Home Perennial flowers How to open a shawarma from scratch. Business: shawarma chain in Petrozavodsk. We hire the necessary staff

How to open a shawarma from scratch. Business: shawarma chain in Petrozavodsk. We hire the necessary staff

Shawarma business is a profitable business: it develops quickly and pays off, has its own regular customers. To open shawarma you will need a minimum of documents and attachments. When developing a business plan, your start-up capital will be indicated by the amount of 247 thousand rubles. The payback of the business is on average 5 months, and may come in 3 months.

Selling shawarma is a profitable business for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have start-up capital, which greatly facilitates the opening. The main product to be sold is the Turkish dish “shawarma”. Its preparation technology is simple, food costs are minimal, and demand is high and stable.

In addition to selling shawarma as a main dish, you can also offer related products: toast with filling, vegetarian shawarma. Many kiosks also offer a hot dog option in pita bread. These products do not require the purchase of additional equipment. Another group of goods is drinks: tea, coffee, juices and a variety of bottled water.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

How to open a shawarma stall from scratch and what is needed for this? The main points that you need to pay attention to: documentation, selection and arrangement of premises, equipment and workers. This is a necessary minimum that you need to think carefully before opening a shawarma.

Stage 1 - execution and preparation of documents

First, registration of a business is required, in this case, as an individual entrepreneur (IE). A business project for the sale of shawarma is suitable for choosing a single tax (the recommended form of taxation), more information can be obtained from the tax service.

After registration of the individual entrepreneur, the lease of the premises is drawn up. The stall is being repaired and supplied with equipment. After that, you need to contact the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station for permits.

List of documents for 2018 required to open a shawarma business:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • enterprise passport and details;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • lease agreement / certificate that you are the owner;
  • permitting certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • medical books for employees;
  • permitting document from the fire department.

To register a shawarma business in Ukraine, you will need the same documents. Additionally, you should obtain permission to locate a commercial facility from the Ministry of Trade (district state administration).

Stage 2 - finding a room

First, you need to determine the location of the point for the sale of shawarma. When choosing a location, rely on the following indicators:

  • passability of the place (the flow of people must be large enough);
  • the target audience;
  • competitors.

With permeability, everything is clear, the more people passing by, the more buyers. The presence of a large number of competitors means that the place is profitable, but it will be difficult to “survive” there. It will be necessary to offer people what others do not have, thereby winning their favor.

Target Audience - Locate the kiosk in the largest gathering of your potential customers. Frequent customers of shawarms are the following groups among the population:

  • pupils;
  • students;
  • representatives of blue-collar occupations (for example, builders, movers, etc.);
  • middle management and other office workers;
  • lovers of fast food and other street food.

Considering factors such as large gatherings of people and the presence of representatives of the target audience, the best locations for the outlet would be:

  • crossroads of large streets;
  • the area next to the school;
  • territory next to technical and higher educational institutions;
  • a place near factories, construction sites and other places with workers;
  • next to office buildings;
  • railway and bus stations;
  • markets;
  • any other place with a large crowd of people.

As for the room itself, it can be a small stall or a mobile kiosk. The advantages of a mobile kiosk are that it is often already equipped with equipment and can be located in different places. The disadvantages include the fact that it is only suitable for the warm season. In cold weather, employees will have to work in poor conditions, in the cold.

A stationary stall can be bought or rented. A small room is suitable. There will need to be renovated before opening.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Before you open the shawarma, the room must be equipped with all the necessary equipment. Both imported and domestic equipment can be purchased for the shawarma. The second will be no worse in quality, but three times cheaper. Another way to cut your costs and save money is to buy used equipment.

Necessary equipment to open the shawarma:

In total, the approximate amount for all equipment will be 92 thousand rubles. This is not a grand total. You can find equipment cheaper than the indicated prices, or, conversely, purchase more expensive ones.

In the course of work, you can purchase additional equipment. This will improve the quality of prepared food and expand the range. For example, you can purchase an industrial vegetable cutter, an apparatus for mixing sauces, and more.

Stage 4 - recruiting

To work in a shawarma stall, two employees or one will be enough. Provided that the owner is in charge of financial and administrative affairs. The number of employees depends on the working hours of the shawarma.

If the work schedule is in shifts, then you will need to hire two employees. If the usual five-day week - one. But the first option is more profitable, in this case the stall can work for 10-12 hours and seven days a week. Consequently, there will be more buyers and good profits.

In a shawarma kiosk, the chef also plays the role of a seller. But if the influx of buyers is too large, then in the future you can put two people in a shift. Then the salesperson will work, who will serve the client and calculate it, as well as the cook.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Promotions can be held shortly before the opening of the kiosk and the first months of operation. There is no need to order advertisements on radio and television, it is expensive and unjustified for the scale of such a business. What you can use to attract buyers:

  • bright sign on the stall;
  • a pillar sign located next to the premises, it is better even with an indication of prices;
  • you can distribute leaflets next to the kiosk, or scatter them in the mailboxes of nearby houses;
  • social media advertising;
  • regular holding of promotions for buyers, for example, to offer a discount on the third shawarma and more.

Financial plan

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur and obtaining all certificates - 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent of premises - about 30 thousand rubles. (may vary depending on the region of Russia, the quality of the premises and other factors).
  3. Equipment - about 92 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of the first batch of products - 10 thousand rubles.
  5. Salary for employees (calculation for 2 people, for the first month) - 30-40 thousand rubles.
  6. Advertising (pavement sign, signboard, leaflets) - 5 thousand rubles.
  7. Additional expenses - 10 thousand rubles.
  8. Reserve amount in case of unforeseen circumstances - 60 thousand rubles.

In total, we get an approximate initial capital of 247 thousand rubles. The number of expenses may end up being either less or more than the specified number.

Potential risks

If you opened your own shawarma business, you, like other entrepreneurs, are not insured against risks. What factors can lead to the fact that you "burn out":

  • low-quality goods are the main trust and health of the buyer;
  • a bad cook - food should not only be fresh, but also deliciously prepared;
  • bad attitude towards the client - a smile will never hurt, even in a shawarma;
  • wrong place;
  • non-competitiveness;
  • overpriced - shawarma, this is food for poor people, this moment must be taken into account.

Video "How to open a shawarma stall"

This video explains how to open your own shawarma business.

Evgeny Girichev

Reading time: 3 minutes


If you are looking for your niche in business, then you should pay attention to the rapidly developing fast food market. After all, a growing number of people prefer a quick bite to a long traditional lunch. One of the areas of fast food, which may be the most attractive for a budding entrepreneur in terms of simplicity and return on investment, is the opening of a shawarma shop.

How to open shawarma, where to start, what difficulties may arise? The organization of this kind of business does not require a person beyond the abilities and significant financial costs. It is enough to have a desire and two hundred fifty or three hundred thousand rubles of initial capital. If you have both, then you just have to decide to open your own business and start trading.

What you need to open a shawarma stall

Before you open a stall for the sale of shawarma, you need to study this type of entrepreneurship. To do this, you do not even need to leave the house. In the virtual network, you can find a lot of information about how to make shawarma, and how shawarma differs from shawarma. And here the main thing is not to get confused in the numerous tips on how to build your business on shawarma.

Search for premises

The best option is to open your own shawarma stall in a busy place. For this type of business, the traffic of people is very important. And it is desirable that it be young people who prefer to eat on the run and at a low cost. Therefore, the best places are considered to be sites near educational institutions, train stations, metro and shopping markets. However, most likely these places have already been taken.

Important! Opening a shawarma trading business is not difficult. It's harder to stay in it. Therefore, you need to immediately tune in to the fight for the client.

The market for fast food in general and shawarma in particular is very competitive. There are many sellers here. Therefore, it is better not to harbor illusions right away, but be very responsible when choosing a place of trade. Of course, if you have secret recipes for making shawarma and think that you cook tastier than competitors, then of course you can put a stall in any place you like.

The client will find you himself. But this is most likely not the case. It will not be possible to greatly increase the client base and at the expense of low prices. After all, by lowering prices, sooner or later, you will start to save on quality, which not only will not help attract new customers, but will also alienate old customers.

Advice! If renting a stall in a crowded place does not work, look for a rental option. It will cost more. But still better than a lonely stall.

For example, renting a space of ten square meters in Moscow with a separate entrance can be found for twenty-five or thirty thousand rubles. Of course it is more expensive than a stall. But it's worth it if the permeability is high.

Finding a suitable option will not be difficult. There are many offers on the Internet for renting commercial real estate. The main thing is to be well oriented in the terrain in question.

Business registration

If you managed to find a suitable stall at a reasonable price and in a walkable place, then consider half the job done. The next thing to do to open the shawarma trade is to legalize. To do this, you should go to the FSN at your place of residence and register as an individual entrepreneur.

Important! Do not try to work without registering with the tax authorities. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or have a residence permit, it will not be difficult to register. Don't mess with the law.

There are several ways to get the status of an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur on your own.
  2. If you do not live at the place of registration, but in another city, you can use the services of the Russian post.
  3. If you do not have free time, you can write a power of attorney for the person who will register the individual entrepreneur.
  4. If you do not want to waste time on registration, you can delegate your powers to a law company.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need an application in the P21001 form, a receipt for payment of the state duty, a copy of your passport, an application for switching to a simplified taxation scheme (f. 26.2-1).

Once you have received the status of an individual entrepreneur, you can enter into a lease agreement with the lessor.


This article discusses the option of buying and self-installing a shawarma stall, that is, from scratch, for one simple reason. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then the best option is rent.

Firstly, there is no need to spend money on buying a stall, because its cost will be much higher than rent. Secondly, you do not need to register the land under the stall yourself. These documents must be with the landlord. If they only offer to rent a stall without permits for land, then this is a reason to think about the advisability of renting a room.

If there are no rights to land, the first inspection by the regulatory authorities will end with the closure of the business or, at best, with a fine. But all the same, they won't be allowed to work. And it will not be easy for a beginner entrepreneur to register land under a stall. After all, they can simply prohibit the placement of a shawarma stall on this site as violating the surrounding urban landscape.

Advice! When concluding a lease agreement for a stall, we recommend that you provide for an item for its subsequent redemption. Who knows, maybe you will be lucky and this stall will generate a lot of income in the future. But if today you expect financial assistance from wealthy relatives, then of course it is better to immediately buy a stall for shawarma.

If the documents are in order, then after signing the lease, you should contact the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service for approval and obtaining permits. It should be noted that the most difficult thing in the shawarma business is not to open it, but to obtain all permits for the shawarma trade.

Important! Before you open a stall with shawarma, you must obtain all permits.

Advice! To obtain permits, it is better to involve a law firm specializing in this type of activity. This will not only be much faster, but will also save, if not money, then at least your time and nerves.

After you have found a room and received permits for trade, you can start purchasing and installing commercial equipment. To do this, it is better to draw up a plan for your further actions so as not to overlook anything.

Equipment purchase

The purchase of the necessary equipment and equipping a stall with it will not take much time, especially since this list is small. First, you should buy a grill for making shawarma with the necessary accessories, as well as commercial and refrigeration equipment. It is important to decide whether new or used equipment will be purchased.

Advice! If you are limited in money, then it is worth buying used equipment. If you have financial surpluses, then this is still not a reason to litter them.

So it is better to buy used, but in good condition equipment. The difference will not be big, but significant in money. But if you nevertheless decide to buy new equipment, then you can contact specialized organizations that will not only sell, but also tell you which equipment is better to buy.

In order not to waste time, at the same time with the purchase of equipment for shawarma, engage in the selection of personnel.

Staff recruitment

If you do not plan to open a family or joint business with friends, then you should contact your friends. Maybe they will recommend someone. If that doesn't work, then the easiest way to hire employees is to advertise in the electronic and print media.

And an even easier way is to hang a sign on a stall with an inscription that people are required to work in the shawarma shop. And your contacts. By the time you finish with the purchase and arrangement of the equipment, a preliminary list of people who want to work in the stall will already appear.

Important! Don't try to hire staff based on a single criterion - just pay less. A good employee, like a quality product, cannot be cheap.

It is better to choose personnel from local residents with local registration. They will have no problem getting a health certificate. And also their friends and relatives can become your first clients.

The minimum wage in Russia is nine and a half thousand rubles. That is, you can pay more, but not less. But it is better to focus on the average wage in the country, which, according to the statistics authorities, is about thirty thousand rubles. It is clear that in Moscow it is higher, in the regions it is lower. But you can be guided by them when talking with employees about the level of their wages.

Organization of advertising

With the opening of the stall, the question arises of how to organize advertising. And is she even needed. Whether or not to actively advertise a shawarma stall is a matter of taste. You can simply write down the names of companies bringing good luck on a piece of paper and hang them over the counter as an amulet. You can order videos and play on central channels in prime time. But still, for a start, it is better to limit yourself to a bright sign indicating that it is a shawarma, it is open and works 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Concluding the article, we present the calculations of the costs of opening a shawarma stall. By the way, if you decide to open a similar business in St. Petersburg, you must remember that Petersburgers, unlike Muscovites, speak shawarma for shawarma. Such are the regional differences.

Shawarma business plan

If you have a real interest and want to open a shawarma shop, we can draw up a business plan with a detailed description. Here, we present only the final calculations, which are guided by the current prevailing prices. Let's briefly dwell on the main figures.


The expenditure part for opening a stall and the first month of trading includes:

  1. Registration of an enterprise and obtaining the necessary permits and certificates for trade - 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent of a stall in a walkable place - from 15 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment for cooking shawarma with the necessary accessories, commercial and refrigeration equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  4. The monthly salary fund, including deductions, taking into account the hiring of two workers, is 50-60 thousand rubles.
  5. Purchase of raw materials for making shawarma - 30 thousand rubles
  6. Purchase of goods for related sales (juices, water, tea, coffee) - 10 thousand rubles.
  7. Consumables and packaging materials (plastic bags, bags, gloves, disposable dishes, napkins and other consumables) - 5 thousand rubles
  8. Current overhead costs (in the amount of 10% of the expenditure side) - 23-30 thousand rubles.

You must remember - these are the minimum costs! You may want to buy additional equipment or equipment from well-known brands that will be more expensive.

Total expenses - from 253 thousand rubles, including variable costs - 133 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income.

With an eight-hour working day and an average daily income of eight thousand rubles, the monthly cash flow from the sale of shawarma alone, excluding sales of related products, will amount to 240 thousand rubles.

With such a profitability, the entrepreneur pays back his costs within two months and goes to profit. And from the third month, the monthly income from the sale of shawarma will be at least one hundred and seven thousand rubles, or eighty percent of the profitability.


Having considered the main stages of opening a shawarma shop, we see that this business can really generate income. But, like any other business, they must be dealt with. Preferably in person. Only having established the process, you can transfer control to another person. And start looking for a new niche yourself.

For those who would like to open shawarma, but do not dare to do it, because of the risk of losing money, we recommend buying and working on a franchise first.

Simple but convenient fast food outlets - shawarma kiosks - are widely spread.

They can be found in any big city and at the same time starting a similar own business is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

This type of business is attractive for its relative simplicity and speed of creation. The initial investment is quite modest and, if the circumstances are right, it will pay off quickly.

The variability of the final form of the establishment is enormous, you can open both a small kiosk specializing exclusively in the sale of food, and a larger room where visitors can eat comfortably at the tables.

The street food format fits perfectly into the atmosphere of a bustling metropolis, and with proper positioning, your business will exist for many years.

Recently, the spread of shawarma stalls has slightly decreased due to increasing competition from numerous mobile fast food outlets. The disadvantage of starting in this area is its low prestige; most believe that this type of business is the lot of emigrants exclusively. Most establishments are very similar to each other, and if you give your own unique flavor, then consumers will notice it, and income will certainly grow.

What documents and permissions are needed

The required package of documents is quite large, and it takes some effort and a lot of time to get everything. Most entrepreneurs arrange such a business, but if it is planned to sell not only shawarma and soft drinks, but also alcohol, then it is necessary.

You will also need the following:

  • After successfully searching for the location of the stall and concluding a lease agreement, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to install a retail outlet in a specific location. In fact, this document confirms that in the event of fires and other emergencies, your kiosk will not create obstacles in the evacuation of people.
  • Additionally, the same authority issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion that the production process meets all standards.
  • Rospotrebnadzor does not stop there and still requires a production control program, which, in theory, should be a tool for constant monitoring of product quality.
  • All offered assortment must be issued with certificates of conformity to the requirements of standards.
  • It is forbidden to wash the staff uniform at home, you need to conclude a contract on the use of laundry services.
  • Even if the sanitary situation in the room is impeccable, government agencies will still require an agreement on disinfection, disinfestation, deratization of surfaces and ventilation systems.
  • Employees must be registered in accordance with labor laws and have properly completed medical books, which are admission to work with food.

Bureaucratic red tape is the most tiring process when starting a business, and many use the intermediary services of agencies that, for a reasonable price, will save you hours spent in queues.

It is also not recommended to get carried away with bribery when applying for permits, regulators like to carry out numerous checks, during which it is easy to identify obvious violations. It is best to initially do everything in accordance with legal requirements.

Format options

All point format options can be divided into stationary and mobile("on wheels"):

  • The advantage of mobile establishments is their fast transportation when celebrating City Day and other public events when the need for fast food is maximum.
  • At the same time, fixed premises may have more efficient equipment, comfortable tables and other amenities. Most often, stationary points are opened on the first floors of buildings; angular placement will only enhance the recognizability of the institution. Ready-made small architectural forms are often used. The range of such kiosks is huge, while they have basic communications for further equipment. It is advisable to give your own point a unique appearance in order to advantageously differ among the many faceless competitors.

Location selection

Perhaps this nuance is the most important for the profitability of the future enterprise. Of course, you can cook the best shawarma in the city for a reasonable price, have a very attractive exterior, but without a constant human flow, all your efforts will be useless.

The next factor is the potential demand for street fast food in this place. For example, often near metro stations there are 2 or even 3 points for the sale of shawarma, and the next establishment of such a plan is unlikely to pay off quickly, and in the face of competitors you will become a true enemy, because of which their incomes have fallen.

The ideal option would be a crowded place, but so that no similar points could be seen on the horizon. Many people buy shawarma spontaneously, just seeing a kiosk nearby with alluring aromas, and your outlet should become just such a choice for customers.

Point equipment

Cooking shawarma is a simple process, and special devices are not needed here. The following devices are basic:

  • grill;
  • burners;
  • fridge;
  • cash machine.

The grill is the main place for food preparation, and there is no great difference between gas and electric models. Everything is based solely on the required performance and financial capabilities.

Grill burners require more careful consideration when purchasing. When purchasing a simple grill, the quality of the product will not be affected in any way, but if you choose an unreliable burner, you can lose customer preferences.

With a refrigerator, everything is very simple, it must contain all the necessary ingredients. But it is very difficult to accurately plan this parameter in theory, everything will become clear only in the first months of work. Therefore, you should not purchase refrigeration equipment of small capacity, it is easier to buy a large device at once than to buy another one later to meet the growing demand.

Since it is preferable to operate completely legally, the simplest cash register will be an excellent proof of the legal origin of income.

You can carefully study the cooking process in the following video:

Required personnel

The staff is the face of the enterprise, it is worth hiring people of appropriate appearance, the presence of charisma is only welcome. Cooking shawarma is very simple, and it is irrational to require a cook's education. With the proper skill, even the most hopeless employee will become a virtuoso of product preparation in a matter of days.

Obligatory is the absence of venus-dermatological diseases and a correctly completed sanitary book. Staff turnover in this business is significant and it is always worth having a reliable employee in stock.

Purchase of raw materials

The ingredients for shawarma (meat and fresh vegetables) are perishable, so you need to constantly analyze the level of sales so as not to expire. After reaching a certain level of predictability of implementation, it is worth thinking about the quality of the products.

Ideally, if a farmer is found who supplies consistently high-quality products at reasonable prices.

The use of such components will strikingly distinguish your product from the product of competitors who purchase factory raw materials at wholesale sites. In negotiations regarding the cost of raw materials, it is worth insisting on progressive discounts on the volume of purchases. This will serve as an additional incentive for the development of the enterprise.

Place advertisement

Traditional advertising channels are ill-suited to popularize shawarma establishments. The overwhelming majority of customers know that this particular shawarma is delicious, or they just make a purchase, because this outlet turned out to be closer than others.

But this does not mean that advertising for your business is unnecessary. Many people create whole networks from many points, and if you are thinking about perspective, then it is recommended to take participation in all kinds of festivals street food, periodically offer shares, for example, when buying shawarma - tea is free. Also high quality, conspicuous and unique sign is one of the best advertising media that must attract attention.

Project costs and profitability

All business expenses, in addition to the initial investment, should be divided for further analysis by constants and variables... Depending on the size of the business, the start-up investment may be from 3 to 10 thousand dollars.

The lion's share of fixed costs will be rent and wages. Direct costs for raw materials, electricity, and so on are relatively small, and there is no need to cut them.

It is important not to forget that making a profit is not the initial task of a business, the primary need is to recoup the money invested at the start.

Perhaps a stall or a mobile trailer with shawarma can be attributed to the most low-cost types of business, but you should not expect fabulous profits either. This is a fairly stable small business, which, when several similar points are opened, becomes a medium-sized business. Having established the work of several stalls with shawarma, you can earn 500,000 rubles or more monthly. At the same time, product suppliers will be common to the entire network, which will have a positive effect on the operation of all your points.

You need to start production and sales from one kiosk, especially if this business is new to you.

There are 2 options for the premises for trading shawarma: stationary stall and mobile trailer trailer. First you need to decide which one you will use for the production and trade of shawarma. Both options can generate income, but they have their pros and cons.

The trailer is advantageous for its mobility. It can move during holidays and important events to a place of large crowds, thereby increasing demand. The shawarma stall is good with a constant customer base. Having "fed" the buyer, he will have a regular, stable sale of his products. Used stall, purchased or leased. You can also rent a larger room, but then you will need a lot of other goods.

Next, you need to think over the assortment, since the execution of documents that need to start preparing early depends on this, since this process can take up to 3 months. If you plan to trade alcoholic beverages along the way, your company needs to be formalized as an LLC, if there are none, then the most suitable option is an individual entrepreneur. While the papers wander through the authorities, you will have time to go through all the other preparatory stages before opening the shawarma.

Investment size

The advantage of a business built on shawarma trading, in that the return of funds with a profit will go from the very first day. Leaving funds "just in case" is not necessary, although cautious entrepreneurs try to hedge themselves against equipment breakdowns or food spoilage.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, documents are drawn up and the issue of rent is resolved. Further, the assortment is determined in detail. Usually, in addition to the shawarma itself, such catering establishments sell hot and cold drinks, ice cream, and sometimes other baked products: sausages in dough, rolls, pancakes, hot dogs, spiral chips, etc. Shawarma should be offered in an assortment. Make different serving sizes. Offer the buyer a small and large shawarma. So you can provide customers with convenience of consumption, which is only a plus for your establishment.

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish that, under other names, is widespread in Europe and beyond the Urals. It is prepared from meat, lavash, vegetables and sauces. The filling and seasoning may vary.

The meat is grilled, then chopped and wrapped in pita bread together with vegetables. Chicken, turkey, veal, lamb are used. In non-Muslim countries, shawarma is also prepared with pork. All this variety will expand the range. In the course of the trade, it will be clear which types to cook more, and which ones are better to exclude altogether.

The meat will be brought in every day, it is easier to purchase already wound on a spit. Some people prefer grills equipped with skewers, onto which individual carcasses or cuts of meat are strung. The cook will have to chop the meat after grilling on his own. Now is the time to get some equipment. You will need:

  • Grill (electric or gas).
  • Grill burners.
  • Fridge.
  • Washing.
  • Work table (metal).
  • Hood.
  • Chef's tool.
  • Cash machine.

In order to save money for the first time, you can do without a freezer and a microwave oven - they are not required for shawarma, but later it is advisable to purchase such equipment for related products. It all depends on the number of buyers, demand and assortment. Equipment for shawarma at the beginning can be bought of simpler modifications, Chinese or second-hand. Subsequently, it is desirable to replace it with reliable and modern units of well-known brands.

It is also necessary to buy uniforms for sellers, napkins, bags, gloves, disposable and professional utensils.

Personnel recruitment is an interview... Experience and medical compliance are important. The benevolence and correct behavior of sellers are no less relevant, therefore, when choosing a candidate for a position, it is worth assessing his stress resistance and ability to smile. 1-2 employees are hired at the shawarma kiosk, depending on the point's work schedule. Cleaning ladies are not required, since the shawarma sellers do the cleaning at the end of the working day. At night, as a rule, shawarma is not sold, as it is not profitable.

The shawarma kiosk should be located in a crowded place... There should be a train station, park, metro, shopping center or public transport stop in the immediate vicinity. The biggest lovers of fast food are students who prefer to eat quickly, tasty and inexpensively, so a place for a shawarma stall can be chosen next to an educational institution (technical schools, universities, colleges, training centers) or a hostel. The kiosk or trailer must be visible, otherwise you will have to place many bright signs and pillars.

Since mostly young people eat shawarma, it is advisable to decorate the room in a creative, modern style.

The room itself should have large windows- people will see the process of food preparation, which will inspire confidence in its quality and entertain them while waiting for their order. In the dark, the illuminated stall will be visible from afar, which will attract additional buyers to it. Such outlets have never attracted lawbreakers, because there is no money or valuable equipment that can be quickly sold overnight. Therefore, you should not be afraid of large windows, although the risk of vandalism remains, but such cases are extremely rare. It is easier to insure the kiosk and equipment.

The documents

It is not difficult to open shawarma, but you will have to collect a lot of documents and permits... First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authority. A single tax on imputed income is usually applied to such establishments, but in Moscow it is USN or OSN (USN is more profitable). An individual entrepreneur is registered at the place of residence, and not at the place of business. You can put a kiosk anywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation, having coordinated this with the local authorities. Next, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Permission for the production and trade of shawarma (municipal authority).
  • Permission to open a retail outlet in a certain area (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological condition (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • List of manufactured products (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • An agreement with a laundry and dry cleaning service for the washing of uniforms.
  • Quality certificates.
  • Agreement on disinfection, deratization, disinsection.
  • Ventilation cleaning contract.
  • Contract for the removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • Waste collection agreement (household and organic).
  • Staff medical records.

In addition, it is required to draw up a production control program (PPK), which should reflect points on laboratory research, visual control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, organization of measures to eliminate inconsistencies, etc. Requires admission from the fire service and SES. Medical books must have unexpired marks on examinations by specialists.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Let's calculate whether it is profitable to open shawarma... To do this, we will compile a list of expenses and incomes for a month in a rented stall without selling alcoholic beverages, subject to an average flow of visitors. The expense and income item for products is very relative, since it all depends on the turnover and assortment.


  • Kiosk rental - 20,000 rubles.
  • UNDS tax - 6,000 rubles.
  • Insurance premiums for employees - 2,000 rubles.
  • Food and drinks - 50,000 rubles.
  • Garbage collection, laundry, utility bills - 5,000 rubles.
  • Disposable dishes, napkins, bags, etc. - 2,000 rubles.
  • The salary for the employees is 30,000 rubles.

Total: 115,000 rubles.

If you are thinking about opening your own small business, but there is not a lot of money in your pocket, think about opening your own shawarma stall. Recently, this product has become very popular and in demand among buyers. Shawarma is an inexpensive and tasty dish that is eagerly bought by both students and adults.

Benefits of opening a shawarma point

Shawarma business will not require large investments from you. At the initial stage, the amount of investments ranges from 300-400 thousand rubles. Shawarma production as a business has its advantages in comparison with other projects:

  • Despite the fact that the competition in the market is fierce, everyone has the opportunity to attract buyers and make their business profitable.
  • To open such a retail outlet does not require a complicated business registration. In addition, government agencies are less likely to conduct inspections in such institutions.
  • Compared to other projects, shawarma production is quite simple and does not require large investments in products and equipment.
  • In order to increase your income during the holidays, you can purchase a special van. On it, you can make sales in crowded places, for example, in squares and walkways during the holidays.

Opening a point with shawarma is half the battle. In order to increase your income from sales, you need to pay attention to several points. One of the important factors is your location. Choose a place for a retail outlet where there is a lot of traffic. This way you will have more potential buyers who will definitely drop by.

Another important factor is the ratio of the price and quality of dishes, the ability to purchase related products. Offer your customers delicious shawarma, followed by carbonated drinks, juices or tea. Try to make the price of the product acceptable. It is also worth forming an assortment of goods taking into account the season. For example, chilled drinks are actively bought in the summer, while in winter the demand for hot tea or coffee grows.

If the customer liked the service and the quality of the dishes, he will definitely come back to you. Therefore, be always polite and smile at the client. If you hire a third-party person to sell, then pay his attention to this point.

Choosing the type of outlet and its design

How to open a shawarma from scratch? There is nothing difficult in this matter. The main thing is to choose a room or a van, as well as arrange your business and obtain the necessary documents. According to the law, every point of sale or other form of business must be registered. And the shawarma tent is no exception.

The entire registration process consists of three stages:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur and the choice of a taxation system.
  • Obtaining a work permit from the fire inspection. In order to obtain permission from this service, you need to study all the basic requirements for premises, the location of furniture, equipment, fire extinguishing means.
  • The conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service is the last stage. It is necessary to observe the cleanliness of the equipment and the point of sale, as well as observe the norms and terms of storage of products.

The shawarma kiosk is the backbone of your business. Quite easily on the market, you can buy a doner-type stall or a van in which you will carry out the sale of your products. It is important to choose the optimal location. For the land on which your outlet will be installed, you need to pay rent. And its cost directly depends on the place you choose. In central areas or popular locations, land prices will be higher than in a quiet area. But you won't be able to get a good income in a quiet place.

The opening of the shawarma bar is optimal in the following places:

  • In the market square, near popular shopping centers.
  • Near office buildings, educational institutions, clinics or hospitals.
  • On the central streets, where there is a lot of traffic.

It is also possible to place a shopping area in parks, but the income in this case will depend on the site's attendance. You will earn more on weekends and holidays, but you won't be able to make good revenue on weekdays.

If you have chosen a popular place, then, most likely, there is already another shawarma there. Consider this factor when starting your business and try to make your tent attractive to customers among other competitors.

Disadvantages of opening a shawarma tent

As in any other business, opening a shawarma stall has its drawbacks. And if you approach the matter competently, then for you they will be less noticeable. So, the main disadvantages are:

  • Keeping a small business afloat is difficult because the market is highly competitive.
  • Raw materials quickly deteriorate.
  • Lack of opportunity to get a lot of income.

The profitability of shawarma may be lower, since products with a short shelf life are used for its preparation. Meat, vegetables, sauce - they all have a limited shelf life. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring not only the quality, but also the shelf life of the ingredients. For example, it is enough to study sales statistics and form the optimal amount of raw materials for purchase.

You can also survive with competition in the market. Prepare delicious shawarma from fresh products, keep the stall clean - and customers will come to you again and again. One more point - you won't have to count on getting a high income, having one point. Shawarma is an inexpensive product, and you will not be able to sell a thousand pieces per day. A good way to increase your income is to open a few more points.

Shawarma on wheels can also boost your income. On the van, you can independently choose a suitable place for trading with a high flow of people.

How to deal with market competition

Competition is one of the main disadvantages of any business. There are practically no vacant niches on the market now. But keeping your business afloat and making it profitable is possible.

Your shawarma will become profitable and popular if:

  • You have a substantial range of products. Offer customers not only shawarma, but also hot dogs or kebabs. Offer drinks, chewing gum, chocolates in the assortment of your outlet. The increase in the assortment will increase revenue.
  • You have polite salespeople and a clean room. Buyers always pay attention to the terms of sale and the politeness of the seller. And if you have rudely treated the buyer, your tent is dirty - this client will not come to you again.
  • You have delicious shawarma. Add more fresh vegetables to the dish, buy only fresh good meat for the base, change the oil for frying more often. Do not try to save on raw materials by using stale meat and vegetables.
  • You have reasonable prices. Do not seek to raise the cost of products. Remember that people with high incomes do not eat shawarma.

What costs await at the stage of opening a shawarma stall

What do you need to make and sell shawarma? Stall or van, shawarma machine, equipment, raw materials. Once you've found a place to sell, the next step is to equip it with the necessary inventory.

What equipment is needed for making shawarma?

  • You need to buy a machine for making shawarma. On it you will fry the meat and cut it for the filling.
  • Purchase several refrigerators to store meat, vegetables and drinks.
  • For work, you also need to equip the workplace: install shelves, a table, storage space for other products.
  • You will also need small equipment: knives, plates, containers, cutting boards, napkins.

Buying a machine for the production of shawarma is not all. It is also important that your outlet has a sink and water for washing hands, meat, vegetables. Also, take care of buying special detergents for your equipment and utensils.

How to open a shawarma stall and what investments are needed?

Consider the main initial costs:

  • You will spend 15-20 thousand rubles on paperwork.
  • Buying a shopping stall, renting a place will require you from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. A supported van for trade can also be bought for 150-200 thousand rubles.
  • The price of equipment for a shawarma will be within 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses, including for ingredients - in the range of 100-120 thousand rubles.

Thus, you can buy equipment for the production of shawarma, a stall or a van and other equipment, spending an average of 300-400 thousand rubles. This amount is not too high for starting a business.

How to open a shawarma franchise? A franchise is a good way to open a retail outlet. You will be able to sell products under a well-known brand, while saving yourself the trouble of finding suppliers or equipment stores. But the franchise requires you to pay an entry fee as well as a certain percentage of the proceeds. Each network has its own terms of work for the franchise and the amounts for different companies are different. If you started on your own and your business became successful, then you can also earn additional income by offering work under your franchise.

The business plan for opening shawarma also includes fixed monthly expenses.

The main articles are:

  • Raw materials for cooking and related products - 50-70 thousand rubles per month.
  • Salary for the seller - 15-40 thousand rubles per month (Depends on the region).
  • Utilities expenses - 5 thousand rubles a month.
  • Payment of taxes - 10 thousand rubles per month.
  • Other expenses - within 10 thousand rubles per month.

Based on the costs presented, you can calculate that the sale of shawarma will cost you an average of 100 thousand rubles per month or 3,500 rubles daily. The average revenue of one outlet with shawarma is 6 thousand rubles a day. Thus, your net profit per month will be from 50 thousand rubles. The average annual turnover of your outlet will be more than 2 million rubles.

How to make your stall popular

Advertising is one of the key aspects of doing business. Every year, large companies spend millions of rubles to advertise their products or services. You also need to attract customers. But don't waste your money on TV or radio ads. A good advertisement is a client who is satisfied with everything. Additionally, you can announce yourself to the market with the following advertising:

  • Write your own reviews about your establishment on popular forums in your city or groups on social networks. You can also involve relatives and acquaintances in this case.
  • Order flyers for your shawarma shop from the printing house and distribute them to passers-by.

Such advertising is cheap and effective enough. Cook deliciously, offer reasonable prices and monitor the quality of products - and then your business will bring tangible income. In the future, you can open several more similar establishments, which will increase your income.

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