Home Perennial flowers Physical body and substance definition. Physical body. Physical phenomenon. Physical quantity. Other properties of physical bodies

Physical body and substance definition. Physical body. Physical phenomenon. Physical quantity. Other properties of physical bodies

Physical bodies- any objects that have shape and volume.

For example, physical bodies are a wide variety of objects: an aluminum spoon, a nail, a diamond, a glass, a plastic bag, an iceberg, a grain of table salt, a lump of sugar, a raindrop. And the air? He is constantly around us, but we do not see his form. For us, air is a medium. Another example: for a person, the sea is, although it is very large, but still a physical body - it has shape and volume. And for the fish that swims in it, the sea is most likely the environment.

Scientists believed that the brain was static, but research by neurophysiologists shows that absolutely every experience, even the smallest one, causes thousands of millions of neural changes that affect the body as a whole. In his book Develop Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, Joe Dispens asks a logical question: If our thoughts cause certain negative states in the body, will this abnormal state eventually become the norm?

Dispens conducted a special experiment to confirm the capabilities of our consciousness. People in one group pressed the spring mechanism with the same finger every day for an hour. In the other group, they only had to imagine that they were pushing him. As a result, the fingers of people in the first group gained 30%, and the fingers of the first group - 22%.

Substances- what physical bodies are made of.

Give examples of substances known to you that may be

a) in all three states of aggregation;

b) only in solid or liquid state;

This influence of purely mental practice on physical parameters is the result of the work of neural networks. So, Joe Dispens showed that there is no difference between real and mental experiences for the brain and neurons. And this means that if we pay attention to our negative thoughts, our brains perceive them as reality and cause corresponding changes in the body. For example, illness, fear, depression, aggression, etc.

Stable neural networks form unconscious patterns of emotional behavior, i.e. a tendency to some form of emotional response. This in turn leads to repetitive life experiences. We only make the same paddles because we do not understand the reasons for their appearance! And the reason is simple: each emotion is "felt" by the release of a certain set of chemicals in the body, and our body simply becomes in some sense "dependent" on such chemical combinations. By recognizing this addiction as a physiological addiction to chemicals, we can get rid of it.

c) only in solid state

Physical properties of matter

properties exhibited by a substance in processes in which the substance remains chemically unchanged.

Examples of physical properties are shape, color, odor, solubility, melting point, density.

Only a deliberate approach is required. Dispens uses the latest advances in quantum physics in his explanations. Why wait for a special moment or the beginning of the New Year to start a radical change in your thinking and your life for the better? Try doing something in a different order, such as if you washed your face first and then your teeth did the opposite. Or take and forgive someone. Smash the usual constructs! And you will feel unusual and very pleasant feelings, you will like it, not to mention the global processes in the body and the consciousness that you will put into action.

  • Substance- the substance has properties by which it can be recognized.
  • Property- that which can be seen, heard, smell or touch and that allows you to recognize any material or substance and distinguish it from other materials or substances All materials and substances have physical properties and chemical properties.

  • Solid(substance) is one of the forms of existence of a substance. A solid has a certain volume and a certain shape that are difficult to change. Preservation of volume and shape is a property of a solid. For example, iron is a solid at room temperature.
  • Liquid- one of the physical states of matter. The liquid has a certain volume, but does not have a certain shape. The shape of the liquid is easy to change, but the volume is difficult to change. For example, water and kerosene are liquids at room temperature. The liquid takes the form of a vessel.
  • Gas- one of the physical states of matter. Gas does not have a definite volume and shape, they are easy to change. Gas has another special property: it is able to expand, filling the entire volume of the vessel in which it is located.

  • colored substance(color), for example, a colored solution can be brown, blue, green, black, etc. For example, milk is a white liquid, and lead sulfide is formed as a black precipitate, which is considered a colored (colored) precipitate.
  • Colorless- the term characterizes a substance that has no color (color), for example, water is colorless, air is colorless. Colorless is the opposite of colored. The paper is white and the window glass is colorless

  • Smell- property of a material or substance that is recognized by the sense of smell. For example, onions have a very specific smell. odorous .
  • Deprived of odor - the term characterizes a material or substance that does not have an odor.

  • Boiling point- the temperature at which the liquid turns into vapor. At the boiling point, the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to atmospheric pressure. The boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure is 100 ° C.
  • Melting temperature (point)- the temperature at which a solid becomes liquid. At the melting point, the solid and liquid forms of a substance exist simultaneously. The term melting point is applied to substances that are solid at room temperature.

  • Shine- the property of a surface to strongly reflect light falling on it. Gloss is a quality property. For example, the surface of silver has a luster.

  • Soluble- a substance that can be dissolved in a liquid; this liquid is usually water. For example, sugar is soluble in water.
  • Insoluble- a substance that does not dissolve in liquid . Very few substances are completely insoluble.
  • Slightly soluble- a substance, only a small part of which is soluble in liquid. For example, lime is slightly soluble in water.

The subject of study in many branches of physics is the behavior of physical bodies, their properties and features of interaction with each other.

Begin to get used to thinking of yourself and talking to yourself as your best friend. A change in thinking leads to profound changes in the physical body. If someone is thinking, looking impartially to the side. And he felt a strong urge not to react as before, or not to do something like that before, which means that he went through the process of "awareness".

At that moment, he made a jump. Accordingly, the personality begins to change, and a new person needs a new body. Spontaneous healings take place: with a new consciousness, the disease can no longer remain in the body, since the biochemistry of the whole body changes, and the person heals.

However, before starting to study them, it is necessary to determine what a physical body is and what characteristics it possesses.

Physical body - definition

In physics, speaking of a physical body, they mean a certain material object that has a form defined by an external boundary that separates it from other bodies and the external environment, as well as a volume and mass corresponding to this form.

Reliable behavior can be defined very easily: it is something that is difficult for you to stop when you want to. If you cannot leave your computer, and you visit a social network every five minutes, or you understand, for example, that irritability interferes with your relationship, but you cannot stop annoying - you have an addiction not only on the mental level, but also on biochemical ...

It has been scientifically proven that the action of chemical elements lasts from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and if you continue to experience certain conditions longer, you should know that all the rest of the time that you artificially keep in yourself, provoking with the thought of cyclic excitation of neural networks and the re-release of unwanted hormones that cause negative emotions, that is, you yourself support this state of yourself!

In addition to the above basic characteristics, a physical body can have a number of other properties - density, transparency, hardness / elasticity, etc. All objects that surround us are physical bodies. A cup, a desk, a ball, a book, a truck - they are all physical bodies from the point of view of physics.

In other words, you voluntarily choose your self-worth. The best advice for such situations is to learn how to switch your attention to something else - to nature, sports, comedy, and anything that can be distracted and switched. A sharp focus of attention can weaken and suppress the action of hormones responsible for a negative state. This ability is called neuroplasticity.

And the better you develop this quality in yourself, the easier it will be to control your reactions, which, in turn, will lead to multiple changes in your perception of the external world and your internal state. This process is called evolution.

Physicists distinguish between simple bodies, which have a simple geometric shape, and composite bodies, which are combinations of simple bodies fastened together. Such a representation is necessary to simplify calculations, especially in cases where the internal state of the physical body does not play a large role in the process under study. For example, the human body can be viewed as a collection of balls and cylinders.

As new thoughts lead to new choices, new choices lead to new behavior, new behavior leads to new experiences, new experiences lead to new emotions, which, along with new information from around the world, begin to alter your genes epigenetically.

And then these new emotions, in turn, start to awaken new thoughts, and therefore you develop self-esteem, self-confidence, etc. in this way we can improve ourselves and our lives accordingly. Depression is also a prime example of addiction. Any condition of addiction refers to a biochemical imbalance in the body as well as an imbalance in the workings of the mind-body relationship.

Properties of physical bodies

In addition to shape, volume and mass, physical bodies are characterized by a number of other properties that can be important in various situations. So, bodies of the same volume often differ in mass and, accordingly, in density. In addition, in a number of cases, other characteristics of bodies are also important - their hardness, fragility, elasticity, magnetic properties, transparency, thermal conductivity, homogeneity, electrical conductivity, etc. To a large extent, these properties depend on the materials of which the physical bodies are composed.

So, balls made of rubber, concrete, wool, glass and steel will have completely different sets of physical properties. However, their properties will be of importance only in the case when the interaction of bodies with each other is investigated - for example, it is necessary to find out the degree of deformation of certain bodies in a collision.

The biggest mistake people make is associating their emotions and behaviors with their personality. Therefore, we say, "I am nervous," "I am weak," "I am sick," "I am unhappy," and so on. People think that the manifestation of certain emotions identifies their personality, so they constantly subconsciously seek to repeat the model of reaction or state, as if convincing each other of who they are.

Even if they themselves will suffer greatly from it! Any undesirable condition can be removed at will, and the possibilities of each person are limited by his imagination. And when you want to change your life, imagine what you want to change, but don't make a “hard plan” in your mind about how it will happen and “choosing” the best option, which can be quite unexpected.

Absolutely solid body, material point and other abstractions

In some sections of physics, bodies are considered not in the aggregate of their inherent properties, but as some abstractions that are assigned ideal characteristics. So in mechanics, all bodies are represented as material points, without taking into account their mass and other physical properties. This discipline studies the movement of material points without taking into account their real size and mass, since these quantities are not important for solving a number of problems. If you are calculating the average speed of a train over a certain distance, you do not need to know how many carriages there are on the train.

It is enough to relax internally and try to enjoy the soul of something that has not happened yet, but it will definitely happen. Because at the level of quantum reality, it has already happened if you presented it clearly and you were ecstatic. It is from the quantum level that events materialize.

People are used to enjoying only what they can “touch”, which has already been realized. But we are not used to trusting ourselves and our ability to create reality, although we do this every day and, in essence, a negative wave. "Our most common habit is to become a habit of being ourselves."

Often physicists use the concept of an absolutely rigid body to perform any calculations. It never undergoes deformation, its center of mass does not shift, which makes it possible to simulate a number of processes without unnecessary complication. To solve thermodynamic problems, it is convenient to use an absolutely black body - an abstract object that absorbs all radiation falling on its surface.

And Dispens advises: never stop learning. Information is best absorbed when you are amazed. Try to learn something new every day - it develops and trains your brain, creates new neural connections, which, in turn, can change and develop your ability to consciously think, which will help you model your own happy and realistic reality.

The Power of Healing Through Parables

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Carl Jung - Everything that annoys us actually leads us to self-awareness

Experience management tactics. Diseases of the body do not exist by themselves. Negative behavioral patterns don't come anywhere. Fears and phobias are not caused by scary animals or dangerous places. Allergies are completely phantom and have no medical origin. Common among all these conditions is that they do not originate from matter.

In this case, the body itself can emit electromagnetic waves, if the task at hand requires it. In cases where the shape of the physical body does not matter, it is assumed that it has the shape of a ball.

Physical body and physical phenomenon

Physics as a science arose from the need to identify the laws of behavior of physical bodies and the mechanisms of formation of natural phenomena. In fact, all changes in our environment that are not related to human activities are natural phenomena. Most of them are useful to people, but there are also dangerous and even catastrophic natural phenomena.

How we perceive the environment and ourselves is energy. Thoughts, perceptions, words that, aloud, memories, are in the process of consolidation, strengthening and transformation into beliefs. And these beliefs create that he does not know how to control genetics, biology, chemistry, our behavior, the way we think, we think that we act, we communicate, how we live. More than 98% of our daily activities are guided by subconscious programs.

Disease occurs at the physical level to give us a signal. To draw our attention to the spiritual intelligence, which we have been missing for a long time, it must manifest itself on a physical level. Sensitive sensations such as pain, heavy physical material or unexplained sensations that arise in certain areas of the body when we are under the influence of a certain emotion - contact us. They speak their own language, trying to tell us the direction we want to find.

People need to investigate the properties and behavior of physical bodies that take part in them in order to learn how to predict adverse events, prevent them or reduce the harm they cause. So, the harmful effect of sea waves has long been learned to reduce by building breakwaters - concrete ledges entering the sea for tens of meters and breaking a single wave front.

The destructive effect is overcome by the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings of a special design. To reduce damage when the vehicle comes into contact with solid objects, the supporting structures of its body are given a special shape. All this became possible thanks to the study of the characteristics of physical bodies.

Our beliefs, how we feel in a certain situation, the diseases that we suffer - all of them have their own material expression, which suggests where to look for the reasons. How we perceive the world is a consciousness shaped by our beliefs. Beliefs and beliefs control our perception. Rewrite your beliefs and change your perception. Rewrite perception and rewrite information into your genes and behavior. We are free to change the way we perceive the world. We are not victims of our genes.

We are the masters of our own genetics. And that skill starts with belief. - Professor Dr. Bruce Lipton. Could there be something in common between these three examples. You have to talk to the audience and your hands are sweaty, you poke something under the spoon, your throat dries up. You have to climb a high peak, your knees will soften, you are pouring lead and you cannot take a step. It sucks in, hurts, brushes and covers you like a second prickly skin. You want to hide from this aggressive world.

  • Feeling is fear of failure, insecurity, feelings of inferiority.
  • Throat in fear, sharp pains slashing through the abdomen.
  • They fight some form of skin disease.
This is a collection of dozens, each with a different suffering, but for the same reason. The Physical Body is bodily nature.
"Hugging and touching erogenous zones without clothes, a sexual act in the usual sense."
- bioenergetic nature.
"Joint dinner, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on your knees."
How is your health?
- emotional nature.
"Joint emotional experience of a certain situation that affects both."
How are you?
- intellectual nature, Individual Will.
"Coordination of points of view on an extraneous topic."
What are you concerned about?
- moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
“A joint but non-binding trip to the theater, help with iron (car) repair”.
How are you?
- Spiritual Will.
"Heart-to-heart talk about life".
How are you doing?

Thin shelf- Atmanic Body, Buddhic Body, Causal Body.
Mental- Mental Body.
Dense shelf- Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The collection of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.


Our Body loves Us with all its organs, tissues and cells. "Woe to that Soul, which, instead of its heavenly husband (Spirit), prefers an earthly marriage with its earthly body."
"The fall of mankind is the oblivion of its true essence; the earthiness of consciousness and the loss of Truth, that everything that surrounds a person is part of a single whole. Consciousness turned to the Physical and Elementary Planes, and the higher energy Plans were forgotten." Man is a microcosm containing a copy of the universe. The atomic nuclei of the body are the sun; electrons revolving around them are planets, and DNA spirals are arms of swirling Galaxies.

The Physical Body is a Synthetic Body, it is linear.

Physical Body Symbols:
1. Muscles. Bones. Leather.
2. Movement.
3. Objective perception.
4. Physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena. Phenomena of movements.

The Physical Body is the lower Body of the Dense Shelt, it is the outer shell of the Monad.
The Physical Body of a person is 3-dimensional (has three spatial coordinates), it exists in one stream of Time. The Volumetric Physical Body consists of a set of 2-dimensional planes. Each 2-dimensional plane consists of a set of 1 dimensional lines.

The Physical Body is a purely material being, animated by the Life Principle (Prana). Organic Life can revive a Body without a Soul, but a Soul cannot live in a Body devoid of organic life.
In organic Bodies, matter is revived by combining it with the Life Principle (Prana). The source of the Life Principle is the universal current (magnetic or animal-electric current). He is a mediator connecting Soul and matter. The Life Principle for all organic creatures is one, but modified, in accordance with the breeds. From the Universal Source of Life Beginning, each creature draws its part of Prana, which returns to the general mass after its death. The human soul acts through the organs, and the organs are revitalized by the Life Current, which, dividing, is in each person, in large numbers in the organs that make up the manifestations of the Soul. The organs are saturated with the Life Current, the Current gives activity to all members of the organism.

The physical body is given to a person by his parents, they can pass on to him only physical inheritance - the characteristic features of the race or nation or family in which he should be born. Mental and moral qualities are not transmitted from parents to children (if there is a similarity, then it is not hereditary, but simply similar souls are often attracted to each other).

Earth's organic life is a carbon life-form

Carbon forms the basis of organic chemistry; this element makes our bodies possible. Carbon has the ability to create endless shapes, chains, and structures, and it chemically reacts with almost anything in the vicinity.

1. Physical Body.
All internal work of the body, all physiology:
digestion and assimilation of food, respiration, blood circulation, all the work of internal organs, the formation of new cells, the removal of waste materials, the work of the endocrine glands.

The general plus of the human body is located on the crown of the head, the general minus is on the soles.

All three Kingdoms of Nature and the divine Spark, which makes him the king of Nature, are in man.
The Human Body is a representative of the Mineral Kingdom by its skeleton, the Plant Kingdom by its plant life, the center of which is the belly; and the Animal Kingdom - anemic life, the center of which is in the chest; moral, spiritual life makes people of us.

The motor function includes all external movements such as walking, writing, speaking, eating food. None of the motor functions are innate; these movements must be learned.

All instinctive functions are innate.

2. Physical - Etheric Body.
Five senses:
sight, hearing, smell, touch and all other sensations:
sensations of weight, temperature, dryness, humidity, etc., all neutral sensations that are neither pleasant nor unpleasant in themselves.

3. Physical - Astral Body.
All sensations that are either pleasant or unpleasant. All kinds of pain and discomfort, such as bad taste or smell, and all kinds of physical pleasures, such as good taste, smell, and so on.

4. Physical - Mental Body.
All reflexes, even the most complex ones, like laughter and yawning; all types of physical memory, such as the memory of taste, smell, pain, which are actually internal reflexes.

Changes in the state of Physical Bodies are cognized with the help of human senses or apparatuses, and the brain analyzes information-exchange processes.


The body enriches a person's life, allowing him to hear, see, smell, taste, communicate with other people. A person learns a lot with the help of his senses.
1. Smell (gandha). Nose.
“The hair-like sensory endings of the olfactory nerves protrude into the nasal cavity.
2. Taste (race). Language.
The seat of the feeling is the spleen and liver.
"The main taste buds are the taste buds, which are located in the protruding papillae on the upper surface of the tongue. They are able to distinguish four main taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Taste is associated with the sense of smell."
3. Touch (Sparsha). Leather.
"All skin sensations that are transmitted by nerves from sensory nerve endings located in the skin."

SKIN VISION... Skin-optical sensitivity, i.e. the ability to determine some properties and shape of objects with closed eyes and in complete darkness, to a greater or lesser extent, is inherent in all people, both women and men.
Differently colored objects have different effects on our body:
unconsciously (or with varying degrees of awareness) are reflected by us, and moreover, they increase or decrease the intensity of our physiological reactions and nervous activity.
The fundamental difference between "skin vision" and perception with the eyes is the ability to determine the color of objects or react to it through obstacles and screens that are opaque to visible light. In the experiments, a colored sample was placed in a tinplate cassette, or some kind of opaque screen was superimposed on top - the reaction to colors was carried out successfully. In order to avoid peeping in the experiments, special light-tight chambers were used, where the subjects were placed. Through special holes with sleeves in the wall of the cell, they put their hands outside and determined the color of the sheets of paper or film offered to them. A photographic film was applied to the subjects' eyes under a thick black bandage. In case of peeping, the film should have been lit up. The experiments followed the principles of double ignorance and accidental presentation of stimuli. Neither the subject nor the experimenter knew what color the sample was presented for recognition. The samples were presented in a random sequence so that it was impossible to predict the order of their appearance.
Despite these conditions complicating the experiment, some subjects very quickly learned to recognize both the main colors of the spectrum and achromatic (black, white, gray). Other subjects could read large letters and numbers with their hand at a short distance.
Both with contact recognition of color by touch, and with the determination of a colored surface with a hand at a distance, in the minds of the subjects there appear quite definite sensations that characterize one or another color stimulus.
Red - significant resistance to finger movement when touching. Viscous color. Warmest to the touch. The air is hot in the distance. It burns. Strongly pulls the palm towards itself.
Orange - resistance to finger movement is less than that of red. Rough color. Warm but not hot. The palm is warm in the air, but not like red. Draws the palm towards itself, but less intensely than red.
Yellow - weak resistance to finger movement. Feeling of slipping. Light and soft color. Sometimes on the border of heat and cold. Slightly pulls the palm towards itself.
Green is neutral. Color indeterminate by touch. Not smooth, but not rough either. In terms of temperature, it is neither warm nor cold. It also feels neutral from a distance. Irritating, but no distinct sensations of warmth or cold. Does not attract or repel the palm of the hand.
Blue - very weak resistance to finger movement. Fingers go freely. Slightly cool to the touch. The distance is also cool. Slightly pushing the palm away from itself in the air.
Blue - slows down the movement of the fingers. Color cold to the touch. And from a distance it feels cold. Pushes the palm away in the air stronger than blue.
Purple is a sticky color. Strongly inhibits the movement of the fingers. It freezes in the distance. Coldest color. Stronger than others repels the palm in the air.

Based on these signs, individual subjects learned to recognize colors using skin sensitivity. Cognitive features of color, as can be seen from the above scale, change in accordance with the arrangement of colors in the spectrum.
... The experiments, which involved several hundred students, used thermocouple systems (thermocouples), a highly sensitive galvanometer and a stopwatch. The subject put his hand through the opening of an opaque chamber and placed his palm over the upper opening of a hollow cylinder made of colored paper. The lower hole of the colored film of the cylinder was located above the receiving window of the thermal column, where infrared radiation from the palm entered, and passed through the inner space of the colored cylinder. The radiation was recorded on a galvanometer scale for periods of 30 and 60 seconds.
It turned out that in almost all students the infrared radiation of the hand changed significantly: depending on the color of the cylinder over which the hand was located, it increased or decreased.
Infrared radiation is known to penetrate a wide variety of materials. Therefore, screens made of cardboard, plywood, black paper, rubber and many other substances are transparent to certain infrared radiation ranges. This explains the penetrating skin-optical sensitivity that puzzles people so much.
In another experiment, the relationship between skin-optical sensitivity and the bioelectric activity of the brain was studied. At the moment when the subject's palm was intermittently emitted by light beams, changes in bioelectric processes took place in the cerebral cortex, and these changes were recorded not in the occipital cortex, where the visual cells are located, but in the central region, where the centers responsible for touch and temperature are located. sensitivity.
"Everyone hears what he wants to hear"
4. Hearing (sabda). Ears.
The ears send powerful nerve signals to the opposite hemispheres of the brain. The higher auditory center is located in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. The final analysis and synthesis of audio signals takes place there. The ear also determines body position and balance. The organ of gravitational sensitivity is the organ of balance located in the inner ear. The inner ear has a chamber that contains many hairs at the tips of which are "pebbles". When the position of the body changes, these "pebbles" fall, a tension of the hairs is formed, this is transmitted to the brain, which gives the command to the muscular system to restore the center of balance.
5. Sight (rupa). Eyes.
A person receives up to 90% of information about the outside world with the help of the organ of vision.
"Not everything in the outside world is actually what it appears to be."
Tuned to its own Own Cosmic Frequency - the optical vision cannot see what is tuned to another Own Cosmic Frequency. Therefore, a person cannot see Other Spheres of Consciousness, which are protected from tuning into resonance by the Highest Ethical Laws.
The permissible energy of light perception for most living beings is in the range from 15 to 65 kcal / mol, which corresponds to the wavelength range from 0.44 to 1.9 microns. The vision of humans and many animal organisms is realized in a narrower range: 0.38 to 0.75 microns (from violet to red). Rays, the wavelength of which is outside this range, although they affect living things (sometimes very harmful), are invisible to us. We do not feel short waves, but we feel infrared rays, but not with our eyes.
The eyes are the receiver of light. The eye and the light wave are similar. There are six different categories of eyes, like crystals.
When we look someone in the eye, we see an oval, but in reality the eye is round. It is a ball, a sphere, and part of its surface is occupied by a lens.
The geometric shape that all eyes are created from, and the geometric representations of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including light, are identical.
Human eyes are an individual code of an individual on the Physical Plane. Subtle energy flows through the pupils in both directions.
To see objects both in bright light and at dusk, we have two types of receptors in our retina - cones and rods, as well as a dynamic system of pupil adjustment. The human retina contains 6.5 million cones and 110-124 million rods. The matrix of the best thermal imagers to date has 960 x 1280 sensors, which is about 1.25 million receptors. Our retina has four types of receptors (three types of cones and one type of rods) with different sensitivity to both the intensity of light and its spectral characteristics. Cones enable us to see the world in color in good light, and rods in low light in black and white. The luminous flux is controlled by the diaphragm of the pupil. In the dark, the pupil opens, in the light it closes with the help of muscles - sphincters. Vision consists of visual sensations and memory of tactile sensations. "A person at a great distance is drawn to us as a silhouette, - because at a great distance we never feel anything, the eye is not accustomed to notice the differences in surfaces that we feel with our fingertips at a close distance."
“The human eyes are designed to perform two functions: one of them is to see the energy flows of the Universe, and the other is to“ look at things in this world. ”None of them is better or more important than the other, but training the eyes only to look is shameful and a senseless loss. "
K. Castaneda.

The PHYSICAL BODY has two systems: nervous and endocrine (glandular system). NERVOUS POWER... Nervous force is an oscillating medium that transmits all kinds of impulses.
Nervous power is a necessary tool through which the human Consciousness and subconsciousness can actively influence the body and the outside world.
REFLEXES... The Physical Body acts almost exclusively according to the law of reflexes, i.e. organic irritability is the cause of almost all impulsive movements, not excluding mental ones.


The organs of the endocrine system are subordinated to a kind of hierarchy: there are lower links, and there are higher, "commanders-in-chief", such as the hypofiz and the hypothalamus. These are special structures in the brain that produce hormones and regulate the work of other endocrine glands. It is much more difficult to interfere in their activities than in the work of other bodies.
1. Adrenal glands... The adrenal glands release hormones during stressful situations.
2. PROSTATE... The prostate gland secretes testosterone, a male sex hormone.
GENITAL GLANDS... The sex glands are responsible for reproductive functions, taste sensations, the area of ​​reproductive power.
The corresponding genitals are formed in the embryo only in the third month of life, when genes control the production of the required amount of the male hormone - testosterone. Girls require less of this hormone, boys more. But if the required amount of testosterone is not supplied or the cells of the embryo are deprived of receptors - "contact parts" that perceive hormones, or there are no enzymes that follow the "instructions" of hormones, then in these cases bisexual hermaphrodite creatures are formed.
In childhood, the glands of the sex hormones behave calmly. Only during the ripening period do they wake up and begin to work feverishly. It happens like this: first, an alarm sounds in the brain cells, in the section where the hypothalamus is located. Then a control organ the size of a hazelnut secretes a hormone into the adjacent pituitary gland, which, "waking up", in turn produces its own hormone, which is directed by blood flow to the genitals of a maturing boy and girl. And only after that, the growth of the beard will begin, the development of the mammary glands and often pimples appear on the skin. A man and a woman are based on the same hormones. But a woman's glands produce after each monthly cycle, 2-10 times more of the hormone estrogen. The male body produces 2-14 times more testosterone than the female.
Under the cranium of a fetus coded for male development, testosterone is tasked with shaping a male brain. Initially - the first three months from conception - the embryo has both the right and left hemispheres of the brain equally developed. Reorientation in boys suppresses the development of the right half of the brain, which is responsible for a person's speech abilities, and, on the contrary, accelerates the development of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for the tasks of abstract thinking.
The hormone estrogen is associated with sexual potency, and testosterone with desire.
The ovaries produce most of the estrogen, the female sex hormone.
Adipose tissue produces part of the female sex hormone estrogen (in both women and men).
The uterus produces hormones necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.
3. PANCREAS... The pancreas produces insulin, which is involved in the digestion process.
In addition to cells that synthesize digestive enzymes, pancreatic tissue includes microscopic disseminations of endocrine islet cells of Langerhans. The islet tissue contains several types of cells: α-cells synthesize glucagon, the hormone of "carbohydrate hunger", β-cells produce insulin, without which the assimilation of carbohydrates is impossible, and δ-cells are the hormone somatostatin, which is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
5. Thyroid and peri-thyroid gland... If the work of this small, butterfly-shaped organ located under the chin is disrupted, very serious complications develop in the body. The thyroid gland is an important hormonal organ that regulates the body's metabolism. Its hormones accelerate fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and increase the production of energy, which immediately affects the activity of all organs and systems: the body temperature rises, the work of the heart rises, blood pressure rises, intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of gastric juice increase. If more thyroid hormones are released than needed, then the body works in emergency mode, spending its reserves prematurely: a person is constantly overexcited, he has mood swings, insomnia, he usually eats a lot and at the same time loses weight.
Basedow's disease - the thyroid gland increases in size and the level of hormones in the blood increases. The so-called hyperfunction of the thyroid gland occurs. In some cases, this problem is solved surgically, i.e. remove most of the thyroid gland. Such operations are performed more often in women. The thyroid gland in women is more vulnerable, this is associated with greater emotionality. A strong enlargement of the thyroid gland often begins as a result of powerful stress, nervous overstrain.
Insufficient work of the thyroid gland leads to its hypofunction. Sometimes this happens after a not entirely correct operation to remove the thyroid gland. Then the body does not have enough hormones, the metabolism slows down and a disease called myxedema develops. The patient usually has a reduced vitality, weak pulse, he gets tired quickly, feels lethargic and drowsy. His face changes, becomes swollen, puffy.
Thyroid gland - super auditory control, understanding of any speech in any language, a receiver of the energy of expression.

In adults, the secretion of hormones in the body is controlled by two organs - the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. They send impulses every hour and a half to correct the content of the mixture of hormones in the blood. Both of these organs receive instructions from the brain through the so-called neutrotransmitter and transmit them to their subordinate glands. These organs are also responsible for the female cycle. Birth control pills alter the substances secreted by the glands in such a way that they become characteristic of the state of pregnancy. Therefore, the hypothalamus sends a signal that prohibits the release of the egg.
6. PITUITARY from the Greek roots: "hypo" - under, "nat" - growth, "growing under the brain."
This gland is located at the base of the brain, in a special bone cavity called the Turkish saddle. It is the smallest gland - it weighs half a gram.
The pituitary gland is the central endocrine gland. Pituitary hormones stimulate the activity of other endocrine glands - thyroid, reproductive and adrenal glands.
The pituitary gland secretes four hormones that affect other hormonal glands. These hormones control sex, childbirth, milk production, growth, and water content in the body.
One of the hormones of the Pituitary gland is the Growth Hormone (Power of the Sun). This growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland. And the switching on of its gene occurs under the action of signals coming from the upper lobe of the brain, the hypothalamus. There are the bodies of neurosecretory cells, which descend into the pituitary gland with their processes. Biological signals - the so-called hormone-releasers - move along these channels.
The end result of the action of growth hormone is the stimulation of protein growth. But this also requires a special well-coordinated "ensemble" of other hormones - insulin and those produced by the adrenal glands.
Growth disorders - both gigantism and nanism (dwarfism) - are associated with changes in the work of the pituitary gland.
Pygmies are a tribe of short inhabitants of the African jungle - until puberty they do not lag behind their normal neighbors in growth. That is, their growth hormone is synthesized and released into the blood in normal quantities, but their cells react poorly to it. This does not allow them to grow above 1 m 40 cm. Studies have shown that pygmies are stunted due to simple starvation, in the jungle they get very little protein food, the main component of the diet, thanks to which the body grows. The exact opposite is the sumo wrestlers in Japan, who are fed on a protein diet to an appalling height and weight of 120-150 kg. With cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that most often affects white children, protein malnutrition occurs (due to damage to the intestinal tract), and children are stunted.
There are also more complex cases when everything seems to be in order with the growth hormone gene, and children, nevertheless, are far behind in growth.
Pituitary growth retardation is most often found in children 5-7 years old. As a rule, they are all born on time, with normal weight and height; before the disease, they grow and develop normally. Severe injuries and infections (viral flu, measles, encephalitis), lesions of the central nervous system can become the cause of a sharp stop in growth. Since the stimulation of the growth of the entire skeleton is limited, the child's body maintains normal proportions. Its dimensions correspond to the moment when the growth hormone ceased to be produced. Internal organs too.
The hypothalamus sends special hormones to the pituitary gland - releasers ("release, release"). This signal is "free yourself"! - trap protein molecules on the surface of pituitary cells and begin to release growth hormone.
When the pineal gland "looks" or projects energy into the pituitary gland, it generates the "Third Eye" perception.

" VISUAL IRON"(" Third Eye ") - The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which is responsible for the body's biorhythms and its immune system. This gland marks the length of days, the change of seasons of the year. Its hormone, melatonin, is released in accordance with the seasons, in animals it regulates the readiness of animals to reproduce Melatonin is able to delay the release of an egg. Its amount affects sleep, biorhythms, vascular and immune systems, and possibly even life expectancy. The concentration of this hormone in the blood changes with age, and during the day. With the onset of darkness, it begins to be released intensively, and by morning - on the contrary - its amount gradually decreases.
Even a small dose of this hormone has the ability to induce physiological sleep, allowing you to maintain or restore its natural structure. It contributes to the restructuring of the body's biorhythms to a new schedule. Its concentration grows continuously from the moment a person is born until one year, and then remains unchanged until the period of puberty. Then, over the course of several years, this concentration gradually decreases and stabilizes again until the age of 40-45, after which it steadily decreases until the end of a person's life.
Simultaneously with an increase in the concentration of melatonin, the body's ability to distinguish "foreign" cells from "friendly" cells and its immune activity in defense against viruses and bacteria increase. The hormone can mitigate the effects of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of cancer.
The ability of melatonin to prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels is very significant, making it suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

7. PINEAL GLAND... The pineal gland - super-auditory perception, perceives spatial thoughts, is responsible for enlightenment. The pineal gland gives astral abilities, spiritual aspirations, it controls the lower animal instincts.
The pineal gland contains the human Soul, the gland is attached to the brain, but has an activity independent of it.
"The pineal gland is hollow and empty during life. It is the main organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, which opens all approaches to the Truth to those who know how to use it. This organ is in a dormant state. The aura of the Pineal gland responds to any impression , a person can only vaguely feel it, but cannot yet realize it. "
Six sensory rays emerge from the pineal gland:
1. Comes out of the head forward, out of the "Third Eye";
2. goes back;
3. leaves the left brain hemisphere;
4. from the right hemisphere of the brain;
5. goes straight up through the crown;
6.Down along the neck.

Consciousness of a person and his memory depend on the functioning of the pineal gland.


Our body is a reflection of our soul. Treat him with much more Love. And it doesn't matter what shape it is: plump or thin! It is not the appearance of the body that matters, but how we relate to it, to this physical shell so important for the evolution of our soul on Earth!
Love your body! Love it considering that it is an instrument of your soul fully adapted to living life in the physical world. The more you love your body, the more it will receive the Energy of Love-Light, the better its physical condition will be.
Your body needs Love. You should not neglect your body, it needs you to think about it, so that you love it, and also that you accept it as it is, and the more you love it, the more it will transform! You will notice that some of the illnesses that sometimes caused you to suffer physically have disappeared.
Of course, before a deep transformation of your physical body takes place, it is necessary to carry out a great cleansing, to purify thoughts ... Each of us is able to transform our physical body in Love and in Light, to transform all low vibrations. When you begin to look at your body with new eyes and in a new consciousness, then you will begin to respect it and love it deeply.
Your soul is in your body! And if you want to strongly love and respect your soul, then love and respect your body!
Learn to love yourself! Many people say: "I love myself," but what kind of Love do they give to their body?
When you have negative thoughts about yourself or others, when you react with violence or think negatively, then your body suffers! You can tell him that you love him, but this is not real Love, it is an illusion of Love!
Send the Energy of Love-Light to your entire body, starting from the feet, then to the legs, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, hands, arms, and finally to the head. Do this exercise of Love with all parts of the body, and especially with those that do not work well or where there are painful sensations.
When there is pain in the body, it means that this part of the body lacks Love; a painful sensation can also arise from negative judgments about yourself, about Life, about everything that surrounds you.
It is very important to be able to understand your body, to know that each cell has its own consciousness, and that it is completely connected with your soul, since it is your soul, that it is also connected with your Divinity, because there is no separation between all parts of us themselves.

1) Physical body- synthetic. Bodily nature.
The phenomena of motion (physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena) are completely transformed into one another. Any physical phenomenon can be created from other physical phenomena. Phenomena of movements, i.e. changes in the state of bodies, a person learns with the help of the senses or technology. There are many phenomena that are not observed by either human senses or technology. Physical phenomena do not transform into phenomena of life.

↓ - Analytical channel from the Physical Body to the Etheric Body.
The movements differentiate into varied ground for the Etheric Body. The Physical Body delivers energy to the Etheric through food and its own movement. Physical care for health, vitality. Physiological sensations.

Synthetic channel from the Etheric Body to the Physical Body.
Controlling the Physical Body. Preparation and control of movements.
Etheric sensations end with a definite, single movement or gesture (Physical Body) in space.

2) Etheric Body- analytical. Bioenergetic nature.
Life phenomena (biological and physiological phenomena).
Groups of phenomena of movements (physical phenomena) are transformed into a phenomenon of life.
Productive Forces. The phenomena of life pass into other phenomena of life and multiply in them endlessly, and pass into physical phenomena, creating a whole series of mechanical and chemical combinations. The phenomena of life are manifested in physical phenomena and in their presence.
The Life Force is capable of releasing a large amount of life and physical Energy.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

    Body: In mathematics: Body (algebra) is a set with two operations (addition and multiplication), which has certain properties. Body (geometry) is a part of space bounded by a closed surface. The body of the complex Body (physics) ... ... Wikipedia

    PHYSICS- PHYSICS, a science that studies, together with chemistry, the general laws of the transformation of energy and matter. Both sciences are based on two basic laws of natural science, the law of conservation of mass (the law of Lomonosov, Lavoisier) and the law of conservation of energy (R. Mayer, Jaul ... ... Great medical encyclopedia

    PHYSICS. 1. Subject and structure of physics F. the science that studies the simplest and at the same time naib. general properties and laws of motion of the objects of the material world around us. Due to this commonality, there are no natural phenomena that do not have physical. properties ... Physical encyclopedia

    A science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of natural phenomena, the property and structure of matter and the laws of its motion. The concepts of physics and its laws are the basis of all natural science. F. belongs to the exact sciences and studies quantities ... Physical encyclopedia

    Physics- Physics ♦ Physique Everything related to nature (from the Greek physis), in particular - the science that studies nature (ta physika). If nature is everything, as I believe, then physics is called upon to contain all other sciences. However, this ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    - (a. explosion physics; n. Physik der Explosion; f. physique de l explosion; and. fisica de explosion, fisica de estallido, fisica de detonacion) science that studies the phenomenon of explosion and the mechanism of its action in the environment. Violation of mechanical ... ... Geological encyclopedia

    A branch of physics that studies the structure and properties of solids. Scientific data on the microstructure of solids and on the physical and chemical properties of their constituent atoms are necessary for the development of new materials and technical devices. Physics ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    1) F. and her tasks. 2) Methods F. 3) Hypotheses and theories. 4) The role of mechanics and mathematics in F. 5) Basic hypotheses of F.; substance and its structure. 6) Kinetic theory of matter. 7) Action at a distance. 8) Ether. 9) Energy. 10) Mechanical pictures, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Solid state physics is a branch of condensed matter physics, the task of which is to describe the physical properties of solids in terms of their atomic structure. It developed intensively in the XX century after the discovery of quantum mechanics. ... ... Wikipedia

    I. The Subject and Structure of Physics Physics is the science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of natural phenomena, the properties and structure of matter, and the laws of its motion. Therefore, the concepts of F. and these laws underlie everything ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • New physics. Parts 1, 2, 3. Set, Kuznetsov Viktor Vladimirovich. This work is called "New Physics" by the author. But why "new" physics? What does this mean and how does it differ from the "old" physics, which exists now? In response to these questions, let's say that ...
  • Physical body. The basis of the material world, Landau Lev Davidovich, Kitaygorodsky Alexander Isaakovich. The books of the Nobel Prize laureate Lev Landau and Alexander Kitaygorodsky are texts that turn the philistine idea of ​​the world around them. Most of us, regularly encountering ...
The Physical Body is bodily nature.
"Hugging and touching erogenous zones without clothes, a sexual act in the usual sense."
The Etheric Body is of bioenergetic nature.
"Joint dinner, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on your knees."
How is your health?
The Astral Body is an emotional nature.
"Joint emotional experience of a certain situation that affects both."
How are you?
The Mental Body is the intellectual nature, the Individual Will.
"Coordination of points of view on an extraneous topic."
What are you concerned about?
Causal Body - moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
“A joint but non-binding trip to the theater, help with iron (car) repair”.
How are you?
Buddhic body - Spiritual Will.
"Heart-to-heart talk about life".
How are you doing?

Thin shelf- Atmanic Body, Buddhic Body, Causal Body.
Mental- Mental Body.
Dense shelf- Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The collection of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.


Our Body loves Us with all its organs, tissues and cells. "Woe to that Soul, which, instead of its heavenly husband (Spirit), prefers an earthly marriage with its earthly body."
"The fall of mankind is the oblivion of its true essence; the earthiness of consciousness and the loss of Truth, that everything that surrounds a person is part of a single whole. Consciousness turned to the Physical and Elementary Planes, and the higher energy Plans were forgotten." Man is a microcosm containing a copy of the universe. The atomic nuclei of the body are the sun; electrons revolving around them are planets, and DNA spirals are arms of swirling Galaxies.

The Physical Body is a Synthetic Body, it is linear.

Physical Body Symbols:
1. Muscles. Bones. Leather.
2. Movement.
3. Objective perception.
4. Physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena. Phenomena of movements.

The Physical Body is the lower Body of the Dense Shelt, it is the outer shell of the Monad.
The Physical Body of a person is 3-dimensional (has three spatial coordinates), it exists in one stream of Time. The Volumetric Physical Body consists of a set of 2-dimensional planes. Each 2-dimensional plane consists of a set of 1 dimensional lines.

The Physical Body is a purely material being, animated by the Life Principle (Prana). Organic Life can revive a Body without a Soul, but a Soul cannot live in a Body devoid of organic life.
In organic Bodies, matter is revived by combining it with the Life Principle (Prana). The source of the Life Principle is the universal current (magnetic or animal-electric current). He is a mediator connecting Soul and matter. The Life Principle for all organic creatures is one, but modified, in accordance with the breeds. From the Universal Source of Life Beginning, each creature draws its part of Prana, which returns to the general mass after its death. The human soul acts through the organs, and the organs are revitalized by the Life Current, which, dividing, is in each person, in large numbers in the organs that make up the manifestations of the Soul. The organs are saturated with the Life Current, the Current gives activity to all members of the organism.

The physical body is given to a person by his parents, they can pass on to him only physical inheritance - the characteristic features of the race or nation or family in which he should be born. Mental and moral qualities are not transmitted from parents to children (if there is a similarity, then it is not hereditary, but simply similar souls are often attracted to each other).

Earth's organic life is a carbon life-form

Carbon forms the basis of organic chemistry; this element makes our bodies possible. Carbon has the ability to create endless shapes, chains, and structures, and it chemically reacts with almost anything in the vicinity.

1. Physical Body.
All internal work of the body, all physiology:
digestion and assimilation of food, respiration, blood circulation, all the work of internal organs, the formation of new cells, the removal of waste materials, the work of the endocrine glands.
See Private morphology.

The general plus of the human body is located on the crown of the head, the general minus is on the soles.

All three Kingdoms of Nature and the divine Spark, which makes him the king of Nature, are in man.
The Human Body is a representative of the Mineral Kingdom by its skeleton, the Plant Kingdom by its plant life, the center of which is the belly; and the Animal Kingdom - anemic life, the center of which is in the chest; moral, spiritual life makes people of us.

The motor function includes all external movements such as walking, writing, speaking, eating food. None of the motor functions are innate; these movements must be learned.

All instinctive functions are innate.

2. Physical - Etheric Body.
Five senses:
sight, hearing, smell, touch and all other sensations:
sensations of weight, temperature, dryness, humidity, etc., all neutral sensations that are neither pleasant nor unpleasant in themselves.

3. Physical - Astral Body.
All sensations that are either pleasant or unpleasant. All kinds of pain and discomfort, such as bad taste or smell, and all kinds of physical pleasures, such as good taste, smell, and so on.

4. Physical - Mental Body.
All reflexes, even the most complex ones, like laughter and yawning; all types of physical memory, such as the memory of taste, smell, pain, which are actually internal reflexes.

Changes in the state of Physical Bodies are cognized with the help of human senses or apparatuses, and the brain analyzes information-exchange processes.


The body enriches a person's life, allowing him to hear, see, smell, taste, communicate with other people. A person learns a lot with the help of his senses.
1. Smell (gandha). Nose.
“The hair-like sensory endings of the olfactory nerves protrude into the nasal cavity.
2. Taste (race). Language.
The seat of the feeling is the spleen and liver.
"The main taste buds are the taste buds, which are located in the protruding papillae on the upper surface of the tongue. They are able to distinguish four main taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Taste is associated with the sense of smell."
3. Touch (Sparsha). Leather.
"All skin sensations that are transmitted by nerves from sensory nerve endings located in the skin."

SKIN VISION... Skin-optical sensitivity, i.e. the ability to determine some properties and shape of objects with closed eyes and in complete darkness, to a greater or lesser extent, is inherent in all people, both women and men.
Differently colored objects have different effects on our body:
unconsciously (or with varying degrees of awareness) are reflected by us, and moreover, they increase or decrease the intensity of our physiological reactions and nervous activity.
The fundamental difference between "skin vision" and perception with the eyes is the ability to determine the color of objects or react to it through obstacles and screens that are opaque to visible light. In the experiments, a colored sample was placed in a tinplate cassette, or some kind of opaque screen was superimposed on top - the reaction to colors was carried out successfully. In order to avoid peeping in the experiments, special light-tight chambers were used, where the subjects were placed. Through special holes with sleeves in the wall of the cell, they put their hands outside and determined the color of the sheets of paper or film offered to them. A photographic film was applied to the subjects' eyes under a thick black bandage. In case of peeping, the film should have been lit up. The experiments followed the principles of double ignorance and accidental presentation of stimuli. Neither the subject nor the experimenter knew what color the sample was presented for recognition. The samples were presented in a random sequence so that it was impossible to predict the order of their appearance.
Despite these conditions complicating the experiment, some subjects very quickly learned to recognize both the main colors of the spectrum and achromatic (black, white, gray). Other subjects could read large letters and numbers with their hand at a short distance.
Both with contact recognition of color by touch, and with the determination of a colored surface with a hand at a distance, in the minds of the subjects there appear quite definite sensations that characterize one or another color stimulus.
Red - significant resistance to finger movement when touching. Viscous color. Warmest to the touch. The air is hot in the distance. It burns. Strongly pulls the palm towards itself.
Orange - resistance to finger movement is less than that of red. Rough color. Warm but not hot. The palm is warm in the air, but not like red. Draws the palm towards itself, but less intensely than red.
Yellow - weak resistance to finger movement. Feeling of slipping. Light and soft color. Sometimes on the border of heat and cold. Slightly pulls the palm towards itself.
Green is neutral. Color indeterminate by touch. Not smooth, but not rough either. In terms of temperature, it is neither warm nor cold. It also feels neutral from a distance. Irritating, but no distinct sensations of warmth or cold. Does not attract or repel the palm of the hand.
Blue - very weak resistance to finger movement. Fingers go freely. Slightly cool to the touch. The distance is also cool. Slightly pushing the palm away from itself in the air.
Blue - slows down the movement of the fingers. Color cold to the touch. And from a distance it feels cold. Pushes the palm away in the air stronger than blue.
Purple is a sticky color. Strongly inhibits the movement of the fingers. It freezes in the distance. Coldest color. Stronger than others repels the palm in the air.

Based on these signs, individual subjects learned to recognize colors using skin sensitivity. Cognitive features of color, as can be seen from the above scale, change in accordance with the arrangement of colors in the spectrum.
... The experiments, which involved several hundred students, used thermocouple systems (thermocouples), a highly sensitive galvanometer and a stopwatch. The subject put his hand through the opening of an opaque chamber and placed his palm over the upper opening of a hollow cylinder made of colored paper. The lower hole of the colored film of the cylinder was located above the receiving window of the thermal column, where infrared radiation from the palm entered, and passed through the inner space of the colored cylinder. The radiation was recorded on a galvanometer scale for periods of 30 and 60 seconds.
It turned out that in almost all students the infrared radiation of the hand changed significantly: depending on the color of the cylinder over which the hand was located, it increased or decreased.
Infrared radiation is known to penetrate a wide variety of materials. Therefore, screens made of cardboard, plywood, black paper, rubber and many other substances are transparent to certain infrared radiation ranges. This explains the penetrating skin-optical sensitivity that puzzles people so much.
In another experiment, the relationship between skin-optical sensitivity and the bioelectric activity of the brain was studied. At the moment when the subject's palm was intermittently emitted by light beams, changes in bioelectric processes took place in the cerebral cortex, and these changes were recorded not in the occipital cortex, where the visual cells are located, but in the central region, where the centers responsible for touch and temperature are located. sensitivity.
"Everyone hears what he wants to hear"
4. Hearing (sabda). Ears.
The ears send powerful nerve signals to the opposite hemispheres of the brain. The higher auditory center is located in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. The final analysis and synthesis of audio signals takes place there. The ear also determines body position and balance. The organ of gravitational sensitivity is the organ of balance located in the inner ear. The inner ear has a chamber that contains many hairs at the tips of which are "pebbles". When the position of the body changes, these "pebbles" fall, a tension of the hairs is formed, this is transmitted to the brain, which gives the command to the muscular system to restore the center of balance.
5. Sight (rupa). Eyes.
A person receives up to 90% of information about the outside world with the help of the organ of vision.
"Not everything in the outside world is actually what it appears to be."
Tuned to its own Own Cosmic Frequency - the optical vision cannot see what is tuned to another Own Cosmic Frequency. Therefore, a person cannot see Other Spheres of Consciousness, which are protected from tuning into resonance by the Highest Ethical Laws.
The permissible energy of light perception for most living beings is in the range from 15 to 65 kcal / mol, which corresponds to the wavelength range from 0.44 to 1.9 microns. The vision of humans and many animal organisms is realized in a narrower range: 0.38 to 0.75 microns (from violet to red). Rays, the wavelength of which is outside this range, although they affect living things (sometimes very harmful), are invisible to us. We do not feel short waves, but we feel infrared rays, but not with our eyes.
The eyes are the receiver of light. The eye and the light wave are similar. There are six different categories of eyes, like crystals.
When we look someone in the eye, we see an oval, but in reality the eye is round. It is a ball, a sphere, and part of its surface is occupied by a lens.
The geometric shape that all eyes are created from, and the geometric representations of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including light, are identical.
Human eyes are an individual code of an individual on the Physical Plane. Subtle energy flows through the pupils in both directions.
To see objects both in bright light and at dusk, we have two types of receptors in our retina - cones and rods, as well as a dynamic system of pupil adjustment. The human retina contains 6.5 million cones and 110-124 million rods. The matrix of the best thermal imagers to date has 960 x 1280 sensors, which is about 1.25 million receptors. Our retina has four types of receptors (three types of cones and one type of rods) with different sensitivity to both the intensity of light and its spectral characteristics. Cones enable us to see the world in color in good light, and rods in low light in black and white. The luminous flux is controlled by the diaphragm of the pupil. In the dark, the pupil opens, in the light it closes with the help of muscles - sphincters. Vision consists of visual sensations and memory of tactile sensations. "A person at a great distance is drawn to us as a silhouette, - because at a great distance we never feel anything, the eye is not accustomed to notice the differences in surfaces that we feel with our fingertips at a close distance."
“The human eyes are designed to perform two functions: one of them is to see the energy flows of the Universe, and the other is to“ look at things in this world. ”None of them is better or more important than the other, but training the eyes only to look is shameful and a senseless loss. "
K. Castaneda.

The PHYSICAL BODY has two systems: nervous and endocrine (glandular system). NERVOUS POWER... Nervous force is an oscillating medium that transmits all kinds of impulses.
Nervous power is a necessary tool through which the human Consciousness and subconsciousness can actively influence the body and the outside world.
REFLEXES... The Physical Body acts almost exclusively according to the law of reflexes, i.e. organic irritability is the cause of almost all impulsive movements, not excluding mental ones.


The organs of the endocrine system are subordinated to a kind of hierarchy: there are lower links, and there are higher, "commanders-in-chief", such as the hypofiz and the hypothalamus. These are special structures in the brain that produce hormones and regulate the work of other endocrine glands. It is much more difficult to interfere in their activities than in the work of other bodies.
1. Adrenal glands... The adrenal glands release hormones during stressful situations.
2. PROSTATE... The prostate gland secretes testosterone, a male sex hormone.
GENITAL GLANDS... The sex glands are responsible for reproductive functions, taste sensations, the area of ​​reproductive power.
The corresponding genitals are formed in the embryo only in the third month of life, when genes control the production of the required amount of the male hormone - testosterone. Girls require less of this hormone, boys more. But if the required amount of testosterone is not supplied or the cells of the embryo are deprived of receptors - "contact parts" that perceive hormones, or there are no enzymes that follow the "instructions" of hormones, then in these cases bisexual hermaphrodite creatures are formed.
In childhood, the glands of the sex hormones behave calmly. Only during the ripening period do they wake up and begin to work feverishly. It happens like this: first, an alarm sounds in the brain cells, in the section where the hypothalamus is located. Then a control organ the size of a hazelnut secretes a hormone into the adjacent pituitary gland, which, "waking up", in turn produces its own hormone, which is directed by blood flow to the genitals of a maturing boy and girl. And only after that, the growth of the beard will begin, the development of the mammary glands and often pimples appear on the skin. A man and a woman are based on the same hormones. But a woman's glands produce after each monthly cycle, 2-10 times more of the hormone estrogen. The male body produces 2-14 times more testosterone than the female.
Under the cranium of a fetus coded for male development, testosterone is tasked with shaping a male brain. Initially - the first three months from conception - the embryo has both the right and left hemispheres of the brain equally developed. Reorientation in boys suppresses the development of the right half of the brain, which is responsible for a person's speech abilities, and, on the contrary, accelerates the development of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for the tasks of abstract thinking.
The hormone estrogen is associated with sexual potency, and testosterone with desire.
The ovaries produce most of the estrogen, the female sex hormone.
Adipose tissue produces part of the female sex hormone estrogen (in both women and men).
The uterus produces hormones necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.
3. PANCREAS... The pancreas produces insulin, which is involved in the digestion process.
In addition to cells that synthesize digestive enzymes, pancreatic tissue includes microscopic disseminations of endocrine islet cells of Langerhans. The islet tissue contains several types of cells: α-cells synthesize glucagon, the hormone of "carbohydrate hunger", β-cells produce insulin, without which the assimilation of carbohydrates is impossible, and δ-cells are the hormone somatostatin, which is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
5. Thyroid and peri-thyroid gland... If the work of this small, butterfly-shaped organ located under the chin is disrupted, very serious complications develop in the body. The thyroid gland is an important hormonal organ that regulates the body's metabolism. Its hormones accelerate fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and increase the production of energy, which immediately affects the activity of all organs and systems: the body temperature rises, the work of the heart rises, blood pressure rises, intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of gastric juice increase. If more thyroid hormones are released than needed, then the body works in emergency mode, spending its reserves prematurely: a person is constantly overexcited, he has mood swings, insomnia, he usually eats a lot and at the same time loses weight.
Basedow's disease - the thyroid gland increases in size and the level of hormones in the blood increases. The so-called hyperfunction of the thyroid gland occurs. In some cases, this problem is solved surgically, i.e. remove most of the thyroid gland. Such operations are performed more often in women. The thyroid gland in women is more vulnerable, this is associated with greater emotionality. A strong enlargement of the thyroid gland often begins as a result of powerful stress, nervous overstrain.
Insufficient work of the thyroid gland leads to its hypofunction. Sometimes this happens after a not entirely correct operation to remove the thyroid gland. Then the body does not have enough hormones, the metabolism slows down and a disease called myxedema develops. The patient usually has a reduced vitality, weak pulse, he gets tired quickly, feels lethargic and drowsy. His face changes, becomes swollen, puffy.
Thyroid gland - super auditory control, understanding of any speech in any language, a receiver of the energy of expression.

In adults, the secretion of hormones in the body is controlled by two organs - the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. They send impulses every hour and a half to correct the content of the mixture of hormones in the blood. Both of these organs receive instructions from the brain through the so-called neutrotransmitter and transmit them to their subordinate glands. These organs are also responsible for the female cycle. Birth control pills alter the substances secreted by the glands in such a way that they become characteristic of the state of pregnancy. Therefore, the hypothalamus sends a signal that prohibits the release of the egg.
6. PITUITARY from the Greek roots: "hypo" - under, "nat" - growth, "growing under the brain."
This gland is located at the base of the brain, in a special bone cavity called the Turkish saddle. It is the smallest gland - it weighs half a gram.
The pituitary gland is the central endocrine gland. Pituitary hormones stimulate the activity of other endocrine glands - thyroid, reproductive and adrenal glands.
The pituitary gland secretes four hormones that affect other hormonal glands. These hormones control sex, childbirth, milk production, growth, and water content in the body.
One of the hormones of the Pituitary gland is the Growth Hormone (Power of the Sun). This growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland. And the switching on of its gene occurs under the action of signals coming from the upper lobe of the brain, the hypothalamus. There are the bodies of neurosecretory cells, which descend into the pituitary gland with their processes. Biological signals - the so-called hormone-releasers - move along these channels.
The end result of the action of growth hormone is the stimulation of protein growth. But this also requires a special well-coordinated "ensemble" of other hormones - insulin and those produced by the adrenal glands.
Growth disorders - both gigantism and nanism (dwarfism) - are associated with changes in the work of the pituitary gland.
Pygmies are a tribe of short inhabitants of the African jungle - until puberty they do not lag behind their normal neighbors in growth. That is, their growth hormone is synthesized and released into the blood in normal quantities, but their cells react poorly to it. This does not allow them to grow above 1 m 40 cm. Studies have shown that pygmies are stunted due to simple starvation, in the jungle they get very little protein food, the main component of the diet, thanks to which the body grows. The exact opposite is the sumo wrestlers in Japan, who are fed on a protein diet to an appalling height and weight of 120-150 kg. With cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that most often affects white children, protein malnutrition occurs (due to damage to the intestinal tract), and children are stunted.
There are also more complex cases when everything seems to be in order with the growth hormone gene, and children, nevertheless, are far behind in growth.
Pituitary growth retardation is most often found in children 5-7 years old. As a rule, they are all born on time, with normal weight and height; before the disease, they grow and develop normally. Severe injuries and infections (viral flu, measles, encephalitis), lesions of the central nervous system can become the cause of a sharp stop in growth. Since the stimulation of the growth of the entire skeleton is limited, the child's body maintains normal proportions. Its dimensions correspond to the moment when the growth hormone ceased to be produced. Internal organs too.
The hypothalamus sends special hormones to the pituitary gland - releasers ("release, release"). This signal is "free yourself"! - trap protein molecules on the surface of pituitary cells and begin to release growth hormone.
When the pineal gland "looks" or projects energy into the pituitary gland, it generates the "Third Eye" perception.

" VISUAL IRON"(" Third Eye ") - The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which is responsible for the body's biorhythms and its immune system. This gland marks the length of days, the change of seasons of the year. Its hormone, melatonin, is released in accordance with the seasons, in animals it regulates the readiness of animals to reproduce Melatonin is able to delay the release of an egg. Its amount affects sleep, biorhythms, vascular and immune systems, and possibly even life expectancy. The concentration of this hormone in the blood changes with age, and during the day. With the onset of darkness, it begins to be released intensively, and by morning - on the contrary - its amount gradually decreases.
Even a small dose of this hormone has the ability to induce physiological sleep, allowing you to maintain or restore its natural structure. It contributes to the restructuring of the body's biorhythms to a new schedule. Its concentration grows continuously from the moment a person is born until one year, and then remains unchanged until the period of puberty. Then, over the course of several years, this concentration gradually decreases and stabilizes again until the age of 40-45, after which it steadily decreases until the end of a person's life.
Simultaneously with an increase in the concentration of melatonin, the body's ability to distinguish "foreign" cells from "friendly" cells and its immune activity in defense against viruses and bacteria increase. The hormone can mitigate the effects of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of cancer.
The ability of melatonin to prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels is very significant, making it suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

7. PINEAL GLAND... The pineal gland - super-auditory perception, perceives spatial thoughts, is responsible for enlightenment. The pineal gland gives astral abilities, spiritual aspirations, it controls the lower animal instincts.
The pineal gland contains the human Soul, the gland is attached to the brain, but has an activity independent of it.
"The pineal gland is hollow and empty during life. It is the main organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, which opens all approaches to the Truth to those who know how to use it. This organ is in a dormant state. The aura of the Pineal gland responds to any impression , a person can only vaguely feel it, but cannot yet realize it. "
Six sensory rays emerge from the pineal gland:
1. Comes out of the head forward, out of the "Third Eye";
2. goes back;
3. leaves the left brain hemisphere;
4. from the right hemisphere of the brain;
5. goes straight up through the chakra at the crown;
6.Down along the neck.

Consciousness of a person and his memory depend on the functioning of the pineal gland.


Our body is a reflection of our soul. Treat him with much more Love. And it doesn't matter what shape it is: plump or thin! It is not the appearance of the body that matters, but how we relate to it, to this physical shell so important for the evolution of our soul on Earth!
Love your body! Love it considering that it is an instrument of your soul fully adapted to living life in the physical world. The more you love your body, the more it will receive the Energy of Love-Light, the better its physical condition will be.
Your body needs Love. You should not neglect your body, it needs you to think about it, so that you love it, and also that you accept it as it is, and the more you love it, the more it will transform! You will notice that some of the illnesses that sometimes caused you to suffer physically have disappeared.
Of course, before a deep transformation of your physical body takes place, it is necessary to carry out a great cleansing, to purify thoughts ... Each of us is able to transform our physical body in Love and in Light, to transform all low vibrations. When you begin to look at your body with new eyes and in a new consciousness, then you will begin to respect it and love it deeply.
Your soul is in your body! And if you want to strongly love and respect your soul, then love and respect your body!
Learn to love yourself! Many people say: "I love myself," but what kind of Love do they give to their body?
When you have negative thoughts about yourself or others, when you react with violence or think negatively, then your body suffers! You can tell him that you love him, but this is not real Love, it is an illusion of Love!
Send the Energy of Love-Light to your entire body, starting from the feet, then to the legs, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, hands, arms, and finally to the head. Do this exercise of Love with all parts of the body, and especially with those that do not work well or where there are painful sensations.
When there is pain in the body, it means that this part of the body lacks Love; a painful sensation can also arise from negative judgments about yourself, about Life, about everything that surrounds you.
It is very important to be able to understand your body, to know that each cell has its own consciousness, and that it is completely connected with your soul, since it is your soul, that it is also connected with your Divinity, because there is no separation between all parts of us themselves.

1) Physical body- synthetic. Bodily nature.
The phenomena of motion (physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena) are completely transformed into one another. Any physical phenomenon can be created from other physical phenomena. Phenomena of movements, i.e. changes in the state of bodies, a person learns with the help of the senses or technology. There are many phenomena that are not observed by either human senses or technology. Physical phenomena do not transform into phenomena of life.

↓ LIBRA - Analytical channel from the Physical Body to the Etheric Body.
The movements differentiate into varied ground for the Etheric Body. The Physical Body delivers energy to the Etheric through food and its own movement. Physical care for health, vitality. Physiological sensations.

VIRGO - Synthetic channel from the Etheric Body to the Physical Body.
Controlling the Physical Body. Preparation and control of movements.
Etheric sensations end with a definite, single movement or gesture (Physical Body) in space.

2) Etheric Body- analytical. Bioenergetic nature.
Life phenomena (biological and physiological phenomena).
Groups of phenomena of movements (physical phenomena) are transformed into a phenomenon of life.
Productive Forces. The phenomena of life pass into other phenomena of life and multiply in them endlessly, and pass into physical phenomena, creating a whole series of mechanical and chemical combinations. The phenomena of life are manifested in physical phenomena and in their presence.
The Life Force is capable of releasing a large amount of life and physical Energy.


Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively to an object and to maintain this direction without being distracted.



In the last century, the famous neuropathologist Henry Ged described certain areas of the skin in which reflected pains appear in case of diseases of the internal organs. And then the Russian clinician-therapist G.A. Zakharyin (1889) assessed their diagnostic value.

There is an organ in our body that is very little talked about, but which can rightfully be called the “point of happiness”. And you don't need to look for it for a long time. This is the thymus gland (thymus). Located in the upper chest, right at the base of the sternum. Finding it is very simple: to do this, you need to attach two fingers folded together below the clavicular notch. This will be the approximate location of the thymus gland.

The thymus is considered a gland that keeps youth and optimism. Recent research confirms this. But clairvoyants saw the thymus for a long time and know that it is the thymus that is the key to an enlarged heart, to divine cordiality. The heart cannot be healthy without good work of the thymus. The thymus gland is of great importance in attuning the body to raising vibrations and connecting with spatial capabilities.

I began to investigate the topic of the thymus or thymus in detail several years ago, after contacting me for help from a nephrologist from the United States, who at that time underwent an operation to remove the thymus and was undergoing chemotherapy. His request was rather unusual for a traditional physician, but quite natural for a cancer patient - to find alternative methods of maintaining health and, in particular, the immune system.

If the head is forehead the eyelid is displaced by 2-5 cm from the normal position, then the pressure on the spinal column rises to 5 kg (this is the average weight of the head), which obviously provokes a curvature. And there is a direct relationship between the correct position of the head and the bite. A misaligned filling can cause a misalignment of the jaw. As a result, the balance of the work of the chewing muscles (and there are 136 of them!), Which determine the position of the lower jaw, is disturbed. Therefore, before starting the examination in the dental chair, it is necessary to check the correct posture of the patient and the position of the head.

What tissue is in our body the most and what tissue do we usually ignore when studying physiology? It is the fascia, the taut, slippery connective tissue that holds our body parts together. Fascia is a general term for the extracellular matrix of fibers, the "glue" and water that surrounds all your cells and envelopes your muscle fibers, muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels and nerve fibers, and the entire body under the layer of skin.“The fascia is like Cinderella among the tissues of our body,” says Tom Myers, the brain of integrative anatomy and author of the theory of anatomical trains. - It is the most ignored in comparison with the rest of the tissues of our body - at least until recently. However, looking at the fascia is critical to fully understanding and maintaining body function and health throughout life. ”

If an adult blocks the experience of feelings once, then, probably, this will not leave any trace on his appearance. The human psyche is capable of self-healing, and even if consciously he does nothing to experience the blocked feeling - there are still dreams, they help the processing of daytime impressions. But if you do this from the very childhood, over and over again, if some of the stresses turns out to be habitual for the psyche ... then in adulthood it will be possible to see it literally with the naked eye.

Until recently, scientists could not detect lymphatic vessels in the cerebral cortex. It was believed that its biological waste is discharged through the sinuses of the dura mater. It was not clear how his immune system should work in this case. Even modern methods like MRI did not provide an answer to this question. Antoine Louveau, professor at the University of Virginia Health System (UAV) laboratory, has made an amazing discovery in brain anatomy ...

We suggest looking at the spinal column and a description of each vertebra, which vertebra is responsible for what. Doctors have proven that each vertebra is associated with a particular organism. If the vertebrae are damaged, the work of the internal organs associated with them may deteriorate.

The essence of Tibetan breathing exercises is as follows. According to Buddhism, the human body has nineteen energy centers, called "vortices", which rotate at high speed in a healthy body. They are responsible for providing all systems of the human body with etheric power. As a result of a malfunction of one of these vortices, the flow is weakened or completely blocked, and as a result, this is what we all used to call illness and old age. To deflect this moment, there are five simple exercises that can help keep the vortices up and running. This set of exercises constitutes the system of Tibetan anti-aging gymnastics, the eye of rebirth.

Meditation is beyond the mind, beyond thoughts and feelings, and to get there, you need to come to a state of inner silence. But how, then, to stop this rebellious mind? Quite simply, you need to stop trying to stop him, and give him complete freedom of action. It is impossible to stop the mind from within the mind itself; it does not need it. To come to inner silence, you need to learn to go beyond it, in order to stop feeding it with the energy of your attention. This is precisely why Concentration exists, because it is impossible to explain this “exit”. Concentration will eventually lead you to the point where you can keep your mind in one point. Then and only then, you will be able to find, you will be able to feel the very “place” that is outside of it. And a small, or maybe not a small Miracle will happen! You will admire the simplicity of Meditation and realize that you are perfectly familiar with it and feel at home there. Just at home!

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