Home Perennial flowers Caucasoid race of people. Morphological characteristics of races. Negroid race: signs, origin and settlement

Caucasoid race of people. Morphological characteristics of races. Negroid race: signs, origin and settlement

About 40% of the world's population

Representatives of this race are distinguished by wavy or straight soft hair of different shades, relatively light skin, a wide variety of colors of the iris of the eyes (from brown to light gray and blue). Characterized by a strong development of the tertiary hair (in particular, beards in mtszhchina), weak protrusion of the cheekbones, slight protrusion of the jaws (orthognathism), a narrow protruding nose with a high nose, usually thin or medium lips.

Caucasoid race (Caucasian or Caucasian from English Caucasian race or eurasian) - a race widespread before the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries in Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, North Africa and northern India; later - on all inhabited continents. Especially widely Caucasians settled in North America and South America, in South Africa and Australia.

Characteristic signs

It is characterized, first of all, by an orthognathic face, noticeably protruding forward in the horizontal plane. Hair of Caucasians is straight or wavy, usually soft (especially in northern groups). The brow ridges are often large, the eyes are always wide, although the palpebral fissure may be small, the nose is usually large, sharply protruding, the nose bridge is high, the thickness of the lips is small or medium, the growth of the beard and mustache is strong. The hand and foot are wide. Skin, hair and eye color ranges from very light in northern populations to very dark in southern and eastern populations.


According to the outdated typological classification, it includes Nordic, Mediterranean, Dinaric, False, Alpine, East Baltic, Laponoid and other subgroups (depending on the author of the classification).

In the prehistoric period, other subraces may have existed in Europe. So, up to the last glaciation, North Africa was inhabited by mechtoids, similar to the European Cro-Magnoids of the Upper Paleolithic era.

In Western, Central, Southern Europe and North Africa:

  • Nordic race
  • Alpine race
  • False race
  • Balkan-Caucasian race
  • Dinaric race
  • Mediterranean race
  • Oriental race
  • Borrebue
  • Brunn

In Eastern Europe and Asia:

  • Nordic race
  • Baltic race
  • East Baltic race
  • Balkan-Caucasian race
  • Caspian race
  • Pontic race
  • Dinaric race
  • Armenoid race
  • Oriental race
  • Alpine race
  • Caucasian race
  • Pamir-Fergana race
  • Ural race

Types of Caucasoid peoples in the typological classification according to the Meyers Blitz-Lexikon Encyclopedic Dictionary (Leipzig, 1932)

History of terms

In relation to the Caucasian race, other terms are also used.

Caucasian race

Georgian skull discovered in 1795, put forward by Blumenbach as a hypothesis about the origin of Europeans from the Caucasus

Caucasian race (lat. Varietas Caucasia, or English. Caucasian race ) is a term for the meaning of the white race, introduced by the German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach, who referred to it the inhabitants of Europe (with the exception of the Samoyeds, Laplanders, Finns, Magyars and Turks) and the inhabitants of southern Asia and northern and northeastern Africa. The name arose from the fact that Blumenbach considered the Caucasus to be the first residence of a white man, and because he recognized the tribes currently living in the Caucasus as the most pure and unmixed type of this race. Currently, the term Caucasian in English, is the official term for the white race (for example, used for race in the IAFD database). In West Slavic languages, the white race is referred to as Kavkazijska or Kaukazoidalna, in Germanic languages ​​the terms are mainly used Europide, Kaukasoid or Kaukasische, in Romance languages ​​- Caucasiano or Caucasia... Blumenbach wrote:

Caucasian type - for the study I took this particular type, the mountainous type of the Caucasus, because its southern slope produces the most beautiful race of people, by this race I first of all mean the Georgians. All physiological signs boil down to this. Thus, we must assert with great confidence that the Caucasus is the birthplace of mankind.

Mediterranean race

In the 19th century, in order to avoid the often encountered confusion, the German researcher F. Müller proposed another term - Mediterranean race(it. Mittelländische Rasse), since the peoples belonging to it reached the height of their development on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This term was then adopted by most ethnologists (Peschel, Helwald and others) and by the end of the 19th century almost supplanted the term Blumenbach in scientific works, but now it is used in this sense as a component of the larger Indo-Mediterranean race

Lesson plan

1. What human races do you know?
2. What factors cause the evolutionary process?
3. What influences the formation of the population gene pool?

What are the human races?

Human predecessors are Australopithecus;
- the most ancient people - progressive Australopithecus, Archanthropus (Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus, Heidelberg man, etc.);
- ancient people - paleoanthropes (Neanderthals);
- fossil people of the modern anatomical type - neoanthropes (Cro-Magnons).

The historical development of man was carried out under the influence of the same factors of biological evolution as the formation of other types of living organisms. However, such a phenomenon, unique for living nature, is characteristic of man, such as the increasing influence of social factors on anthropogenesis (labor activity, social lifestyle, speech and thinking).

For modern man, social and labor relations have become the leading and decisive ones.

As a result of social development, Homo sapiens acquired unconditional advantages among all living beings. But this does not mean that the emergence of the social sphere canceled the action of biological factors. The social sphere only changed their manifestation. Homo sapiens as a species is an integral part of the biosphere and a product of its evolution.

These are historically formed groupings (groups of populations) of people, characterized by the similarity of morphological and physiological features. Racial differences are the result of people's adaptation to certain conditions of existence, as well as the historical and socio-economic development of human society.

There are three large races: Caucasian (Eurasian), Mongoloid (Asian-American) and Australo-Negroid (equatorial).

Chapter 8

Fundamentals of Ecology

After reading this chapter, you will find out:

What does ecology study and why does every person need to know its foundations;
- what is the significance of environmental factors: abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic;
- what role do the conditions of the external environment and internal properties of the population group play in the processes of changes in its size over time;
- about various types of interactions between organisms;
- about the features of competitive relations and the factors that determine the outcome of the competitive struggle;
- about the composition and basic properties of the ecosystem;
- about energy flows and circulation of substances that ensure the functioning of systems, and about the role in these processes

Back in the middle of the XX century. the word ecology was known only to specialists, but now it has become very popular; most often it is used when speaking about the unfavorable state of the nature around us.

Sometimes this term is used in combination with words such as society, family, culture, health... Is ecology such a vast science that it is capable of covering most of the problems facing humanity?

Kamenskiy A.A., Kriksunov E.V., Pasechnik V.V. Biology Grade 10
Submitted by readers from the internet site

Humanity is a mosaic of races and peoples that inhabit our globe. The representative of each race and each people has a number of differences in comparison with representatives of other population systems.

However, all people, despite their race and ethnicity, are an integral part of a single whole - earthly humanity.

The concept of "race", division into races

Race is a system of a population of people who have a similarity in biological characteristics, which were formed under the influence of the natural conditions of the territory of their origin. Race is the result of the adaptation of the human body to the natural conditions in which it had to live.

The formation of races took place over many millennia. According to anthropologists, at the moment there are three main races on the planet, including more than ten anthropological types.

Representatives of each race are linked by common areas and genes, which provoke the emergence of physiological differences from representatives of other races.

Caucasoid race: signs and settlement

The Caucasian or Eurasian race is the largest race in the world in terms of numbers. A characteristic feature of the appearance of a person belonging to the Caucasian race is an oval face, straight or wavy soft hair, a wide cut of the eyes, and an average thickness of the lips.

The color of the eyes, hair and skin varies depending on the region of the population, but always has light shades. Representatives of the Caucasian race evenly inhabit the entire planet.

The final settlement on the continents took place after the end of the century of geographical discoveries. Very often, people of the Caucasian race tried to prove their dominant position over representatives of other races.

Negroid race: signs, origin and settlement

The Negroid race is one of the three great races. The characteristic features of people belonging to the Negroid race are elongated limbs, dark, melanin-rich skin, a wide flat nose, large eyes, and curly hair.

Modern scholars believe that the first man of the Negroid race arose around the 40th century BC. on the territory of modern Egypt. The main region of settlement of representatives of the Negroid race is South Africa. Over the past centuries, people of the Negroid race have settled significantly in the West Indies, Brazil, France and the United States.

Unfortunately, representatives of the Negroid race have been oppressed by "white" people for many centuries. They faced anti-democratic phenomena such as slavery and discrimination.

Mongoloid race: signs and settlement

The Mongoloid race is one of the largest races in the world. The characteristic features of this race are: dark skin color, narrow eyes, small stature, thin lips.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race predominantly inhabit the territory of Asia, Indonesia, and the islands of Oceania. Recently, the number of people of this race begins to increase in all countries of the world, which is caused by an increase in the wave of migration.

The peoples inhabiting the earth

A people is a specific group of people who have a common set of historical characteristics - culture, language, religion, territory. The traditionally stable common feature of a people is its language. However, in our time, cases are common when different peoples speak the same language.

For example, the Irish and Scots speak English, although they are not British. Today in the world there are several tens of thousands of peoples, who are systematized into 22 families of peoples. Many peoples that existed before disappeared at that moment or assimilated with other peoples.

Straight or wavy, usually soft (in particular in the northern groups), the eyes have a wide slit, although the palpebral fissure is small, the nose is moderately or strongly protruding with a high nose bridge, the lips are thin or moderately thick, strong or medium hair growth on the face and body. Broad hands and feet. The color of the skin, hair and eyes is varied: from very light shades in the northern groups, to very dark in the southern and eastern populations.


Origin of Caucasians

The modern Caucasian race did not develop earlier than the Holocene.

The most probable assumption is that the bulk of the large Caucasoid race had an original range of origin somewhere within a vast area that covered parts of southwestern Asia, as well as southern Europe and northern Africa. Probably, some areas of Western Asia, which had a foothill character, and also, in part, the Mediterranean with its arid coastal regions, also belonged to the area of ​​the Proto-Europoids. From here, the proto-Europeoids could settle in different directions, gradually occupying the whole of Europe and North Africa.

Among the European population, blue eyes were already widespread among hunter-gatherers of the Mesolithic era, but the gene responsible for light skin pigmentation was fixed at 100% frequency only by the Bronze Age.

In the composition of the Caucasians, there are two branches - northern and southern. The differences between them relate mainly to the pigmentation of the skin, eyes, hair. Between these two branches there are peoples occupying an intermediate position. Back in the 1930s, the Soviet ethnographer and doctor of historical sciences N.N. Cheboksarov suggested that southern Caucasians, intermediate variants and northern Caucasians are the result of a sequential process of depigmentation of an initially dark-pigmented population. Southern Caucasians are closer to the original type than northern ones.

History of terms

Caucasoid race

The scientific term "Caucasian" (eng. Europoid, it. Europide) is formed by combining the word "European" and the suffix "-oid", which means "similar."

Caucasian race

Currently, the term Caucasian in English is one of the official terms for Caucasians (for example, used to indicate race in the IAFD database).

Mediterranean race

In the 19th century, in order to avoid the often encountered confusion, the German researcher F. Müller proposed another term - Mediterranean race(it. Mittelländische Rasse), since the peoples belonging to it reached the height of their development on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This term was then adopted by most ethnologists (Peschel, Helwald and others) and by the end of the 19th century almost supplanted the term Blumenbach in scientific works, but now it is used in this sense as an integral part of the larger Indo-Mediterranean race.

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Notes (edit)

  1. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia 1969-1978
  2. // Comprehensive Medical Dictionary
  3. Caucasoid race- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (3rd edition).
  4. Glushkova V.G., Simagin Yu.A. .
  5. // Bogatenkov D.V., Drobyshevsky S.V. Anthropology
  6. Human races, Human races... Retrieved September 30, 2012.
  7. Origin of Caucasians, Origin of Caucasians... Retrieved September 30, 2012.
  8. // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.
  9. Biographical details are in Charles Coulston Gillispie, Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1970: 203f s.v."Johann Friederich Blumenbach".
  10. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
  11. Caucasian variety - “I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind "- Blumenbach J. F. De generis humani varietate nativa. - 3rd ed., 1795, trans. Bendyshe (1865). Cit. ex. v: | Keith A. Blumenbach's Centenary // Man, 1940. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
  12. Oxford English Dictionary: "a name given by Blumenbach (a1800) to the" white "race of mankind, which he derived from the region of the Caucasus."
  13. Blumenbach, De generis humani varietate nativa(3rd ed. 1795), trans. Bendyshe (1865). Quoted e.g. in Arthur Keith, Blumenbach "s Centenary, Man, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1940).


  • (video lecture)

An excerpt characterizing the Caucasian race

“This one, it seems, was Natasha, Nikolay thought, and this one is m me Schoss; or maybe not, and this is a Circassian with a mustache, I don’t know who, but I love her. ”
- Aren't you cold? - he asked. They didn't answer and laughed. Dimmler was shouting something from the back of the sleigh, probably funny, but you couldn't hear what he was shouting.
- Yes, yes, - the voices answered laughing.
- However, here is some kind of magical forest with iridescent black shadows and sparkles of diamonds and with some kind of enfilade of marble steps, and some kind of silver roofs of magical buildings, and the piercing squeal of some kind of animals. “And if it really is Melyukovka, then it is even stranger that we went, God knows where, and arrived at Melukovka,” Nikolai thought.
Indeed, it was Melyukovka, and girls and footmen ran into the entrance with candles and joyful faces.
- Who it? - asked from the entrance.
- Counts dressed up, I see the horses, - answered the voices.

Pelageya Danilovna Melukova, a broad, energetic woman, with glasses and a swing-open hood, was sitting in the living room, surrounded by her daughters, whom she tried not to let get bored. They quietly poured wax and looked at the shadows of the figures emerging, when footsteps and voices of visitors rustled in the hall.
Hussars, ladies, witches, payas, bears, clearing their throats and wiping their frosty faces in the hallway, entered the hall, where they hastily lit candles. The clown - Dimmler with the lady - Nikolai opened the dance. Surrounded by screaming children, the mummers, covering their faces and changing their voices, bowed to the hostess and were placed around the room.
- Oh, you can't find out! But Natasha! Look what she looks like! Really, it reminds someone. Eduard then Karlych is so good! I didn't know. Yes, how she dances! Oh, priests, and some kind of Circassian; right, as it goes for Sonyushka. Who is this? Well, they consoled me! Take the tables, Nikita, Vanya. And we sat so quietly!
- Ha ha ha! ... Hussar then, hussar! Like a boy, and legs! ... I can't see ... - voices were heard.
Natasha, the favorite of the young Melyukovs, disappeared with them into the back rooms, where a cork and various dressing gowns and men's dresses were demanded, which, through the open door, received bare girls' hands from the footman. Ten minutes later, all the youth of the Melukov family joined the mummers.
Pelageya Danilovna, having ordered the cleaning of the place for guests and treats for gentlemen and courtyards, without taking off her glasses, with a suppressed smile, walked between the mummers, looking closely into their faces and not recognizing anyone. She did not recognize not only the Rostovs and Dimmler, but also could not recognize either her daughters or those husband's robes and uniforms that were on them.
- Whose is this? - she said, turning to her governess and looking into the face of her daughter, who represented the Kazan Tatar. - It seems that someone is from the Rostovs. Well, you, mister hussar, in which regiment do you serve? She asked Natasha. “Give the Turk, give the Turk some marshmallows,” she said to the bartender who was carrying it, “this is not prohibited by their law.
Sometimes, looking at the strange but funny steps that the dancers performed, who decided once and for all that they were dressed up, that no one would recognize them, and therefore were not embarrassed, Pelageya Danilovna covered herself with a handkerchief, and her whole fat body shook with irrepressible kind, old woman laughter ... - Sashinet is mine, Sashinet is mine! She said.
After Russian dances and round dances, Pelageya Danilovna united all the servants and gentlemen together, in one big circle; they brought a ring, a string and a ruble, and the general games were arranged.
An hour later, all the suits were crumpled and upset. Cork mustache and eyebrows were smeared over sweaty, flushed, and cheerful faces. Pelageya Danilovna began to recognize the mummers, admired how well the costumes were made, how they went especially to the young ladies, and thanked everyone for making her so amused. The guests were invited to have supper in the drawing-room, and the courtyard's food was ordered in the hall.
- No, guessing in the bathhouse, that's scary! - the old girl who lived with the Melyukovs said at supper.
- From what? - asked the eldest daughter of the Melyukovs.
- Don't go, you need courage ...
“I'll go,” said Sonya.
- Tell us how it was with the young lady? - said the second Melukova.
- Yes, just like that, one young lady went, - said the old girl, - she took a rooster, two instruments - she sat down properly. She sat there, only hears, suddenly she is going ... a sleigh drove up with bells, bells; hears, goes. She enters completely in the form of a human, as an officer is, came and sat down with her at the device.
- A! Ah! ... - Natasha shouted, rolling her eyes in horror.
- Why, he says so?
- Yes, as a man, everything is as it should be, and began, and began to persuade, and she should have kept him talking until the cocks; and she grew stiff; - just grew stiff and covered herself with her hands. He picked her up. It's good that the girls came running here ...
- Well, why scare them! - said Pelageya Danilovna.
- Mother, you yourself were guessing ... - said the daughter.
- And how is it in the barn guessing? - asked Sonya.
- Yes, if only now, they will go to the barn, and they will listen. What you will hear: hammering, knocking - bad, and pouring bread - this is good; otherwise it happens ...
- Mom, tell us what happened to you in the barn?
Pelageya Danilovna smiled.
- Yes, I already forgot ... - she said. “You’re not coming, are you?”
- No, I'll go; Pepageya Danilovna, let me go, I'll go, ”said Sonya.
- Well, if you're not afraid.
- Louise Ivanovna, can I? - asked Sonya.
Whether they played with a ring, a string or a ruble, whether they talked, as now, Nikolai did not leave Sonya and looked at her with completely new eyes. It seemed to him that today only for the first time, thanks to those cork mustache, he fully recognized her. Sonya really was cheerful, lively and good that evening, such as Nikolai had never seen her before.
"So this is what she is, but I'm a fool!" he thought, looking at her sparkling eyes and a happy, enthusiastic smile that dimpled her cheeks from under her mustache, which he had not seen before.
“I'm not afraid of anything,” said Sonya. - Can I now? - She got up. Sonya was told where the barn was, how to stand and listen in silence, and they gave her a fur coat. She threw it over her head and looked at Nikolai.
"What a lovely girl this is!" he thought. "And what have I been thinking up to now!"
Sonya went out into the corridor to go to the barn. Nikolai hurriedly went to the front porch, saying that he was hot. Indeed, the house was stuffy from the crowded people.
The yard was the same motionless cold, the same month, only it was even brighter. The light was so strong and there were so many stars in the snow that I did not want to look at the sky, and the real stars were invisible. The sky was black and boring, the earth was fun.
"I am a fool, a fool! What have you been waiting for so far? " thought Nikolai, and, running to the porch, he walked around the corner of the house along the path that led to the back porch. He knew that Sonya would go here. In the middle of the road there were stacked fathoms of firewood, there was snow on them, a shadow was falling from them; through them and from their sides, intertwining, the shadows of old bare lindens fell on the snow and the path. The path led to the barn. The chopped wall of the barn and the roof, covered with snow, as if carved from some kind of precious stone, glittered in the monthly light. A tree cracked in the garden, and again everything was completely quiet. The chest, it seemed, did not breathe air, but some kind of eternally youthful strength and joy.
From the girl's porch, feet knocked on the steps, there was a loud sound on the last one, on which snow was applied, and the voice of the old girl said:
- Straight, straight, along the path, young lady. Just don't look back.
- I'm not afraid, - Sonya's voice answered, and along the path, towards Nikolai, Sonya's legs squealed, whistled in thin shoes.
Sonya walked wrapped in a fur coat. She was already two steps away when she saw him; she saw him, too, not the way she knew and which she had always been a little afraid of. He was in a woman's dress with matted hair and a smile that was happy and new for Sonya. Sonya quickly ran up to him.
"Quite different, and still the same," thought Nikolai, looking at her face, all lit by the moonlight. He put his hands under the fur coat that covered her head, hugged her, pressed her to him and kissed her lips, over which there was a mustache and which smelled of burnt cork. Sonya kissed him in the very middle of her lips and, straightening her small hands, took him by the cheeks on both sides.

It is characterized by dark skin and eyes, wavy or curly hair, a wide nose that does not protrude much, transverse nostrils, full lips and certain distinct skull features. The beard and mustache grows barely noticeable. All of these features are adaptive. For example, dark skin is less damaged by the sun's rays, prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin, and protects it from burns. Curly hair creates a dense felt cap that reliably protects the head from the sun's radiation.

Mongoloid (Asian American) race

It is characterized by dark or fair skin, straight, often hard hair, medium width of lips and nose, flattened face, strongly protruding cheekbones, relatively large face size, noticeable development of the "third century". The most important adaptive features of the Mongoloid race are the deposition of adipose tissue on the face in children, narrow slits in the eyes, and the fold of the eyelid. All of these signs in the past had an adaptive meaning from frostbite, wind, dust and sunlight that was reflected from the snow.

Caucasian (Eurasian) race

It is characterized by light or dark skin, straight or wavy soft hair, well-developed facial hair in men (beard and mustache), a narrow protruding nose, thin lips, and certain distinct features of the skull. The most important adaptive feature of this race is the large size of the nasal cavity, which is associated with the need to create a kind of "chamber that heats up" the cold air.

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