Home Perennial flowers General Secretary of the Central Committee of VLKSM. The most private people. From Lenin to Gorbachev: An Encyclopedia of Biographies. "Riddles of ancient treasures"

General Secretary of the Central Committee of VLKSM. The most private people. From Lenin to Gorbachev: An Encyclopedia of Biographies. "Riddles of ancient treasures"

KOSAREV Alexander Vasilievich

(11/01/1903 - 02/23/1939). Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) from 02/10/1934 to 03/22/1939; Candidate to the Organizational Bureau of the CPSU (b) Central Committee from 07/13/1930 to 02/10/1934 Member of the CPSU (b) Central Committee in 1934 - 1939 biennium Candidate member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1930-1934. Member of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) in 1927 - 1930. Member of the CPSU since 1919

Was born in Moscow. From a working-class family. Russian. He graduated from two classes of a parish school. As a nine-year-old boy, he went to work at a zinc-tinning plant. In 1917 he joined the Union of Working Youth "III International", which soon joined the RKSM. In 1918 he began to work in the Lefortovo district committee of the Komsomol in Moscow. At the age of 15 he volunteered for the Red Army. In 1919 he took part in the defense of Petrograd from the troops of Yudenich. After graduating from a three-month regional political school in the spring of 1920, he worked as the head of political courses at the Central Komsomol school in Petrograd. Since March 1921 he was an instructor of the Vasileostrovsky district committee of the Komsomol of Petrograd. In 1922 - 1924. on Komsomol work in Moscow: first secretary of the Bauman district committee, deputy head of the organizational department of the MK RKSM, then again the first secretary of the Bauman RKSM RK. In September 1924, by decision of the Komsomol Central Committee, he was transferred to the executive committee of the Communist Youth International (KIM). From November 1924 to December 1925 he was the secretary of the Penza province committee of the Komsomol. In January 1926, as part of a brigade of the Central Committee of the RLKSM, he was sent to Leningrad to take part in the struggle against the Zinoviev anti-party opposition. In February - April 1926 he headed the Moscow-Narvsky district committee of the Komsomol of Petrograd. Since the spring of 1926 he was the head of the Organizational Distribution Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Since March 1927, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, at the same time since May of the same year, the secretary of the MK Komsomol. From March 1929 to November 1938 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation. Delegate of the XIII - XVII congresses, XVI and XVII All-Union conferences of the CPSU (b). In November 1932 he was included in the commission of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (chairman L. M. Kaganovich), sent to the North Caucasus to "strengthen grain procurement." As a result of the trip of Moscow emissaries, residents of the villages of Poltava and Urupinskaya Krasnodar Territory in their entirety were evicted to the northern regions of the USSR, in 17 Kuban districts 358 out of 716 secretaries of village party committees and collective farm cells were expelled from the party. pockets "to 5 - 10 years in prison and even to death. Since A. V. Kosarev was a member of the commission from the Central Committee of the Komsomol, he specialized in searching for and exposing the "counter-revolutionary element" among the youth of the region. In October 1933, in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Komsomol, he was awarded the Order of Lenin as "a tried and tested leader of the Leninist Komsomol, an outstanding organizer of the Komsomol masses in their struggle under the leadership of the party for the victory of the five-year plan." Founder of the first voluntary sports society "Spartak", the football team of the same name (1935). He believed that "Spartak" in alliance with "Dynamo" would help the Komsomol to win the struggle for the leadership of sports from the trade unions. His "small cult" was created in the country. The name of the Komsomol leader was borne by the Central Aeroclub of Osoviahim, a mining and reconnaissance institute, a tank of the latest design, border outposts and detachments. In December 1934, he took part in the interrogations of former Komsomol workers of Leningrad who were arrested and subsequently shot on charges of killing S.M. Kirov, persuading them to confess to what they had done. In 1935, in a report at the plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, he said: “The enemy does not voluntarily surrender his place. It can be removed only by force, by methods of economic influence or by methods of organizational and political isolation, and when there is a need for this - by methods of physical extermination. " Opposed the bureaucratization of the pioneer movement. In January 1936, at a meeting of children's writers, he said: “I was at the Sokolnicheskaya School at a children's meeting and left with a heavy feeling. There is no difference between a children's meeting and an adult: a presidium is elected, then an honorary presidium, they are asked to take seats, reports begin, then debates, reports, calls to the competition, etc. Then greetings are sent. Everyone stands up, applauds and finally sits down. In that children's meeting there was nothing interesting, imaginative, original, there was no children's language ... We must fight this, we must not allow children to be crippled. " At a meeting of the Commission of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on February 27, 1937, during a roll-call vote on the case of N. I. Bukharin and A. I. Rykov, he voted "for exclusion from candidates for membership in the Central Committee and from the party, trial and execution." He voted again for these measures, even after J.V. Stalin proposed not to prosecute, but to send the case for investigation to the NKVD. Before the opening of the IV plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (21 - 28.08.1937), which considered the issue "On the work of enemies of the people within the Komsomol", 35 members and candidates for members of the Central Committee of the Komsomol were arrested. After the plenum closed, the newspaper Pravda published an editorial in which A. V. Kosarev was accused of "an idiotic disease of political blindness." In March 1938 he wrote a denunciation to N.I. Yezhov about the former secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol Utkin, who was released from prison, followed by a new arrest of Utkin and 16 years in the camps. In September 1937, the instructor of the Komsomol Central Committee, Mishakova, was sent to a reporting and election Komsomol conference in Chuvashia, at which the entire Komsomol leadership of the autonomous republic and the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU (b) were declared enemies of the people. A.V. Kosarev passed through the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol a decision on her release from work for libel. Dismissed from the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Mishakova in the fall of 1938 turned to JV Stalin with a complaint about the persecution for her struggle against the enemies of the people. On November 19 - 22, 1938, a plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol took place, attended by I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, L. M. Kaganovich, A. A. Andreev, A. A. Zhdanov, G. M. Malenkov and MF Shkiryatov. In his report, A. V. Kosarev took credit for the fact that the Central Committee of the Komsomol "often went ahead of the NKVD," cited numerous examples of the arrest of Komsomol workers "according to our materials" and "after our investigation." But in the report of M.F.Shkiryatov on the situation in the Komsomol, in the speeches of A.A.Andreev and A.A.Zhdanov, in the remarks of J.V. Stalin, there was sharp criticism of the Komsomol leader. At this plenum, he and four other secretaries of the Central Committee of the Komsomol were dismissed from their posts "for gross violation of internal Komsomol democracy, a heartless bureaucratic and hostile attitude towards honest Komsomol workers who tried to expose shortcomings in the work of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and reprisals against one of the best Komsomol workers (case Comrade Mishakova), patronage of morally decayed, drunken elements alien to the Party and the Komsomol. " On November 29, 1938, he was personally arrested by L.P. Beria. Of the 73 members of the Komsomol Central Committee, 48 members of the Central Committee, 19 candidates and 5 members of the Audit Commission were arrested. 02/22/1939 sentenced to capital punishment on charges of anti-Soviet and terrorist activities. On February 23, 1939, he was shot. According to A.N. Shelepin at the June (1957) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the case against A.V. Kosarev was concocted because, while resting in the south, in the presence of M.A. Beria. Speaking at the same Plenum, the USSR Prosecutor General R.A. Rudenko said that after the intervention of V.M.Molotov, G.M. , counter-revolutionary activities. Rehabilitated by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in 1954. The Moscow City Committee of the CPSU was reinstated in the party in 1989.

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Alexander Vasilievich Kosarev

State and party leader
Date of Birth:

Moscow, Russian Empire

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg USSR
Date of death:

Moscow, USSR
Awards and prizes:

The order of Lenin

Alexander Vasilyevich Kosarev (1903-1939) - Soviet statesman and party leader of the 1920s-1930s, head of the All-Union Communist Youth Union.

In 1934, Kosarev was a delegate to the 17th Congress of the CPSU (b) and was elected a member of the Central Committee, a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In 1935 he was a delegate to the VII Congress of Soviets of the USSR, was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. In 1936, he was a delegate to the X Congress of the Komsomol, was elected general secretary of the Central Committee.
Participated in the investigation into the circumstances of the murder of Sergei Kirov.

At the VII plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (November 19-22, 1938), on false charges, Kosarev was removed from his post as general secretary. At the plenum, he said: “I do not consider myself an enemy and will not consider myself ... No one can prove that I am an enemy of the people ... Personally, I feel absolutely calm, because my conscience is clear. I have never betrayed either the party or the Soviet people, and I will never. "

In 1954, Kosarev was posthumously rehabilitated and reinstated in the party.

The fall of 2008 united, like the crown of the log house, three round dates associated with the Komsomol: 90 years since it was formed, 105 years since the birth of the last general secretary of this youth organization, Alexander Vasilyevich Kosarev, and 70 years since he was arrested for lying espionage charges. After the assassination of the outstanding youth leader of the 1930s and the majority of the Central Committee, his associates, there were no general secretaries in the Komsomol - only the first.

He was born on November 14 (November 1, O.S. style), 1903, on the outskirts of Moscow, into a poor large family of workers at a garter and knitwear factory. At the age of nine, poverty sent Sasha to work at a zinc plant, and after two years of work in hazardous production, he had rough hands for the rest of his life. Before the First World War, the parents took their eleven-year-old son from the pickling shop and put him in their own factory. The grueling child labor, the predatory greed of the rich, the unfair salary resented the teenager, and he joined the class struggle early.

After the creation of the Komsomol at the 1st All-Russian Congress of Workers 'and Peasants' Youth Unions on October 29, 1918, Kosarev joined this organization in November. In October 1919, he became a member of the RCP (b) and, at less than sixteen years old, went to Petrograd to defend the proletarian revolution. A few months later, the Petrograd Gubernia Committee sent him, who had a 2-grade parish education, to a regional political school for 3-month courses. After their graduation, Kosarev headed political courses at the Central Komsomol School, but already at the beginning of March 1921, an energetic party member was appointed instructor of the Vasileostrovsky District Committee of the RKSM.

Apparently, the Zinoviev clan did not like Alexander Kosarev: at the end of 1921 he returned to Moscow and got a job in the Bauman District Committee of the RKSM as an organizer. Less than a month later, he had already become the first secretary of this district committee. In the spring of 1924 he was elected a member of the Bureau of the MK RKSM, and he was a delegate to the XIII Congress of the RCP (b). After the congress, Kosarev makes a rapid rush to the post of general secretary - Joseph Vissarionovich is closely watching the smiling and executive leader of the Moscow Komsomol, and already in July of the same year he was sent to the Communist University, and in early September he was transferred to the Executive Committee of the Communist International of Youth.

Kosarev quickly changed the situation, and the opposition Moscow-Narva District Committee elected him as its first secretary. However, already on April 23, 1926, Alexander was recalled to Moscow to work as the head of the organizational distribution department of the Komsomol Central Committee and introduced into the bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee (Tsekamol), and on March 25, 1927, he was elected secretary. Already in May of the same year, he was sent as secretary of the Central Committee
Komsomol to strengthen the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol and is delegated to the fifteenth congress of the CPSU (b). On March 24, 1929, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Alexander Kosarev was elected general secretary.

So swift was his movement to the highest position in the communist youth organization of the Soviet Union. He became the third and last general secretary: the first was Nikolai Chaplin from March 1925 to May 1928, the second was Alexander Milchakov from May 1928 to April 1929. All three were repressed by his oprichnina during the Great Terror of Comrade Stalin.

In 1936, Kosarev was re-elected General Secretary of Tsekamol and survived the terrible year 1937, although in August a resolution was adopted at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks that he showed intolerable political carelessness and condoned the subversive work of the enemies of the people in the Komsomol. Then Comrade Stalin did not hand him over to Yezhov, but a year later he did not interfere with his arrest on the obviously false accusation of espionage brought against by Lavrenty Beria and the physical destruction of Komsomol leaders throughout the country.

Kosarev was shot on February 23, 1939, and he became the last general secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee - all subsequent leaders of the communist youth, starting with Nikolai Mikhailov, were elected first. But why did Joseph Vissarionovich decide to lower the status of the head of the Komsomol

On October 29, 1938, Alexander Kosarev sat next to Comrade Stalin at the jubilee plenum in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Komsomol.
Applause and praise of greetings to the "father of all times and peoples" thundered, the eyes of the youth shone with enthusiasm, shouted: "Komsomol cheers to beloved comrade Stalin."

How the cynical tyrant of naivety of inexperienced Komsomol members should have smiled at heart, knowing well that Lavrenty Beria, with his approval, had already prepared an accusation against the General Secretary of Tsecamola and his other like-minded people of espionage, threatening the death of many young lives.

The great leader and mentor of Soviet youth was well aware of all the intricacies of the prepared repressions against the Komsomol members. Comrade Stalin knew both about the upcoming plenum, at which Kosarev was supposed to be removed along with other secretaries of the Central Committee, and about the election of the successor to the third general secretary of the Komsomol, Nikolai Mikhailov, already the first secretary. The arrest of the wife of the leader of the Komsomol with Lavrenty Beria, the daughter of Viktor Naneishvili, the "personal enemy" of both of them, was also agreed.

Over the past ten years, Joseph Vissarionovich treated Alexander Kosarev with special sympathy, the leader of the Komsomol was considered his favorite. Comrade Stalin liked the perky readiness of the young general secretary, the initiator of various Komsomol affairs, to successfully carry out undertakings approved by the CPSU (b), his energetic, cheerful
character, boundless devotion to the communist idea, honesty and selflessness. The third general secretary of the Komsomol became in the thirties not only an authoritative leader of the Komsomol, but also a very respected member of the party

With the approval of Comrade Stalin, border outposts, educational institutions, and sports clubs were named after Alexander Kosarev. Kosarev's energy was enough for the development of FZU, and for organizing Komsomol construction projects, and for mass sports work among young people. In 1933, at the World Antiwar Congress in Paris, he was elected to the International Committee for the Struggle Against
fascism and war. He saw the main tasks of the Komsomol in the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle, patriotism, selfless labor of youth in the name of a bright future for mankind.

Comrade Stalin's first doubts about the absolute loyalty of Alexander Kosarev to him personally could have appeared after the assassination of S.M. Kirov. While investigating the circumstances of the case in the commission together with Nikolai Yezhov, General Secretary Tsekamola doubted the correctness of the final conclusions, not realizing that they were all agreed with Comrade Stalin. However, in 1936, the leader of the party was still supportive of the leadership of the Komsomol, and Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko, the chairman of the chess sector of the executive bureau of the VSFK, successfully resolved the financing of the third Moscow international tournament through Kosarev.

With the beginning of the Great Terror, Joseph Vissarionovich strongly advised the general and other secretaries of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "... to lead the fight against the enemies of the people." However, Alexander dared to defend his cadres after their arrest, and Comrade Stalin was greatly enraged. At the height of the repressions in August 1937, at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), it was noted with a special resolution that Tsekamol, and above all Comrade Kosarev, "... showed intolerable political carelessness and overlooked the special methods of subversive work of enemies of the people in the Komsomol."

But the leader of the Komsomol did not understand anything, imagined himself to be the real general secretary of youth in the system of one-party tyranny, and in October 1937 he dared to send a memorandum to Comrade Stalin condemning the mass terror:
"Self-insurance is beneficial to the enemies of the party, because honest people are driven out of our ranks on the basis of simple rumors, indiscriminately, without subject to verification, thereby embittered against us." Twenty days after the anniversary evening, which solemnly celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the Komsomol, on November 19, 1938, an extraordinary plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol took place according to a letter from Mishakova.

It was, most likely, a provocation on the instructions of the general secretary of the party. For some unknown reason, the instructor of the Central Committee Mishakova, sent to the Chuvash regional conference, suddenly began to expose the secretary of the regional committee, as well as other Komsomol workers she did not know much as enemies of the people and bourgeois nationalists. Kosarev discussed at the Bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee the behavior of Mishakova, who did not have the authority to dissolve the conference, and she was released from work for "gross mistakes ...". The instructor wrote a letter to Comrade Stalin, accusing the general secretary of Tsekamol of aiding the enemies of the people.

Comrade Stalin came to the extraordinary November plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol together with Kaganovich, Zhdanov, Molotov, Malenkov and Andreev. Kosarev, Bogachev, Pikina were removed from the Central Committee secretaries. A few days later, they were arrested on charges of espionage. Kosarev did not confess to anything, did not betray anyone, and at the last interrogation he prophetically threw in the face of investigator BV Rhodes: "... you are ruining Soviet power: you will answer for everything anyway, you bastards." On February 23, 1939, the last general secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee was shot.

Comrade Stalin was handed Kosarev's suicide letter, in which he instructively taught the "father of all nations" that "... to destroy the cadres brought up by the Soviet government is madness." After Kosarev, Iosif Vissarionovich stopped appointing the leaders of the Komsomol as general secretaries so that they would not be arrogant and would know their place in the system of one-party dictatorship.

A swarthy smiling face, friendly, slightly slanted eyes and a naughty dark curl on the top of the head. So it can be seen in the miraculously preserved archival photographs. There are no home albums lovingly kept by relatives. They were confiscated and destroyed by the NKVD.

He was Sasha for the working guys, and for the writer Maxim Gorky, and for Stalin and the entire Politburo. He was called "the mind, honor and conscience of the Komsomol." In a short time, he went from a working guy to the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

On the same night, from 28 to 29 November 1938, two more secretaries of the Komsomol Central Committee were arrested: Valentina Pikina and Serafim Bogachev. So the Komsomol was declared a forge of spies.

The purpose of this article is to refrain from the collisions of the higher text, to show how meanness is inherent - execution in the code of the FULL NAME OF ALEXANDER KOSAREV.

Watch preliminary "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the tables of the FULL NAME code. \ If on your screen there is an offset of numbers and letters, adjust the scale of the image \.

11 26 44 45 62 68 71 72 84 90 101 119 120 134 139 156 159 160 178 188 200 229 235 238 248 272
C O S A R E V A L E K S A N D R V A S I L E V And Ch
272 261 246 228 227 210 204 201 200 188 182 171 153 152 138 133 116 113 112 94 84 72 43 37 34 24

1 13 19 30 48 49 63 68 85 88 89 107 117 129 158 164 167 177 201 212 227 246 247 263 269 272
A L E K S A N D R V A S I L E V I Ch K O S A R E V
272 271 259 253 242 224 223 209 204 187 184 183 165 155 143 114 108 105 95 71 60 45 27 26 9 3

Let's carry out the traditional reading of individual words and sentences:



201 - 71 = 130 = DESTROYED.

272 = 130 + 142-HIT BY A BULLET.


VASILIEVICH = 116 = 1-A + 115-DEAD




187 - 85 = 102 = SHOT.

272 = 102 + 70-EXIT.

DATE OF BIRTH code: 1. \ 14 \ .11.1903. This is = 1 + 11 + 19 + 03 = 34 = DEATH \ b \, NAGAN.

272 = 34 + 238- \ 175-HEADSHOT + 63-DEATH \.

DATE OF DEATH code: 02/23/1939. This is = 23 + 02 + 19 + 39 = 83 = DEAD.

272 = 83 + 189-HUMAN KILLING.



332 - 272- \ FULL NAME code \ = 60 = PERSON.




34- \ DATE OF BIRTH code \ + 219- \ FULL YEARS OF LIFE code \ = 253.

253 - 83- \ DATE OF DEATH code \ = 170 = SHOOTING.

On August 13, 1954, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Prot. No. 78, item XIV), it was decided "to accept Comrade Rudenko's proposal to terminate the case of A. V. Kosarev and to rehabilitate him" (RGANI. F. 3. Op. 8 D. 135.L. 38). The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR rehabilitated A.V. Kosarev on August 24, 1954.

272 = 85-INNOCENT! + 129-ACCUSED FALSE! + 58-wasted.

272 = 129-ACCUSED FALSE! + 58-in vain + 85-revenge!


Albert Alexandrovich!
Is it possible, according to your method, to show the author of the article about secretary Kosarev that he has been deservedly punished? Or undeservedly?
What's weird? Until now, many documents about the repressed have not been disclosed.
In (Lubyanka. Stalin and NKVD-NKGB-GUKR "Smersh". 1939-March 1946.- M .; MFD, 2006, S590) it is stated that Kosarev pleaded guilty.
But, unfortunately, the protocols of interrogations, court hearings, etc. are not available to researchers to this day?
Isn't it strange?
Why not show the society documents justifying Kosarev?
Who doesn't allow it?

Kosarev did not confess to anything, did not betray anyone, and at the last interrogation he prophetically threw in the face of investigator BV Rhodes: "... you are ruining Soviet power: you will answer for everything anyway, you bastards."

Comrade Stalin was handed Kosarev's suicide letter, in which he instructively taught the "father of all nations" that "... to destroy the cadres brought up by the Soviet government is madness."

In 1959, Kosarev was posthumously rehabilitated and reinstated in the party. The ashes were buried at the Donskoy cemetery, in the Mass grave No. 1. Next to her is the cenotaph of A.V. Kosarev, installed on the grave of his wife M.V. Neneishvili.

Repressed on November 29, 1938, arrested, by the military collegium of the USSR Supreme Court on February 22, 1939, sentenced to death, executed on February 23 of the same year. Rehabilitated by the military collegium of the USSR Supreme Court on August 24, 1954, March 14, 1989.

Albert Semyonovich!
I don’t want to offend you, but this is all that you brought, as the people say, chatter!
Society in Russia cannot see all the documents and materials confirming the correctness of Kosarev's rehabilitation. As well as the documents on the basis of which he suffered! Why not present these documents to the public? Who is slowing down and why? Today!
Research scientist Grover Ferr seriously doubts the correctness of the Kosyrev re-validation report. His questions are very serious and evidence-based! Try to answer them ...
See Grover Ferr "Anti-Stalinist meanness", M .: Algorithm, 2008, p. 160-164 - A. V. Kosyrev
The book is on the Internet, you can download it for free!

№ 27

Thus, the above circumstances indicate that Beria dealt with Kosarev as an unwanted and dangerous person for him.

I would have thought to bring a protest about the termination of the Kosarev case for his posthumous rehabilitation.

I ask for your instructions.

Prosecutor General of the USSR R. Rudenko

AP RF. F. 3. Op. 24. D. 439. L. 135-140. Script. Typescript

58 On August 13, 1954, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Prot. No. 78, item XIV), it was decided “to accept Comrade Rudenko's proposal to terminate the AV Kosarev case and to rehabilitate him” (RGANI, F. 3. Op. 8.D. 135.L. 38). The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR rehabilitated A.V. Kosarev on August 24, 1954.

Albert Alexandrovich!
But there are no facts! Where are the facts! Facts are stubborn things, as I. Stalin liked to say!
Grover Ferr, for all his talent as a researcher, has been unable to unearth the facts over the years. It looks like they are being hidden from us. But the questions asked by the researcher cast doubt on the rehabilitation of Kosarev!
Check out his questions ...
And it’s interesting to read Izvestia of the Central Committee of the KPSS after 1989, when we already know “who is who” ... and who was on the editorial board.

I found information about rehabilitation on the Internet and brought it to you after the link to Izvestia. The search took less than five minutes.

Ask a question: the rehabilitation of Alexander Kosarev and you will receive the answer that I gave you.


A. N. Yakovlev (chairman), E. T. Gaidar, V. P. Kozlov, V. A. Martynov, S. V. Mironenko, V. P. Naumov, V. F. Petrovsky, E. M. Primakov , E. S. Radzinsky, A. N. Sakharov, G. N. Sevostyanov


Albert Alexandrovich!
You are referring to secondary things, not facts.
The current and previous authorities do not tell us the facts. And this is the materials of the investigation, the court. They are ORIGINAL! Stalin is gone. He hides nothing. There are no more Stalinists left. They don't hide anything. Why are historians not allowed access to the source materials? Who is behind this? Why are they not allowed? Is this question interesting to ANYONE ???
And if there is no access to the source materials, then why, and is it possible to believe the re-bilitation certificates, to which dubious personalities have put their hands on?
And you. Do you have a method that allows you to numerically calculate the fate of a person?
Is it known that Kosarev was killed?
Is he guilty?
He himself pleaded guilty during the investigation. And if some of the defendants refused their testimony at the trial, then he did not refuse.
He was I. Stalin's favorite. I. Stalin. was "killed" by his case and instructed all the materials of the investigation to be checked by some members of the Central Committee. The case was not cooked up according to I. Stalin's instructions ... At the end of the case, I. Stalin became convinced of the betrayal of the "pet" ...
Why are the materials of the investigation and the court still classified materials? Who needs it?

You are wrong on three points: firstly, Stalin suggested to Alexander to arrange a total purge among the leaders of the Komsomol, to which his pet did not agree, and secondly, Kosarev had his own opinion on the repression, but he did not know, did not think, did not suspect, that Stalin is a coward and a paranoid. Thirdly, when Stalin learned that Kosarev had married a Georgian woman, he directly told Alexander that her father was the personal enemy of Stalin and Beria.
Read the biography of Alexander and everything will be clear to you.

Articles in the popular press, as it has become clear to everyone today, are unreliable. Sometimes different articles say exactly the opposite. Mgeladze, who respected Kosarev and turned to I. Stalin with questions about Kosarev, informed the public of I. Stalin's opinion that everyone made mistakes, but especially many of them were committed in 1937, but this does not apply to the Kosarev case.
There are facts (documents) on the Kosarev case, which are still hidden! Why?
Why, without citing facts-proofs, do you consider him innocent? Why the facts on his case have not yet been made public. I. Stalin, I think, would not mind that today the peoples of Russia learn about the PRAVD, see the factual materials of the case. Why, starting from Khrushchev's times and up to now, the facts are hidden? Who needs it?
Have you thought about it?

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Kosarev Alexander Grigorievich - Russian writer, author of adventure novels and short stories. Favorite topic - treasure hunt. In this article, we will present the author's biography and talk about the most famous works.


Alexander Kosarev was born in 1948, on April 16, in the city of Moscow. After graduating from school, he went to work in a computer center. Then the army was drafted. He served in the main intelligence unit of the USSR in Kamchatka. His time of service coincided with the outbreak of the Vietnam War, and Kosarev went into the war zone with a small group of Soviet soldiers.

When his military service was over, Alexander Grigorievich entered the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. Mendeleev, after which the writer went to work at the Research Institute. The collapse of the USSR greatly changed Kosarev's life. He had to leave science and change several jobs, including being a "shuttle" and a security guard.


During his work and service, Alexander Kosarev visited many places in Russia, Turkey, China, Greece, Libya. He used the impressions and information accumulated during these trips to create action-packed adventure novels. It is noteworthy that the writer personally took part in many of the events described. The favorite theme of the writer is the treasures that disappeared during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Kosarev is one of the correspondents of the magazine "Miracles and Adventures", in which he publishes his original versions explaining mysterious cultural, natural and historical events. Now let's talk about the most famous works of the author.

"Cardboard stars"

This novel stands out among all the writer's works. The fact is that Alexander Kosarev took events from his life rich in adventures as the basis of this book. In particular, the time of service in the special forces of the GRU of the USSR, as well as the Vietnam War, in which Kosarev took part. The novel gives the reader the opportunity to see historical events through the eyes of a direct participant. Many of the published information and facts in this book are unique and cannot be found in the pages of history textbooks.

The novel was included in the War Adventures series of the Veche publishing house.

"Riddles of ancient treasures"

Alexander Kosarev appears in this book as a professional treasure hunter. It contains various stories about extreme situations in which the people who made history found themselves. And only the discovery of material evidence of these incidents can refute or confirm what was considered a historical fact or a dubious legend. The book tells about such well-known and mysterious Russian treasures and related secrets, such as the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, "Batu Silver", Kolchak's echelons, the secrets of Lavrenty Beria and others.

The work will appeal to fans of not only adventure, but also history.

"Messenger of Death"

In the center of the book is a story that began long ago in Tibet and in medieval China and unexpectedly continued during the Second World War, and reached its logical end only in our days.

The main character of the novel, a Russian treasure hunter, finds ancient writings and mysterious objects of unknown origin, for which the fighters of the Hitlerite team from the famous "Ahnenerbe", which was considered destroyed, begin to hunt. Paranormal phenomena and mysticism begin to intertwine with terrible secrets from the history of the world's largest states.

The book is amazing in that it combines detective story, documentary storytelling and adventure novel.

Kosarev Alexander Vasilievich(11/14/1903 - 2/23/1939), leader of the communist youth movement. Member of the RKSM since 1918, member of the CPSU since 1919. Born in Moscow in a working class family, at the age of 15 he volunteered for the Red Army; participant in the Civil War of 1918–20. After the Civil War, he was the secretary of the Bauman district committee of the Komsomol in Moscow, the Moscow-Narva district committee of the Komsomol in Leningrad and the Penza provincial committee of the Komsomol. In 1926, the secretary of the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol. In 1927, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. From March 1929 to 1939 he was the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Delegate of the 13-17th Party Congresses, at the 15th Congress he was elected a member of the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), at the 16th - a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks), at the 17th Congress - a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). He was a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of Lenin.

At the VII plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Kosarev was dismissed from the post of general secretary on false accusations. At the plenum, he said: “I do not consider myself an enemy and will not consider myself ... No one can prove that I am an enemy of the people ... Personally, I feel absolutely calm, because my conscience is clear. I have never betrayed either the party or the Soviet people, and I will never. "

Arrested on December 1. On February 23, 1939, he was shot on the verdict of the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court in the Lefortovo prison. The body was cremated in the Donskoy Monastery. His wife Maria Viktorovna Naneishvili and daughter Elena Aleksandrovna Kosareva were subjected to repressions. In 1959, Kosarev was posthumously rehabilitated and reinstated in the party.

Alexander Vasilievich Kosarev together with Starostin stood at the origins of creation " Spartacus"he made the creation of a sports society a reality" Spartacus".

Here is what he wrote Andrey Starostin in his book "Meetings in Football Orbit":

The Komsomol paid a lot of attention to our team. There was nothing surprising in this. Indeed, in Presnya, where the progenitor of today's " Spartacus”, The ISS team, it was organized on the initiative of the footballers living in the area, and with the direct participation of the Komsomol district committee.

The youth leaders of the thirties, the secretaries of the Komsomol Central Committee - Dmitry Lukyanov, a recognized Komsomol orator, Sergei Saltanov, Pavel Gorshenin - were frequent guests in our team. However, the idea of ​​creating a voluntary sports society following the example of Dynamo was given to us Alexander Vasilievich Kosarev.

What an extraordinarily attractive person he was! In the struggle for a just life and the people's truth, Kosarev, a boy from a poor working-class family in the Moscow suburbs, went a long and difficult way from an auxiliary worker at a pre-revolutionary factory to the recognized leader of the youth.

I met with Alexander Vasilyevich many times when he was already the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. This also happened at official receptions, when he was dressed "according to protocol" - in an excellent civilian suit, in a white shirt with a tie. As if the Komsomol of the times of the civil war took hostility to such his outfit. But time passed quickly, and the norms of life changed in step with it. He suddenly appeared at Nikolai's apartment, and, fortunately, my brother and I lived in the same entrance, in a more casual suit, without a "gavrilka". However, no matter how he was dressed, I always remembered him from the first meeting - a sly sparkle in his eyes, a slightly raised right eyebrow and a rebellious cock on the back of his head.

The very nature of the meetings spoke of the simplicity of Alexander Vasilyevich. Probably, this sincerity, spiritual purity was that irresistible force that so attracted young people to Kosarev.

So, one of the meetings took place at the corner of the Sandunovskie baths. Right there at the entrance to the alley. I was warned by Nikolai that Alexander Vasilyevich might come to take a steam bath in Sanduny, having heard, they say, about your records on the shelf.

As a grandfather in Pogost, I was taught to steam on straw in a Russian stove. I was actually pretty steamy. With the Tatars, inveterate lovers of the steam room, he withstood the competition. Once he grabbed a dry old man in the steam room. Thin, like a deserter from a cemetery. I didn’t want to give in to him. But you know he is lying on the bench with his eyes closed and will not even look at me. After the last sacrifice, all the spirit left me - I barely got out of the steam room. I experienced defeat, like at the gate to Doctor Sedov. Moreover, my competition began in front of the guys. As soon as I confessed to them in the locker room, I lost, when I hear some kind of noise. I looked - my competitor was being carried. It turns out that he was lying unconscious on the shelf while I smoked him from the steam room. The old man barely retreated. Yes, and myself, I barely woke up. In football circles then there was a lot of laughter about this. It was this case that Nikolai told Alexander Vasilyevich, inviting him to the bathhouse to take a steam bath with the players.

I saw Nikolai come up, and next to him of an average height, a well-knocked-down young man. In a cap, in a white apache with an open collar and in summer canvas shoes. “Instead of Kosarev, Nikolay brought some newcomer to the football player”- I thought.

Noticing my sour face, Nikolai asked disapprovingly: "Didn't you recognize Alexander Vasilyevich?"

I felt myself blushing, absurdly fidgeting, muttering something, apologizing, and Kosarev, stretching out his hand, smiled so kindly that all my embarrassment passed away.

We took a great steam bath. While dressing, Alexander Vasilyevich reminded that he was waiting for proposals on organizing a new society and its name.

I have already written how it was born, this name, in my book Big Football. Here I just remind you that after lengthy disputes and an endless number of proposals, the fate of the title was decided by the book Giovagnoli " Spartacus» , to the place that caught the eye of Nikolai, when the initiative group of football players gathered at his apartment to discuss this issue.

- We need a motto that reflects the best qualities of the athlete's personality: courage, the will to win, steadfastness in the fight, dexterity and strength, loyalty to the idea. The leader of the Roman gladiators had all these virtues. I propose to name the society “ Spartacus"! - said Nikolay, lifting the book up.

Everyone liked it. On that and decided.

Together with a new name that has found unconditional approval Kosareva, « Spartacus”Received a suburban sports base - Tarasovka, which has been serving the team without fail to this day.

Born on November 1 (14), 1903 in the northeastern outskirts of Moscow. He graduated from the 3rd grade of the parish school. He began his career at the age of 9 at the Anisimov zinc plant. From 1914 he worked on knitting machines at the Richard-Simon & Co factory. Together with the workers, he advocated better conditions and higher wages, took part in workers' strikes, "showed proletarian solidarity." In the fall of 1917, he joined the Bolshevik-supported Union of Working Youth "III International". Since that time, his whole life has been associated with the youth movement. Immediately after the creation of the Komsomol in November 1918, he joined its ranks and, at the request of the Lefortovo District Committee of the RKSM, went to work in the Komsomol. In October 1919 he joined the ranks of the RCP (b).

In the spring of 1920, in the direction of the Petrograd provincial committee of the RKSM, he studied at a three-month regional political school. He worked as the head of political courses at the Central Komsomol school in Petrograd. On March 4, 1921, he was approved as an instructor of the Vasileostrovsky district committee of the RKSM. At the end of 1921 he returned to Moscow, worked as an organizer in the Bauman District Committee of the RKSM. E.A. Kosareva recalled: “When I returned to Moscow to work in the Bauman district committee of the Komsomol, I surprised my mother by refusing to eat and spend the night at home. From St. Petersburg, he brought the habit of living in a commune, where they had in common "with the coma" and a meager ration, and books, and a single pair of "weekend" uniforms. He said to Mom: “You have to understand. We are moving towards communism "". On January 15, 1922, the Moscow Committee of the RKSM transferred him to work as the first secretary of the Bauman district committee, since December - the deputy head of the organizational department of the MK RKSM. Since May 1923 - the first secretary of the Bauman RK RKSM. On April 30, 1924, he was elected a member of the MK RKSM Bureau, on September 30, 1922 - a member of the Bauman RKP (b), a delegate to the XIII Congress of the RCP (b) (May 23-31, 1924).

In July 1924 he was sent to study at the Communist University. On September 2, 1924, he was transferred to the Executive Committee of the Communist International of Youth. On November 15, the Central Committee of the RKSM sends him to work as the first secretary of the Penza Provincial Committee of the RKSM. In June 1925 he was a delegate to the IV All-Union Conference of the RLKSM, in December - a delegate to the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b).

In January 1926, as part of a brigade of the Central Committee of the RLKSM, he was sent to Leningrad to explain the decisions of the XIV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, taking into account the fact that the leaders of the regional committee and district committees of the Komsomol "took wrong positions." Was introduced to the North-West Bureau of the Central Committee of the RLKSM. The conference of the former opposition Moskovsko-Narva district committee of the Komsomol elected him, the first secretary of the Penza provincial committee of the RLKSM, as the first secretary of its district committee. At the VII Congress (March 11-22, 1926) he was elected to the Central Committee of the Komsomol. On April 23, 1926, he was transferred to work as the head of the organizational distribution department of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and introduced into the bureau and secretariat of the Central Committee. On March 25, 1927, he was elected Secretary of the Central Committee. He was a delegate to the V All-Union Conference of the Komsomol (March 24-30, 1927). Member of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) in 1927-1930.

At the request of the Moscow Committee of the CPSU (b) in May 1927, he was directed to strengthen the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol, while remaining at the same time the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Delegate to the XV Congress of the CPSU (b) (December 2-19, 1927), elected a member of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b). Delegate to the VIII Congress of the Komsomol (May 5-16, 1928), elected secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. On March 24, 1929, the plenum of the Central Committee elected him First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1929 he was a delegate to the V All-Union Congress of Soviets and was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR; delegate to the VI All-Union Conference of the Komsomol and the XVI Conference of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In July 1930, at the 16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, he was elected a candidate member of the Central Committee. In 1931 he was a delegate to the IX Congress of the Komsomol, re-elected as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol; VI All-Union Congress of Soviets, was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. In 1932 he was a delegate to the XVII conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the VIII All-Union Conference of the Komsomol.

In July 1929 he took part in the work of the International Anti-Imperialist Youth Congress in Frankfurt am Main. In 1933 he headed a delegation of Soviet youth at the World Anti-War Congress in Paris, and was elected to the International Committee for the Struggle against Fascism and War.

On October 28, 1933, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR awarded A.V. Kosarev with the Order of Lenin as "the tried and tested leader of the Leninist Komsomol, an outstanding organizer of the Komsomol masses in their struggle under the leadership of the party for the victory of the five-year plan."

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In 1934 he was a delegate to the 17th Congress of the CPSU (b) and was elected a member of the Central Committee, a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In 1935 he was a delegate to the VII Congress of Soviets of the USSR, was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. In 1936 - a delegate to the X Congress of the Komsomol, re-elected First Secretary of the Central Committee. Participated in the investigation into the circumstances of the murder of Sergei Kirov.

In 1935, in Paris, he took part in the work of the International Youth Conference for Peace, Freedom and Progress and in an enlarged meeting of the International Bureau for the preparation of an international youth gathering; headed the delegation of the Komsomol at the VI Congress of the KIM.

In 1936 he took part in the work of the International World Association of Youth for Peace, Freedom and Progress in Paris; at the World Youth Congress in Geneva.

Deputy of the USSR Armed Forces of the 1st convocation (since 1937). He is credited with the slogan "Work productively, have a rest culturally!"

In August 1937, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks noted in a special resolution that Tsekamol, and above all Comrade. Kosarev, "... showed intolerable political carelessness and overlooked special methods of subversive work of enemies of the people."

At the VII plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (November 19-22, 1938), on false charges, Kosarev was removed from his post as first secretary. At the plenum, he said: “I do not consider myself an enemy and will not consider myself ... No one can prove that I am an enemy of the people ... Personally, I feel absolutely calm, because my conscience is clear. I have never betrayed either the party or the Soviet people, and I will never. "

On November 28 he was arrested; L.P. Beria personally took part in the arrest. While in prison, he wrote to Stalin: “The Komsomol workers arrested in my 'case' are not guilty of anything ... The destruction of cadres brought up by the Soviet power is madness ... I demand that an honest, authoritative commission be created that will check all materials without bias and make conclusions". In a statement by M.V. Naneishvili-Kosareva to Malenkov of December 17, 1953, a possible reason for Beria's personal interest in the arrest of Kosarev is indicated. On February 23, 1939, he was shot by the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court in the Lefortovo prison. The body was cremated in the Donskoy Monastery. In 1954 he was posthumously rehabilitated and reinstated in the party.

Members of his family were subjected to repression:

wife Maria Viktorovna Naneishvili (daughter of the famous Bolshevik V. I. Naneishvili, sentenced to 10 years in labor camp as a ChSIR).

Daughter Elena Aleksandrovna Kosareva was arrested in 1947 and sent into exile in Norilsk.

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