Home Perennial flowers How does a person negatively affect the environment. Types of human impact on nature. Negative and conflicting factors

How does a person negatively affect the environment. Types of human impact on nature. Negative and conflicting factors

With the emergence of life on earth, the spread of living beings, a change in the relief, one can observe the influence of man and nature on each other. It is worth noting that in ancient times this influence was not so significant, because the world around was a kind of helper, a way of survival for ancient people. With the development of intelligence, civilization, the pressure on the environment gradually increased. And today it has reached such a point that a person looks with apprehension at his future.

Famous Kazakh writer Olzhasa Suleimenova there is a poem "Earth, bow to man!" It should be admitted that the earth, unable to withstand many years of struggle, has long been at the feet of man.

Nevertheless, it is unfair to say that there is only a negative impact on nature, a considerable number of positive aspects.

The positive influence of man on nature

  • For the protection and preservation of natural resources, for over a century, nature reserves and sanctuaries... By prohibiting any human activity in such areas of the territory, states are able to carry through time the original views and landscapes created by nature. So, on the territory of the Caucasian Reserve of the Russian Federation there are mountains Elbrus and Kazbek, on the slopes of which there is snow all the time. And the Valley of Geysers in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve is truly an amazing sight.
  • Intensive creation and use of irrigation systems... What systems are these? Irrigation is a set of activities that allows you to deliver water to the arid regions of our planet. The simplest example of irrigation is the watering of the garden beds and summer cottages. But if we talk about large volumes of land in need of watering, today a number of technical structures have been invented, striking in their architecture.
  • Useful human activities include invention of powerful cleaning structures for the retention of organic and mineral waste. They are widely used in industry, sewerage facilities, production stations.
  • Optimal use of agricultural land belong to the important tasks of environmental management today. Rational and efficient use of land includes a number of measures that can prevent depletion and pollution of the soil; preserve and improve useful qualities and properties.

The negative impact of humanity

  • Air pollution toxic substances, the main source of which is industrial enterprises and automobiles. Due to the release of industrial waste into the atmosphere, such as carbon and nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, the living shell of the Earth suffers, including man himself. About four million people die from the polluted atmosphere every year.
  • Sometimes trying to help, humanity does a lot of harm. An example of such assistance is fertilization of the soil... So, there is a possibility that due to the use of potash and phosphorus fertilizers in the soil, the concentration of radioactive substances increases significantly. The accumulation and lack of proper processing of household waste also destroys the soil cover. The surface layer of the earth suffers from industrial waste, toxic emissions into the atmosphere, and oil products. Such human activity leads to the fact that the soil loses its ability to self-purify from harmful microorganisms and becomes the source of many diseases.
  • The hydrosphere, like other shells of the Earth, suffers primarily due to discharge of industrial and agricultural wastewater... Particular attention should be paid to the pollution of the oceans during the extraction and processing of oil. Photos of satellites say that a third of the water surface is covered with an oil film, which disrupts its interaction with the atmosphere, and disruptions occur in the water cycle in nature. The globe is almost 70% covered with water, but according to research, only 1% is fit for human consumption.
  • Poaching, illegal hunting, fishing... By destroying and shooting off common or disappearing representatives of the fauna, poachers cause the ecological imbalance of individual regions. The restoration of the number of animals is much slower than their destruction. Large-scale fishing with nets can only be explained by the desire for profit. The use of fishing forts and electric fishing rods leads to the devastation of reservoirs, which is fraught with consequences for the biosphere.
  • The negative effects on the flora and fauna include deforestation... When exposed to direct sunlight, shade-loving plants wither. The herbaceous and shrub layers of flora change due to changes in external conditions, some even disappear. In addition, mass hikes of tourists, trampling and compaction of the soil turn out to be a bad side for the vegetation cover.

Time to take stock

The future of humanity directly depends on the state of nature. The preservation of the natural balance is necessary, first of all, for a full-fledged human existence. Environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources are the most urgent measures today.

Many countries support environmental policy through the development of special laws and bodies to protect the environment. For example, the UN system has created a UNEP program that brings together all countries and is designed to protect nature at the system-wide level. In solving these problems, education of the population, decent education and training of qualified specialists in the field of ecology play an important role.

Human influence on nature is the result of his interaction with the environment, which can be both positive and negative.

The interaction of society with nature cannot be only positive or only negative. We are all well aware of the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Therefore, in more detail we will consider precisely the positive influence of society on nature.

The positive influence of man on nature

  1. Creation of nature reserves and sanctuaries started a long time ago. However, today the world organizations for the protection of animals are more actively solving the problem of the extinction of various species of animals and birds. Rare animal species are included in the Red Book. Many laws prohibiting poaching and hunting protect animals in many countries.
  2. Due to the growth of the world's population, mankind needs to provide itself with a large amount of consumed resources. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the expansion of agricultural land. But it is impossible to plow the entire Earth for agricultural work. Therefore, people came up with a positive solution to this problem - intensification of agriculture, as well as more rational and efficient use of farmland... For this, new plant varieties have been bred, which have a high level of productivity.
  3. The consumption of the Earth's energy resources is growing tenfold every year due to the intensified modernization of the modern world. Man takes virtually all resources from nature. However, they also have their limits. And here the activities of the society began to be directed in a positive direction. Humanity is trying to create a replacement for natural sources of resources, improving methods of mining, so as not to destroy the natural environment of deposits. Fossils have become more economically consumed and used only strictly for their intended purpose. Today, society is creating new ways of producing energy from wind, sun and water tides.
  4. Due to the huge amount of industrial waste emissions into the environment, powerful self-cleaning structures began to be created that recycle waste from factories and plants, leaving no room for all harmful emissions to remain and decompose.

The negative impact of man on nature

  1. Environmental pollution by production waste products.
  2. Poaching, hunting, catching immature fish species. As a result, certain species of fauna do not have time to replenish, and the extinction or complete disappearance of animals is observed.
  3. Devastation of the Earth's resources. Humanity draws all resources from the bowels of the Earth, therefore natural sources are depleted. Population growth is observed every year, and humanity needs more resources.


Today's task of humanity is to preserve the natural balance on Earth for further positive interaction with nature.

Man is a part of nature, therefore he affects the world around him, and the world around him, in turn, has a direct impact on each of us. In fact, this influence can be both positive and negative. But, unfortunately, most often people only harm nature, and she tends to respond in kind to us. Let's take a closer look at what is the negative influence of man on nature and the environment on man.

The negative impact of man on nature

Nature suffers terribly from human activities. People are actively depleting its resources, polluting the planet and destroying many species of plants and animals. In recent years, scientific and technological progress has been constantly accelerating, and anthropogenic influence is characterized by a catastrophic level.

Unfortunately, nature, although it can restore itself, but its capabilities in this regard are limited. Man is actively depleting the bowels of the planet, mining minerals for many years. This practice becomes the reason for the almost catastrophic depletion of the Earth's internal reserves, which are represented by reserves of oil, coal and natural gas.

People actively litter the planet - especially water bodies and the atmosphere. In many countries, waste disposal methods are not used at all, and the awareness of the population in this matter is at an extremely low level. Landfills occupy a huge area, and their size is increasing every year.

Air pollution is causing the greenhouse effect, global warming and other serious problems.

Man destroys the plant resources of the planet. A hundred or two hundred years ago, forests covered about fifty percent of the land, and today their number has almost halved. And forests are not only natural resources. They are the "lungs" of the planet, as they are responsible for the synthesis of oxygen. In addition, such plantings are a habitat for many species of animals, as well as plants.

The uncontrolled change and destruction of the natural landscape, which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, leads to the extinction of many species of animals, as well as plants. Species diversity on the planet is decreasing every year, and it is almost impossible to stop this process.

Improper use of fertile soils leads to their depletion, which over time can make it difficult to use such areas for growing food.

The negative impact of the environment on humans

Medical experts say that nearly eighty-five percent of all diseases diagnosed in humans are associated with adverse environmental influences. The health of the population is catastrophically deteriorating, every year there are more and more new ailments that are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Many diseases and pathological conditions arise from the constant inhalation of contaminated substances. Harmful emissions of enterprises into the atmosphere cause the contact with the skin and mucous membranes of various aggressive substances, represented by carbon monoxide, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, lead compounds, etc. All these particles are harmful to health. primarily irritates the respiratory tract, causing asthma, causing a general deterioration in health. Living in areas with dangerous enterprises, people often face headaches, nausea, a feeling of weakness, and their performance is significantly reduced. There is also evidence that air pollution can provoke the development of cancer.

Drinking water also has a negative effect on the health of an individual. After all, a variety of diseases are transmitted through polluted water bodies. Scientists argue that the consumption of insufficient quality water leads to the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, ailments of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, as well as the digestive tract.

The harm that humans do to the environment leads to climate change. Here, at least, the weakening and some change in the direction of the warm current of the Gulf Stream, occurring due to the melting of ice and leading to an increase in the number of tornadoes. It is also worth recalling the decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere ... But such negative climatic conditions can cause not only a change in the weather, but also the most real, including quite serious diseases, for example, due to skin burns under the influence of sunlight. Also, health disorders can be provoked by the effects of magnetic storms, sharp fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

In fact, the negative impact of the environment on humans and the human impact on the environment are closely related. After all, bringing constant harm to nature, people have long begun to notice that she responds in kind. But, unfortunately, it will take a lot of time to reduce this negative impact.

Positive and negative human impact on the environment

Humanity has a huge impact on the environment. And not always positive. Rapidly developing enterprises first of all care about making a profit and practically do not think about the environment. This negative human impact on the environment and consumer attitudes have led to the depletion of many natural resources and the deterioration of the state of our planet.

The beginning of the negative impact

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, at the initial stages of the development of technological progress, a lot of efforts were made to improve all areas of life. But was this a positive human impact on the environment? On the one hand, all possible consequences were calculated and attempts were made to minimize the negative impact on nature. On the other hand, new territories were cleared at a high speed, cities expanded, factories were built, kilometers of roads were laid, swamps and reservoirs were drained, the first hydroelectric power stations were built. People have found new efficient methods of mining. This human impact on the environment does not go unnoticed and must be reviewed. Waste of natural resources can lead to imminent environmental disaster.

A no less depressing picture can be observed in agriculture. Our ancestors had a more careful attitude towards the fertile nurse-land. The soil was cultivated according to the relevant agricultural rules. The fields were allowed to rest and were generously fertilized during the dormant period. But over time, big changes have taken place in agriculture. A fairly large percentage of the land has been plowed under the fields. The problem of food shortages has not been resolved in this way, but such human impact on the environment has already led to negative ecological shifts. Without taking any measures and without reconsidering their actions, humanity runs the risk of being left with depleted, unsuitable for farming lands.
Another factor that has the worst effect on the state of the environment is the not always justified use of herbicides and a large amount of fertilizers. Such actions can lead to the fact that products grown in this way gradually turn into unusable and dangerous for consumption. And the soil and groundwater will also be poisoned.

Fortunately, humanity has increasingly begun to think about the emerging environmental problems. Scientists around the world are looking for ways to wisely use valuable natural resources. The best minds work to ensure that the human impact on the environment is not so destructive. Reserves and reserves are increasingly being created to preserve endangered rare species of animals and birds. This significantly improves the overall picture of the ecological situation on the blue planet. The human impact on the environment is undoubtedly enormous. And as sad as it is to admit, but more often it is negative. So it is worth trying for absolutely all people who live on Earth to leave our planet with pristine beauty, which could please more than one generation of people.

The influence of man on nature, the influence of society on nature

Human influence on nature is the result of his interaction with the environment, which can be both positive and negative.

The interaction of society with nature cannot be only positive or only negative.

We are all well aware of the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Therefore, in more detail we will consider precisely the positive influence of society on nature.

  1. Creation of nature reserves and sanctuaries started a long time ago. However, today the world organizations for the protection of animals are more actively solving the problem of the extinction of various species of animals and birds. Rare animal species are included in the Red Book.

    Many laws prohibiting poaching and hunting protect animals in many countries.

  2. Due to the growth of the world's population, mankind needs to provide itself with a large amount of consumed resources. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the expansion of agricultural land.

    But it is impossible to plow the entire Earth for agricultural work. Therefore, people came up with a positive solution to this problem - intensification of agriculture, as well as more rational and efficient use of farmland... For this, new plant varieties have been bred, which have a high level of productivity.

  3. The consumption of the Earth's energy resources is growing tenfold every year due to the intensified modernization of the modern world. Man takes virtually all resources from nature. However, they also have their limits. And here the activities of the society began to be directed in a positive direction.

    Humanity is trying to create a replacement for natural sources of resources, improving methods of mining, so as not to destroy the natural environment of deposits. Fossils have become more economically consumed and used only strictly for their intended purpose. Today, society is creating new ways of producing energy from wind, sun and water tides.

  4. Due to the huge amount of industrial waste emissions into the environment, powerful self-cleaning structures began to be created that recycle waste from factories and plants, leaving no room for all harmful emissions to remain and decompose.

The negative impact of man on nature

  1. Environmental pollution by production waste products.
  2. Poaching, hunting, catching immature fish species. As a result, certain species of fauna do not have time to replenish, and the extinction or complete disappearance of animals is observed.
  3. Devastation of the Earth's resources. Humanity draws all resources from the bowels of the Earth, therefore natural sources are depleted. Population growth is observed every year, and humanity needs more resources.


Today's task of humanity is to preserve the natural balance on Earth for further positive interaction with nature.

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The answer left the guest

You know many examples of positive and negative consequences of human activity in the biosphere. At present, humanity is faced with global problems, on the solution of which the existence of human society on Earth depends. The food problem arose in connection with the rapid growth of the world's population.

Every year, the world's population is increasing by 2%, that is, about 150 people are born every minute in the world. The population of the Earth needs food.

In this regard, the area of ​​agricultural land is increasing, and primarily arable land. Plowing up of land in individual countries ranges from 1-4 to 30-70%. Currently, agricultural land occupies 10-12% of the land area. The area of ​​agricultural land cannot be increased indefinitely, therefore the main role in solving the food problem belongs to the intensification of agriculture and more efficient use of agricultural land.

An important role in solving this problem is assigned to the breeding of highly productive breeds and varieties. The problem of depletion of natural resources. The consumption of natural resources is growing rapidly.

If in 1913, on average, each inhabitant of our planet had 4.9 tons of various natural resources, in 1940 - 7.4 tons, in 1960 - 14.3 tons, then by 2000 it was

their number will reach 45 tons per person. For its needs, mankind uses 13% of the river flow, about 100 billion tons of minerals are extracted from the earth's depths annually.

News and Society

Human influence on nature. Positive and negative impacts: examples

All of humanity is faced with the most important task - the preservation of the diversity of all organisms living on Earth.

All species (vegetation, animals) are closely interrelated. The destruction of even one of them leads to the disappearance of other species interconnected with it.

Human influence on the nature of the Earth

From the very moment when a person came up with tools and became more or less reasonable, his all-round influence on the nature of the planet began.

The more a person developed, the more influence he had on the Earth's environment. How does a person influence nature? What is positive and what is negative?

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Negative points

There are both pros and cons of human influence on nature. To begin with, consider negative examples of the detrimental human impact on the environment:

  1. Deforestation associated with the construction of highways, etc.
  2. Soil pollution occurs due to the use of fertilizers and chemicals.
  3. A decrease in the number of populations due to the expansion of areas for fields with the help of deforestation (animals, losing their normal habitat, die).
  4. The destruction of plants and animals due to the difficulties of their adaptation to a new life, greatly changed by man, or simply their extermination by people.
  5. Pollution of the atmosphere and water by various industrial wastes and by people themselves.

    For example, in the Pacific Ocean there is a "dead zone" where a huge amount of debris floats.

Examples of human influence on the nature of the ocean and mountains, on the state of fresh water

The change in nature under the influence of man is very significant. The flora and fauna of the Earth are severely affected, water resources are polluted.

Typically, light debris remains on the ocean surface. In this regard, the access of air (oxygen) and light to the inhabitants of these territories is hampered.

Numerous species of living creatures are trying to look for new places for their habitat, which, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

Ocean currents bring in millions of tons of garbage every year.

This is a real disaster.

Deforestation on the mountain slopes also has a negative impact. They become naked, which contributes to the occurrence of erosion, as a result, loosening of the soil occurs. And this leads to devastating collapses.

Pollution occurs not only in the waters of the oceans, but also in fresh water. Thousands of cubic meters of sewage or industrial waste flows into rivers every day.

And groundwater is contaminated with pesticides, chemical fertilizers.

The dire consequences of oil spills, mining

Just one drop of oil makes approximately 25 liters of water unusable. But this is not the worst thing. A rather thin film of oil covers the surface of a huge area of ​​water - about 20 m2 of water.

This is destructive for all living things. All organisms under such a film are doomed to slow death, because it prevents oxygen from entering the water. This is also a direct influence of man on the nature of the Earth.

People extract minerals from the bowels of the Earth, formed over several million years - oil, coal, etc.

Such industrial production, together with cars, emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which leads to a catastrophic decrease in the ozone layer of the atmosphere - the protector of the Earth's surface from the death-carrying ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Over the past 50 years, the air temperature on Earth has increased by only 0.6 degrees. But this is a lot.

This warming will lead to an increase in the temperature of the oceans, which will contribute to the melting of polar glaciers in the Arctic.

Thus, the most global problem arises - the ecosystem of the Earth's poles is being disrupted. Glaciers are the most important and voluminous sources of clean fresh water.

Benefit of people

It should be noted that people bring both certain benefits and considerable ones.

It is necessary from this point of view to note the influence of man on nature.

The positive lies in the activities carried out by people to improve the ecology of the environment.

In many vast territories of the Earth in different countries, protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries and parks are organized - places where everything is preserved in its original form.

This is the most reasonable influence of man on nature, positive. In such protected places, people contribute to the preservation of flora and fauna.

Thanks to their creation, many species of animals and plants have survived on Earth.

Rare and already endangered species must be included in the man-made Red Book, according to which fishing and collection is prohibited.

Also, people create artificial water canals and irrigation systems that help maintain and increase soil fertility.

Planting of diverse vegetation is also carried out on a large scale.

Ways to solve emerging problems in nature

To solve problems, it is necessary and important, first of all, to have an active human influence on nature (positive).

To preserve mineral resources, it is necessary to improve the methods of their extraction (in the bowels of the modern methods of their extraction, 25% of metal ores, more than 50% of oil and about 40% of coal remain in the beds), use them only for their intended purpose.

To solve energy problems, it is necessary to use alternative methods: the energy of the wind and the Sun, the energy of the ebb and flow.

As for biological resources (animals and plants), they should be used (mined) in such a way that individuals in nature always remain in quantities that contribute to the restoration of the previous population size.

It is also necessary to continue work on organizing reserves and planting forests.

Carrying out all these measures to restore and improve the environment is a positive influence of man on nature.

All this is necessary for the benefit of oneself.

After all, the well-being of human life, like all biological organisms, depends on the state of nature. Now all of humanity is faced with the most important problem - the creation of a favorable state and stability of the living environment.

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Impact - the direct impact of human economic activity on the natural environment. All types of impact can be grouped into four types: intentional, unintentional, direct and indirect (indirect).

Deliberate impact occurs in the process of material production in order to meet certain needs of society.

These include: mining, construction of hydraulic structures (reservoirs, irrigation canals, hydroelectric power plants), deforestation to expand agricultural areas and to obtain timber, etc.

Unintentional impact occurs side-by-side with the first type of impact, in particular, open pit mining leads to a decrease in the level of groundwater, to air pollution, to the formation of man-made landforms (quarries, waste heaps, tailing dumps).

The construction of hydroelectric power plants is associated with the formation of artificial reservoirs that affect the environment: they cause an increase in the level of groundwater, change the hydrological regime of rivers, etc. When energy is obtained from traditional sources (coal, oil, gas), pollution of the atmosphere, surface watercourses, groundwater etc.

Both intentional and unintentional impacts can be direct or indirect.

Direct impacts take place in the case of a direct influence of human economic activity on the environment, in particular, irrigation (irrigation) directly affects the soil and changes all processes associated with it.

Indirect influences occur indirectly - through chains of interrelated influences. So, deliberate indirect effects are the use of fertilizers and a direct effect on crop yields, and unintentional ones are the effect of aerosols on the amount of solar radiation (especially in cities), etc.

At the initial stages of the existence of human society, the intensity of the impact of people on the environment did not differ from the impact of other organisms.

Receiving from the environment a livelihood in such an amount that was completely restored due to the natural processes of the biotic cycle, people returned to the biosphere that which was used by other organisms for their life. The universal ability of microorganisms to destroy organic matter, and of plants to convert minerals into organic ones, ensured the inclusion of products of human economic activity into the biotic cycle.

At present, man extracts raw materials from the biosphere in significant and increasing quantities, and modern industry and agriculture produce or use substances that are not only not used by other types of organisms, but often poisonous.

As a result, the biotic circulation becomes open. Water, atmosphere, soil are polluted with industrial waste, forests are cut down, wild animals are destroyed, natural biogeocenoses are destroyed.

According to its consequences, the impact of human society on the environment can be positive and negative.

The latter are especially attracting attention. The main ways of human influence on nature are in the expenditure of natural resources in the form of mineral raw materials, soils, water resources; environmental pollution, extermination of species, destruction of biogeocenoses.

The positive influence of man is expressed in the breeding of new breeds of domestic animals and varieties of agricultural plants, the creation of cultural biogeocenoses, as well as in the development of new strains of beneficial microorganisms as the basis of the microbiological industry, the development of pond fisheries, the introduction of useful species in new habitat conditions.

People themselves are beginning to realize the fatalities of further destruction of nature and are gradually switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Slowly but surely, there is an outflow of residents from the city center to the suburbs and the countryside, since in most large cities the maximum permissible CO (carbon monoxide) rate exceeds the maximum permissible concentration by several times. The number of cottage townships where human influence on nature is minimal is growing. All this suggests that humanity is gradually beginning to move away from the general system of consumption of natural resources and is moving to a system of harmonious development.

The modern oil and gas industry is also in the phase of gradual curtailment, since all the explored oil on Earth will last for a maximum of 50 years.

This is a very short time, even by human standards, so all developed countries have long been investing their capital in the environmentally friendly production of new resources. A fundamentally new approach is to search for renewable fuel sources. An example of this is biofuels, which can be grown in a designated area.

As a result of all this, the influence of man on nature is gradually acquiring a positive character.

The nature of our planet is very diverse and inhabited by unique species of plants, animals, birds and microorganisms. All this diversity is closely interconnected and allows our planet to maintain and maintain a unique balance between different forms of life.

In contact with

Human impact on the surrounding world

From the very first days of man's appearance, he began to influence the environment. And with the invention of more and more new tools of labor, human civilization has increased its impact to a truly enormous scale. And at the present time, several important questions have arisen before humanity: how does a person influence nature? What human actions harm the soil that provides us with our staple foods? What is the human influence on the atmosphere we breathe?

At present, the impact of man on the world around him not only contributes to the development of our civilization, but also often leads to the fact that the appearance of the planet undergoes significant changes: rivers dry up and dry up, forests are cut down, new cities and factories appear in place of the plains, to please mountains are being destroyed by new transport routes.

With the rapid increase in the world's population, mankind needs more and more food, and with the rapid growth of production technologies, the production capacities of our civilization also grow, requiring more and more resources for processing and consumption, the development of more and more territories.

Cities are growing, capturing new lands from nature and displacing their natural inhabitants from there: plants and animals.

This is interesting: in the chest?

Main reasons

The reasons for the negative impact of man on nature are:

All these factors have a significant and sometimes irreversible impact on the world around us. And more and more often the question arises before a person: what are the consequences of such an influence? Will we eventually turn our planet into a waterless desert, unsuitable for existence? How can a person minimize the negative consequences of his influence on the world around him? The contradictory nature of the impact of people on the natural environment in our time is becoming a subject of discussion at the international level.

Negative and conflicting factors

In addition to the obvious positive influence of man on the surrounding nature, there are also significant disadvantages of such interaction:

  1. Destruction of large areas of forests by cutting them down. This influence is primarily associated with the development of the transport industry - a person needs more and more highways. In addition, wood is actively used in the paper industry and other industries.
  2. Wide application of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, it actively contributes to the rapid contamination of the soil.
  3. Widely developed network of industrial production emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water are not only the cause of environmental pollution, but also contribute to the death of entire species of fish, birds and plants.
  4. Rapidly growing cities and industrial centers significantly affect the change in the external living conditions of animals, the reduction of their natural habitat and the reduction of the populations of various species themselves.

Also, one cannot ignore man-made disasters that can cause irreversible damage not just to a particular species of flora or fauna, but to entire regions of the planet. For example, after the famous accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a large region of Ukraine is still uninhabitable. The radiation level in this area exceeds the maximum permissible levels by tens of times.

Also, the leakage of water contaminated with radiation from the reactor of a nuclear power plant in the city of Fukushima could lead to a global environmental disaster. The damage that this heavy contaminated water could cause to the ecological system of the world's oceans would be simply irreparable.

And the construction of conventional hydroelectric power plants causes no less harm to the environment. Indeed, for their construction, it is necessary to erect a dam and flood a large area of ​​adjacent fields and forests. As a result of such human activity, not only the river and the adjacent territories suffer, but also the fauna that lives in these areas.

In addition, many mindlessly throw away garbage, polluting not only the soil, but also the waters of the oceans with their waste. After all, light debris does not sink and remains on the surface of the water. And given that the decomposition period of some types of plastic is more than a dozen years, such floating "islands of mud" significantly complicate the receipt of oxygen and sunlight for sea and river inhabitants. Therefore, entire populations of fish and animals have to migrate in search of new, more habitable territories. And many of them die in the search.

Deforestation on the slopes of the mountains makes them susceptible to erosion, as a result, the soil becomes loose, which can lead to destruction of the mountain range.

And people are negligent about the vital reserves of fresh water - every day they pollute freshwater rivers with sewage and industrial waste.

Of course, the existence of man on the planet brings her considerable benefit. In particular, it is people who carry out activities aimed at improving the ecological situation in the environment... On the territory of many countries, natural reserves, parks and sanctuaries are organized by man, allowing not only to preserve the surrounding nature in its natural primordial form, but also contributing to the preservation and increase of populations of rare and endangered species of animals and birds.

Special laws have been created to protect rare representatives of the nature around us from destruction. There are special services, funds and centers that fight the destruction of animals and birds. Also, specialized associations of ecologists are being created, the task of which is to fight to reduce emissions into the atmosphere that are harmful to the environment.

Security organizations

One of the most well-known conservation organizations is Greenpease is an international organization created to preserve the environment for our descendants. Greenpease employees set several main tasks for themselves:

  1. Combating pollution of the world's oceans.
  2. Substantial limitation of whaling.
  3. Reducing the scale of logging of taiga in Siberia and much more.

With the development of civilization, humanity must look for alternative sources of energy: solar or space, to preserve life on Earth. Also of great importance for the preservation of the nature around us are the construction of new canals and artificial water systems aimed at maintaining soil fertility. And to maintain air purity, many enterprises install specially designed filters to reduce the level of pollution into the atmosphere.

Such reasonable and careful attitude to the world around us unambiguously has only a positive effect on nature.

Every day, the positive influence of man on nature is increasing, and this cannot but affect the ecology of our entire planet. Therefore, the struggle of man for the preservation of rare species of flora and fauna, the preservation of rare species of plants is so important.

Humanity does not have the right by its activities to disrupt the natural balance of nature and lead to the depletion of natural resources. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the extraction of minerals, carefully monitor and take good care of the fresh water reserves on our planet. And it is very important to remember that it is we who are responsible for the world around us and it depends on us how our children and grandchildren will live!

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