Home Perennial flowers An easy way to draw a deer. How to draw a deer head with a simple pencil. How to draw a fawn for a child using a pencil step by step

An easy way to draw a deer. How to draw a deer head with a simple pencil. How to draw a fawn for a child using a pencil step by step

What do you want? Northern or noble?

Let's start with the northern one - here we may have a practical interest: by the New Year, everyone will remember that Santa Claus comes to us on a reindeer sleigh. And, of course, he has northern deer. They are domesticated and literally form the basis of all life of the northern peoples - food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In the north, living conditions are harsh, you have to adapt to the cold and snow. Therefore, reindeer are not so large and short-legged. On the legs are wide hooves, thanks to which the animals do not fall into the snow. In addition, these hooves are also curved like a scoop because deer feed mainly on lichen moss, which they dig out from under the snow in winter. The body is covered with very thick and warm fur, which hangs from the bottom of the neck with a noticeable "mane". There are horns on the head - and what! Not as spreading as the elk, but similar. To look from the side - generally a serious branchy bush. Moreover, both males and females have horns. Males fight with horns (with rivals and predators), but why do females? But - they say that females drive away competitors from the found food with their horns. Severe, you see, there is a struggle for existence. By the way, more about food - in addition to grass and lichen, deer also eat small mammals (lemmings) and birds (apparently partridges). I believe that deer eat this living creature because of its fearlessness, up to a heap together with vegetation. And Evgeny believes that the deer make up a hunting plan and purposefully obtain vitamins and proteins for themselves, chasing game across the tundra.

And how it really is, this remains to be seen. Now let's start drawing.

Here's a very cute prototype.

Let's draw in stages. First, sketch with a pencil.

Now we specify the structure of the deer with a felt-tip pen. First, the body - to call it a barrel-shaped tongue will not turn - in almost all photographs the sides of the reindeer are sunken. The withers are very prominent. Further, the back is more or less even - the northern peoples not only harness deer into sledges, but also ride them.

The legs are not long, but, please, do not care - draw all the folds that are supposed to be.

The muzzle is elongated with large, widely spaced eyes.

The horns are very large. The processes directed forward are spatulate, and those growing back are very, very branched. Powerful structure.

And now two more deer - basically I focus on making a drawing that can serve as a coloring for a deer.

How to draw a deer 2

This deer stands with its head bowed. Let's assume that he is sniffing out reindeer lichen and is going to feed.

I draw the right side of the torso first, comrades! It is not easy to draw legs on the other side of the body - they are partially obscured, here you have to think about what and where. In general - draw carefully.

Winter, like a proprietor, carefully covered the streets and roofs and houses with its snow cover, covered the snowdrifts, and in distant Lapland, Santa Claus is already harnessing his famous reindeer. It is evident from everything that very soon he will sweep past our doors on a winter night, leaving gifts for us - adults and obedient children - under the trees. It is customary to celebrate the arrival of the new year in a beautifully decorated home, this is very much to Santa's liking, and the owners of the festively decorated rooms will certainly receive the best gifts. And if you also draw his portrait, or at least his magic deer on a beautiful poster, then Santa Claus, conquered by your attention, will do everything possible to make the New Year 2020 come for you in the happiest way. You may say - how can you draw a deer with a pencil step by step, it's so difficult? Nothing like this! We will teach you simple techniques for drawing these beautiful symbols of the coming New Year of the White Metal Rat.

Example # 1

A deer has similarities to a horse, but there are still differences between them. The first animal has a shorter and slender body. It also has a small tail and branchy horns. It is difficult to draw an animal depicted on the run, and therefore you first need to learn how to create it standing still. Following the instructions, you can draw this animal in stages on a postcard for the New Year 2020.

It is desirable to divide a sheet of paper into 6 equal squares, on which a deer will be depicted. You need to draw 2 large circles to help create the torso, and 1 small one for the head. Then you should depict the knee joints, after which it will be much easier to draw the legs and hooves. All the details need to be connected with one line, resulting in a silhouette.

When the drawing is ready, all its internal contours should be erased, and the horns should be drawn. If there are sharp corners, then they need to be made smooth. To create a deer, you need to learn how to draw antlers. To do this, you need to create two curved branches of the horns, after which the branches are added to them. This detail must be symmetrical. At the end, you need to correct all the strokes with a pencil so that the drawing is complete.

Example No. 2

The second method is simpler, and therefore perfect for children, even the smallest novice artists :). You can draw it with a simple pencil, and then paint it with paints. To do this, you need to draw an oval, which will be the body of the animal. Then the head and neck join it. On the head you need to depict horns. The legs of the animal should be made straight. After that, all strokes need to be corrected and all lines made smooth. The deer can be decorated with felt-tip pens or paints.

Here is another interesting drawing master class.

These two methods are simple and anyone who wants to create a drawing can handle them. Step-by-step instructions will allow you to quickly cope with such a task as to draw a beautiful deer with a pencil or paints in stages in a different way: on the run and on the go. It is important to clearly convey all the lines. The image of a deer is suitable for any postcard or poster. For the New Year, such a 2020 drawing can become part of the decor of the room.

The deer is a symbol of autumn, a time when timid males of this species turn into real kings of the forest with a crown of horns on their heads. One of the most powerful species is the red deer. It is not as big as an elk, but no less majestic. In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a deer with a pencil step by step.

We denote the proportions

The main problem in drawing real things is the risk of not keeping the proportions. To do this, sketches are made in the form of figures denoting parts of the body, along which they are guided in the future. How to draw a deer according to proportions?

How to draw the legs of a deer

Once you have drawn a sketch, look at it carefully, are the proportions observed? If not, this is the last chance to fix them. Next, you will learn how to draw the legs of a deer in stages. There will be no way back.

How to draw a deer head

Let's get to the top:

How to draw deer antlers

And now the hardest part:

Finishing touches

Add layers to the mane and the characteristic hump, since the deer's spine is above the shoulder blades.

Finish lines that allow the neck to grow naturally from the body of our deer.

We outline the deer's torso, do not make sharp lines - our animal is graceful and flexible.

It's time to add details. We draw the face, fur and eyes, "animate" our deer.

Add fur on the neck, torso and legs. We draw every detail - our deer must be alive.

At the final stage, we erase the sketches and lines, paint or shade the deer fur.

In conclusion, interesting facts about deer:

You learned a lot about deer and even learned how to draw a red deer. It's not difficult at all. Develop your creative skills. It will help you achieve any goal.

Pictures for children with deer will help kids learn more about these noble animals, plunge them into the natural beauty of the forest and the fabulous world of the North. They have to learn a lot of interesting facts, guess the deer - the heroes of their favorite cartoons, learn funny rhymes. A drawing of a deer with a pencil will turn out easily for kids if they use one of the step-by-step schemes.

Deer pictures for kids, interesting facts

Deer are artiodactyl mammals. In total, the deer family unites 51 species.

The most famous of which are the reindeer and red deer. Pictures for children on a transparent background clearly demonstrate the differences between them.

Deer live in Eurasia and America, rarely found in northern Africa. The average height of animals is 1 - 1.5 m, their average body weight is 100 - 200 kg. They feed on various parts of plants - bark, stems, leaves, buds. Children know that reindeer are not averse to eating moss and reindeer lichen.

Cool and funny photos. Fawns for children

Photos for children with deer in wildlife will help you learn about the lifestyle and habits of these animals. An interesting fact is that a female deer usually gives birth to only one deer. Less commonly, two or three. Funny babies seem awkward on their thin legs. Surprisingly, they begin to stand and walk in the first minutes of life. Mummies - deer are kind to their babies and take care of them until they are six months old.

Deer antlers are a symbol of power. They are a formidable weapon with which males arrange bloody battles. It's hard to believe, but the deer are very cruel, during the battles they do not know mercy and inflict serious injuries on each other.

In pictures for children with deer in the forest, you can see that these animals live in herds. There is no other way, because in nature horned ones have a lot of natural enemies. They often fall prey to lynxes, wolves and bears.

Even branchy horns do not help to save them. Cool fawns are not born with them. Horns grow gradually in animals. At first they are covered with a thin velvety skin, but over time they coarsen and climb to the bone. The child will be interested to know that the shape, size and number of branches are different for all deer.
From time to time, the old horns of animals fall off, new ones immediately begin to grow in their place.

Deer in winter, deer of Santa Claus

For the red deer (red deer), winter is a real challenge. It is difficult for him to move in the snow, it is difficult to look for food under it. But the caribou (reindeer) feels great in winter. In the picture, the child can see that his coat is thicker and his legs are more powerful.

Reindeer for children is primarily associated with Santa Claus. If Santa Claus walks or rides in a sleigh pulled by three horses, Santa Claus has a vehicle on which they really move in Lapland - a reindeer team.

Moreover, Santa's reindeer are seven at once, each of them has its own name: Blockhead, Prancing, Evil, Comet, Cupid, Lightning Fast, Awesome, Rudolph and Dancer.

Although Santa's pets have male names, the picture shows females. The fact is that male caribou shed their horns in December.

Drawn funny pictures: deer pencil drawings

Before starting to learn how to draw a maral or caribou with a pencil, the child can look at the images of the drawn deer, different in style. The pictures, like the photos, show the life of animals in the natural environment (deer drawings with pencil and paints) and their fabulous embodiment (cartoon and little Christmas deer).

Pictures of cartoon deer. Guess the cartoon from the picture

Cartoons for children about deer are very kind, but sometimes sad. The cartoon deer, like its natural prototype, symbolizes fragile beauty, nobility and grace. At the same time, he is resourceful and cheerful. The cartoon deer of Santa Claus go Santa Claus is most liked by children who believe in a miracle and wait for it every New Year. For kids who did not have time to review all cartoons about these animals, photos of cartoon deer are supplemented with answers.

How to draw a deer with a pencil step by step: for children and beginners

A child can ask parents how to draw a deer with a pencil not only after a visit to the zoo. Such creativity is also inspired by watching the cartoon "Bambi" or waiting for the New Year. The schemes will allow the kid to understand in stages how to draw the head of a deer and an animal in full growth, realistic and cartoonish.

Pictures and videos of reindeer for kindergarten and elementary school children

Unfortunately, the number of deer in the wild is decreasing. In the zoo, children can not only see these animals, but also pet and feed them. Having gained impressions, they will gladly learn poems about deer or draw a picture with a pencil or felt-tip pens.

Short poems about deer

Agnia Barto dedicated a cute rhyme to the graceful deer, which children really like and very easy to remember.

Riddles about deer can be asked to kids as part of the competition at children's parties.

In a young deer, the horns are covered with delicate hairs. Indeed, they seem to be velvety.

Deer videos for kids

A video for children about deer will be useful for their general development. There are many interesting facts in it.

The fairy tale "Silver Hoof" fosters positive personal qualities for many generations of children.

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a simple and easy deer step by step with a pencil. This lesson is also suitable for children from 7 years old. It will be a cute deer who lives with Santa Claus and usually he harnesses eight of them to deliver gifts to the kids. Ours has always had deer instead, this is due to the habitat.

First draw a line for the forehead and nose, then round and draw the lower part of the head. Further, the nose and eye will be in the shape of a circle.

Draw the ear and horn of the deer, then a little to the left we repeat the shape of the horn (draw the second horn) and slightly to the left the shape of the ear (draw the second ear). Next we draw the mouth and neck.

Draw the body of the deer, it's like a rectangle with rounded corners.

Draw the front and back legs. The front leg is straight, slightly to the right of the edge of the bottom. One part of the back leg is drawn as an arc, and the second part on the right is a slight bend on top, and then straight.

Now draw the second front and second hind legs in the same way, they are slightly smaller than the previous ones, because are slightly farther from us because of the perspective.

Paint over the hooves, draw on the right side above the hooves the processes that stick out (marked with a red arrow), then additional characteristic lines on the body (this is from the joints of the legs, also marked in red) and the belly. And also the knees on the front legs.

Erase unnecessary lines and draw the ponytail. The deer drawing is ready, I hope it was not difficult.

Since the New Year is coming up, we can draw a hat with a bubo on our head and a scarf around our neck.

There are also lessons on how to draw.

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