. Running with jumps. 20-30 m. 4-6 times.

7. Running with a shin sweep. 20-30 m. 2-4 times.

8. Running with a high hip lift. 4-6 times.

9. Exercise "Bicycle" (lying on your back)

Complex number 1

1.and. n-high start. Run 30 m 4-6 times.

2. Jumps on one leg 10 m, on the other 10 m.

3. Running on an incline.

4. Walking with fast and high lifting of the thigh. 10-15 times for each leg.

5. I. p. - the legs are slightly bent at the knees, one hand is laid forward, the other - back. Fast arm movements, like running. 2 times 15 sec.

6. I. p. - o. with. Running in place. 2 times 15 sec.

7. I. p. - on 1 leg facing the gymnastic ladder, grip at chest level. The fly leg is laid back and held by the partner's foot. Make a movement with the thigh of the swing leg and the pelvis forward.

Complex number 2

1. Run 4-5 hurdles (15 cm) from 7 steps, the distance between them is 50-60 cm.

2. and. p. - facing the gymnastic wall. One leg in front at a distance of 1 m from the wall, the other - 1.5 m. Quickly bring the pelvis forward and touch the bar located at shoulder level with the swinging leg.

3. I. p. - the same, but the distance is 3-5 m. One leg is in front, the other is behind on the toe. On command, children start running and jump onto the rail with a swinging leg located at shoulder level.

4. I. p. - standing on 1 leg (2 legs). Jumping rope rotating in a circle.

Development of speed-power qualities.

1.jumping rope - 1 minute

2. jumping with advancement from foot to foot, starting with 2 legs 3-4 times for 10-12 m.

3. multiple jumps up from a full squat from the support, squatting 4 times 5-6 jumps.

4. Jumps alternately on the left and right legs 4 times 5-8 jumps

5. Jumps over elastic bands stretched across the hall - height 30 cm 2-3 times, 6-8 jumps

6. Pryzhki through the elastic band in height. Height - 40-60 cm, right and left, combining swing and push.

Agility development

Agility is the ability to quickly master new movements and their combinations, as well as the ability to act quickly and resourcefully in changing conditions. The high level of development of dexterity is evidenced by the performance of movements by children included in an outdoor game with changing conditions or complicated by additional tasks. A dexterous child can be called a child who spent the minimum time on the task.

There are two ways of developing dexterity.

At first, dexterity increases with the mastery of a variety of new movements. Throughout preschool age, children constantly acquire motor skills. For example, children of 2-3 years old jump on the spot, then master jumping from a spot, from 5 years old they learn high jumps, long.

Secondly, dexterity increases if complication is given, a new combination of familiar movements, the usual conditions for performing the movement change.

Ways to develop dexterity

1.application of unusual starting positions (running from a kneeling position, sitting; jumping from a standing position with your back to the direction of movement), quick change of various positions (sit down, lie down, stand up)

2. changing the speed or tempo of movements, the introduction of different rhythmic combinations, a different sequence of elements.

3. Changing the way of doing exercises: throwing from above, below, from the side; jumping on one, two legs, with a turn.

4. The use of objects of various shapes, masses, volumes, textures in exercises contributes to the development of the ability to distribute movements in space and in time, combining them with body movements that require versatile coordination and subtle muscular sensations.

5. Implementation of coordinated actions by several participants (together, holding hands, sit down and get up, perform turns, bends, jumps; 3-4 children each, holding one hoop or long pole, raise it up, lower it, squat, bend over, put it down on the floor, take; the whole group, holding on to a long rope)

6. More complex combinations of basic movements. You can use snake running, running around cubes, trees, jumping over a narrow groove on the move, reaching in a jump to a ball or branch; walking on a gymnastic bench with crawling into hoops or under a rope, with a turn, with stepping over objects placed on it; complicated jumping rope, with different hand movements.

7. Complication of the conditions of the game. For example, in the game "Catch with a Ribbon", the players have ribbons of two colors and the traps pull out ribbons of a certain color: one is blue, the other is yellow. In the game "The Bear in the Forest", the child in the role of a bear, before catching, must crawl under the arc.

Exercises for the development of agility in children 3-4 years old

1.and. - standing, legs apart, object in right hand. Raise both hands up, transfer the object to the other hand.

2. I. p. - the same. Raise both hands forward, transfer the object to the left hand, lower your hands behind your back.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, an object in the right hand. Lean down, transfer the object to the other hand.

4. I. p. - the same. Raise the leg bent at the knee, transfer the object under it to the other hand.

5. I. p. - standing with a handkerchief in hand. Whirling.


· “Don't get your feet wet ”. Walk along a winding path 2-3 m long, then 5-6 m.

· "Don't hurt." Pass by stepping over obstacles placed on the floor (cubes, bars, etc.)

· "Through the swamp." On the floor there are small circles at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Children step from circle to circle.

· “Don't ring the bell”. Crawl under the stretched cord so as not to touch the bell.

· "A nimble chauffeur". On the floor there is a zigzag cord 10–12 m long. Children drive cars along the line without stepping.

Exercises to develop flexibility.

1.and. n. - become sideways to the anthem. wall. swing your free leg.

2. I. p.-o. with. bending forward with the help of a partner.

3. I. p. Stand on the shoulder blades. Alternate lowering of the legs behind the head.

4. I. p. - the same. Change of position of the legs.

5. I. p. - to stand on the supporting leg. Fast movements of the pelvis and swinging leg forward and upward to the landmark hanging at the level of the head.

Development of speed endurance

1. Relays using gymnastic benches ... The group is divided into 2 teams, each sitting on its own bench. At the signal, all the teams stand up and one after another, having run around the bench, quickly sit down in their places. The winner is determined by the last participant.

2. Relay race in a circle ... The group is divided into 2 teams, which stand diagonally, in columns one by one. At the signal, the first numbers of the teams begin to run in a circle and, having run around the racks, pass the baton to the second numbers.

Strength exercises

1.and. p. - to stand sideways to the gymnastic wall on a slightly bent leg, jogging - from behind. The body is tilted forward. Place the jogging leg with the heel first on the ground with the lower body moving forward. The free hand is pulled back.

2. I. p. - to become a jogging foot on the gymnastic wall sideways, hand on the wall. Lift weights with the swinging leg

A) swing a straight leg forward

B) traction of the leg up, bent at the knee and hip joint.

3. and. - sideways to the gymnastic wall in the position of the pre-jerk step, holding the bar with an outstretched hand

4. and. - standing on one leg, the other with a heel on the gymnastic wall, height at waist level. Jumps in place. 10-15 times.

Burdening with weights

1.and. - the same as in exercise 1, but the take-off angle is reduced to 30 degrees in relation to the plane of the bar. End of placket at waist level. Half squats. 2x10.

2. I. p. - the same. With a vertical bounce in place 2x10.

3. I. p. - the same. Bounces on 2 legs with slight forward movement. 10-15 m.

4. I. p. - position of a wide step (lunge). Jump to change the position of the legs.

5. I. p. - stand with weights on the shoulders in front of the gymnastic bench. Stepping on the bench with a jogging foot, quickly straighten it. Simultaneously perform swinging movements with the free leg, knee forward and upward, gently dropping into and. NS.

6. I. p. - legs apart, burden on the shoulders. Side bends. 8-10 times in each direction.

Strength exercises

Complex number 1.

1.and. on. with. with weights on the shoulders. Weight walking ..

a) with an elongated step of 10-15 m.

b) in a semi-squat barefoot

2. and. etc. is the same. 1-3 tilt of the torso forward and downward.

3. I. p.-o. with. a) walking in a semi-squat 10 m.

b) jumping out 10 m.

4. and. p. - burden on the shoulders. Forward lunges.

5. I. p.-o. with. on the bench. Legs shoulder-width apart, bent at the knees. Long jump onto a soft floor. When landing, do not bring your knees, stretch your hands forward.

Complex number 2

1.and. n. - burden on the shoulders. Squats.

2. I. p. - stand on the edge of the gymnastic bench, support at chest level, weights on the shoulders. Get up on your toes-and. NS.

3. Long jump from a place with weights in the hands.

Complex number 3

1.jumps on one leg up the stairs.

2. I. p.-Sed on the bench, back support. A) lifting the legs with weights

B) keep your legs in this position for 15 seconds.

3. and. - lunge with weights on the thigh in front of the standing leg. Springy swinging up and down.

Strength exercises

1. uphill running. 10-15 m. 4-6 times.

2. Running at the gymnastic wall in support. 8-10 sec.

3. I. p. - stand on the 6-7 rail of the gymnastic ladder, hands on the rail at the waist. One leg, together with the body, goes down, the other, remaining on the rail, bends at the joints. Vigorously straighten the supporting leg, change the position of the legs, repeat the emphasis.

4. Jumping on one leg, then on the other. 5-6 times.

5. Long jump from a place.

6. I. p. - emphasis squatting. Jumping up in a crouched position. 5-6 times.

7. Triple jump from a place. Pushing off with two legs, landing on swing, then on jerk, after pushing off by jerk, landing on both feet.

8. Multi-hop on two legs (“frog”). Performed on segments of 10-15 m

9. Running from and. - emphasis crouching, acceleration with weights (in resistance). The partner rests on the shoulders of the runner. Or with the help of the reins.

10. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Flexion of the legs at the knee joint with the resistance of the partner. 3-5 times.

11. I. p.-o. with flexion of the leg at the knee joint with a load attached to it until the heel touches the buttocks. For each leg 2-3 times.

12. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Grab the medicine ball with your feet and lift it up, touch the ground behind your head, return to and. NS.

13. I. p. - lying on your back. Medicine ball hands behind head. Lean forward until the ball touches your feet without bending your knees.

14. I. p. - standing on two gymnastic benches. Weighted squats in the arms.

15. I. p. - standing with weights on the shoulders. Bending forward and downward without bending your knees.

1. Block planning of physical activity of preschoolers. Magnitogorsk, 2004.

2. Storm of children for school. M., "Education", 1987.

3. Vavilov children run, jump, throw. M., "Education", 1983.

4. Glazyrina culture - for preschoolers: Program and program requirements. M., 1999.

5. Children's athletics. Terra Sport Olympia Press, 2002.

6., Golubeva healthy. M., 2002.

7. Leskova T, Notkina N. General guidelines for the organization of work on the physical fitness of children for school.

8., Nazarova physical qualities of children. M., Iris press, 2004.

9. Osokin culture in kindergarten. M., "Education", 1986.

10. Penzulaeva classes with children of different ages. M., "Education", 1988.

11. Make friends with the "queen of sports". M., "Education", 1987.

12. Stepanenkov and the method of physical education. M., 2001.

13. Tarasova for the physical condition of preschool children. Chelyabinsk, 2004.

14. Khukhlaeva and the method of physical education of preschool children. M., "Education", 1976.

15., Cyclis of motor qualities of preschoolers. M., 2008.

When teaching young children to run, the example of a teacher is of great importance. Therefore, in exercises and games, the teacher performs the task together with the children, drawing their attention to the ease of running, coordination of movements. Uses a game image, for example, run like a mouse.
When performing such imitation actions, it is not always necessary to show movements, but the educator must be sure that the children understand and understand the image proposed for imitation. There is no need to give children a lot of sometimes incomprehensible instructions, for example, "raise your legs higher" or "move your hands harder."
Often this leads to the opposite result: children begin to stomp, jogging becomes heavy, abrupt, the already outlined coordination of movements of the arms and legs is shattered. To keep the kids interested in learning, it is advisable to offer more play tasks - to run to a toy, to run up to a tree or stone, to carry out outdoor games with a run: "Sparrows and a car", "Cat and mice", etc.
In the future, when teaching older children to run, the teacher himself shows less, explains more, pays attention to those who perform well (runs easily, rhythmically, correctly observing the running technique) and can serve as an example.
In order not to decrease interest in running, children of older groups should be offered additional tasks: change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and resume running, run around objects, alternate running with other movements - walking, climbing, jumping, etc.
Running with the introduction of additional tasks is most often carried out in such exercises as "Catch the ball", "On the bridge", "For high, for low", "Stork, butterfly, frog", "Run - do not drop". The content of many of them includes running with catching and dodging, which affects the improvement of coordination of movements, running speed, and the development of dexterity.
Running at a steady, slow pace is helpful for building endurance. It is used with children of all age groups. For children of the first and second younger groups, the duration of the run is 30-60 seconds, for children of the older groups, the duration of the run increases to 2-3 minutes. This type of running is used in exercises and games with pronounced continuous motor activity. It is advisable to use a long, slow run in the air, including it in the games "Pilots", "Cosmonauts" and others, and alternating with overcoming some obstacles (walk along a log, crawl under a rope, run up a hill and escape from it).

(E.N. Vavilova, "Learn to run, jump, climb, throw", M., 1983)

Age Features of the movement by children Pedagogical Requirements for Movement Teaching
Younger preschool age Toddlers still cannot push off well from the ground, the floor, they run hard, their step is shallow, coordination of movements is not well developed for everyone. Collective running is difficult for children Pay attention to children's posture while running. The duration of the run in the younger groups is 30-40 seconds. Running should be alternated with other movements, as children get tired quickly. Pay attention to ease of running, coordination of movements. It is advisable to teach running in small groups. Combine running with rest. Each child runs at their own pace, trying not to bump into others - when running in a flock in the indicated direction
Middle preschool age Running difficulties in a group. Some children still step on their entire feet. Pay special attention to naturalness, ease of running, vigorous repulsion, elastic foot placement, and the ability to perform different types of running. As you master running, the requirements for technique increase.
Senior Preschool Age A relatively high level of coordination of movements, which makes it possible to perform complex exercises Additional tasks are offered: change the pace or direction of running, quickly stop and resume running, run around objects, alternate running with other types of movements - walking, jumping, etc. to achieve the correct running technique. The running time is 2-3 minutes. The running distance is increased.

Technique for performing the main types of running in preschool age

Types of running Execution technique
Regular running Running is free, light, with natural hand movements. the arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are freely bent (but not clenched into fists). When running, the arms move forward - up to about the level of the chest somewhat inward, then elbows are pulled back to the sides. The leg bent at the knee is placed on the front of the foot. The torso is tilted slightly forward, the head is in line with the torso, the chest and shoulders are unfolded.
Running on toes The foot should be placed on the front of the foot, without touching the floor with the heel. The stride is wide, the pace is fast. Hand movements are calm, relaxed, in time with the steps. Do not raise your hands high, you can put them on your belt.
Running high

raising the knees

Run, lifting the leg bent at the knee at a right angle, place it with a soft, elastic and at the same time quite energetic movement on the forefoot. The step is short, the head is held high. Hands can be placed on the belt.
Running with a wide stride Take wide strides, increasing thrust and flight time. Put your foot from the heel with a roll over the entire foot. Try to straighten the pushing leg completely, pushing energetically. Hand movements are free and sweeping.
Lead back run

bent knee

The body is tilted forward a little more than usual, the hands are on the belt. The leg bent at the knee is pulled back after the push (try to get the buttock with the heel)
Cross step running Performed by an overlap of almost straight legs: right - left, left - right
Jump running It is carried out energetically, with a wide sweeping movement. Push forward - up
Running at a fast pace It is performed on the forefoot or on toes. The step is wide, impetuous. The movements of the hands are active, in time with the running steps. Do vigorous take-offs with a jogging leg, straightening it well. Move the fly leg forward - up. The body is tilted forward in the direction of movement, the head is in line with it. Shoulders are deployed, not tense, look forward.
Slow running Maintain a small pace, do not speed up and slow it down, run rhythmically. Take short steps, put your foot on the front of the foot or elasticly from heel to toe. The movements of the arms are calm, the arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, the shoulders are slightly relaxed.
Shuttle run A wide rushing stride alternates with hard braking at the end when driving in a straight line and frequent strides when cornering. Before changing direction, steps become more frequent and shorter, knees bent to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and cornering.

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The formation of basic movements is one of the most important problems of the theory and practice of physical culture. Its study is inseparable from the entire problematics of the development of voluntary movements in human ontogenesis. Accompanying the child from early childhood, the basic movements are natural and contribute to the healing of the body, as well as the all-round improvement of his personality.

Considering the integral motor act as a sensorimotor unity, it should be emphasized that the development of basic movements should be carried out not for the sake of acquiring motor skills, but for the formation of the ability to use them in everyday practical activity, while producing the least physical and neuropsychic costs. The ultimate goal of basic movement skills is to teach each child to: 1) consciously control their movements; 2) independently observe and analyze various situations, choosing the most effective way of realizing motor behavior in relation to specific conditions of interaction with others; 3) understand the features of each type of basic movements, the advantage of using them; 4) the skills of precise muscle sensations of the correct execution of the movement, the creative use of these movements in everyday life. The solution of the set tasks is possible only thanks to exercises in basic movements in the conditions of motor activity of the child himself, as well as in the process of organized training.

1. General characteristics of software requirements for running

Let's consider the basic requirements for running in different age groups.

First junior group... Running in subgroups and the whole group in a forward direction, one after another, in a column one by one, at a slow pace for 30-40 seconds (continuously), with a change in pace. Running between two cords, lines (the distance between them is 25-30 cm).

Second junior group. Running is normal, on toes (in subgroups and the whole group), from one edge of the site to the other, in a column one at a time, in different directions: along straight, winding paths (width 25-50 cm, length 5-6 m), in a circle, snake, scattered; running with tasks (stop, run away from the one who is catching up, catch up with the runner, run at a signal to the specified place), run with a change of pace: at a slow pace for 50-60 seconds, at a fast pace at a distance of 10 m.

Middle group. Running is normal, on toes, with high knees, shallow and wide strides. Column running (one by two); running in different directions: in a circle, snake (between objects), scattering. Running with a change of pace, with a change in the leader. Continuous running at a slow pace for 1-1.5 minutes. Running at a distance of 40-60 m at an average speed; shuttle run 3 times 10 m each; running 20 meters (5.5-6 seconds; by the end of the year).

Senior group. Running is normal, on toes, with a high rise of the knee (hip), small and wide strides, in a column one by one, two by two; snake, scattered, with obstacles. Continuous running for 1.5-2 minutes at a slow pace, running at an average pace of 80-120 m (2-3 times) alternating with walking; shuttle run 3 times 10 m each. Running at a speed of 20 m in about 5.5-5 seconds (by the end of the year 30 m in 8.5-7.5 seconds). Running on an inclined board up and down on toes, sideways step. Whirling in pairs, holding hands.

Preparatory group. Running is normal, on toes, raising the knee high, bending the legs strongly back, throwing straight legs forward, with a small and wide step. Running in a column one by one, two by two, from different starting positions, in different directions, with different tasks, overcoming obstacles. Running with a skipping rope, with a ball, on a board, a log, alternating with walking, jumping, with a change in pace. Continuous running for 2-3 minutes. Running at an average speed of 80-120 m (2-4 times) alternating with walking; shuttle run 3-5 times 10 m. Running at a speed of 30 m in about 7.5-6.5 seconds by the end of the year.

2. Methods of teaching to run in different age groups

Unlike walking, running is a faster way to get around. At the same time, it also has a more effective effect on the body. Children are taught different types of running.

Normal running. At preschool age, children need to be taught:

1) tilt the body and head slightly, look forward;

2) coordinate the movements of the arms and legs: move the right hand forward towards the shoulder simultaneously with the left leg and, conversely, the left hand - with the right leg;

3) to run easily, putting the foot off the heel with a roll over the entire foot and transition to the toe;

4) keep running direction.

In children of two years of age, running is characterized by additional movements and strong lateral swaying of the body, a small, mincing step, a half-bent position of the legs with feet turned inward; insignificant take-off during the unsupported phase, heavy setting of the feet with the whole foot on the ground, shuffling of the feet; wide arm spread, shoulder girdle tension; uneven steps; non-energetic hand movement; weak repulsion from the soil; inability to maintain the direction of movement; low speed; lack of rhythm, uneconomical movement; lack of dexterity (children bump into each other, on objects).

At the age of three, the coordination of movement of the arms and legs improves; flight performance increases. As you run, stride length and movement speed are increased due to more energetic push off the ground.

With age, children have an increase in stride length (up to 85-90 cm), and the pace of running becomes less frequent (on average, 168-178 strides per minute). The running speed gradually increases.

A regular run is best done on an area in a forest where there is soft ground. Running on tough ground and planks is more difficult, as landing on firm, inelastic ground causes more pressure on the foot and sharper muscle contractions, which can flatten the arch of the foot.

When teaching to run, much attention is paid to bringing the lower leg of the swing leg forward, vigorously pushing off the ground, lifting the thigh up. To do this, the task is given to run, with stepping over obstacles 10-15 cm high (cubes, slats, etc.). Items are placed on the length of a reduced step in a straight line or circle. In this case, one must be able to push away from the obstacle and not run into it. After stepping over, the leg drops to the ground with the front of the foot. The following task is also given when running: to throw the lower leg of the swing leg back before moving it forward, i.e. run, bending the knees so strongly back that the heels touch the buttocks.

It is also important to teach the correct movement of the arms - forward and upward towards the shoulder. At the same time, the fingers of the hand are bent into a fist. After a forward swing, the arms are pulled back, elbows to the sides. The arms are slightly unbent at the elbows. The amplitude and direction of hand movement can be specified while standing still (in a line), as well as in short dashes from one side of the hall (platform) to the other. It should be remembered that the range of motion of the arms depends on the width of the stride, the height of the rise of the knee and the speed of movement.

In the preparatory group for school, the tasks for teaching the running technique become more complicated: children are asked to run, strongly bending their legs back; raising the knees high, trying to touch the palms of the arms bent at the elbows; throw straight legs forward.

Running on toes used from the third year of life. Children run both on the playground and indoors. It is necessary to make sure that they run on their toes easily, put their foot on the front of the foot, slightly lifting off the floor. The step is not wide, the amplitude of hand movement is small. Hands are often placed on the belt. Along with showing and explaining, the teacher uses imitation when teaching (running silently, like mice).

Running with high knees (hips) used in the fourth year of life. It is carried out both on the spot and with advancement. When running in place, children raise the knee high (alternately one and the other leg), pull it to the stomach and immediately lower the leg to the toe. The amplitude of hand movement is significant. While teaching this type of running, the teacher, along with demonstration and explanations, uses imitation (to run like horses, to run in deep snow, on tall grass, etc.).

Running with a wide stride used from the fifth year of life. In this run, the leg is placed from the heel with a roll onto the toe, the amplitude of hand movement is large. When teaching, they use a show, explanations and visual reference points (running through the lines, from hoop to hoop, from circle to circle, from square to square). The distance between the lines increases with age. This activity teaches children to step evenly. It is also useful to instruct the children to run to an object (at a distance of 10 m), taking the least number of steps.

Running is combined with assignments. In the third year of life, children run around with rattles, ribbons, handkerchiefs, cubes, a ball, etc.

In the older group, tasks become more complicated: running around objects, jumping over cords, crawling into a hoop, crawling under a cord.

In the preparatory group, running is combined with crossing the barrier, medicine balls. Children run under a long rope; run, throwing the ball to each other; with different hand positions (hands on the belt, hands to the sides); alternate running with jumping.

Hilly terrain running combined with the execution of tasks: running up a hill, escaping from it, running on a log and jumping off it, climbing on a stump and getting off it, etc.

First, children run one at a time (individually) in a forward direction, while completing tasks: bring an object (cube, rattle), move it from one place to another, throw the ball and run after it.

In the future, children run in a small group or the whole group ("flock") after the teacher in a forward direction (from one edge of the hall (playground) to the other), run away from the teacher. Then, as they run, they make a turn and run in the other direction.

In the future, children run independently on the instructions of the teacher.

In a column one by one children start running in the third year of life. First, the teacher plays the role of a guide, then the children.

Children are taught the rules not to overtake the one running in front of the column one by one and not to lag behind him, i.e. keep a distance, staying closer to the edges of the hall (playground). Teach all children to be guides (leaders) in running in a column one at a time, to find their place after walking and scattering. In the future, while running (on the run), children make turns to the right (left), in a circle, rearrange themselves into a column in two, four in a row (see the chapter "Combat exercises").

After the children learn to run in a column one by one, they are taught to run in column by two(in pairs) (observing the distance, interval), as well as in a line from one side of the court to the other (in games).

In order for children to maintain a straight direction when running, they are encouraged to move between two cords (lines), along one cord (line). In this case, the task is given to look at the end of the track or at the object that needs to be brought.

In the older group, running is given with the back forward, sideways (side step) to the right and left, diagonally.

Snake running used in the third year of life. Children run between objects (pins, cubes) placed on one line. In the older group, children run like a snake from one side of the playground to the other.

Running in a circle holding hands is given in the younger groups (one after the other). In the middle group, they run in a circle, holding on to a rope (cord). At an older age, children run without holding hands. Running in two circles towards each other is also used.

Scattering given in the third year of life. In this case, visual reference points are used: between objects (pins, cubes) placed on the floor. Children are told that when running around objects, they must not be touched. In the future, children are taught to run without objects, without bumping into each other, to give way to each other, to use the entire space of the playground hall.

Gradually, children are trained to understand and follow the running commands adopted in gymnastics.

To run on the spot, the command "On the spot, run - march!" Is given. According to the preliminary command "On the spot, by running" you need to get ready for the run - your arms are bent, taking your elbows a little back, and according to the executive command "March!" start running. The foot should be placed on the front of the foot.

To switch from running in place to running with forward movement, the command "Straight!" Is given. Running forward is performed in full stride. At the nearest corner the command “To the left (to the right), bypassing - march!” Is given. The turn is done without any additional command. As soon as the guide has made a turn at the corner, the corresponding command is given ("Straight!", Etc.).

To switch from running in place to running forward, another command can also be given (if running around the hall is provided) - "To the left (right), bypassing - march!" (When giving a command while moving, the word "running" is omitted.) -

To run from the spot, bypassing (along the borders) of the hall, the command "To the left (to the right), bypassing, running - march!" Is given. According to the preliminary command "To the left, bypassing by running!" bend your arms, pulling your elbows back a little. On the executive command "Marsh!" start running with a full step, with your hands making movements back and forth in time with the run. To switch from running to running on the spot, the command is given: "Guide, on the spot!".

If a group of trainees moves by leaps or any dance steps, then to switch to running, you can give the command "Run - march!"

The transition from one type of running to another or walking is performed, as a rule, in movement (running) on ​​command, for example, "March on toes!" During different types of running, the command “Normal step - march!” Is given to switch to normal running or to end exercises. To switch from running to walking, the command “Step - march!” Is given. On the executive command "Marsh!" you need to take two more steps by running and start walking.

To stop running, the command “Group - stop!” Is given. According to the preliminary command "Group", the foot must be put more firmly on the floor, and according to the executive command "Stop!" take one more step ("one") and put the other leg ("two"), taking the position "at attention".

Running at a different pace enhances the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, promotes the development of speed, agility, balance.

At a young age, children run at random at an individual pace. Then the teacher runs in front of the column and teaches children to run at a given pace. The running time gradually increases, children learn to run at different rates.

In the younger group, children run at a slow pace continuously for 30-40 seconds; in the second younger group - 50-60 s; in the middle group - 1 - 1.5 minutes; in the older group - 1.5-2 minutes; in preparatory - 2-3 minutes.

In the middle group, at an average pace, children run 3-4 segments of 40-60 m each, alternating between running and walking. In the older group, they can run at an average speed 2-3 segments of 60-100 m, alternating with walking (only 150-200 m). In the preparatory group, at an average pace, children run 2-3 segments of 80-100 m, 2-4 segments of 100-150 m alternating with walking (300 m in total).

Running at a fast pace is given from the second junior group. In the middle group, children run this distance 2-3 times with breaks, in the senior and preparatory groups - 3-4 times.

Running for speed is given from the middle group. Children should run 20 m in 6.0-5.5 s by the end of the year; 30 m in 9.5-8.5 s; in the older group - 20 m in 5.5-5.0 s; 30 m in 8.0-7.0 s; in the preparatory group - 30 m for 7.5-6.5 s.

The speed run is performed from a different start. When starting with support on one hand, the toe of the left (right) leg is 20-25 cm from the starting line, the toe of the right (left) is 20-25 cm behind the left (right). At the command "Attention!" the right (left) arm rests on the ground at the starting line, the left (right) arm is pulled back, the legs are slightly bent. At the command "March!" running begins.

A high start is accepted by the command "Start!" You need to stand in front of the starting line: one leg is at the very line, the other half a step behind, the feet are parallel, the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, the arms are lowered. At the command "Attention!" the body leans forward slightly, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, one arm (opposite to the leg in front) is in front, the other is in the back, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body weight is on the leg in front. On the executive command "Marsh!" running begins. At the same time, pushing off with a standing leg in front, you need to sharply bring the thigh behind the standing leg forward and upward with a simultaneous rapid movement of the arms. You need to run on your toes, put your feet in parallel. The steps increase with increasing speed.

Running can be performed from other starting positions: sitting, sitting cross-legged, sitting with your back, lying on your stomach, back (with your head or legs in the direction of running)

Shuttle run given from the middle group. This run develops not only speed, but also dexterity. Shuttle distance 15 m (3 X 5 m). The child runs in one direction to the object, runs around it, runs in the other direction 5 m to another object, runs around it and again runs 5 m to the first object. In the senior group the total distance for running is 30 m (3 X 10 m), in the preparatory group 50 m (5 X 10 m).

Starting from the third year of life, a transition is given from running to walking, from walking to running (alternation of walking and running)

From the fourth year of life, running with stops with squats is given.

To consolidate running skills, children are given such tasks to catch up with a ball, a hoop, run to an object, overtake (overtake) their pair, dash sections at speed (race).

Running with a change of pace and with catching is used in outdoor games ("Traps") - to run away from the catching person, to catch up with the runner.


Physical education in a preschool educational institution is carried out both in special physical education classes, and in play activities and everyday life of children, in various forms of organizing motor activity.

In the kindergarten, favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions are created, the daily routine is observed, and caring care for each child is provided on the basis of a personality-oriented approach; full meals are organized, daily stay in the fresh air; tempering events and morning exercises are systematically held at all seasons of the year.

Running training is carried out in all groups of preschool institutions. Running has a significant physiological effect on the child's body, activating its organs and systems, increasing metabolic processes, contributes to overall physical development, and improves the activity of the central nervous system.


running age speed technique

1. Vikulov A.D., Butin I.M. The development of the physical abilities of children: Book. for kids and their parents. - Yaroslavl: Gringo, 1996 .-- 176 p.

2. Glazyrina L.D., Ovsyankin V.A. Methodology for physical education of preschool children. - M .: VLADOS, 1999 .-- 176 p.

3. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. - M .: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006 .-- 96 p.

4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and child development: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions. - M., Ed. Center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p.

5. Khukhlaeva D.V. Physical education methodology in preschool institutions. - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 208 p.

6. Shebeko V.N., Ermak N.N., Shishkina V.A. Physical education of preschoolers: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Academy, 1996 .-- 185 p.

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Running, like walking, is a cyclical movement, but differs from it not only in pace, but mainly in the presence of a "flight" phase. Running requires a more perfect rhythm, stable balance and coordination of actions.

Children master different types of running, which is conditioned by pedagogical and everyday circumstances. Outdoor games and play exercises are the most effective running school. Carried away by a game task or imitation, children naturally change their mode of action: they run straight or run away from the trap, dodging; move slowly, waving their arms, "like butterflies", or quickly, "like beetles", "airplanes", "rockets"; scatter or in the direction indicated.

Teaching children different types of running should be furnished so that mastering the technique would not be an end in itself, but a means of achieving an emotionally and psychologically attractive result. Emotional tasks encourage long runs without feeling tired.

To improve running technique, coordination abilities, ordinary running at an average pace is most effective: the leg, slightly bent at the knee, is put on the toe, the relaxed body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are deployed and slightly lowered; the arms are bent comfortably at the elbows, the fingers are naturally clenched; the range of motion is small in the forward direction - up to about chest level, then elbows back - to the sides.

Specific pedagogical tasks cause a natural correction of the characteristic features of ordinary running. For example, on rough terrain, depending on the relief, you have to lean forward more, say, when climbing a hill. At the same time, the width of the stride decreases, the heels rise higher, the hands work more energetically. When descending from a hillock, the body deviates slightly back, the legs are placed from the heel, the amplitude of hand movement is reduced, they are more pressed against the body.

Normal cross country running valuable in that all these transformations occur reflexively and form in children a certain muscular sense of body position, which helps to master more technically complex types of running.

Running with a wide stride requires vigorous repulsion. Exciting activities such as "Who will take fewer steps to ..." will help children acquire the necessary skills.

For running at a fast pace impetuousness and vigorous hand movements are characteristic. Such a motional effect is determined by game tasks of a competitive type.

When shuttle running rapid forward movement alternates with hard braking on corners and requires stability and strong-willed effort. Game tasks such as "Who will transfer toys faster" with an interesting selection of objects not only relieve stress, but also make motor actions spectacular, making the audience want to repeat them.

It is known that in game tasks of this type, objects are transferred to the opposite side of the playing area one by one. The selection of items can be random, when their number is taken as a basis (4 - 6), or it can be logical. In this case, the task becomes psychologically more difficult, but the interest in it both among the performers and the audience increases significantly: who will build a pyramid from inflatable polyethylene circles faster; who will quickly lay out a snow woman on a flannelgraph (indoors) or on a snow barrier (details are molded in advance); who will decorate the snow woman faster and better (items are given to choose from, but their number is stipulated); who will "populate" the teremok faster - toys are transferred to a shelf, on a table or pictures on a flannelegraph in a logical order; similarly, who will "pull out" a turnip faster ... Folk tales are an inexhaustible source of figurative tasks for shuttle running. and holidays.

In the work with preschoolers, others are also used in running: slow running, running with a high raising of the horse, running with the leg sweeping back (reaching the buttocks with the heels), cross-step running, etc.

Each physical training session should include several types of running. They alternate with one another, also with walking and with different types of jumping.

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