Home Perennial flowers What business is worth opening a year. Business idea: learning tarot card reading online. Making edible bouquets for weddings and celebrations

What business is worth opening a year. Business idea: learning tarot card reading online. Making edible bouquets for weddings and celebrations

A crisis. Most ordinary people associate this word with a lack of money, problems with personal finances, saving and cutting costs. But there are people for whom problems are a window to new opportunities. After analyzing the experience of successful entrepreneurs and professional analysts, we have collected the best business ideas during the 2017 crisis.

Business in 2017: what to do

Antique shop or shop

More and more often, traditional methods of saving do not meet expectations and force us to look at more exotic ways of investing. There is no noticeable excitement in the antiques market, but supply and demand are at a consistently high level. Practice shows that antiques do an excellent job with times of crisis. In the most difficult years, antiques do not lose value, preserving the investment of investors.

If you do not take into account collectors, the bulk of investors are people who are in search of a "safe haven" and cannot decide on a niche for investment. The start-up capital here is relatively small, you can start with one thousand dollars. The estimated yield is about 100% per annum.

Stock market trading

Stock quotes on the stock market jump in both directions every day. And if you don't know what to do during the 2017 crisis, be sure to take a closer look at trading. It should be noted that in difficult economic times, the value of shares may decrease by 4-5 times. You can make money both on a fall and on a future rise by buying securities at the very bottom.

The only, and perhaps the most important, nuance is the experience of trading in financial markets. Not every person can boast of the ability to professionally conclude deals, analyze charts and use exchange instruments. But no one said it would be easy. That is why he is a profitable business during the crisis in 2017, that you cannot do without training here.

Today is the most favorable time for intraday trading. The fluctuation of the exchange rate within the day is significant and you can make good money on this.

Collection agencies

Debts are accumulating, and no one is in a hurry to return them. A familiar picture, especially for a crisis? Such problems are faced not only by microfinance organizations and banks, but also by legal entities that do not repay their debt. Statistics show that the number of calls to collection agencies has increased by almost 50%. The growth is particularly noticeable in the area of ​​corporate litigation between legal entities.

Until 2014, there were no clear rules for doing business in the Russian legislative field. Now the situation has changed for the better. The rights and obligations of the parties are spelled out, the collection activity came out of the shadows, where it worked “semi-legally”. However, the organization of such a business involves a lot of legal nuances and financial risks.

Trainings and seminars

What business to open in the 2017 crisis? How about corporate trainings and seminars, which are growing in popularity during a period of economic stagnation. When a business falls into the abyss, the desire of any company owner is to stay afloat. It's time to invest not in a product, but in a team. Maintaining corporate spirit and employee motivation is becoming a very important factor in a successful business.

However, shortsighted entrepreneurs prefer to cut costs altogether instead of optimizing costs. They are trying not to fight the crisis, but to wait out its consequences. This inevitably affects the activity: incomes fall, there is a reduction.

Today, there is a tendency in the market for the flow of orders from large clients and industrial giants to representatives of medium-sized businesses. In addition, trainings began to be ordered not only for personnel. More and more often, among the listeners, you can see the owners of large companies who simply do not know how to do business during the crisis.

If you have not yet decided which business to open during the 2017 crisis, try to make money on the most obvious - saving money. Everyone is trying to cut costs as much as possible, optimize resources and spend as little as possible. In this light, energy-saving technologies become very promising.

Making money on corporate clients is very difficult. Companies are cutting back on investment programs and are reluctant to invest in long-term projects. Energy saving is just such a project, because it will not be possible to get immediate benefits. The installation of meters in apartments and private houses is a completely different matter. It is much easier to build a profitable business here.

Dentist services

Surely many will say that dental clinics are opening at every step and the competition in this niche is extremely high. This is true, but the profit of a successful office more than covers the start-up investment. Health is one of the most expensive items of a person's personal budget, but also the most urgent one. If you have a toothache, you can't stand it for a long time, you still have to go to the dentist as soon as possible.

You shouldn't expect a huge flow of customers during a crisis. Rather, we are talking about a stable long-term perspective, which financial difficulties relate only indirectly (rise in prices for consumables, tools, composites).

Let's briefly consider a few more interesting areas:

  • Trade through vending machines. You can sell anything, from semi-finished products to coffee.
  • Car repair shop. During the crisis, not every car enthusiast will be able to purchase a new car from the salon. It is much cheaper to buy a used car and have it repaired. The customer base of auto repair shops is only growing at such a time.
  • Economy hairdresser. The availability of beauty services is becoming a very important factor in difficult economic times.

Whatever business you like, you need to understand that in the countries of the post-Soviet space, any entrepreneurial activity is associated with high risks, even in a relatively stable period.

It is no secret that many people dream of starting their own business, which will provide them with the opportunity to work for themselves and ensure financial independence.

However, for this it is necessary to have not only the start-up capital, but also a fresh idea that will not get lost among the mass of more successful competitors. This article sets out the newest and most promising business ideas that allow you to try your hand at entrepreneurship with minimal risks.

Business ideas relevant to Russia

Repair of plastic windows

Initial investment: from 100,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: depends on the region, but not less than 35 - 45,000 rubles.

Despite the fact that the quality of such products is usually higher than that of windows made of wood, many specialized companies are trying to save money on consumables and assembly materials. Therefore, people are willing to pay for the shortcomings of pseudo-masters, which create certain inconveniences, such as constant drafts, condensation or heat leakage.

The company engaged in the installation of warm water floors

Initial investment: from 120,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 60 - 100,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 3 to 6 months.

The problem of warming one's own home does not lose its relevance for the majority of residents of Russia, therefore, such a business, with a competent approach, is very promising and profitable. Installation of water heated floors is carried out in the shortest possible time, however, it requires a certain experience and a team of qualified workers.

Rural tourism

Initial investment: from 200,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 100,000 rubles and more.

Payback period: from several months to a year.

Many inhabitants of megalopolises, tired of the constant hustle and bustle, get great pleasure from relaxing in the countryside with clean air and a special village flavor. Guests can be entertained with fishing, a classic wood-fired sauna, horseback riding and sleigh rides, or traditional Russian cuisine. This direction is rather unusual and very promising.

Business ideas from scratch

Services for cosmetic repair of entrances

Monthly profit: from 25-35,000 rubles and more.

Payback period: from 1 to several months.

Since most people have no illusions about the efficiency of the utilities and housing offices, it is not difficult to organize a fairly profitable business with small start-up investments. To do this, you just need to find a team of workers and organize advertising support for your own undertaking.

Farm waste trade

Initial investment: from 25,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20-40,000 rubles and more.

Payback period: 1-3 months.

Such waste is an excellent organic fertilizer for which there is a constant demand. In order to start a business, you need to negotiate a truck rental, find compliant sellers and find suitable buyers.

Not busy business ideas

Organization of quests for the purpose of acquaintance

Initial investment: from 35-40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 25-60,000 rubles and more.

Payback period: several months.

Residents of large cities often suffer from loneliness and boredom. Therefore, combining the original quest with the opportunity to meet a person of the opposite sex will definitely find its target audience.

Tattoos on teeth

Initial investment: from 80 to 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 2 months to six months.

Today, the topic of a tattoo is very popular and in demand. However, few people have heard of tattoos on their teeth. This business idea is perfect for creative people with the beginnings of artistic skill.

In Europe

Pampers for celebrations

Initial investment: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 3 to 6 months.

Despite all the strangeness of this idea, it managed to gain considerable popularity in Europe. Such services are often used by brides dressed in tight corsets and lush dresses.

Personal shopping consultant

Initial investments: minimum, from 5000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 25 - 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

In order to look original and bright, many Europeans are willing to pay for the services of a personal shopping consultant. The task of such a specialist is to create and maintain the client's image, as well as to select the most suitable wardrobe, based on its characteristics and individual requests.

Foreign business ideas

Liquid stone making

Initial investment: from 250,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 6 to 12 months.

This product is a special mixture of construction waste. After the mixture is diluted with water in the required proportion, the material becomes extremely similar to an ordinary stone, but its cost will be much lower.

Production of environmentally friendly polymer materials from avocado seeds

At the moment, throughout the civilized world, there is a tendency to consume products made from organic materials. The plastic, for the production of which the seeds of the fruit of the avocado are taken, partially decomposes and is much less hazardous to human health.

Original ideas in the world

Making disposable tableware from organic materials

In addition to natural fiber, in the production of disposable eco-friendly tableware, seeds of various plants are used, which germinate directly during disposal. In order to start such a business, very large financial investments are required.

Taxi service with a non-standard bias

If you will not surprise anyone with a taxi service that delivers food or alcoholic beverages, then taxis for pets are a fairly new trend that is gaining popularity in many countries around the world. A relatively fresh service that is relevant for residents of large cities is the provision of professional psychological assistance directly during a comfortable trip.

Fresh ideas from the USA

Gym on wheels

Initial investment: 1,000,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 150,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 8 to 18 months.

Mobile gyms, which are buses equipped with all the necessary exercise equipment, are currently enjoying increasing popularity. The target audience for mobile gyms is office clerks, managers, and physically challenged knowledge workers.

Hazardous waste disposal services

Most modern people are well aware that failed batteries, batteries and old computers must be disposed of in a special way so as not to harm the environment. However, not everyone is aware of exactly how such a procedure should take place.

To become a reseller, you only need a car and a little advertising support. In addition, many older laptops and computers contain ample amounts of copper, platinum and gold. So such a business has excellent prospects not only in the United States, but also in Russia.

Manufacturing business ideas

Making toothpaste

Initial investment: 1,200,000 rubles.

Payback period: up to 1.5 years.

Despite the seemingly high competition in this area, the modern market suffers from a lack of high-quality oral cleaning pastes made from natural ingredients. Due to the increased popularity of a healthy lifestyle, such products, with competent advertising support, will definitely find their regular customers.

Manufacturing and installation of wind generators

Monthly profit: from 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 year.

The wind generator is able to provide autonomy from the power supply, and allows for good savings by reducing electricity consumption. Installing and maintaining these generators can be an excellent and lucrative business for regions with frequent and high winds.

Business ideas relevant to Moscow

Mobile auto diagnostics

Initial investment: 8-12,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 65,000 rubles.

If some time ago diagnostics were carried out exclusively at specially equipped stations, today a special scanner and a laptop with special software are quite enough to carry out a full-fledged diagnostics. Such a service will come in handy for residents of the capital who value their own time.

Slimming Consultant

At the moment, being overweight is a very common problem from which many Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region suffer. The essence of the work of a weight loss consultant is:

  • drawing up individual diets;
  • selection of the optimal complex of physical activity;
  • constant informational support of clients and their competent motivation.

The amount of start-up capital varies depending on the region and some features. For example, some consultants choose to work by renting their own office space. Others find clients using the resources of the Internet.

Construction related business ideas

Production of aerated concrete blocks

Initial investment: 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 7-8 months.

Blocks made of aerated concrete have ideal geometric proportions and good strength. Their production guarantees quick profit, subject to a successful choice of business partners.

Manufacturing and installation of compact home saunas

Initial investment: 800,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: 10 - 12 months.

If some time ago the installation of a sauna in your own bathroom seemed like something fantastic, but today the popularity of such services is growing rapidly. Since self-installation of a home sauna requires a professional tool and certain knowledge, you can make very good money on the services of equipping Finnish baths for home conditions.

Internet related business ideas

Messenger taxi

Initial investment: 5,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1-2 months.

It is very convenient and inexpensive to call a taxi using one of the now popular messengers: for example, Viber. At the same time, the location of the client is determined automatically, which ensures the fastest possible delivery of the car.

Virtual friend

Initial investment: minimal, for a start it is enough to have access to the Internet and an account in one of the social networks.

Monthly profit: from 15 to 40,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

For many residents of large cities, loneliness is a serious problem that negatively affects the nervous system and, as a result, health. At the moment, the service of an interlocutor, drinking companion or just a partner for going to the cinema or to an exhibition is gaining popularity. You can register on one of the specialized sites, set your own hourly rate and start making money on simple spiritual human communication.

"Old well forgotten = new"

Breeding crayfish

Initial investment: 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 100,000 rubles.

Payback period: 6-8 months.

Previously, crayfish were sold by boys who managed to catch at least a dozen of them, but now this innocent fun can become an excellent source of income. Fresh crayfish are constantly needed by restaurants and not only, so there will be no end of customers, while maintaining in an artificial reservoir conditions acceptable for crayfish is simple.

Online training

Initial investment: 1,000 - 2,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 60,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

For those who are advanced in an exotic language, one-to-one lessons can be a good idea for a home business. Training can be carried out both through on-site classes and using modern means of communication, such as Skype. People with narrow-profile knowledge should engage in the provision of professional advice online.

Entertainment business ideas

Holidays agency

Initial investment: 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 3-4 months.

Now it is becoming more and more popular to order various animators and artists for children's and adult holidays, therefore, by opening an agency for the provision of entertainment services, you can make great money. The main thing is the diversity of the repertoire: you need to prepare a base of professional actors who, by prior arrangement, can go to the venue of the holiday (celebration) with an incendiary mini-concert program.

Organization of printing on flowers

Initial investment: 300,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 6 - 10 months.

Today it is not at all easy to surprise a woman with even the most exquisite bouquet of flowers. Using a special printer, you can write a beautiful declaration of love directly on the petals, or apply an unusual image that will give the bouquet not only a bright appearance, but also a pronounced individuality.

From China

Resale of goods from China and dropshipping

Initial investment: 1,000 - 5,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1-2 months.

Now the direction of trade from China is developing in a wide variety of goods. But, despite the impressive volumes of the Chinese goods market, there is still an unoccupied niche in this area of ​​business. To start trading, you need to select the goods that you would like to trade, and then, having made a website, wait for orders. Dropshipping income requires minimal investment.

Sale of artifacts and props from famous films

Initial investment: 15,000 - 40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 2 - 4 months.

Of course, we are not talking about the original props from the stage, but about high-quality copies of such things. The knife with which Rambo walked through the jungle, the mask of Darth Vader, the curved dagger from The Chronicles of Riddick or the costume of a stranger are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, a business selling such things can definitely be called very promising.

New product as a business idea

Manufacture and sale of author's creams for moisturizing the skin of the face

Initial investment: 2,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 40,000 rubles.

Payback period: 4-5 months.

Now the market for cosmetics and skin care products is flooded with useless creams containing a lot of chemical additives. You can offer the production of a fresh unique cream (mousse) for the face, which would take into account all the characteristics of the client's skin. To begin with, you can limit yourself to creating a thematic community in one of the popular social networks, in which

Wi-Fi kettle and other unusual goods

Initial investment: 25,000 rubles.

Payback period: 2 - 3 months.

In order to put such a kettle, it is enough to press one key on the screen of your own smartphone. You can choose from four boiling modes, maintain a constant water temperature and set a timer.

Home Business Ideas

Making edible bouquets for weddings and celebrations

Initial investment: minimal.

Monthly profit: from 20 - 30,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

Unlike bouquets of natural or artificial flowers, a composition made of cheese, salami, herbs or fresh fruit will become a real decoration of the table.

Hire of costumes for various cartoon and cinematic characters

Initial investment: 10-15,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 15,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 - 2 months.

Those who have the skills of needlework and cannot live without creativity can try their own hand at making original costumes for children's matinees, birthdays and adult corporate events. To begin with, you can get by with the creation of a thematic community in one of the social networks, where photos of costumes and the terms of their rental will be posted.

Compilation on video

In difficult financial times, people think about which business is best to open in a crisis. If you have a permanent job, then the turning point in the economy is not so terrible for you, and commercial activity will become an additional help to the family budget. But we cannot know where the fortune will turn tomorrow:

  • The company you work for starts saving and downsizing;
  • I urgently need money for medicine or surgery;
  • The child must go with the class on vacation, and the salary is delayed or you are at the labor exchange.

This list of circumstances when additional funds are needed can be continued indefinitely. It is better to try to implement your business ideas in the 2019 crisis in practice. Instability in the financial market and economic cataclysms in the country are a time of manifestation of creative personalities, creative and innovative thinking, new opportunities to earn money. If you think about it, this is not a paradox, but a pattern of market requirements.

How to make money in 2019 during the crisis for ordinary people in the countries of the former USSR is a very urgent question today. Let's try to find out what kind of business is profitable to do during a crisis.


Food products are always in demand, as they say: "Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat." The most profitable business with minimal costs during a crisis in the market for ready-made products or home-cooked dishes.

You will need:

  • Study the sales market in your city, village. This is in order not to invest in a "slow" product or products that are actively offered by competitors;
  • Consider all options for wholesale bases and their price lists;
  • Transport - if you are going to trade with delivery. Pizza or bread to the village;
  • A small amount of money.

On the fourth point, the question immediately arises - where to get it? Naturally, at the bank. Getting a loan is not a problem now. The tricky part will be to calculate the percentages correctly. Since food trade provides for a quick payback, it is not worth taking a loan for a long time. Within three months (maximum six) you will be making a purchase for your hard-earned money. Many, having started baking cakes for friends, now have their own mini-bakeries. This is a very profitable business in a crisis that does not require special investment. At the beginning of the activity, you spend money only on the purchase of ingredients for the dish. We are building our own customer base. After a while, you can purchase a bread maker, gradually moving towards such a goal as a mini-bakery. A similar business in a small town in a crisis has development prospects.

Renting out an apartment

Does your family have an empty apartment or a house inherited from your grandmother? You can put the room in order by your own efforts and rent it out. An apartment for a nail salon or lawyer services, and a house for vacationers. You can organize parties and master classes on the premises. In Europe, many families move into one apartment to start a small family business in another. You will have the opportunity to communicate better with your parents.

Learning to save

Saving the family budget is another point on which you can make money during the 2019 crisis:

  • Monitor the use of utilities. It is correct when meters for water, electricity, gas and heating devices are installed in the house or apartment. It is no secret that gas consumption is the most expensive service;
  • Cook more, rather than buy convenience foods;
  • Put off visiting cafes and restaurants until better times and spend a weekend with your family at the dacha, gym or skating rink.

Earnings for women

Let's figure out how to make money during the 2019 crisis for housewives and mothers on maternity leave?

There are great opportunities for the embodiment of fantasies. Remember what you do best, and you will understand what to do in a crisis. Nowadays, handicraft is very much appreciated. The craftsmen's products are unique. You can start knitting to order. The technique is simple - if you have ready-made works, done for your family or yourself, then put them up for advertising on social networks. Start looking for customers among potential friends. Clients are not always found quickly, and you do not know what to do in a crisis in order to earn money. Spend a small amount of money on yarn and knit to order, but considering that the product can be worn by yourself or someone in the family.

From the thoughts of a creative person, how to make money in a crisis, hands themselves begin to create masterpieces. Probably 80% of those craftswomen who make exclusive jewelry five or seven years ago did not even think about such a business. Working on jewelry made of beads and semi-precious stones is akin to meditation with a rosary.

There are many sites for posting such works on the Internet. If you are not satisfied with the placement of your product on third-party resources, then you can try to create your own website. You will have to invest a relatively small amount in the purchase of a domain and hosting. Further, proceed according to the principle: I read the instructions in sequence and press the necessary buttons. Many sites offer trial projects using the free platform for periods ranging from two weeks to one month. Do not waste time sitting at the window thinking about where to go to work in a crisis. At the same time, you can be engaged in a business that will bring income in the future.

If you can't quickly promote products of your own production - start copywriting. This is what to make money in a crisis is real and within the power of everyone who has a school base behind him. There are several content exchanges on the Internet with free registration. Start with simple tasks, gradually progressing to a more difficult level. There you can really sell your handicraft works in the form of master classes. Raise the level of self-education, or, starting to write articles for a financial website, study banking products and you can find yourself a job in this area.

Earnings in the village

What kind of business in the 2019 crisis to do on a personal plot? The dacha can bring income. A family holiday home can be turned into a successful business by planting a little more cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and beans in the spring. We grow. In the fall, you will need a sharp knife and a freezer. Frozen vegetables and berries successfully find their customers in winter. By involving children in work, you can create food packaging. It will turn out a 2 in 1 business. More communication with children and quilling classes will bring practical benefits.

Self-education as a form of earnings in the future

An interesting way to make money on the crisis. Investing in self-education is a safe bet. This method works for the future. Take courses. Get a related profession or additional education. The acquired new practical knowledge will help you earn money. If you are registered at an employment center, then you can take free courses and receive a different qualification. In the labor market, professional workers are more in demand than white collars. In Europe, it is not considered shameful to make money in the 2019 crisis for workers.

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Mastering the vending business - who will risk it?

How to open a business in the 2019 crisis will depend not only on financial capabilities, but also on partners. The market needs to feel and understand what business partners are doing during a crisis. Businesses that cover fairly broad areas of service involve recruiting employees. Doing business on vending machines during the crisis of 2019 can become quite profitable, but it cannot be done alone. An accountant and service personnel will be needed. You can supervise a couple of machines yourself. However, vending production is gaining momentum very quickly, and you will not be able to keep up with purchasing food, refueling coffee machines, withdrawing revenue, communicating with the bank and the tax office.

To master this type of production, you will need:

  • Start-up capital for the purchase of the first machine;
  • General knowledge of labor and tax legislation;
  • Ability to select personnel.

To fulfill these conditions you need to do:

  • We will take the initial capital from a bank or from a friend;
  • We will read the Labor Code and go to the tax office for a consultation;
  • We select the personnel taking into account that the profit does not pass us by. This means - honest and responsible.


When wondering what business is better to do in a crisis, you should remember a few rules:

  1. We draw up a marketing plan so that competitors do not step on their heels;
  2. We study the market of banking products, as profits can be "eaten up" by exorbitant interest on a loan;
  3. We read articles by professional economists who will help to get an idea of ​​what they are making money on during the crisis;
  4. We are looking for support from family and friends. Inspiring a positive environment is already 30% of success.

It is up to you to decide what is profitable to open in a crisis, but it is better to start an activity without spending much money. Such earnings include services for the repair of apartments and equipment, delivery of goods and sewing clothes. Other types of small businesses require an investment of material resources.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business can choose one of two promising areas of activity - come up with a new original idea or start a proven business with high profitability. There are many options that allow you to make good money literally from scratch. In this article, we'll show you how to start a profitable low-investment business in 2019.

Installation of gates and fences

This is a fairly profitable business with little investment. In order to do this, you need 50-80 thousand rubles. In this area, there is practically no competition, or rather it exists, but the demand significantly exceeds the supply. If you do your job well and offer affordable prices, there will always be customers.

It is most profitable to do such a business in small towns, since suburban construction has recently begun to develop actively. Urban residents tend to move closer to nature, so they buy land in the countryside to build cottages or small houses on them. As a rule, not a single household farm can do without a fence, so this idea of ​​a small business with minimal investment can be safely called eternal. The only drawback of the way to make money is seasonality.

Nail bar

Beauty is a topic that is always of interest to the fair sex. Therefore, any business idea with a small investment related to the field of beauty will bring a decent profit even during a crisis. The most popular services are manicure, nail and eyelash extension. Recently, nail bars began to open en masse in large cities. These are small islands made in the form of a bar counter. Most often, nail bars are found in shopping centers where there is a high traffic of potential customers. Business women often do not have enough time to visit a beauty salon, so they prefer to extend their eyelashes or get a manicure at a nail bar.

Such a manicure studio will cost you 100-150 thousand rubles. If you manage to promote the point, it will bring 65-75 thousand rubles of net profit every month.

Reinforced concrete rings

Another profitable small business idea with a small investment is the production of reinforced concrete rings. A team of three workers can make 10 rings per day with a diameter of 70–150 cm. Each product can be sold for 3 thousand rubles, respectively, the daily proceeds will be 30 thousand rubles.

The production of reinforced concrete rings can be organized directly in the open air. The most important thing is the ability to connect to a power source and a level work area. One form for making rings will cost you 50 thousand rubles. The initial investment can be returned in literally 1 month.

Ivan tea production

Modern people care about their health, so they prefer to buy environmentally friendly, natural products. If you have not decided yet, purchase the necessary equipment and set up the production of Ivan tea. The leaves and stems of this plant produce a delicious healthy drink that has sedative and other medicinal properties.

Any person who wants to improve their financial situation can open such a small business from scratch with minimal investment. If you do not have the start-up capital for the purchase of special equipment, at first you can get by with the means at hand. The most important thing is to follow the technology and then you will get a high-quality natural product at the end.

Raw materials for the production of such products can be collected in the field or in the country. Ivan tea grows everywhere like a weed, so there will be no problems with harvesting it. The easiest way to sell finished products is on the Internet or in bulk to shops and supermarkets. This minimal investment small business idea in a small town will allow you to make a decent fortune literally from scratch. Over time, it is possible to expand the enterprise, purchase special equipment and start producing other varieties of tea from medicinal herbs.

Construction team

Despite the fact that the real estate market is experiencing a strong decline, private construction projects do not stop. In addition, people are renovating their houses and apartments, so if you are thinking about what kind of business you can open with minimal investment, try organizing your own construction team.

Hire a few craftsmen, buy the tools you need, and advertise in the local press. That's all you need to get your job done. If all orders are fulfilled with high quality, clients will recommend your team to their friends and acquaintances, so you will not be left without orders. This is the simplest no-investment small business idea that works in any economic environment.

Turkey breeding

This is a rather laborious activity, therefore, such a business with a small investment of money has not become widespread in our country. Chicken meat is the most popular on the market, but, despite this, turkey meat has its regular consumers who care about their health and therefore prefer to buy only healthy natural products.

About business and what to do in a crisis?

If you live in a village and do not know what kind of business to open with a small investment, start breeding turkeys at home. You will spend 25-30 thousand rubles on the purchase of young animals. About the same amount of money will be needed for feed. The main diet of turkeys is corn, wheat and carrots. Grain can be purchased from local farmers, and corn and carrots can be grown on your own backyard. This approach will allow you to significantly increase the profitability of your business. Turkey farming is one of the best no-investment small business ideas for rural residents.

Modern trends in business conduct require constant activity from an entrepreneur, improving the principles of doing business. To develop and achieve a consistently high profitability of an already established enterprise or just a business idea, it is necessary to regularly analyze the interests of the target audience, changes in business standards.

The most relevant business ideas of 2017

Unfortunately, an interesting business idea is not enough to create a successful business. Many other factors should be taken into account: the relevance of the service for the target audience of the region, the investment opportunities of the entrepreneur, the correctness of the marketing strategy. Every year, important changes take place in business areas, new trends are formed depending on the needs of the population, innovative achievements in science, medicine, and industry. Traditionally, experts included the following in the list of the most monetary areas of entrepreneurship: real estate, education, sports, food, IT-technologies, franchise business.

Creating a gastronomic trend

Providing food services is a business idea that, with the proper approach, can be successfully implemented in any format and region. Standard approaches (opening a cafe, canteen, a bakery, fast food, etc.) are unlikely to take a special place among the interesting options for organizing your business next year. Experts predict a new surge of interest in creating gastronomic trends in the city, region (examples: Altai cheese, Arkhangelsk roe, Kupino gingerbread). In each locality, it is possible to find a special culinary flavor and interest the consumer in this. If you have investments, you can go even further by creating your own company that organizes gastronomic and wine tours around the country, for example, like the Moscow Travel Shop.

Information product based on cloud service

Information technologies are getting closer to the everyday life of almost every consumer every year. With training and some investment, you can create a technology product that will make good money. What services are offered in this format? There are quite a few options:

  • security services, video surveillance of the object - video cameras will be connected to the Internet, and the image will be displayed on the screen of a laptop, tablet, smartphone at any time (Ivideon company);
  • printing photos via the network (cloud service Netprint);
  • development of games, mobile applications of various subjects, etc.

Driving schools

In connection with the adoption of new legislative initiatives, economic changes in the field of car training (cancellation of external exams, an increase in the minimum training period for drivers to 3 months and the cost of car courses), the opening of a driving school with a good curriculum, material base and teachers is a pretty good business. With the right approach, profitability can be as high as 100%.

Opening a pawnshop

The interest for a loan secured by jewelry, fur clothing, digital technology is quite high - an average of 7 to 25% per month. The costs of organizing a pawnshop outlet are not very high. Even 6 m² of rented area with armored doors and glass is enough for full-fledged work. You will also need to obtain a license, hire 2-3 cashier consultants, install a security system and, of course, have capital at your disposal.

Commercial rental service

In recent years, the economic situation in many families is losing its stability, so many people are forced to refuse to buy many things. But at certain moments in life, they become simply necessary. A good way out of this situation for both the consumer of the service and the entrepreneur is to open a shop for the rental of clothes, accessories, household items and even pets for photo sessions. One of the most striking examples of the implementation of this business idea can be considered the project of Lyudmila Bulavkina "Look100" (rental of dresses of different styles), the online rental platform Rentmania, rental service Next2u, etc.

Biofuel production

Biofuel production remains one of the most relevant ideas in the field of production. If you form a sales market, establish the process of creating a product, the entrepreneur will receive a stable and high income. According to experts, the prospect of growth in domestic biofuel consumption in the next few years will reach 40%. The most popular types of biofuels are:

  • fuel pellets (pellets), wood briquettes, sunflower husks;
  • straw, stems or leaves of agricultural plants (cereals, legumes, buckwheat, flax, soybeans);
  • pellets from energy willow, poplar, vine.

Conducting trainings, seminars, master classes

With the knowledge, experience, possession of special skills in organizing training sessions, you can create a good business. This direction has not lost its relevance for several years, it will remain in demand in 2017. The most affordable options are handicraft master classes, trainings and seminars on relationships, professional growth, and spiritual development. There are a lot of topics for classes, but it is important to choose the one that will interest the target audience, to organize them correctly.

Starting a new franchise business

A franchise provides an opportunity for a young entrepreneur or businessman with experience to start developing his business with the support of a franchisor, following a ready-made business model. You can realize yourself in this way in any area, there are a lot of good offers: CITYCARD UNITY (mobile discount and bonus loyalty program), iCharge (for charging mobile devices), "Ministry of stamp products" (production of seals, stamps), "Begemotik" (sale toys, goods for children), MailBoxes (express delivery services), etc.

Advice: when choosing a franchise, it is important to carefully study the conditions of the franchisor, to calculate the profitability of such a business in a particular region and for its target audience. It is necessary to choose such an option so that the costs of starting a business do not stop the development of the business and soon bring a profit to the owner.

Growing organic products

If you correctly present natural products and position them as an original product, then you can make good money on growing organic vegetables and fruits in 2017. Eco-trends are becoming more and more popular every year, the idea of ​​a careful attitude to nature and the culture of eating food is being actively promoted all over the world. Many restaurants, cafes, retail chains place special emphasis on the naturalness of the products provided. With the right marketing approach for growing organic products, it is possible to create a highly profitable business, even with a small investment.

Advice: it is possible to create a business on organic products not only by growing them, but also by selling them. An interesting and profitable option is the creation of a retail outlet and a parallel site (with the possibility of ordering online and delivery), where only ecological products will be sold.

Online delivery service

Information technologies, to one degree or another, have long ago penetrated into the everyday world of every modern person. One of the most convenient and popular online services on which you can make money in 2017 is considered the delivery service (food, orders made in online stores, etc.). This idea can be successfully implemented even in a small town, the main thing is to choose an up-to-date service and conduct a good advertising campaign.

How to start a business with a new idea and achieve success?

Quite often, aspiring entrepreneurs face many obstacles and problems at the start-up stage. In most cases, this is due to the typical mistakes they make. And often it's not a lack of investment, poor location, lack of credit, poor governance, or intense competition. The destructive factors are the entrepreneur's lack of confidence in his abilities and spontaneity in making decisions, which leads to the winding down of the business or bankruptcy. What typical mistakes will prevent even the most urgent project from developing and how to avoid them?

  1. Excessive ambition and self-confidence. You need to start small and sell what is and is relevant today.
  2. Failure to compete. It is necessary to prepare for emotional turbulence, negative reactions and competition.
  3. An emphasis on a service or product, but not on the consumer. 90% of success depends not so much on the quality and characteristics of the product as on the correct organization of sales and marketing.
  4. Unjustified savings in employee training and marketing. The team that has managed to attract the best players wins. The potential of professionals will help a business to quickly reach a new level.
  5. Independent business planning. It will not be superfluous to consult with professionals in a particular field, experienced entrepreneurs, experts of various profiles regarding investment, promotion, pitfalls, nuances of work in this segment.

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