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There is no space, they lie to us station under water. “Lies, lies everywhere, even in orbit!” or a few common misconceptions about space. Vibrant colors and colorful sunsets

Most of the people who read this article are right-handed, a small part of the audience are left-handed, and a very small proportion are ambidexters. An ambidextrous is a person who is able to control two of his hands at the same time equally.

According to statistics, approximately 1% of children are born with ambidexterity. However, this ability can be developed independently in adulthood.

Previously, it was believed that ambidexterity is a diagnosis, and educators sought to eliminate the defect. Now, on the contrary, some consciously develop the ability to use two hands. Indeed, in fact, this phenomenon has many advantages that make such people special.

Ambidextrous Facts

  • Ambidextrous make decisions faster.
  • Such people can easily multitask.
  • The IQ level of ambidexters is higher than that of left-handers and right-handers.
  • Among the famous and most outstanding ambidexters are Leonardo da Vinci, Jimi Hendrix and Maria Sharapova.
  • Ambidexterity can be congenital (1% of children) or acquired, developed independently.
  • Ambidextrous hyperactives.
  • Ambidextrous can write the same word or draw the same figure with both hands at the same time.

Ambidextrous: pros and cons

The right hand of a person is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left by the right. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, analysis and calculations, and the right hemisphere is responsible for emotions, sensuality and intuition. Thus, right-handers are more successful in logic, and left-handers in feelings.

Ambidexter is a person who has the abilities of both left-handers and right-handers at the same time, since both hemispheres of his brain are equally developed.

Ambidextrous can become excellent musicians and athletes. So, the possession of a musical instrument with both hands at once equally deftly allows you to master it faster, including performing the most complex playing techniques at the highest level. Possession of a sports simulator with both hands equally strong will allow you to overtake rivals, for example, you can easily play tennis by changing your left and right hands and hit the same hard with a racket.

The talented guitarist Jimi Hendrix was ambidextrous. The artist, encyclopedist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous.

If the leading hand is damaged in an ordinary person (for example, a fracture), then he loses his capacity in everyday life, while an abidextrous can easily replace one hand with another.

Ambidextrous is a person who is prone to quick impulsive decision-making, as they are able to analyze events as objectively as possible. This is an important quality in critical situations.

Such people can see the world both from the logical and sensual side at the same time. Therefore, they see their surroundings in brighter colors than left-handed or right-handed people.

Ambidexterity also shows shortcomings in a person's life. Thus, abmbidekrst children who enter school are likely to be subject to pressure from educators who will seek to retrain them to be right-handed. Emotionally it will be hard for the child.

Children with this feature often suffer from hyperreactivity and attention deficit disorder. This negatively affects their learning. Therefore, one might get the impression that the ambidexter is a mentally deficient child. However, this is not the case, the IQ level of such people is higher than that of left-handers or right-handers, as they absorb material faster.

Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova is an ambidexter. Czechoslovakian and American tennis player Martina Navratilova is ambidextrous.

Experiencing difficult experiences, people with one dominant hemisphere are able to switch and be distracted from unpleasant thoughts, doing work that requires logical attention. Ambidextrous, however, will not be able to do this and will simultaneously experience emotions about their experience and analyze it logically. They will not be able to switch to another matter until they forget their experience. This can negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Some experts believe that ambidexters are prone to schizophrenia and have more headaches.

Famous Ambidextrous

Ambidextrous are special people, with a specific mindset, and among them there are many well-known outstanding personalities who have made a great contribution to the development of all mankind.

For example, Leonardo da Vinci, a well-known encyclopedic scientist, artist and inventor who created the Mona Lisa and designed the aircraft long before it appeared.

Famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix, who could play the guitar both left-handed and right-handed.

Tennis champions Maria Sharapova and Martina Navratilova would not have become such outstanding athletes without ambidexterity.

In addition, well-known ambiekstars are actor Tom Cruise, singer Mireille Mathieu, writer and author of the dictionary Vladimir Dal.

Test for ambidexterity

If you are an ambidexter, then you probably already knew about this for a long time. However, it will be interesting for everyone to check it out. There is one simple test.

Take a look at the image below. If the figure of a girl rotates clockwise, then your left hemisphere is leading and you are right-handed. If the figure rotates counterclockwise, then, accordingly, your right hemisphere is active and you are left-handed. If you can easily switch the rotation of the figure in one direction or the other in your head (not in your imagination, but actually see the rotation in both directions), then you are an abambidexter.

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Depending on which leg and arm of the girl you imagine closer, the figure will rotate in one direction or another. You can see it better in the illustration below.

How to be Ambidextrous

Initially, all children can control both hands well at the same time. But in the course of education, most often the right one becomes the leading one. Accordingly, the ability to control the left hand remains forgotten in a person for life. But it is there, and it can be remembered.

Many athletes and musicians deliberately develop this quality in themselves in order to be better professionally. As mentioned above, an ambidexter is a person who can surpass others in some physical skills.

In order to become ambidexterous, you should gradually shift the functions of the right hand to the left (if you are right-handed, and if you are left-handed, then vice versa). For example, hold a spoon during a meal, hang a bag on the other shoulder while walking, hold a spoon while eating.

To achieve ambidexterity, you also need to practice writing with both hands at the same time. Take paper and pens in both hands and start writing the same words with your left and right hand. The direction and slope of the text does not matter, the main thing is that you get letters. It won't work right away, but it can be developed.

Below you can see ambidexters being written with both hands.

The development of ambidexterity takes a considerable amount of time. At the same time, a person will feel not only changes in the possession of hands, but also in a psycho-emotional state, so his brain will also change.

Which does not require the action of both hands, it is more comfortable for them to perform with their right hand. About 15% of the world's population is left-handed.

Such a big difference is caused by differences in the activity of the brain. But do not forget that left-handers often write with their right hand, but in other actions they use predominantly their left.

Also among the population there is a third type - ambidexters, for them all the differences do not make sense.

Ambidexter is right-handed and left-handed at the same time

The hemispheres of the human brain are responsible for certain, unique functions.

A person whose left hemisphere is better developed is in logical activity.

People with a developed right hemisphere have excellent intuition and imagination.

The neurological direction deals with the knowledge and study of such issues.

Ambidexterity is called the acquired or congenital development of two hands at the same time, that is, without much emphasis on the leading hand.

This definition first appeared in the Middle Ages, and it originates from warriors who could fight for their land with both hands.

I wonder what is the relationship between human hands and hemispheres? People with the main right hand have a well-developed left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical mental activity.

In a person who owns the left hand, the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuitive qualities, emotionality and imagination, is activated and progresses.

The full development of the two hemispheres receives, owning both hands - ambidexter. He remarkably uses both his left and right hands at the same time in his activities.

Brain ambidexterity is a state in which the right and left hemispheres of the brain act harmoniously and simultaneously, that is, they form a kind of synthesis. A person who owns both hands at the same time is distinguished by good intuition and remarkably developed logical qualities.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the ambidexter is a type of people who do not tend to single out the main, leading hand, that is, the functions of both hands are equally developed, the work is performed with the same accuracy and speed.

Unlike an adult, a child at birth is equally good at both right and left hands, but after a while, under the influence of the educational process and the advice of parents, learn to perform all actions with one hand.

Forcibly retraining a lefty is wrong

Ambidexterity can be developed

As a result, such, one might say, “retrained” children make wonderful performers, but without a creative core. It is possible to regain lost qualities with the help of training and exercises that are aimed at developing the ability to use both hands at the same time.

Is it possible to form and develop the ability to work with both hands

Since scientists distinguish two types of ambidexterity - congenital and acquired, then independent development in the use of two hands at the same time is possible at the moment.

This requires a hand that is not the main one (for a right-hander - the left, for a left-hander - the right), to force to do the work and, in general, all the functions of the leading hand.

Often, the process of independent development of ambidexterity is used by athletes in order to achieve better results in sports activities.

Also, many scientists are wondering whether it is possible to improve mental skills with acquired ambidexterity skills, whether exercises and tasks for the development of one of the hands can help in the further learning process.

The best work of the right or left hand is one of the deepest mysteries of neurology. Most of the population knows little about what it means for the brain to be left-handed or right-handed, or what effect the brain has on learned ambidexterity.

In fact, all people are born ambidexters, but in the process of learning and development, basically by the age of four, a person becomes right-handed or left-handed, that is, there is a process of predominance of any of the two hemispheres.

The ability to ambidexterity can be formed and developed independently.

But scientists know one thing, that it is impossible to fully replace the innate ability to use two hands at the same time, since you can only partially learn to use two hands, but you will not be able to completely replace one of the leading ones.

In this view, you will learn more about ambidexterity:

People who find it difficult to use both hands are called ambisinisters ("ambisinister"). The motor skills of ambinistres or people with a less developed level of dexterity may be the result of grueling physical labor. There are four main types of dominance:

  • Right hand dominance is the most common occurrence. Right-handed people (right-handers) are more proficient with the right hand and usually use it to perform all the necessary actions.
  • Mixed dominance, also known as lateral dominance, a state in which different tasks are better performed with different hands. For example, such people may be better at writing with their right hand, and throwing a ball more confidently with their left hand. However, people usually consider the hand that a person uses for writing to be predominant, so this type of predominance is usually not mentioned (it is very rare).
  • ambidexterity is very rare. An ambidextrous person is able to do any task equally well with either hand. This condition is extremely rare, although it is believed that a person can be taught it.

No one knows for sure why the right hand is dominant in the human population, but many theories have been proposed to explain this.

Dominant hand theories

Modern theories consider the development of the predominance of any hand from various positions. One theory suggests that hand dominance is not simply a preference for its use, as the two hands still cooperate with each other, only at a higher level. For example, writing on a piece of paper using only one hand is very difficult. Another hand must be involved in this process, which, in turn, will hold the paper.

Sociological theories

In the process of evolution, natural selection occurs, strengthening and developing necessary skills and weeding out rare ones (unless they are related in some way to desirable traits). However, among the human population, the "population of left-handers" continues to persist. From this we can draw the following conclusions:

  • any inconvenience associated with minority traits weighs less than the advantages enjoyed by left-handed people.
  • there is some sort of correlation between the benefits of being left-handed or right-handed according to the relative number of each type in the population.

This theory was explored in 2004 by Faurie and Raymond. The studies were supplemented with data on the performance of left-handed people in certain sports to demonstrate that left-handed people have advantages in combat. The percentage of left-handers has a dependence (correlates) with the amount of violence in society (in studies, the percentage of murders was used as a measure). This indicates that the left-handed minority has historically played a crucial role in the development of human societies. However, the counter-conclusion that an increase in violence in society leads to an increase in the number of left-handers has not been confirmed in studies.

Warrior and his shield

This theory attempts to explain the position of the shield in the warrior's left hand to protect the heart. Since the heart is on the left side of the body, a right-handed warrior (holding the shield with the left hand and using the right hand for the weapon) was better able to defend it and therefore more likely to survive.

This theory has many inconsistencies, such as:

  • Since the Bronze Age, there have not been enough generations of warriors to explore the difference.
  • Analysis of ancient rock paintings indicates that humanity was right-handed long before the Bronze Age.
  • The theory does not explain why there were both right-handers and left-handers at that time.
  • A thrust with a weapon to either side of the upper chest in ancient times would most likely have resulted in death.

Some researchers believe that this would result in a higher percentage of right-handed men than women. However, the data indicate that males are more likely to be left-handed.

Division of labor by the hemispheres of the brain

This is the most common theory of the development of the dominant hand. The meaning of the theory is that the same hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of the speech and motor centers, while dividing the work into two hemispheres would lead to a decrease in work efficiency. In addition, if all functions were distributed to both hemispheres, then the size of the brain and its energy consumption would increase, which is impossible. Since in most people the left hemisphere is responsible for speech, therefore, right-handers are predominant. Also, this theory indicates that people who are left-handed would have an inverse (reverse) division of centers in the hemispheres. Finally, since other primates do not have a speech center (at least to the extent that humans do) there is no point in the predominance of left-handers among them, which is actually true.


  • The theory does not explain why the left hemisphere always controls the speech center. Why is this division not expressed as 50/50%?
  • While 95% of right-handed people do use the left side of the brain for speech, left-handed people do not. Some really use the right side for linguistic skills, others use the left hemisphere, still others use both. This theory can serve as a perfectly good explanation for some of the causes, but it has too many flaws to explain all the causes of left-handedness.

Benefits in sports

An advantage for players in singles sports such as Tennis or Boxing, is that humanity is perhaps 10% left-handed and 90% right-handed, therefore, the left-hander plays 90% of his games against right-handers, and has experience in front of such an opponent. The right-hander also spends 90% of the games against another right-hander and is less prepared for a meeting with left-handers. When a left-hander meets a left-hander, they are both likely to have the same level of practice against each other, the same as a right-hander has. This explains the disproportionate number of left-handers in one-on-one sports, while other sports, such as golf, lack the advantage of an asymmetric hand.

Advantage in hand-to-hand combat

The above arguments suggest that lefties have an edge in unarmed duels due to the surprise factor. (This fact is well known to boxers and led to a world record on November 4, 1947, when Mike Collins, a natural left-hander, appeared in the corner of the ring in a left-handed stance (right-handed stance), then suddenly changed his stance, landed the first and last blow, and knocked out his opponent, Pat Brownson (Pat Brownson), at the 4th second.

Biological theories

There is a lot of evidence that the level of testosterone received by a child in the womb affects the structure of the brain. One theory suggests that high doses of prenatal testosterone lead to more left-handers. The proof of this theory is the fact that among left-handers the number of men is higher than the number of women, there is also a high probability of the birth of left-handed male twins. Cm. Geschwind-Galaburd theory.

Asymmetry of internal organs

While external organs are nearly symmetrical, internal organs such as the heart and stomach are asymmetrical. Perhaps this is affected by an asymmetric brain.

Environmental theories

stress at birth

The basic idea is that the left-hander "appears" due to brain damage during the birth process. Some statistics support this theory. Difficult or stressful births are much more common among babies who later grow up left-handed or ambidexterous. Birth stress has also been linked to a host of birth defects and complications, including cerebral palsy and autism.


  • Over time, the level of medicine and technology used in childbirth has improved throughout the world. Despite this, the proportional number of left-handers has not decreased. However, the statement may be true, since the increased level of medicine has led to the fact that babies who were born prematurely (preterm), as well as those who received birth injuries, instead of dying, remained alive, which could lead to an increase in the number lefties and ambidexters.
  • This does not explain why people who are originally right-handed, only after experiencing birth stress become left-handed. However, this theory, in combination with some of the other theories presented here, may explain the causes of left-handedness.
  • Based on this theory, it is not clear why there are more left-handers among men than among women.


... The above is also a collection of mostly superstitions - one of which, for example, says: "left-handed people have more creative thinking" or "left-handed neurolectics (right-handers), use only their right hand and have poor imagination" - which is just as absurd, as is the assertion that only those with a more impressive left hemisphere are able to become mathematicians or chess players (which is no longer true, if only because the left-handed hemisphere is no longer responsible for logic) ... No less absurd is the assertion that that only men are able to think logically and are not capable of expressing emotions - which is a substitute for concepts (figurative and emotional way of thinking, as well as conscious and abstract) - in fact, there are four archetypes inherent in both men and women (eight in total) among which stand out respectively and left-handers and left-sided neurolectics - that is, owners of a more extensive "conscious" hemisphere as well as "emotional" are also found among women and among men, exactly as among left-handers and their opposites ... The predominance of the left, or right hands, is conditionally dependent on the position of the hemispheres - that is, if, as described above, to take as dominant only that hand that is preferably intended for writing, then what is described above is true, but no less important is the erroneous remark about the extreme rarity of the manifestation of the predominance of the "left" (in left-handers, respectively, right) hand when performing other procedures other than writing ... This effect is not only not uncommon, but also in certain areas and for certain types of activities is the norm. For example, the possession of a stringed bow and plucked musical instrument implies finding the fingering, namely the "left" hand, directly on the frets ... The order of preference for hands does not at all depend on the position of the hemisphere, on a straight line - Let's say, from which foot, or hand, it is more convenient for you to start a complex action (requiring direct or indirect participation of both hands), depends to a greater extent not on the position of the hemispheres, but on their orientation - that is, if you, for example, have a larger conscious hemisphere and you are not left-handed, then your left hand quicker than your neighbor, but if your right hemisphere overtakes the left, under the same conditions (you are not left-handed), then it is the neighbor who will bypass your left hand and it should be noted that your gender will not affect this ... you can learn more about this here

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Leading hand" is in other dictionaries:

    Handedness is a sign that arises from the unequal development of motor skills between the left and right hands. The person who is more proficient with the right hand is called right-handed, and the one who uses the left hand more often ... ... Wikipedia

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