Home Perennial flowers Where is the best place to farm. Where is the best place to farm in Warframe? Quite a rare resource, dropped from Oxium Drones, only the Corps have them

Where is the best place to farm. Where is the best place to farm in Warframe? Quite a rare resource, dropped from Oxium Drones, only the Corps have them

And there is no difference here, whether you play on an official server or on a freeshard, in any case, you have to go to a certain farm zone and knock out adena or some other currency in order to then buy the necessary things, consumables and everything else. However, few people know about the passage of which locations gives the most adena. Since many freeshads offer their own currency and create their own farm zones, in this case we will consider farm adena, which will be relevant for servers that use it as a currency and are based on the official client of this one.

This guide will describe the main secrets of group gathering and the most convenient and attractive places for farming adena.

Where to farm?

There are quite a few places where you can farm adena. Most of the newcomers, who managed to reach the maximum level and take some good gear, prefer to go to the Valley of the Dragons or, gathering in groups, go to the Lair of Antharas, trying to knock out adena there. But in fact, all these methods for the most part are relevant only for single players or beginners, while more equipped and experienced players can provide themselves with more serious profits, if, of course, they agree to cooperate a little in a group.

On almost all servers using the official base, the best place to farm adena is the Seed of Annihilation - a special location in which the mobs stand in huge crowds, there are three rooms to choose from with different mobs, and a bonus for each class to damage in separate zones is also provided. The only thing that prevents farming here is the presence of a lot of subtleties that need to be taken into account, as well as the fact that, in principle, it is available to undressed players only one or two weeks in a whole month.

What do you need to know?

First of all, you need to know how to get into the Seed of Annihilation. To do this, we go to Gludio, and from there we teleport to Gludio Air Harbor, where a special ship comes. All that remains is to wait for him, and then go to the Keucereus Alliance Base, where you just have to find the Ship Controller in the city center and teleport to the Seed of Destruction location itself. It is worth noting that after teleporting you will not see any mobs, and in order to get into the farm zone itself, you will need to approach the officer in the center of the crater, who will send you inside.

There are three locations inside:

    Bistakon (northern entrance) - monsters hang doom around them, prohibiting the use of any skills.

    Kokrakon (western entrance) - monsters have the ability to instill fear, and also slow down the speed of casting and attack.

    Reptilikon (eastern entrance) - monsters have stunning abilities and put a debuff on the absorption of mana.

Depending on the week, one of the lights is lit near each zone: green - a bonus to damage to archers, red - to warriors, blue - to magicians.

Many have heard that the Seed of Annihilation is divided into weeks, in each of which only a certain archetype can farm. Having come there for the first time, it may seem that this is an incorrect statement, because there are three locations, and bonuses are simply reshuffled between them every week, but in reality, only Reptilikon is suitable for farming, since the stun can be removed or, in extreme cases, wait out, and the debuff for absorption mana is not that strong. Under fear, the groups scatter in different directions, the dd cannot hit, the tank can tank normally, and as a result, the heal will be in fear, after which the whole group will lie down. In Bistacon, under the doom, the same thing happens, only you can all control your "pigs", unable to heal or aggro, but only to hit with a regular attack, and even with good gear, it is extremely difficult to farm here.

Who to farm with?

There are several options for gathering a group in Seed of Destruction - standard and non-standard. It should be noted right away that in order to provide yourself with more or less effective farming, you should go there in a group of no more than four or five people, otherwise you will get too little adena for each.

Standard group:

  • Tank.
  • Any two DDs, depending on who exactly Reptilikon is open to at the moment.
  • Mana Bay (optional).

Everything is simple here - the tank will aggro mobs on itself, while the heal does not allow him to die, while the DDs shoot the opponents. There are no secrets or hidden meaning here - this is an extremely simple scheme that works always and everywhere, and it will be the only one possible for those who play with the very same healers and tanks.

Non-standard group:

  • Spearman.
  • Any two DDs.
  • Mana Bay (optional).

There is already a special tactic here - the spearman attacks the mobs on himself (it is highly discouraged to use shouting, we just attack), after which he actively keeps them in the camp, while the DDs take the mobs out of the camp one by one and shoot them. The main function of the spearman here is tanking damage and endless stunning of the mobs in batches, while the DDs take them out of the camp one by one and finish them off. Accordingly, it is not recommended to turn on the shout to collect huge packs, and at the same time it is better to turn on the passive for + 30% of the crit power on one target, since we will not need massive blows with a spear.

Everything about resource farming is described here.


To effectively farm a large number of standard resources, you will need a team of four people (friends or a good clan will help here, you can apply to). It is highly desirable to strive to collect parties from specific warframes, namely (across Stealing Tentacles), , , (Sonar only).

It's a pleasure to farm with such an assembly, Banshee uses Sonar, Trinity fills in energy and heals, Hydroid constantly lives ult (4th ability), Nekros defiles. It is important that only Hydroid be killed. Knowledgeable people will say that this is not important and that the main thing is that the target sticks to the tentacle, and anyone can kill. But! Why complicate things?

If you are Batman and work alone, and you can definitely be Batman, because you have not been seen anywhere together, then the best choice would be Nekros .

I advise you to farm on Dark Sector missions, because there are always bonuses to resources from 15% to 35%. True, the levels of mobs are higher there, and the opponents are always Infected.

Getting started:

* - the most profitable planets for resource farming are marked.

Ampoule of Detonite

Found on many planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Ceres *, Saturn, Uranus, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I will advise the SEIMENI mission.

Recyclable materials

Found on planets: Mars, Jupiter *, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I will advise the SINAI mission.


Found on planets: Mars, Uranus.


Dropped on any Excavation mission. I will advise excavations on Earth - EVEREST.

Crystal of Argon

A beautiful pebble that can only be mined in To the abyss... Sometimes in the form of formations - Argonomic pegmatite, can be found on missions quests... It's better to farm on endless missions like survival or defense. I mine it on a mission ANI. You don't need to store it for good, at 3:00 Moscow time it disintegrates and most likely disappears. We farm as much as we can spend this minute.


A specific resource that is not needed everywhere and is obtained only from the Absorber of Kuva and on survival in Kuva fortresses... You can meet the absorber on missions with an identical icon on different planets near Fortresses.
For production, it is necessary to destroy the Absorber by intercepting flying red clouds, intercepting them using the operator's abilities (after Wars Within), namely its jerk Ctrl + Space. Let's take four clouds and it's in the bag, 550-700 Kuva in our pocket. There is an even more profitable way - Kuva Stream, a modification of the standard mission, with only 100 levels of mobs, you can get about 1200 Kuva. It is also possible to farm on survival in Kuva fortresses... The method is specific, since very hemorrhoid, I recommend it only when the usual missions have already ended. The bottom line is that there we will need to pick up red "batteries" from the mobs, which we must insert into the oxygen towers. Then we need to defend them and from one such tower we get 200 Kuva. Considering that this mission in itself is not sugar and that it is of progressive complexity and oxygen towers give much less oxygen than ordinary ones, you understand, you need a well-played team, it is almost impossible to play solo.

Control module

Found on planets: Europe, Neptune, Abyss *.

*Absolutely any mission, when you follow Argon, Control Modules will fall


Found on planets: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, Pluto.

* It is difficult to single out something specific here, because the resource rarely falls. There is a universal tip, take the Smith Kavat with the Talisman. She will start generating this resource.


Found on planets: Saturn, Neptune, Eris *, Orokin Ruins.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Eris, Orokin Ruins.

* It is difficult to single out something specific here, because the resource rarely falls. There is a universal tip, take the Smith Kavat with the Talisman. She will start generating this resource.

Neural Sensors

Found on planets: Jupiter, Kuva Fortress.

* It is difficult to single out something specific here, because the resource rarely falls. There is a universal tip, take the Smith Kavat with the Talisman. She will start generating this resource.

Mutagen Sample

Found on planets: Eris, Orokin Ruins *.

* Go to Orokin Ruins: Defense. This mission will appear on the map when you buy and create a key. It is sold, like everyone else, in the Store.

Fieldron Sample

Found on planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Europa, Neptune.


Quite a rare resource. Drops from Oxium Drones, only the Corps has them.


Found on planets: Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Eris *.


There is always a lack of them. Even in the later stages of the game. Found on planets: Mercury, Venus, Uranus *.

* I will advise the OPHELIA mission, although this is not a dark sector, but there are more of them falling there.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Phobos, Europa, Pluto *, Sedna, Abyss.

* I recommend SECHURA.


Found on planets: Venus, Phobos, Ceres *, Jupiter, Pluto, Sedna.

* I recommend SEIMENI.


Found on planets: Venus, Ceres *, Kuva Fortress.

* I would recommend SEIMENI.


Mined on missions Archwing... Drops on missions with the ability to use Archwing on Uranus and Kuva fortresses(on Eidolon it is not!).

* It is difficult to single out something specific here, because the resource rarely falls. There is a universal tip, take the Smith Kavat with the Talisman. She will start generating this resource.


Found on planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, Abyss *.

Nitain extract

A fierce thing due to the lack and complexity of the extraction of which a lot of chairs are burned. It is obtained from sabotage, namely from secret boxes (it can be neglected, the chance is extremely small) and from Alarm signals... You can take up to four pieces a day. I always recommend picking it up, because if you ignore him on the pretext of being unnecessary, then when it comes down to it, he is able to postpone the creation of Vauban Prime or Ivara up to a couple of weeks, or even months. Insidious resource.

I noticed that the question is often raised " Where can I farm on this lvl"so that such questions no longer arise, I will give a list of places for farming, broken down by lvl from 0 to 90 ... The list will be divided into 2 types based on" farm + pet + flat "and" farm + quality ".. For knowledgeable people, this the farming guide will not be about anything, but for newbies it’s the most .. I don’t consider it necessary to describe what and from whom it’s falling in the process of farming these places, you yourself will understand what’s what and why ..

farm with a focus on pet and flatta

Are you just getting into the game, or are you swinging a twink? This is actually not important, your main task is to provide yourself with gear and weapons for the initial lvl so that the quality is not strained, of course at least some capital is required for gear, in this part of the article I will describe all the places for farming that I personally know myself ..


Initial lvl 1 - 25 practically do not require investments, you can do quests or you can beat mobs .. The only place that attracted me for farming in Berneo is where we are ...

  • 14 - 25 lvl ""


Why did I miss the lupinelle? Yes, because in fact I always miss it and only rocked there once when I came to the project ..) There is one thing, but because of which you still have to visit the lupinel, it is to complete quests there for lvl 25 things that I personally prefer to buy .. ) So about the places of farming in Temteron ..

  • 25 - 36 " "
  • 36 - 45 " "
  • 32 - 42 "" and ""
  • 30 - 40 " "
  • 47 - 99 "Guard Tower" (you can farm all including half-bosses there)
  • 35 - 45 " "
  • 31 - 51 "Ant Cave" (It also has an entrance to the lupinele)


There are not many farm places in peltrock that I like, but still they are .. What is the farm in Karos now? Saw the auto-pump and leave, we come from the Persian, full of bags of an item that can be sold from a lump or NPC .. So, the places of the peltrock farm ..

  • 35 - 45 " "
  • 39 - 49 " " " "
  • 43 - 53 " , "


Balason shines with a cluster of PCs, so we do not always succeed in farming successfully, but nevertheless at some stages I farm there and it’s not bad enough .. So if you need to go to these places ..

  • 47 - 57 " "
  • 51 - 61 " "
  • 57 - 67 " "


Well, now it's time to open decent farm zeron places ...

  • 58 - 68 " "
  • 61 - 71 " "
  • 67 - 77 " "
  • 69 - 79 " "
  • 65 - 75 " "
  • 61 - 71 " "


Bloodstone is a gold mine for those who like to craft pebbles in jewelry, so there are only 2 places in Bloodstone where the main resource for crafting "" drops well.

  • 72 - 99 " "
  • 84 - 99 " "


  • All mobs are listed taking into account which lvl you can farm on.
  • This version of the farm is designed by me on the emphasis "Pet + flat"

farm with an emphasis on exp

Well, this will be complete capitation, since all experienced ones know how to quickly swing and at the same time farm, so this part of the article is completely for beginners, in general, let's go ... Most importantly, do not forget to take a critical paladin on the trailer ..)


Well, let's start with why I missed "Berneo" and "Lupinel" .. In Berneo, you can farm relying on the first part of the article, but about lupinel I have already said everything, so go straight to Temteron and we have several places here ..

  • 36 - "Giant Dark Knights"
  • 36 - "Giant Yetties"
  • 64 - "Mac Troy Catacombs" (Located in the guard tower on the right)


The villages of giant orcs are not only a great place for farming in this location, but also a haven for malicious PCs, so look around for farming in these places ..

There are many ways to get a relatively reasonable amount of in-game credits, platinum, and relics in Warframe. Some of them are available to solo players, while others are only open to members of large communities who gather at certain times to hike for a major reward.

Farm loans

This task is faced by every Warframe player, since without the availability of game currency, we will not be able to acquire blueprints and better uniforms, which will be useful to us in the future in our campaigns for platinum and relics.

So, the main way to farm credits is by raids. A large number of high-level players gather in groups and go on missions to destroy the most dangerous opponents. Enemies in raids are strong and you won't be able to defeat them alone, so you can't do without looking for companions who will cover your back in case of danger.

You need to go to raids with activated boosters, which give a percentage increase to the reward received. This applies to both the credits themselves and the experience and the chance of a drop of valuable items. Sometimes developers give fans of the game a chance to get even more currency by activating various in-game activities.

For beginners, for farming credits, single-player campaigns are available to defend the point from the waves of advancing opponents. True, here the enemies will be much weaker, which affects the reward itself. Of course, it is always more profitable to unite in groups (in raids there is a bonus for money and experience for all participants in the campaign), but lovers of solo playthroughs in the game will find a suitable way to increase their own capital.

Farm relics

In addition to the main game currency, owners of Frames can farm relics, which are also needed to create powerful armor and weapons. Most often, relics are mined in the Abyss, where you can walk as a group or solo. True, in the second case, you will need a long time to select the optimal build for yourself, since not every Frame will withstand a collision with so many opponents.

The sooner you finish the hike, the greater the chance of getting an excellent relic. As a rule, experienced players devote most of their time to the extraction of relics, since a lot of them are needed in the future to exchange for platinum or more valuable resources.

When going to the Abyss, it should be borne in mind that those players who unite in groups will have a greater chance of getting a reward. There are both advantages and disadvantages here:

  • The mined currency and experience are shared among all participants;
  • Sometimes, one player does not know what to do in a given situation, which calls into question the success of the campaign;
  • Each participant must fulfill his task and must have a suit suitable for the requirements of the group.
  • This is with regard to the cons. But the main advantages of joining a group are the speed of passing the mission and a higher chance of getting a valuable relic. Accordingly, each player can independently decide what to do: take risks and go through the Abyss alone or divide the loot, but complete the task faster in a group.

    Platinum farm

    Most newbies prefer to mine platinum by selling prime parts to other players. But this method is associated with a certain nuance - you will not be able to get a lot of rare prime parts that are in demand. Items from the 1st and 2nd Towers are in low demand, so you won't get a lot of income from their sale.

    It turns out after the sale of relics. They, like credits, can be obtained during invasions on various planets, both solo and in a group. Beginners are advised to select a company of players who will help you stay on the mission as long as possible, increasing the chances of getting a decent reward.

    Farm resources

    The most optimal way to farm resources in the Warframe is to complete the Survival missions. Most experienced gamers advise going on a mission with the necros, but you can even get a certain amount of resources (including rare ones) alone. True, this will require acquiring the most useful build and Frame, but the time spent will pay off many times over.

    On "Survival" to obtain rare resources, you should hold out for 10 minutes or more. The further you go, the more valuable the reward will be. Some types of resources are not displayed on the planetary map as a list in front of each space object, so it will take trial and error to determine the most optimal places for their extraction.

    As you can see from the above, there are a lot of interactions in Warframe, during which game currency, experience and valuable resources are obtained. Both for beginners and for the "oldies" of the project, there are tasks to their liking in the game, and in each we can use only our own strengths or the help of partners. Choose the method you like and enjoy the game!

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