Home Perennial flowers Interesting numbers for March 8 at school. Scenario of the holiday "March 8" in elementary school. Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest

Interesting numbers for March 8 at school. Scenario of the holiday "March 8" in elementary school. Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest

Semyonova E.N. MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school"

Semyonova Elena Nikolaevna,

MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school",

Bezhanitsky district,

Pskov region

Intact b: - fostering respect and good feelings for girls and women

Hall decoration: - festive decorations, cheerful music, flowers and written congratulations on posters, a sign with the name of the competition on the stage, tables for competitors, equipment for competitions.

Explanatory note: This holiday is a tradition of our school. We carry it through the stages of training, i.e. in three streams. In the last academic year, it was especially interesting for high school students. This was evidenced by the comments of students and colleagues on the pages of the electronic Diary and photos from the holiday. This event can be adapted for middle-level students as well.

1 presenter..: Dear friends, we have gathered in this hall in order to congratulate our lovely women and girls on the upcoming day of March 8 and give them a good mood and our warm words that evening….

Beautiful day, March 8th,
When everything sparkles around
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you health, happiness,
So that they never feel sad
So that you always prosper
In the name of happiness and goodness.

1 presenter .. - Maybe there is a larger date

And, probably, not one.

Spring is opening.

By denying aging

The heat of creativity in the blood

Turns the time

To Peace, Friendship and Love.

Therefore, we exalt her,

Affirming being

Gold number eight

As your dignity.

2 hosts - “Oh, female! All our glory
She obeys you herself,
Oh delicious right
Captivate us and drive us crazy! "

Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is played. The presenters exit. The sound decreases a little, and the presenter begins to read poetry against the background of the music.

1st presenter: - A star falls from the midnight skies,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But it remains with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
From heart to heart from dream to dream
The light of a woman will continue on an invisible path,
Open only to eternal Kindness,
Both the Truth and the inimitable Love ...

(Music turns off)

So that they languish in you
And affection, and courage reserve,
So that without resistance at your mercy
The tigers dormant in us surrendered!

1st presenter: Hello !!! Hello dear spectators, wonderful participants of the competition, dear jury! We are glad to welcome you to our contest "The most charming and attractive". Today we have gathered in this hall in order to bow before female beauty, charm, charm.

2nd presenter: A woman ... Throughout the ages she was worshiped by artists, poets, musicians ... How many flowers, poems, and whatever, lives were thrown at her feet. Which of the men did not try to comprehend the secret of her charm? But the female gender is always a mystery. Today we have the opportunity to try to lift the veil over this mystery. So, we start our competition

1st host: First of all, I would like to present our competent jury. (Jury performance is in progress.)

Lead teacher:

Three girls are taking part in the competition. Let's welcome them.

(Girls are invited to the stage. They come out to the music for the stage.)

Meet the representatives of the fair sex of the school's classrooms.

2nd presenter :. The competent jury will announce the results after each competition. And now we ask the participants to take their places. We declare first competition "WARM UP"

(the competition is conducted by a student from the class, each participant takes questions in turn)


1) What stands between the window and the door? (letter "and")

2) What is easy to pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (fluff)

3) What does the watchman do when a sparrow is sitting on his hat? (sleeping)

1) Which hand is better for stirring tea? (the one with the spoon)

2) In which country did fashion first begin to be created? (in Italy)

3) In which country did jewelry from precious stones originate: rings, brooches, earrings, bracelets, tiaras? (in Egypt)

1) Egyptians made up, both men and women. What, according to established tradition, did they tint? (eyes, eyebrows, lips)

2) In the 12-17 centuries it was worn around the neck, on a gold chain or at the belt, inserted into a fan, inserted into a frame made of turtle, ivory, gilded silver. With miniatures and engraving. What is it about? (about the mirror)

3) Name 5 plants that remind of the names of people (Rose, lily, pansies, Daisy, Ivan da Marya)

1 host .. Applause to our participants !!!

2nd presenter: "The kingdom of women is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance," wrote the great Jean-Jacques Rousseau. How little a woman sometimes needs to conquer a man's heart forever. A flirty curl, a charming curl, an unusual gait - and a man is already at your feet. Let's see how our participants are proficient in this art. I declare second to oncourse.


Participants are invited to go through like fashion models. At the same time, for the participants, it is necessary to prepare in advance boots of 2 types, boots of at least 41 sizes, number them, let the participants pull out the numbers.)

1 - presenter - Applause !!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, the jury sums up the results of two competitions, we will not let the audience get bored. Please be active and you can help our competitors.

(a quiz is held, tokens are distributed for correct answers)

Spectator competition "Connoisseurs of flowers"

1) “She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil only knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. " These are lines from Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. What colors are we talking about here? (about mimosa)

2) The Latin name of this flower is translated into Russian as a sword. What is this flower? (gladiolus)

3) Translated from Greek, the name of this flower sounds like a rain flower. In the spring of 1734, Dutch children noticed an unknown flower near the water. The entire population of the coastal village came running to look at him. Residents remembered that in the fall, during a storm, a Genoese ship sank nearby, from where this flower fell into the coastal soil, which has since become revered in Holland, like a tulip. What flower are we talking about? (about hyacinth)

4) The homeland of this flower is Mexico, where its tubers were eaten, not paying attention to the tops. 400 years ago, this plant was brought to Europe to diversify the vegetable menu of the French, Spaniards and Germans. But the tubers were not to the taste of the Europeans; they liked the bright flowers of various colors and shapes much more. The flower was called by different names. What is the name of this flower? (dahlia)

5) What flower served as a distinctive mark of actors in the Middle Ages in England? By order of Queen Elizabeth, actors could appear outside the theater in an ordinary dress, but always with this flower on their shoes. Soon, with this flower, but not on her shoes, but behind her ear, Elizabeth herself began to go to the reception. As such, she is depicted on a silver coin of her time. What is this flower? (the Rose)

Well done! Save your tokens, you can present them to the contestants at the end of the holiday. And now the word of the jury.

2 hosts .. You constantly inspire poets,
Writers, actors and minds.
Without you, Pushkin would not have written verses,
And we would not have heard the Lermontov stanzas!

1 ved: Next ( third) poetess competition,

Participants need to finish the phrase by finding the right rhyme.

1) Maybe the Losers would go on the run,

But all around impassable ... ... (taiga)

2) To do modern makeup,

Acquired a beauty ... ... ... (trellis)

3) One can and many jars

The milkmaid is lucky to …………… (market)

1) In Lukomorye, the cat decided

That he is local ......... (guarded)

2) Sumo champion for cargo

It's good to have a big ……… .. (belly)

3) The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:

“Like me, they are also fed ……… (feet)

Applause to our participants !!!

2-ved: We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
And we sing love songs.

Be happy, cheerful, loved,
Nice, gentle, and not grumpy,
Be friends with song, humor and laughter,
And keep pace with the century!

Next (fourth) the competition is the most sensitive.

"Princess on the Pea"

For the competition, you will need chairs, buttons on the leg and rags. Only girls participate in the competition. A blank is made for each girl: a chair is placed, buttons with a leg are placed on it, the buttons are covered with a rag. Then the girls should sit on a chair, move their booty a little and say how many buttons are on the chair. The winner is the girl who is the first to correctly name the number of buttons. Buttons can also be replaced with caramels or large beads.

1 - host .. Applause !!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, preparing for a music competition, the jury sums up the results of two competitions, we will continue playing with the audience. The male half of our school team has prepared a holiday greetings

(boys from 11, 10, 8 grades perform)

Well done, and now the word of the jury.

2nd Ved: competition "Chastushechny».( 5)

Our contestants are invited to sing 2-3 ditties in which the wonderful qualities of the girls will be sung.

(maestro, music)

1st host: - Next competition - dancing. (6 ) This competition is held by lot. The participants will have to show their skills in the following types of dance: waltz, Russian folk dance and modern dance. Whoever gets what - fate decides!

(draw lots - dance inscriptions, prepared music is put)

Well done, and now while the jury is preparing, let the girls gain strength for further competitions

Spectator competition "Explainers".

According to three characteristic signs, a word must be indicated.

1) grows in the garden; put in a salad; it happens on the dress (polka dots).

2) Sometimes they sit there; it is not fashionable to use them now; before they were all worn in the rain (galoshes).

3) Girls have it; happens to the sand; in the village it is needed in July (scythe).

4) It grows in the field; there is such a game; when the nose looks like it (potatoes).

Now I say a word, you give 3 different concepts for it.

1) Pedagogical council (this takes place at the school; the director speaks there; they decide something and scold someone).

2) The dining room (all students love it; everyone rushes to it; it's hard to run after it).

3) Chalk (some people love to eat it; it is always not enough; it makes you dirty).

4) Schedule of lessons (you cannot do without it at school; it hangs on the wall; it is drawn up by the head teacher).

2nd Ved Word JURY

May you have been praised for a long time
Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy,
Sonnets are written as before
And poets do not sleep at night,
Building bridges to loved ones.

Next competition "Milkmaids» ( 7)
(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who is more milked?)

1 ved: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sorrow
Even a slight shadow of sadness
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

"Temptress" (8) ( turn on music, time to catch,)

The guys in the hall are given three hearts (paper). Girls should do everything possible so that in 2 minutes the male representatives give them these hearts. What can they do? They can kiss, praise him, tell him a lot of compliments. The actions of girls depend on their imagination and ability to seduce. Guys, if he liked a girl, give her one or even two hearts. After the lapse of time, the girls count how many hearts they have won. The girl with the most hearts wins.

Lead teacher: - And now the most decisive competition. You are witnesses, dear friends, that our participants all deserve the title "The most charming and attractive" and how can we not demonstrate knowledge and skills for expectant mothers. So the competition: " Young mom» (9) ( swaddling, dressing babies and, of course, consoling them) (lyric music "Mama" by S. Lazarev)

1 ved: - While our participants freeze their hands from hot male hearts, and calm down from the excitement of communicating with babies, the jury will finally sum up the results, and a very instructive story is offered to your attention. (9kl students show a variation on the theme of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

2 leading How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.

(Scenario of a parody of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

(The presenter reads the text, it is advisable to choose a musical accompaniment)

God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere;
(Vasily comes out, holding a wad of money in his hands and counts it with a smile on his face)
Perched on a Crow spruce,
(Vasya climbs onto a chair and counts the money again)

I was just getting ready for breakfast,

Unfortunately, the Fox ran close by;
(Natasha comes out with a beautiful flirtatious gait, seeing Vasya, walks around the chair)
(Vasily stands “not seeing” Masha)

The fox sees the cheese
Cheese captivated the fox,
(an insidious plan appears on Masha's face, her face to the viewer)
(Vasily, noticing Masha, hides the money behind his back)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
(coquettishly and seductively, making movements with his hands along his figure, he approaches Vasya) “bewitching” music should sound. (Vasya with a smile, but also carefully examines Masha)

And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing:

- Angela“My dear, how lovely!
Well, what a neck, what eyes!
(walks around the chair, gently touching Vasya with his hands)
(Vasya is closely watching the girl so that she does not notice anything ...)

Tell, really, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
(the girl moves Vasya's hands up and down, while Vasya tries to cover up the money ...)

And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
(runs his hands along the lower part of Vasya's body)
(Vasya is happy ...)
Sing, light, do not be ashamed!
(Gently pulls Vasily off the chair and begins to hug himself with his arms in the chest, hips, trying to quietly count the money in Vasya's hand)
(Vasya is opposed, but not very much ...)

What if, sister,
With such beauty
(the girl says these words, looking passionately into Vasya's face and, imperceptibly for him, runs her hand over the wad of money)

and you are a craftswoman to sing !!!

Veshchuniny's head was dizzy with praise,
From joy in the goiter the breath stole,
(Vasily cannot believe in his happiness, looks at the girl dumbfounded, with hope and full of strength for love ...)

And Lisitsyn's friendly words
The crow croaked into the crow's throat:
(Vasya runs up to the girl and hugs her himself, she plays along and hugs him so that money falls from Vasya's hands and crumbles ...)

(Vasya brings his hand to his head (imitation of dizziness) and the exhausted person sits down on a chair with a blissful smile on his face, his eyes are closed)

with him there was such a cheat. (applause)

The jury will give the floor. Summarizing.

Leading:- (read line by line)

1.Happy holiday,

2.Happy holidays clear,

1.Happy holiday,

2. Wonderful, wonderful.

1.Happy holiday of caress,

2. Love and attention,

1. Happy feminine charm!

2.Let in business always and everywhere

1. Success is with you.

2.And today is a bright holiday,

Together: - Be you happier than everyone!

(as an option, you can offer to congratulate specific girls and poems:

FOR BOYS 1) I'm ready to follow you,
And ill fame will not bother you at all ...
But where to get their own heads,
To "lose" them left and right ?!

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Julia,
I feel with my heart, I am burning!

I want to say about Anya,
Moving my shoulder to her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know about anything ?!

Angela is - the soul will rise,
No desire - a dull look! ..
I am drawn to Zhelochka
Sensitive magnet!

Everything with Rita comes in handy,
I don't need others Rita:
And in fact, and by the way
Better to find Rita.

I look at everything as at icons,
I can’t take my eyes off the lovers ...
Julia, Anya, Zhela, Rita
I always love you all.

We are kneeling before you
We get up, blazing and shivering.

(All the boys kneel down)

There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give the girls flowers!

1st Ved: - Everyone in the hall today cheered for our contestants and also competed. Let's count the tokens, you can present them in the form of points to the participant you like. (Given to the jury)

1st place - title "Miss Charm"
2nd place - …… "Miss Charm".
3rd place - …… .. "Miss Sympathy".

Used Books:

Books of various poets and writers at the exhibition

Is a ready-made lyrical script for congratulating mothers, teachers and classmates on International Women's Day.

This scenario is intended for the celebration of March 8 among students in grades 8-11. Congratulations and part of the performances are in poetic form.

What woman doesn't like congratulations in verse? Poems convey a special atmosphere and a flight of feelings. Lyrical performances, complemented by a variety of sketches and contests dedicated to mothers and grandmothers, teachers and classmates, will surely please all the fair sex in the hall.

Performances in verse dedicated to women allow an extracurricular activity to be carried out at the proper level. Congratulations and interesting contests will create a special atmosphere and all the culprits of the holiday, as well as the speakers, will definitely leave the holiday in high spirits.

Scenario for March 8 at school with contests "Spring Girl"

Smell of happiness, smell of honey
Clouds of yellow mimosa!
From the blue sky
The sun smiles at everyone.

And the spring girl is spinning
Together with the youthful winds
Laughter sounds like a drop ringing
Over the last snows!

Will bring flowers and tenderness
Spring day, long-awaited!
A holiday of light, a holiday for women.
March 8th is hurrying to us!

This evening is dedicated to International Women's Day. March 8 is the day of spring flowers, smiles and compliments. The day when mothers, grandmothers, our wonderful teachers and girls are waiting for attention and congratulations.

They were honored to open this evening,
Please us with your performance.
The success of the team is already assured!
Talents will be revealed here and now!

Let's welcome our artists !!!
(Speech No. 1)

Scenario for March 8 at school with contests "Spring Girl"

Contest "Like flowers are our girls!"
Host: let's take a look at the culprits of today's holiday! Today our girls are especially smart and beautiful. They are so similar to spring flowers, that is why our first contest is called “Like flowers are our girls”!

To participate in this competition, each class must present a team of three children - one girl and two boys. Boys should give the girl member of the team affectionate flower names. For example: violet, chamomile, rose. During the competition, the boys participating in the teams may confer with each other. The team that comes up with the most affectionate flower names wins. For each flower name, the team receives one point and the winner is determined by counting the points. Let's ask our young flora connoisseurs to come on stage!

Scenario for March 8 at school with competitions - continuation

Scenario for March 8 at school with contests "Spring Girl"

Not a number, but a sensation !!!
Prepared diligently.
And a thunderous ovation
They will definitely be welcomed!
(Speech No. 2)

Competition "Mom's Assistant".
Props: large dolls, which should be as large as the number of participating teams. Also, for the competition, you will need diapers, caps and diapers.

Host: The next competition is for girls and it is called "Mom's Assistant". After all, almost all of us have a little brother or sister, and our girls help their parents take care of them and educate them. This means that they will cope with this competition with a bang.

I will ask you to go on stage, one girl from each class. Participants in this competition must demonstrate to all of us how they can swaddle babies. Your task today is to put a diaper and a cap on these naked (points to the dolls) and swaddle them well. To win the show, you need not only to do it all faster than the rest of the participants, but also to swaddle neatly and correctly!

Host: What wonderful assistants mothers have! She won this competition and brought a point to her class ... Applause!

A big stage is waiting for the guys,
In the future, an ambulance!
The number came out perfect.
School will admire!
(Speech No. 3)

Competition "Tasty borscht".
Host: How many different dishes our grandmothers can cook! They bake cakes, pancakes and, of course, they cook aromatic and delicious (pause) ... borscht. Do you think it's quite easy to cook borscht? Now we will check and find out! Our next competition is dedicated to grandmother's skills and is called “Tasty borscht”. The task of each team is to name all the ingredients for the borscht. I have no doubt that someone from our young hostesses tried to cook it under the guidance of their grandmother. We must remember what delicious borscht consists of. We confer, write down and call! I give time - 5 minutes. Let's get started.
Music plays, and team members confer and record.
Moderator: Let the main borscht specialists from the classes hurry to the stage.
The host counts the ingredients named by the participants. The victory will be brought to the team by the girl who, more than anyone else, will correctly name the components of the borscht.

This number is like a diamond!
You will not take your eyes off!
You need to greet them.
We clap our hands together!
(Speech No. 4)

Competition "Fashion Designers".
To conduct the "Fashion Designers" competition, you will need Whatman sheets (their number is equal to the number of teams), fasteners (buttons) and multi-colored markers.

Become a clothing designer
The opportunity presented itself to you,
After all, they drew before,
And sketching is not difficult!
Exclusive outfits
Get ready to create!
Girls are happy to wear them.
Come out to paint!

Where are our Yudashkins and Zaitsevs, Armani and Versace? I will ask 1 boy from each team to go on stage. Go ahead! Your task is to draw a sketch of an original dress that all the girls and teachers would like. You cannot vote for a boy on your team!

To cheerful music, the boys draw sketches of dresses, and the girls and teachers evaluate the final work with the volume of applause.

The number is just a miracle waiting for you,
Absolutely perfect!
Their talent will shine now!
The whole hall is applauding in unison!
(Speech No. 5)

Competition "Dwellers of cities".
Host: The last competition of our spring evening is dedicated to city dwellers. A Muscovite lives in Moscow, a Kursk woman in Kursk, and a Parisian woman in Paris. So, "City dwellers". I name each team a city, and its members - a resident. It will be fun for everyone! If the members of one of the teams give the wrong answer, then the question is passed on to the guys who know how to correctly name a resident of this or that city. Those who wish to bring a point to their team raise their hand!

Eagle - Orlovchanka;
Tomsk - Tomsk;
Kryvyi Rih - Kryvyi Rih;
Rylsk is a fishmonger;
Vitebsk - Vitebsk;
Yekateringburg - Yekaterinburg woman;
Myshkin is a little mouse;
Murmansk - Murmansk;
Astrakhan - Astrakhanka;
Kazan is a resident of Kazan;
Sochi is a sock;
Izhevsk - Izhevsk woman;
Saratov is a Saratov woman;
Naberezhnye Chelny - shuttle;
Bryansk - Bryansk;
Saransk is a locust.
Many vivid impressions
A sea of ​​different incarnations
A lot of joy and light
This number will give you!
(Speech No. 6)

By calculating the points, the host determines the winning team. The final part is rewarding all team members.
A thin snowdrop will wake up
Tired of cold and sleep
And touches everyone's heart
Spring with its breath!
And with the rebirth of nature
A holiday rushes to us on the wings,
It is not simple, international!
Congratulate grandmothers and mothers,
Congratulate the naughty girls
That will bloom very soon!
The day comes with a drop of a bell.
March 8 is very much awaited!

March 8. Scripts. Contests. Ideas for conducting

On March 8 at school, the boys, of course, must first of all congratulate the female teachers. But also do not forget about the pretty peers, who on this day are all especially beautiful and attractive. Therefore, they must show all their skill of courting and gallantry in the preparation and conduct of the 8 March holiday within the walls of the school.

This holiday can be held as a party in the style of a knight's tournament with competitions, contests, games, poems, jokes; as a party in the form of a series of contests for girls, where "Miss March 8" will be chosen as a result.

It is advisable to start the holiday with congratulations and giving gifts. But this ceremony should not be too solemn. And gifts should not be too expensive, it is better if they are souvenirs.

Contest "Women's logic in practice"

The presenter of the holiday names the items, and the participants in the competition must choose the unnecessary one and justify their choice.

- Wine glasses, glasses, plates. (An unnecessary item is the plates, since the wine glasses and glasses are made of glass.)

- Viscose, cotton, polyethylene. (The excess is polyethylene, since, unlike it, viscose and cotton are natural fibers.)

- Iron, coffee maker, blender. (Extra - iron, as other items are used in the kitchen.)

- Seasoning, soda, salt. (The excess is soda, since it is not put in the soup.)

- Cross, smooth, zigzag. (The extra one is a zigzag, since it does not belong to the embroidery area.)

Contest "Do not be trapped"

The presenter talks about a non-standard situation, and the participants of the competition must find the right way out of it so as not to get into a mess.

1. You have been invited to visit. You prepared thoroughly, bought a new outfit, but in the end, when you were visiting, you saw that the hostess was wearing the same dress.

2. You met an interesting guy, told your friend about him, but when you came to visit her, you saw his photo on her table.

3. Before going to the theater, you went to the hairdresser's, where your hair was messed up. About an hour before the start of the performance.

4. You spent a long time in the kitchen, preparing a birthday cake for your mother. On the 8th day, Martha accidentally dropped it on the floor.

5. You put on a knitted dress for a business meeting. When talking with a business partner, you noticed that a passerby accidentally hooked your dress on with a bag and the further he moves away, the more it opens up. And the important conversation is not over yet.

6. You came home, and a stranger is sitting at your computer.

The winners can be identified several in different nominations: "The most resourceful", "The most cheerful", "The most artistic".

Scenario for March 8 for high school students

Costume performance "Merry Hussars" (for high school students)

Outside the doors, commands are heard: “Squadron! Weapon for battle! Trotting march !!! " The hussars with sabers "enter" the room and make a circle on the stage.

- Squadron! Stand! Sabers in the scabbard!

- Dear hussars! Don't you think that someone is missing here?

- Right. There is no common enemy here to attack.

- It's good! Means, only friends are present!

- And there is still not enough Lieutenant Rzhevsky!

- And this is bad, because you yourself will have to joke and pun.

- O! want me to tell you a great joke about a straw!

- Oh, don't, Lieutenant Rzhevsky has already told it!

- Maybe then a joke about ...

- No, it's late. This is no longer fashionable.

- What is left for us?

- Maybe sing.

- That's right, Rzhevsky didn't sing anything.

- So let's sing, gentlemen hussars!

Young people stand in a row and sing in chorus.

We want to sing.

It's not sinful!

In us, in everyone, slumbers

Kolya Baskov ...

A long time ago, a long time ago!

Happy Holidays in full

on the calendar.

But we know one thing for sure:

A long time ago, a long time ago!

We fell in love with wondrous beauties

And now we sing about love,

They have already achieved warmth from them,

And let's go for bold deeds.

We tried to bake a cake for you,

But it burned out! Yes, this is not surprising.

Without you, we would definitely have emaciated ...

A long time ago, a long time ago!

In the struggle for a harvest in the country

We will be with you

we will be at the same time with you!

We do not forget to saw, weed

A long time ago, a long time ago!

We will bring you bags from the market,

After all, we are not a weak, not a weak link!

We pump muscles in the gym ...

A long time ago, a long time ago!

The hussars tried, sang,

And the treats on the table won't wait

And it's time for our girls


A long time ago, a long time ago

a long time ago!!!

The 8th of March holiday should be celebrated in all grades of the school. For the middle management (grades 6-8), you can hold a holiday in the form of a competition called "For the cute and beautiful."

March 8 scenario for grades 6, 7, 8

Characters: two girls-presenters, two teams of high school boys, members of the jury.

A set of necessary things. Girls need to have long hair so that they can be braided. If there are none or there are not many of them, then you can use dolls. The presenters wear dresses of different colors, depending on this, the teams are called. For example, "blue" and "green". Participants are given emblems of the corresponding colors.

In addition, for contests, 2 tables each, dolls and clothes for them, stopwatches, abacus, oranges, products for preparing salads (vegetables, fruits, etc.) will be useful. As well as small dishes, aprons, napkins, sewing items, material, buttons, scissors.

Before the start of the holiday, it is advisable to prepare. Participants in the contests must write short poems on the topic of March 8 in advance, or look for them in special literature and memorize them. In addition, they should prepare small bouquets of flowers in advance and come up with an original but beautiful name for them. For example, by the name of the girl - Veronica, Angelina, etc.

The holiday is best spent in the assembly hall, which can accommodate a sufficient number of spectators and has a spacious stage.

Two tables are set on the stage with all the items prepared for the holiday in advance.

First presenter... Congratulations to all girls, girls, women present on International Women's Day on March 8.

Second leading... Today is a wonderful day and a great occasion for congratulations and gifts. Today our young men will demonstrate their best qualities to you, and you will appreciate their efforts - support them in the competition.

First presenter... All the young men are good today, but only one team will be the winner, we ask you to warmly root for it and not criticize those who do not do the job well. Perhaps they can be easily corrected in other contests.

Second leading... So, we invite both teams to the stage: blue and green.

Both teams enter the stage with their respective emblems.

First presenter... Let's think of more interesting and beautiful names for them. After all, March 8 is, first of all, a holiday of beauty.

Second presenter. All girls love multi-colored stones in rings, pendants, earrings. So let the green team be called Emerald and the blue team Turquoise.

First presenter... Well, let's welcome the teams "Emerald" and "Turquoise", which today will compete for the title of "The most gallant gentlemen".

Second presenter.(Addressing those sitting in the hall). A strict jury will evaluate their efforts. These are 11th grade students Anastasia, Maria, Elena.

In the first row there are 3 seats, specially decorated in advance with balloons, with signs "Honorary and Fair Jury" attached to the backs. The girls get up in turn and turn to the audience for the purpose of getting to know each other.

First presenter. So, the first competition is “Podium”. Imagine a wardrobe with women's clothing. You will name items of women's wardrobe, and we will use accounts to calculate who is more advanced in the knowledge of women's lingerie.

Second leading... In my opinion, this is too simple a task. Our young men will easily cope with it.

First presenter... And, in my opinion, they know nothing but a skirt and a fur coat. So let's ask them.

Second leading... So, I name the skirt and count one bone for the Emerald team.

First presenter... And I call a fur coat and also count one bone in the accounts for the Turquoise team. And then we are waiting for the teams' proposals.

The teams take turns naming the women's clothing in turn and who is more. The jury evaluates the results of the first competition.

Second competition "Golden Hands"

Second leading... Have one representative from each team approach the tables. They must do a job that is feasible (in our opinion) only for girls. Perhaps you will prove the opposite, but for this you need to sew a hole in the fabric, sew on a button, put a patch.

First presenter. I will tell you that you first need to insert the thread into the needle. All the necessary items are in front of you on the table. Your time is 15 minutes. The winner is the team whose representative will cope with their task better.

Second leading... In the meantime, we will listen to the opinion of our jury on the "Podium" competition.

The jury will voice their opinion in favor of one of the teams. The assessment is carried out according to the point system.

First presenter... While our masters are carefully working with a needle, we will hold another competition "Large family". Each of you will get married and have children sometime. Imagine that you find yourself in a situation where your wife asked you to look after the children for a while and went on a business trip.

Second leading... And your main concern is to look after the children, that is, to bathe, feed, walk with them, play, put them to bed. Therefore, now you should try to cope with such tasks. Have one person from the team come to the table and dress the naked doll in undershirts and sliders. The one who completes the task faster will win.

First presenter. So, at my command, we turn on the stopwatch, and you start to act.

For fun, you can turn on funny music and connect audience members for support.

Second leading... Well, you dressed the baby. Now put him to bed. And for this you need to sing a lullaby. Take the doll in your arms, gently lull her to sleep. I give you ten seconds to focus and remember the melody and the words to the lullaby you want to sing.

The players sing a lullaby to the doll in turn, and the jury evaluates the results of this and the previous Golden Hands competition.

First presenter... Well, our young men are quite successfully coping with the assigned tasks. But now the tasks will be more difficult. It is not by chance that we have been chosen to be the hosts of today's competition, since we have long hair. And now the young men will be in the role of hairdressers, they must braid our braids, competing at the same time for time and quality.

The presenters sit on chairs, handing the participants in the competition with a comb. On command, players from each team braid their braids.

Second leading... Now let the jury judge how beautiful our hairstyles are.

First presenter... Something I felt a little sad.

The presenter pretends to look sad and hums sadly.

If the Volga overflows,

It is difficult to swim across the Volga.

If the darling doesn't laugh

It's hard to love a sweetheart.

Second leading... And if the sweetheart does not laugh, she needs to be amused. And this is the task of our young men. Let them work on our mood. After all, a woman's share is not always a fun thing. We are a lot nervous, sad, tired. And today, in search of laughter and smiles, you can rely on boys. Let's start with the simplest. The teams were given homework in advance, and now we will check them. The first task is to compose a bouquet of flowers and give it a name.

Teams are given to the presenters by a bouquet of flowers, to which the names of each of them are attached on paper. Participants explain why they named their bouquet that way. The jury evaluates the results.

First presenter... Checking the next task - writing a poem with congratulations on Women's Day.

Representatives from each of the teams recite poetry.

Second leading... And finally, the last task: the teams must show us a reenactment of any song dedicated to women.

First presenter... Well, the mood immediately lifted after the fun contests. I see our young men are trying very hard, and so far they are doing well. Let's see what will happen next. Have 2 people from the team go to the center of the stage and demonstrate to us a set of exercises that helps to maintain a slim figure.

While the participants are preparing, the jury announces the results of previous competitions and names the team that is leading.

Second leading... So, our young men amused us: music, poetry and flowers - it's all beautiful. However, there is another good way to cheer up everyone present here.

First presenter. And what is it?

Second leading... This is one little trick that all women know: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And since the role of housewives today was taken by the young men, we will ask them to show their culinary abilities. So, the culinary competition.

First presenter... Have participants come to the tables one at a time and peel an orange each. Whoever is faster will win the competition.

The presenters turn on the stopwatches, and the Santa show jumping quickly peels the oranges.

Second leading... Another task will be more difficult. Blindfolded participants should cut vegetables and fruits into a salad. The time is not limited. The main thing is that it is tasty.

Contestants are blindfolded. They feel by touch what kind of vegetable or fruit they are going to cut. Fun music turns on, spectator support is allowed.

First presenter... Let our esteemed jury taste the prepared salads and evaluate their quality, beauty and taste. In the meantime, we will evaluate the skill of amateur performances that the teams "Izumrud" and "Turquoise" have prepared for us.

The teams take turns showing the numbers. This can be a small production based on fairy tales or stories, a scene, a dance, etc., at the choice of the participants.

Second leading... Well, now our holiday is coming to an end. The floor is given to the members of the jury. Let them characterize our teams, talk about the pros and cons of their performances, and determine the winner.

The jury will award the winners.

\ School holiday scenarios

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner - MANDATORY !!!

Scenario for March 8 at school: "Woman. Spring. Love."

In the decoration of the stage for the holiday on March 8, you can use colorful posters and colorful balloons, with the help of which a large number 8 is formed.

A fragment of the overture from I. Kalman's operetta "Silva" is played.

Leading: Today is a holiday at our school. And we named it “March 8 - Woman. Spring. Love".

Choir (performs a song from the movie "Spring", music by I. Dunaevsky):

The streams murmur, the rays dazzle And the ice melts, and the heart melts. And even a tree stump on a spring day dreams of becoming a birch tree again. The cheerful bumblebee is buzzing with spring alarm. The perky, cheerful starlings are shouting. The starlings are shouting at all ends: “Spring is coming! Spring road! "

Leading: Spring! And the first spring holiday March 8 - a holiday of lovely ladies, sorceresses, enchantresses, to whom men at all times sang or dedicated serenades.

Exit-dance of men to music from I. Kalman's operetta “Silva”: “You can't live without women! No! .. ”(in ceremonial clothes, a top hat on his head, in one hand - a heart with the name of the girl - the participant of the competition, in the other hand - a flower with the name of the mother - the participant of the competition, on the boys' suits there are also emblems with the name. If the names are the same, then the class number and letter are put).

I am ready to follow you, And the ill fame will not bother you at all ... But where would I get my own heads, To “lose” them left and right ?! I confess - I will not lie, I tell you the truth: As soon as I see Julia, I feel in my heart, I burn! How to say I want to Paradise, To her, moving my shoulder, About the weather, about football, And you never know about what ?! Olga is there - the soul will rise, Olga is not - a dull look! .. I am drawn to Olga by the Sensitive magnet! Everything with Katya is very handy, I don't need anyone else. Katya: And in essence and by the way, it's better to find Katya. I look at everything like an icon, I don’t take the eyes of lovers ... Dasha, Dasha, Dasha! I love you. You are God's gift, beautiful goddess, mistress of my soul and heart! I kneel before you, I get up, blazing and trembling. All the men kneel down.


There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give flowers to women!

The music of I. Kalman sounds, men give the ladies - participants of the competition “hearts” and flowers, which are pinned on their breasts - for the convenience of communication.

Leading: Serenades to the ladies are sung. The word, signorites, is yours. But before announcing the first competition, I will introduce the jury (the jury is presenting) and participants in the competition program: mothers, daughters and their fans (dads, brothers, boys from the class can participate).

So, the first competition - "Mothers are dancing!".

This task can be prepared with the mothers in advance, and only beaten at the holiday. The assistants bring out a stand on which a bouquet is made of flowers.

Before you is a magical bouquet, it contains as many flowers as there are participants in the competition, and on the flower is the name of the dance that the contestant must perform. I invite moms to choose a flower, and therefore a dance. (After the so-called drawing of lots, the assistants take away the stand.) Behind the scenes, dear mothers, a surprise awaits you (costumes).

The moms leave.(The criteria for this competition: the ability to move to the music according to the rhythm and character of the dance.)

Leading: While the mothers are preparing for the dance program, we have the next competition. And it is called "My years are growing - I will also be a mother." I invite our young ladies to take part in this competition.

Girls come out.

Leading: Here are your favorite girlfriend toys - dolls and their outfits. Assignment: dress the doll. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. When the doll is dressed, lift it up so that everyone can see that you have completed the task. So please.

The girls are doing the task.

Leading: The jury is asked to rate the work of the girls. And we return to the first competition. Let's support our mothers with applause.

The presenter announces the performers one by one, mothers perform dances. At our holiday it looked like this: "Kalinka" - Russian dance (performed by one mother), "Tumblers" (two mothers), "In new rhythms" (mother and daughter), "Chunga-Changa" (mother and daughter) , "Lambada" (mother and daughter), "Ducklings' dance" (mother and class where her daughter studies).

The dance competition program is over, the jury is summing up the results. And we have the third competition - “Sewing Experts”. I again invite our girls and ask them questions. For each answer - 1 point. The speed and correctness are taken into account. Signal cards to help you. Who knows the answer - raises the signal card.

A steel spout, A linen tail, It passes through the canvas, He finds an end for himself.

(Needle and thread)

On the river back and forth Walking, wandering the steamer. Stop - grief! Make holes in the sea!



I dance around the room with my work, The more I spin, the more I get fat.


I am sitting on horseback, I do not know on whom, I will meet a friend - I will jump off, I will welcome.

(A cap)

If I put it on, it will bring it down with a rim, Soyma will fall down with a snake, It does not give heat, And it’s cold without it.


The little ones hid in shaggy sacks: Four together, one on a pole.


Writhing with a cat, Stretching - with a path.


No arms, no legs, skipping under the bench.


Two ends, two rings, In the middle of the carnations.


Leading: Well done! I ask the jury to sum up the results of the three competitions.

The jury will announce the results.

Party host: The next competition of our congratulatory program for the holiday on March 8, called "My mom can do anything." Mothers are invited to act as a hairdresser and make-up artist, and daughters - as fashion models. The originality of the work performed, the originality of the name and presentation of the image are taken into account. Everything you need for the competition is prepared on the tables. Good luck to you!

And we have the fifth competition. And men will participate in it. I ask you to the barrier!

The assistants bring out a stand with bows, the number of which corresponds to the number of participants.

Your task is to show the girls how you can iron the ribbon without an iron. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. (The guys must take the bow, untie it and roll it up.) Attention, start!

Holiday show host: Before we announce the next competition of our holiday on March 8, I will tell you one secret: boys also love to play with dolls, but they are shy and hide it. Many of the. they do not have dolls, but they are such masters of invention that they invent them themselves. And the next competition will be like this: in front of you is an inflatable ball, a spool of thread, a marker, a bow. Try to create a doll. Ready? Go for it!

The jury sums up the results of the previous and this competition, the assistants attach ready-made dolls on the stage. The men take their places.

Leading: Attention! Are mothers and daughters ready? (If you are not ready, you can invite the audience to watch the creative process accompanied by instrumental music.) We return to the fourth competition, dedicated to the celebration of March 8 where mothers act as hairdressers and make-up artists, and daughters act as fashion models. I ask the gentlemen to accompany our models to the stage.

"Polonaise" by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Swan Lake". The boys get up, bow to the girls, the girls get up and curtsy, then the boys give the girls their hand, the girls put their hand on top. To the sounds of a polonaise, in turn at a distance, couples solemnly walk along the carpet to the stage.

Concert host: The word to you young ladies.

(There is a sequential presentation of the performed image of the contestants, and the jury takes into account the originality of the presentation, make-up, hairstyle. At our holiday, the following were created: "Spring drops", "Charm", "Butterfly", "Fountain." the author's song, which my mother sang to the accompaniment of a guitar, and her daughter - a pantomime.)

Leading: The jury will have to decide a difficult question, who to give preference to in this competition, and sum up the results of the entire program. And for you "Waltz" performed by a dance group.

So, the jury announces the results of our competition program.

Fanfare sounds. The jury announces its decision. Awarding of all participants in the competition programon March 8 ... At our holiday, we awarded the participants with souvenirs made by the children themselves: flowers for mothers and girls, and souvenir aprons were presented to men, which will remind them that women need to be helped not onlyon the 8th of March .)

Party host: Charming, attractive, charming, infinitely gentle, happy holiday! May people and flowers smile at you on this day with spring rays. And may Love, health, happiness and dreams always go through life with you.

Before and after the program, it is desirable that songs about spring, women, love or romantic instrumental music sound in the school hall. During the preparation of the fourth competition, you can perform a song.


Sl. Kukso, music. L. Afanasyeva

I can catch a falling star, Sing songs with a guitar ... And in no case can you call me Mama's daughter. Chorus: I can’t imagine living a day without friends, Without them I’m like no hands, I confess frankly. I have a lot of good friends, But my best friend is my mother. Like two drops, we are alike with her, And when we leave the yard, I know, passers-by often think that she is my older sister. Chorus.

Joy and sadness I am in a hurry to share with her again and again, Because a daughter for every mother is Faith, and hope, and love. Chorus.

Do not harm a person of good will! You can't look without tears!

Scenario for March 8 at school: "WOMAN. SPRING. LOVE"

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Organization and holding of a holiday at school

Day of March 8 is that special day when the presence of spring warmth and sincere joy is felt everywhere. On this day, it is customary to congratulate the beautiful half of our school country: girls and all women in the school.

Meet, delight and surprise!

Every year the children are faced with the question: "How to make sure that teachers - women remember this day for a long time?"
Boys and girls know how to please and surprise! For one year, the teachers were greeted by boys with a button accordion and other musical instruments and sang loudly: "We wish you happiness!" Last year, cute teachers were greeted by "Italians-cooks" in snow-white hats, who sang in Italian and treated the teachers with fruit. Our school ladies also know how to walk beautifully along the red carpet with applause and a solemn march.

All the surprises are prepared by the older children, and the kids, during the congratulations, line up next to each other and learn to be gallant and attentive.
This year we decided that every woman in our school was awarded a flower order. For two weeks after school, work was in full swing. Thanks to the PEDKOPILKI master classes, I had my own master class, according to which flowers were made for teachers.

On the day of the holiday at 8.00, funny songs were already sounded in the foyer, and smart children met the teachers and presented them with flower orders. One point should be noted that the colors of the orders were varied and the teacher could choose a flower to match his outfit.
On this day, teachers were united by spring mood, smiles and bright floral orders!

And here is the proof of how the floral order adorned my outfit!

Decoration of the festive hall, classrooms

In the evening, parents came with bouquets of balloons, flowers and children with congratulatory wall newspapers to decorate their office for the holiday. The boys wanted to surprise the girls of their class. What was my surprise when I saw the 5th grade boys kneeling in the recreation. Yes, I did not notice the video camera in the hands of the student! The boys were finishing the video shooting of the film, where there was a place for "apologies" and "declarations of love" to their classmates!
I always root for the assembly hall with my heart and soul. To decorate the hall I use banners: beautiful and durable! We complement the banner with balloons, greenery, flowers and the festive stage is ready for the performance!

The school walls were decorated with flowers made from ceiling tiles.

There is a large wall-mounted TV in the assembly hall. The boys have the opportunity to show musical congratulations to the girls during breaks.

Festive concert

All classes are invited to prepare art numbers in a month. A week before the holiday, a concert program is drawn up at the request of the classes. What if there are prepared numbers, but the time frame does not allow them to be included in the concert program? There is always a way! The guys can perform at breaks and please the teachers with their art numbers.

The host of the festive concert, Yegor (the fairy-tale character Ole Lukkoye), received requests for dreams from female teachers by phone.
Concert numbers prepared by children of different classes were funny, musical, festive, creative and friendly:

The success of the holiday lay in a great desire to please the lovely school women. By the kind smiles of the teachers, we realized that everything turned out great for us!
The holiday is over and we are already preparing for new events!

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