Home Perennial flowers How to take revenge on the offender and enemies. About love, jealousy, ways of revenge, revenge. How to take revenge on a person who offended you, ruin the life of an enemy

How to take revenge on the offender and enemies. About love, jealousy, ways of revenge, revenge. How to take revenge on a person who offended you, ruin the life of an enemy

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into the future in order to protect themselves from danger or to prepare for one or another important event. Now interest in magic is not fading away, but on the contrary, it is growing rapidly. All this is due to the presence of a huge amount of available information. Today, everyone who wants to get acquainted with magic can easily look on the Internet, read the spell of interest and conduct a suitable ceremony. But not everything is as simple as it would seem. People who, for the sake of interest or with a mockery of magic, can seriously harm themselves and their loved ones.

If you are seriously interested in black magic (to punish the enemy at home, or, for example, to take revenge on the offender), then check out our article.


Today, many people are simply unable to forgive their abuser. Every second person wants to harm him or cause unbearable pain. Having decided on revenge, I am ready to do anything to punish the culprit. Most often, black magic is used as a punishment. It really turned out to be possible to punish the enemy at home. But practically no one thinks about what can create witchcraft in the hands of an inept person. Therefore, before resorting to the services of black magic, think: maybe it is worth forgiving?

It's another matter if a person interferes with life, threatens you and your loved ones with violence, humiliates and insults you at every opportunity. Here black magic will come to the rescue. Punishing the enemy at home is quite simple. The main thing is to believe in what is happening.

Revenge with needles and black thread

Carrying out this ritual will allow not only to fully punish the offender, but also to return all negative energy to him. To do this, get a ball of black thread and two new sewing needles. It is important that one of them is thin and short, and the other is thick and long.

So, insert a small one into a large needle and wrap them with black thread at the intersection. Read the following conspiracy:

“My needle is short, yours is long,

My work is good, yours is evil,

I pierce the evil you committed

and I return everything that was meant for me at the moment,

everything that came to me, get it back

this minute and forever. Amen".

Stick the crossed needles into the offender's doorway so that the small needle looks to the left with its eye. Cast the spell again, only to yourself. From this moment, the magic will begin to work. After a while, you will notice how the life of your enemy begins to change for the worse. This is how it is not so difficult to punish the enemy. The main thing is to remember the rule: not to tell anyone about what you have done, even to close people.

Revenge with coins

Take a one-kopeck and two-kopeck coin and give them the name of your abuser. If you don't know his name, use the word "villain".

Stand at an intersection, throw a one-kopeck coin in front of you, and say the following words:

"The name (name of the offender) is villainous!"

Throw a two-kopeck coin in front of you and say:

"Paid twice."

Turn around to the left and go home.

What other conspiracies and rituals are hidden in black magic? You can also punish the enemy at home with the help of a photo. We will talk about this below.

Revenge of the offender using a photo

Wait until midnight, take chalk and draw a circle around you. Mark the cardinal points. Place two red candles on the table. Place a photo of the enemy in the center of the circle. Then light the candles. Call out loudly the spirits of all four elements. Then read the following conspiracy, peering closely at the photo:

“I conjure you (the name of the enemy) to disintegrate in the same way as the microelements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth disintegrate in Chaos. So that your thoughts (the name of the enemy), like the rays of the pale moon, are directed towards suffering and torment. So that you create your pain in your own imagination and follow this pain, as if on hot stones. And let the spirit of evil hover over you (the name of the enemy), like Water over the Earth. "

After casting the spell, thank the spirits of the elements, erase the circle counterclockwise, and leave the candles to burn out until the end. The spell will take effect as soon as the candles burn out.

Many are interested in the question of whether black magic is effective. It is quite possible to punish an enemy from a photograph if you really hate your enemy with all your heart.

The spell on the nail and hammer

Can black magic at home withstand the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies? In this case, it will not be difficult to punish the enemy. So take a hammer, a long nail, and a flat stone. Light a candle at night with the curtains closed. Place the point of the nail in the center of the pebble and apply 3 blows to the head with a hammer. Say the following words:

"Iron against stone, sharp against blunt,

Opposite the one lying, power in iron, weakness in stone,

To order one, to fall at the other's feet,

Everything is in my hands and my power. "

Do not hit too hard with a hammer, otherwise the stone may split. There should be a noticeable nail mark on it. Throw the charmed stone to your ill-wisher, and keep the nail at home. This item can serve as a talisman of superiority and power. The nail can also be used to take revenge on other enemies.

Witchcraft with holy water

What else is black magic capable of? You can punish the enemy (who offends you) as follows. Take a mirror, holy water, a Bible, a transparent glass. Close the curtains and doors with a key. Place the mirror on the table, pour holy water into the glass and put it on the Bible. It is important that the Holy Scriptures are reflected in the mirror.

There should be complete silence in the room. Light between the Bible and the mirror. When all the conditions are met, sit in a chair, close your eyes and concentrate. Concentrate on the person who makes you angry. Feel the reflection of your revenge. After that, open your eyes and peer into the mirror through the water, thinking only about the offender. Say the following words:

“Whoever exists and walks with good intentions will stay with them, and whoever holds evil, hatred and lives with a black soul in his heart, let him take back his evil, whoever walks with evil thoughts will choke on them.”

After completing the ritual, pour the water under the threshold of the offender. After a while, you will see how his life will collapse and acquire an increasingly dark color. Soon you will notice how his mood will deteriorate, and everything conceived will collapse.

What other conspiracies and rituals for revenge on the enemy does black magic have in its "arsenal"?

Punish the enemy for aspiring magicians with a photo and a black candle

Take a photo of the abuser (it is better if she is no more than a year old). In the upper left paint draw three dots. Burn the lower right corner a little with a black candle. Further - the choice is yours.

If you want your enemy to get sick with an ailment of internal organs, then pierce the photo with a pin.

If you want the offender to catch a dangerous disease, pierce the image with a black needle.

If you want the enemy to writhe in pain, hit the photo with your fist.

If you want the ill-wisher to become an alcoholic or drug addict, light the image with a cigarette.

To blur the enemy's consciousness, the photo should be filled with red paint.

If you want the offender to receive a fracture, dislocation, then nail the image to the board with a nail.

It should be noted that when carrying out this ritual, one should experience a huge negative towards a person (hatred, anger, disgust).

After completing one of the actions, read the following words:

"Pine planks, solid bed,

This is what awaits you, unfortunate (name of the ill-wisher).

If you come to bow to me and fall at my feet,

Then it will be easier for you

In the meantime, you will harass yourself. "

The effect of corruption will continue until you change your attitude towards the offender. Basically, the spell is active from six months to three years. It is possible to damage the enemy again and again, but it should be remembered that each subsequent conduct of the rituals of black magic deprives you of humanity and soul.

Dangerous black magic

It is also possible to punish the enemy on Easter. The ritual should be performed only when the person truly deserves torture. If you're just doing it out of jealousy or revenge, then expect tenfold trouble to return. So, go to church for Easter. Buy a candle there and break it in thirteen places. When doing this, think about the enemy. Quietly, but not whispering, say these words:

"Waste! Dry! Die! "

Then light the candle from 2 sides and roll it up into a ring, as if closing the existence of the ill-wisher. When doing this, say:

"I close the life of the enemy (name)."

Throw a candle under the memorial table and leave without looking back. After that, go to the intersection, throw coins on the road and leave a bottle of vodka there.

Remember, anything you do can backfire. Therefore, think carefully before doing evil to other people.

The spread of rumors and gossip is a phenomenon that occurs quite often in life. People who do this can and should be punished. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is Article 129 in the Criminal Code, which provides for legal punishment for people who slander someone. If you have evidence that a particular citizen really spread false and defamatory information about you, you can file a claim in court.

However, as a rule, it is quite difficult to prove such an act.

How to take revenge on a person for gossip, lies and spreading rumors on your own

If a person is famous for his love of dissolving gossip and rumors, you can not only go to court, but also come up with a worthy punishment for him.

Just remember that reprisals against the offender should not go beyond the law.

Use his own weapon against the offender. Tell your mutual acquaintances that they trusted this person, and he not only told you your secrets to someone, but also did not forget to embellish and turn everything around. Surely, after such information, people will begin to avoid communicating with, fearing to be in such an unpleasant situation.

Another way to punish a gossip is to commit petty mischief. If you know where a person lives, his exact address and, call any flower or food delivery and place an order in his name. Let this order come out for a fairly decent amount of money. Of course, your abuser will not pay for it, but a spoiled mood is guaranteed to him.

In addition, if your girlfriend is spreading the gossip and she has a husband, you can again use flower delivery. Send her a gift and ask the courier to sign it: “Thank you for a great night. With love, Igor. " Scenes of jealousy and scandal in the family, most likely, cannot be avoided.

If a married man becomes your abuser, guess the time when he will be with his wife or lover and start writing him messages of an intimate nature. This method has an unconditional impact.

The most important thing that you should do - after a while, hint to the gossiper that all the troubles in his life are the result of his love for spreading false and defamatory information about other people.

Hearing stories about yourself from unfamiliar people is always unpleasant. Gossips and gossips have always existed and will continue to exist. The motives of their actions and the reasons why someone else's life becomes more interesting than their own, can be identified a lot. But it is better to just silence the gossip, as soon as he begins to "wash someone's bones." After all, if he talks about someone behind his back, most likely, he does it behind your back too.

Give a firm rebuff

The best solution to the problem is to put the gossip in his place by firmly stating his position. If you happen to witness how someone began to discuss someone's life without the presence of the person being discussed, you can make it clear in a soft or rude way that gossip is a manifestation. Most often, gossipers take advantage of the fact that no one enters into open confrontation with them, and this can be used. They will have nothing to argue, because gossiping is really unworthy for a self-respecting person.

You can use neutral phrases: “I don’t want to talk about this topic,” “I am not interested in this,” etc. You can act harder if the gossips don't understand the first time: “Why don't you ask Masha / Petit / Klava Ivanovna herself?”, “Just scratch a lot behind your back with tongues,” etc.

If this happens in a work collective, most likely, you will have to deal with this quite often, therefore, you need to indicate your position immediately and very clearly. Otherwise, you will also be drawn into the discussion of someone else's life.

Ignore what is happening

Ignoring is considered another option for dealing with the gossip problem. You can ignore the spread of rumors, defiantly get up and leave when someone starts an unpleasant conversation, turn on the headphones and in every possible way not notice either the gossips themselves or their violent activity. Someone knows how to do this tactfully, without hurting the feelings of others, others think that, on the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize in every possible way the unacceptable behavior of gossips.

If the situation occurs at work, the best way to ignore is to be active at work. You do not need to go and drink coffee with those who will definitely start a conversation about someone else or will ask you for something. It is better to be engaged in business, to have time for everything on time and to show that at work, first of all, you need to work. Someone who really works has absolutely no time to chat with gossips and pay attention to someone else's life.

Change the topic

A popular technique to counter the spread of gossip is to change the topic of conversation. So, as soon as someone starts their favorite "Can you imagine ...?", You can say: "Yes, that's what, but about Johnny Depp in the newspaper they write that ...". This, of course, will not end the conversation, but let it be better for those who like to “wash the bones” discussing Johnny Depp, who is hardly familiar with them, than the new secretary of a boss or a sick employee.

In the office, you can easily switch the attention of gossipers to work moments. It is also quite easy to translate the topic here: "By the way, girls-boys, did you check the last report for sure?" or "What have you decided about the holidays?" There may be many options, but, of course, the gossipers may not understand that in this way you were trying to end their unpleasant conversation.

In our lives, we often face injustice. We do not get what we want, we do not have enough money, time and opportunities to satisfy our own desires. And by no means always the reason for this is our inaction and laziness.

We live in a society, and quite often society or someone in particular interferes with the realization of our dreams. The relationship between people is complex. Some people are more conflicted, while others prefer to find a compromise in any situation and smooth over sharp corners. But what if the ill-wisher has already annoyed you? There are several simple ways how to spoil a person, knowing only his first and last name.

Who is usually avenged and why?

First you need to determine whether it is worth revenge at all. Do not forget that the boomerang principle operates in life and there is a high probability that the consequences that you will have to accept will be much worse than you expected. Of course, you will receive moral satisfaction from the fact that a streak of troubles will come in the life of your offender, but think about whether it is worth stopping to his level.

The most common targets for revenge are:

  • Lover or lover of the second half... The third extra in the family is the eternal stumbling block between spouses, which will cause strong negative feelings and emotions in the deceived one.
  • Former or current spouse or lover... When family life is not going the way you planned, getting married or simply in a serious relationship, you will naturally feel like blaming your partner for it.
  • Friend or girlfriend... Conflicts can often arise in communication with loved ones. This happens not only because of the difference in characters and worldview. Often, a person may simply be jarred by the fact that someone knows him too well.
  • To superiors or a colleague... Is a second home for any person. We spend almost half of our lives to make money and secure our own future. And it is far from a secret that conflicts with bosses or colleagues in such a busy schedule are by no means uncommon.
  • Neighbors... Another of the most popular targets for our revenge is our neighbors. Someone likes to get up at 6 in the morning and desperately starts drilling, cleaning, rattling furniture and utensils, someone likes to turn on music at maximum volume when the time is already far past midnight and constantly invites noisy friends to him, someone then at 4 am the dog starts barking and so on. It is quite natural that all this will annoy any adequate person.

How to harm him with the help of data about a person?

There are several ways to take revenge on a person, knowing his passport details, last name and first name, phone number or address.

  • For example, if you communicate in the same circle, you have many common acquaintances, then you can try to ruin his reputation... You can influence the social status and position of a person in society through various gossip and rumors. All you need to do is think over everything in advance so that in the end your deception is not revealed.
  • Knowing the passport details of a person, you can harm his financial affairs.... Recently, fraud with various loans and borrowings has become very popular. If you do not understand anything about this, then post the information on the Internet. Swindlers will not keep themselves waiting long and very soon your ill-wisher will have to deal with collection firms.
  • If you know the phone number of the person whom you decided to take revenge on, then you can, as in the previous method, leave his number on the Internet with a call for help add a fly in the ointment to this person's life. Someone will definitely respond.
  • Knowing the first and last name, many often turn to magic to harm their enemy.... The most sure way will be either the ancestral curse. But here you should be especially careful, because this method, although it seems the simplest at first glance, can have the most unpleasant consequences for you.

How to ruin life with magic?

In order to have a strong energetic effect on a person, it is best to seek professional help. It can be a psychic, a sorcerer or a sorceress. Do not believe the newspaper and advertisements, full of stories about famous magicians, it is better to ask your friends. Perhaps someone has already encountered such a problem and will be able to tell you the right person.

If you do not want to let anyone know about your plans, you can do the damage yourself. But here, too, it is important to be careful. In no case should you carry out if you are pregnant or want to have a baby in the near future. Such rituals require tremendous energetic return. And for a child, such an intervention in the energy balance may even turn out to be fatal.

In order to put damage or evil eye on a person, it is enough just to know his name. During the ceremony, be very focused and keep an image of it in your head in order to properly direct the energy flow. It is best to do damage to the growing moon, in this case, your ritual will begin to gain strength. Often, one rite is not enough; for reliability, repeat it two or three times.

“The devil is following you (the name and surname of the enemy) - sickness and grief brings, sips blood - happiness takes, as soon as it crawls into your pocket - your wealth will disappear. Strength is in my word, so be it! "

This must be repeated every six steps. It is not necessary to carry out the ritual on the street, if you work in the same room with the enemy, you can simply follow him along the corridor. This rite is aimed at taking away the vital energy from the enemy. Luck will turn away from a person, he will constantly feel tired and irritated, family conflicts and health problems will appear.

There is still a strong ancestral curse. For him, you will need to know not only the name and surname of your enemy, but also the names of his family members. It is one of the most difficult rituals in black magic and often requires sacrifices that involve animals, birds, or insects.

During it, a very strong energy is released, which must be directed correctly, so if you decide to punish someone in this way, it is better to still resort to the help of a professional.


Any interference with someone else's energy leaves an imprint on a person's aura. Therefore, if you decide to ruin someone's life with magic, first of all think about how to protect yourself. It is highly likely that if you carry out the rituals yourself, then some of the liberated energy may ricochet on you, and the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

And for your enemy, things will turn out to be even worse. The consequences of your magical rituals can be:

  • Financial instability in life... A person at one point is deprived of material wealth. This can be ruin, loss of a permanent source of income, squandering, and so on.
  • Family breakdown... If your enemy is in or in a serious relationship, then damage can embroil him with a loved one, instill jealousy and suspicion in his companion, which will ultimately cause a breakup.
  • Deterioration of health... Various diseases, a weakened immune system, a predisposition to chronic and viral diseases - you will present all this bouquet to the object of your hatred.
  • Mental instability... Often, a person who was damaged or cursed loses spiritual balance, begins to get hung up on his own thoughts, loses touch with the world around him. As a result, all this can affect his mental and spiritual condition.
  • Death of loved ones. Another consequence of your intervention in someone else's energy balance can be the death of a loved one or a relative of your enemy, which will bring him a lot of pain and suffering. This often happens when the person performing the ritual is unable to correctly correct and direct the released energy. In such cases, it is not the enemy himself who suffers, but the person close and dear to him.

That is why, before embarking on the implementation of your plans for revenge with the help of magic, you should think carefully. There is a risk that not only your enemy will suffer, but also outsiders, innocent people, and, even worse, yourself.

In a Christian way, it is considered correct that in spite of the need to respond with good. However, it often happens that, having remained unpunished, evil returns to us with a vengeance. To some extent, conspiracies can protect themselves from the offender.

What kind of conspiracy to read when punishing the offender, so that it was mutilated in 3 days, the offender apologized to the thief, to take revenge on the offender so that she had problems, the option of revenge for and against, how to teach a lesson so that he would repent and correct what he had done, to death and in the photo it is can be found everywhere, but here only the best and working.

The offender's conspiracy without harm to himself

The most harmless way to punish an offender is ... to forgive him. Go to church and light a candle in the health of your offender with the words: "God is your judge."

Vanga's conspiracy on the offender

Vanga believed that in all life situations one should act as conscience dictates. Therefore, even if you are greatly offended by someone, you should not do evil to this person and build a retaliatory intrigue. If a person is unable to cope with the situation on his own, then you need to turn to the Guardian Angel with words of help. A special conspiracy is not required for this. State the request for protection and protection from the abuser in your own words.

Abuser's conspiracy from a distance

Buy a red rose. Put it in water - let it stand in front of you until it withers. Every day, tear off one thorn from the stem and pronounce the conspiracy:

“A thorn in your evil tongue!
You won't hiss anymore!
You cannot build a vain,
From your own evil, you yourself will go away with anger!
May it be so. Amen."

How to punish the offender with a strong conspiracy

The conspiracy is read "hot on the trail" and only if there is complete confidence in your righteousness, otherwise everything can turn against you:

Conspiracy how to make the offender ask for forgiveness

Take an incomplete glass of water and put a burning candle in it with the words:

"You will not live, but toil,
until you repent from my candle
and you will not repent before me!

Conspiracy of revenge on the offender

The plot is read over a glass of water:

it will pour on you.
I do not want evil,
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't enter my house

Then the water should be poured over the threshold of your house.

Conspiracy on the offender from the photo

A photograph of the offender is placed, on it is a glass of water. Next, the conspiracy is pronounced:

“All your evil will return to you,
it will pour on you.
I do not want evil,
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't enter my house
you cannot build in vain! Amen."

Water from the glass should be thrown out over the threshold, the photograph of the offender should be hidden away or thrown away.

Conspiracy to punish the abuser of the child

To punish the child's offender, you need to cross yourself three times and say:

"Don't touch my child
Evil tongues, dashing troubles!
Those who wish badly will bring trouble to themselves!
Truly so. Amen".

Conspiracy on the abuser at work to get revenge

Step into the shadow of your offender and mentally say:

“No matter how hard you try, the top is mine!
Take your evil with you. "

A very strong conspiracy from the abuser

Say the following conspiracy after the offender:

“I will punish the offender with nausea, dry dryness.
For seven days he knows neither sleep nor rest
Kohl disturbed my name. Amen!"

Keep in mind that this conspiracy is very strong and the offender is literally "bad luck".

Conspiracy against a thief or offender (Natalya Stepanova)

Stand in such a way as to cast a shadow from yourself and read the conspiracy:

“A shadow, a shadow, trailed after me all day.
Now help - defeat the enemy.
Let's put it under the hooves
so that the insult is broken. Amen."

The problem, when a loved one suddenly stopped calling, tormented lovers since the appearance of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number”, - ...

You can take revenge on a person in different ways, but how to do it, knowing only his phone number is an almost insoluble question for some. However, albeit small, but the offended side has the opportunity to cause some trouble. But you should only act carefully, because there is always the possibility that the avenger will be calculated by IP or his phone number.

How to get revenge on a male offender knowing his phone number?

The psychology of men has a certain peculiarity - they hate to give up, and will look for an avenger for punishment to the last. That is why it is possible to take revenge on the male offender persistently, but carefully so as not to get caught.

The Achilles' heel of almost any man is his car. Therefore, the first thing that can be done is to place advertisements on its sale on all sorts of resources for almost nothing. Not only will the phone be cut off, but also the pride of the car owner will be severely damaged. In the absence of a car, you can "sell" anything by advertisements.

Any normal man will be infuriated by the suspicion of non-traditional sexual orientation. To make this happen, you can place ads about the search for a friend on the appropriate resources.

Many sites selling various potency aids or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After ordering a lot of similar goods on the phone of the offender, he will simply be bombarded with a flurry of calls.

A rather cruel way to take revenge is to play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give angry opponents the phone number of the offender.

Here are some other ways to piss off the abuser:

  1. You can torture a person with endless calls through the autodial service.
  2. Through the service-alarm clock, the victim can be woken up every day, neither light nor dawn.
  3. Through the free messaging service, you can flood the offender with an avalanche of SMS messages.
  4. A lot of different spam will come to your phone if you connect mailing lists on sites.
  5. Offering promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to take revenge on a woman's phone number?

Some methods intended for men, after making some adjustments, are quite capable of unbalancing a woman. For example, you can place a lady's number on a resource where “priestesses of love” offer their services. However, with a flurry of incomprehensible or frightening calls and SMS spam, a woman is likely to quickly change her phone number.

With the ability to endure and wait, revenge on a woman can be more sophisticated. For example, to portray a secret admirer. Few women can resist the onslaught of a romantic and persistent gentleman who, by hook or by crook, got hold of the number of his beloved and bombarded her with lyrical and frank messages. And the correspondence that has become intimate can be shown to the husband, friend or acquaintances of the lady.

What is the right way to take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice can be related to cheating, conflict with neighbors, betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or you became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, while not arousing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer auto dialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the abuser's phone will receive calls with different settings endlessly hundreds of times a day - playing a certain audio recording, voice message, breaking or holding a call on the line. This type of revenge is called spoofing or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This kind of revenge will not cause much trouble, but it will pretty much spoil the life and nerves of the offender. This service can be ordered as a mobile and landline phone number, as well as on a Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to your phone number. A kind of dirty trick, which is similar to an auto-dialing, but instead of calls to a phone number, messages of the most varied content will constantly arrive. The text and frequency of SMS attacks are regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the service provider.
  3. Placement of ads at various sites for the sale of goods from hand to hand. Another way, how to take revenge on a person for an insult, is to submit an advertisement for the sale of, for example, a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Visitors to the site, greedy for cheap purchases, are tortured with calls, moreover, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal confession can in no way lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and launching flood programs, it is better to access the Internet not from your computer, not from your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and conduct all activities in public areas of the wireless Internet.

How to punish a person knowing his phone number and not get into trouble?

When contemplating revenge, it should be borne in mind that some methods are far from harmless. According to the law, it is impossible to disturb the night sleep of people, to dissolve revenge on the phone number, defamatory gossip, to spoil property, to insult. Legal revenge may consist in collecting evidence of the wrongdoer's actions and filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, theft, threats, stalking, etc.

And if the offender did not do anything that can be presented at the court session, it is best to refuse revenge altogether. Treat this person's dirty tricks as the actions of a dim-witted individual. And revenge is likely to be committed by life itself. After all, a person always boomerangs what he sends.

How to take revenge on a fraudster knowing his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, there will be enough small nasty things, but if you are seriously thrown, then you can go over the frame of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your offender and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. After such an interest, your abuser will probably have to change his phone number.

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